THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEEt NOVEMBER 23, 1919. 9 C FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands fOR MESftA6KA LANDS SE8 A. A. PATZUiN. IM Karbach Silt. Trter 114. Imp. farm la N. B. Ne, nosa Man 1. For laroranattoa and farm leans. C. V. Nelson. 1821 W. O. W. Ntw York Lands. $10,500 BUYS " splendid tot acres XH mllaa tram vil lage, station, macadam road to Buffalo, 4i mUa from achool; nearly laval; eelf dralnlng; dark loam soil; 26 acraa tlro bar: food lt-room houaa; basement; barn a 10x11 and 1866; alio, wall water ed, InoludlBf II head eettle, I horses. 4 bona. hay. straw, potato digger, po tato plantar, roller, narrow, drill, wead ar, I sulky cultivators, sulky plow, u engine, mowar, binder, -tedder, wagona buggy, sleighs, barueaees, amall toola; S4.66S cash, t par eant tataraat; 1200 yearly. Irao Hat bargains, Ellis Bros., e)prlngTlHo, N, T. , Miscellaneous, TO HOME SEEKERS. I am (or a abort tlma only, running a III enuraton from Kansas City to tba Rio Grand Vallay svery Friday wa start from Omaha. 101 NtTllla Block. AUTOMOBILES. For Sal. Our Special Payment Plan (Includes All Charges) Ja order to movo oar stook at aad ears wa are offering tba payment plaa epeolflea below far aaa week only. Iha balow figure Include all tataraat eharge aad Insurance, (Ira, thaft aad colllatoa for oao year: j ' $209.05 Cash AND 12 FKR MONTH FOR IS MONTHS WIU. BUT A SMALL ltll 4-CYUNDER STUDEBAKER TOUR INO. SMALL TIRES, LIGHT OA8 OUNI CONSUMPTION. $286.52 Cash AND 141 PER MONTH WILL BUT A 11T l-CTLINDBR STUPEBAKER TOURING CAR1 NBWLT PAINTED AND IN EXCELLENT CONDITION THROUGHOUT. SMOOTH II 0. aaven mllaa from Kada. ' Colo.: neardmmenae lake, la crop bait; ona avaraga crop mora thaa paya for It; ISO per acraj 100 aeraa fine land, fifteen mllaa from Trlbuna, Kan.; ona avaraga crop paya double tha prloa; lm madlata aala. 112.80 par aora; no trades. W. C. Smoka. Wichita. Kan. BEFORE buying or aalltns a farm raad "Farm Loans and City Bonde." Hart ford Bldg., Chicago, 10 canta a copy, 11 a year. FARM LANDSWANTED. WILL trada my cloaa-la apartmant houaa, with annual Income of aver 110.000 for good land In Iowa or Nebraska. Ad drees Boit T-T6I. Omaha Bee. WB ia aall your farm: timely sales: Sulck results. Bald Land Co.. Ui randala Bldg. AUTOMOBILES. ThanksgivingWeek's Specials 61 Cadillac, seven-passenger. Ilka new; II Bute. H-41; II Overland 10 touring; 11 Hudson aupar apaaaater, is Franklin, four-passenger! II Oakland alx roadatar, II Oldamoblla alx touring, II Saxon alx touring, 18 Mitchell light alx touring, II Buick four touring, II Butrk four roadatar, II Ford erdsn, 11 Ford touring, 17 Olida alx. IT Allen four touring, IT Maxwell touring, II Overland touring, 17 Ford touring and many ethera. Come in, and see these. Spe cial price mat win sure surprise you. Money back if not satisfied. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1810 Farnam. Poug. I07O. BOMB BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS McCaffrey motor COMPANY (Tba Handy-Ford Service Station) lilh and Jackaon Sta 'Doug. 1660. $498.92 Cash AND (0 PBR MONTH FOR 10 MI-IMTHH TVTT.T. BUT A SERIES I FRANKLIN TOURINO CAR. AN IDEAL WINTER CAR. A HIGH GRADE CAR AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICE. $263.34 Cash AND 126 PER MONTH FOR ,10 MONTHS WILL BUT A lll 4-OTL1N. PER STUDEBAKER TOURINO CAR. LIGHT AND ECONOMICAL. $256.52 Cash AND 138 PER- MONTH FOR 10 MONTHS WILL BUT A 1U 6-CYLIN-DER STUDEBAKER TOURINO CAR. NEWLY PAINTED, GOOD TIRES AND JN EXCELLENT UeCttaVPUWAU wn- v$306.40 Cash AND ISO PER MONTH FOR 10 MONTHS IS OUR SPECIAL WINTER TERMS ON 11 H;iUNWR Bivun BAKER TOURINO. PERFECT CON DITION. . $800.00 Cash AND 1120 PER MONTH FOR 10 MONTHS WILL BUT A SERIES II BIQ-8 STUDEBAKER TOURINO CAR, SLIGHTLY USED. JUST AS GOOD AS NEW. i $281.44 Cash ASP 110 PER MONTH FOR 10 MONTHS WILL BUT A 1111 l-CYLIN PER TWO-PASSENGER 8TUDEBAK. ER ROADSTER. COMPLETELY OVER HAULED AND JUST OUT OF PAINT SHOP. THIS 18 AN EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY. The Bonney-Yager Auto Co., ' ' STUDEBAKER DEALERS. $568 Farnam Street; Harney 171, AUTOMOBILES. Tires and Supplies. UH.Bi1.' TIRES DIRT CHEAP. ' . .. 0'. ti.00; lOxtVi. 15.00. All alia in proportion. Look over ...r?"1 aundaya Tyler lilt. eve w. i;n at. Keystone Tire Shop NEW TIRE TIABdiivs it Ann uii p-b SOiSU Flak. .111.86 I ttii in ii I ll ' 14x4 10.11 WHILE THEY LAST. 1711 Cuming. Repairing and Painting. RAIDIiTrvn rniTi niaTiTrm" Manufactured In Omaha, 14-hour eerr toe i for auto, truok and tractor.' Expert "" tenner repairing! ooy ' in"Ta! new renoera roaoe. OMAHA AITTO mmiTna vm vt 1111 Cuming St. Tyler lit. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY . ' Divrnmn Bargain! la aaad maobinea nooa, tna motorcycle man. Leavenworth Sta. MOTORCTCLEB Victor H- iTta ana Horses Live Stock. Vehicles. FOR SALB Three good work horeea, coal wagon and harneea. Priced for qutok ' 4T8T Hamilton. Wal. 4110. TEAM and harneaa. 1121. 1421 Cuming at We have the best line of used cirs in Oniaha. , Following is our list: ' MODEL 3 HUDSON SEDAN.' 11 ll DOPOB SEDANS. . ... 1191 OAKLAND COUPft .. 1 1111 BUICK COUPE. : 1 1I1I.DOD0B TOURINO. . 