THE OMAHA BEE. r - . . . - -- " ' . . T 4 1 - ' 1 I V The Largest Toy Dept. Omaha Has Ever Had And the most beautiful, the largest line of toys, and American made toys at that. The assortments are not complete as yet.' Here's truly the place where Sjanta will come this year to buy the little girls and boys their toys. And the rea son is because there is such a 'Compre hensive assortment. ON OUR NEW FOURTH FLOOR. Thanksgiving Linens Opportunity to lev in tha Headed Thanksf Wing linens at exceptional saying is offered Friday. ( TABLE CLOTHS, $1.69 Made of nice quality - uicucuicu uouui, ruuuu ur square unisneu, I scalloped or hemstitched edge, 1 CO I luncheon size, all neat patterns, each 1 OS ! SPREADS These are in the crochet kind, seal- iopea ana cue corners, large size, o fZ( heavy quality, each OsOU TOWELING Full bleached, glass cloth finish, sort ana aDsorDent, fancy red bor. ng, der, special, yard . " OC EXTRA SPECIAL Satin Spreads, 8.00 values, lor f riday, a very high class satin finish dam- asK spread, scalloped ana cut corners, large size, neavy quality, an in Deautilul patterns ' D mm. ,D ItnmmtHmiffnnmmmtl rtftft Thanksgiving Preparations 6.98. Dresses, 2 Big Lots of Girls' Winter Coats Specially Priced Two big lots of warm, pretty coat for girls at very special price for Friday's BASEMENT Sale. Coats at 5.95 , Girls 2 to 6, T to 10 and 8 to 14 sizes; good heavy, warm winter coats; right up-to-date styles, many different models and materials, plain and fancy cloths. Values 6.95 to 10.00. Coats at 3.95 Two to 6, 8 to 14, 13 to 17 years, good style winter coats. We have grouped several hundred odd and broken lots together into thfs real bar gain. Good school and play coats, good styles, good materials. Worth 5.00 to 7.50. Over 1,000 Silk Blouses On Sale Friday and Saturday ,V At $2 Beautiful Georgette, Crepe de Chine, Fancy Net, Chiffon, heavy Japanese and China Silk Blouses will"be offered at tremen dousely undercut prices. v . Dozens of pretty, right-up-to-date styles, desirable colors, many are very elaborately trimmed with braid, beads, etc. Others in plain styles. JThese blouses are perfect in every way; many are samples; wonderful blouses. These blouses of actual $4 to $5 values, will be sold for $2.49. Are Complete in This Great Bargain Basement The xoming of Thanksgiving brings the need for many new things Clothing, Tableware, Furnishings of all kinds, as well as good things to eat. In the BRANDEIS STORES'" BASEMENT offerings for Friday, the thrifty homemaker will find the ' things for Thanksgiving at prices which are low enough to be REAL cause for Thanks giving in themselves. 1 ' . , Suits,- Coats-Excelleit Styles THREE LOTS OF REMARKABLE BARGAINS - GOOD VALUES AT ONE EXTREMELY LOW PRICE Purchases of these splendid -garments were made at a time when we were able to buy at big savings. They are made up in a wide variety of very new styles, of the materials and colors DAY BASEMENT SALE. ' - 1 1 Here is Winter Apparel of such a nature that no woman can afford to pass up this sale THE DRESSES Mill J Parcels Wrapped For Shipment The accommodation desk in the Basement will wrap for shipment by parcel post or ex press. This service is free, no matter where the parcels were purchased. BASEMENT An Extraordinary Offering in "C-B" Corsets ' A sale of a lot of discontinued models at substantial reductions from the regu lar valuations. v Corsets made of excel lent quality white Coytil, well boned, and with extra strong hose supporters at tached. They offer a selection of low, medium, and medium high bust, in three equally good styles, suitable for the wom an of average figure. $2.00 values, to be sold Friday md Saturdays - , At 1.59 These handsome dresses are of all-wool serge, wool-mixed serge, good satin, fancy? silk dresses, various kinds. A good range to make your selection from. This sale pre sents a real opportunity to purchase an extra dress or two and make a splendid saving. 1 12.95 to $15 values. THE SUITS What woman will riot be glad to haVe the chance to make such a good saving on a suit. They consist of fancy mix tures, novelty cloth, wool-mixed serges, etc., long coat styles, good range of sizes to choose from, also sizes in the lot for stout women up to 53. Practical styles, good cloth and well made, 12.95 to 17.50 values. THE COATS Remarkable coat values make a saving that we know you will appreciate. There are a host of them to choose from, good, warm winter coats, many are lined, plain and fancy materials, good range of sizes and colors, fine coats for ordinary wear. Stylish winter coats, 13.85 to 17.50 values.. 