Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1919, Page 13, Image 13
THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1919. 13 OMAHA CENTRAL HIGH GOES TO ST. JOE TONIGHT Coach Mulligan's Squad All Primed Day for Battle Missouri. Turkey in 1 Will the Central High school war riors repeat last year's story, trounc ing the fast eleven from St. Joseph High school in the annual curtain lowering classic? "We will do our utmbst to defeat the Gate City lads this year," is the slogan adopted by the Joetown students. Last year the Purple and White rolled over the visitors on a snow-covered field and piled up a score of 8 to 0. The team will leave tonight for St. Joseph. The lineup has not been tully decided, according to Coach Harold Mulligan. Coach Mulligan has been whip ping his men into the best condition they have beenjn this year. Signal ana scrimmage practice has made up the diet this week. The men all are anxiously awaiting the clos ing game of the 1919 season. Oli ver Maxwell has been out to the practices again this week. Chesnc, the scrappy center, who was in jured in the Sioux Falls fray, is still dressing his ankle. This is another casualty on the Mulligan line. A big mass meeting will be held this' morning at the school auditor ium for the purpose of boosting the last game. An elaborate program has been arranged by Otto Nelson, president of the Students' Ath letic association. A large number of loyal Central gridiron followers are expected to accompany the team. Morris Men s Club Put On Smoker for Members With Two Boxing Bouts BRINGING UP FATHER See Jiftgt and Maggia in Full Pag of Color in The Sunday Baa, Drawn for The Bee by McManut Copyright, It IS International Ntwt Service, ' ( MEtLO- I N9 VHAT HAV I II i 1 y-S V1 ll DIDN'T x""" up -r, V'""NV ' OlOYOOHER Hlj PLACE , t v HE rVE ... ) T P ! ' ii iJSL liw (tilf MiYy Mid-West Bowling c. By J. Cain Leaders in Each Event. FIVE MEN. St. .Francis hotel, St. Vaul Minnesota Tent and Awnlni Co., M. Paul St. I'aul Athletic club, St. 1'aul Martin Felliauers, St. Ixiuls Kalrmont I'reamery t'o., Omaha l'uritnn Flour, Schuyler Chamber of Commerce, Des Moines.. H. V, Menne. St. Louts Premium. Ft. IKxta-e Lowe and Campbell, Kansas City.... TWO ME.V. Scliaefer-Melnhardt, St. Louis: Klchateln-Van Hoven. St. I'oui Spear-Johmion, Des Moines.. Nelson-Nrhnielzer, St. I'aul.. Stelner-rolnell, Ft. Dodge.. Meyer-Walilecker, St. Louis Moore-Jacobaen, Ilea Molnea Miaw,Plgensrhuh, Omaha Johntuaa-Dech, St. Paul.... Buchanan-Anderson, Sioux City INDIVIDUALS. Lambert, St. Louts. .. ... Lueger, St. Paul... , Kuliaua, St. Louis , Dunne. St. Louis -j,.. Meinhardt, St. Louis.. '. Metcalf, St. Paul Spellman, Omaha . . . . k LindquiNt, Sioux City , Stoke, St. Paul T. Everett, Kansas City 2938 2847 183 8740 8739 2? 31 873S 8T 8IWI J867S 1883 llttl 1I4 1143 1141 1143 1148 1139 1132 112 41 637 61 12 608 806 606 605 603 601 All Events. The Morris Men's club, an organ ization of employes of the Morris and Co. packing plant on the South Side, staged a smoker for the mem bers, in their club rooms last night, which nearly every member attended and enjoyed immensely. Dan Des dune's jazz orchestra furnished the music for the occassion and lunch eon was served after "the athletic show. Two boating bouts and a one-fall wrestling match featured the athlet ic program. Frank Eby, a light weight wrestler, defeated a welter weight opponent in short order in the mat event. Gus Mavius refereed. Jimmy Drexel and "Dode" Hamiton boxed a fast six-round exhibition that brought forth rounds of ap plause. Kid Schlafer and Jimmy Moore started a four-round bout, but in the third session, Moore's wind gave out and he was forced to retire. Kjd Graves, The Bee sports edi tor, refreed the boxing bout. I Meinhardt, fit. Louis. ; Harkina, St. Paul Kichstein, St. Paul... I Salter, Des Moines. . . . Dunne, St. Louis .... Charles Draw After Peters Has With Santell Two-Hour Fray Another brilliant light is seen among the stars of the mat game, following Charlie Peters' showing against Ad Santell, the coast phe nom, at Boise. Idaho, Monday night. Peters held Santell to a draw, going over two hours. How much more than two hours, is not known here, but a wire ' to Jack Lewis, Peters' manager, stated two hours and three minutes. The time was stated in figures and Lewis suspects that two hours and 30 minutes was meant, the zero falling off somewhere. Bluffs Show Called Off; Williams' Hand Is Broken The return bout between Billy Uvick and Harry Williams has been called off by Promoter Al Fiori and his associates. The men were billed to box six rounds to a decision on Friday night. November 28, but the injury to Harry Williams' right hand, which a physician says may be a break, halted proceedings. On December 12, Uvick will meet Johnny Sudenberg in a six-round bout to a decision. The winner of this bout will probably be matched with Harry Williams, as soon as the latter's hand is in condition for a hard mill. With the exception of the wrest ling match, the entire card will be a new one. An opponent is being sought to oppose Ralph Spellman in the four-round preliminary. Spellman weighs about 126 pounds. Anv boxer of that weight who may want to take a crack at him. may arrange it by getting in