Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 16, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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8 A
Radical Foment Far In Mi
nority, Barnes A. Emery
Tells Chamber of
, "'"blic opinion ii the most power
' weapon against industrial chaos
in the United States, according to
judge James A. Emery of New
'York, who spoke on industrial con
dition! at the Chamber of Com
merce yesterday.
"The public is reaching a point
where it will assert itself so strong
ly on issues which affect its wel
fare and the welfare of the coun
try, that neither labor nor capital
will dare to take radical action
Judge Emery said. "The industrial
situation is steadily tending toward
two things: the ability of public
opinion io limit tne power ot em
ployers to discharge a-jjian, and to
limit the power of the employe to
f Acrainef PnmiMi!iAi-.i A
Judge Emery did not express him
self as favoring compulsory arbi
tration. He called attention to com
pulsory investigation practiced in
Canada in labor disputes as a good
method of settling disputes. Public
opinion is the big thing, however,
he declared.
"It was public opinion and noth
' else that caused the miners to
obey the court order. They were
wise in obeying the order for they
could never have bucked the public,"
continued Judge Emery. "I think
we have enough balance in this
country to control labor disputes, al
though we already have examples
of where American labor has re
sorted to direct action.
Rd In Minority.
"The radical dementis far in the
minority. The whole issue is
whether or not our law is to stand.
When employers or employes try to I
pick their own laws they are in open !
rebellion against their government, j
The laws of the country must
stand." '
Judge Emery prophesied that coal ,
miners would return to work short
ly. He - characterized the recent
rioting in Omaha as an unfortunate
condition which was apt to occur
uer a great war.
' The only tiling that would really
be dangerous to our country would
be a farmer's strike, and that will
never occur, hesaid.
Four Omaha, Homes
Entered By Thieves
During the Night
lour robDenes or Utnaha nomes
Friday night yielded loot from
cigars to children's clothing, accord
ing to reports made to police.
A pass key to the front door ot
the, cigar store of Jake I,ieb, 216
South Eighteenth street, enabled a
thief to get $300 worth of cigars and
a revolver. 'a .police report states.
The contents of three trunks in
the home of Alice E. Devine, 3517
North Fortieth street, yielded chil
dren's clothing the report states.
Entrance to the home was made
through a side window.
Burglars broke into the home of
1. C. Lavoy, 3510 Jones -street, and
stole a woman's purse containing $3,
and two women's rings, according
to a report to police.
The home of B. H. Jacobberger,
1947 Vinton street, was ransacked
but nothing taken, another report
states. Entrance was made through
a rear window.
Brief City News
Have Root lYint It Beacon Press
Vmddib Clmnen Burru-Qrandn Co.
Mayor to Speak In Kansas City
Mayor Smith, has accepted an In
vitation to address the Men's club
In Kansas City next month. The
date has not been announced.
Y. M. II. A. to Meet The first
monthly communal entertainment
of the Ttung Men's Hebrew asso
ciation will be held next Wednesday
evening at 8 In the Viylo building.
Rev. Frank Smith will speak.
Social Club Dance The B Nal
Ami club, a new social and enter
tainment organization, will give a
Thanksgiving dance at the Hotel
Castle. The publio Is cordially In
vited to come and enjoy the eve
ning. Three Couples Married Miss
Irene Ferrell and Clarence R. Mc
Culloch, both of Omaha; Miss Wil
mi Hauptmann and Ebert E. Smith,
both of Julian, Neb., and Miss Mil
dred Valentine and William Rumsey
were married by Rev. Charles W.
School Paper Distributed The
first issue of the Central High school
paper, the "Register," was distribu
ted Friday to students who had sub
scribed. The publication of the
paper was delayed this year because
the election of the staff was post
poned last spring until this fall.
Omnha Greeks Meet The Demos
thenes club, composed of Greeks of
Omaha, met Friday night in its
rooms across the street from the
postofflce. John D. Hassel Is presi
dent of the club. Speakers included
President W. E. Reed of the Board
of Education, Mrs. A. C. Troup,
Bishop Shayler, Mrs. Leff-Caldwell
and Miss Ella Thorngate, in charge
of Americanization work in .the
nipht schools.
