THE BKg; OMAHA." SATUJCDAT NOVEMBER -ZZ, 1919. 13 CHURCH TRAINING hip p Tin n rn nr UCtMHu IU Ut in n in i itinni n HCLU III LIHOULH Two Hundred and Fifty Lead- ers From All Parts of State ' ' Expected to Attend ; Conference. By H. R. BEST, ,-"' V ' IHrlskmal Secretary. ' ' Lincoln has been selected as the meeting place for the state train ing conference of the Interchurcb World Movement for Nebraska, to be held December 3, 4, 5. Two hundred and fifty church lead er delegates-' from' every county and representing practically every denomination in the state, are ex pected toattend, the object of the meeting being to bring together re ligious leaders of every county to confer with reference to plans in this state for promoting church co operation and for taking part in the nationwide campaign planned by the Interchurch World move-, ment. Six Leaders In Team Addresses will be delivered by a team of six leaders of national rep utation on various phases of the In terchurch program. The conference has been described in advance as a "school of Christian leadership," nut in point of faoi the leaders of the meeting declare that they ex pect to get as much instruction, par ticularly on state plans and condi tions, as -they impart.. Hence the rule of the conferences will be, IS minute addresses,, followed by 45 minute discussions. ' - ' The members of .the state com: mittee in charge of this state con ference are: Rev. W. E..J. Gratz, RevjU D. .Young, D. D.; Rev. R. M. Badger, Rev. W. S. Woodburn. Dr., W. T. Elmore, Rev. W. S. Tool,Linclon, Neb. Judge John N Dryden, Kearney, Neb.; Rev. Theodore Foxworthy, , Central .City; Rev. C C. Dobbs, Aurora; xRev. W. O. Jones, York, And Rev. C. F. Sandahl, Omaha, - Neb. Other' members of the state com mittee are yet to be named, j Series of Meetings.' The meeting at Lincoln is one of a series of such conferences' to, be held in every state in the union by December 20. , By thdt time it is expected that 10,000 Religious lead ers throughout the v country will have . become thoroughly con versant with the aims and plans of this' movement for Protestant ' co operation and will be able tp speak authoritatively upon it in every county of th United States. The object of the movement is to provide an organization" through which the various Protestant churches "of the North American continent (for a similar movement has been started in Canada), can co operate to their mutual advantage, always looking to .the ultimate ideal of the Christianization . of the world. ' , . Survey Religious World. As a first sep the interchurch, " movement is engaged on a number of careful surveys of religious, so cial and economic conditions throughout the world, county 'by L, county and'cjty by city., in the United States and country by oun- . . r , . i ' J . L - . 1 lacts or me suuauon m iuc atiuai religious needs ofMhe world will be revealed. . The results oMhe surveys will be collated and budgeted in terms of men and money The participating denominations will then be-asked to determine by mutual agreement their individual -share of responsi bility for world evangelization, and a united appeal will be made by the churches, each to its own con stituency, for the resources in men and money that are required. Denominations which have ,made a recent financial appeal will share in the other aspects of the inter church movement and will have at their disposal its machinery Tor co ordinating their expenditure so as to eliminate waste and duplication. The surveys, have already shown what an enormous economy of time, money and human service might be achieved through a proper co-ordination of their efforts by the vari ous churches. ? - 4 Reach Every Village. v All the participating denomina tions will join in tha spiritual pro i gram of the Movement The pres ent series of state conferences are to be followed by sectional and local conferences through which the spir itual message of , the Interchurch Movement will be carried to towns, villages and individual churches Interchurch Movement, My Heart and My Husband ADELE GARRISON'S New Phase of .' "Revelations of a Wife" The Newt That"" Mrs.' Durkee Brought of Maj. Grantland. With. Dickey's hands holding mine tightjy, protestingly, with Dicky's face tenderly close to mine, I at lajt drifted off to the restful slumber I so sorely needed after my accident When I awoke darkness had come outside, and by the dim night light I saw that Dicky had gone and that at.other familiar figure sat near my bedsidee. "Lillian 1" I exclaimed feebly, but gladly. Not even my husband could give me the feeling of childish se curity' which the very presence of mv friend afforded me. "You dear child 1" she said softly, and coming over to the bed kissed me tenderly. ."To think that I should have chosen this day of all others in the calendar to take -Ma'1 non to the city! Not that I could have done any more for you than the others have done " "Yesyou could," I interrupted, whimsically. "You could have kejt me from being a whining baby. I don't think I'd dare to whimper with you looking on, you're always so brave." A Troubled Memory. "Never mind the nosegays for me," she returned- "Better pin some on yourself.' They tell me you were very plucky under the pain." "Who told you?" "Mother Graham for one, your father for two, Katie for three, and Major Grantland for four." Lil lian checked the names off as would a child upon ' her fingers, smiling at me the while. I wondered if I had 'fancied her hesitation before the officer's name, had a sudden reminiscent flash of a hospital room and Lillian's voice saying gravely, meaning! jl, i" You haven't a very good perspective just now, Madge. Better change it before you go on with your drawing." ' I felt my face flushing hotly at the remembrance, knew that even the dim night light could not hide my sudden color from Lillian's keen eyes, and was furious at my self for my weakness. She had read me so. clearly during that long past emotional brain storm of mine that I wondered "Is she asleep?" The clear sibilant voice of Her Fluffiness came from the doorway.' For once I was glad of an interrup tion in a talk-'with Lillian, some thing which usually irf itates . me. But I wanted a change in the sub ject , of my thoughts, and that quickly. ' "Verv wide awake," "T returned, pretending not to see Lillian's ges-J ture of protest Lome in Mrs. Durkee. Don't you think1, Lillian, we could have a little more light f "That's up to your ladyship," Lil lian' said lightly, moving as she siyjke to, the table andincreasi. g the current on the light. Her Fluffiness came to the bed side, looked down at me brightly. Lillian Is Obdurate. , "Feeling better, dear?" she asked, her voice brimming with warm hearted sympathy. "Have you had anything toeat?" I laughed outrient. It is a stand ing' jok in our little circle, this pro pensity of little Mrs. Durkee's to feed invalids, - Fond of good food herself, she is a most intractable patient when she is ill, demanding all sorts of dishes impossible for her to have. And when she is installed as nurse to any of herfriends. the Dnlv fault that Lean be found with her, for she is uliici wise aumirauie in a siCK-roum, is her weakness for giving hen pa tient surreptitious dainties. Her Flutfles pouted prettily. "You needn't laugh," she said. "I'll bet you're as hungry as a wolf this minute. Shan't I go down and- fix you something tasty? - "You'd break Katie's heart if you did," Lillian smiled. "She's, been on tenter hooks tor the' last hour wait ing the signal to bring up some wonderful sick-room concoction which Dr. Gibson sanctioned. I be lieve she waylaid him in. the hall as he went out, to find just what she could 'feex for Messis Graham.' But there'll be nothing doing with cap itals in the food line- until I do a stunt with a thermometer around here ' She took her clinical thermometer from its case, shook ifdown, deftly inserted it under my tongue, in spected, it carefully when she had removed it. "You're a wonder, Madge," she said. "You'll be getting on your feet in mo time. Now I'll bulletin Kate that she may bring on her won derf til dish." "You'd better bulletin that Major Grantland while you're