Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1919, Page 9, Image 9

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J ; I ., , I
r'i iTq TrikM xssrATM i .......... i as? ,,as --vr- r 22 .!2 j - . - -i . 'L-l
u u mi i ki di k v bi w tn r warn i iii .v ii a n n vi nrr t-t a a , L'ij-.,rii r x t ii mm n nr a a a MnAnti... i . . a i - av tn c uuiik kiii ui'i . Jiiinnnnn mtmm ma- i . .
L ' J B I J H & B 57NlVH f the first ""lers. the first oldest v WW1 I 1
-JLtJ'tb & J2r A. A homes, the first school, church and BY BEATRITF jtatrttay
main street will be secured wherever I ms.AXKIt.fc. FAIRFAX
RT is for our. enjoyment,
not for our approval,"
savs Director Georee Ec-
gers of the Chicago Art Institute.
Visitors at the exhibit of pictures
at the library this week under aus
pices of the Omaha Art Guild, ac
cord both enjoyment and approva:
to the collection. Mr. Eggers con
tends: j
"The essence of the art-lover's
position is the attitude of contem
plation rather than the attitude of
judgment. Least of all is its under
standing a pastime in which thf
game is to separate in the shortest
possible period the largest number
of "good" pictures from "bad" ones.
Art is rather a heaven-sent means
by which we may see things of our
common world through eyes other
than our own, and so escape for a
while from our own monotonous
type of experiences, or, if need be,
find ourselves by a view from with
out It is like the revelations of
our childhood days when ve looked
at the old familiar world through a
bit of colored glass and found it a
nev strange thing save that the
exi erience assumes a vast signifi
cance when in place of the colored
glass, we look through the lens of
I another personality."
Pictures shown at the Omaha Art
Guild, the work of local artists, are
causing much favorable comment.
The exhibit will be open until No
vember 30, daily from 9 a. m. to 9
p. m., and on Sundays from 2 to
6 n. m Mr Dnan Pnwpll i nrei-
dent of the guild.
Missionary Federation
Holds Successful
Annual Meet
VZ7?5" cT. VK Q2L.L,
China Budget Y. W. C. A.
The Omaha Business Women's
club has an active team in the con
test now on among Y. W. C. A.
members for a fund to support Miss
Ethel Hartley, who is engaged in
work in China. Members of the
business women's team are: Kate
Davis, chairman, Harriet Frahm,
Eva Nortnn Stella YViWv H,n;
i Pickard, Louise Gwin, Mrs. Perle
Hungate, Grace Johnson, Helen
McSweeney, Grace Oddie, Ellen
White, Doris Braden, Ethel Sachra,
Anna Olsson.
Political Science Department
Hereafter the science depart
ment of .the Omaha Woman's
club will meet at 2 o'clock instead
of 2:30 o'colck each alternate Mon
day. This is to enable members of
the department to attend the meet
ings of the Drama league.
Red Cross Seals.
Among the very largest orders for
Red Cross seals which has been re
ceived by the Nebraska Tuberculo
sis association is one for $100 worth
ot tne seals trom O. H. Barmettler,
representing the Iten Biscuit Co.
i Trinifv firi-l
Trinity circle of Trinity Methodist
church will be entertained: at the
home of Mrs. O. L. Bowersox, 3701
Florence boulevard, at 2i30 Thurs
day aiternoon, November zu.
' P. E. O. Chapter E.
Chapter E of the Pi E. O. sister
hood will meet Thursday at 10
o clock for an all-day meetinsr with
Mrs. J. A. Bryan, 1911 Emmet
street. She will be assisted by Mrs.
S. Green. Luncheon will be served
st 1 o'clock.
Longfellow Circle.
Longfellow Chautauqua circle will
meet Thursday evening at 7:30 at
the public library. Current events
will be the response to roll call.
Story Tellers League.
The Wyche Story Tellers' league
will meet Thursday afternoon at
4:15 o'clock in the Omaha public
library building. Mrs. R. Coleman
will be the leader. She will be as
sisted by Mrs. Carrie Bourtelle.
Art Department.
The art department, Omaha Wo
man's club, will meet Thursday, No
, vember 20, at 2:15 at the Y. W. C.
A. Doane Powell, president of the
Omaha Art guild, will speak on art
in Omaha; appreciation of art and
how to judge a picture. Mrs. John
Harmann, leader. ;
Story Tellers' League.
Mrs. E. G. Hampton, Mrs. P. M.
