I h - rO, jv.Yl?!?; V-- .V X vl-X-: : PICTURC PRO OO QQAVU RC OBOTION ft':' 1 0 'ttfg 1 JW 7W 1 9 i fir" o j Two prlie winntri of Pttalum. MU. p The ml li Holm Luddtn nd -tht ; pullet U Tbt DuohvM, on o( tbi A AAA AAA IXTViUo lthnmi Which aft tbt prld and glory of the MliiUilppt town. - . My :'J o - 0 i (J ffj You umr eu tell what they're going to do In Boston tneie dajri, ;Think of what the PurlUn fathera would eay If they taw theee etudenU of the gen tie art of dairying taking a rife on the dairy! (Vndtrwood Vndtrwood, M T. ESSMAhTF -1 Jff w S' of i. 1 II 1 r9 mf 4 SWA- V.; AN 6 THE OPENING' OF THE FOOTBALL SEASON. rh0 u.rv.rd untverelty Varelty Football Team Bmaehlng the Line of the EVEN THE BABY CARRIAGE WAf A MOVING VAN; v , Att . - . On October I the demand for moving vans waa the greattet In the Wetory of New Yorb and tt If-tm-mated that 60,000 famlllea moved, paying from 10 an hour for a van up. Many companlea chargej I wo an hour. Tbla enterprlelnt younnter took the baby carriage while hU mother waa not looking aud founa many joba, He bad to hire an aaeletant, the demand for bit pervlcea became ao gmt. , ..tt . Vi 5 A' : '6K Jff 1 HE MADE A WW, MT 9W A IJWUV; - - It waa recently eatd of him by a Mleaouri profeiaor that be meant 989,000,000 to tbe ebloken Ihduatry. He recently educated a ben Into laying S40 eggi i a year, Bha wai known aa the Queen of the Golden Wett, and waa the world record hen, (VndtrwMd Cdrwood, N..Y.) erf I Mm. George Base of Chicago, former president of the Chieago'e Women's Club, who hae been made Chairman of , tbe Women's National Committee of the Democratic party, UnUrwooa Undfrwood.) . ML a 'I ' THE NEWEST WRINKLE IN AUTOMOBILE Sr MODERN SUN WORSHIPERS IN It (s called the "tuto boat," but H wont float, Tbe tonneau is modelled along the Hnee of a yacht and the life preserve; bung over tbe side is the only kind now to be obtained Inside the three-mile limit. If! content! are supposed to buoy UP the tired voyagers, A colony wWeh fejolces In the name of Kosmon Dawn Faithlsta baa revived at Plymouth, Entfand, the worship of tbe sun which waa pracuced in ancient times, Tnt oisoipies w vne cuu are vwwnnm, inmwin na aonorrers oj tooaoon, The photograph shows the war they gmt the rising sun. The worst part of tbla klad of worship Is getUag up so early (vn4rea vnetrwoa4.)