1 OUslnoblle I, touring. ' r MODEL i SUPER TOURINO, 11111 BUICK TOURINO. , If you are in the market call and KPft IIS. ' 8033 Farnam. Dong. 4S80. RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE YOURSELF ' " ' 13 CENTS PER MILE. YOU ARE COVERED BY TN8TJR- ANCE AGAINST LIABILITY RESULT 1NG from ACCIDENT. 10 NEW 1911 MODEL FOR CARS, FORD LIVERY CO., DOUO. 1051. 1S14 HOWARD. USED CARS HIS . OLDSMOBILTB ; ' 1915 STUDEBAKER ' 7-PASS. WINTON SIX ROBERTS MOTOR: CO., CLOSED CARS 1120 Chevrolet aedaa, new. . Hit False coupe. 1111 Ford sedan, -r 1118 Maxwell, winter top. 1117 Bulck coupe. MEEK8 ALTO CO.. FARNAM. $100 a wj.vv mitt r. n't mnalv YnrA maga recharged and guaranteed atronger than when new. Prlcea raaaoaablo. All work guaranteed. BAYSDORFER. 110 North 18th. FOR QUICK SALE 1111 Dodge Touring Car. lit fine con dition, enclosed top, heat Installed. Phone or call Sunday, T. Scovllle, 101 Morris Apt. WHAT have you to offer for a Runabout ' and a Sedan Auto; prefer peraonal property, diamond, chicken, feed, old lumber, brick, cement blocks, corn, po tatoes or anything raised on a farm. n - en mum . . VIJ PROMPT DELIVERY ON ALL MODELS NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRED D. a ROOERS, MGR. TYLER JTIT, 1407-31 Capitol Ave. STUDEBAKER Big 6. even-passengar touring; run TOO miles; never off tha aavement: just Ilka new; would eon- alder Ford sedan on trade; for a bar- gain call owner at coirax 4748 1 TO 6-TON WINTER CABS FOR TRUCKS NOW READY FOR IMME DIATE DELIVERY. WM. PFEIFFER AUTO A OARAGE WORKS. 1511 LEAVENWORTH ST. TYLER 701. RELIABLE automobile achool; beat alec trlcal and aelf-atartar courses; day and night ochool; coma now; free catalogue. National Automobile School, 1814 North Twentieth. Omaha. ' USED enra of exceptional value. GUY L.,SMITH, i Hi Farnam St. Dong. 1170. GARAGES I GARAGES I Tortabte garages, substantia and ornamental. Red 1657, 1211 Howard. FOBPS. BUICKS. DODGE, NEW AND USED CARS, FORD .BODIES. O ROl'KKE-GOLP8TROM AUTO CO., 1701 SOUTH 14TH ST. SOUTH 111. HAVE one new and one old Ford touring i ear. Must eell one or tha other. Caah or terms. 1S19 Wirt street. Phone Webster 438. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANT. 1530 Farnam Bl. . OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.. S3uo Farnam or. BARGAINS IN USED CARS, Mc-Caffrev Motor Co.. 18th and Jackson. Ford Agents. P. 1800. FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNT 5. Look for the Ted seal on wlndehiald. AUTOMOBILE electrical repatra; aarvtca atatton for Rayfield carburetora and Columbia atorage batteries. Edwarda WANTED For apot caah. 100 uaed care; quick action: no delay. Aoto Exchange Co., 2059 Farnam St. Doug. 6035. FOR SALE One eiRht-cyllnder Cadillac closed car. like new. Raoade's Garage, 1919 Farnam afreet. 4-CYLINDER Hudson sedan for $500.01. This Is a bargain. Nlttler-Rhump. las., 1114-16-18 Dodge St- FORD MARKET. 2230 Farnam. Caen. Time. Liberty Bonda FOR SALE One-ton Ford truck la good condition, with cab and ataka body. Phone Tyler 2918 or Pout. 1408. FOR SALE. A NEW ESSEX driven 400 miles, at a aae- rlfice. Harney 0058. GOOD USED CARS. OUT Ij. BMlTn. . BUtCK C-17, good condition. Run 11,010 ll tl. 1 Tin ibb, it i ou. n a. uwr Ag Cars for Hire. FORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR HIH Drive yourself, at very reasonable rleest no extras to pay. Nebraska iarrtoo Oaraga, 1IU aot Faraaaa, S. AtJTO EXCHANGE CO., 1051 Farnam St. In order to greatly reduce our i stock we are offering until the first f of the year only to sell our rebuilt used cars on a very liberal easy payment plan. . Our reputation is your best guarantee of square treatment and big value. ALLEN sedan, mod. 27, Ilka new.. 1975.00 DODGE touring, wlrs wheals 171.00 OAKLAND aenslbla six, 1118 mod.. new paint .,, 700.00 BUICK SIX roadatar, rafinlphed. all new tires i , 171.00 BUICK SIX touring, HIT, new paint 810.00 WILLT8-KNIGHT touring, 1917..., T00.00 WILLYS-KNIGHT roadster, 1917, I wire wheels 750.00 HUPMOBILS touring, lilt 400.00 ALLEN touring, mod. 37, repainted 450.00 VKLIE SIX touring, 1917,...,.... 800.00 PULLMAN touring, HIT.... 100.00 MITCHELL light sis touring. 1111, like new TIO.OO LIBERTY SIX touring, HIT. wlra wheels TIO.OO BUICK FOUR touring. CIS 400.00 MAXWELL touring, 1917, new paint 800.00 HUDSON 1-40 touring, refinlshed.. 850.00 HUDSON Super Six touring, HIT. Bargain HUDSON Sunar Six anaedatar. like new ..Bargain HUDSON Super Six coupe, 1917 Cbaap CADILLAC Eight, 4-paseenger, mod. iit gypsy top...... Reasonable If you are dissatisfied with your old car, trade it to us for one you can pse.- LIBERTY BONDS TAKEN AT FACE VALUE. ' OPEN SUNDAYS 10 TILL 1. AUTO EXCHANGE CO., , 1051 Farnam Street. POULTRY AMD PET STOCK. LOOK out for roue: don't take chances with any cold In your flook, atop it oeiora it can develop into an epidemic and cauao you untold loaa; quarantine affected birds at ones and give them, aa well as tha rest of the flock, Pratts Roup Remedy; by promptly adding It to iite uriniting water it may save you hours of labor and dollars of loss; winter brlnga high prlcea for eggs; get more egga tbla winter, make your flock mors profitable; una a good egg maeb, acratch gralna, greens, with Pratts Poultry Regulator added to tha mash every day; It la guarantead to Inereaaa tha agg yield, therefore adda to your earnings; "Your Money Back If You Are Not Satisfied;" sold by first class ueaiera averywnera Da delivered, 101 North 16ta St. vrasner. Douglas 1149. A. W. FAT spring chickens, iha lb.; young geese, lOo lb. Colfax 2484. 