Railway Stall Examinations
Competitive examinations will be
held here December 6 to fill vacan
cies In the railway mall service. Ap
plicants must have reached their
18th birthday but not their 35th
birthday on the date of examina
tions. The examinations will be
open to men and women. Applica
tion blanks and furthpr Information
may be received at the loetil civil
service commission office In the
federal building.
Boys Snatch Purse
Two boys snatched a purse from
Mrs. E. Valilcamp, 2816 Manderson
street late Friday night at Sixteenth
and Farnam streets, according to
police. The purse contained $5 and
a puir of glasses.
Use Pyramid
for Piles
Then Ton Will Learn What Solid
Comfort la. If In Doubt, Send
for a Free Trial.
Itching, bleeding or protruding:
piles often come without warning
and everyone should know of Pyra
mid Pile Treatment If you are
Touch Tender Spots With
Coticura After Shaving
After shaving with Cuti&ra Soap the
Cuticura way, without mug, gently rub
tender spots on face or dandruff on scalp
with a bit of Cuticura Ointment Then
wash all off with Cuticura Soap and hot
water. Rinse with tepid water. Finally
dust on a little Cuticura Talcum. f
Cuticura Talcum is an antiseptic, prophy.
lactic, soothing dusting powder of delicate,
fascinating fragrance. 25c everywhere.
Ruh pain, soreness, stiffness,
sciatica right out with
; "St. Jacobs Liniment."
Count fiftyl Pain gone.
Rheumatism is "pain only." Not
one case in fifty requires internal
treatment. Stop drugging 1 Rub the
misery right awayl Apply soothing.
' penetrating "St. Jacobs Liniment"
directly upon the "tender spot," and
relief comes instantly. "St Jacobs
Liniment" is a harmless rheumatism
liniment which never disappoints and
can not burn or discolor the skin.
Limbe upl Stop complaining!
Get a small trial bottle of "St. Jac
obs. Liniment" at any drug store,
,and in just a moment you'll be free
'from pain, soreness, stiffness and
swelling. Don't suffer 1 Relief
awaits you. "St. Jacobs Liniment"
has relieved millions of rheumatism
sufferers in the last half century,
and is just at good for sciatica, neur
algia, lumbago, backache, sprains
and swellings, '
Tkere Is Nothing: More Grateful
Than the Relief From-Piles.
now suffering:, either send for a
free trial or ko to the nearest drus
prist for a 60 cent box. Ask for
Pyramid Pile Treatment and take no
Pill out this coupon and mail It
for a free trial.
pyramid rtetra company.
' sai) Pyramid Bldg., Marshall, Mich.
Kindly send me a Free sample of
Pyramid Pile Tretnfnt, la plain wrapper.
Street. ...rt...... ...... .......
Oltj.... Bute.
If You Need a Medicine
You STTouid Have the Best
Have you ever stopped to reason why
it ia that o many products that are ex
tensively advertised, all at once drop out
of sight and are soon forgotten T The
reason is plain the article did not fulfil
the promise of the manufacturer This
applies more particularly to a medicine.
A medicinal preparation that has real
curative value almost sells itself, as like
an endless chain system the remedy is
recommended by . those who have been
benefited, to those who are in need of it
A prominent druggist says 'Take for
example Dr. Kilmer'a Swamp-Root a
preparation I have sold for many years
and never hesitate to recommend, for In
almost every case it shorn excellent re
sults, as many of my customers testify.
No other kidney remedy has so large a
According to sworn statements and
verified testimony of thousands who have
used the preparation, the 'success of Dr.
Kilmer's Swamp-Root is due "to the fact
so many people claim, that it fulfils al
most every wish in overcoming kidney,
liver and bladder ailments, corrects ur
inary troubles and neutralizes the uric
acid which causes rheumatism.
You may receive a sample bottle of
Swamp-Root by Parcels Post. Address
Dr. Kilmer Co., Binghamton, N. Y., and
enclose ten cents: also mention The Omaha
Sunday Bee 'Large and medium size bot
tles for sale at all drug stores.
Try Grandmother's Old Favor
ite Recipe of Sage Tea and
Almost everyone knows that Sage
Tea and Sulphur, properly com
pounded, brings back the natural
color and luster to the hair, when
faded, streaked or gray. Years ago
the only way to get this mixture
was to make it at home, which is
mussy and troublesome. Nowadays,
by asking at any drug store for
"Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com
pound," you will get a large bottle
of this famous old recipe, improved
by the addition of other ingredients,
at a small cost.
