THE BEE; OMAHA, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1919. mmm A Remarkable Home Treatment Given by One Who Had It. In the Spring of 1893 I was attacked by Mus cular and Inflammatory Rheumatism. I suffered as only those who have it know, for over three years. I tried remedy after remedy, and doctor after doctor, but such re lief as I received was only temporary. F i n a lly I found a remedy that cured me completely, and it has never returned. I i . ... t have given it to a number who were terribly afflicted with Rheumatism, some of them 70 to 78 years old, and results were the same as in my own case. I want every sufferer from any form of rheu matic trouble to try this marvelous healing power. Don't send a cent; simply mail your name and ad dress and I will send it 4 free to try. After you have used it and it has proven itself to be that long-looked-for means of getting rid of your rheu matism, you may send the price of it, one dollar, but understand, I do not want your money unless you are perfectly satisfied to send it. Isn't that fair Why suffer any longer when relief is thus of fered you free? Don't delay. Write today. Mark H. Jackson, No. 569-F, Gumey Bldg., Syracuse, N. Y. Mr. Jackson is responsible. Above statement true. Mil 1TTL1 IVER I PILLS. TCRHtADACttt. 1 FOR HIIOUSNESSJ FO CO JTJWTOW HRCONPlXJOSU CUT OFF SUPPLY OF GOAL FROM NONESSENTIALS Schools, Churches and Thea ters Will Receive No More Fuel After Next Friday. An order cutting off the supply of coal from schools, churches, non-essential industries, and places of amusement was issued yesterday by W. M. Jeffers, chairman of the terminal coal committee. The order goes into effect Friday at 7 a. m, "While the city is not entirely without coal, there is no sign of relief in the near future," said Mr. Jeffers. "and the order was im perative. Some schools may have sufficient coal to remain open for a short time, and the order will be retracted at the moment we have assurances that it is safe." Burn Domestic Coal. That the situation has become very acute in the city is indicated by the fact that many steam plants, heating large buildings, are burning domestic coal. This, in itself, necessitates drastic action, accord ing to members of the coal com mittee. . Buckingham, general manager ot the Union Stock Yards Co., said yesterday that he was experiencing some difficulty in securing coal to run switch engines in the yards. If switching should be stopped the en tire packing industry on the South Side would be at a standstill, it is pointed out. Trains on the Rock Island and Santa Fe lines are burning nothing but coal which has been stored for many months, and as a result trains on these lines are running behind schedules, for firemen must shovel double the amount of stored coal to secure the same heat as is secured by fresh coal. Curtailed to Minimum. In explanation to the order issued yesterday cutting off coal from schools and churches Chairman Jef fers said: "The rapid depletion of the coal supply makes it absolutely necessary for distribution of coal to the retail dealers, as well as industries, to be curtailed to the minimum to avoid entirely running out of coal and thereby producing actual suffering in the homes, hospitals, hotels, of fice buildings and other public in stitutions. "Public utilities must also be pro vided witli coal. It has become nec essary to stop the delivery of coal to schools, churches, places of amusement and non-essential indus tries. Statement to Dealers. To properly supervise the dis tribution of coal the following in structions were issued by Chairman Jeffers to all coal dealers in Greater Omaha and Council Bluffs: , "Effective 7 a. m., November 21, bituminous and lignite coal may be delivered by dealers in Greater Omaha and Council Bluffs only upon written application in each in stance by the purchaser to a dealer and approved by this office. "Forms of application may be had upon request at this office. These applications are of two kinds, viz: 'Application for Commercial Coal,' and 'Application for Domestic Coal.' "These applications are to be made out in detail in duplicate, and orieinal and duplicate must be filed together. If approved, the original will be retained and the duplicate w;th written approval thereon will be returned to dealer as authority for specific delivery. Signed W. M. JEFFERS ' "Chairman, Sub-coal Committee." Situation In Schools. W T. Bourke, secretary of the board of education, stated that tlre is an average supply of coal to last two weeks in the public schools. "I am now sending a request to all ianitors to report coal on hand Friday of this week," said Mr. Bourke. "Some schools may have more than two weeks' supply and some may have less, but I would say that the average would be two weeks." Funeral Services for Fred Krug Will Be Held Friday P. M. Funeral services for Fed Krug, pioneer Omaha resident and first Nebraska brewer, who died at 7 Tuesday night, at the home, 818 South Twentieth street, will be held Friday afternoon at 2. Services will he conducted at the home by