Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 26, 1919, Page 11, Image 11
THE BEE. OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MUVEMtJEK 26, iyi9. 11 . Hastings Woman's Club. The members of the Hastings , Woman's club entertained their hus bands and all the teachers of the city at a play at the high school au ditorium, "The Kettle Sings." the play presented last spring by the dramatic department of. the Lincoln Woman's club, was given. Going to the theater? Look over the amusement ads. We Received a Large Shipment of Extra Fancy, Fresh Dressed Poultry. If You Con sider Quality, Our Prices Are the Lowest. Extra Fancy Turkeys, lb.; 45 Extra Fancy Geese, lb., 34 Fresh Dressed Chickens, springs or hens, per lb. ..... .29H Prime Rib Roast, per lb., 19 Choice Steer Pot Roast, per lb., at .......12K Young Mutton Legs, lb. . . . 15 Choice Steer Round Steak, per lb., at ..... 10 Fresh Oysters, per qt 55 Home Made Mince Meat, per lb., at 25 All brands of Best Creamery Butter, per lb. . . ... . . . .73 Full Line of Fruits and Vegetables at the Lowest. Prices. WASHINQTON MARKET 1407 Douglas Street T DY Johnston Forbes-Robert I son, better known, perhaps, as ... Gertrude. Elliott, sister of beautiful Maxine, and . herself a charming -woman, accompanied her husband to America when he came here a few weeks ago for his Amer ican tour of Shakespearean lectures. "Just to keep track of Sir John ston" she explained. . Nineteen years ago the romance of the great Shakespearean expon ent and the beautiful little Ameri can actress found its consumma tion in marriage. Those who know the Forbes-Robertsons intimately bear witness it is as fresh in their hearts, as fragrant as if 'it 'had bloomed but yesterday. "I want you to see the picture ot my four daughters, volunteered Lady Forbes-Robertson jn a recent interview in New York City. . "Quite , a crowd, aren't they," she smiled. "This one,, our -first, is in school just outside Paris. Her drawing is full of promise. She is Ililllllll.lllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllMIIIIIIIlllllllllllll Ullllllllllll Of; M'llMlimilllllllWl'IIISMII'IIWIIIIIIIIUM l1,.ll'!'lIHi;illllllllllHIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIimtllll'Hlllllltllll Two Stores Quick Service Two Stores 0) nn il iELm Two New Cash Meat Markets For Quality Meats and Poultry. 212 N. 16th St. and 2408 Cuming St. Fancy, Young, . Dry Picked Turkeys, 43c Fancy Spring , Chickens, 28c Fancy Spring Ducks, 35c Extra Special: Fancy Geese, 29 Extra Special: Prime Beef Rib Roast, 16c Choice Pork Loin Roast, per lb. .27 Choice Boston Butts, 25 Pure Lard, 10-lb. pail, at ............ $2.95 Compound Lard ..... 27c Choice Pork Sausage, 20& Choicest Veal Roast, per lb., at ...12 Choicest Veal Breast, per lb., at 12' (With pocket for dressing) Choicest Veal Chops, 18 Choicest Veal, Steak, 25 Sugar, Cured " .Regular. Hams, per lb .... . 24tf Sugar Cured Picnic Hams, per lb. . 19 Fancy Strip Bacon, 27 Hindquarters Spring Lamb. . .... .17 Forequarters Spring Lamb ....... 10 Choice Lamb Chops . . ....... 20 Choice Round Steak.. 18 Choice Sirloin Steak 20 Fresh Hamburger Steak .. v ...... . 