Pritchard and Miss Eloise Hijlis
will tell stories at the next meeting
of the Omaha Story Tellers' league.
The meeting will be held Thurs
day, November 20, at the public
library. ;
Mystic Workers.
. A mac lr hall will h crivn af T.St
hnr tpmnte. Nineteenth and Farnam.
by Alpha lodge, No. 893, Mystic
Workers. Thursday evening, No
vember 20.
n. x uuiiKsuvi uuuvauvtit
the Association of Collegiate Alum
nae will meet inursaay aiternoon at
1:30 with Mrs. Robert Drake, 5019
Underwood: Papers on sanitation
will be given by Mrs. J. E. Wallace
r v T 11
ana mjs. ueorgc i. warun.
RtiRinesfl Women's Chorus.
' Evening chorus class ( of the
m-lt. Afsvi 1uk will mfr
Thursday evening at 7 o'clock at the
Harmonious reliffinn hac Iipp.. Hip
text in many a pulpit during the past
few years, the subject of many an
editorial and the topic of many
a conversation. The women's mis
sionary federation of Omaha does
not preach, write or talk about it,
rather the members exemplify it.
Ten denominations and more than
40 Protestant churches were repre
sented at the annual gathering of
the federation at the First Chris
tian church Tuesday. Mr. Lorin
Thompson gave a short organ re
cital. The social feature of the
session was a delicious two-course
luncheon server! at 17 rVWt in
the church dining room and at
tended by 125 woman. Red carna
tions and ferns made attrartivf
decorations. Mrs. W. S. Knieht
returned thanks. "Are you a Bap
tist?" asked nnc wnman "Tf mn
are, I can't sit next to you because
mats my cnurcn. lhis spirit of
fcllowshlO and friendshin
terized the meetings.
Mrs. J. W. Gill, who was for two
years president of the federation.
was chairman fo the successful pre-
grami this year.
About AMU Wnman' wpm nrpeAiit
for the afternoon session and heard
Dr. Frank Smith of the First Con
gregational church in a distinctly
splendid talk. Dr. A. A. DrLarmo
of the BaDtist church tnnk the i.lare
of the Rev. C. E. Cobbev of the First
Christain church on the nrncram
Mrs. I. C. Wood conducted the
afternoon devotional service. In the
absence of the nresident Mrs Tamcc
.Almy presided. Mrs. W. P. Harford
conducted morning devotionals and
a ouartette sane Frhnps nf tlm
Tuesday meeting indicate it was one
of the best ever held.
Fashion Dispatch
(By Fairchild Fashion Service.)
x ans special caoie to The
Bee.) Suit jackets are three-quar
ter and knee length at most of the
Fjrench model makers. Hip fullness
is obtained by godets in many in
stances. Suit skirts are a trifl
longer and are inclined to straight
unes, out dresses are decidedly ful
ler in the skirt and still verv slirii?
Leather trimmings vie with fur f.-it
suits. Duvetyn and velour de lain
ana velvet are the most often re
peated in materials. There are al
a great many scotch plaids tor
skirts, trimmings and separate
Of Interest to Women
A casket weighing 700 pounds and
large enough to hold six average
sizea men was required tor the
H cent burial of a 600-pound woman of
ttima, ia .
Y. W. C, A.
Home Nursing Class.
Al lt11 sv( D.nsnn Vi Mri-itll
lilC CILjf VI UiiOVU) ww ovvuiiu
home nursing class of Benson will
oe organized.
-' tm r t ,t: 1 u .-..'11
i ne uoqq i inics ciuu wui ujcci
Thursday afternoon at the home. of
r t o ii 1 . r
aura, j aiiics vjaiidsnci, ucusuu
Hn!ioo Woman's Club.
Mrs. D. Moscowitz will entertain
the Benson Woman's club at her
home, 2524 North Sixtieth street,
Thursday afternoon.
Nebraska Federation Notes.
Mrs. E. G. Drake of Beatrice, who
was elected treasurer of the Nebras
ka Federation of Women's Club at
their annual convention in Fair
bury, has resigned, and Mrs. J. W.
Welsh of Omalia will take her place.
Miss Annie L. Miller of Lincoln
has been appointed on the board of
trustees of the scholarships fund
for a period of six years. Mrs.H.
- E. Gootrich of Nelson has been made
chairman of thrift and Miss Kather
ine Worley of Omaha, chairman of
: Americanization work.