4910 North Twsn-ty-flfth atreet. FOR SALE An English bull pup. milt, i months old. 1100. Harney 0911. CHOICE canaries for sale. 8729. Call Harney ONE black Minorca rooster; thoroughbred. Walnut 1308. PERSONAL. MADAM ZISKA Spiritualist medium Services every Sunday at 8 p. m. at Lyric hall, 19th and Farnam Sts. Ev ery Tuesday at I d. m.. 1301 S. 25th St Spiritual advice given every Thursday ana rriaay, a a. m. to 7 p. m. at 1TS7 Park Ave. Special eervioea Friday, Nov. 2th. 1 p. ro., at Huber Hall. Council siuiia, THE SALVATION "Army Induatrlal noma aoucite your old clothing, furniture, magasinea. Wa collect Wo distribute. Phona Doug. 4111 and our wagon will call. . Call and Inspect our new home. H1P-UH-1U4 poage street. WILL SAMUEL COHEN Efficiency ox pert, hardware business, please communicate at onco wlto Bul- lard ft Oormley Co., Chtcago. t WILL not be responsible for any debta of my wife, Marie Sutton, alter tnis aate. Marley B. Button. MONEY TO LOAN. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. ' Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock, 1514 Dodge. D. 5819. Es.1194. FARMS and city loana. S, H. LOUGEB. INC. ;i Keenne mug. COMMERCIAL GUIDE. Attorneys. w FISHEIe. H., 1418 First Nat. Bank Bldg. V. 19. Attorney ana counsellor at law. Automobiles. t'CAFFREY MOTOR CO., 10th and How ard. Doug. 8500. Ford ears and re. palra Authorised agenta for Ford care. Auto Painting. ROESSIO. W. F., 144 8. 40th. Har. TUT. We make old autos look llko new ones. Auto Repairs. AMERICAN MACHINE ' WORKS, " 110 8. litn Bt, Douglas 4!8i. patents o veloped. Modela, toola and dlea made. IF YOU ARB LOOK1NO FOR SOME EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN USED CARS DO NOT FAIL TO LOOK AT THESE: 1 1111 Stephens Touring. 2 HIT Stephens Touring. 11911 Maxwell Roadster. , 1 Hit Maxwell Sedan. . 1 HlT.WUIya Six. IT WILL BE WORTH TOUR WHILE TO EXAMINE THE CARS WS OFFER THIS WEEK. MID-CITT MOTOR AND SUPPLY CO., H18-1I Farnam 81, , Phono Tyler 1481. , When looking for that USED CAR Don't Forget That At GUY L. SMITH'S 1681 Farnam Street, Ton Can Find A Choice That For Quality and Price Cannot Bo Ex celled. HUDSON SUPER-SIX Touring Car. HUDSON s SUPER-SIX ESSEX TOURING CAR Overhauled and Refinlshed. With , Same Guaranteo aa New Car. Bnlck Touring Car. Ford Touring Car. Overland Roadster. Mellne-Knlgbt Touring Car. Willys-Knight Special. Crow Elkhart Sedan. HUDSON SIX-40 Wo Invito Tour Inspection of Any of the Above Modela ' DOUGLAS 1170. GUY L. SMITH, , "Service First." 1688 Farnam Street. Several Good Closed Cars For Winter Driving 1918 OAKLAND COUPE. Hit OAKLAND SEDAN. 1111 OAKLAND SEDAN. Hit TORD SEDAN. All first class, also 40 open cars. MARSH OAKLAND CO., I0tk and Haraey. Doug, till Auto Tires. TWO-IN-ONB VULCANIZING CO., Davenport St. Douglas 2118. Tiie Banks. AMERICAN STATE BANK, 18th and Far nam Wead Block. Phone Tyler 80. Baggage and Transfer. OMAHA TRANSFER COMPANT "THE ONL.Y WAY." Telephone Doug. 298. 14th and Jackson. Bojlcr Manufacturers. DRAKE, WILLIAMS MOUNT CO., 28d and Hickory. D. 1041. Mfrs. of boilers, tanks, smokestacks, oxy-acetyleno weld. Butter (Wholesale) '. . Ul V'W.a AaM'-- Te AAVU St. Doug. 1903. W. W. Richardson, Prea ALFALFA BUTTER CO., Cement Products. OMAHA CONCRETE STONE COMPANY. 28th Ave, and Sahlor St. Colfax 888. Cash Registers. MO'RRiL "CASH AND CREDIT ftEGia- TER Bldg. CO., 119-211 Doug. 4403. City Nat'l . Bank E. W. Hart. Prea. Chiropractors. foWTEifi' lN OMAHA;" fired out of Continental BIH.; new location, 494-496 Rrandela Th. ter. D. 8181. CAMPBELL. DR, Surgeon, 1804 Farnam St Pldg. Dr.. L. N. Carpen- Doctors. S. M., JPhysicIan and Douglas ljlO. Electrolysis, t 'SUPERFLUOUS hair removed by" oleotrlo- lty, needle work guaranteed. Miss Allen der, 408 Barker Blk. ' Electrical Goods. LE BRON ELECTRICAL WORKS, lit 8. 12th. Douglaa 2176. Largest eleo trlcal repair works and contracting coaa- pany ine mioqio west. Engineers, Consulting & Supervising ANDERSON BENNETT. 424 Bea Bldg, Douglas 1410. Heating, ventilating and power plants. Engineers and draftameiy. Ice Machines. BAKER ICE MACHINE CO. ' 1 9th and Nicholas. J. L. Baker. Prea Hardware PETERSON & MICHELSON HARDWARE CO., 4918-18 8. 24th St. Phone South 171. South Side. NEBRASKA AND SYRACUSE MEET ON TURKEY DAY East and West Clsah at Lincoln Commadns JU- . tention of Foot - Ball Fans. By KARL LEE. Commanding the attention of foot ball fans, both east and west, tbe Nebraska-Syracuse, grid contest at Lincoln on Thanksgiving day, Thurs day, 1 is ranked universally as the greatest foot ball battle, staged west of the Mississippi river.' That the New Yorkers, rated, 9 a result ot their decisive victories over Pittsburgh and Colgate, as the champions of the east, were defeated decisively, 12 to 0 by Coach Miehm's Indiana eleven at Blooming-ton Satuday, only serves to increase the interest. The Hoosiera, beaten by Minne sota and Chicago, are rated as a second-rate eleven in the western conference and the west. Hence a victory over the admitted eastern champions, admits, on us tace, tne