THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1919. WANT AD RATES (Cash With Ordsr.) v Sf vt word. on : day to psr word ........ two conscutlv days 4o par word. ....... thres consecvtlv days la pr word ..four consaeutlvs days (o por word,...,.,.tlv consecutlvs day Te per word.... six consecutlvs days la per word. .. w .seven consecutlv days ADd 1 cnt por word each additional ay. V No ada taken for lew than a total of Ito or leaa than 10c per day. . . CHARGE. . lSo par Una (count worda to Una) 1 day ' Ho per Una two conascutlvs daya . tOa per line..,., .three conaecutlTO kly Jo per line aeven consecutlv daya $3.46 per line thirty consecutive daya CAROM OF THANKS AND ri NEBAL NOTICES. lis por line..... each Insertion Minimum charts, to cents. Theae ratea apply either to the Dally r Sunday Bee. All advertisements ap pear In both morning- and cvenlnf dally la pen for the one charge. I Contract Rate on Application. Tor convenience of advertisers, want ada will be accepted at the following ef fect: ; MAIN OrTICK Bee Building Jtmea Office,.., 441 North 10th 8t. Par Office..!. ....2611 Leavenworth 8t. 8outh Side 3311 N 8t : Walnut Office Ill North 40th 8t Co. Bluffs Office IS Scott St. THE BEE will not be responsible for more than one Incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for mora than one "'" PHONE TVLEB MOO. JCventne; Editions 1!:00 M. Morning Bdltlona 10:30 P. M. Sunday Editions 10 P. M. Saturday. DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES M'SORLET. Hugh, aged 43 years, Novem ber 14, 191 B. Funeral from residence of i cousin. Charles McCarney, 1514INorth Forty-first street, Monday morning, 8:50, to St. Peters church at I o'clock. In terment Holv Sepulchre. Remains will He In state at Duffy & Johnston's par lors. 717 South Sixteenth street until Sunday 15 o'clock. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Furniture and Household Goods. AUCTiON " AUCTION! Furniture, rugs, piano, and fur ' nlahlnga of several homes. IN MY AUCTION HOUSE Southeast corner Utth and Webster Sta. Saturday, Nov. 16. Starts at 1 p. m. sharp This aale consists of 1. complete 11 room rooming house furniture, beds, springs and mattresses, dressers, chif foniers, commodes, rugs and carpets, lin en", gas platea and ranger, dining room furniture. In fact, everything In staple furniture for a good, clean rooming house. I will also sell some beautiful, nearly-new furniture from a beautiful home, consisting of mahogany parlor suite, piano, I Wilton velvet ruga, xll, and aeveral smaller ruga, Golden Oak dining room aet complete, kitchen cabi net, gaa range, drapes, pictures, ma hogany and walnut dresser, chiffonier, 4 mssslve brass beds, aprlnga and mat tresses, and hundreds of artlolea too numerous to mention. Remember this aale starts at 1 p. m. . ' JAMES L. DOWD, Auctioneer. If you have anything to sell, call Red me. Tyler I6 or coital it WR aell neve and near-new furniture. stoves and ruga at loweat prlcea; casn or payments. Amer. Furn. Co., 08 N. H. BABY WICKER WARDROBE for sale; ntw: r5. Call Pouglaa 12. ' SINGER aewlng machine. Same aa new, 145. Omaha Bee. Bo R-46. SELLING out furniture regardless of cost, 2421 Cuming street. Phone Douglas 4161. NEW piano, and large quantity good fur. -nlture. Tyler 2118. 2330 Sbuth 10th. FINE wood and coal range; cheap. Colfax 1181S. S418 Taylor. I Nurseries. Seeds and Plants. BRUMS Kllen N., age 71 years, Novem ber,H 19l. . . Funeral Sundays afternoon. !:30 from family residence. 1718 Soutn 28th St. , Interment Prospect Hill cemetery. Friends ar. welcome. VaS BINDER Jehlel B., age 73 years. Funeral prtvate from Cole-McKay CosjaHors. Saturdaytp. m. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER, "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS." PIERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE. I Thirty-third and Farnam. Har. 84 ' FRED E. FERO, P FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Lady Attendant. I lid and Cuming Sta. Phone. Douslaa I . 177. Auto ambulance. fiEAFEY & HEAFEY, f Undertakers and Kmbalmers. S Phone H. 265. Office 2611 Farnam. j HULSE & RIEPEN, 5 Vloneer Funeral - Directors. 1 T01 So-tth 16th 8L Phone Doug. 106. I TAGGART & SON,, 'i TTNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMKRS. Telephone Douglas 714. 2216 Cuming St. DUFFY & JOHN STUN V N DF.RTAKBRS, T17g. lfith, Tyler 167. FLORISTS. LTEE l. larmon 1814 DcuglaVat. Douglas 8244. L. Henderson, 1619 Farnam. Douglas 1248 JOHN BATH, 18th and Fatnam.'D. 3000. MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. THE largest display of monuments In tho United States, FRANK SVOBODA, 1211 8 13th. Phone Douglas 1875-6216. - MARRIAGE LICENSES. r The following marriage licenses have been issued : . . Name and Address. Age. Peter Chrlstensen. Albion, Neb 40 Maude Smith, Albion, Neb. 86 Ernest Rlggens, Omaha .............. .21 Katherlna Smith, Omaha It Olenn Craig, Walrfutv la, 21 Nina M. Wyant, Omaha ...... 25 8lvador R. D.' Vails. Omaha 32 Esperanza Reyes. Omaha 25 BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births John and Ethel Gallagher, - Florence, girl: Frank and Winona Brown, ;' 2711 North 81xty-fifth, boy: John and Clara Leggett, 70 South Twenty-ninth, "T boy; Ralph and Lena 8calio, 2211 Pierce, girl; Frank and Fern Stern, 8834 Hamll toa. boy: J. F. and Elinor Morrison, 1411 South Tenth, girl; Tony and Louise Solg ; llano, 1714 South Eighth, boy; John and i Catherine Bohlander, 1608 Non(h Twenty- . seventh, boy! Edward and May Hosier, 1723 North Eighteenth, girl; Guy and -Minnie Conn, 3717 D, girl; Frank and JSsther Tryner, 2223 Miami, girl; Ray : moad and Leona Home, 2107 Clark, girl; - Randolph and Viola Sellus. 2420 Indiana avenue, girl; Samuel and Bertha Pur chase, 1310 South Thirty-first, girl: Jos- ' eph and Frances Holubar, 2(31 Jefferson, " boy; Jack and Rose Gormon, 2823 Lea v. ; enworth. boy; Joseph and Martha Cherek, 2105 Elm, boy. ' - DeathaEUen N. Bellne. 71. 1711 South v Twenty-eighth; Marguerite Rastum. 35. - 407 North Nineteenth; Guy A. Rldgway. 81, hospital; Mary L. Harrier, 62. 2628 ' Capitol avenue: Washington Grove Smith, 65 sioz cmcago. BUILDING PERMITS. The following building permit haa been Issued: , J. U Hlatt Co., 10 North Fifty-fourth, frame dwelling. 115,000. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. - Do you want a guaranteed hand-made Tamatan Japanese rug or art square? Just a fow left. Wilton, Velvet, Axmin et.r. Royal Chenille and Tapestry Rugs; Lace Curtains, Blankets and Bed ' Spreads; Table Linen and Silverware; . - ...,-1 1 nau.n.nt rinwn and n little each week. Always eourteoua treatment and square deal. W. S. BUCK MERCANTILE CO.. .. 03 So. 13th St.. ,l'k;genneMgT. "Tb ST FOUND REWARDS. vein ARTICLES LOST on street cars tele Phone Tyler 800. We are anxious to re- ' store lost artlclea to mhtrui " OMAHA ft COUNCIL BLUFFS ST. RY. -' LOST About two yeara ago a gold rosary In small black purse In Brandeis store. Name engraved on back. Return to Albert Edholm, Jeweller. Reward. No questions asked. tnsTimll zreen carrot. Strayed, be tween Cass and Davenport, on- 23d. Re ward, uouglaa tit Hi. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Pianos and Musical Instruments. " "TTrvQPI? PA Everything In Jf JriUbjTJll KjU. rt and music. Pianos for rent. 14.00 per month. PECANS PECANS Fresh native grown, quality good, de livered to you by parcel post. 10-pound bags at 40c lb.; 20-pound bags at 25c lb. Send money order, or draft. Joe Bryan, Pecan Dealer. Rlngllng, Okl. PECANS, 22c per pound, delivered In 100- pound lots; smaller quantities, 3bo per pound delivered. Send money with or der. W. F. McMsnus, 1801 W. Grand Ave. Oklahoma City, Okl. BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED . A CAPABLE MAN WITH $5,000 TO TAKE HALF INTEREST AND MANAGEMENT AT A GOOD SALARY OF A GENERAL MERCHAN DISE STORE. AN EX CEPTIONAL OPPOR TUNITY. " . WILSON & LINDSAY. NEMAHA. IOWA. FOR SALE My garage bualness with rooming house above doing A-t busi ness; work for I machinist year around; looated on Lincoln highway In a good live eastern Wyoming town; rich agri cultural country. ' For particulars ad dresa, T-749, Bee. . FOR SALE Five-table pool hall In central Nebraska: railroad town of 1.500 popu- - latlon. Fixtures ad room are In first clasa condltlorkVPrlced low for quick sale; must sen'at once on account of other business. For price and particulars write LOCK-BOX 395. RAVENNA. NEB. FOR SALE Vulcanizing plant, fully equipped, on main road, only one In town, good location. Priced right. For particulars write C. H.' Splckler, Shelby, Icwa. . ' FOR SALE CHEAP Manufacturing plant In full operation; plenty of business, best of reasons for selling. Will aell cheap or trade for farm lands. Address, Lock Box F, Edlna, Mo. EXPERIENCED business man with $3,000 wonts an Interest In an established and paying business. Stibmlt-'detalls. Ad dress 69ft. Brandeis Theater Building. Miscellaneous. WELL established drug store for sale. Take part cash or good real estate, sales $13,000 year. Fine opportunity. B. F. Scott. Rising City, Neb. SALHI Meat ' market FOR SALE New crop pecans, ten pounds. J1.I0, twenty-rive pounds, I4..50, r. o. o., Tulna, Okl. ' Mall' us your order today Binding-Stevens Seed Co. FOR business of $40,000 763, Rock Springs, particulars. WE buy, sell and make desks, safes, show cases, shelving etc. Oman Fixture a Supply Co., 11th and Douglas. D. 2724. FOR SALE r A good Ice business; no com petitors; good cnance lor a goon nun, Write or see John Shustrum, Stroma burg. Neb. , NEW Dayton money weight scale and computing cheese knife for sale. C, C. Beaver, 760 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg OMAHA Pillow Co., feathers steamed. renovatud and made up In new, featner proof ticking. 1907 Cuming. D. 2467. A FINE half-sole tire business at a great sacrifice; owner called away; investi gate It, It will pay you. Call Browne, Tyler 4S16 OVERCOATS. 83,66. Max Lerner. 209 S. 12. WANTED TO BUY. MODERN Auto tire buainesa for salt. Bos R-95, Bee. LIBERTY BONDS Coupon and registered; full N. T. market and accrued Interest to date. MACK'S BOND HOUSE INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 1421 First Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 8644. Rooming; Houses. I HAVE aeveral clients for good 10 to 10- room nouses. 1616 city isat i. name. SITUATIONS WANTED. Highest Cash Prlcea ' Paid for LIBERTY BONDS and Partial Payment RecelDts. NATIONAL BOND CO., 610 World-Herald Bldg. Douglas 8013. THE BEE will publish free a situation- wantea aa unaer mis ciassuicauon xur soldiers and sailors and marlnea who will show their discharge papers at our office In the lobby of The Bee building. Seventeenth and rarnaru. LIBERTY BONDS Including partial payment receipts, bought for cash; Immediate remittance made for bonds sent by mall. LEWIS & CO.. Brokers. 411 M'CAGUE BLDG. VICTORV AND LIBKRTf BONDS. All Issues bought. Special prices this week on 3d, 4th and 5th Issues. Get them before sellng for you will lose money. We must have bonds of these Issues regardless of N. T. market quo tations. SECURITY INVESTMENT CO., Tyler 27,36. 