These are announcements given
out by Mrs. John Slaker, president,
following a board meeting in Lin
coln Tuesday. All members of the
board were present, including state
officers, district president and gen
eral federation director and secre
tary. Community Service.
Club dinners Thursday evening,
at the Community house, by T. A.
and D. F. S. clubs. Dance the same
evening at Army and Navy club,
General Pershing and D. T. A. clubs,
Papillion Liberty at 8:30 to 11 p. m.
Minne Lusa Society.
Minne Lusa Woman's society will
meet" at the home of Mrs. B. A.
Waugh, 2877 Newport avenue,
Thursday afternon.
Women's Activities.
Laws legitimizing children born
out of wedlock were urged before
the national women's council held
in St. Louis last week, m the reso
lutions presented by Mrs. Ellen
Spencer Mussey, chairman of the
department of legal status of wom
en and children. The resolution,
' which was unanimously adopted,
included the rights of the child to
the father's name and to inherit
property of both parents.
Other resolutions presented by
Mrs.' Mussey advocated the estab
lishment of minimum wage boards
in all states, urged laws giving joint
and equal guardianship of parents
over minor children, and for rais
ing the age necessary for making a
contract, and appealed to congress
to pass laws to allow women marry
ing aliens to retain their citizen
ship. v ;
Under the English law a girl -f
14 is, it of ordinary intelligence
deemed to be or sufficient capacity
to choose her own domicile and
mode of life.
lo preserve boquets put a little
salt peter in the water you use fcr
your boquets and the flowers will
live for a fortnight.
Eleven young nvomen are taking
the law course at the University of
D. A. R. Records.
The seventeenth annual state con
ference of the Daughters of the
Revolution nasspd a rpcnliitmn thof
the Nebraska society encourage the
accumulation of data pertaining to
the earlv histnrv nf parh miintir
copies .of which hall be placed in
me new capital and become a part
of the Stat Ii hrarv anrl that a A-
partment of extensive genealogical
research be established and fostered
in co-oneration with th tat hie.
torical society.
lhe state regent, Mrs. Frank I
Ringer, appointed the vice-regent,
Mrs Charles F. Spencer of North
Platte, chairman; Mri Tharlfo
Oliver Norton of Tfpnrnpv nact
state regent and Mrs. A. J. Cornish.
Lincoln, as the historical and
genealogical research committee.
Each chapter has been asked to
appoint a chairman of this commit-
tee whose duty will be to begin at
A little "Danderine" checks;
ugly dandruff and sfcips
hair falling.
Get a small bottle of "Danderine"
at any drue store for a fw r-ntc
POUr a little into vonr hanH r,A -.,k
well into the scalp with the finger
tips, cy morning most, if not all,
of this awful scurf Will hoira
peared. Two or three applications!
often remove every bit of dandruff
ana stops tailing hair. Every hair
on scalp shortly shows more life.
vigor, brightness, thickness and
Daylight Delivery
To keep your milk from freezing and to give our
men and horses better hours during the cold months
we are now delivering by daylight.
Better Hours
You will see your delivery man practically every day and
can tell him Just what you want He will not have to call
back on account of tickets or bottles. This will mean he
can serve more customers better and in less time. This
eaves expense and helps keep the advancing cost as low
as possible.
Order Extra Milk
If you have been getting your order before breakfast, Just
order a little extra for one day, so that you will have some
for breakfast the following day. You will be pleased with
this daylight service.
Leavenworth at 26th Street
rhones: Douglas 409 Council Blnffs, 205.
Thanksgiving Games.
In response to a great nany in
quiries for suggestions for Thanks
Riving entertainments, several arti
cles will be given in this column
between now and that holiday.
They will nat be repeated, nor will
they be sent in response to personal
letters asking: for them. It is there
fore suggested that those who are
contemplating Thanksgiving parties,
clip them as they appear.
Supply guests with apples, cloves,
toothpicks and knives, asking them
tO TnakA lin fnnaa ntv a ttrv.
limit. The apple skins mav be cut
to make curia Tha
very ludicrous and clever. If you
are using progressive games, ap-
and give the makera tally mark to-
woru tne nnai prize.
Play a game of lackstraws. nsln
lieaniltSI ntwl Kant haffnlndl Tt.
hairpins may be wound tightly with
ribbon. If the crowd is a large one,
let four play at each table. Give
them a enmnnrf- rtllA nf noannia
The rule, of course, is that one may
continue to fish out peanuts until
he disturbs one in the pile. The one
who gets the largest number of pea
nuts In n. Ilmltart lpncrtto tt lima ic
given a tally mark toward the prize.
x-iy a winaing pain or peanuts on
the floor, makine- it about ix inchpa
wide. Ask the guests to walk, or
hop through it on one foot. If one
steps on a peanut, he has to drop
out. All who succeed in getting
through the rath without disaster
are given a tally mark.