about it," little Mrs. Durkee put in slyly. "Hes decorating my front porch, and I'm agraid the undertaker will mistake him for a piece of crepe and come in, he looks so doleful.", (Continued Monday.) whicVwas started in December last year, is now endorsed by more than 70 denominational and interdenom inational boards and agencies. It has also received the official en dorsement of the judicatories, or highest legislative bodies, of at least 10 denominations. By spring, which will see the cul mination of the Interchurch cam paign for co-operative Protestant ism, it is confidently expected that the vast majority of the 25,000,000 Protestant church members in the country will be officially represented in theMovement a body of public opinion which muct exercise a pow erful influence in any moral isssue that may arise. Safe Gift IT PLEASES1 i , The - Interchurch Movement. lii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiMinHiiHiiifl . A distinctive blend of I11111HI illlljjll-5:::ii ' choice, mild Havana lii Hjl a hlend that can't be I j wt'$$b f copied-skillf ully made 3 'frM ' into a smooth, comfort- mfm- '' : able, even s m o k e in SJssyS mi short, a quality cigar., J00Se-vM ' - ' Varioa iapa mnd ySfWCaluflr' jiff JJ L rttn"'f f" aBwC ::::::::::::: inx twnty-fiv cent. 'y t Sir outributem -nffl v I i i i 0M-mW- FAVORITA pijvj iow--Jm shape' . ; ; ; I lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliUUUUiiUM or real enjoyment Nellie Abused Him, -: Declares Husband , in Suit for Divorce " Have Boot Print It Beacon Press , Vacama Clwner Bunui-artndta Co. Back From OverseasPrivate Jesse Krum, 2(03 South Twelfth JThe weddin hells chimed hsDnilvlatreet Omaha, has returned from on August 29, of the present year, for on that day Roy E. Tanner and Nellie Tanner promised tcT love, honor and obey each 1 other until death did them part But yesterday Roy came into the district court and filed a petition for divorce, alleging that, while he has been a kind, faithful and loving husband "ever since" their marriage, Nellie has pursued a course of mis treatment and abuse, has quarrelled, nagged and found fault with him and has called him uncomplimentary names, He sava he brought all his waares home and gave them to Nellie, but that she kept up her course of al leged mistreatment in spite of this and that she abandoned him six weeksafter their wedding. Former and Present Health, Commissioners File Fee Claims City Health Commissioner Ed wards and former City Health Commissioner Manning filed appeal bondi in district court yesterday, in their effort to collect from the county fees for vital statistic com pilations in their office. " Dr. Ed wards has a claim for $133 and Dr. Manning for $621 which the county commissioners claim are not due them. The commissioners say the fees were cut off from the office of health commissioner when the sal ary was raised nearly a year ago. The British government is plan ring to build the world V largest dirigible ballon, 1,100 feet long and with a lifting power of 200 tons and f cruising radius of 16,000 miles." Brie City News, T overseas. To Address Meat Cutters John Blahs, an organizer from the east, will address tha meat cutters of Omaha at Labor Temple Sunday aft ernoon at 2:S0. Peters to California, Herman B. Peters, former proprietor of the Merchants hotel, who has been In disposed all summer, has so far re covered that he has gone to Cali fornia to spend tha winter. . Personal Injury Suit Bernlce McLeran, by her mother, Edith Mc Leran, filed suit in district court against Arthur Theodore for $10,000 damages, alleging that Bernlce was Injured by falling Into an areaway at Mr. Theodore's' store, northwest corner of Twenty-fourth and Seward streets, on June . 