THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1919. EVERY MEMBER CANVASS WILL STARTSUNOAY Is Taken as Topic for Sermons ' in Many of the Lutheran Churches Yes terday. Th "every nemlJer canvass" which wit! be made in Lutheran churches of Omaha, beginning next Sunday, was the topic iii numerous Lutheran churches yesterday. , "The canvass is a challenge to Lutheran laymen everywhere to do the work that God has put at their hands," said Rev. W. I. Gdss at St. Marks Lutheran church. "It is expected that . every Lutheran of the United Lutheran church in America will be visited during the week of November 23 by two laymen who will talk with each member on the work of the church and assign to each some definite task . to perform in his own corner of the Master's kingdom. "The laymen of the church will do this work, going forth by twos as did the apostles of old. Pledges will also be taken from each member of a definite weekly sum for the benev olences of the church. Each Luthr eran church throughout the country has been assigned a yearly quota. The Lutheran church must measure up to such churches as the Method ist church which has just completed a drive for $120,000,000. The Bap tists, Congregationalists, Episcopal ians and many others are doing great things along these tines." A. Brinkhorst of Chicago was the special speaker at the Central Park church last evening, giving an effic iency talk on "Training in, Service." Rev. T. J. Mackay, wh6 has been ill for some time occupied the pulpit at All Saints church. My HEART and My HUSBAND Addle Garrison's New Phase of Revelations vof a Wife The Reason Major Grantland and Madge Changed Their Plans. Major Grantland did not speak until we had rounded a turn in the road. We were out of sight of Dicky, and indeed of atyone else, ; for the thoroughfare, one with no houses upon it, was deserted as far as we could see.' ; Then he turned to me and I no ticed idly that he was driving wifh bne hand, the other resting upon his knee. I noticed something else, too,"that he was flushed and embar- rassed. ' "Pardon me. Mrs. Graham, for the . suggestion," he "began diffidently, "but if you feel faint, and do not mind leaning against me, I can man age the car very easily with one hand. You are really ot able to sit up, I am afraid." -" Madf ' Question. If J. half not been so upset that the tears were nearer than laughter, I m afraid I shold have, shocked-and , offended Major Grantland by laugh ing aloud. I suddely visualized my self, as any chance passing motorists might see me leaning against the officer's shoulder, while his arm sup ported me, for of course that is what he meant by saying he could drive with one hand. With a sudden flash of intuition I realized that this was the reason for his putting me in ; the seat by his side instead of in the tonneau. . I realized something else too, from the eyes looking down at me, , eyes that had lost all trace of the steely grimness which I had often seen in them, and were now filled with troubled, .honest concern that there were nothing in his offer at which 1 need feel either offended or Embarrassed. But' of course I could not avail myself or his proffered aid, although I was not sure that IwouId not need it sorely before we reached our des tination. And J had a woman's hor ror of arriving faint and ill at some itrange hostelry, to be subjected to the wondering speculation of ithe cufious loungers. I had a sud - den rush of longing for safety and; comfort for my room at home. I looked up at him with a sudden inspiration. . . , "You are very kind, Major Grant land." I said softly, " but I am per fectly able -yto sit up. Tell me, please, how far is it to Marvin?" He shot a quick glance at me, with a deft lightning movement, was backing his powerful machine and turning it around even as he an swered me. , At Home. "What a dolt I am!" he' said. "I should have driven you straight to Marvin in the first place. Of course vou ought to get home as soon as possible. You see you are so brave,. , xvirs. urnam, ana put up so goo a a face upon matters that you uninten- ;.. ttonally deceived us as to hofcv ill you are. But fortunately