touch with the matchmaker, in care of the sports editor of The Bee. A St. Louis inventor's gauge to indicate the amount of gasoline ;n an automobile tank on a dial ou the instrument board of a car is operated by the pressure of the fuel on a cylinder screwed into the bot tom drain pipe. LEGAL NOTICE. STOCKHOLDEtt'S MEETING. Notice is hereby given that a special meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land Company will be held at the office of said land company, Room 701, First National Bank Building, in Lincoln. Nebraska, on the 24th day of December, 1912, at 11:00 o'clock a. m., for the pur pose of considering and acting upon the matter of extending or renewing articles of Incorporation of said company. By order of the Board of Directors. ; . C H. MORRILL, ' President W. W. TURNER, Secretary. Lincoln, Nebraska, November 24, 1912. . N. 24 to.D. 23 Inclusive, Morn. A Sun. 1889 1817 1806 1704 1781 The first of the crack Omaha squads occupied the runways last night, and one of them, the Fair mont Creamery team, rolled into fifth place in the standings, with a total of 2,739. Only one outside team was on the schedule, Chamber of Commerce team of Des Moines. They put up a good exhibition of rolling, finishing with a 2,723 count. During the day Frank Spellman, a local roller, hit the wood in the singles for a 606 count, tieing Billy Metcalf of St. Paul for sixth place in the individual event. Barney Shaw and Harold Figejischuh were the day's best doubles rollers, piling up a 1,137 total, which places them in eighth place in the two-men con tests. The Grand Island and Westside rollers failed to accomplish any thing in their doubles and singles matches. Tonight a big flock of crack Oma ha aggregations will roll. The best teams in the city' will be on the runways and local followers of the game are pinning their hopes for a winner on these teams. .Arrange ments arc being made to accommo date the large crowd that will wit ness Omaha's best perform. The bulk of the local singles and doubles will be rolled on turkey day. Omaha has many stars in the game this season, so it's an even break that at least one championship will stay right here in Omaha. Tournament Notes. The Omaha alleys are now heav ily guarded to prevent a repetition of a dastardly crime committed the night before the crack Omana teams rolled when the tourney was last held here. Fitzy Figenschuh's milk wagon was seen standing in front of an oil station early yester day morning and the local bowlers are suspicious that he had some thing in the cans besides milk. It was Fitz who bathed the alleys in cil at the tournament held here in 1915, just prior to the shooting of the Ideal rollers, and this served to handicap them to the extent that they rolled nothing. They are tak ing no chances this time. much of his team's prowess as that of any other team and predicts a good showing for them in tonight's series. Next Monday night the annual sweepstakes will be rolled. This event is open to all teams. Each team throws in $25, making up a big pot. which is spliMip in about three cash prizes. Most of the crack teams .rolling on Saturday's and Sunday's schedule stay over to com pete in this event. The sweep stakes is conducted by the associa tion under association rules. It is one of the main attractions of the tournament for both the players and the spectators. It will be another all-star night and the grand windup of the tournament. Market and Industrial News of the 'Day LIVE STOCK Omaha, November SB, 1919. Receipts were. Cattle Hogs tineep Official Monday 22,617 - 8,674 3 4,440 Estimate Tuesday.. .13,800 14,000 14,600 Two days this week. 36,417 Same days last week. 33, 982 Same two weeks ago. 26,466 Same three wks. ago.34.S97 Same days year ago. 26,366 22,674 13.679 8,617 8,600 33.813 28,940 42,078 19,447 23,806 28,636 Receipts and disposition of live atock at Live Stock Yards, Omaha, Neb., for 24 liot'rs ending at 3 p. in., November 25. 1919. RECEIPTSCARS. Horses Doubles. That Utica Clothiers team is anx ious for a home and home match for huge dough with any Omaha team, and "Ye Editor" now holds $100 of their coin to bind the match. The crack Fremont team is included in their challenge. Get your season tickets and two bit pieces ready for the biggest and best bowling exhibition ever staged commencing Friday night and con tinuing until Monday night. No tournament, not even the big Amer ican Bowling congress, ever had such a galaxy of all-star teams ap pearing on two days like those ap pearing Saturday and Sunday. Thirty-two crack teams, all of them hav ing champions and ex-champs in their lineups, on the program. These teams shoot in all the tournaments, but this is the first time that thirty two of them have been gathered to gether in one flock and bowling to gether in a period of two days. Two of the most enthusiastic backers of local teams are Sam Boord, the angel of the Sam's In dians, and C E. Paulsen of the Paulsen Motor squad. Neither ever misses a match and Sam goes one better and actually participates in the matches, being one of the stars on the team. Paulsen has the fever and says that he will be a regular on his team by the time another season rolls around. Both of these are, of course, full of enthusiasm over the appearance of their teams, scheduled to roll tonight in the tournament. . Paulsen thinks as F-0-0-T-B-A-L-L THANKSGIVING CREIGIITOn VS. SO. DAKOTA STATE Creishton Field. 