supenorty of western foot ball. The tiusker game will decide. ' Come Back Strong. The Nebraskan eleven, taken back by two defeats by major teams, these by Notre Dame and Iowa, has come away at. the close of the season with a fast, oowerful team, perhaps as good as any that ever represented the state university. Coach Schulta believes that in bis combination, with Newman at quar ter, Dale at fullback and Captain Dobson and Schellenburg at half backs, he has as powerful a team as there is in tne country, so Syracuse will find the Cornhuskers a hard article. Head Coach O'Niell, deeming the Indiana conflict a mere "practice game" was not present. He. ac cording to plans announced with the departure of the New Yorkers for uioomineton. mtenaea to join nis men at Chicago, coming into Omaha with them tomorrow. ' Will Stay in Omaha. Reallzinsr that the mettle of his team will be put to a test and that eastern foot ball will be matched with western foot ball, there is little doubt in Nebraska circles, but that th New York coach will be pre pared for the hardest game jn his experience. The easterners will remain m Omaha four days starting Monday, and will have daily scrimmages at Rourk park. Their headquarters will be at the Hotel Fontenelle. Omaha grid followers will have the unique opportunity of watching a thoroughly eastern combination in the process of training, unless the Syracuse coacn Dars oiner imn m timate friends. Syracuse, according to the figures, outweighs Nebraska about six pounds to the man. The Syracuse line, with Alexander and Segal, all- Amerjcan men, at guard and tackle, is the cream of the east. Likewise the Husker line, though not so heavy, is said to be the best in the west. Heavy Seat Sale. In the ' backfield, due to the fact that a sufficient campanson cannot be found, the two teams no doubt differ, one beingr better than the Other. Captain Dobson, right half back for the.Huskers, is the peer of punters n the Missouri valley. Schellenberg is one of the fastest runners in the west Ackley, Syracuse quarterback, aside from being an all-American quarter, is probably the fastest pilot in the entire country. On him, so advance notices say, rests the credit for many of the Syra cuse victories and particularly those over Pittsburgh and Colgate. At Lincoln, where the battle will be staged, great preparations, have been in progress. The athletic of fice Saturday morning announced that a heavy seat sale bad been made though unable to give figures. A crowd of 15,000 persons is antici pated. Likely Prospect Now Playing Foot Ball on Creighton High Team ) L 3p lr'MX Kt lf Mid-West Bowling C. J. Cain tCIIKDl'LK FOR TONIGHT. tlva-Man Cveat. f Af i Ks otse W i' Dry Goods. BYRNE & HAMMER DRY GOODS CO., 8th and Howard Sts. Douglas 208. Cloaks, suits, ladles' and men's furnishings, art goods, millinery and draperies; all kinds of fancy and staple Dry Goods. Foundries (Iron and Brass). PAXTON-MITCHELL CO., 2614 Martha at Harney 1661. Machine, gray iron, brass. oronze ana aluminum castings. OLSEN A SCHLINGER, 1407 Jackaon; D. 7491. Brass, bronia and aluminum cast-tnrs. FORD TRANSFER CO., Tyler 8. 817 Douglas SL Alwaya at your service." Live Stock Commission. ROSENSTOCK BROS 128 Exchange Bldg., Omaha. Stockeri and feeders our specialty. Mirrors and Resilvering. OMAHA MIRROR AND ART GLASS CO Douglaa 8825. 1614 Cuming St. Patent Attorneys. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. In ternt'l. Patent Co., 683 Brandeis. D. 1691, Packers. CUDAHY PACKING CO. ' South 2340. South Omaha.' Pleating and Buttons. VAN ARNAXTS 'DRESS PLEATING, ' HEMSTITCHING AND BUTTON CO., D. 3109. Rms. 412-17. Paxton Blk., 3d floor. Printers' Supplies. BARNHART BROS, & SPINDLER. 11U Douglas 1076. Printers' Howard St. supplies. OMAHA PRINTING CO.. 13th and Far nara. Douglaa 346. Printing, stationery and office furniture. . DOUGLAS PRINTING CO., 109-11 N. 18th. Douglas 644. Fine commercial printing. EDDY PRINTING CO., 822 Bea Bldg. Douglas 8647. Fine commercial printing. Paints, Oils and Glass. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO. 470. 1809H Farnam St. Douglas Tank Manufacturers. NEBRASKA & IOWA STEEL TANK CO., 1801 Williams Ave. Webster 278. Stationery and Supplies. THtY OMAHA STATIONERY CO.. THI," 30T. 809 S. Seventeenth. Douglaa 806. Office, typewriter, architects' and engineers supplies. Loose-leaf devices. Undertakers. HULSE A RIEPEN. 701 8. 18th. D. 1226. Undertakers and embalmera. Personal attention given to all calls and funerals. HEAFEY HEAFEY. 