we have just passed a little cross road lead ing' to a main thoroughfare passing ' directly through Marvin. If you don't mind speeding a little, you will be home inside of 10 minutes.' ' "I don't mind anything," I fal tered, "if I can only get home." I spoke but the truth, for the only thing I would have minded was . Dicky's astonishment, probable dj pleasure, at our passing him bound for Marvin. This was obviated by , Major Grantland's choice of roads. I suspected that he had chosen his route purposely in order to avoid stopping for an explanation to Dicky of the change of plan. - The high-powered car responded to the officer's guiding as if it had been a sentient thing, rushed along the toad with a swiftness and smoothness that were reminiscent of the time I had ridden in it before. The rush of air, however, seemed to suffocate me, and by the time wc reached my own driveway, I was coughing violently while my head telr as it were enclosed in a vise 'which someone was slowly tighten Vainr Grantland drove carefully t'p to the- veranda steps,,was out of the cr and opening the door at uy side almost betore ne naa stop ijd it. "You must kt his lift you out and carry you in," he said firmly, scru tinizing my face. 'If you attempt to walk I am afraid you may fall." . Before I could answer Katie came running down the steps, he eyes fairlv DODping out of her head Nrith excitement. . "01 Missis Graham, dear Missis Graham! Vot's matter?" she wailed hysterically. "Is Meester Graham killed dot you so vite?" Major Grantland turned on. her sternly. , "Keep quiet," he growled, "and help your mistress." They were the last words I heard, for as Katie came toward me I saw her grow to an enormous size be fore my eyes, and the next moment I had swayed forward felt myself falling, and knew nothing more. (Continued Tomorrow.) Pastor Thinks Savior - Himself Would Strike Denver, Nov. 16. Rev. W. O. Rodgers, , pastor of the Fourth avenue Congregational church? this city, thinks that Jesus would go on a strike himself if he were on earth today. x Discussing the extensive unrest prevailing throughout the United states, in r a sermon entitled, "Would Jesus Strike?" the clergy man declared: "Jesus would advocate and partic pate in a strike if great injust ice were being done, and an em ployer would not listen to reason. '"Jesus would picket the plant and try, by reason and argument, to per suade scabs from filling the places of strikers, but He would use no violence." To Fortify The Sys tem Against Colds, Grip and Influenza Tako "Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets" Be sure you get tlie Genuine Look for this signature on the box. ' 30c , MRS, C. & BROWN GOULD HARDLY HOLD UP HEAD . Was SoRun-Down She Had to Spend Much'of Her Time In Bed. . "I am the happiest woman in Galesburg, and I make no secret about what Tanlac has done for me, for I want the whole world to know about it," said Mrs. C. S. Brown, who lives at 913 Kellog St., Gales bursr, 111., a few days ago. '"I had given up all hope of ever beins: well another day in my life," continued Mrs. Brown, "and just to think, here I am today as strong and healthy as I have ever been before. Only myi neiehbors know whdt the last three years have meant to me, for since my health broke down I have suffered what I be lieve no other woman ever went through and still came out alive. I was almost a complete nervous and physical wreck," had to spend much of my time in bed, apd was so ex tremely nervous that rT couldn't stand for even my little chil dren to be around my bed or in the same room where I was. I had headaches constantly and it looked like they would almost drive me wild and my nerves were on edge so bad that it seemed the harder I tried to sleep the more wakeful I felt, and many times I lay awake most all night long. I had indiges tion so bad that -I haven't been able to' properly digest a meal for the nasi two years, and just about every bite I took gave me terrible cramp ing pains, and when gas began to form I was simply in torment. I reached my lowest point last winter when I had the 'flu' and hardly see how I pulled through it, and for