Rev. Walter A. Schaefer, minister of St. Johns German KvanueliVal rhnrrh. Rurial will be in the Krug family plot in Prospect Hill cemetery. Police Seize 250 Gallons of "Dago Red" and Arrest Men Turn Ttalian wer arrested late Tuesday afternoon by a squad of police at 711 South Nineteenth street when five 50-gallon barrels of "Dago Red, a highly intoxicating Italian wine, were found in the base ment of the nlace. according to a police report Both men gave their names as Louis Rallo and Charles Ottavia. They were charged with unlawful possession of liquor. The police left the liquor in the basement of the place pending the disposal of the case. Brie City News Itched Till Almost Crazy "For ran my hudt wen almost m, TbY ltchd w bad I ni almost ermrr. Suffered day and night. Used all kinds f medicine and rot no relief. Loet all kope of arar being cared until I got trial bottle ef D. D. D. Results were at great 1 got a large bottle. Can ileei bow and will always Drain D. D. D -ROBERT K. HOLMES, Uanakin, Va Anyone nflering from tkln trouble mild or eTere tbould inTettirate at once the merits of 0. D. D. Try it today. We guarantee the rat bottle. Me, toe and tl.OO, hd.hd.hd, M Iodcinibr Shin Disease Five Sherman A McConn.U Drug Stores. Have Root Print It Beacon Prees Yaeumo Cleaners Burfesa-Qrandeo Co. Employe Get Request Fifty employe- of the Carpenter Paner Co, will have a special reason to give thanks the coming week. A bequest of $5,000 from the estate of the late A. W. Carpenter will be divided among employes of more than five years' standing, sqme time within the next io nays. Sues on Stock Deal Joseph Poef fel sued M. F. Shaffer St Co. in district court for $9,000, alleging that he paid this sum for 80 shares of stock in the corporation ana that later the company, contrary to a promise, negotiated the notes. He says the company promised not to negotiate the notes for five years after he gave them. Personal Injury Suit Emil Ha nousek, through his father, John Hanousek, filed suit for $10,000 damages in district court against Henry Anderson, for injuries alleged to have been received when Emil, 7 years old, is said to have been run down by Mr. Anderson's automobile on September 4, 1919, at Railroad avenue and W street. Officers Are Installed The fol lowing officers were installed in the auditorium of Central High school by the Omaha School Forum: Mar tha Christiancy, president; Mary Austin, vice president; J. A. Savage, recording secretary; J. O. Masters, corresponding secretary. A musical program was presented by Henry Cox, Mrs. A. I. Root, Harry Dlsbrow and Miss Adelyn Wood. To Speak on "Americanism" Mrs. John Calvert will speak on "Americanism" Friday evening at a community center meeting in the town hall at Benson. Others 1n the program will be: Rose Roth and Lucille Sunderland, piano solos; O. Melchoir and Opal Burt, vocal solos; Hazel and Grace Giles, piano and violin; Miss Mary Thompson, recita tion. Community singing will be an other feature. Held for Investigation Clifford Shaw, 2251 North Twentieth street, is being held at Central police sta tion pending an investigation of the disappearance three months ago ot an automobile hired by him from a local livery company. Shaw rented the car last August and failed to re turn it, police say. The car was re covered. Shaw told police he drove the rented car to St. Joseph, Mo., where it was stolen from him. He was arrested in Omaha Tuesday. STREET CAR MEN PRESENT DEMANDS FOR AN INCREASE Directors Predict Amicable Set tlement to Request of Employes. Representatives of the street car men's union yeiterday presented de mands for a wage increase of 5 cents an hour to officials of the Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Railway company. The union men, headed by Ben Short, president, were in conference with R. A. Leussler, gen eral manager, and W. A- Smith, act ing president of the company, for almost an hour. "We have nothing to say on the situation at the present time," de clared Short, at the close cf the con ference. "We asked the company for an increase in wages and they have promised to consider it." The present controversy is the result of an agreement made by the company with the men in August, when the union demanded a wage increase. They were granted a 10 cent raise at that time, after a 7 cent fare had been secured, and re turned to work on the condition that the matter of further wage increases should lie taken up in 90 days. Directors Meet Friday. Acting President Smith will call a meeting of the board of directors next Friday, he said, to consider the requests of the men. He would not comment on the situation. R. A. Leussler said the men -had merely inquired whether the com pany was able 0 pay more money. They made no written demands, he declared, but asked for an increase up to 5 cents an hour. The men assumed a reasonable attitude, he said, and did not de mand a flat S-cent increase, but whatever increase the company could give up to 5 cents." "Taking Sensible View." "We will have the auditor make a report on the matter at the Fri day