2611 Farnam. Har. nay 161. Undertakers and ambelmcrs. CROSBY, JPILLIS C. lUl-ll K. 14th St fbeas Wabatar 4J, Omaha Crowd to St. Paul , Fight Has Great, Time The following telegram received yesterday by The Bee signed by Martv O'Toole. T. A. C Kennedy and Edward Peterson shows that the Omaha crowd to St Paul certainly en loved itself. It sneaks for itself: "The Omaha delegation who at tended the Gibbons-O'Dowd fight at St. Paul last night desire to ex- gress through the columns of The ee the sincere sppreciation and 100 per cent efficiency displayed by Gene Melady, America's premier sports man, for the splendid arrangements and details on the special train to this city. N ... "The Gibbons-O'Dowd fight will go down in pugilistic history as one of the preatest events of modern times and we would all walk through the hot sands barefooted for 10 miles if we could see another show of such a sensational character. "This telegram is sent to express to the citizens of Omaha that Melady is the greatest asset from a publicity and representation stand point in our midst and we feel it simply, as a sense of gratitude and appreciation that we want the peo ple in our section to know that we have such a live wire." Lafayette Wins Out. Bethlehem, Pa., Nov. 22. Lafay ette came from behind in the final period and defeated Lehigh in their annual gridiron battle, 10 to 6. When the fourth period began the score stood 6 to 3 in favor of Le high. Then the Easton eleven staged a dazzling running and aerial attack which culminated in Dumoe crossing the Lehigh goal line a few minutes before the game ended. Weldon kicked the goal- TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. John Gillin, jr., is a likely' pros Pjfct for fast foot ball, Gillin plays end for thei Ak-Sar-Ben Kpighta Juniors and is known as one of the best foot ball players in his set, John jr., is 14 years old. He is a first year student at Creighton high school. At school he is star half back on the First High B team, Gillin as end for the Ak-SarBen team is called back often to carry the ball. In that department he is especially proficient. Gillin runs well and according to word about Lreighton gymnasium can be nicked out of a field of 20 or 30 runners. 60:Yard Dash Gives , Wisconsin Victory Over Chicago Eleven , Chicago, Nov. 22. A brilliant 60 yard dash by Allen Davey, who en tered the game as substitute quar terback in the last three minutes of play, gave Wisconsin a 10 to 3 vic tory over Chicago before 26,000 per sons. Davey squirmed through the entire Chicago team for the touch down. , Both teams had scored field goals from the 25-yard lines during the first half, and until the closing min utes, the struggle gave every indi cation of ending in a 3 to 3 tie. Then, almost before the big crowd real iated what had happened, Davey caught a Chicago punt on Wiscon sin's 40-yard line, and shaking off at least seven tacklers, sped across Chicago's goal. Both Chicago and Wisconsin lost chances to score touchdowns earlier in the game. In the first period a 40-yard pass from Barr to Meyers brought the ball within 10 yards of Chicago's goal. The Badgers smashed into within, six inches of the line only to lose- the ball on downs. . Qicaga got within a yard of the Wisconsin goal only to lose the ball after four drives at the line faded. , - ' Syracuse Man Wins . Intercollegiate Run FOR SALE. Eclipse gas stove for sale. Good condition, In use one year. Call Walnut 8060. COMMERCIAL GUIDE. Tin and Sheet Metal Works. CARTER SHEET METAL CO.. 108-10-11 S. 10th BL Douglaa 801. Skylights, stesl ceilings and galvanised sheets. Council Bluffs Directory. Coal and Ice. asu 1110. "Catajsrs Is beat saA ?3Ufc laoUawi siiaUa New York. Nov. 22,-John Sim mons of Syracuse university, won the inter-eolletiate individual erossr country championship over the sixr mile course at Van Cortlandt park from a field of 74 starters. His time was 32 minutes, 55 4-5 seconds, ( W, K. McMahon of th Massa ehusetts I. T. finished second; Rob' ertCrawford, Lafayette, third; T. C. MeDermott,, Cornell, fourthj Louis G. Watson, Syracuse, fifth, i The team championship was won by Syracuse with 49 points. Prince ton was second with 69 and Cornell third with 87. Tha other teams' scores were: Pennsylvania, 117; Yale, 119; Colum bia, 176; Lafayette, 179; Massachu setts Institute of Technology, 182; n.. ...U mi. n.nnrit 511 mtlA JV1 IIIIUUMI, -,. City College of New York, 336. None ot the entrants from Penn State, Colby, Maine or Rutgers took part in the contest. ... Simmons won the national junior championship over the same course two weeks ago and when he finished in front today his time was just five seconds faster than in the junior event. . Thomas Campbell, who formerly reoresented the University of Chi cago and holds the national half mile outdoor title, ran on the Yale university team in the freshmen's three-mile cross-country run, which preceded the big event and won by fully 400 yards in 16:07. Richman of Cornell was second, Head of Penn sylvania third, and Ward of Cornell fourth. Cornell won the' team hon ors with 27 points, Yale had 41, Columbia 80, and Pennsylvania 86, Michigan Almost Helpless Before Minnesota Team Ann Arbor, Mich., Nov. 22. Michigan was virtually helpless be fore the powerful line plunges of Minnesota and wound up a disas trous foot ball season with a 34 to 7 defeat at the hands of the Gophers. The Wolverines were completely outclassed. Minnesota rippNed open the Michi gan defense at the very beginning of the game, putting over a touch down within a few minutes after play began. Two touchdowns were counted by the Gophers in the first period, In the third they swept across the field with little difficulty for another touchdown and added two more in the final period by con tinuing their smashes through the Michigan line, Michigan's touchdown resulted from a rather flukey play in the third period. Alley No. 1 White tide, Watarloo, A E. Jchnaon, captain. Alley No. S Lane's Stare, LeMars, U van urn