months after I got upso weak I could hardly hold m.y head up, and when I would start to walk across the room I had to steady myself with a chair to keep from falling to the floor. I was in a pitiful condition, just about as bad off as a person ever gets, and my husband had to take care of the children besides do all the house work. "I'll never forget the first bottle of Tanlac I bought, why, it actually helped me so much that my husband said he could almost see me getting better. That gave me more en couragement than I had ever had and I kept right on taking Tanlac, and now it has taken nine bottles to give me back my health, but I never felt any better or stronger in my whole life than I do now. I never had a better aptietite, never had more sound, restful sleep, and my nerves- were never in better condi tion. What I eat digests perfectly, and I don't have any more head aches. I can hardly realize the change that has come over me and I wish I could tell every person in the whole world about it,- Tanlac has been the most wonderful thing to me in my -whole life, and there is nothing this world could offer that I would take for what this medicine has done for me." Tanlac is' sold'' in Omaha at all Sherman & McConnell Drug Com pany's stores, Harvard Pharmacy and West End Pharmacy. Also For rest andMeany Drug Company in J South OmahaNmd the leading drug- j ?rist in each city and town through- i out the state of Nebraska. Adv. j , fS IP jf " . i t OMAHA, The Second Live Stock. Market of The World. It has the most modern Stock Yard in the . World today no expense has been spared to make it o. It it situated in the center of a territory producing more food products than any in the World hence the largest demand for feeder sheep and for this reason OMAHA is the LARGEST FEED-j ER SHEEP MARKET IN THE' WORLD. Railroad facilities are unex celled, being the only Missouri River market located onjher main lines of ell the western railroads; the shrink,, therefore, on ship ments to this market is less than to others. Union Stock Yards Company of Omaha (Ltd.) Omaha Neb. Lee W. Edwards CHIROPRACTOR 24th and Farnam Sts. A" Growing Necessity for Growing Omaha Douglas 3445. Inter-State Title & Mortgage Cd. 421-425 Cit'fiat'l Bank BIdf. We Buy and Sell Farm Lands, 1 Farm Mortgages We Buy LIBERTY BONDS At Prevailing New York Prices. WARE & LELAND Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Cotton. Members All Leading Exchanges. Private Wires. 727-730 Grain Exchange BIdg. Douglas 4274. American State Bank 18th and Farnam Solicits Your Banking -Business Phone Tyler 80 PLATNER LUMBER & COAL COMPANY 46th and Farnam Sts. 1 Barnhart Brothers & Spindler Type Founders Printing 'Machinery and Supplies Incorporated 18S3 ' OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSOCIATION Assets, $13,250,000. A mutual savings and loan association WM. R. ADAIR, President. OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Omaha Paper Stock Co. Packers and Shippers Paper Stock Office and Factory, 18th and Marcy Sts. Phone Doug. 159. Omaha, Neb. Benson & Meyers Co." Investment Securities i Farm Mortgages Omaha, U. S. A. ' Attention Mr. Automobile Owner overhaul your car, rebore the cylinders, make piston and rings or parts you might? .need. P. Melchiors & Son Machine Works 417 South 13th St. General Automobile, Machine and Blacksmith Repair Work. National Roofing Co., -(Incorporated) Roofing and Paving Contractors Established in 1878 Douglas 551. Omaha. OMAHA HARDWOOD LUMBER COMPANY Hardwood Products and Vehicle Woods Omaha, Neb. To Pave City Streets and Country Highways, Use VITRIFIED PAVING BRICK Western Brick 'Manufac turers' Association, Kansas City, Mo. Johnson Hardware Co. . Fine Builders' Hardware Complete Line of Contractors' Supplies ; 1217 Farnam St. ' Doug. 581. Vaughn Construction Company General Contractors Bee Bldg. Omaha Mid-West Electric Company Jobbers of ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES Doug. 456. 