Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 22, 1919, Page 17, Image 17

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N HOVKRDSTKpTBETwEEN , 15th and 16th
Mi 1
BOWflft ? 1
. ' 1
Curtains of
Real Value
Marked for Saturday selling at prices you will readily
appreciate as being exceptionally low. When we tell you
that they are being sold at less than the wholesale price of
today you will realize that they are QUALITY merchan
dise at Typical Bo wen Value-Giving Prices.
You Must Be Satisfied
Lace Curtain I Portiers
; We, have left over from our last
curtain sale several pairs of cur
tains in one and two pair lots
to close out at -from $6.00 to 50c
per pair worth up to $15.00 per
pair. . (
. Extra Large size curtain In
White Nottingham Plain Center
with pretty border. A Real Val
ue at $2.95. per pair.
Filet Net curtains in Ecru
color 21a yards long with scal
loped edge plain band border at
$4.25 per pair.
. Plain hem stitched marqul
. sette curtains in white ecru and
g cream colors 2Vs yds. long, good
quality, at $1.95 per pair.
Green and Brown Tapestry
Portieres1, very pretty designs,
yards long, 45 inches wide at
from 15.00 to 8.00 per pair.
Extra Special
Plain Filet Net Curtains 2
yds. long, small bind border in
Cream Ecru and White. A
Wonderful Value for only $3.95
per pair.
Small all over patterns with
Scroll and Band border. Good
quality Filet net curtains in
Ecru and White, only per pair,
Table Covers
French velour, Silk Damask, a
and Tapestry table and pillow I
covers all sizes from 15.00 down 1
to 2.50 each.
I Make Your Own Lamp Shades
' Make your own silk shade for the new.lamp or as a gift to your
friend for Christmas. A complete line of plain and figured. Silks,
Braids, Tassels, Fringes 'and all styles of wire frames.
. If you wish to make your shade at our store we have a competent
Instructor and work tables at your disposal without any cost to yoUi
Come in and select your material and make yourself at home while
making your shade.
I I "' ii " II i ' I I .
A Few Odd Pieces
H A few odd pieces selected at Bowen's will add charm to any home 1
fj your home. We have a number" of beautiful odd pieces in ail period 1
g designs at prices you'll readily appreciate. You may rest assured that B
H at the Greater Bowen store" you receive dollar for dollar Value. g
H Mahogany Queen Anne design Chair, Tapestry overstuffed a most jj
1 excellant value ...$39.50 B
1 H
j Brown Mahogany Sofa cane back and ends, blue, brown or mulberry 1
upholstering as low as $120.00 1
B . 1
Mahogany or pak Library Tables Real Values that can not be dup- 1
g Heated elsewhere for considerable more than asked here for a little, H
12.50, 14.50, 18.00 and up. , ' I
3 ' '' H
a Mahogany Rockers with high backs, wooden seats, Typical Bowen 1
1 Values us from $4.75, $5.00, $6.50 and $8.00. ,3
l Added Bowen Values
Extra Heavy High Grade Alumi
num Tea Kettle, a real value. $1.95
Three-Piece JSet Aluminum Stew
Pans, an exceptional value (3
pieces) .....$1.25
Heavy Weight Aluminum Kettle,
cannot be duplicated elsewhere for
twice the value ...$1.25
Large Stew Pan, extra heavy'
weight, each only 35o
Mahogany Sewing Tray with glass
top, only a few left 95o
The Bee's , Household
Arts Department
Some week when it seems par
ticularly essential to make an effort
to combat Mr. High Cost of Living,
find a place for one or all of these
suggestions on the menu. You will
find them every bit as delicious as
they arc practical. r
( Sweet Potato Pie. -Boil
one pound of sweet potatoes
until soft, then peel them and force
them through a ricer; add one-half
cupful of butter, three-quarters of a
cupiul of sugar or honey, one tea
spoonful each of powdered cinna
mon and nutmeg, three eggs, beaten
separately. The grated rind and
strained juice of one lemon and one
half cupful of milk. Bake in a pastry
lined pie plate. Serve with whipped
cream. I
Surprise Salad.