Have two generous piles of Dea-
nuts. Divide the party into two di.
visions. Place the peanuts on two
chairs. Oivp panh p-npst a cmr,,.
The purpose is to give a very short
nine ior tne two sides to carry
peanuts from the large f pile, using
only the snoon for transnnrtatinn
and depositing them at some ar
ranged piace as rar away as you
like Of course each nno uHll ftll
Ivjs spoon as full as possible and will
1 ...... 1, V. T . . . .
uixj an iit, c-an. imuii one on tne
winning side should h pivon aiiv
mam. .
Make out a. set nf nnutinn oU.t
nuts, such as. "What nut grows on
me seasnorer (Answer, Beechnut)
"What nut encloses China?" (Answer
Walnut.) You can work out an in
teresting set of questions and an
swers. Hand the questions around
on slips of papers with pencils for
writing in the answers. Give a
limited time, and then check up to
see how many answered all correct
ly. The highest score or scores, re
ceive a tally.
One of the Jolliest games for
Thanksgiving is this: Cut out a
quantity of turkeys from a light
weight cardboard. , (Perhaps you
can get a pattern at some station
ery department.) Hide these all over
the house. Give each guest a small
basket which may be kept as a
dainty souvenir. At a given signal
let them hunt for turkeys and the
one who finds the greatest number
gets a prize or tally mark.
Earnvard blind
suitable game for the season. Form
a Circle With one blindfold narsnn
standing in the center. Let the cir
cle move around until the blinded
man points his finger at some one.
Then the movement stops and the
person at whom the finger points
must make a sound like a turkey
or some other barnyard creature.
The blinded man is given three
guesses (or one, if you choose) and
if he names the right person, they
exchange places. Otherwise, he has
to try again. No tally marks for
Pin a gaily painted turkey on the
wall. Mark a target or "bull's-eye"
at some point. Make bows and ar
rows out of willow twigs and elas
tic bands. For the arrows, use
straight twigs with several hen's
feathers tied to the end. The ones
who hit the bulls'-eye, get tally
marks. i
A good prize is made from a
pumpkin or cabbage hollowed out
and filled with candy pieces made
up in the shape of vegetables and
fruits, such as candy carrots, ber
ries, etc.
Divorced Man.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I
am coming to you for Just a little
advice and it would help me very
much I am sure. I am a youne elrl
of 19 years and am going with a fel
low of 2J. He is a very nice fellow
and -I think quite a lot of him, but
my folks object to me going with
him, since he is a divorced man, but
as long as he acts the part of a
gentleman and treats me nice I
don't see any harm in keeping com
pany With him. Do vnu i,,ot
cause he made a mistake in choss-
mg nis nrst wire is no reason that
he should be lonely and sad the rest
Of hlS life., I WOllld lilro Ir. !,.,...
what you have to say about this.
xnaiiKing you in advance, I am,
yours trulyf BOBBY.
If the man's intentions are ennd I
can see no harm In your friendship.
The fact that he is divorced is not
necessarily a thing to be held
against him, in my opinion. Whv
were they divorced? This is the
question. If it was due to his own
misconduct, then be careful. There
may be religious reasons why your
parents object.
her. Luncheon was bint nwr an
be was talking to a little knot o
jumru. a ne nrst words I heard, ad
i uu quietly into a nearby seat, werd
national Biscuit," reef " -
ntly my own tasty UnftUiTLuiicu'
coil. I liked hpr and aflui
... ' VVIU
rortably as she spoke again, my rr
i ftnrTrsffl?
lull limn
sue was quoting, "there's always
bit of pause when all the wort
seems waiting and listen!
cnuoren. Since
things, I've
babtes. V
to tot
toddlers there la " a - varied
inenu, sometimes Unceda Rmir
ind milk. Sometime nraham r-w
ra, Oatmeal Crackers or lunch BUh
' " . " I Is chanted nmviii
ttccasioh i3 Old Tin Sugar Cook
eg. or Fig Nektons and. rarest of
ill, there are days when We had
'iinnnBj-BniUysMn'a and tftn
Among all cereal
roods there is
only one
Unique in flavor-
rich in the
that builds
brain and
There's a Reason
Sold by Grocers everywhere
"Don't think my hour J Juat
urn u m-ur. ii siariea ttaV hinrillr
and made us sure the
4"n every day--for v
The verdict is SSJT.
