Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 21, 1919, Page 5, Image 5
1 THE BEE OMAHA FRIDAY. NOVEMBER ' 21, 1919. URIC ACID SOLVENT 75c Bottle (32'dosesj FREE Just because ycm start th day worried and tired, stiff leg and arms and mui el, an aehing head, burning and bear in dowa pains in tha back worn out before the day basins do not think you hava to stay in that conditio. , Start tha day RIGHT. Be strong, healthy, feel fine. Gat well! Oct rid of pains, stiff joints, ore muscles, rheumatic suffering, aching baek or kidney trouble. 8tart NOW. If you suffer rom bladder weakness, with burning, scalding pains, or ara in and out of bed half a down times a night, you will appreciate tha rest, com fort and strensi this treatment gives. We will give you one 75-eent bottle (82 doees) FREE and FREE 'BOOK about1 Urie Acid and how to treat it, to .con vince you The Williams Treatment con , quers Kidney and Bladder diseases, Rheu matism and all other ailments, chronic or stubborn if caused by excessive Uric, Acid. Send this notice to Tha Dr. D. A. Wil liams Co Dept. R-2793. P. O. Block, East Hampton, Conn., and deceive by parcel post, delivery paid, a free 75-eent bottle (82 doses), without obligation. Only on free bottle to same person, address or family. Fine for "Acid" Stomach. x Most of Us Cast Aside Clothes That Are Too Good to Be Cast Aside . but present "High Costs of Everything" . rapidly teaches us our lesson. i the big remedy is a generous use of the cleaners' and dyers' services. DRE5HER BROTHERS DYERS CLEANERS 2211-17 Farnam St. Phone Tyler 345 ' ' ; ' it South Side FARMERS' BODY ENTERTAINED ON SOUTH SIDE HEARTS TREATED FREE JDr. Franklin Miles, tha Great Specialist, Give a $230 Personal Treatment , and New Book Free. To prove the remarkable efficacy of his new Special Personal Treatment for heart disease, short breath; pain in side, shoulder or arm, oppression., irregular pulse, palpi tation, smothering, puffing of ankles or dropsy Dr. Miles will send . to afflicted persons ' a $7.50 ' Free Treatment. Bad ' cases usually soon relieved. Many report cured after physicians failed. These treatments are the result of 80 years' extensive research and unusual suc cess In treating various ailments of the heart, nerves, stomach, bowels, kidneys, bladder and rheumatic trouble, which often complicate each case. Sand for Astnolehing Reports of Cures. So wonderful are the results, that he wishes every sick person to test this fa mous treatment at his expense. Afflicted persons should avail themselves of this liberal offer at once as they may never have such an opportunity again. Delays are dangerous. No death comes more suddenly than that from heart disease. Send for his Heart ' Book and Two Pound ' Free Treatment. Describe your1 disease. Address, Dr. Franklin Miles, Dept. HF 162 to 172. Franklin St., Elkhart, Ind. Dtndruf fjr Head ' Become x Hairless Co-Operative Grain and Live Stock Association Visits Stock Yards During Meeting. Five hundred delegates of the Ne braska State Farmers' Co-operative Grain and Live Stock association were guests of the live stock inter ests at a luncheon Thursday at the Exchange building. . Bruce. McCullough, editor of the Journal -Stockman, officiated as toastmaster and delivered a short address of welcome to the visitors. J. S. Canaday of Minden, president of the-association, respondedeon ht half of the delegation. A. T. Stri ker, secretary and manager of the Stock Yards company, extended a hearty welcome and said he hoped to meet them for many years to come as visitors to the stock yards. J. VV. Shorthill of Omaha, secre tary of tho association, said there should be an investigation of the methods and conduct of the pack ers, but that the investigation should not be made with a brass band at the head. He said the investiga tion should be made by the elimina tion of politicians and political prop aganda with a view of finding out tor tne benefit or the people, as a whole, whether the large packing interests were combined to control the live stock and grain markets. After the luncheon the delegates were Taken on a trip of inspection of the Armour packing plant. Order to Close City Hall Opens Door to Rumors J. J. Krajicek, assistant city treas urer, with offices at the South Side city hall, received orders Thursday morning from City Treasurer M. L. Endres that the South Side city hall was to be closed and the branch office transferred to the sec ond story of the jail. The order is said to have come from- City Commissioner Zimman, caused by the shortage of coal. The police court and other offices on the South Side are to be moved to the jail building. . A movement is on foot by busi ness men of the South Side oppos ing the transfer, as it is claimed it will work a great hardship and in convenience to the people of the South Side