Use any kind of cold meat left
over. One pint of lean meat cut up
fine, season with salt and pepper and
a very little sage, mix thoroughly,
put one-half cupful of milk in a stew
pan, add two tablespoonfuls of bread
crumbs and cook until smooth; re
move from fire, add two tablespoon
fuls of butter and two well beaten
eggs, then add the meat to it.
When well mixed fill well greased
custard cups, stand them in a shal
low pan of boiling water, bake
about one-half hour in moderate
oven. The day before you are sure
to have this make some tomato
sauce; one can of tomatoes, two or
three onions (if liked), cook slowly
till onions are soft.
When ready to serve place a gen
erous amount or sauce on eacn plate
and turn one of the cups upside
down in the center of the sauce;
have the sauce cold and the meat
Meat and Macaroni Pudding.
fveal, chicken, mutton or beef; take
one rueful of stock, nicelv flavored
one egg, four tablespoonfuls of to
mato sauce, two tablespoonfuls of
bread crumbs or cooked vemiOlli,
half a teaspoonful of salt and
ouarter of a teasooonful of Deeper;
mix all together, and add one table-
spoonful of chopped onion ana one
tablespoomul ot chopped parsley.
Tongue on Toast
One cupful cold DDiled tongue,
yolks of two eggs, one-quarter tea-
spoonful mustard,, dash ot cayenne;
chop thic tongue very fine; boat
volks until light: add them to
tongue; add seasoning; stir the
whole over fire until eggs are
cooked. -Serve immediately on
souares or ' slices of hot buttered
toast. ; v.
Baked Heart
Wah (he heart in several waters
cut away the lobes, let it soak fo:
three hours in vinegar ana water;
drain and slice into thin steaks; cut
thj Inner miv nf tho heart. Circa f a
pie dish, lay some sliced potatoes at
tne bottom ot it. rut two or xnree
r ' '11
Apricot Marmalade 1
Apricots in themselves make a fine
dessert, but when to pure Vanilla
Ice Cream are added the largest, choicest Santa
Clara Apricots, you have a dessert that will
long be remembered.
Ask for Apricot Marmalade this Sun
day, y Of course ft's
r 11
"Vs ilHlill
Fresh Dressed Chickens, hens or
springs, per lb..J 29?id
Fresh Dressed Young Ducks, per
lb 38 6
Choice Steer Beef Roast, per
Choice Steer Rump Roast, per
lb :17H
Choice Steer Round Steak, per
lb. .19
Choice Steer Boiling Beef, per
lb. 9
Fancy Young Veal Roast, per
Fancy Young Veal Chops, per
ib ..: ....15
Fancy Young Veal Breast, with
pocket lor dressing, lb., xZiic
Young Mutton Chops, lb., 12 b
Young Mutton Legs, lb., 15fr
Fresh Pig Pork Roast, per lb.,
at 1844
Armour's Shield, Sugar Cured,
Extra Lean Breakfast Bacon,
per lb. 33&
Sugar Cured Skinned Hams, half
or whole, per lb. ,
Large Dill Pickles, per doz., 30
Extra Fancy rork and Beans, z
cans for ............. .25
Best Creamery Butter, lb., 69
Peerless Laundry Tablets, washes
clothes without rubbing, 16
tablets to the box, per' box,
at 25
Full Line of Fruits and Vegetables at the Lowest Prices.
1407 Douglaa Street " -
Close Out Grocery Sale
Our Grocrey Stock must go at a sacrifice regardless
of cost in order to haVe the entire space for our MEAT
DEPARTMENT for the holiday's trade.
Take Advantage and, Save From 25 to 35.
Good Beans, J
per lb. OC
Tall cans
Can Hominy, Q
20c cans
Fancy Prunes,
per lb
Can Pumpkin, ,Q.
Heinz Spaghetti or
Baked lol
Rumford Baking Pow
der, Mb. 94 r
can for AiTtC
Albacore Tuna Fish,
Palm Olive Of
. Soap, 3 for. iOC
Sugar m
Lux, per
pkg. ..
None Such Mince Meat,
Skitch, for washing
clothes, per iy 1
... 2V
20c pkgs. Crackers,,,...i5c
Catsup . . .
15c can Polly
Cleanser wC
Our 60c Cof
fee for. .
Food Fit for a Banker at Prices a Working Man
Can Afford.
Round Steak, corn fed,' 20c
Beef Roast, corn fed,
Mutton Stew, OP
4 lbs. for...-OC
Sirloin Steak, corn fed,
Pork Roast J per ,1b.,
Mutton I OA-
Chops, lb., 12Cj
No. 1 corn fed Chuck
Steak, per Jgg
Pork Loin Roast, per
r.nd:... 27ic
Mutton Roast, 1 ri
per lb IUC
Mutton Legs, IP
per lb IOC
Veal Stew,
per lb . . .
Veal Roast, IP.
per lb...... IOC
California Sugar Cured
Sugar Cured Bacon,
Creamery Butter, best,
rashers of bacon on these, then the
heart, then bacon again and after
ward more potatoes. Repeat until
dish is full, being careful to put po
tatoes on top each layer as it is put
in; salt if required; which depends
on quality of bacon. Pour halt pint
water over the whole. Bake in mod
erate oven. A little browning added
to gravy will improve the appear
ance. Time to bake, one hour and a
i - Mould of Dates.
Insert in the place of stones, which
should be carefully , removed,
blanched almonds. Line a square tin
with rice paper, fill in layers of dates
and press down with a weight Turn
out on a glass dish. Garnish with
slices of orange.
Jelly Roll
One egg, one-half cupful sugar,
four tablespoonfuls sweet milk, one
half teaspoonful cream tartar, one
quarter teaspoonful soda, levelled
with knife and cut exactly, sifted in
three-quarters cupful flour. Bake
10 minutes in moderate oven in pan
12x12. Spread at once with jelly and
roll; wrap in cloth and let stand
24 hours before cutting. Never fails.
Hot Teapot Handles. '
In the smart little art shops,
which somehow or other seem to
flourish .prosperously because they
are so full of original and interest
ing things that one simply cannot
resist, are some new and fascinating
contraptions designed to protect
milady's hand from hot teapot han
One of these affairs is a vellow
felt canary or one might call it an
oriole, perhaps a bonny bird, any
way, cut out of the felt in two lay
ers, with a double layer' of thin
cotton batting between, and the
outer sides decorated cleverly with
dashes .and dots of black ink in
bird markings. The bird appears
to be poised on the edge of .the tea
pot, but the hot handle is hidden
away "in his little inside," and one
grasps him firmly, but deftly, to
lift the teapot and pour out the tea.
Old Fashioned Sponge Cake.
Separate arid beat very stiff the
whites of five eggs and a teaspoon
ful of salt. Beat the yolks thor
oughly, add to the whites and beat
again. Add a cupful of sugar and
half a teaspponful of lemon or al
mond flavoring. The last thing, fold
in an even cupful of bread flour.
Have the pan ready that, there may
be no delay. 1 - ', .
Bake in very moderate oven for
40 minutes, or until it begins to
shrink from the pan. When cold
spread with thin icing made of one
tablespoonful of milk or water, a
tew drops of the flavoring used in
the cake, and confectioner's sugar
enough to make the thickness of
' Intelligence.
"Do animals think?" asks a sci
entist. Well, a dog turns around
three or four times before lvine
clown to go to sleep, while a man,
witnout giving the matter any
thought, lies down, goes to sleep
and then turns over several times,
waking himself each time. Louis
ville Courier-Journal.
Creamed Walnuts.