1207 Harney St. BOILERS TWO SMOKESTACKS PLANTS Drake, Williams, Mount Co. Main Office and Works, ' 23d, Hickory and U. P. R. R. . Phone Douglas 1043. Branch 20th, Center and C. B. & Q. Phone Douglas 1141 Oxy-Acetylene Welding STANDPIPES TANKS Phones: Tyler 446 Walnut 326 Geo. A. Roberts 1 Grain Co. Receivers and Shippers GRAIN ' HAY - SEEDS , Consignments a Specialty 230-31-32-33-34 Grain Exchange -y " Omaha, Neb. Le Bron & Gray Electrical Works Motors, Generators, Electric Elevators Repairs, Armature Winding, Electric Wiring: 116 S. 13th St. Phone Douglas 2019 JOHN E. WAKEFIELD COMPANY V Builders , Doug. 326 v 750 Brandeis Theater Bldg. The Girl on the Burning I Roof; Community Service and Business in Omaha By WILLIAM TANQUERY It is not good for man to live his life alone. He can dp it, and get along. But a wastebasket full of argument can be written to support the contention that he will get along better by, living his life with his fellows- ' Help the other man and he will help you. You can do something better than he can, and he can do some things better than you can. , , Help him make his dollar, and he will help you make yours. Neither of you will be any better off in the mat ter of dollars, but the association will make life easier I about which some poets could write a book, but in the.; meantime, anything that makes life easier is worth dol- Elars and cents. One manufacturer or business man can make a pretty big noise, especially if he is an Omahan, but two can malrA mnre. half a dozen can he heard in Chicaco. and the Omaha Chamber of, Commerce can be heard around 1 the world. Association does it, thespirit of get-together, and . boost. One man might be able to persuade a friend or a. straneer. to come here, but the chamber can bring a hundred and everybody benefits. x All of this is to arrive at the real subject com munity service. Community service is merely the spirit of the brother- j hood of man applied to business principles, in every day life. Get acquainted with your neighbor and each help the other. That is one of the missions of community service. The Chamber ot commerce is aomg community service for the city. - Other bodies are doing community service for the individual. ' The first thing is to bring people together. To in- w troduce next door neighbors who have lived within 10 - I feet of each ather for years without hardly nodding j " "rrnnrl mnrni'nrr " na if ennli wpfo nfrnifl that an intro- JlllI ) A V i . i w i-w duction would merely pave the way to request the loan of a flatiron or a pound of sugar. y This lack of acquaintanceship, this living of life alone and selfish nursuit of one's own happiness with- l out even a glance into the darkened rooms of the neigh ' bor was broueht out in one paragraph, a few words that t contained volumes, in an interview published in Friday's t ioono Ta "Daa W W. C TVinmas Hp smn ; t . "Put an unknown girl on the roof of a burning house, "and in five minutes you will have the entire city aghast J i tne men yening ana me women weeping, uut.n tuai cirl smolders in a darkened room in the nres'Ol loneli- l ness for years, who cares? Do you?" - A more striking illustration of the situation would be I hard to find. j' In other-words, if you really want to "wake up" r biiuigOe uuim c iuo iu xx c gill vii wiv t Shoot off a gun that will throw shot in all directions nne like the Germans needed-and like the United States will need if Japan, the bolsheviks in Siberia and the bal- anr.e of the EuroDean mass keens on growing one with t barrels pointing in all directions and that loads in the middle. Who's the girl, and where's the gun? ; - The girl story, of course, is merely to illustrate the i" fact that when something has got to be done people get out and do it. And when everybody helps, it is done best. ; t ' Therefore, when the Chamber of Commerce starts something, remember that ft is "community" service and .help. Rv helnine the citv vou help yourself, for the more t money brought here the more there will be to go around The more there is the more chance there is to get tsome of it. k A man might get hold of a dollar in Wall street, but Che wouldn't have a chance in the desert of Sahara. Wake un. iump in and help, beceme a community " service worker, and don't let the Spirit of Progress sit r in a darkened room unnoticed, waiting for some one to 4 ... t J V At- J - ; - AA J.? ! ' build a lire ana put ner on me rooi to can your anemiuii Land' enlist your aid. -I? BERTSCHY MANUFACTURING AND ENGINEERING COMPANY, Manufacturers ot BERMO WELDING AND CUTTING APPARATUS Omaha, U. S. A. HENNINGSON Engineering Co. Civil, Electrical, Mechanical and Archi tectural Engineers; desifners of sewers, paving, waterworks, electric light plants and public buildings. Douglas 6229. 