Don't stay gray! Try it I No one
can possibly tell that you darkened
your hair, as it does it so naturally
and evenly. You dampen a sponge
or stiff brush with it and draw this
through your hair, taking one small
strand at a time; by morning the
gray hair disappears, and after an
other application or two, your hair
becomes beautifully dark, glossy
and attractive,'
Tt " aV ' ,
Prof. H. V. Shaw Here Monday
Professor H. V. Shaw of New York, an
expert designer and teacher of .embroidery,
will open classes Monday in cut lace work,
teaching 38 different stitches. Women desir
ous of beginning "gift work" will welcome
this opportunity. Classes are Free. Enlarged
Fancy Goods Dept., Third Floor.
Parcels Wrapped fpr Shipment
If you have parcels to be wrapped for ship
ment, by parcel post or express, you can hav
them wrapped here, no matter where they are
purchased. This is a free service at the ac
commodation desk. Basement. V "
ale of Furs
Decisive Price Reductions Necessitated by Stock Re-adjustroerit
Afford Notably Economies at a Most Opportune l lme
This is by far one of the ihost unusual sales of the kind that to our
knowledge has happened in a long time. All of the manifestations of
style, quality and dependability in this fur sale brings an opportunity
not to be disregarded by any ' woman or man.-With practically the
entire season of cold weather before us, and with Christmas closely
approaching, this sale assumes important, significance. Surely it is
quite unusual for a fur sale to be held at this time of the year, but only
because of a readjustment of our fur stocks do we find it necessary.
Ordinarily, fur sales are not held until, the first of the year, and-one
can immediately realize the advantages to' be gained in purchasing the
furs now they were expecting to' buy at the usual sale time.
Listed Below by Way of Example Are Some of the- Offerings
r: t,y,'i"i.'',i!iy.tu
' Xf N -"niT-t- .lll-n' ' - -et '
i H i m n ii i i i ii mi miiiiiiiiiiii i in i n i MM ia mm ni uma laiwiiinur u.
$895 Hudson Seal
Dolman at $500
A beautiful Hudson SealDol-
uian with a collar of natural
gray squirrel of the finest qual-'
ity; this wrap is fully 45 inches
long and was formerly priced
at $895, sale price $500.
$850 Hudson Seal
Smart Hudson Seal Coat.,-48-inch
length, large roomy sleeves
and plenty of fullness in every
way, having collar and cuffs of
natural skunk, selected skins,
formerly $850, sale price, $595.
Fine Wolf Scarfs
Near Seal Coats
$75 Value 59.50 297.50 Value 199.50
Eight pieces of extra fine 1
quality, both black' and taupe
wolf scarfs, regular 75.00 values,
stock readjusted, sale price
at 59-50. -
Nine near seal coats, both
3q and 36-inch length, self
trimmed and others with collar
and cuffs of natural skunk, reg
ular values 297.50, "stock read
justed, sale price, 199.50.
47.50 and 52.50 Scarfs, 39.50 $250 Mint Cape For $195 x $435 Nutri Coats For $350 '
A large quantity of black and Walnut
Brown, also taupe fox scarfs, regular ptice
47.50 and 52.50, sale price, 39.50.
Mink. Cape made of 8 skins, good qual
ity, dark selected mink, a very practical
wrap, $250 value,sale price, $zpj.
Four Nutria Coats, in 3Chinch lengths
with deep shawl collars and belts of self
material, $435 values, sale price, $350.
$785 Mink Stole
Now Priced $595
Mink Stole made of finest
quality eastern mink, fashioned
with tails, 12 full selected skins
used in this ' garment, former
price $785, sale price, $595-
$585 Hudson Seal
Coat Now $450
This cpat is 36 inches long,
with large shawl collar and
deep cuff, self-trimmed, worth
$585, now $450
$110 Fox Scarfs'
'Now Priced $95
Pointed taupe and walnut
brown, black and cross fox
scarfs of the very finest quality
skins, regular values $110-to
127.56"," sale price, 95.00.