aietg, captain. Alley No. 4 Cobb Shoe Co,, St. Joe, W, R. Cobb, captain. Alley No. I .Ellla Holland Insurance Ca, Das Moines, M, E. Cowley, captain. Alley No. s B. ds B. Auto Co., Kama wny. arena ium. captain. Alley No. 7 Minnesota Tant A Awning vs.. mu raui, j. n. narsnnerger, captain. Alley No. I Hotel Fort Des Moines, D Moines, Ray Conley, captain. Alley No. I Vlcl. Dubuuue. J. Lorena. capiam. Shooting in the second squad of teams last night, the fast bt. Francis hotel team of St. Paul piled up the grand total of 2.936. takinsr the lead position among the large number of strong visiting teams who occupied the runways. Starting with a strong 996 team, the northerners kept up aL.' , ! . e . i . . ineir onsiaugni 01 tne pins anrj 101 lowed up with 958 and 982, a splen did exhibition of consistent rolling. Twenty-four visiting teams occu pied the runways. In the first squad the Schuyler, Neb. team topped the list with a 2,732 count. The Premiums team of Ft. Dodge topped tne last squad witn i.Wl. Commencing at 7 this morning the doubles and singles events ol these teams will be rolled. Several ex-champions and best cracks of the game will be seen in action in two-men and Individual contests Every man on the St Francis team is a star and the players on the Franson and Lane of St. Paul team are the same who won the world's championship at Cincinnati in 1918, rolling under the name of Aquilas Cigars. There are several St. Louis stars, chief ar. "ar them beinsr Otto atein jr., v defeated Jimmy Smith of Mi -iikce, the peer of all bowlers, l:i n special match of thirty ga ..e on St. Louis drives, Kansas City, St. Joe, Sioux City, Fremont, Schuyler and Fort Dodge stars will also appear in today's schedule. Tonight another flock of visiting teams will rou. i earns tram uts Moines, St. Joe, St. Paul. Dubuque, Kansas City, LeMars and Waterloo are scheduled to anoear. The annual open meeting of the association will be held this after noon at 2. The year's business will be transacted, including the election of omcers and the awarding of the tournament for next season. St Louis has already commenced an active campaign to land it. Kansas City will be in the field to oppose the Mound City delegation. The sentiment upon the choice of cities is evenly divided, so a lively ses sion is expected to take place. The meeting is open to all, Bowling Notes. Wooster Lambert, multimillion aire of St Louis, is here with his team which bears his name. Not only doei he travel with them, he is one ot tne best on this all-star lineup. He is just out of the army, where he held av commission in the aviation corps, being one of Uncle bam s observers and moving pic ture photographers. He is a bug on the operating end of motion pictures to such an extent that he possesses and operates his own personal outfit. tie is just as much ot a powjing bug, always a staunch supporter and active participant of the game. His team attends all tournaments and al ways give a good account of them selves. Healy, who rolled with the Woos ter Lamberts of St. Louis last night, and rolls in the singles and doubles today, is one of the world's best swimmers. Two years ago he won the championship of the United States in plunging and fourth place in the world's championship con' tests. For a Jong time he was the national champion in this style with out a competitor for. several years. He was also the crack goal keeper for the all-star Chicago Athletic club water polo team for several seasons. He is also a bowler of no mean re pute, enjoying the same supremacy on the runways as in the water. "Dinty" Sweeney arrived with the pomp and ceremony usually dis played when he enters a city. Just to start things off right he hopped right into the lead of the individuals with a 531 count, the first time he has ever enjoyed such supremacy. (Note: There had been noyother singles rolled when he chalked up this record score, his being the first on the schedule.) The Frankson & Lane team of St. Paul, which rolled in the live-man event last night and are shooting their doubles and singles today, are ex-world's champions, having won the title in the A, B. C, tournament held in Cincinnati in 1918. On the team are Harry Muggley, A. John son, Q, Pascher, C. Dech and Gil- oertson, ' . The International Bowling asso ciation sent a special representative to be present at today's annual meet ing of the Middle West association. He is here with a special invitation to the middlt west rollers to parti cipate in their "big annual tourna ment which is to be held in St. Paul, commencing February 6. They could choose no better personage to represent them than their popular secretary. Fred Gronewald. He will present the bowlers with a thousand reasops why they should come to the northern meet and his best argu ment will be the presence of eight Twin City teams, five of them from St. Paul, on the schedule. He will have no trouble winning the argu ment, as the I. B. A. has always been good supporters of the Middle West association, especially this sea son, with their eight-team entry. The scores: Standing of Teams. . St Francis Hotel. St. Paul 1,088 St. Paul Athletic, Club, St Paul 3,788 Martin Fellhauera, St. Louis ........1.740 Puritan Flour, Schuyler 2,731 H. C. Menne. 