1 Some Real Bargains in Girls' Dresses In Two Lots Two separate lots of extraordinarily pretty Dresses for Girls, ages from 2 to 6 and 8 to 12, at prices which are astonishingly low. An op portunity to save a, great deal on Dresses for the Girls. 1 Tub Dresses at 1.49 Hundreds of Girls' pretty Tub Dresses, ages 2 to 6 and 8 to 12. Dozens of good styles, many are made of Amoskeag ginghams,' and others of good, plain and fancy wash materials. Better stock up; these are as low as in previous years, with cotton advancing very rapidly. 1.98 to 2.69 values. Dresses at 99c ! Worth today 1.S9 to 2.00, hundreds to select from. All gtfbd wash materials, fancy plaids, checks, stripes, ; etc. Dozens of pretty up-to-f date styles. ' Wash Goods and Domestics ! - Jn a Very Special Selling Friday The remarkable price reductions are not, alone, the chief consideration in this Wash Goods offering. The QUALITY of these goods is equally astonishing. Art Linen Specials Imported art linen for -art embroidery work, a genuine Irish linen, in all the desired widths, priced as follows: 27in. Natural Art Linen, yd., 1,35 36-in. Natural Art Linen, yd., 1.50 45-in. Natural Art Linen, yd., 1.95 54-in. Natural Art Linen, yd., 2.50 72-in. Natural Art Linen, yd., 3.75 18-in. Natural Art Linen, yd., 894 20-in. Natural Art Linen, yd., 98t 22-in. Natural Art Linen, yd., 1.10 25-in. Natural Art Linen, yd., 1.19 WHITE NAiNSOOK Splendid quality for underwear, lingerie, etc., in lengths up to 12 yards. Special at, n ( yard, j eCOC SILK STRIPE VOILE In all the wanted colors, very desirable for pretty evening dresses, waists, etc., at yard OOC LINGERIE CLOTH 40-inch, fancy mercerized lingerio cloth in assorted patterns in white and pink, a beautiful fabric for underwear and lingerie. "yC Special at yard OC NAINSOOK AND BATISTE 36 inch colored nainsook and 36 inch colored batiste, a beautiful silk-finished fabric for under garments, etc. Regular 59c value, Fri- AQn day, at yard , "rivC WHITE FLAXON FABRICS In all the wanted checks and stripes, every piece stamped on selvage; positively worth OQ 5 9c, Friday, at yd. O V C WHITE ORGANDIE Embroider ' ed organdie, a beautiful, sheer quality, with permanent finish, in a splendid assortment of new and exclusive designs for waists, dresses, etc. Very O PA special, a yard, Ov APRON GINGHAM In all the wanted blue checks and broken styles ; waranted fast in- OP. digo blue. Special at yd. BOOKFOLD PERCALE -wrapper and shirting light and dark colors. Special at yard - Dress, styles, 19c GALATEA .SUITING In a big assortment of fancy styles and some plain colors, for boys and girls, school .suits, rompers, etc. 10 to 20-yard ?Qf lengths, at per jjard afiJC FINE ZEPHYR DRESS GING-, HAM Genuine Amoskeag and Red Seal brands, pretty plaids, v checks and plain Q colors, at yard OS7C 36-INCH SHIRTING MADRAS In a big assortment of pretty patterns and -colors, for men's ! and boys' shirts, 9Qf waists, etc., at per yd. 57C 36-INCH PERCALE Our very best quality, in light and dark color combinations, 10 to 20 yard lengths, O O at per yard 05 WHITE OUTING FLANNEL Good quality, with long, fleecy nap; positively worth 25c a yard. Limit, 20 yards to a IK, customer, Friday, yard JL OC 36-INCH BLEACHED MUSLIN and 36-inch Bleached Cambric, splendid quality for sheets, slips, etc. tong mm lengths, at, yard, , 10,000 YARDS of Assorted Wash Goods, remnants, including silko line comforter covering, plain N colors, voile nd batiste, oil color calico, etc. Values up to 29c. In one lot Friday, lOl at , l$C f ANCY OUTING FLANNEL 27 inches wide, extra heavy quali ty, fleeced nap on both sides, 10 to 20-yard lengths; regular 35c quality, Friday, OKf at per yard fcOC 17c Big Saving Possibilities Friday and Saturday in the Basement Shoe Section The iigh prices on shoes receive a violent shock as a-restilt of the low prices effec tive on good footwear here Friday and Saturday. Remarkable savings are possible. Take advantage of them to the fullest extent ' Men's Slippers at 1.95 Young Ladies' Shoes l' - IPv Pair Made of gun metal calf skin, leather top, Eng lish toe, lace styles, solid oak leather soles, stees 2 to 6. 