12th and Harney "Sts. C. Hafer Lumber Co. Ships Direct to the Uer . Lumber, Millwork, Hard v ware and Paint We have our own woodworking factory. 135 W. B'way, Counucil Bluffs, la. Eastern Plating Company Plating Auto Parts We Plate Gold, Silver, Nickel, Copper, Brass and Bronze. 1218 Farnam St. (Third Floor) Telephone, Douglas 2566. HUDSON MFG. CO., Implement Supplies, Omaha' and Minneapolis F. P. GOULD & SON BUILDERS i 1137-40 City National Building. OMAHA, NEB. RADIATORS and Radiator Core fot Automobiles, Trucks and Trnctors MADE AND REPAIRED Hend tout radiator by ex press. Guarauteed work, prompt service and rea sonable charges. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. O., 1819-21 earning St. OMAHA BEMIS BROS. BAG CO. of Omaha e&$-) are a3&GS! 432323 ffi"PTfl.p Pioneer Glass & Paint Company All Kinds Paints, Varnishes, Glass and Store Front Construction 14th and Harney BUTTER Alfalfa Butter Co. D3903 WALRATH & SHERWOOD LUMBER CO. Wholesalers 1501-06 W. O. Bldg. Omaha, U. S. A. Nebraska and Iowa Steel Tank Co. A. N. Eaton, Prop. 1300 Willis St. Phona Webster 282. Everything in Sheet Metal Products. Oil Tanks and Supplies. "The Lion Bonding & Surety. Company is an Omaha institution and a Ne braska product. It is desirous of "The Lion's Share" of your business, and this claim is based not alone on the' idea suggested as to our being a Home Company, but because we are genu inely GOOD, SOUND, CLEAN and HIGH-GRADE. We are in the Kennedy Bldg., 1 9th and Douglas. Come Up and See Us. HEDRASilATmES' The Cheapest and Best You Can Buy Put one on your car op posite the tire that has given you the greatest satisfaction. NEBRASKA. TIRE & RUBBER , COMPANY x Omaha, Nebraska CorrectQ A non-explosive liquid which will dis solve the carbon in your engine. Manufactured and Guaranteed by WESTERN PRODUCTS CO, Omaha. Automobile Repairing. In All Its Branches MOTOR SERVICE GARAGE Douglas 2923. 2406 Leavenworth St., Omaha. ' Affordable Motor Truck Corporation Manufacturers of AFFORDABLE TRUCK ATTACHMENTS McKeen Motor Car Co. Gasoline Engines ' High Class Machinery Mechanical Engineering Potash Reduction Co., 820 World-Herald Bldg., Omaha, Neb. CHIROPRACTOR Ethel Thrall Maltby, D. C (Palmer Graduate) Adjustments. $112 or $10 312 Bee Bldg. Doug. 3072 T Say to Your Grocer ELKHORN MILK, PLEASE" i : : 1 The Ideal Family Loaf It Boosts for Omaha Jay Burns Baking Co. Omaha Printing Co. Omaha, U. S. A. Western Paper Co. OmahaNeb. We Paint Autos to SATISFY OUR CUSTOMERS JULIUS BANHART Doug. 108S. 16th & Leavenworth Bowman Machinery Company Contractors Equipment Tyler 1818 1207 Howard Omaha. Neb. Omaha Refining Company-' Omaha Oils "Best in the Long Run" Carpenter Paper Co. Wholesale Distributors Printing Paper, Wrapping Paper, Paper Bags, Build ing JPaper, Fancy Stationery GLASS That very attractive all METAL STORE FRONT is an I EASY-SET FRONT glazed by , PITTSBURGH PLATE GLASS CO. 11th and Howard Sts. Nebraska Power Company "Your Electric Service Company" Electric Service for Your Home, Office and Factory Electric Building, , 15th and Farnam Sts. "Little Red Wagons" T. F STROUD & CO! . t Colfax 2998. 20th and Ames Ave. -L The Paxton-Mitchell Co., - Manufacturers of The Mitchell Metallic Packing Gray Iron, Aluminum, Brass , and Bronze Castings. CROW TIRE & RUBBER - COMPANY 600 Bee Bldg. Omaha. OMAHA BODY CO. Builders of Truck Bodies to Fit All Makes of Trucks. 1529-31-3aN. 16th St. Phone Webster 337. Western Smelting & Refining Company Manufacturers of AH Grades of Babbitt and Solder Buyers of Old Battery Lead Oliver Chilled Plow Works Doug. 3236 10th and Farnam Sts. Omaha The Hugh Murphy Construction Co. Contractors of - Public Work D. 834. 206 Karbach Bldg. mm flillll