8t. Louis 2.722 Premium, Fort Dodge .3,691 Lowe A Campbells, Kansas City 3,878 Duley Meats, St, Paul ,.1,670 Schmidt's Malta, St. Paul ....,,.,,,1,887 B...I.... ,i v a Yi .. ..I . c. r r.iinMi iy. jj ob, . it'll t ,,,,,, ,4,DI. Skinner Packing Co., Omaha,, 3,801 YESTERDAY'S TOVBIBY KEStJLTB. Mavericks, I SiTnthln Speelals. Schuyler. Nob. Ml. IauIs. B. Bchmid 411 H. E. Orubh 818 f. Daniels 418 W. A. Waters... 448 Doane Easily Wins : From Central, 35-0; ' Play on Muddy field Crete, Neb., Nov. 22. (Special Telegram.)--Tlie Doane Tigers play ing their last conference game of the season here, defeated Central VViivV v f w KJ Ve 41V 0 fa I IV) was listless due to the muddy field and about the only sensations were the five forward passes completed by Doane for a total of over 50 yards. Three of the touchdowns were made by Anderson, the Doane riffht end. from forward oasset. The first touchdown was made in the V IJ til'1 Wa l"W fVVVHV aMCal tv . ' Pierce. Smaha made another in the same quarter, Anderson made two in the third and one in the fourth quarter. Mains kicked each goal. Doane made nine first downs and central, 2. The lineup: ' DOANB. Kember L. B Case L. T Klile-8ukavaty.....L. O Johnston .......... ..C. , . Aller-Oross-Taylor.R. O. . Cory R. T, . King-Anderson ..R. K.. Mains L. II., Pierce ,,..R, H., Smaha-Buck F. B.. Piatt-Barmore Q B. . Otdclals; Mlckle, referee; Bityar, plre; Uray, head linesman. CENTRAL ..... Sullivan , , . .R Hanson ....If. Moor Sohula , . . . . Petror ... .E Han. oil Kvana . . Waggoner . ...K. Moore ...O. Hattion Myers , um- O. Smith D. Francis . . . . O. W. Werts.. 441 481 800 O. Kohana B. Helbert J. nay 81 658 Totals 2617 Cyana Cigars, Sioux Cltv. la. C. Lindqufat 888 488 481 814 621 Wm. MeDermott. R. Berg , ... K, Anderson...,, ft. Buchanan.,.. Total ,...144) Foster Claara. . City, la. 801 Totals ttMl H. C. Manns, St. Louis. V, Scblapprlsalo. Ill E. J. Mueller... 171 H. C. Menne.,., 411 F. Bangert 660 W. C. Helm,.... 621 Totals 1722 Puritan Fiona, Schuyler. Nob. O. Van Housen. 612 Muehllch 638 Mcintosh.... 681 M. Van Housen. 161 R. Van Houaen. 184 Totals 2712 Sweeney's Specials, fit. Louis. I J. Dunne 65 D. J. Sweeney.. 496 C. M. Hoptman. 618 F. Beye teHOIbbona 546 O. Durbln 413iJeuhiD8on ...... 461 Totals ...... ,24111 totals ....... .311 Sioux F. Gary S. Anderson,,,,. 614 R. B, Eldrldgs.. 427 D, Robinson, .... 477 R. Hoberf...,,,. 41? Totals ,, 2411 Board of Trade, Sioux City. Ia. Buckles 468 Mullane? 468 Flannlgaa , 475 St, Francis Hotel, St. Paul. Minn. E. Matah 681 H. Van Hover.. 612 Rlchsteln.1... 628 r, 4iuubivii, , Bjmjiueiit S1 T. Hawkins.,,,, fW Waldecker 68? W. Metcalt, 618 Totals i.1136 Martin Fellhauera, St. Louis. Mo. C. Hippo 617 IsH. Schafer...,,. 888 H. Meinhardt... 169 P. Pitts 609 B. Meinhardt... 668' Totals 2740 Duley Meats, St. Paul. Minn. H. Larsen. ... , , , 6691 J. Thomson.,.,, 446 M. Mestsr 661 Rosenqulst, . . 686 Btokke 7I Total 1170 Stein Jrs, St. Louis. Mo. , Friendly 416 C. R. Sten...,,, 438 Otto Stein Jr.,,. 678 Benin 4s Q. Bchln ,,. 608 Totals ........2481 Premiums. Ft. Dedas. Ia. R. F. Colwell...647l J. Kenn an W. J. Banner... 107 M. T. Stalner...616i Ed Kehn 154 Total ' ...... il8ll Buffalo. St. Jot. Ms. T. F. Turner.,,, 410 m, raikentacn..4zz K. LiDbe R. Wooster Lamberts, St. Louis, Mo. Meyer ,,,,, 628 Lambert 625 Hoeno 481 Healy 4T Totals ........1648 Lows M Campbell. Kansas' City, Mo. Portinan 615 Franklin 680 Davied ......... 613 Haddock 613 Pebby; .......... 668 Totals ..,.1671 Schmidt's Malta, St. Paul, Mian. H. Martin Jr 611 U. Lugar,. 618 0. Vsndortunk, . , 514 H. Martin Sr.... 684 Hi Dornfeld.... 488 Totals 2617 St. Paul Athletic, St. Paul. Mian. F. Monae, 418 Holllday s 87 Welden 520 Locheed 692 Gehaman 681 Totals .........2783 Kelly-Reppert, Kanaaa City. Mo. T. V. Hidden.... 418 a. C. Lows...... 486 E, M. Hall 464 Dr. Everett ....624 Alva Morrow.... 548 Total .... .262 Marr-Heln. Fermont, Nob. R. Chapcell 466 J, punno 404 B, Hammond -.. .471 Bertram ....448IH. Human 421 Q. Falkenbach.,.646!U Taylor ,.,,,..440 Total 236 Total ,.2218 Franklin Lane. I Midland Pkg. Ct. St. Paul. Mian. Sioux Citv. Ia. H. Muggly 667 J. Hafstrom ..,,662 A. Johnson ...... 470IO. Fritchstt .....627 Paschln Dech . . GITbartnon ..541 ..610 ..6261 Total I8J3 Bonln Clothiers, frontons, sec, N, Bogen ....... 503 H. liruggeman ,,491 J. Bruggeman ...417 Total .2471 F. Middaugh ,,.,644lrT, Duran wrignt 484 Campbell ....613 C. Douglas .,,..413 L. Hammond ...620 Klettk. St Joe, Mo. Total ,2674 F. Zerbst . . . C, Muehlen. backer ..... W. Hardeety S. Denforth . Total .488 ...620 ...471 ...441 ...562 ..2891 Claa Gordon. Won. Loat. Tam O" Shanters 6 4 Kilties 6 4 Pet. .665 .655 .444 Ml Navy Gridiron Team May Play Nebraska; Big 1920 Schedule Gilmore Dobie's United States Naval eleven and the Nebraska Cornhuskers will meet next year in foot ball if plans at Lincoln do not go astray. Coach Schulte has forwarded a tentative schedule, according to cus tom, in which the Navy, Syracuse, Notre Dame and the Michigan Ag gies are headliners. J The Huskers, according to this outline, will meet Washburn in the first game. The Iowa game will be played at Omaha if it can be so arranged. Cross-Country Run Won By Ames With 38 Points Columbus, O., Nov. 22. Ames university