$495 Hudson Seal
Coats Priced $375 v
Eleven beautiful Hudson Seal
Coats, smart jaunty models,
30-inch lengths, self trimmed
and others with beaver collat.
arid cuffs, $495 - values, salei
price, $35.'.
Black Manchurian Wolf Scarfs and Muffs
A most remarkable purchase of lilack Manchurian WolLscarfs and muffs in both round and
canteen shapes. These furs run very full and even and the muffs are well lined making both
, warm, comfortable and' practical wraps for the cold days to come. Many f oresighted persons
will take advantage of this item for the coming holiday season. Choice of scarfs or muffs at 4.95
Gloves of Style and
Quality Priced Very Reasonable
OMEN'SGlovesJia all the desirable' styles for every occasion,
and purchased at prices far below those of the present.
French Kid Gloves, extra
quality, light weight, French
kid, in shades of dark tan,
battle, taupe, white and
black; attractively stitched
backs. Two-clasp styles, at,
per pair. v 3.50
m potted Cape Slip-Ons,
knitted wool lining, with ad
justable strap at wrfst; pop
ular African shade; especial
ly desirable for auto wear.
At, per pair 4.75
Silk"Slip-On Gloves, for
women, extra heavy milan
ese, with adjustable wrist
straps-double tipped fingers,
in shades of navy, brown
and battle, two-toned em
broidered backs, very prac
tical with a muff. Pair &50
Kayser Chamoisette Gloves,
' absolutely washable, P. K.
seams, self or two-toned em
broidered b arc k s, good
shades of brown, sand, bat
tle and white. Pair 1.25
Philippine Undergarments
Featured at a Special Price Monday
ALL style, in widths
from 2; to 12
inches .wide, suitable
for, collar and cuffs
on coats and dress
SEAL and
Priced 50c $1, 2.50,
3.50 and up to
$25 per yard
New Nemo Gorsets
NJEW MODELS, far famed for their special
1 qualifications in figure building and cor
rection of deficiencies.
Style 505 Nemo Model, of white coutil,
for the stout figure of short or medium ..
height; long skirt with semi-elastic gores '
in front, and semi-elastic bands at back,
which mate the skirt Very pliable.
Priced at v 7.50
Style 326 Nemo ModeJ for the stout
figure of medium height. Nemo self
reducing strap. Price 5.50
There are other models particularly, de
signed for the slender, medium and large figure.
PHILIPPINE Gowns and Envelope N
Chemise, hand made and hand em
broidered gowns with round V, or square
necks, kimona sleeves, sleeve and neck line
embroidered in N scallops and fronts of
gowns in garlands of flowers, eyelets or
hand drawn work. A variety of patterns to
select from N 3-95
Gowns with hand made thread torchon
bands and motifs combined with sprays of
hand embroidered flowers on front of
gowns forming neck line in various shapes,
materials of fine quality 5.00 and 6.50
Envelope Chemise in many patterns of
embroidery, corset cover tops or straight
top with strap shoulder., Very special
values ' 2-SJ
Envelope Chemise with straight tops,
ribbon run band, embroidered, both back
and front strap shoulders, others in round
or-V, corset cover tops with insets of hand
thread torchon to match gowns 5.00 and 6.50
The Largest Toy
Dept. Omaha
Has Ever Had
but kind children, all
ages, can make this trip.
And into what realms of
delight one enters. Not
quite complete as yet, but
now open and the largest
Toy Department Omaha
has ever had, almost the
entire new Fourth Floor,
just opened, houses Santa
Claus Headquarters and
choice can be made now
at leisure, with opportu
nity for selection from
fresh, unhandled stocks.
Pretty Blanket Bathrobe
Exquisitely Styled and Comfortable
BLANKET BATH ROBES, in floral and block
patterns with small painted collars, straight
sleeve, finished with cotton cord, colors are
navy, red, tan and copen, at , 6.98
sailor collar, edged with satin ribbon, fastened
with silk frog, one pocket, and turn back cuff,
at 7.50
with floral pattern, large collars, ribbon
trimmed, at . , 7.98
BEACON BATH ROBES, with satin- finished
collars, cuffs, and pockets, silk cords, light
and dark colors to select fromat 9.50
elaborately trimmed in satin banding, in all
desirable shades, at jVjo, 15.00, 17.50