33, 1919. Omaha Lands Convention Charles F. Schwager, president of the Amer ican Live Stoc)t Insurance company, has received notice that tha next convention of the bureau members of the National Live Stock Insur ance association will have its meet ing in Omaha, February 6, 1920. This was arranged at the meeting in Indianapolis last month., Red . Cross Request The home service section of the Red Cross Is anxious to locate the following per sons: Frances Marie Hazen, Ed Moore, Nellie Cunningham and Hatze Diamantls. , Anyone having such information please telephone Tyler 2721 or call at the Red Cross headquarters In the Wilkinson building, 1205 Farnam street. First List of Germans Held Responsible for War Ready Br rnkemal Seniee. 1 Special Cable Dia6atcb. ' ' London Nov. 21. The first list of German citizens-to be .demanded for trial by an international court, under the terms of the peace treaty, Omaha U. P. Manager: Leaves .to Join Hunt for Train Robber W. M. Jeffers, general manager of the Union Pacific railroad left for Wyoming yesterday morning to aid in the search for W. L. Carlisle, the bandit who is said to have held up a Union Pacific train three days ago. Mr. Jeffers left suddenly, notify ing other officials of his intention just before boarding the train. Offi cials say he was not accompanied by a posse, but was probably well armed himself. "He didn't leave any word regard ing Jhe disposal of his property," sighed Assistant General Manager Gild, "but I suppose he made ar rangements before leaving to get Carlisle. . He and Carlisle have ex changed many friendly notes in the past, but I'm afraid it wouldn't be a very friendly scene if they meet now." . Uni of Omaha to Meet x , Trinity in Grid Classic The University of Omaha foot ball team will clash with the eleven representing Trinity college of Sioux City at Creighton field, this afternoon in what is expected to be one of the hardest games during the season. Both teams are in excellent condition, the regulars injured during previous games, be ing back again in the lineup. The game will start at 3. numbers 80 and includes the 'ex kaiser, the former crown prince and Grand Admiral von Tirpijz, the Eve ning News says it learns on high authprity. An Englisli judge is to preside at the trials, the newspaper adds. . Repdar Habits Produce - a Beautiful Cmple. M Daily elimination rid the system of poisons. ' Women should realize that! ANY women complain dairy el then complexion, of their head ache and eeaeral ill health little Kalians, that the trouble n coatrtpatioo. Women, too,'are much mere subject to anch coegoboa than and much more camlet of it The remh is sees ia biter leti, weary eyes, in tallow, panty earn plexion, ia lawkxxkt bad breath, aad ia that word t oftca used, "indupoied." At the Sat sign symptoms the wiae woman will take a laxative, aad will tee that tha young girl sad ether is Iter care do likewise. . Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepam is the favorite with thou sands of women because it w mild and gentle is its action and ia the end trains the stomach and bowel anucks to do their work naturally without the aid of medicine. ")Thi eombmanoa ef simple laxative herb with peptin can be bought at soy drug store for 50c and $1 a bottle, the latter foe families, for it i el a very sterling first-aid in cold, fever and other sudden ill that make it advisable to alwav have a bottle ia the (tome, h it free from Narcotics and safe for the tiniest baby. In spitt ef tki Uct that Dr. CMwtU't Syritp Ptptin it tht largtif ulling lifuii Itxttiv in thi world, thtrt htinf cvir 6 million bottlti toli oc h ytr, mtnf ' wkt ntti itt btntfiti havt not yit tuti it. If gon havt not,tni your nomt and . iirtss for frtt trial bottlt t Dr. W. B. Coldwtll, SU Washington St., Monti ttllo, Illinois, Fistula-Pay When Cured A mUd system ef treatment that care Piles, Fbtala aad other Recta I Diseases In a hort timn, without a (ever ur Steel operation. No Chloroform. Ether or other genera! r anattltetle used. A cure Inaranteeo I n every ease aooeptefl for treatment, and no money to be paid until eared Write far book on Recta 1 Diseases, with names and testimonials of more than 1000 prominent people who have been permanently cured. DR. K. R. TARRY 240 Bee Building ! OMAHA, NEBRASKA jll TTT. o II II ' ' . - J T I! . II II II II mim xne WMiareii nere Bear Story .Hour THE children are invited to attend , a Bear Story Hour from. ' 2 to 