took first place in the an nual western conference ' cross country run held at Ohio State uni versity prior to the Ohio State Illinois football frame. Ames had a total of thirty-eight points. The Other teams finished as follows: Wisconsin, seeond; Purdue, third; Minnesota, fourth; Ohio State, fifth; Michigan, sixth; Illinois, seventh; Chicago, eighth; Oberiin, ninth, and Cincinnati tenth. To Meet Jaokies. Washington. Nov. 22.The Hamp ton Roads training station foot ball team having defeated the Newport, R. I., station at Norfolk, 25 to 6. will meet the jackies of the U. S. S. Pennsylvania here Thanksgiving day for the championship of the Atkntic fleet. Tendler Defeats Pitts. Philadelphia. Nov. 22. Lew Tendler of Phiadelphia defeated Charles Pitts of Australia in a six round bout here. Tendler had the advantage of every round. Sie Wan. Ada. bling remits, University of Oklahoma Defeats Kansas Aggies Manhattan, Kan., Nov. 22. -In a game featured by a number of long runs by members of both teams, the University of Oklahoma eleven defeated the Kansas Agricultural college team, 14 to 3. The only score for the local team came in the third period when Hus ton placed a drop kick from the 23 yard line. Extra Period Contests in Basket Bali League Games Last night scores: - . Montclariei 16; Minne Lusa 14. . Bemis Parks 18; Norwoods 14. Fontenelles 20; Morningsides 18. Glendales 22; KounUe Parks 7. Two extra period contests wre the outstanding features in the pre seacoft basket ball league last night at the Young Men's Christian as sociation and both were marked by some fast and snappy playing, throughout. In the opening game, the Mont clairet won from the Minne Lusa quintet by the score of 16 to 14 and the Fontenelles again sprung a sur prise when they defeated the Morn ihgiide S by a 20 to 18 score. Klep ser and Usher, forwards for the Montclaires, were mainly responsi ble for the victory accomplished by that quintet, as they made 12 of the 16 points. The score was 14 up at the close of the second period. Both Klepser and Usher figured in the final basket for the victors, although Usher shot the goal from practically the center of the floor. The Minne Luia quintet threatened to even-up the icora with but a few seconds to go, when Adams shot the ball for the basket, but the ball refused to'go in, rolling around several times and) then dropped to the floor. r The Fontenelles, by winning from the Morningsides, won their fourth consecutive game. Calvert, right forward, proved the hero for nis quintet when he shot the winning goal on a "dead run," the ball drop ping in the basket just as time was called for the extra period. Had. he missed, it was to have meant anoth er extra five minutes. By the score of 18 to 14 the Bemis Parks won from the Norwoods and the closing game of the evening was won by the Glendales from he KounUe Parks 22 to 7. Northwestern Outplayed' s' By Rutgers, 28 to 0 Newark, Nov 22. Rutgers van quished Northwestern 28 to 0, in an inter-sectional clash." The Jersey men got the jump on their oppon ents, when the westerners opened witp. forward passes and .trench ot Rqtgers intercepted one at midfield. Rutgers soon pushed the ball over. Rutgers kept scoring in every pe" riod thereafter except the fourth. Northwestern defense was weak On one occasion and French ran through for eighty yards to a touch down. - ' Rklov'e KirL-inn Wins fnr iivivj w iiivnin ii iv war Indiana Against Syracuse Bloomington, Ind., Nov. 22. , Splendid forward passing and the 1 ! e T. , , . 3 YJ KicKing oi rusiey resulted in inaiana University defeating the Syracuse football eleven here, 12 to 6. The Indiana team counted nine points in the first period. - Syracuse showed up belt in .the final period, when it scored on suc cessful forward passes. The visitors displayed a strong of fensive in the final minutes. It was the only inter-sectional contest 'for Indiana this season. Jimmy Wilde Arrives. ' Chicago, Nov. 22. Jimmy Wilde, English flyweight champion of the world, arrived from New York and will train here for a few days before going to Milwaukee, 'where he will meet Jack Sharkey, the New York bantam on December 6. Wilde an nounced, that he was confident of victory. . " r .Sy.r --y:. TTTT il Jnat Completed This Beaatlfnl SU-room Modern Home. In Popoleton Psrk. consttuetsb ot hollow wall tile and stucco, by day labor, with the bast ot material throughout Has a poured concrete , foundation with full cemented cellar; a laundry room, coal bins and an . 1x16 ft cyclone-proof fruit and vegetable cellar. First floor has a larsts living room, dining room with all built-in fea tures: these rooms finished in birch mahogany, and kitchen and break- : fast room. Second floor has three bedrooms and bath with best of bath fixtures, linen closet, three clothes closet and a specially built closet for mops and brooms. House is floored with select narrow oak flooring throughout. Is wired with wall sockets for Vacuum sweeper, floor lamps and electric Iron. Haa floored attic; hot water heat, brick fireplace in living room and coat closet also. Has a garage built In connection with house. Is the last word In modern construction. Must be seen to be appreciated. Key at house any time. Location; 31 NORTH 4SRD STREET. WALNUT M7e.