White of one estr'. one tablespoon
ful cold water, three-quarters tea
spoonful vanilla, one pound confec
tioners sugar, English walnuts. Put
egg, water and vanilla in a bowl and
beat until well blended. Add sugar
gradually until stiff enough to
knead, bhape- in balls, flatten and
place halves of walnuts opposite
each other on each piece, aome
time all the sugar will not be re
Three cupfuis brown sugar; one
half cupful milk, butter size of i
nutmeg, one' cupful walnuts broken
in small pieces. Boil sugar, milk
and butter 'foiSr minutes or until it
forms a soft ball when tried in cold
water. Remove from stave and stir
briskly for one minute: add nuts
and vanilla, pour into buttered pan
and when almost cold mark into
1 Cocoanut Fudge.
Two cupfuis sugar, one-half cup
ful milk, one teaspoonful butter. Put
these ingredients into a saucepan
and cook until it forms a ball in
cold water; then add one-quarter
teaspoonful vanilla and one-half cup
ful cocoanut; beat , until creamy.
Put jn a buttered pan.
' Eggless Cream Pie.
One cupful milk, half a cupful
sugar, cornstarch to thicken well,
any flavoring desired. Cook until
quite thick, pour into pastry shell
and sprinkle liberally with shredded
cocoanut. As a variation for frost
ing, instead of the cocoanut, use
marshmallows cut up and browned
in oven, whipped cream or plain
white of egg meringue.
Another variation is to use rose
flavoring, and while it is cooking
mix with the filling a little water
in which a beet has been cooked.
This gives a pretty tint, is not harm
ful and may be used; effectively
at a pink and white luncheon. A
white meringue of marshmallow or
whipped cream sets this pie off to
perfection when cut.
Caramel Pie. '
One and one-half cupfuis milk, one
teaspoonful butter, one cupful
brown sugar, two eggs, two level
teaspoonfuls' flour. Beat egg yolks,
mix sugar and flour, add to egg.
Heat milk to scalding in double
boiler and stir egg mixture into this.
Cook until thick.
Use whites of eggs for meringue.
Add to beaten whites two table
spoonfuls confectioners' sugar and
one-half teaspoonful vanilla or
maple flavoring.
Washington Pie.
Two eggs, well beaten; scant
one-half cupful sugar, good one-half
cupful flour, rounding teaspoonful
baking powder; salt, essence; bake
about IS or 20 minutes; split and
when cool fill with whipped cream
or any kind of jelly. Makes a de
licious dessert and is very easy to
. English Pump'kin Pie.
Take out the seeds and grate the
pumpkin close to the rind. Sjiteten
the pulp, add spices to taste, includ
ing lemon peel and juice. Bake
without upper crust.
Vegetable Soup.
Fry three slices of salt pork until
nice and brown, slice six large pota
toes, three carrots, one small turnip,
two onnions and one tiny cabbage,
(if liked); cook all in just enough
xwater( to keeep from burning; salt
and pepper to taste and add a dash
of cayenne pepper and one-quarter
teaspoonful of curry; when cooked
add one quart of milk and bring to
the boiling point.
English Beefsteak Dish.
Use four veal kidneys and a small
knuckle of veal with a little meat
attached. Saute the kidneys cut in
slices in hot shortening, cover with
water, add a slice of onion and sim
mer until tHey are tender. Add salt
and pepper after they have cooked
for 10 minutes.
For the jelly cover the crocked
veal knuckle with cold water, add
salt and pepper, a sliced onion, car
rot, turnip and green pepper and
simmer until the meat falls from the
bones. Shred the veal and pack into
a mould with the kidneys and a
few cooked green peas. Boil down
the strained veal liquor until re
duced to a cupful, season with a tea
spoonful of Worcestershire' sauce
or catsup and pour over the meat
Set in the ice chest and when
ready to serve cover with a baked
pastry cut to fit the dish.
The Wee One burrowed her pink I lemonade or couldn't Wee do Um
aose deeper In Mother's neck, morfVemons, Mother, If she squeezed 'em.
cuddly than usual. 1 Mother knevl Surrllrte hard? ITen you wouldn't
what was coming. National Blsl fcas to do not any no little sing out
cult were again In demand and shi rut in 'some sugar and water and ,
smiled, thinking of hefr "" 'e'Blscos snd Za Zus
shelves ' i lunTVSuUn't be so. awful lots ot S
"Wee wants s party," came th
half-smothered confession. I
"A party lhJt..nMViJCUa.lJ
away to-uaj," mm mimici
time to make little cakes for Wee
party." ,
"Wee wants sweet cakes
boxes. Nice par
cakesi Motherji . I
stubby fln TUa Vioof L-nr.iirr-
trouble, would it, wotnerr'
Mother's smile broke into ripples
t.lnnnlitonMai)rt.Wnn "ys hugged so
iuseue"i,usi)LUiuf"if eatn. .