- i -v ik- iuuh i
always the same ' bfMiiMXV
Uneeda Biscuit are alwavs thftvi uk
QOmP thaif nn7n. .1.' Li '.W 0
uunwiu iigiuricss, Crisp" )
ness, and wholesomeness having won
Tnem the loremost position
in the biscuit world
You see."
went on, "are
mala They are
most tractable after
omethlng"to eat. National
aainues always begin oux
SgSl ' Xilta.
" n Ti the
iiade it aaem
heavy anonrk
dinner, but alanvra
always dainty, ai.
ig as only National
a can be. During tha
my babies were growinc
never missed s the PhiL.
Hour wIU iU taatv f eaat.
FistulaPay When Cured
II IIiKjvN A mild syitem of treatment that cam Piles, FIMsIa sad
LI 11 II IA aZ2J 0'he,r Rectal Dlseaiej in a short Ume, without a SOTere tnr-
m aa a SSr gical operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other genera!
(n,(,..t,. . . . . anesthetic used. A care guaranteed in avery eat aceeotad
Lh , !P,ent,- money t0 be mtil cored- Writefor book an Recta 1 DiseaseaT&namei
ana teBUmonlals of more than 1000 prominent people who have been permanently eared. .
DR. E. R. TARRY 240 Be Bulldlns OMAHA. NEE9ASKA
, ..
N the Fall the family appetite is quickened. It wants something new
as well as something good. The housewife, with a well-chosen variety of
nunvurvvai Laoei rroaucts at hand, is going to save time and money in
cooking and' planning meals, and what is dearest to her heart can
count on a happy family at meal times. If your dealer is not stocked with all
you need, this local Armour Branch House can PROMPTLY supply him "
-A V
li tii ) vcsrtv.wiwiiB ir-tn "ja-i5f -iirT. m e- I II -5; i Titi
II I " 1 UC,1
i i i ii in hi win nmm m
Choosing Liht -
StarHarnC'TheHamWhatAm); v"
Devonshire Farm Style Sausage
Star Bacon with IfaiS&l '. Eggfc '
for November breakfasts. 4.
In Place of Fresh Fruit .
Armour's frttfat Apricots-'
Peaches, Cherries, Blackber-'-ries
and Loganberries.
For Pancakes:
Cesv Butter, Armour's
Oleomargarine, JtW Corn ,
and Cane Syrup. - ; -
With the Meat Course:
Armour's htrftd Hominy, Rice v
or Spaghetti, Tomatoes, Cbrn, .ts
Peas, String-Beans, - Spinach,!? Y'
Sweet Potatoes (in 'cans)'
and Sauerkraut ,
OVAL LABEL Quality Products
satisfy-all cooking and table needs
by reason of their dependability, their
variety and their completeness.
The Armour, Oval Label on the package
means an unvarying standard of excellence; there-
fore when vou ooen an Armnnr Ovot T.orv1 nrnrln.f r
you know it is the same high quality as the Oval Label products
with which you are already familiar. The completeness of the Oval
Label group permits variety the spice of good housekeeping
and the use of high-grade alternatives, a great economy in cooking.
i i.
The Oval Label line comprises a great variety of
food products; a few are listed for your convenience.
i - v.
For Cooking Fats: A
Simon Pure All Leaf Lard
Vegetole (vegetable shortening) "
faifett Salad Oil
Armour's Oleomargarine ,
For Everyday and
Holiday Desserts:
Armour's fatifaj Mincemeat,
Plum Pudding, Rice, Cheese,
Canned Fruits, Pumpkin, etc.
In Place of Meat: -V
Armour's fSSSSt Salmon,
Sardines. feW Poultry. ,
and Flavoring: M
htiSedi Sauce from Tabasco
Peppers, Tomato Relish, To
mato Ketchup, Table Sauce,
Oyster Cocktail Sauce, Wor
cestershire Sauce and Chfli
Extract of Beef ' "
KttiSeit Vanilla, Orange, and
Lemon Flavoring. ; '
What to Drink: '
Armour's IZufat Grape Juice,
Coffee, Milk, and Cocoa.
All Guaranteed Under the
Armour Oval Label
The Oval Lahl tnh. .
banishes fault-finding from the tabUT. A
Douelaa 10SS. OMAHA NPR iu