639, Securities (Rose) Bldg. Liberty Bonds Wanted We will pay you spot cash for your Liberty bond or partial payment re ceipt. , Room .100 McCague Building. Northwest Cor. 15th and Dodge Sts. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1201 Farnam. D. 6146. WILL buy second-hand clothing, ahoes and furniture,' Tyler 2698. A. Zavett, 706 TNorth 16th St. . WANTED A meat counter In horaeahoe shape. Omaha Market. ' ANNOUNCEMENTS. Accorde.on Pleating. ACCORDEON. side, knife, sunburst, box pleating, covered buttons all sizes and styles; hemstitching, plcot, edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennants. IDEAL , BUTTON AND PLEATING CO. 300-S08 Brown Bldg. Phone D, 1935. HEMSTITCHING, PLEATING, BUTTONS G. U. Van Arna,m Pleating Co. 412-17 Paxton Blk, Phone Doug. 8101. Baggage and Express. "The Only Way"0fR . Omana Transfer uo. Ticket 295. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. 17th and Martha Sts., Omaha, Neb. Braas, "bronze, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings, Chiropodists. Carrie J. Burford, 620 Paxton Blk. R. 4587. Contractors. CONTRACTORS BUILDERS. ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS. . We aave you money on ytur building. Realty Syndicate Co.; Doug. 6619. 302-317 Wilkinson Bldg. S. W. Corner 12th and Farnam. Dancing Academies. V T?T PTT 1? School for Dancing uuu-l. 11 a-i 3424 Farnam. D. 7850. Learn to dance for $4. Class at 8 and dancing at 9 p. m. Monday. Thurs., Sat. DR. SECOR, 1st Nat' Dr. Bradbury. Nt pal Dentists. T Bk. adgT n. 921 W. O. Ty. 2138 W. Bldg T Detectives. PHIL. WINCKLERr-lnvestlgatlons, shad owing, locating, personal, service. Cov ers all operations. vHarney 5708. JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all cases, -ryier urn, Electrical Utilities. - ELECTRIC heaters, $10.60; vacuum clean ers, $37.60; Mola wasning macnine. ' Lalley-Wllaon Electric Co.. 1307 Farnam. Film Developing. ELMS developed free. Mail orders so licited. THE ENSIGN CO.. 160T Howard. Jewelry. Typewriters anjLSupplies. 'TYPEWRITERS AND - ' ADDING MACHINES. ALL MAKES, bought, sold, rented and ' repaired. Sole agents for the CORONA. Get our prlcea before you buy. Every machine guaranteed. Central Typewriter Exc. n. 411 1 1905 Farnam. REBUILT, sold. . rented, repaired. t-arDon paper, rlbbona and supplies. Service guaranteed. Try us. Phone D. 60IL ' ' OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO.. 106 worm lom PA RENT an Oliver Typewriter, three month for 6 0. Oliver Agency. U0S Farnam a riv ' SlG reduction In slightly used and re bullt typewriters. Write for list. Mld lnd Office Supply Co.. 1404 Dodg . TRY H. M. KEVAN, 644 8. 80th St. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES W rant, repair, sell needlea and parts. MICKELS NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. Store and Office Fixtures. V . FOR SALE Rlalto Shoe. Store flxturea. Apply to Mr. Brandeis dr Mr. Herman. Furniture and Household Goods. ""SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK, Cana and mahogany living room tQltea three piecea complete, . $97.10, ''Luxurious bedroom autte beautiful ..hnnni finished or other woods. 141.60. $97.50 and up. 1 N Large assortment of odd chairs aadT; Mckera. $3.75. $5.75 anc STATE FURNITURE CO. Comer 14th and Dodge Sta. Opposite V. P. Bldg. SETTER VALUES BETTER MER- I 1 f-f " RPIJV1I-E rHisuiM " DIAMONDS with privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS JEW1LKI CO., 402 Njsth J.J5eaw3i. W. C. FLATAU. Jeweler Established 1812. Sixth Floor. Securities Bldg. Liberty Bonds. LIBERTY BONDS WE PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE. STATE SAVINGS LOAN ASSN., S15 SOUTH 17TH ST. GROUND FLOOR KEELINE BLDQ. Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WESSON 320 Neville Blk. T. 2960. H. 4741. Patents. piTrwTS nrnctu-ed. bouaht and aold. In ternatlonal Patent Co., 582 Brandeis. D. 6691. Printing. Wedding Stationery TJ. 8. Printing Co.. 422 8. 18th St Remodeling Contractors. T.FSSARD A SON. 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1632 Safes. Ct A tPCC BARGAINS, 12th Farnam, OA! J-O J. J. Derlght Safe Co. Tailors. Dledrlck. P. l7"21 8. 20th. Tailor. P. 2431 M. KEISER. 306 South 18th. P. 1187, Towel Supplies. FRONTIER Towel Supply. 1815 California. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 8. Uth, P. 628. Stationery. OMAHA Stationery Co., 307- South 17th, Wedding Stationery. F7t" ana "stock of furniture to be aold; JtovVof all kinds, rugs, linoleum, phon ' S!??hs7duofold, tables; chairs, china N. e."li Pt- "en. i-v r itary coucn. iuj - "w a8hinK machine WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing cos, lei, uougm irn. Miscellaneous. it -or nivis Metallic sien letters, 'Furniture repaired. Webster 4919. 8214 North 25th. , CHILDREN'S plain sewing. Walnut 2005. BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE la good live town; good hardware and Implement business. We have big territory: person taking over our stock Is assured of good returns. Are forced to sell owing to other bus inesa Interest. This can be bought for mvolV price. Address Jecminek Jiraeek, Verdlgre, N v " doing cash year. Write to Box Wyo., for further por, turea $500. A. Ganvain, Mtnatare, Scotts bluff county, i Neb. t Male. HONORABLY discharged executive officer U. 8. army, several yeara' general of fice experience, good penman, quick and accurate at figures, good knowledge of bookkeeping, correspondence and type writing, desires position offering ad vancement with reliable Omaha firm, l.rtnk, etc. Have excellent references. Box R-68 Bee. WANTED to get hold of a money maker line 1 can work in tne soutn witn a car this winter and north next summer, advertising or accessories preferred. I an 27 years oldysingle and can go any place. Five years a salesman. L. B. Martin, room 43iWillington Inn. Female. WANTED Position as assistant In dental office have had seven months experi ence. Address, Box 74, Carson. City, Mich. Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED laundress or house clean 's satisfaction given. Webster 8680. HAND IRONER. first class, wants work. With references. Call Webster 2058. CLEANING. pressing, repairing. Silk shirts hand laundered. 2210 Nicholas St. EXPERIENCED colored laundress deslrea work. Tyler 3179. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. YOUNG man wanted to take charge of omce wont or local bram-n ornce, large corporation; must be able io use type writer, be conversant with the principles of bookkeeping and write an accept able letter; one with knowledge of shorthand preferred. Call Saturday 9 to 12 a. m. and 2 to 6 p. m. Crown Cork & Seal Co.. 1118 Howard street. Accountant excellent future, $150; book keeper, $115 to $125; stenographer, $120; shipping and receiving clerk, $25 per week; assistant shipping clerk, $12(1 126; boy to learn Multlgraph, $65-70; general office work, $65-70. WATTS REFERENCE CO.. 113 First Nafl Bank Bldg. CREDIT MAN, $35 week. Hookkeeper, automobile. Co., $175. Bookkeeper, chance to learn credits, $150. Bookkeeper, live etock commission Co., S160. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASS'N. 917-18 W. O. W. Bldg. BOOKKEEPER, must be a good penman. 11.4U-SJ0U. Credit man. $150-$175. THE MARTI CO.. 