16 Choice Corned Beef 17 taking- up painting seriously, and has already won honors". She loves a good time. I get glowing accounts of girlish escapades in the school. My husband says so far as he can discover the purpose , of a young ladies', finishing school it to give the young ladies a perfectly hilarious time." -: "-: - Gertrude" Elliott's artist daughter is as like her mother as the second pea in a pod. '-" ' "She is even more like my sister, Maxine," declared the mother. "She has my sister's build, tall, more generously proportioned .than my self. Our second girl is so much like her father in looks and manner she is really funny. Take this picture of her, for example; I have a pic ture of Sir Johnston as Romeo that could easily me mistaken for this very photograph." y ' "She is born to the stage, loves it, has loved it since she was a tiny tot. I'm afraid we will not be able to keep her out of the theater." Asked if she objected to the thea ter for her children she said "Certainly not I will be proud, happy, .to have our daughter follow in the footsteps of her father. We do not urge our children to any line of endeavor. They must choose for themselves. Having chosen, we will do our best to guide and counsel them wisely. . . Lady Forbes-Robertson says her husband declares he will never again put grease paint on his face. "But this feeling is not contagious," she hastened to say. "I am just as happy in my work as ever, and he is just as happy in my work as when he, too, was playing. Retiring from any work must be a matter, of in dividual decision. It is the privilege of the worker to go on with work until he or she feels the call to stop. Any other course would be easily selfish and unjust It could not make for happiness."' Sir Johnston rorbes-Kobertson will lecture on "Shakespeare and His Art" in" the ball room at the Fontenejle hotel at 3:45 p. m. Wed nesday, 'under the auspices of the Omaha Society'of Fine Arts.' His lecture will be illustrated by selected readings. . - . ' ' . Music Department The Woman's club chorus will meet at the Y. W. C. A. Wednesday at 2 p. m. , , Mrs. Anthony French Merrill, Mrs. Merrill will speak at the; Blackstone Wednesday morning, November 26 at 10:30 o'clock on "Vicente Blasco Ibahez. U Y.W. H. A. :.' Wednesday, the Kensington Chummy club will meet at 8:15.' Also the class in Jewish history. Community Service. ' Folk and aesthetic dancing class at Community house Wednesday evening for girls. , . 4 . . " H. E. L. P. Club. H. E. L. P. club will meet Wednes-' day evening at the Settlement house for. supper and dramatic art. . .-. . , v .' American War Mothers. The Omaha chapter of American War Mothers have postponed their meeting- scheduled for Friday, No vember "28,- until December IK Christian; Endeavor. The Christian. Endeavor societies of the First Presbyterian and First Christian churches will have a' sup per and Thanksgiving festivity Fri day evening at the Presbyterian church., ' " W. C. T. U. Delegate. ' Miss Ida Kubby, who went as fa- delegate to the national convention of the W. C. T. U. last week, re turned home Monday afternoon. While Miss Kubbv was attending the national convention she was elected to the world's convention which wilKbe held in London, Eng land, in April, 1920. " , North Bend Club. The North Bend Woman's club at its meeting November 14 took up its first lesson in citizenship. Miss Laura Roump talked on The Li brary in Americanization." M. E. Missionary Society. The M. E. Missionary society of Benson will be entertained at lunch con at the home of Mrs. C. H. Pe noyer, 253 North Sixty-fifth street, next Wednesday. She will be as sisted by Mrs. P. A. Legge and Mrs. E. C. Hodder. Lovelorn BY BEATRICE FAIRFAX Important Questions. , , Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee; I am 'coming to you to And out your Jdeas on a few questions: '. I wish to know If when a boy and girl go to a cafe1 for a little "feed" who should do the ordering? Also what is something, nice to order when going to a cafe after a movie or dance? I do "not want to take up too much .room, but Just one more question :; If a boy makes a date for an entertainment and wheh he calls to go who should suggest leaving the house I mean when It is time to go to the entertainment-4-the boy or girl? : '. I would like to. see this In -print aoon. Thanking you for your trouble. 