2:30 P.M. C Tickets on Sale at Townsend Gun Co. S OMAHA. C. S. Smith and M. Walkln.... F. Spellman and J. O. Quick... B. Shaw and Flsenschuh M, McAndrews and R. Dwyer. . H. Chrlstensen and M. J. Morell WEST SIDE, IA. A. Kelley and R. Moeller H. Stoffers and Halstead A. Starck and L. Dohse GRAND ISLAND. C. Jackman and L. Osborne...' DES MOINES. Moore and Q. Jacobsen, 1142 a. ... 942 ... 898 ...1139 ... 997 ...1020 ... 93 ...1093 ...1021 ...1077 Team Scores. OMAHA. Omaha Towel I Klrschbraun Supply. bona. G. Henderson... 444 Wallan 607 H. Kahn 884 Heafey 448 J. Creedon 433 Bushman 497 K. Nygard 430 Fitzgerald 418 F. Nygard 432 Cavanaugh .... 471 Totals 2123 Totals 2341 Alfalfa Butter Co. Alamlto Diary. Hrhes 426 Glbbs 419 Frank ., 479 Oaffney 387 Boles 606 Kernan 473 Sternberg 466 Krenzer 463 Miller 616 Peters 428 Totals 2381 Totals 2170 Farnam Alleys. Chan. E. Black Hatters. Stenberg 490 Gutzmer 61T Kanka 478 Humphrey ... 487 Hy Hansen 684 Sundln 46b llillson 616 Reed 467 E. Stunz 426 Snyder - 493 Totals . Omaha 2494 Alleys. J. Coleman.. W. Haarman. .. F. Swoboda.... Dlckleman .... Hazzard 474 467 462 660 484 Totals 84371 Om. Cold Storae-e. I w. noweii . J. Melum . C F. Ratekln Wm. Melum Geo. Bauer Wabash Misourt Pacific Union Parlfio C. A N. W., east..... C. A N. W., west.. C, St. P., M. 4 0.., C, B. & Q., east.., C, B. A Q., west.., C, R. I. A P., east. ., C. R. L & P., west, Illinois Central Chi. Gt West Cattle Hogs Shp Mis 4 ... 1 ...160 ... 10 ...117 ... 6 ... 20 ...:o3 ... 3 ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 35 33 41 14 13 24 4 3 6 4 3 7 10 2 1 14 8 2 "i t Short Term Notes Quotations Furnished by Am. T. & T. 6s. Am. T. ft T. 6s, Am. Tobacco 7s, Am. Tobacco 7s, Anaconda Copper Anglo-French ext. Amr. Amr. Peters Trust Co. Bid. Asked. 1924 96K 1925 99 99 1923 101 Vi 103 1923 102V4 103 6a. 1929 97 Vi 98 6s. 1920... 9644 96V A Co. con. deb. 6a, 1920.101 101 o. con dent ts, 1921.101 Arm. & Co., con debt. 6s 1922.101 Totals . Harney E. J. Anderson., II. Kohler H. Chase.. F. Kranda. P. Malloy. . 2409 Alleys. 601 411 447 428 618 Total Totals 230S Beselin's "Old Boys. 383 W. Chandler ... 606 417 L. Weymueller . 432 424! J. Klonch 508 4261 H. Beselln 545 4221 W. Voss 655 ..2546 Co. . 483 . . 480 . . 430 .. 446 .. 639 -I 20711 Total Fairmont Cream. Co l Jerps Com. E. Maur 474 A Storm ... B. Shaw ...... 6161 Wm. Hansen Fritz 665 K. Robinson . Jedllska 6041 V. Crowe H. McCoy 479 C. Qordy .... Total 27381 Total 2378 Burkman Nettleton Woodron Cafe No. t, Shoes. i Liltesren . . 479M. E. Hoffman . 613 Pickett 603U. J. Mlrstsky .. 457 O.-ander 436! J. Osborne .... 461 McQuade 434 J. Ohnesory .... 641 J. Koran 4731 H. Horwlch ... 569 Total .2324) Washington Shirts. ) o. Olson 5i2 Total 2 DES MOINES. Chamber of Com. 531 L. Hammustrom 483! M. Locker Landsrren M. Yousem G. Toman Total .... 4561 G. ... 482jH. ... 508 G. 1 B. ...2441! Moore Paul . . Jackpon Wagh .. 608 493 557 522 543 Winn Watt Horwlch. . . W. Reed... McAndrews r. West Total 2723! Singles. OMAHA. ..466iMorelI 621 ..4971N. C. Nelson 657 ..583iC Stenberg 663 ..48!R. Dwyer 532 4401 K.. Mueller 481 458iC. Ashelof 438 Spellman. 6051 WEST SIDE, IA. A. Starek .. 494IR. Moeller. 477 A. Kelly 5431 L. Dohse 474 H. Stoffers 5691 H. Halstead 654 DES MOINES, IA. G. Jacobsen ....689IG. Moore E33 GRAND ISLAND. L. Osborne ...... 534IC. Jackman (51 Schedule for Tonight. FIVE-MAN EVENT. 1 P. M. Squad. Club - city. Gill Piston Ring Co Omaha Powell Supply Co Omaha Huffman Auto Co Omaha Great Western Commercial Body Co Omaha Bertschy Bermo Omaha Meeks Auto Co Omaha McCaffrey Motor Co. Omaha Roberts Motor Co Omaha FIVE-MAN EVENT. 9 P. M. Squad. Club City. Rogers Cafe Omaha Sams Indans Omaha Paulson Motors Omaha Ford Livery Omaha Sunlight Paints Omaha Fricke Drug Co Council Bluffs Florshelm Shoes .....Omaha Beau Brummel Shirts .Omaha Huskrs in Final Work Out for the Syracuse Game, Bar Scrimmage Lincoln, Neb. Nov. 25 (Special Telegram) By the "sans scrimmage route" the Cornhuskers Tuesday went through their final practice on Nebraska field in preparation for the big Thanksgiving day clash with the Syracuse university foot ball eleven. Both coaches Schulte and Schis sler deemed the cold weather and the brisk north wind adverse to a mix with the Scrubs. Several new plays calculated to baffle the 'easterners were given the "once ovef." Cody Clark, an "Ail Western" tackle in the days of yore, and other Huskers, former phenoms, includ ing Johnny Bender and Johnny Westover, were on the field to as sist the Nebraska mentor. The team is in excellent condition. O. A. C, Seymour Lake. Henske Mollln .... Murphy ... Johnson Cox Totals . . LEAGCE. Mlckels Bros, i 455! Pollock 403 627'Prlme 844 484'Zlmmer 610 Mayer .-, 47HBuilard Totals ,.2147i 258 . 422 , 177 ,1804 Total Receipts 630 179 63 3 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle Hogs Sheep Morris ft Co 1,268 1,037 1,279 Swift & Co 2,198 2.943 2,165 Cudahy Pack. Co.... 1,609 4,396 2,605 Armor A Co 1,829 1,530 805 Schwartz & Co 211 J. W. Murphy 873 Lincoln' Pack. Co.... 79 So. Omaha Pack. Co. 21 Mayerowich & Vail.. 34 Olasaberg 59 , P. O'Dea 28 Wlson & Co 424 W. B. Van Sant & Co. 74 Bel ton & Van Sant. . 