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. MEDICAL student wants work after school hours and Saturday. In store or office; experienced. Apartment 6, 2408 Cass. Burroughs Posting Macmne operator, bank, $85. western Reference & Bond Aas'n. BOOKKEEPER. $150: R. R. Clerk $125. COM'L. REF. CO.. 1516 City Nat'l. Bank. MAN to work in drug store. All route work and delivery. Call H. 3478. Bookkeeper, film exchange, $130. Western Reference & Bond Ass'n. Professions and Trades. WANTED , LABORERS, $5.00 PER DAY. for the v DUPONT ENGINEERING CO., Flint, Mich. . Transportation advanced. Bring bag gage to. 333 South 11th St. Northeast corner 11th and Harney, HELP WANTED-MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. Srjrague Tire and Rubber, Co. requires the services of aeveral experienced stock talesmen at once. Call at the factory. Eighteenth and Cuming Sts. PORTRAIT men; experience advanced. Apply Mr. J. L. Streck, Carlton Hotel, 6 to 8 p. m. SALESMEN wanted for city or country. John H. Rogers, 28 Pearl St., Council Bluf fs, Ia ' 'Agents and Canvassers. WANTED Two clean-cut, energetic men between the ages of 20 and 35. Must be able to call on the public; steady posi tion and advancement at once, paying $30 to start. Call before I, 12 to 1. 3 to 312 Balrd Bldg,- Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Night counter waiter. Refer ences; also dishwasher. J. P. Herrlck, Burlington Eating House, Ravenna, Neb. Miscellaneous. DRIVERS, WAGON AND AUTO HELP ERS. 8 HOURS A DAY. AMERICAN RAILWAY EXPRESS CO. 16TH AND DAVENPORT. APPLY AT 7 A. M. . LABORERS for Union Paclflo railway; free pass; no office fee; no deduction. Koenlg Labor Agency. 509 South Thir teenth street. POSITIONS, locations, etc, for doctors, dentists, druggists, veterinarians, nurses. F.V. Knlest, 111 Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. WANTED Good butcher ( for counter work In our meat department. Apply Marry a. cone, Manager Courtney at Co. MEN FOR ALL KINDS 09 THIS B1U 4 LABOR AGEN- D. 4044. WANTED WORK. CTES. 821 a ELEVENTH ST. WANTED Twenty-five experienced chick en pickers; top pay; full time. Aaron Poultry and Egg Co., Fremont. Neb, HELP WANTED 1TEMALE. Stores and Offices. TO THEOTMGGIRL OF 17 TO 19 WHO MUST WORK Perhaps you were getting ready to go Into high school or college, and It la a real disappointment to give It up; you dread contact with th business world. You have, not considered telephone work as offering; you the opportunity to continue your education,, your develop' ment, along lines of usefulness, in wholesome surroundings. Tou and your parents should look Into the opportunities presented by this work. Take elevator on 1 9th St. side of new telephone Bldg. to second floor, go to Room 216 and ask for Miss Bell. AMERICAN TELEPHONE & 'TELEGRAPH CO. N Stenographers, J 100-90-85-80-75-70-66; 166-70, office clerk, ISO; steno snd bill clerk, 190: steno, out of town, 90; ac counts receivable olerk, $85. WATTS REFERENCE CO.. 113H First Nat'l Bank Bldg. CREDIT WOMAN, 1125; steno. and clerk, 190. . File Clerk. 155-160; TVplst, $70. THE MARTI CO.,' 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHERS, $90; typist, $60. COM'L. REF. CO.. 1516 City Nat';. Bank. TTPIST, billing clerk. $75. erence aonu ass n. Western Ref- Prcfessions and Trades. - GIRLS WANTED NOW FOB STEADT WORK IN VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS pF THE SNOW-WHITE BAKERT; GOOD PAT TO GOOD WORKERS; MUST.'BE U TEARS OF AgE OR OVER. APPLT f AT ONCE. ITEN BISCUIT CO., s SNOW-WHITE ' BAKERIES. Capitol Ave., 12th to 13th Sts. Office ; Entrance Middle of Bldck. ' ' ' X'' WANTED BOOKKEEPER OR JUNIOR ,-ACCOUNTANT BY LARGE CORPORA TION; GOOD FUTURE FOR RIGHT MAN. THOUGH KNOWLEDGE. OF ACCOUNTING NOT ABSOLUTELY ES SENTIAL, BUT A CLEAR MIND AND PLENTY OF PEP IS. IN ANSWER ING STATE QUALIFICATION, AGE, .EXPERIENCE AND SALARY EXPECT- EI TO START. BOX R-58, OMAHA bEi:, - i WONTED 10 POWER SEWING MA- . CHINE OPERATORS ON RADIA- " TOR COVERS. TIRE COVERS AND SEAT COVERS. OMAHA AUTO TOP CO.. 709-11 S. 15TH ST. EDUCATIONAL. TEACHERS needed now. Good salaries. Registration free. Inter-Mountain Weat Service, Inc.. Box 888. Omaha. Neb. ' FOR RENTROOMS. Furnished Rooms FIRST-CLASS furnished room, modern conveniences, In private family; travel ing or middle-aged gentlemen preferred; walking distance. Harney 2262. FURNISHED room, modern conveniences. In private home, for gentleman; garage for man with car. Harney S198. VERY desirable southeast room, atrlctly modern. Call Walnut 3S1. ROOM for some young girl or young lady. Close to church and school. South. 