1 I WANT TO KNOW. The boy should do the' ordering after due consultation ' with the young lady on a, question of such importance aa a "feed." A sandr wlch with chocolate or coffee is a favorite order for such occasions as you describe. Add a salad if you like. If you don't care for foods so substantial, ice cream in gome form is quite an acceptable choice. When it is time to leave for an entertain ment, the girl should excuse her: self to put on her wraps. In other words, it is the girl's move. The boy made his move . when he called as an escort, and thereafter he awaits his lady's pleasure. . , Titlan-llulred Blonde. ' Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha' Bee: Please tell we when a couple Jjecome engaged if the gentleman' gives the girl a ring is the girl supposed to give the boy a ring, too,' or does he get' both rings if he cares to wear one? Also would like to knoyt what colors would suit me best, as I Have light red hair and kind of red in my face? Thank you. X. Y. Z. The girl is not supposed to present a . man with an engagement . ring. Some people like to exchange wed ding rings, but whether a man wears the plain gold band or not, is a mat ter of taste. ' Browns, blues, black and white, and greens are good col ors for auburn-haired people. Reds, and pinks are dangerous colors, though a soft shade of pink may be very stunning, on a "Titian" blonde if she is pale but I wouldn't ad vise a redrfaced girl to try it 'I I CSMHMSSBBSBBaBBJBBBBBBSSSBBBBBBBBBBlBiM kf r FANCY TURKEYS FANCY GEESE FANCY DUCKS 42c 32c 32c FANCY SPRING FANCY LAMB FANiAcAMB CHICKENS LEGS ROA&i 29c 17'c 12c STEER ROUND ; PRIME RIB VEAL ROAST x STEAK ROAST 19c 20c 15c PORK LOIN LAMB STEW LAMB CHOPS ROAST 4''"25c 12c 28c A BIG SALE Our Grocery Stock must go this week take the advantage of our closing out sale and save from v v 25I035 Candy Candy All Assortments At less than the wholesale cost. MAIL ORDERS FILLED AT ABOVE PRICES. OMAHA MARKET 11S South 6th Street. ARMY GOODS FOR SALE BY" ' THE NEBRASKA ARMY & NAVY SUPPLY CO. 1619 Howard Street.. ISIS Howard Street. Now to your opportunity to participate in a regular aale of Winter Wearing Apparel at Remarkably Low Prices. Corduroy Veets, leather lined and leather aleevee, alios 44, 48 and 48 n'J, Exceptional values at :I 2 Sheep Vests, without sleeves, largo sixes only . $7.50 and SS.49 Army Munson Field Shoes, brand new, at price. o( . JO.VS Army Regulation Tents, 16x18 with a 3-ft. wall, pyramid shape, extra heavy duck canvas.. These tents cost the government up to $100. Have bran used In service. Our sneeUI affer .$35.00 and $27.50 Army Comforters or Quilts, renovated. . la khaki or varied colors, each U. S. Wool Army-Blankets, renovated, sal price VSB Army All-Leather Halters, brand new Khaki Oversea Mackinaws, brand new i '?'.; Khaki Sweatera, with sleeves, brand new .' J5"2i Khaki Sweaters, without sleeves, brand new..................... ...$4.88 Sweaters with shawl collars, brand new , Cotton Double Blankets, plaid, gray or brown, brand pew, at . . . Wool Union Suits, brand new, per auit Khaki Flannel Shirts, brand new, at Wool Undershirts UhaI Ammh ...... ................ Army Sanitary Cot Beds, all Iron, brand new. Simmons- sagiess springs, gray tubular ends. Special while they last . ..$5.69 Shoes, brand new, Munson last, marching, genuine oak solos, at. $6.98 Pork and Beano, per can ..lBc Work Shoes, exceptional values ...... i. ....$4.68 ....$5.98 . .V .3.79 ....$4.98 ....$1.68 .$1.68 Khaki Flannel Shirts Leather Vests Brooms Ulster Sheep Lined Coats D. D. Wool Mackinaws Three-quarter Sheep Lined Coat, at SOCKS ...... $2.99 .$9.49 49c $22.50 $15.95 .....$14.69 Light Cashmer Socks, pair, 39c i per dozen t $430 Khaki Wool Socks .79c All Wool Socks, black, used but thor ourhlv renovated: hi dozen lots ' onlyi while they last $3.98 White Wool Socks, heavy ...69c Cray Wool Socks, light 59c Whit Wool Socks, light 59c White Jumbo Wool Socks, extra heavy, at ....98c Cotton-Socks, brand new, per dos. .$1.65 TO OUT-OF-TOWN BUYERS W ship goods exactly as advertised. Mak order out plainly. Include money order or draft. No. C. O. D.'s shipped. If ordered by parcel post include postage. Tou are assured oi prompt ana aisiacury iinpuniu REFERENCE Stat Bank of Omaha. Make Money Order or Drafts payable to THE NEBRASKA ARMY & NAVY SUPPLY CO. 1619 Howard St. 1619 Howard St. (By Fall-child Fashion Berries.) Deajuville, France. (Special Cable to The Bee.) The leather coatee is meeting with tremendous success here. Leather-trimmed dresses are also the , vogue. Even georgette frocks are . leather-trimmed. Beige and majbort. are popular colors at this watering place, which is at pres ent crowded, with chic people from both America and England. 'Price at the hotels are exorbitant, but all rooms are taken. Restaurants and cafes are "crowded and money is kreely circulated. (By , Fnlrchtld Fashion Service.) Paris. (Special Cable to The Bee.)--A , great many American buyers have sailed, many not wait ing for the Callot and Cheruit open ings, 'which were as usual the last to be held. - "t ' ' -Prices are exorbitant and buyers complain of: the difficulties in ob taining anything really novel. Prices for both millinery and dresses have" advanced . over last season, but re ports are that in spite of the prices, orders have been heavy. Cousins. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: As you seem able to answer all kinds of questions, I will try to get. my curiosity satisfied, too. What Is meant by second and third cous ins? Is it right for such relatives to marry? Thanking you in advance ana Hop ing to- receive an early reply in The Bee, I anv-yours truly, . - PERPLEXED. Tour, second cousin might be your parent's first cousin, or you mother's cousin, for instance, is your second cousin. Third cousins are too far apart on the family tree to-be given much, consideration whatever they are. It is decidedly unwise for even second cousins to marry, although some , people risk the health and mentality of their progeny in so doing. ' Grateful: The only safe course to pursue with regard to moles is to consult a good beauty parlor opera tor. They can remove them for you. Fashion Dispatch Turkey, per lb. .. . . . .37X6 Lamb Legs, lb. ........ ,15? Geese, per lb. .31 Mutton Stew, lb.... 5 Ducks, per lb ...... . . 33 Fresh Liver, lb. ... . . . : . . .5 Chickens, per lb. .. . . .25 Sugar Cured Hams, lb., 18Kfr Fresh Pork Loins, lb. 23 Ht Sugar Cured Bacon, lb. 28 K Pig Pork Roast, lb... .18H Swift's Premium Hams, per lb., Fresh Pork Chops, lb. .. . 25 at ................. .32 Steer Pot Roast,' lb lit Swift's Premium Bacon, per Porterhouse Steak lb., 22M' ' lb. at. ............. .44 Young Veal Roast, lb. . . .11 Compound Lard, lb. . . .2614V BOSTON MARKET 113 North 16th Street To get in or out of business use The Bee Want Ad column. r mil kit. The Feast WMPot All Feasts- The success of your Thanksgiving dinner depends, aside from your own skill as a good cook, OS the quality of: the goods you buy. The guarantee and certainty of quality In BASKET STORES ia aasux4. Please note that we advertise one grade of poultry only we hare no second and third arades all art dry-picked A No. 1 quality. And you will have cause of additional thankfulness on ThanksglTing Day for these low prices. fFull weights always assured).' , i , '.. FANCY DRY PICKED TURKEYS, per lb 4() FANCY DRY PICKED GEESE, per lb 31 FANCY DRY PICKED DUCKS, per lb 35 FRESH DRESSED SPRINQ CHICKENS, lb. .30 FRESH DRESSED HENS, per lb 30' FRESH OYSTERS, per quart 60c FANCY BEEF POT ROASTS, per lb ,12t , FANCY VEAL ROASTS, per lb 16 FANCY LEG OF LAMB, per lb 32t FANCY ROAST OF LAMB, per lb .23 FRESH HAM. Whole or half, per lb.'. 28Ht WRIGHT'S THOUSAND ISLAND OR WRIGHT'S SALAD DRESSINGS', choice 27 BASKO PEAS, finest quality, can 215 PUMPKIN, fine for pieB, large can 12 SNIDER'S TOMATO SOUP, tall cans ...13 CAMPBELL'S . ASSORTED .SOUPS, can ...... 1 1 FRESH PEANUT BRITTLE CANDY, lb 27 BRILLIANT HARD MIXED CANDY, lb. 33 BRACH'S CHOCOLATES, lb., 50 J 5-lb. box fr - . $2.25 BASKET STORES Closed All tony Thanksgiving Day. FANCY CALIFORNIA CELERY, re-sorted and trimmed, large stalks ...13 FANCY CRANBERRIES, 2 quarts for ..25 ORANGES. Valencias, 176 size, dozen........ 49 NEW NO. 1 ENGLISH WALNUTS, lb. ...... .45s) NEW MIXED NUTS, No. 1, per lb... ........ 39 GRAPE FRUIT, fancy large, 9 3 for.... ...25 5IEW WISCONSIN CABBAGE, per lb... ...... .4s FRESH SWEET POTATOES, lb....... ..54 JELL-0, all flavors, per pkg. 12 JIFFY JELL, all flavors, pkg......... H ORANGE AND LEMON PEEL, per lb ..50 CITRON, per lb. j ., . ... . .60 .SEEDLESS RAISINS, new.15 ox. pkg.......' .26 CASH HABIT PEAS, extra standard, can . '. : ... 18 "CURRANTS, limited supply. 01. pkg.... 29 NONE-SUCH MINCE MEAT, fresh stock. . . 13 SYLMAR RIPE OLIVES, qts., 42; pints. .25 POMPElAN OLIVE OIL, pint cans. .. .... .39 MAZOLA, quart cans, 751 pint cans 38 BASKET STORKS Ona VaMI P. If 4 WeineaSar. Hor. M. laBMBsjBsMl B 'wmmmmmm: . emtimumJWRaBm nousewu DDnnnrTc Tht Oval Labtl taktt tht nest tort out of buying and hard work out of tht latcJten. Under tb AnaowOval Label yea will And: Sfar Stork (net Ham Stir Rnrnn itwn .nk Vegetole (a vegetable Simon Pure" Leaf Lard Devonshire Farm Sausage Cloyerbloom Butter AfiSOT Coffee Evaporated' Milk Amour's Oleomargarine Armour HtHu ou sod a eomplcu Itae et eaanvdaogp., flah.vege wiea. meat proanets, fruita. dMscctJ and XV7TB a a w 19 .'Ml 11 vsl Vem3i9S ' e s tnoosmfir-ust . 4 All Under the Dependable Mark The Armour Oval Label IN vour nantrv shplvps arfvWTl . stocked witn Armours Oval Label Food Products for dailv anH hnli. day use you are fortified for winter months. The hardest part of the house keeping, the ; planning and cooking the meals, is provided for. The completeness and variety of the Oval Label line suggest any amount of menus for breakfast, dinner, lunch or supper. . t Just a look at the shelf so filled gives inspira tion; the answer to, "What shall we eat today' Many of these foods are ready cooked; others need but little preparation ALL are time-savers. The quality is guaranteed by the Armour Oval Label it means one standard of excellence forall the best : Your dealer has or can get any of these Armour Oval Label Foods for you. Ask him for them. A supply on; your pan try shell guards against any food emergency. . . ; - armourcompany R. C. Howe Douitaa 10SS Manager Oaaaha. Ntb. For interesting menus and cooking recipes send for free copy ot "Tht Busintss of Being a Hons " Address Department of Food Economics, Dept. ASi, Armour and Company, Chicago. V.