to be compelled to crowd into the smafi quarters in the jail building to pay taxes. . . Special Thanksgiving Services Next Sunday Sunday morning, will be the an nual Thanksgiving festival in St. Martin's Episcopal church. Twenty fourth and J. street;' , The rector. Dr., C. Edwin Brownwill deliver t special sermon., "The Spirit of Thanksgiving." The choir will ren der appropriate music. There will be a celebration of the Holy Communion on Thanksgiving day, at 10 a. m. "Popcorn" Billy Dies on South Side at Near Four-Score Mark "Popcorn" Billy, is dead. For the past 30 years William Cook and his popcorn wagon have been familiar figures at the corner of N and Twenty-fourth . streets-. South Side. Wednesday night he died at the home of his son, Her man, 2223 N street. He was 76 years old. "Popcorn" Billy -was active in republican politics on the South Side for a number of years. His health began to fail two years ago. Funeral services were held at the parlors of the Cole-McKay Under taking Co., 2661 Farnam street, yes terday afternoon. The body was taken to Dow City, la., for burial. of that part of the country was harvested this fall and that there would be a good crop of winter wheat. According to Bow ers, the use of the horse in his section for farming has been replaced by auto trucks and tractors. Emll Vandepute, 6105 South Thirty ninth street, charged with having home made beer in his possession was fined $100 and costs In police court Thursday. After the trial Vandepute was taken Into cus today by federal officers on a charge of violating th national prohibition law. William Hetteriek. 4164 L street, was also fined $100 and costs on a charge of having illegal possession of intoxicating liquors. With the hope of hogs onnglng 20 a hundred next May, several Iowa farmers are holding their porkers until next spring according to W. w. Glynn of Tabor, la., who was in the market Thurs day -with a few loads of sheep. Glynn said the farmers were letting their hogs clean up the fields before moving them but there will be a large number of car loads of fat hogs sent in from his section this winter. SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! It yam have not tried to get those shoes you need for infant, child, boys' and girls' 9chool shoes, ladies' house or dress, men's work or for best wear, you hve failed to ao me most important thing. Bee our money-saving bargain counters for real values In shoes. PHILIP'S DEPARTMENT STORE, 24th and Q Sts.. South Side, The Fastest Growing store In Omaha. Watch us grow. Did you win any of rniiips weeKiy prizes 7 PLAN DRIVE FOR FUNDS FOR AIR MAIL HANGAR Start Campaign to Raise $50, 000 In. Omaha Next Mon day Big Event In City's ' History. ? The Chamber of Commerce com mittee for financing the aerial mail plane hangar which is now being erected on the Ak-Sar-Ben, land ing field, met at the chamber Wed nesday' to discuss plans to raise $50,000. . A drive will be started next Monday to raise the amount, which is the approximate cost of the hangar. Steel work of the hangar, is nearly completed, it is reported, and the entire structure is expected to be finished in about 10 days. The first mail plane will arrive imme diately on its completion, probably the first week in December, and Omaha will receive regular air mail service from then on. The placing of the corner stone of the hangar will be marked by a ceremony to be held by prominent business men. The acquisition of aerial mail service here is regarded as one of the most important events in the city's history, and the cere mony of laying the corner stone will be most impressive, according to Harley (5. Conant, chairman of the finance committee. Are you going to the theater or movies tonight? If so, see Amuse ment page. Detective Reinstated as Reward for Rescue of Mayor During Riot Ben Danbaum, who was dismissed frqm the police department, Febru ary 10, 1919 in connection with an automobile recovery, was reinstated yesterday by the city council, as a reward for going to the rescue of Mayor Smith, during the court house riot. . The mayor, who offered a resolu tion for reinstatement, said: "While 1 1 was jp a hospital I learned that it was due to the efforts of Dan baum, in part at least, that my life was saved. I would not be human if I did not offer this resolution. I spoke to Mr. Ringer of the matter, but he stated that he did not feel like offering the resolution. I re member that I excoriated Danbaum severely at the time of his dismis salfrom the department, but I be lieve in the doctrine of redemption." The mayor added that his infor mation of Danbaum's efforts at the time of the riot came from Capt. Henry P. Haze. Two Masked Bandits Rob Truck Driver of $ 1 00, Day's Collections Morris Kasper, driver for the Central' market, reported to the po lice that two unmasked men robbed hint of $100 in an alley at the rear of 1920 Farnam street at 6 prm. Wed nesday. He had just made a detivery to a restaurant and was about to -step into his truck, when one of the rob-' bers- covered him with a revolver and the other took his collections. oiniiiiiirrnii saift&StggSa vLjLM&sfcSKsmfJ Increasing Enjoyment With Evcir Puff Yes, you like the Meditation Cigar right from the start The first puff pleases, the second delights, then you smoke clear down to the last half-inch with en joyment that increases at each succeeding puff. ; You can smoke these mild.