4.00 values. Women's Shoes at 1.95 Woman' sample size shoes in dull patent and. vici kid; lace and button styles; sizes 2Vi, 3 and 3. , Children's all wool knit draw er Jeggins; a combination of drawers and leggins; white, red and grey colors; some are slightly checked but hardly noticeable; well worth 1.50, the CQ, pair at OJ C Children's, Button' Snoes, made of black soft kid, Band-turned sole, "I (( size S to 8, at pr. 1 lvl Women's Spats of heavy felt, 10 buttons high, brown castor, fawn, and pearl, size 1 "0 ACkt to 6, per pair , swefiv ' Women's Juliets and 1 -strap house slippers, black kid; with hand-turned soles, rubber heels, sizes 3 to 8. value 3.50, o A f" at In either tan or heavy corduroy vamp with patent leather sole and heels, or black and grey felt with hand-turned soles; sizes are " 6 to 11.. Men's and Boys' Overshoes At 1.49 One-Buckle Jersey Overshoes,- extra heavy rubber sole and heel, sizes 6 to If, 2.25 value ii jUBfi Sale o( Women's and JWisses' Dress Skirts v 3.50 to $6 Values Your Choice These are skirts, which, at even their regular valuation, would be wonderful bargains, hundreds'of them in fancy and plain cloths, in very-popular styles, with pockets and belts, braid and button trimmed, and in all desirable materials and colors. All-wool, serge, wool-mixed materials, fancy mixtures, nov elty stripes and plaids, also a good, heavy quality "of Sol-satin; splendid, up-to-date skirts. Really 3.50 to $5 values; your choice, at 2.69. SCRIM 3,600 yards of plain and fancy Scrim, mill lengths 2 to 10 yds., a bargain at 1 f yard 1UC CRETONNES One big counter of fancy cre tonnes and silkolines; lengths 2 to 10 yds. ; a bargain at, 1 Q yard 1 C Friday Specials in the Drapery Section , Unusual opportunities to select new draperies from , tnis big assortment at remarkable price reductions. TAPESTRY CRE TONNES 2,000 yds. of heavy tapestry cre tonnes in a large assort ment of pretty color ings and patterns, a bargain at, NETS AND CRETONNES One table of samples, ih a big and attractive variety; spe- QQ,,' cial, each, OJC CARPET SWEEPERS 750 all metal sanitary compact sweepers, com plete with handle, at each 95c 59c WASH RUGS 500 hit ana miss wasn rugs, size 18x36; all colors at, each MARQUISETTES 2,000 yards of Marquisettes, 36x40 inches wide, 2 to 15 yard lengthy, worth 49c yard on the tolt, a bargain at OC . yd. ZOC Underwear and Hosiery For -Women and Children WOMEN'S COTTON UNION SUITS Fleeced, in high neck, long sleeves, Dutch neck, elbow sleeves and low neck, no sleeves; all ankle length at, 1 CA suit 1 .OU BOYS' AND GIRLS' Union Suits . Cotton fleeced, sizes 2 to 16, in white, cream and 1 fifl grey at, per suit 1 .UU COTTON HOSIERY Women's, in black, white, with double soles, at, pair mOC VESTS AND PANTS Women's cotton fleeced vest and pants in sizes 34 to 44, at, a "I tt garment eUl CHILDREN'S HOSIERY In cot ton and lisle, fine rib, black, white and brown; sizes OP 5 to at, pair OOC MEN'S COTTON SOCKS I n black and colors and O J? ' grey mixed, at,' pair smOC Among the offerings from The Hardware Secti ion Are Some Items of Interest, Preparatory to the Thanksgiving Feast - Percolators The Mirro aluminum kind, 2-quart size, made o? pure aluminum; special At- 2.49 Rustic Nut Bowls i Made of natural oak finish, just as the wood comes from the tree, with nut cracker and 6 picks; special At 1.59 Corn Poppers Popper made of heavy black sheet steel, with sliding cover; special At 59c Salt and Pepper Shakers Of aluminum, comes with salt and pepper shaker, and toothpick holder, in holly boxes; special - At 29c Brooms A special that is a special. Made of heavy broom corn, with highly fin ished handle; special At 49c Furniture Polish' Liquid Wax, for floors, furniture and woodwork; special 1-quart size.,.1 49 12-ounce size 29 ' An Opportunity to Supply Your Bedding Needs At Saving Prices That Are Rare Indeed Coming right now, when Bedding needs MUST be sup plied, this BASEMENT Sale represents the most agreeable of opportunities to effect desirable savings. Wool Finished Blankets In plaids and plain gray and tan, with assorted fancy borders, well bound edges. Size 66x80 inches. Exceptional value Friday yj no ' at, per pair, 'r.IO INDIAN BLANKETS Made of imported China cotton in a big assortment of Navajo designs and colorings; size 64x78; can be used as bed blankets, couch covers and auto robes; P Art very special, at, each O.UU. COMFORTS, Silkoline-Co.-ered comforts, filled with good . quality sanitary cotton batting, neatly hand-tufted, medium and dark colors; special, Q iyc each O O BEACON JACQUARD BLANK- ETS 1,000 pairs genuine Bea con Jacquard Plaid Blankets in a wonderful assortment of new patterns and color combinations, all full double bed size, in three lots, friday, pair at 11.95, 8.95 and T, 6.50 WOOL BLANKETS In assorted plaids; also plain gray with fancy borders, extra heavy win ter weight, beautifully bound edges, full double bed size; a positive $12.50 val- 1 fk ff ue, at, pair i 1U.UU BLANKETS, Wool-Finished Cot- ton Blankets in assorted colors, fancy, washable borders, thread whipped edges, long, warm, fleecy nap, special SATEEN-COVERED COMFORT ERS 15 dozen sateen-covered comforters, size 72x84 inches, filled with large roll white sani tary cotton, beautifully scroll stitched positively worth 7.50, Friday, f- As- each O.ftO eaa r A