"Bless her heart, it that's aU the
she needs to make her nappy.
have it this very day or
ants it Run along
and Winifred
n and your
and tell
t i.t 1 j
j Discuit in uie wunu
perfect soda cracker, , perfectly
baked crisp, tender and appetizing,
and delivered to you oven-fresh by
j your own grocer.
Our Supply of Imported
and Fancy Domestic
for Your (
I the moat complete that we
have had for four year.
The following are t ,
few suggestions:
Cluster Ralains, imported Irora
Spain; Calarab Figs, Salted Almonds
anil Filherta in elaiis Jars. Cresca Fruit
Cakes, Chocolate Covered or Plain Glaee1
Fruit, Maraschino Cherries, Crossa If I
Blackwell Crystallized umger. Maroons
in syrup, Glace Pineapple, both Sweet
Pickled and Sweet Preserved Figs,
choicest large Green Olives, extra fancy
imported French Peas. Full line of
choicest Fresh Vegetables.
4-lb. tin Van Houten's Cocoa. ...30c
H-lb. tin Epps' Cocoa 45c
Walter Baker's ' Chocolate, lb 49c
Meadow Gold Butter, Ib 72c
Imported Roquefort Cheese, reg. price
$2.26, Sat., per lb $1.85
Royal Baking Powder, 50o alxe for 44c
Dr. Price' Vanilla Extract, 40c site 35c
White Borax Naptha Soap, 10 bars,49c
Peanut Brittle Candy, lb. .37c
Choice Young Pork Loin Roast, lb. 33c
Small pall Swift Prem. Lard 85c
2801 Farnam St.
Telephone Harney 188.
tne c;
"Wee t
party cakes.
Mr. Bobby tel
'Lotus for his partyj
Lotus for Bobby, M
white crispy, you V
brown. And then
'Bisco and little wotf
In Katie's pantry, don'
And If you'll Just only
lemons snd some sugar and fix
eference to
taste. Nabisco
Wafers were already
'he Wee One said, and to
everybody eloriously happy
: of snappy Zu Zu was also opened.
Thanksgiving (it
For this great feast day of the year, you
will be seeking the best of good things for
your table. At Sommer's Specialty Shop
you will find the appetizing delicacies
which cannot be obtained elsewhere.
Just received a ship
ment of Crane's Mary
Garden and Rubayat
and Garden ot Allah
Honey Cakes.
Martha Ann Fruit
Finest Plum Pudding.
Cluster Raisins,
s Glace Fruits.
-Spiced Drops.
Turkish Delight
Preserved Ginger.
Chocolates; also a
shipment of the fa
mous Chocolate Shop
Chocolates, in Cali
fornia red wood
Delicious Apples.
Jonathan Apples.
Red Emperor Grapes.
Flne Grape, Fruit.
Casawba Melons.
Honey Dew Melons. (
Budded Walnuts.
Italian Filberts.
Soft Shell Almonds.
Fine Brazil Nuts.
All kinds of Shelled,
Spiced and Salted
msr wi fit
sir -,-;. rv. V -if",
Just Received Fresh Shipment Smyrna Figs.
sMaaM 1 linn, um a imm
For the Most in Food Value
Hard Roll Bread
HARD ROLL BREAD contains ALL the nu
tritious elements so essential for the oody
and mind. It is made of the BEST materials
the market affords, ani is scientifically baked
under the most rigid sanitary rules. HARD
ROLL BREAD is the BEST bread made; it
Beware of imitations. Insist
upon seeing the little Red,
White and Blue label. It's on
every genuine loaf of Hard
Roll Bread.
Petersen & Pegau
Baking Co.
mmmmmmmm. mmmmmmmmm