meeting of the board of di rectors," he said. "Until then I can't say what the company will be able to do." Gurdon W. Wattles, one of the company board of directors, said he . W. W. CACHE IS FOUND IN HOME OF SOCIALIST Ed Brumbaugh Active in Dis tributing Radical Literature, Police Assert Search Discloses Cache. Are You A Tobacco Goat? If So, Write Dr. Elders for His New i Discovery That Quickly Banishes 1 "Old Man Tobacco" Forever. Dr. Elders' Tob acco Boon Banishes all forms of Tobac co Habit In72tol20 hours. A positive, quick and perma nent relief. Easy to take. No craving for Tobacco after the first dose. 1 guarantee satisfac tion In every case). Send no money, just your name and address for free proof and full Information, to Dr. H. Will Elders, Mail Order Dept. 276 St Joseph, Mo. Don't be a tobacco goat any longer. Are, you going to the theater or movies tonight? If so, see Amuse ment page FP LOOKING YOUNG I It's Easy-If You Know Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets The secret of keeping young it to feel Soung to do this you must watch your ver and bowels there's 00 need of having a sallow complexion dark rings under your eyes pimples a bilious look in your face dull eyes with no sparkle. Your doctor will tell you ninety per cent of all sickness comes from inactive bowels and liver. Dr. Edwards, a well-known physidan in Ohio, perfected a vegetable com pound mixed with olive oil to act on the liver and bowels, which he gave to his patients for years. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel, are gentle in their action yet always effective. They brine about that natural buoyancy which all should enjoy by toning up the liver and clearing the system of impurities. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are known, by their olive color. 10c and 25c A search bv -detectives of the home of Ed Brumbaugh, 5202 North Twenty-eighth street, Tuesday aft ernoon revealed the hiding place of large quantities of I. W. W. lit erature, according to a report of the detectives. Brunbaugh was booked at the Central police station for in vestigation under the name: "Ed Brumbaugh alias Rutledgc." It was learned that the raid on his home was made upon a "tip" furnished police by one of the 17 "wobblies, who were arrested Sun day afternoon when police raided the I. W. W. headquarters at 104 North Thirteenth street during the course of a meeting. Detectives Lahey and Hughes ob tained a search warrant for the house at 5202 North Twenty-eighth street and made the investigation. Police say Brumbaugh has been ac tive in distributing alleged "red" literature to members of the I. W. W. organization. He is being held without bonds. Police intercepted a telenram sent by Brumbaugh, according to police, on which were the words: "Yours for a revolution." The telegram was addressed to a clique in Kansas City, police have learned. Ihe telegram and evidence of literature gathered in Brumbaugh s home were turited over to County Attorney Shotwell, it was learned. Brumbaugh is a local socialist leader and for many years has been active in writing newspaper articles on various theories of socialism. had not heard of the controversy. He predicted that the matter would be settled amicably, however. Ihe men are taking a sensible view of the matter," he said. "The relation between the company and the men is of the best." "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi sons from stomach, liver ' and bowels. Accept 'California" Syrup of Figs only look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bwels. Children love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bottle. Give it without fear. Mother! You must say "Califor- If You Need a Medicine You Should Have the Best Hav you ever stopped to reason why it It that so many product! that are ex tensively advertised, all at once drop out of sight and are soon forgotten T The reason is plain the article did not fulfil the promises of the manufacture. This applies more particularly to a medicine. A medicinal preparation that has real curative value almost sells itself, as like an endless chain system the remedy is recommended by those who have been benefited, to those who are in need of it, A prominent druggist says "Take for example Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, a preparation I have sold for many years and never hesitate to recommend, for In almost every case it shows excellent re sults, as many of my customrs testify. No other kidney remedy has so large a sale." According to sworn statements and certified testimony of thousands who have used the preparation, the success of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root is due to the fact, so many people claim, that It fulfils al most every wish in overcoming kidney, liver and bladder ailments, corrects ur inary troubles and neutralizes the uric acid which causes rheumatism. Yon may receive a sample bottle of Swamp-Boot by Parcels Post. Address Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y., and enclose ten cents; also mention the Omaha Bee. Large and medium site bot tles for sale at all drug stores. Become Slender A Simple, Guaranteed Method If you would like to lose, weekly, from one to five pounds of burdensome fat while eating and drinking all you need, also en joying life far better than at present, just follow this advice: Take seven deep breaths of fresh air each morning and evening ; after each meal take a little oil of korein ; eat all yod need, but chew thoroughly, and follow other sim ple directions of the guaranteed Korein system. Men and women who were waddling around with heavy, sluggish bodies have, in many cases, reported a gradual, agree able reduction of thirty to eighty pounds, with wonderful benefit to health and fig ure. This very season is the time to he come slender, attractive, vivacious and healthier, very easily. Get oil of korein at the druggist's; it comes in capsules, con venient to use and is now sold at before war low prices. Weigh and measure your self week to week. You can scarcely realize the joy that awaits you in normal symmetrical figure, with good health and longer life. Show others this advertise-stent. Hold Youth for Alleged. Butter Theft From Box Car Two 60-pound .tubs of butter en route from Omaha to Chicago were found in the possession of Emil Adams, 17 years old, 1456 South Thirteenth street, yesterday when Special Officer Houdek came upon the youth in the Union Pacific rail road yards near Thirteenth and Ma son streets, the officer said. Adams was taken to the Central folice station and booked for burg ary and larceny. He was later turned over to the juvenile author ities. The butter was taken from a box car, the special officer said. Sure, Harmless Method To Remove Hair Roots (Ntw, Wond.rful, Initinttnxus MtthtS) You who are annoyed with embarrassing growths of superfluous hair have waited long for something that would do more than merely take off the surfaca hair tem porarily something that would really re move the hair roott. And now at last your wish is realized I The new phelactine process is far dif ferent from, far better than electrical, de pilatory or other methods, because it ae tually removes the hair entire, roots and all before your very eyes easily, in stantly, harmlessly! Get a stick of phe lactine fron your druggist, follow the simple directions, and you will be surprised and pleased beyond words. It has no odor, no Irritating element, and is so non-injurious a child could safely eat It. It leaves the skin so soft, smooth, hairless, that not the least sign of your former trouble remains. HOW TO JUDGE A WOMAN BY HER HAIR There is real common sense in just noticing whether the hair is well kept to judge of a woman's neat ness, or good taste. If you are one of the few who try to make the most of your hair, remember that it is not advisable to wash the hair with any c ' anser made for all purposes, but alu ays use some good shampoo. You can enjoy the very best by get ting some canthrox from your drug gist, dissolve a teaspoonful in a cup of hot water. This makes a full cup of shampoo liquid, enough so it is easy to apply it to all the hair in stead of just the top of th head. Dandruff, excess oil, and dirt are dissolved and entirely disappear. Your hair will be so fluffy tnat it will look much heavier than it is. Its luster and softness will also de light you, while the stimulated scalp gains the health which insures hair growth. ' A Complete Assortment of Out-Size Blouses For Women Who Require Large Sizes PARTICULAR attention is paid to this section of our Blouse Department; modes have been chosen with a fine appreciation of lines, fabrics, trimmings and color ings that meet the individual needs of women who require larger sizes. Three Models Are Illustrated "A" is of voile with tiny "B" is of crepe de chine "C" is of georgette, "beaded tucks on either side flat heavy quality flat collar and hand embroidered; flat collar edged with val lace; , -t f, h collar; comes in navy, black also val lace down front. , , and white at $18.50. Priced at $3.50. and fawn. Price, $13.50. Sizes 46 to 58'2. Second Floor. Burgess-Nash Company everybody!! storb' IH AVE YOU A ROOM TO RENT? TRY A BEE WANT AD: m Limited Number of T7 V On Sale Thursday at fT T rOMEN look their best in a suit," says a wel1-kn6wn authority, and women VV seem to realize the truth of this statement. Not only is her suit the most becoming daytime attire it is also the most convenient, the most versatile, the most easily varied for the many events of a busy woman's day. Also it is the most economical for when attired in a distinctive, well-fitting suit a woman always feels well dressed. Clever, distinctive models are here in great numbers and every one shows unexam pled richness in fabric and color scheme. Every woman with a suit need should take advantage of this great reduction, for the price is unbelievably low. Serge, Belted, The Materials Are: Tricotine, The Styles Are: Straight Line, Velour Ripple Effects Beautifully Lined With Plain and Fancy Silk No Exchanges, No C. 0. D.'s, No Approvals Burgess-Nash Company. EVERYBODY!! store" 33 n iff r.