63 W. W. Hill ii Co 137 F. P. Lewis 267 J. B. Root & Co.... 653 J. H. Bulla 270 R. M. liurrusa & Co.. 16 ..... ..... Rosenstock Bros 133 F. G. Kellogg 253 ...... Werthelmer & Degen 844 Ellis & Co 45 Sullivan Bros 58 ..... A. Rothschild 118 Mo.-Kan. C. & C Co 120 E. G. Christie 19 Baker 118 John Harvey 719 ..... Jensen & Ludgren.. 195 ..... Dennis & Francis.... 16 . .... Cheek & Krebs 198 Omaha Pack. Co.... 2 27 Midwest Pack. Co.... 18 Swift From Sioux C'y 903 . . . . . Other Byert 3,981 6,686 Total ....15,763 11,830 13,440 Cattle The estlmat for today's re ceipts called for some 11,800 head of cattle, muking the total for the two days 36,400 head, slightly in excess of the number re ceived the same time last week, but about lC.MO more than for the corresponding time a year ago. Shurtfed steers were not numerous and the market was rathar slow, prices on the best being about steady, while others were slow to 10 16c and mora lower. With a fair supply of butchers stock on band, prices were weak to a quarter lower on tho early market; some sales were even more off than that on late rounds. Stock ers and feeders were also lower today, sales being made as much as 1525c down. The supply of western grass beeves was light and the bsst stuff was selling very nearly steady, whUe the market for the rest was weak. . CALVES. No. Av. Pr. No. At. Pr. 6 478 8 00 12 383 $9 00 STEERS. 20 1218 12 25' STEERS AND HEIFERS. 21 725 10 25 WESTERN CATTLE. NEBRASKA. 23strs.. 917 9 40 16 strs..lll .11 00 20strs..l068 11 40 , 62 covs.1007 8 on lOstrs.. 693 7 75 28 fdrs. 717 ( 00 21 1'dru. 588 1 85 21 stra. .1046 10 75 IDAHO. 13 cows.. 940 '00 6 fdrs. 764 7 76 COLORADO. 33strs..ll78 11 70 42 cows. 1090 11 00 14 fdrs. 645 8 25 25 strs..l069 10 46 16 strs..l088 10 45 WYOMING. 27 cows. 955 8 35 18 cows. 861 5 71 26hfrs.. 767 8 25 43 fdrs. 779 10 00 32strs.. 924 10 00 , 17 cows. 1023 6 10 20 fdrs. 800 10 25 20 fdrs. 80S 8 60 11 hfrs.. 691 00 ' SOUTH DAKOTA. 18strs.. 898 9 50 69 fdrs. 783 8 40 Quotations on Cattle Choice to prime beeves, J16.6016.60; good to choice beeves I12.6014.60; fair to good beeves. Sll.5012.60; fair to good beeves, $10.00 iSUl.00; choice to prime yearlings, io.uu 16.50; good to choice yearling. J13. 00 14.00; fair to good yearlings. 312.0013.00; common to fair yearlings, S9.fUQil '; choice to prime heifers, 310.50 12.00 good to choice heifers, I8.6010.60, choice to prime cows, $9.5011.00; good to choice cows, $8.609.60; fair to good cows, J6.60ffi7.60; common to fair cows, I6.00J 6.25; choice to prime feeders, 811.00 12.60; good to choice feeders, s jlO.OO 11.00: medium to good feeders 18.000 9.60; common to fair feeders, f8.008.60; good to cnoice stockers, siu.uuspii.uo; fair to good stockers, S8.009 50; common to fair stockers, I6.007.50; stock heifers, $6.0008.00; stock cows, t5.60igi7.00; stock calves, $6. 50010. 50; veal calves, $6.00 14.50; bulls, stags, etc., $5.258 60; choice to prime grass catle, 312.OO14.00; good to choice grass beeves, Sll.OO12.60; fair to good grass beeves, $9,00 4? 10. 60: com mon to fair grass beeves, 37. 60 9.00; Mexican beeves. $6.5098.00. Hogs Receipts were liberal this morn ing, estimates calling for 14,000 head. Quality was very good, trading moderate ly active at gradually weakening values, all the way from 60 Q 7 6c lower with spots that looked 31.00 lower. Bulk of today's sales was 313.2513.60. A few sold below even money on the close and few of the better grades sold on up to $13.75 with a top of $13.90. HOGS. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sb. Pr. 49. .259 470 $12 60 66..39S ... $13 00 69. .343 360 13 10 62. .184 ... 13 23 40. .163 ... 13 30 66. .302 120 13 35 61. .303 120 13 40 46. .362 40 13 45 33. .255 ... 13 60 76. .260 ... 13 35 75. .247 ... 13 65 .65. .194 ... 13 70 78. .226 4013 75 98. .237 ... 13 90 Sheep There was very little change In either the character or the size of the sheep and lambs market, about 14,500 head arriving. Packers wasted little time In placing bids on the more desirable of ferings. Prices for fat sheep and lambs were generally 1015c higher than yes terday with trade active at the advance. Good fed lambs brought 314.4neii4.50. with best ewes selling up to $8.10. Weth ers up to $10.25 and heavy yearlings at , 311.25. Some 95-nound , lambs brought $14.25. No sales of consequence were reported early In feeder trade but good feeding lambs and ewes were wanted at firm figures. Desirable feeding lambs are bringing $13.0013.60 with good ewes around $6.3506.75. FAT LAMBS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 183 fed. 76 $14 35 lit 73 $14 60 260 Mont. 48 13 00 118 Mont. 37 16 00 193 Ida... 58 11 50 16 fed... 68 13 25 FAT EWES. 125 fed.. 125 7 75 FEEDER EWES. 192 Mont. 82 6 00 Quotations on sheep: Lambs, good to choice, $14.25014.60; lambs, fair to good. $13. 75 14.00; fleshy feeders. $13.00 3.60: good to cnoice feeders. 313.0019 13.50; fair to good feeders. $12.E018 00; cull lambs. $9.0Oll.OO; yearlings. $10,250 11.5Q ; wethers, $9.60010.25; ewes, good to choice, $7.0501.10; ewes, fair to good. $7.0007.60; good feed In a- ewes, $6,250 $.75: culls and canners. $3.0005.00. Arm. &.Co. con debt. 6s, 1923.101 Arm. & Co. con debt. 6s. 1924.101 Bethlehem Steel Co. 7s, 1922. lOOty Bethlehem Steel Co. 7s, 1923.100 British 64s, 1921. 7 14 Canada 6s, 1921 97i C. B. & Q. 4s, 1921 941 uuaany racKing jo. it, 1923,100 Inter. R. T. Co. 6s, 1921...... 66 K. C. Terminal ts, 1923 9914 Lehigh Valley 6s, 1923 ...10014 Liggett A Myers 6s, 1921.... 9914 Proctor A Gambia 7s. . .1922. .10214 Proctor A Gamble 7s, 1923... 10314 Russian rubles 6 Vis. 1936..'.. 38 Union Paclflo 6s, 1928 102U U. S. Rubber 7s, 1923 102 Wilson conv. 6s, 1928 96 First Liberty 314 s Liberty 1st 4s Liberty 2d 4s Liberty 1st 4 Us Liberty 2d 414s Liberty 3d 414s Liberty 4th 4Hs Liberty 5th s Liberty 6th 3s GRAIN MARKET 101 97 9814 94 101 Vs 67 994 101 99 10214 10314 42 102 10214 96 W .100.04 . 94.30 . 91.86 . 94.30 . 92.22 . 94.24 . 92.24 . 99.13 . 99.24 (SH9.75; common and medium, $7.75014.00. Butcher cattle, heifers, $6.5015.00; cows, $6 40(0-13.50. Canners and cutters, 6.35 6.40. Veal calves, $16.00017.25. Feeder steers, $7.26013.00; Blocker steers.$6.00igi 10.75; western range steers. $7.25016.00; cows and heifers, $6.25(1 10.50. Hoks Receipts, 71.000 head; estimated tomorrow, 26,000 head; lower. Top, $13.70; bulk, $12.86013.25: heavy, $12.65013.25; medium, 12.85013.36; light, 312.90013.26; light light weight, $12.60013.15; heavy packing sows, smooth, $12.00012.50; pack ing sows, rough, $11.50012.00; pigs, $12.25 12.75. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 32,00 head, estimated tomorrow, 15,000 head: market firm. Lambs, $12.76014.25; culls and common, $8.75012.60; ewes, medium, good and choice, $7.6008.50; culls and common, $3.Ob06.75. Breeding, $6.50011.25. Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City, Mo Nov. 25. Cattle Re ceipts. 19,500 head; market strong; calves. 60c lower; heavy beef steers. choice and crime. $17.00 018.60: medium and good. $12.86017.00; common. $10.25 12.76; light, ftooa ana cnoice, iff i.iu; common and medium, $8.25013.25; heir ers, $6.60014.00; cows, $6.40012.26: can ners and cutters, $5.1606.40; veal calves. $13.25016.00: feeder steers, $8.00013.15; stoeker steers, $6.0010.50. Hogs Receipts, 20.000 neaa; marKei lower; bulk, $13.10013.75: heavies, $13.16 0013.75: mediums, ra 1 ;i. rt ; ngnis, $13.00013.65; light lights, $12.76013 45; packing sows, $12.50013.00; pigs, $12,000 13.60. ' Sheep and Lambs Receipts, s.000 neaa; market 25c higher; lambs, $13.00 0 15.00: culls and common, $8.75012.75; yearling wethers, $10.00011.76; ewes, $6.0008.60; culls and common, $3.0005.75; breeding ewes, $7.60011.60; feeder lambs, $11,000 13.25. .flloux City Live Stock. Sioux City. ' la.. Nov. 25. Cattle Re ceipts, 6.000; market 25o lower; beef steers, fed $15.00017.00; short fed. $13.00 15.00: warmed up, $10.00015.00; tat cows and heifers, $8.00012.60: canners, $5.0006.60: 1 veal calves, 6.oowi4.uo stockers. $S.00fi?8.00: feeders. $8.00010.60 feeding cows and heifers, $5.0008,00; fair beef I75I7.75. Hogs Receipts. 7.000: market so to v&e Inner- llffhr. 11 3 0 tH 1 3. 85 : mixed. $13.25 013.60: heavy, 313.00013.50; bulk or sales, $13.25013.76. Sheen and Lames Receipts, i.ouu market steady. St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Jnsenh. Mo.. Nov. 25. Cattle Re cetnts. 4.000: market steady; steers, $7.50 17.25; cows ana neirers, sa.ouKrio.uv; calves, $6.00015.00. Hogs Receipts, 12.000: market lower top. $13.90: bulk. $13.50013.80. BheeD and Lambs Receipts, i.uuu mar ket higher: lamba. 39.00014.75; ewes. $6.0008.00. V. 8. 2s, reg...l00 U. S. 2s, cou. .100 U S. cv. 3s. reg 88 U. S. ev. 3s. cou 88 U. S. 4s. reg... 106 U. S. 4s, cou.. .106 A. IS AT. cv. 6s 98 An.-French 6s. 96 Armour Co. 414s 83 Atch. gen. 4s.. n B. & O. cv 414s 61 B. Steel ref. 5s 88 Cen. Leath. 6s 78 Cen. Pac. 1st... 74H C. O. cv. 6s. . 8241 New York Bond List, IG. N. 1st 414S 83 It. P. ref. 4s 77 T. M. M. s 9414 IK. C. S. ref. 5s.. 75'4 X. & in. un. . nis IV V.iT. 1st 4S 61 M. P. Ben. 4s... 66 '4 Mont. Pow. 5s. . 88 N. T. C. deb. 6s 93 Nor- Pac. 4s.... 77 Nor. Pac. Ss.... 65t4 O. S. L. ref. 4s 8214 U. T. & T. 5s. . . 874 Pen. con. 414s 91 '4 Pen. gen. 6s.... 91 H C.B.ftQ.jt. 4s 94lRead. gen. 4s... 8014 C.M.&St.P.c.41s 75 C.R.I.&P.ref 4s C. A O. ref. 414 77 Chill Cop. cv; 7sl06H St.L.ft S.F.adJ.6s 69 S. P. cv. 6s 10114 South. Ry. 6s... 8614 Texas Co. cv. 6sl0314 Citv of Paris s 84!itTex. Pac. 1st 8444 D. A R. G.ref.Ss 50 IU. P. 4s 84 Tn Can. 5s. 1931 94 IT. S. Rub. 5s... 84 Erie sen. 4s 44 ITT. S. Steel 6s... 78 Gen. Elec. 6s... 9514lWabash 1st 9014 Coffee. New York. Nov. 25. The market for coffee futures was lower today as a re, suit of near month Ilauldatlon and fur. ther declines In Braill. The opening was 38 points lower on December and 11 to 16 points lower on other months. There was some buying on the better tone of the stock market and steadier ruling of ster ling. Later prices declined with a de cline at Santos. Tomorrow will be the first December note day, but after the early liquidation that month was rela tively steady, closing 15 points up from tho lowest. The general list closed at a net decline of 11 to 21-fo(nts. December. 14.90c; January, 15.10c; March. 16.38c: May, 15.44c; July 16.69c; Sentember. 16.38c. Spot Coffee Unsettled: Rio 7s, 16140 1594; Santos 4s. 2444 0 2614c. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga Nov. 25. Turpentine Firm. $1.6601. 57; sales, 445 bbls; re ceipts, 410 bbls; shipments, 749 bbls.; stock, 12.704 bbls. Rosin Firm; sales. 47 obis; receipts, 1,950 bbls.; shipments, 2,140 bbls.; stock. 52.311 bbls. Quote: B, $16.50; D. 316.25018.35: E. $10.40011.60; F. $16.46016.50; O. $16,500 16.55; H, $16.66016.60; I, $17.60; E, $18.35; M. $19.00019.20: N. Wg. Ww, nominal. Produce. 25. Butter Firm; gathered 80082c; extras, firsts, Chicago Live Stock. Chicago. Nov. 26. Cattle Receipts. 17.- 000 head, estimated tomorrow, 16,000 head. Beef steers medium and heavy weight. choice and prime. $lft-.2502O.4O; medium and good, $11.00018.25: common,' $9,000 11.00. Llgbt weight, food and choice,. 14.00 New Tork New York. Nov. unonangefl. Kggs Firm: fresh 83084c; extra firsts. J6TO79C. ' Cheese Easy: unchanged. Live and Dressed Poultry Steady: prices, unchanged. Dry Goods. New York, Nov. 26. Dress ginghams opened today for fall cutting trade. Flan nelettes were ordered freely for fall. Yarns were firm, cotton goods of a staple character and steadier. Large accumula tions of raw silk are reported In ware house! In this country. Cotton Futures. New York, Nov. 25. Cotton futures closed steady; January, 36.18c; March. 34 25c; May, 32.82c; July, 31.68c New York, Nov. 25. Cotton Spot, steady; middling, 39.45c Evaporated Applea and Dried Fruits. New York. Nov. 25. Evaporated Apples Quiet. Prunes Active. Apprlcots and Peaches Scarce. Raisins In demand. Omaha. Neb., Nov. 25. Receipts of grain today were moderate for corn and wheat and larger than tho light runs a week ago. Carlot receipts were: tvneai, su cars; corn, 69 cars; oats, 20 cars; rye, $ cars, and barley, 2 cars. Wheal, particularly hard "winter, showed an advance of 2 to 6 cents; No. 1 dark northern spring brought $3.06, a new high for this market, being 1 cent over the previous top. Corn ranged unchanged to 3 cants lower, generally off, as compared to ac tual sales yesterday, but practically un changed with yesterday's closing bid. Oats were 14 c higher. Rye and barley were each 2 cents higher. Wheat No. 2 hard, 1 car, $2.65( dark); 1 car, $2.66; 1 car, $2.60; 3 cars, $2.47; 1 car, $2.46; No. 3 hard, 1 car, $2.45; 1 car, $2.42; 1 car, $2.40; 1 car, $2.89; 1 car, $2.38; 1 caa, 2.34, (smutty); No. 4 hard, 1 car, $2.41; 1 car, $2.35; 1 car, $2.34; 2 cars, $2.33; 7 cars, $2.32; 2 cars. $2.31; 2 cars, $2.30; 1 car, $3.29 (smutty); 1 car, $2.27; No. 6 hard, 1 car, $2.2T (yel low); 1 car, $2.25 (7 per cent rye); sam ple hard, 1 car. $2.08; No. 1 northern spring; 1 car, $3.06 (dark); 1 car, $3.00, (dark, smutty); No. 3 spring, 1 csr, $2.37, (red); No. 6 northern spring, 1 car, $1.60; 1 car. $2.65; 1 car, $2.62; 1 car, $2.25; sample spring, 1 car, $2.42; No. 2 durum, 1 car, $2.15 (red); No. 2 mixed, 1 car, $2.12 (durum); No. 3 mixed, 1 car. $2.38; 1 car, $2.09 (durum); No. 6 mixed, 2-5 car, $2.16; 1 car, $2.04 (durum). Corn No. 4 white, car, $1.30, (new); car, $1.28, (new); No. 6 white, car, $1.27, (new); No. 6 white, 1 car. $1.24. (new); No. 2 yellow, 1 car, $1.63 ; No. 3 yellow, 1 car, $1.63; No. 3 yellow, 1 car, $1.63; 1 car, $1.62; No. 4 yellow, 1 car, $1.34: 6 cars, $1.34, (new); 2 cars, $1.33, (new); No. 6 yellow, 1 car, 31.31, (new shipper's weights); 614 cars, $1.30, (new); 1 oar, $1.29, (new); 3 cars, $1.28, (new); 1 tfar, $1.27, (new); No. 6 yellow, 2 cars, $1.26, new); No. 2 mixed. 1 car. $1.46, (part new); 1 car, $1.46; No. 8 mixed, 1 car, $1.48; 1 car. $1.38, (new); No. 4 mixed, 1 car, $1.50; 1 car, $1.29, (new); 1 car, $1.28, (new): No. 5 mixed, 1 car, $1.28, (new); 1 car, $1.27, (new); 1 car, $1.26, (new); 1 car, $1.25. (new); No. 6 mixed, 1 car, $1.27, (new.) Oats No. 3 white, 5 cars, 7214c; 2 cars, 721ic; 3 cars. 72c; 3-5 car, 7114c; No. 4 white. 1 car. 72c, (shipper's weights); sample white, 1 car, 72c. Bye no. 3, l car, 11.31; sample, 1 car, $1.35. Barley No. 3, 1 car, $1.41; No. 4, 1 car, $1.39; No. 1 feed, 1 car. $1.37. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Receipts Wheat Corn Oats ......... Hye Barley shipments W heat Corn Oats Rye Barley RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Wheat. Corn. . Oata. Chicago 122 313 166 Kansas City 412 ti 20 St. Louis 99 77- 42 Minneapolis 408 ... Dulutll 22 Winnipeg ..... . ..496 ... OMAHA GRAIN INSPECTION. The number of cars of grain of .the sev eral grades Inspected "in" here during the Int 24 hours follows Wheat No 1 hard, 2; No. 2 hard. 24; No. 3 hard. 35: No. 4 hard. 23: No. 5 hard, 10: sample hard. 2: No. 1 mixed, 2; No. 2 mixed. 3: No. 3 mixed. 9; No. 4 mixed, 9 No 5 mixed, 4; sample mixed, 4; No. 3 spring, 2: No. 4 spring, 2; No. 6 spring, 7; snmDle. snrinff. 4: total. 142 Corn No. 1 white. 1; No. 3 white, 8; No 4 white. 2: No. 5 white. 4: no, white, 1; No. 1 yellow, 1; No. 2 yellow, 2; No. 3 vollow. 2: No. 4 yellow. 13: No, yellow, 22; No. 2 mixed, 3; No. 3 mixed, 5; No. 4 mixed, 13; No. 6 mixed, 11; No. I mired, 2; total, 85. 1 Oats No. 2 white. 3: No. 3 white. 26 No. 4 white. 3; sample white, 1; total, 33. Ry No. 2. 1; No, 3, 3; No. 4, 1; sam pie, 2: total. 