3 P. M. i Saturday afternoon- on the Fourth Tloor. ' v f . Among the stories Vill be : The Fairy Tale Bears The Tale of Cuf fy Bear 7 Adventures of Buster Bear The Bear Who Was Afraid Barsreaa-Nasfc Cow Fonrth Floor. y r vw m nr -ri ! si m tt ' The Right Kind , of Hosiery Is av Question of Immense Importance to Mothers. We Know That Bear 'Byand Hosiery Is the Right Kind, for It Has Been Proved By Every Hosiery Test. It Is the Quality 5f Hosiery That Wears n Long Time Bear Books T N' THE CHILDREN WILL ENJOY. '0 stories ever please the children as much as bear stories from the old familiar story of "Goldr Locks" and the "JThree Bears" to the newer Bear Stories. We are featuring for "Bear Day" the following books Three Bears, 60c Adventures of -Buster Bear, 60c, Fairy Tale Bears, $1.10. Tale of Cuffy Bear, Mc. Three Bears, 10c Mrs. Bear, iOc Borffcsa-Hash Co. Third Floor. A Great Sale v OP ! Teddy Bears WHERE is there a child that does not love a Teddy Beart Such cunning little animals to play with. Saturdaywe have hundreds of Teddy Bears 'from the tiny ones to great big ones. There 's Papa Bears, Mama Bears and Baby' Bears to delight the hearts of the children. . ) Well made of splendid quality ma terial and priced from 75c to $2.75 , Barsess-Kash Co. Fanrtfc Floor. .l BEAE BRAND HOSIERY was intro duced, and womei of judgment have pro nounced" it unusually good Hosiery for the popular prices at which it sells. " - . BtiAR BRAND HOSIERY' was invented for boys and girls who wear out their stock ings In short order. The aim was to build a stocking that would give them some trouble to wear out in a -Jiurry. The maker sue-' ceedecT in . producing stockings that have be come joted all over this country for the great length of timethey willjvear before the first hole is perceptible. BEAR. BRAND HOSIERY is. made oi v finest long staple cotton, twisted 'and spun into the strongest of cotton thread, knitted on the newest type of machine, whicn leaves the stocking free from ridges on the heel .and toe. , " . - ' . - - i BEAR BRAND HOSIERY is strongly re inforced in the places where hosiery wears out quickest, and it is thersturdy bracing of these parts that gives to the stockings such durability. ' Bear SouveniW for Children IN honor of "Bear" Day " we have1 ' arranged to give everV child that visits the Burgess-Nash Store Satur day, - - - Bear Tops Bear Buttons ' . Bear Whistles I -Bear Pictur.e Cards (Bear Brand Hosiery Department) Barsesw-Naah Cav-OIala Fleor. i BEAR BRAND HOSIERY comes in a ast black, and in 1-1 ribs. The price at which it sells for Saturday is 65c, a price special for this one day only. J men as 'MEN! TTT E'RE, going to let. the weii as xne cnnaren "in on "Bear Day" by -offering them a spe cial value in ( , Of Para lk in black, gray and Cor dova colors. Size '1 to liy2. Excep tional value at 75 a pair. atarceaa-Naafe Ce-Maln Floor. CHILDREN'S Two-Step Hosiery THE best in Children's Hosiery made from the best combed -American yarn, fine gauge, very attractive in appearance. Extra splicing in heel and toe, full seamless knit and warranted fast color. . . '' . At55cPair' On Sale Saturday-Only CHILDREN'S Dress Parade Hosiery A PERFECT hose for all occasions and one that will give splendid satisfaction. Of good weight, made from combed cotton, which gives it a fine silky finish and the, greatest wearing qualities. At-55C On Sale Saturday Only Write a letter to Santa Claus and leave it in Burgess-Nash Toy- land. Santa will get it there and tend you an answer. 1 v - ( i EVEPYBODYfe STORE' ' CHILDREN'S I Bear Waists 50c" THE waists that the mothers like as well as the children. Th& but- tonholes are formed in the knitting of the fabrics.and are Wear Proof Tear Proof Ravel Proof Bear Waists, choice at 50 eacL bearbraneT Union Suitv$1.25 They relieve tbe motners of stretched and ripped out buttonholes, and are so comfort able for the children to wear. Mothers! Save time given to amending. Have the children wear Bear Brand Union Suits. Choice, $1.25.- Bnrrcsa-Nash CoMala Floor. Be sure to visit Burgess-Nash Toyland on the Fourth Floor.