-Havana-blended cigars one after another for hours arid still keep a clear head. "Meditation" fragrance is a joy that lingers in the mem y. Eight Sizes: 10c and 2 for 25c , HARLE, HAAS COMPANY, Council Bluffs, la. I If you want plenty of thick, beau tiful, glossy, silky hair, do by all means get rid of dandruff, for it, will starve your hair and ruin it if. you, don't. . It doesn't do much good to try to brush or wash ;t out The only sure way to get rid of dandruff is to dis solve it, then you destroy it entirely. To do this, get about four ounces of ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub it in gent ly with the finger tips. ' By morning, most if not alt -of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more applications will completely dissolve and entirely de stroy every singlhv'Sign and trace of it. - f You will find, too, that all itch - Ing anoS digging of the scalp will stop, and your hair will look and feel a hundred times better. -You can get liquid arvon at any drug store. It is inexpensive and four ounces is all you will need, no mat ter how much dandruff you have. This simple remedy never fails. Bee Want Ads-- bofcst business. 4- South Side Brevities Social club of I. O. O. F. No. JS1, wiU give a dance at Ru.hlns hall Saturday tilg-ht. - St. Mary' Court. Woman's Catholic Or der of Foresters will meet Friday at 8 p. m. at St. Mary's school hall'. Burn coke In your base burner; cleaner, hotter and lasts longer than hard coal. Call South 33, O. K. Harding' Coal Co. The top price paid for fat yearling sheep on the market Thursday was received by Peter Peterson of CoYrectlonvllle, la., who brought tn three decks that brought 11.40. , .. C. M. Anderson came tn from Oakland Thursday with a load of choice Uaby beef that averaged 1,150 pounds and brought the top price for the month, of 115.75 a hundred. Earl Caddock, Iowa's champion wrestler, was a visitor at the yards Thursday with fc load of cattle that he raised on his farm tn Wyoming. He has a small stock ranch at Upton. , A large number of delegates of the Nebraska State Farmers' (-operative Grain and Live Stock association, were guests in the Exchange cafe. Thursday, of the local live stock Interests. Peter Plachxa, proprietor of a pool hall, charged with receiving stolen goods. It being alleged that he bought from several small boys lambs stolen from tho stock yards, was fined $25 and costs In police court Thursday. The boys, John Krasse, 14; Mike Rossgall, 17, and John Barlwlch, 17, were turned over to the Juvenile court. Billy Bowers of Julesburg, Colo., wss among the arrivals at tha yards Thursday with a load of cows and heifers. He said the best wheat crop In the history iiiimiiimiiiiiimniiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiniiiiliiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiri 'Our Dentistry Satisfies m "Zztjl- ---- iSr In our years of practice we have satisfied thou sands ofi patients. JWe can satisfy you. Ask sonie of your neighbors abThit our dentistry.' At reasonf able prices. ! I Phone .. Omaha Dentists 1515K FARNAM STREET NOTICE: Out-of-town patrons can have work completed ' in one day. Write, call or phone. Open ETeninf. Till 8 P. M. . iiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiii'iiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii T Salt's Fur Fabrics, Won . derful Substitute for Real Furs The excellent qualities of the famous SALT'S Fur Fabrics have attained such a degree of perfection that today they not only compete with natural furs, but go a long way toward re placing the real furs. A VJ fcTl ) W l5iq-2CDOUGLAS STREET J ' ' '' . , , J EXTRA Our New York buyer was on the job and purchased 406 sample plush coats at a great discount, and we are offering the same saving to you so come. Starting Friday Morning at 8:30 Sharp We Launch a Great Sale of 400 Sample - 1 '''' " - ' Thk important sale coming right at the very beginning of winter, is an event that every vvoman and miss in Omaha will fully appreciate inasmuch as the great vogue of fur and fur-fabric coats make it absolutely imperative that every one vvho.follows the dictates of fashion shall have one at least of these stylish winter garments. $35 to $45 -PLUSH CO A TS ' Shcrt coats, long