7. Barley No. 4, 4. PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Today Year Ago FINANCIAL New York, Nov. 25. Trading on the stock exchange today was again relatively dull and professional, there being little evidence of the public participation which succeeded tho recent reaction. The market drifted aimlessly, but main ly upward, especially among those Issues which experienced the greatest shrinkage in the several liquidating movements of the past fortnight. There were exceptions to ths advance, of which rails, coppers and local utilities were the most conspicuous examples. Rea sons for the backwardness of these groups were so obvious as to excite little com ment Easy money reduced tension In the for eign exchange situation and other factors which served In the price readjustment of the last few days were again operative, but In a mora moderate degree. Advices touching upon ths course of the coal conference at Washington were less hopeful In tenor, but the various coal carrying shares reflected this only In minor measure. Pools seemed to have little difficulty in advancing the motors and their aubsl daries, also steels, equipments, oils, to bacco and leathers. Genaral Motors was the outstanding feature at an extreme rise of 29 points, gains elsewhere ranging from 3 to 10 points. Several ordinarily obscure or dorment Industrials In the steel division displayed unusual activity and strength, but many gains suffered partial or entire cancella tion on realising for profits in the later dealings. Sales amounted to 1 nun nnn shares. The entire bond market was reactionary, several new low records being mauSby liberty issues, with extreme weakness In local tractions. Total sales nr v.l.i. grf'gated $22,600,000, an unusually heavy turnover. Old United States bonds wnr itnrVi a n or a A on call. Am. Am. Am. Am. Am. Beet Sugar. . Can Car & Found. H. & L. pfd.. Locomotive. Low. 9514 6414 13614 Sales. High, 4,800 97 7,500 66 2,200 137 1,200 12514 126 7.300 97 9614 1,400 140 3,000 92 Week Year Today. ago. ago. ,90 64 4 , 54 34 18 , 20 41 16 3 8 6 ,2 3 6 , 93 87 ' 36 , 36 15 47 ,6 14 30 . 1 1 ... f RecelDts Today Wheat 1,586,000 1,962,000 Corn 916,000 380,000 Oat 635,000 1,387,000 MilDments Wheat 1,400,000 2,607,000 Corn 416,000 274,000 Oata 556,000 848,000 Chicago Grain and Provision. Chicago, Nov. 25. Hopes of enlarged export business, together with scantiness of available supplies, did a good deal to day to lift the price of corn. Closing quotations were strong, 1c to 2c net high er, with December. $1.33 to $1.3314 and May. $1.28. to $1.28. Oats fin ished cVj to c up, and provisions ranging from 12c decline to 40c advance, Bulls In the corn market held the ad vantage throughout the session, although one sharp setback In the last half of the day cave holders some temporary mis glvlngs. The opening was especially In fluenced by the meagerness of receipts and by the ract thatiowing to car scarcity or other reasons the total of country offer ings had proved no more than sufficient for Industrial requirements. Meanwhile, the market rapidly gained further strength based chiefly on the rise of 100 per cent in Argentine vessel istes, apparently put ting out Argentina as a competitor with the United States in European markets. The subsequent transient period of weak ness was sscrlbed to a ststement by wheat Director Barnes, tnst tne removal of the embargo on wheat imports might reduce the price of some kinds of wheat, 80c a bushel. Export sales of 250,000 bushels of oats at the highest premiums of the crop helped put firmness in the oats. provisions were bulllsniy affected By scarcity of sellers. Art. rorn Dec. May July out a Dec May I'orit. Jan. May 1 .sra. Jan. May Kiln Jan. May Open. I High. Low. Close. I Sat. 1.32 1.27 1.26 .73 .76 1 134.00 31.60 122.35 122.76 18.42 18.10 I 1.83 1.29 1.28 .7314 .77 132.10 134.25 1 123.63 123.00 118.72 118.25 1 1.32 1.27 126 .72 .76 1.3314 1.28 1.27 .7314 .77 34.00 31.60 123.25 122.75 l8.3B 18.07 132.10 34.2 123.65 22.95 118.73 118.25 1.32 1.2714 1.26 .73 .76 34.00 31.70 123.35 123.72 18.57 118.15 Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis. Minn.. Nov. 25. Flour Unchanged. Barley $1.20(91.42. Rye No. 2. $1.4401.4414. Bran $39.00. Corn No. 3 yellow, $1.4801.61. Oats 70 71140, Flax $4.9005.05. St. Louis Grain. St. Louis. Mo.. Nov. 26. Corn De cember, $1.3014-bid; May, 31.30. Oats December. 7411c asked: Mav. 77o bid. Kansas City Grain. Kansas Cltv. Ma.. Nov. 5S.ln. Corn: December, $1.3414; January. $1-3014; May. $1.29; July, $1.2714. Chicago Produce. Chicago. Nov. 25. Butter Unsettled: creamery, 58071c. Kggs Higher; firsts, 70071c; ordinary firsts. 61 i 62c: at mark. -u, 6O70c; storage parked firsts, 7207214c. 1 ronifry Alive, higher; springs, 22c: fowla, MJfc 21 fc6. turkeis, 35a. Am. Smelt. & Ref. Am. Sugar Ref. . . Am. Sumatra Tob. Amer. Tel. & Tel. Anaconda Copper. Atchison A. G. & W. I. S. S. Baldwin Loco 61,200 114 iialtlmore & Ohio 1.300 37 Bethlehem Stl. B. 25.600 9814 Butte 4 Sup. Cop. -300 21 California Petrol.. l,O0 47 Canadian Pacific. 4 400 146 Central Leather... 1,900 9914 rw o , . . - Chi., Mil. & St. P. J.500 Chi. & Northwest. 800 Ch,i., R. I. & p,,, 6oo Chino Copper 9,300 Colo. Fuel A Iron 200 Corn Products.... 3.700 Crucible Steel. .. .10,900 22014 Cuba Cane Sugar. 6.500 48 Distill, Secur. Cor. 1.000 7614 Erie BOO 16 General Electric. 