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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1919)
V THE BEE:- OMAHA, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 20, 1919. Oar brain ara savanty-yaer clack. Ths Aag si at Ufa wiada than a aaaa for all, the eloaaa tha eaaa, aa4 ftrae- the- kay lata tha hand at the- Aagal of the Raa. Holme. -JJ Tl not what man DOES which axalta him, hat what naa WOULD do. hakpr. Finch-Stewart. "Our Lady of Lourdes," Catholic church, wis the scene of a pretty wedding Wednesday morning, when Alice Josephine Finch became the bride of Ralph Arthur Stewart, the Rev. Father Borer reading the mar riage service. Tall cathedral candles shed their oft glow over the altar, banked "th rosea and chrysanthemums. Tht wedding march was played by T. Clifford Long. The maid of honor. Miss Tuanlta Finch, wore a gown of wood brown tricolette with Lucille hat, and a corsage boquet of Ward roses. The matron of honor, Mrs. C. D. Gould, wore a taupe panne velvet suit with hat and shoes matching, and corsage of Ward roses. The bride was lovely in her travelling suit of Foch blue Bolivia, black panne velvet, also tnmraeff in fur. She wore a corsage of Ophelia roses. Her gift from the groom was a diamond and platinum pend ant Mrs. Charles Goetz, Hartington, Neb., and Mr. C. D. Gofild attended the groom. During the ceremony Mrs. Florence Long Arnold sang "Be cause" and "All Joy be Thine." Both the bride and .groom are graduates of the Pharmacy depart ment of Creighton university. A wedding breakfast was served atthe home of the bride s parents. Thirty guests were present. The rooms were decorated with palms I v ST Woolen Dresses MS? Navy Serges Navy Tricotines 25.00 Values to thirty-five dollars 25.00 Values to forty dollars Wool Jerseys 25.00 Values to forty-five dollars Velvet Dresses 25.00 Values to thirty-nine dollars WINTER COATS 25.00 Values to thirty-seven dollars WINTER SUITS 25.00 Values to forty-nine fifty BUY IN SAFETY BUY FOR CASH REDUCE THE HIGH COST OF CHARGE ACCOUNTS 1812 FARNAM STREET 1812 mmmmmmmmmmumm oi nign nem z,one VA Th Golf Courses of GEORGIA and THE CAROLINAS Are Green and Inviting All Winter Listen to the call of the links. The swish of driver, the, hum of ball; zest of contest, hazards of form and bunker the call of the game you love. Some of the sportiest and best conditioned courses of the country await you good fellowship and keen competition. Meet old friends. Make new acquaintances. Dance, ride, fish, hunt, golf, motor, play tennis. Excellent hotels, gay with the social life of interesting people. Asheville, Pinehurst, Southern Pines, Charleston, Camden, Summerville, Aiken, Augusta, Savannah, Thomasville and other justly famous resorts. Attractive Winter Excursion Fares to Resorts in the South are offered by the United , States Railroad Administration. For Fares, Schedules. Service, Maps or Booklet, "Florida nd Southern Winter Resorts," apply to or write nearest Consolidated Ticket Office or United -States Railroad -Admimstmiion lllgllli) Travel Bureau 646 Transportation Building Chicago Travel Bureau 143 Liberty Street New Yor Travel Bureau v 402 Healey- Bnildinf Atlanta iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmiiiinneniiniinnniinnnnniirmi moae oouslas se Will mm "mm Offlii iiaathli -fffi Masomct . I OMAHA ffftrTJi PRINTING fPSlnl j COMPANY jpp I BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaHai I III" I I I il I II uWtf CCMEICIAl PRINTERS -LITHOGRAPHERS STEEL OlE EMBOSSERS loose it AP O'VICtk Yes, Girls Everybody i using and talking about DERWILLO. tha liquid tint It instant ly beautifies the complexion, makes a soft rosy-white skin everyone "Just loves to touch." Over five hundred thousand girls and women are usins it. It's a real beau tifier, that's what it is. Try it to-day. At toilet counters everywhere. Your money back if you don't like it. SCuticura Heals Itching Burning okm Troubles All ill imiaiait Qt M M . . . - ferns,- chrysanthemums and rose. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart will be home in Omaha after December 1. Stillman-Broeksmit The marriage of Miss Mary Birch MUlman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Stillman of Council Bluffs. and John Shaw Broeksmit of Chi cago took place Wednesday after noon at the M. Pauls episcopal church. Rev. W. E. Mann readthe marriage lines. Little Betty Patterson of Chicago. cousin of the bride, wore a frock of pink chiffon and carried the ring on a white satin pillow. Miss Carroll Mason of Chicago was bridesmaid. She wore a gown of brown georgette, with hat and muff of tulle to Wtch. s Miss Nancy Stillman. sister of the bride, was a maid of honor. She was gowned in pink crepe, with hat and muff of black tulle. The bride wore an afternoon gown of brown chiffon over yellow. Her hat was of brown tulle. vThe gift of the groom was a diamond bar pin. Mr. Horace Armstrong of Chi cago acted as best man. The ush ers included Messrs. Holmes For syth, Bradford Wells and -Robert Matthews, all of Chicago, and Hugh .Stillman, brother of the bride. -After a southern wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Broeksmit will make their home in Chicago. Good-Nestlebush. The marriage of Miss Helen Good, daughter of Mrs. Mary A. Good and Mr. Bernard Nestlebush, took place Wednesday morning at the Sacred Heart church, Rev. ' P. J. Judge officiating. Miss Helen Moore, bridesmaid wore a gown of pale yellow satin and a large black hat. She carried an arm bouquet of chrysanthemums. Patricia Scanlon, who carried the bride's bouquet of white roses, wore a simple white frock. Bernice Nestlebush, ring beater, wore a frock of pale blue. The bride was gowned in white satin. Her tulle veil was made in cap effect and held in place with a bandeau of pearls. Mr. John Lacy attended the groom. Immediately after the ceremony, a wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Nestlebush will be at home in Omaha after January 1. Engagement Announced. The engagement of Miss Irene Brown, davighter of Mrs. Ida Brown of Reno. Nev., to Mr. Randall Cur tis of Omaha was recently an nounced. Miss Brown attended the University of Nebraska and (thc University of Cal.. and is a member of the Delta Gamma sorority. Mr. Curtis attended the University of Nebraska and is an Alpha Theta Chi. Miss Brown is at present time the guest of Miss Clara Schnei der of Fremont but will spend the week end in Omaha at the Curtis home. Pledged to Tri Delta For Bride Elect. t Mrs. Raymond Young entertained nformally at luncheon of 12 covers at the Athletic club, Wednesday, in honor of Miss Ruth Dillon, who will be a November bride. White chrysanthemums formed the centerpiece. i : - informally at dinner Wednesday evening at her home for Miss Buck ingham. Covers will be placed for six. - Miss Buckingham returni to her home in Memphis, Tenn., Thurs day. ' Entertains Informally. Mrs. Catherine E. Hall entertained informally at her home Wednesday afternoon, in honor of Mrs. Lynn Hall and Mrs. Orlena Hill of Des Moines, la., who is a guest at the Lynn Hall home. White, pink and yellow chrysanthemums were used to form the centerpiece. Twentv guests were present. Vandecreek-Prall. The marriace of Helen Vanrle- creek of Omaha to David S. Prall cf Omaha took nlare Satnrfls v afternoon at the home of Dr. L. D. Young in Lincoln. They were ac companied by Mr. and Mrs. IJavid Heisler of Omaha. The hriHe- a taune stiit and carried a rorsacr. of sweetheart roses. Mr. and Mrs, t rail will make their home in Oma' ha. For Margery Smith. Mrs. Isaac Carpenter, jr., enter tained informally at a bridge party followed by tea at her home Wed nesday afternoon in honor of Miss Margtry Smith, who will be a bride of th is month. Columbia roses were used through the rooms and two ta bles were set for the game. St. Michael Church Party. The ladies of St. Michaels church will give a card party Friday even mg, November 21, at the church. ACTRESS TELLS SECRET Tells How to Darkan Gray Haiti With a Homa-Mada Mixtur. Joicey Williams, the well-known1 actress, who was recently playing at the Imperial Theater in St Louis, made the following statement about gray hair and how to darken it: "Anyone can prepare a simple) mixture at home that will darken gray, streaked or faded hair, and make it soft and glossy. To n half pint of water add 1 ounce'of bay , rum, a small box of Barbo Com pound, and M ounce of glycerine. These ingredients can be bought at any drug store at very little cost. Apply to the hair twice a week until the desired shade is obtained. - This will make a gray-haired person look twenty years younger. It does not color the scalp,' is not sticky or greasy and does not rub off. 1 Appear At Your Best Instantly If you receive a -sudden caller or an unexoected In vitation you can feel con fident of always anpearlna: at your best In but few moments It renders to your skin a- wonderfully pure, soft complexion that Is beyond comparison. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIi:illlM!IIIIIIIMJIIIIIinill)lllllll!IIIIMII!IIMIIIMIIIMIMIIIIIIIIl umom UTFITTIIIG COMPANY 3. E. COR. 16th & JACKSON STR (IS Carolyn DiiZZev Miss Carolyn Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Miller, is one of Omaha's girls who has been pledged to a national sorority. Miss Miller is attending Ames college, Iowa, where she is in her sophomore year. She is specializing in ad vanced chemistry, and is but one of a very few girls taking that course P!!l!lll!lll!l!i:!il!llllil!ill!n at Ames. She has been oledged by the Delta Delta Delta sorority. Owing to the fact that Ames will not allow a lengthy holiday at Thanksgiving, Miss Miller will not return home, but will spend the week-end in Des Moines with friends. She plans to have a num ber of guests at her home during the Christmas holiday season. Vose Galleries Established, 1841 Personals PAINTINGS ...of... QUALITY BOSTON Mrs. T. V. Tully and nephew, J. Hions, left Satittday for Denver, where they will be the guests of J. R. Calahan and W. J. Tully. They were accompanied by Mrs. Tully's brother, W. J. Calahan of Wilming ton. Del. I I MORRIS Supreme Canned fegetables j SilSaMftfrf Little Catherine McNamara, who has been ill for several weeks at St. Catherine's hospital, was taken to the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Dueher Wed-- flesday. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George McNamara of Beemer, Neb. Mrs. McNamara is here with her. Mrs. Love D. Sillius and daugh ter, Miss Marian, of Oakland, Cal., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Carse. Mrs. Carse are sisters. Sillius and Mrs. Mrs. A. J. Warrick has returned to Blair. She has ben visiting. Mr and Mrs. E. H. Helms of Omaha. Mrs. Warrick came to NebrasKa from Indiana in 1856. ' m fit Wk- . i 'I f; (is - ; i mi I - 1 V Dorothy CavanauEh. has returned to school at Lincoln after spending the week end in her home in Omaha Fred Humphrey of the Omaha medical school, is visiting at the Kappa Sigma house in Lincoln. Frances Wahl spent the week end in her home in Omaha. For salads or to serve on toast, there's no asparagus so delicious and tender! Always request the Morris yellow tind black label in buying canned vegetables. MORRIS & COMPANY Miss Tzptta Smith whn lias hpen spending several days with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs Otis Af Smith returned Tiiexerlav pvpnintr r T alrp Forest, 111., where she attends Ferry nan. She was accompanied by her cousin, Miss Nan Chthero, of Chi cago. Allen H. Dudiev of Omaha, was a visitor at the Phi Gamma Delta house for the past few days. Beatrice Johnson of Omaha is a guest at the Delta Gamma house in Lincoln. Mrs. Elliott Drake and Mrs. Howard McMonies, both of Omaha, are -visiting at the Alphi r'hi house m Lincoln. Harold Patterson, Wilson Ander son and R. B. Wiltse. all of Omaha J were guests at ine rni uamma Delta house in Lincoln for Saturday ai.f sunaay. Hajel Cooke has returned to the University of Nebraska after snend- in the last few days in Omaha. iithel Bovle of Lincoln was a visi tor in Omaha for the week end. Irene Miller has been oledeed to the Chi Omega sororitv at the Uni versity of Nebraska. Et)r Louise Buckingham. Misses Elizabeth and Meliora Da vis entertained informally at a luncheon of seven rnvprc at tVio Athletic club Wednesday in honor of Miss Louise Buckingham, who is the Kuest of Miss Helen Clurke. Autumn flowers fornwd the center piece. Miss Dorothy Hall will entertain The Latest Arrivals Bring Styles Not Seen Heretofore Distinctive in line, handsome in fabric and delightful in color, these recent arrivals introduce a "wide range of fascinating, new fashions for winter wear and the joy ous holidays just ahead. 1 New Coats t J M n Enchanting, irresistible wraps 'are these new winter I coats sparkling with individuality in line and trim- 5 ming and perfect gems of the modist's art. Thee is every favorite material to choose from in coats at H $24.50, $29.50 up to $149.50 1 I Late Dresses Those styles in which you appear at your best tailleurs, 5 tunic models, two-piece frocks, plaited skirt or tier skirt all find representation in these newer dresses. Prices are as appealing 3 as the styles ' j $29. 75, $32.50 up to $98.50 f FREE 25c Box Madam Vendome Talcum Powder This is a delicately perfumed, high-grade Talcum Powder, ideal for the Toilet, Nursery or Bath because of the great care exercised in the selection of its antiseptic ingredients and be cause of its downy, adhering qualities due to the skill devoted in its preparation. To secure this delightful Talcum, simply cut out this coupon and present it in our enlarged Cloak and Suit Department NO purchase is necessary. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiimiiiuuiuiiuuiuiiiis