Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 20, 1919, Image 1

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Your Vacant rooms Will " - ' , . 7 , , I . V Increasing cloudiness Thursd.y,'
be snapped tip quickly fm j .- v v , "TJ w Tr w , becoming unsettled by night or on
: The Omaha' Daily Bee - isk
looo, Want Ad De- ' i ' i .5 ::::::::::::: ,5 ::::::::;::::
1 10 rt..s ' ......
partment. vol. 49 NO. 153. .sraTS'tf W ' OMAHA, Thursday, November 20, i$19. g,:d j.g-fe MrJi!i.,H;b.g& US: two cents. U 2
Philadelphia Police Head Tells
Of Plot Unearthed Jo Send
Infernal Machines "Through
Mails at Christmas Time.
Gift Packages to State and
City Officials Throughout
Country Purported Method of
Reds to Wreak Vengeance.
Philadelphia, Nov. 19. A warn
ing issued today by the superinten
dent of police that information has
reached him of possible bomb out
lages at Christmas time through the.
sending of gift packages to nation
al, state and city officials through
cut the country has caised federal
ano state officials to take extra pre
cautions to circumvent any pro
posed plots by radicals or others.
James Robinson, the superintend
ent, said tonight he had nothing to
add to the warning he issued todav.
He did not know what persons were
marked by the supposed plotters,
nor did he know who are suspected
of 'plotting against official lives. The
information he has in his posses
sion, the superintendent said, came
to him in the course of investiga
tions by the police bomb squad into
the activities of local'radicals. y
New York Police Busy.
New York, Nov. 19. New York's
bomb squad was sent scurying out
of police headquarters late today
following receipt from the Philadel
phia police of warning that "Reds"
planned a Christmastide "reign of
terror" by mailing explosive pack
ages in various cities.
Detective Sergeant James, J. Geg
gan .is -directing an investigation of
whether anarchists had included
New York in their campaign. He
immediately got into touch with the
jiostal authorities and announced h
would keep in constant communica
tion with the Philadelphia police.
' . Washington Uninformed,
Washington, Nov. 19. Depart
ment ot Justice oniciais sain lonigm
. they were without information as to
the discovery by the Philadelphia
police of a nation-wide plot to kill
federal, stae and municipal officials
by means-of bombs senf through
the mails at, Christmas time. The
bureau of investigation of the de
partment immediately asked its
I'hiladelnhia agents for details of
the "red" plans as gathered by the
police here.
v Stock Market Break
Continues to Assume
More Serious Aspect
Quotes Military Men as Say
ing Small Force Under Effi
cient Officers Could Have
Dispersed Mob.
Absence" of Police Chief and
Commissioner at Crucial
Period Is Called Unfortunate
By Investigators. ,
British Heir Apparent Enjoys
New York to the Full and
Spends Strenuous Day.
New York, Nov. 19. From sky
scrapers to churches and from the
st'.ck exchange to the "movies,"
w:th the horse show as a side line,
th prince of Wales was whirled to
day in a kaleidoscopic view of the
vr.ried activities of the metropolis.
Everywhere he went huge crowds
cheered him, giving him a reception
such as New York rarely has wit
nessed. The prince seemed to enjoy every
minute of his strenuous program,
but, judging by appearances, the hit
of the day for him was the "movies."
Laughs in High Glee.
The exhibition was given at the
old Academy of Music, where his
grandfather had been a guest 60
years ago at the historic "Diamond
Ball." - Seated in the same armchair
Edward N VII had occupied, the
prince laughed with the unrestrained
enthusiasm ot an
schoolboy at the two comedies pre
sented. He had asked for some
thing to laughat" and he got it. It
was slapstick 'comedy of the slap
stirkiest kind, with the hero doused
in rivers, smeared 'with pie, bitten
b" dogs and butted by goats, and
the infectious laugh of the young
prince set the whole great audience
IS Survivors Presented.
Present at the theater vere IS
survivors of the "Diamond Fall" and
they were presented to the grand
son of the prince they had met to
honor in their youth.
At Madison Square Garden the
prince was the guest at the horse
show of Commander Eva Booth of
the Salvation Army, the show be
ing a benefit performance for the
Salvation Army.
The royal party passed to its box
through double lines of Salvation
lassies who were not whit behind the
more worldly spectators in the
warmth of their greeting to the boy
ish prince.
Steals March on Crowd.
On his return to the Waldorf hotel
the prince stole a march on the
crowds afhd the small army of news
paper reporters who had formed his
unofficial bodyguard. Slipping out
from a side entrance he went for a
stroll on Fifth avenue, unattended
except by secret service men. He
passed virtually unrecognized
through the tremendous tide of
Tonight the orince was the guest
of honor at a banquet given by the
various British societies of New
York. Later in the evening he at
tended a ball given by Mrs. White
law Reid.
New York,
in the stock
more than a
more serious
''Nov. 19. The break
market which , began
week ago assumed
proportions Wednes
Negotiations Between Miners
And Operators Apparently
At Standstill.
day. The entire list was carried to
loSvest levels in many weeks, gross
recessions in speculative industrials
ranging from 5 to 30 points. The
operations amounted to more than
(Developments of the day gave
further momentum to the decline,
and the selling derived additional
impetus from the aggressive activi-f
ties of a confident arid greatly ex
tended short interest.
According to dispassionate ob
servers, the weakness displayed by
certain stocks plainly suggested
the enforced dissolution of several
pools whose further operations
were regarded with disfavor by the
banks and other lenders of money.
The one hopeful note was sound
ed bv the local federal reserve bank,
whose directors evidently saw noth
ing in the situation to justify anotn
er advance in rediscount rates.
Call money ruled at 12 per cent
until the final half hour when a !
drop to 10 per cent induced muchJ
realizing for profits and incidental
covering of short contracts.
Several of the tax exempt Liberty
bonds sold at new low levels.
Washington, Nov. 19. The re
cenj break in the New York stock
market was due ft "unbridled spec
ulation," Governor Harding of the
federal reserve board aid in a let
ter to Senator Owen of Oklahoma,
who had asked for a direct explana
tion of the price crash.
Formal Order Is Issued
Against Consular Agent
Mexico City, Nov. 19. A formal
order for the imprisonment of Wil
liam O. Jenkins, United States con
sular agent at Puebla, on charges of
having made false declarations and
s threats against peons in case they
testified they saw him at his hacienda
in company with Federico Cordova,
the bandit chieftain, was issued to-
' day by Criminal Judge Gonzalez
Franco, at Puebla. according to ad
vices received from that city. Jen
kins, however, is not yet in jail and
in a statement to the press asserts
it is untrue that he is not allowed
to leave the city .
Washington, Nov. 19. Prospects
of a coal famine drew nearer tonight
with negotiations between operators
and miners apparently at a stand
still. A subcommittee of the joint wage
scale committees discussed the gen
eral situation for three hours, but it
was said that the operators did' not
submit counter" proposals to the
miners' demands. The conference
will continue tomorrow.
"We are still in a receptive mood,"
said John L. .Lewis, acting president
of the United Mine Workers.
In Session Hour Longer.
The operators' committee re
mained in session an hour longer,,
after which 1 nomas 1. Brewster,
chairman of the operators commit
tee in the central competitive field,
spoke optimistically. He said this
was the first attempt 'at real nego
tiations since the miners .ana oper
ators met at Buffalo.
The decision of the joint wage
scale conference to continue its ne
gotiations through a smaller group
came after the owners and workers
had heard from Fuel Administrator
Garfield that as long as the govern
ment stands "the- people of the
United States, need, must have, and
will have coal, and they will n,ot be
prevented by anything the operators
and miners may do."
Consuming Public Angry.
The consuming public. Dr. Gar
field said, is not in a mood to toler
ate either excessive prices or pro
longed stoppage of production.
The statement of the fuel admin
istrator, which was largely statis
tical, brought out that in 1918 the
average cost of production of coal
was $2.15 a ton, leaving to -the oper
ators an average margin of 46 cents
a ton.
The Omaha oolice department is
unsophisticated! scored by the grand jury for its in
action in heading; off the riot ot
Sunday, September 28, which result
ed in the lynching of a negro, Will
Brown, the burning of the court
house with an estimated loss "f
$800,0000, the deaths of three per
sons, the near-lynching of Mayor
Smith, injuring of many people,
looting of numerous stores and
other damages.
Many - Recommendations Made.
The final report filed yesterday
covers 24 typewritten pages, touches
on all angles of the riot, scores the
police for not preventing the riot,
laments the "lack of testimony of
eye witnesses of the mob activi
ties," makes recommendations to
combine the city and county gov
ernments, recommends that police
men be defended at city expense
when they are used in the courts
and makes many other recommendations.
Responsibility for the lack of
standard revolver and ammunition
equipment of the police is placed
upon the city commission by the
There were 195 cases considered
by the jury, covering 34 indictable
crimes,. There were 120 persons in
dicted and 535 witnesses examined.
In regard to the police action the
night of the riot, the report says:
Is Called "Unfortunate,"
"The absence of the oolice chief
and commissioner 1 at the crucial
period, from 3:30 to 6 o'clock on
Sunday, was unfortunate."
Lack of co-ordination and leader
ship was evident in the handling of
the police, the grand jury states.
Military men told the grand jury
that at any-time from 3 to 6 o'clock
on the fateful Sunday afternoon, a
force of 25 to 45 men under proper
leadership could have dispersed the
mob without firing a shot, and be
tween 6 to 8 o'clock the same force
of men could have stopped theViot
ing by shooting.
Sergeant Highest Rank.
Between 3:30 and f n'rWL- that
afternoon there was no policeman
at the court hoirse of higher rank
man a sergeant, the jury finds.
In connection with the court house
fire, the grand jury recommends
that the county commissioners in
vestigate to find whether the county
records were left carelessly outside
of the fireproof receptacles provided
for them and, if so, to fix responsi
bility and take action against the
persons responsible.
.The principle features of the re
port follows:
We presume that previous grand
juries nave had evidence presented
to them of many and various kinds
of crimes. In this respect their ex
perience and that of this grand jury
is similar.
In addition it remained to this
grand jury to secure and consider
evidence in connection with a class
of crimes and during a condition of
the public mind, such as no grand
jury in this county has ever had to
do before, and we hope no other
will ever be called upon to do
We refer particularly to the un
lawfuj, destructive and disgraceful
acts of persons in this city on the
night of September 28, 1919.
These acts resulted i
I fatal attack on Mayor Smith,
"""us uu yonce omcers.
The burning of the court house.
The burning and destruction of
public records and documents.
Injuries to prisoners and innocent
The cowardly lynching ofa de
fenseless man, etc.
We have endeavored, to the best
(Continued on Tmg Tour, Column One.)
Admission of Grand Jury Police Heads
Were Asleep on Job in Riot Comes Day
- Bee Editor Is Found Guilty of Contempt
Paper Wins Great Victory for Public Good, and Complete Vindication in Its Long
Fight Against Inefficiency in Police Department Just Few Hours Before District
Court Judge Holds Editor Guiltyof Contempt in Case Growing Out of Expose
oj Frame-Up "Against Reporter Case Against Reporter Is Dismissed.
Climax and finis was written yesterday to the epilogue of the series of events that have
: stirred the city since the night of the court house riot. The grand jury made its final re
port, and the district court came to an end wjth its charge of contempt against The Bee.
In both the report of the grand jury and the judgment of the court in the contempt case
The Bee achieved crushing victories.
The grand jury sustained every charge and allegation that has been made by T,he Bee,
scoring the police department for inefficiency, stating that the absence of the police heads,
Riijger and Eberstein, at the start of the riot was "unfortunate," and calling attention to the
comment of the military that a handful of men at the proper moment could have controlled
the mob and averted the court house disaster. x ' -
' In the contempt case The Bee also achi6vedx a triumph to the extent that the charge
against the reporter, J. Harry Moore, was abruptly dismissed by Judge Redick for lack of
evidence and only the teclnical point that the story in The Bee that gave rise to the prosecu
tion dealt with a. case "pending" before the court, gave foundation for judgment against
the Bee Publishing company and Editor Victor Rosewater as its responsible head.
Decision will be pronounced today.
Judiciary Above the Press.
The closing argument of County
Attorney Shotwell, and the words
of the decision of the judge, were
the, most important developments of
a day of sensations and startling
The argument of the county at
torney, followed by the approval of
the judge in his decision, that "the
liberty of the press is subordinate
to the independence of the judiciary"
announced an era in the conduct of
a newspaper that, if upheld by the
higher courts, may prevent the pub
lication, in. all cases which are
"'pending" and undecided in the
courts, of matters of greatest im
portance to the public, and thus
may work untold harm to accused
persons who will be debarred by
this act of the law from being ex
tended the great assistance of a
newspaper in dragging their cases
out of the dark holes of the jails
and prosecutors' offices and throw
ing the light of publicity upon them.
Muzzling the Press.
If upheld by (Tie higher courts,
the .decision woulcLat last effectually
muzzle the press in. all such cases
described as pending or undecided,
and" prevent it6 exposure of such al
leged police rottenness as was
charged in the affidavits of , two wit
nesses who in sworn and unsolicited
statements retracted previous tes
timony upon which an indictment
had been, secured, which affidavits
charged that a police official had se
cured their perjured testimony to
secure the indictment by promises
of freedom andjother means.
According to the theory of the
decision, as expounded by the coun
ty attorney, and concurred in by the
judge, the story of the i retraction
of the two witnesses should have
been kept secret to all except the
accused and his counsel, the court
and its officials, the accused resting
under the ignominy of an indictment
and arrest, and the public being
kept'' from knowledge of what was
going on, and prevented by this
ignorance from extendingaid and
moral support to the witnesses, and
leaving them to battle aloje in their
prison cell to right the great wrong
ihey had committed until such- time
as the slow processes of the law
finally brought the case into some
court for trial.
Might Be Months.
The full force and effect of this
interpretation of the law, for which
numerous precedents were cited by
the-county attorney and the judge
from cases in other states, is more
clearly seen in the light of the de
cision of the judge as to what length
pf time protects a "pending" case
from being handled by the news
papers. 'A case may pend for a few days
before coming up in court for trial,"
said Judge Redick, "or it may be
pending for months."
The closing arguments of attor
neys for both the defense and prose
cution bristled with sensation and
County Attorney Shotwell in his
reference to Defendant Moore ap
peared to indicate some apprecia
tion of a lack of evidence in the
case against the reporter. in stating:
'"No one will be more glad than
myself to find that Mr. Moore is in
nocent ,of. the charge alleged in the
indictment, and which witnesses are
claimed to have repudiated."
Able and Fearless.
Following this a beautiful tribute
was paid by Attorney Connell to
the late-Edward Rosewater, The Bee
and Victor Rosewater, who suc
ceeded to the editorship of the
p.. per.
"I cannot refrain," he said, "from
paying a tribute to one of the most
able and fearless editors I ever
have known. It was through this
fearlessness that he builded this
paper, which is considered the
greatest and most extensive in the
great northwest. It is the result of
this fearlessness in fighting for the
interests of the people and de
nouncing crime -aiid injustice wher
wei he- found it that this magnifi
cent paper has been built up
(Continued on Pair Two, Column One.)
Senator Thomas Urges
Railroad Army Reserve
Washington, Nov. 19. Organiza
tion of a "railroad army reserve
force" under the secretary of war
to operate the railroads in time of
emergency was proposed in a bill
introduced by Senator Thomas,
democrat, Colorado. It would com
prise 200,000 trained railroad opera
tives between 18 and 30 years of
age, subject to call bthe govern
ment. The bill proposes joint state
and federal training for the recruits.
Convict Negro Charged
With Shooting Girl
John Russell, negro, indicted on
the charge of first degree murder
for the killing of his sweetheart,
Lela Peterson, on the night of Octo
ber 6, was found guilty in district
court at Council Bluffs after delib
erating three hours. They recom
mended that he be given a life sen
tence in the' state peitentiary.
Jefferis Will Address
Elks on Memorial Sunday
Washington,' Nov. 19. (Special
Telegram.) Representative Jefferis
accepted the invitation of the Omaha
Lodge of EJks to deliver the me
morial address Sunday, December 7,
provided that the condition of the
public business will permit him to
, leave Washington at that time.
Will Continue Work in Army
And Navy" and Create Sub
Department, Report Says.
Detroit, Nov. 19. Expansion of
the activities of the Y.'M. C. A. in
industrial centers, a more thorough
organization in rural communities,
continuance of the work in the army
and navy and creation of a special
sul department for work among men
of this country's growing merchant
m'.rine are among recommendations
of - the association's international
committee, presented at the open
ing session of the fortieth interna
tional convention.
The committee makes 27 recom
m?ndations upon which the conven
tion will pass.
The national war work council
submitted its report on the associa
tion's activities during the war. It
estimated the value of the associa
tion's free contribution to the A.
E. F. at $6,646,924.84. .
The report states that of its 12,-
000 overseas secretaries 1S4 were
wounded or gassed, 10" were killed,
1 died of wounds and 73 died, of. ill
ness. The canteen service, the report
states, operated at some 2,000 points
in France, Great Britain and Italy.
A chain of stores, with business ag
gregating $37,914,000; hotels, mo
tion picture houses and other places
of entertainment were conducted, in
addition to the physical, educational
and rehgioirs program.
1 1 Federal Prohibition
Directors Are Named
To Start Work at Once
Washington, Nov. 19. Prohibi
tion enforcement machinery,
John F. Kramer, prohibition com
missioner, took tangible form with
the announcement that 11 federal
prohibition directors had been'
named and would take up their du
ties immediately. .
The supreme court will hear argu
ments Thursday on the constitution
ality of the wartime prohibition act,
involved in three appeals from fed
ereal court rulings. One from Ken
tucky declared the act invalid and
two from New York upheld it.
. Owing to the short time elapsing
before constitutional prohibition be
comes effective, an early opinion by
the court generally is anticipated.
21 Moroccans Executed
Madrid, Nov. 19. Twenty-one
Moroccan tribesmen were executed
at Tetuan, east of Tangier, for kill
ing their officers while in the service
;cf the Spanish government.
Iowa Bandits Who
Broke Jail Given
Life "Imprisonment
Lemars, la., Nov. 19. Lee Bar
nngtoii, Harry Smith, James O'Keef,
William Cullon and William Con
vey, the five bandits, who shot their
way out of the Plymouth county
jail Friday night last, mortally
wounding Williant Maxwell and
seriously wounding his fatfcer, Sher
iff Hugh Maxwell, were given life
terms in the Iowa penitetiary by
Judge C. E. Bradley of the district
court, at 8:30 o'clock Wednesday
night. - "
The men were brought here after
nightfall from Sioux City, following
an indictment of fiirst degree mur
der by the Plymouth county grand
jury. They quickly pleaded guilty
to the charge and sentence followed.
Within 10 minutes they were started
back to the Sioux City jail, and at
4 o'clock Thursday morriihg will be
taken under heavy guard to Fort
Madison prison. So quickly and
quietly was the disposal of the men
that the people of neither city were
aware of it.
Posses Abandon Hunt
For Bandit Carlisle;
Admit He Bests -Them
Medicine Bow, Wyo., Nov. 19.
Posses have abandoned the searcn
for William L. Carlisle,, the bandit
who Tuesday night held p and
robbed passengers on Union Pacific
westbouud. train No. 19, and waited
for the next open move of the no
torious train robber. Every build
ing and possible hiding place within
a wide radius from Medicine Bow
was searched and'ymembers of
posses have conceded that the ban
dit had outwitted them.
Reports that the bandit had fled
to Denver in an automobile imme
diately after the robbery were given
considerable credence. N Carlisle
lived in Denver in 1916, between
train robberies, under the name of
Walter Cortrell.
A theory that Carlisle drove to
ward Cheyenne and might attempt
another-robbery within a few hours
brought precautions on the part of
the railroad. A special train will be
kept ready at Cheyenie, it was said,
so that a posse could be started
from the city within 10 minutes af
ter report of another robbery.
The Cheyenne posse and cavalry
troops have left for Cheyenne, but
will be kept in readiness for the
next move of the bandit.
D'Annunzio Preparing for
An Attack on Spalato
Fiume. Nov. 1. Gabriele D'An
nunzio is preparing for a raid on
Spalato, according to reports. t
D'Annunzio, the advices add, also
plans an attack from Zara on Montenegro
Grain Corporation to Prove Ru
mors Concerning Scarcity of
Product Baseless.
Suggested Among Democratic Members That President
Wilson Might Be Asked to Feel Out the Other
Powers s to Their Attitude on Reservations. With
the Idea of Bringing the Measure to Some Sort of
Ratification After Congress Reassembles. .
Washington, Nov.'19. Failing after three attempts to
ratify the peace treaty, the senate tonight laid it aside, ended
the special session and went home.
All compromise efforts to bring ratification failed, the ,
three resolutions of ratification all going down by over
whelming majorities. The republican leaders apparently
despairing of bringing two-thirds of the senate together for
any sort of ratification, then put in a resolution to declare
the war at an end. A1 -
. ; (t Democrats Almost Solid.
I" ...
Two of the three ratification votes
"Don't Blast Hopes of
World," Is Message
From South "Africa
Johannesburg, Union of South
Africa, Ncv. 19. Lieut. Gen. Jan
Christian Smuts, British mem
ber on the league of nations com
mission, in "a message from
South Africa to America" appeals
to America "not to blast the
hopes of the world" through non
ratification of the treaty coven
ant. General Smuts says:
"I am told that the league is
in danger in the American sen
ate. I can scarcely believe it.
But if so, may I send- message
from South Africa to America.
"-My people are a small people.
My voice in their behalf is weak.
But the greatest leaders in Amer
ca before now have listened to
"I trust my appeal will not
be resentted. I appeal to Amer
ica not to blast the hope of the
1 .
New York, Nov. 19. To prove
that rumors concerning scarcity of
flour and advancing prices are base
less, the United States grain cor
poration announced' that it would
enable consumers to buy the best
fl.'ur at lower prices.
Straight flour, made of the finest
wheat, will be sold by the corpora
tion to the retail trade in 2 and
24?j-pound packages. It will be
available in about three weeks and
the price to the consumer will be
about 75 cents for the smaller pack
ages. Mr. Barnes said that the grain
corporation's action "puts the solu
tion of one phase of the cost of liv
ing problem directly up to the con
sumer by making it possible for the
purchaser of flour to decide whether
he will continue to p3y fancy prices
fo: special brands or buy at a lower
pnee pure, straight flour made from
the finest wheat."
While certain grades of flour are
sesree, owing to the short crop of
spring wheat, the total wheat crop
is 918,000.000 bushels this year,
against 917,000,000 last year, accord
ing to Ma Barnes.
Production of flour for the season
ending November 7 amounted to
52,433,000 barrels, against 43,174,000
last year.
Judge "Orders Mines
Seized by Governor
Returned to Owners
Bismarck, N. D., Nov. 19. Judge
W. L. Nuessle has issued an injunc
tion directing Adjutant General
Fraser and Captain L. R. Baird, of
the state home guard, to restore to
the Western Lignite company not
later than 8 o'clock Monday after
noon the mining property at Wil
ton, N. D., seized last Thursday, un
ing the action of Governor Frasies.
"It seems to me that it amounts,
on one hand, to confiscation, and on
the other to involuntary servitude,"
declared Judge Nuessele in review
ing the action of Governor Frazier
in taking over lignite mineJ in North
Dakota and in enforcing his proc
lamation by the use of available
military resources.
"I realize that any mandate this
court may issue, unless, the govern
ment chooses to rccgnize it, can
not, be carried
war," said Judge Nuessle. "I do
not want that"
Great Britain and
France Prepare to Put
. Pact Into Effect
London, Nov. 19. Great Britain
and France are considering whether
they are not compelled to carry out
the German peace treaty and operate
tlhe league of nations independently
of the United States, pending the
decision of the American govern
ment. It is pointed out that matters are
continually arising under th'e
treaty which need immediate at
tention, such as plebiscite commis
sions, and it is no longer possible
to delay making the pact operative.
The cpinion strongly prevails
that Great Britain will not accept
any reservations made by the United
States senate which would neces
sitate the negotation of a new
The belief 'still exists that the
American government will ulti
mately take its place with the allies.
. i
President Signs and
House Is Adjourned
Washington, Nov.h9. Six months
to the day after the congress con
were taken on the resolution drafted
by the republican majority, contain"
ing. reservations which President
Wilson had told democratic senators
in a letter earlier in the day would
mean nullification of the treaty. On
each of the votes most of the demo
cratic supporters of tb,e treaty voted
against ratification.
The first vote on this resolution
stood, 39 for to 55 against. On the
second -vote taken after several
hours of parliamentary wrangling
in which the -democrati made vain
efforts to wirl over some of the -re
publican group of mild reservation-
ists, 41 senators, voted in the affirma
tive and 51 in the negative.
The third vote was on a straight-
out ratification without reservations
which got only 38 votes to 53 oppos
ing it. Only one republican, ben a- -tor
McCumber, North Dakota, voted
with the democrats in its suppor
Final Decision.
Republican Leader Lodge de
clared today's voting constituted a
final decision on the peace treaty
unless President. Wilson ., circumvented-the"
senate rules by with
drawing it and then submitting 't
again to' the senate. In other quar
ters there, was some difference .. of
opinion, but the general sentiment
seemed to be that there was only a
slender chance that the treaty would
come up at the beginning of the
next session of congress, beginning
next month. ' ' "
Ofie effect of the senate's failure
to ratify, the treaty will be the con
tinuation of various wartime -laws
and regulations at least until the
new session opens. Among them if
the wartime prohibition act.
Expect Another Fight.
The resolution presented tonight
to declare a state of peace will come -up
at the beginning of the new ses
sion and is expected to start an
other stubborn fight. The adminis
tration is understood to be opposed
to such a method of legally ending
the war and in the background is
constitutional question as to wheth
er congress can do so by a reso
lution not requiring the president's
It was suggested among demo
cratic senators "that President Wil
son might be asked to feel out the
other powers as to their attitude on
reservations with the idea of bring
ing the treaty to some sort of a
ratification after congress reassem
bles." -
The second vote on the maioHtv's
ratification resolution was made
vened in, .special session, the house "iVfl waV m.a?c
formally adjourned at 4:02 p. m. 't JntJrS ?t a ervat,on,s's'
Wednejday after receiving Srord 1! " t & '"Sf!
from President Wrilson that he did
rot object to this action. The ad
journment resolution was adopted by
a vote of 55 to 5. -
The president signed the mea
sures after a house committee con
sisting ot Republican Leader Mon
dell, former Speaker Clark and Rep
resentative Towner had called at the
White House to inform the executive
that the House was ready tp adjourn
and was awaiting his pleasure as to
the bill and resolution.
The committee did not see the
president personally, but its mes
sage was transmitted by Secretary
Tumulty, who later announced that
the measures had been signed.
American Peace Delegates
To Sail Home December 6
Faris, Nov. 19. The American
delegation to the peace" conference
will sail for home on December
5 or 6, it was learned yesterday.
The British delegation will prob
ably leave Paris aboutx the same
time, although no official announce
ment has been made.
Auto Bandits Hold Up Car
Near Douglas Street Bridge
Traffic Manager Welch of the
street railway company reported to
police that shortly before 12 o'clock
Tuesday night automobile bandits
held up and robbed another automo
bile party on the Iowa end of the
Douglas street bridge. The robbery
occurred almost in the presence of
the tolltaker on the east end of the
The bandits threw their car across
the road and to avoid a collision
the other car had to stop. The men
in the bandit car then flashed guns
and made the men of the nthrr car
out without civiflgctout and be searched. H. Marion,
Omaha man, lost $18 aud the others
smaller amounts.
get tne measure before the Renat
and thus give an opportunity for
any eleventh hour compromise prop
osition. Once that had been accom
plished, however, the mild group '
held out against all efforts of the
democrats to put in their-substitute,
reservations, so" that when the sec
ond vote was reached, after several
hours of sparring, the situation vir
tually was unchanged.
Consideration Cut Short
The resolution for ratification
without reservations was put in by
Senator Underwood, democrat, Ala
bama, after the second defeat of the
other measure. It was held in order
and voted upon without debate, but
when Senator NPittman, democrat.
Nevada, sought to get action on an
other resolution containing interpre
tative reservations the treaty con
sideration was cut short by a point
of order by Republican Leader,
Lodge. Vice President Marshall
held that previous decisions of .the
senate in overriding his .rulings
would operate to sustain the posi
tion taken by Senator Lodge.
It was on a viva voce vote that
the treaty, after being before th
senate for many weeks, then wai
laid aside. On Senator Lodge's mo'
tion to take up degislative business
no rort-call was required and-the
vice president declared it adopted
by acclamation.
Republican leaders said the sen-,
ate need not, advise the president of
its actioTi nor return the treaty to
him with formal notice. v
Can Resubmit Treaty. . -
"The president may withdraw it
when the senate reconvenes" Sen
ator Lodge said, "and, of course, hi
can then resubmit it in the next ses
sion. "But the treaty is dead inhis
senate and they killed it as "1 told
they they would if they voted
against it." "
Senator Hitcjicock said the xtz$
(Continued Four, Columa MBft