coats; many beau tiful styles to choose from; not a gar ' ment in this lot,worth less than $&5.00, and many worth $45.00; don't fail to see r ' these wonder values at MATERIALS ARE: SALTS PLUSH, PECO PLUSH, SEAL PLUSH $55 to $49.50 PLUSH 9J M B. u i CO A TS Beautiful fur trimmed and plain plushes enriched with handsome linings; short, long, as well as three-quarter length models ' , SALTS PECO PLUSH' ESQUIMETTE PLUSH, SALTS NUTRIA $75 and $65 PL USH CO A TS ... No matter what your preference may be in rich fur fabrics o what par ticular style coat you have in mind, you will be sure to find it here. Wonderful fur trimmed and plain fur coat models - SALTS VEL0UR DE N0RD SEAL PLUSH A FUR FABRIC NEGLECTING THAT COLD OR COUGH? Why, when Dr. King's fitvt Discovery so promptly checks it. ICS natural you don't want to bft careless and let that old cold or cough drag: on or that new attack develop seriously. Not when yon can get such a proved successful remedy as Dr. King's NeV DisA covery. Cold, cough, grippe, croup does not resist this standard reliever very long. Its quality is as high today as it always has been and it's beent growing steadily in popularity for mor than fifty years, ,60c. tndv $1.20 a bottle at all druggists. Tardy Bowels, Inert Liver Thtr -iiiaf. won't 1t. von nut "nan'' into your work or play. Sick head ache comes from retaining waste matter and impurities in the body. Feel right for anything make the liver lively, the bowels function reg x ularly, with Dr. King's New Life Pills. Smoothly yet positively they produce results that cleanse the sys tem and make the liver and bowels respond to the demands of a strong, healthy body. Still 25c. at all druggists. Try them tonight. No Suffering From Indigestion 25Box TRY THEM ESTABLISHED ISM The first itep to ined health li (ood dlteiUen. For twenty-five !Utl KITTEB'S DIOE8T1V LOZENGES have been mtorlni disordered iWm rha to health. Pleasant to take and always effec tive. Try them. Don't suffer longer. Bold at Sherman A McConnell Stores. mi inn Treatment for pimple and blackheads: At night smear them with Cutieura Oint ment. Waah off in five minutes with Cuticnra Soap and hot water and continual bathing a few momenta. Treatment for dandruS and kchlaf: On TOtkinf rob Coticura Ointment into partinga all ever scalp. The next marninx shampoo with Cutieura Soap and hot water. Repeat ia two weeks if needed. Seaa 25c, Ofatmaaat 2S ssW SOc Talenan 2Sa Sold tkmighont the world. For saospte each free address: Tataosra tab orafiaa, Pea. X3F. ttmUm. Man' Sjsw-Catfcara Soa ataawaa wwJkm i For Superfluous Hair Un DDLATOE3D . The Loading-Seller fat 10 Years QUICK SURE SAFE RELIABLE Use Freth a Wanted Atk Yoor Dealer He Know JAR OF WALKING WOULD ALMOST DRIVE HIM WILD Nerves Were All Upset After, Six Years' Trouble Gains Fifteen Pounds. ' "It was tight months ago that Tanlae not only completely over came my six years of troubles, but also added fifteen pounds to my weight, and now today, after all this time, I am still (in perfect health," was the statement made recently by G. T. Admire, a well-known painter employed by the Kansas City Hay Press Co., who lives at 1306 Cherry St., Kansas City, Mo. ' v "I had such a severe case of stomach trouble." continued Mr. Admire, "that I couldn't digest, hardly-a thing I ate and for hours after every meal I would be in misery. I was troubled with con stipation all the time and could find nothing to mieve me. and often I rhad terrible headaches and dizzy spells. My nerves were so com pletely upset that when I would walk along the street even the. jar of walking would nearly run mo crazy. I couldn't sleep well at night and I became so weak and run down that I would have to lay off from work for weeks at a time. "I read so much in the papers about Tanlac and what it was doing for people that I commenced taking it myself. And now I am certainly glad I took it, for all these troubles f that had been bothering me for six iroalMl am a 41mmv t .a J T couldn't ask for better health. Jt can eat anything I please without! being troubled in the least with iiw digestion. My constipation is r lieved and headaches and dizzy spells have left me and my nerves are as steady as a clock. I can sleep fine all night, picked up in weight so fast that in a short whilo I had gained fifteen pounds, as I have said, and I was stronger than I. had been in years. All this was eight months ago when Ltook Tan lac. and since then I havetrt touched a drop of any kind of medicine, and I just don't know when I was " ever in better health than I am today." - " .VTanlae is sold in Omaha at all Sherman & McConnell Drug Con-. -pany's stores, Harvard Pharmacy and West End Pharmacy. Also For rest and Meany Drug Company in South Omaha and the leading drug gist in each city Sad town through out the eUto W Nebraska. Adr, ,