800 17114 General Motors. . .32,t00 36 Ot. North, pfd.... 4.000 84 Gt. North. Or ctfs. 1,600 40 Illinois Central... 1,000 92 Inspiration Copper 6,200 54 Last Sale. 95 65 13614 125 95 66 1,900 61 1.800 88 4,300 176 57 42 91 27 36 43 84 66 137 137 9U 92 100 59 60 88 88 169 172 110 111 ' 37 96 21 47 J46 96 67 41 90 27 36 43 83 215 47 76 14 96 21 47 146 97 67 41 90 27 86 43 83 216 47 76 15 169 169 337 864 83 83 Int. Msr. Ma. Dfd. inter. Nickel 1,100 mcr. l-aper 6,400 Kan. City South Kor.necott Cop... L. & N Mexican Pet Miami Cop Mldvaie Steel Missouri Pacific, . Aic-ntana Power.. Nevada Conner.. N. Y. Central New Haven Norfolk & West.. Northern Pacific. Pacific Mall Pan-Am. Pet.... Pennsylvania ... Pitts. A W. Va.. Pittsburgh Coal. Kay con. Cop... Reading Rep. I. A S Sinclair O. A R. . Southern Pacific soutnern Ry mua. 40 91 91 63 SSU. 2,600 106 105 106 z . 24 . 25 72 70 71 13 17 17 29 29 29 .... 112 3,200 205 202 203 'UU 21 23 2344 400 7,700 4.700 2,600 600 400 1.500 3,400 62 27 62 1514 72 32 61 27 66 15 72 31 61 27 56 15 72 31 300 10044 inou mn 1.400 87 84 84 200 87 37 37 3. 600 10914 107(B) tmS 2,500 42 42 422 500 29 ,29 00 63 63 1,000 21 20 200 79 78 46,400 110 107 23,400 50 49 6.400 98 96 1 500 u tt 1 Cor 61.800 122 118 Texas Co 2,600 301 297 Tobacco Prod. i.nion Pacific... U. C. Stores U. S. Ind. Alco. . V. S. Steel U. S. Steel nfd. Utah Copper. . . , western union. West. Electric. Willys-Overland National Lead.. Ohio Cities .... R. D. N. Y 2.900 85 84 6.900 129 127 .46.200 94 . 4.300 106 .40,700 105 . 400 114 . 8,200 75 . 1,800 91 29 63 20 78 107 49 97 24 121 299 85 128 93 105 105 104 104 87 64 900 5,000 83 60 .12,400 103 113 75 87 63 81 60 101 114 75 87 64 31 83 50 102 Bid. New York sMoney. . New York. Nov. 55 Prima r n- Paper 514 05 per cent. Sterling Demand, $4.0514; cables. $4 06 Guilders Demand, 37.13-16c; cables' Guilders Demand, 37 3-16c; cables' I'fr' Demand, 11.97c; cables, 11.96c. ' Marks Demand, 2.50c; cables, 2.62c. Time Loans Strong; unchanged. Call Money Eaav: hlsh i . ruling rate, 7: closing bid, 6; offered at 7; last loan, 74 Liberty Bond Prices. New York. Nov. SS. PHo t iv. bonds at 11:30 a. m. were: 2s, 100 06 first 4s, 94.20; second 4s, 91.80; first 4s. 94.42; second 4s. 92.28; third 4s. 5H2: ,fourtl 4.' 92 J4; , Victory 3s 99.20; Victory 4s. 99.16. New York Sugar. New York. Nov. ss n. a Steady; centrifugal. 7.J8c; fine granulated. Local Stocks and Bonds Quotations furnlshod by Bursa, Brink ft CO. STOCKS Basket Stores Comb.,,. Oooch Food Prod. pfd. bonus llooch Food Prod, com..., Harding Cream pfd. I pet. Om. ft Co. Bluffs Ry. ft Br. pfd M. C. Peters Mill 7 pet. pfd. A. O. Spalding ft Bros. 1st pfd Steel ft Tube Co. of America 7 pet. pfd Union Power ft Light 7, pet pfd BONDS City of Oma. various City of Omaha,, school 6s 1933 cutiahy Fkg. Co. ts iitg.... Fairmont Neb. Water 5s 1930 French Cities s 1934 11 Lincoln Tel. A Tel. 6s 1946. ... Om. A Co. B. St. Ry. 5s 1928 $0 Union Stock Yds. Om.; 1st 6i 1931 $1 . Bid. 70 100 41 100 Ask. 114 100, $0 ioa it 100 109 II 18 101 II 4.70 4.10, 10 4.99 91 93 13 IT M Per cent New York General. New York, Nov. 25. Flour Firm, spring clears, H ist 10.26. Wheat Spot steady; No. 3 red. 12.31, track New York, export billed. Corn Spot steady; No. 3 yellow and ' No. 2 white, $1.67 c. I. f. New York. Oats Spot firmer; No. 1 white, 84e. Lard Barely steady; middle west, $26.(0' 025.60. Other articles unchanged. Kansas City Produce. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 25. Butter, ' Eggs and Poultry Unchanged. New tl.37. Bar Sliver. York, Nov. 25. Bar Silver To quickly clean a rifle a Eu ropean inventor has patented ' a brush that can be mounted in place of a bullet on a cartridge and fired from n. . ,' :;' ?M HUM r Electric IT PLEASE? KANT-SLIP Many Style and Sixes. STANDARD REGISTER CO.' DAYTON. O. Autograph Is Rfl tsrt. Roll Prlntlsa for il Raoerds. Bills Ladlsgi. Its. A. C. HEISER out. Art. 114 Bis , Blda, Tyler 2030 OMAHA. NEB. VJ J.1JIV.. UIIJ,;.J na?ni.tini...viii -aaaaaW aiasl ri J llll - - is tho fascinating story of a man who accumulated f 10,000 in ten yean, by systematic investing in high-grade listed stocks and bonds. Amount in vested averaged $2S monthly. "Get tins Ahead" contains nothing fortheaaa wbe wants to get rich la abwry.botwfll so hdpfai to all who wish te save nsa M te $109 DMathly sad latest ky a safe trains il .. wnIUhls1i-fTade stocks sad beads listed ea the New York Buck Exchange end ether reliable exebangss, a eeDvent- mn DMauur sayaMnts. Bend far iisspauneuM elan. 149 H So. LaSalle St., Chicago Texas-United Oil Co. Capital. $l,000.000-Pir Value, l A Producing Company Now Paying 2 Monthly $1.50 Per Share Advances to $2 on Dec. 10th. Fifth Dividend, 2, payable Dec. 15th; to stockholders of record, Dec. 1st. Write for circular. HENRI WOLFE 309 Broadway Now York City Japanese Government Second 4Vss Due July 10, 192S FOREIGN STAMPED At Market To Yield About Circular on request for OB-26S liwNationalGly Company Correspondent Offices in over to OUe Omaha First National Bank Building Telephone 3311 Dontlae Established in 1902 That means that for 17 years we have attended the school of experience. Our experience and advice is yours for the asking. BURNS BRINKER & CO. Investment Securities. S. W. Corner 17th and Douglas Sts. Douglas 895. Omaha.