1897. Board and Rooms BOARD and foom by the week. 1141 No. 18th street - Hotels. ELMS eHotel. lth new management rooms, $6 per week and up. and Barney, under nice, clean, modern FOR RENT FURNISHED. Apartments. BL-BEUDOR APARTMENTS, 18TH AND DODGE STS. Two and three-room apartment com pletely furnished. Hotel service. Tyler 4200. ROACHES, etc... exterminated with on application, by - contract or aold out right. B. B. B. EXTERMINATING CO., OMAHA. 107 Brand. Thea. Bldg. Doug. 1370, FOR RENT HOUSES. West. EIGHT-room nicely furnished house, eon venlent to either Dundee or- Cuming car, $100, Harney 2757. Miscellaneous. LIST your property for rent or sal with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. . Realtors. Tyler 7i. PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists In Apartment management. FOR RENT Business Property. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. North. NEWLY decorated and painted 4 -room cottage, moaern except heat, at 1118 Military Ave.; comor lot; paving paid; $1,950, $40 cash. $21 per month. 3561. iewia so. D. BEAUTIFUL new oak bnrgalow, all large rooms; fine lot; pared street; ready to move Into; snap at $6,500; terms. Pouglaa 1784. days. WE need five and six-room, modern houses. Have buyers. Call us today. R. F- Clary Co., 2404-01 Ames. Colfax 176 BUNGALOW, five rooms, oak end enamel finish! close to school and carllne; atrlctly modem; large iot. C A. Urlm mel. Phone P. 1616. YOUNG ft DOHERTT. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. $81 BRANDEIS THEATER D 17(1 A FEW bomea and lota for sal In Park wood Addition, a aafe place for Invest ment. Norrls ft Norrls. Doug 4170. MINNS LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money Phone Tyler 187. South. 1922 Dupont street, 7-room, partly modern; $200 cash balance monthly. Crelgh Sons ft Co.. 608 Bee. Pouglaa 200. Miscellaneous. LET ME HELP YOU Own a horn I can put yon Into a brand new, -room, modern home, $500 caah. 6- room, modern home, $1,000 caah. 7- room, modern home, $1,600 caah. Some remodeled houses; good, easy terms. Mr. Collins. Walnut 127. evenings. LSPLENDID VALLEY AND WHEAT LAND. W. B. -M IN A 1.1., A II 1.1 u 1 Colo. ' FOR SALE Three-room cottage. Full lot on noulevard. $1,760. C D. Arm strong. 325-6 Securities Bldg. LIST your houses and lots for quick sate with Hastlnga ft Heyden, realtors. 1614 Harney street. Phone, Tyler 60. BARGAINS in homes Invesment prop erties ana acreage near umana. rlarrl son & Morton. 910 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. BIRKETT & CO. R' "x and Insures. 260 Bee Bldg. Douglas 633. Stores. GOOD store rooms. Moon Theater Bldg. Inquire WORLD REALTY COMPANY, Phone Douglas 6342. STORE near P. Q., $76. month, G. Stebblns,. 1610 Chicago street GARAGE for rent. Harney 8653. 1016 Park avenue. Office and Destc Room. FOR RENT-Bldg. -Space In room (63, Brandeis OFFICE and desk, 441 Paxton Blk. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Houses and Apartments WANTED Deo. 1, to rent by young cou- fle without children 4 or 6 rooms strlct y modern bungalow. GeorM R. Blner, Care B. F. Goodrich Rubber Co., Lincoln, wen. MOVING AND STORAGE. FIDELITY CO. STORAGE AND VAN 16T H AND JACKSON. DOUG. 288. STORAGE. MOVING, PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST- OF ALL VACANT HOUSES and APARTMENTS. GLOBE VAN AND STORAGE CO. For real service In hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or Doug. 4338. Auto of wagon service. MOVING, PACKING, STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate locked rooms for household goods and piano; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 South 16th: Doug. 4163. METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bowen Co. Ty. 3400, UNION TRANSFER CO. LET us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport Doug. 2908, REAL ESTATE IMPROVED. West FOR SALE Seven-room house, nearly new, oak floor. Fiftieth and Corby streets; snap at $2,600. Five-room house at Fiftieth and Er Sklne: $1,800. Seven-room modern; good buy at $2, 750. . ' Five-room modern except heat; close In: $1,800. - See or call us tor other good bar gains, i Morearty & Conboy, Bee Bldg. P. 3841. Tyler 4677. HOUSES FOR SALE. REALTY SYNDICATE COMPANY, J02-3J7 Wilkinson Bldg. Doug. 661. 8. W. Corner 12th and Farnam. WANTED Bindery girls. Omaha Print ing Co.. 1301 Farnam St. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED At once 25 s Mr. Negely, Thompson, Lleswomen. See Belden ft Co. WANTED Label cutter, experienced on utnograpned and printed laDeia. posi tion steady, best of wages and working I conditions. Address Tri-City LithoN graphing ft Printing Co., Davenportt, Iowa. WANTED Street reporter or telegraph editor for afternoon newspaper. Write Managing Editor, Globe Gazette, Mason City. Ia. BINDERY foreman wanted. Man who can do forwarding, finishing and ruling. Write or wire the State Publishing Co., Pierre. S. D. LEARN ACTUAL AUTO REPAIR. VUL CANIZING. LOS ANGELES Y.-M. C. A. Auto School. RAILWAY n.ail clerks wanted. (1,100 - flrat year; list position free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 331-W. Rochester. N. Y. EXCELLENT opportunity for young men to learn telephone bualness. Apply at Iowa Telephone. Co., Council Bluffs. WANTED Meat cutter for Friday and Saturday, Omaha Market, 116 South 16th St. WANTED Young man to work in preaa room Apply Foreman Bee Pressroom. Salesmen and Solicitors A WONDERFUL opportunity for a few hlgb class specialty men calling on general merchandise stores to sell a line of one-piece overalls ss a side line. Commission basis only. This Is the best made one-piece garment on the market for the money. Give line you are now handling and territory. OMAHA AUTO TOP CO., - 709 So. 16th St. . WANTED Stock salesmen; $2,000,000 corporation, selling In low and Nebras ka: stick g per cent preferred ana full participating. Best proposition In Oma ha. Room (. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sta- WANTED Cardy salesman calling - on Jobbers, to handle our Russian Cara rheis and other lines. Must be high grade man.' Star Candy Co , 1076 Har rison St.. Chicago. PORTRAIT man wanted for out of town work; salary and commission; expenses advanced. Apply Omaha Art Co., 2810 North Sixteenth. Phone Webstac. 640. INSURANCE sslsmen desiring to better their condition, will do well to call at Rocm 6, Wead Bldg., ISth and Farnam . Sts. PORTRAIT MEN Wnnt partner: will furnish all capital and divide all profits. , Call walnut 2981. Household and Domestic. WANTED Experienced white . girl for general housework; best wages; no laundry work. Mrs. E. A. Crelghton, 119 8. 34th St. Phone Harney 391. WANTED An experienced white girl for downstairs second work. Lpply Mrs. W. H. McCord, 6201 Davenport. WANTED Woman, for housework; must be good cook; best wages; no laundry. 416 South 38th. Harney 2650. EXPERIENCED white cook, good wages. Small v family. Two girls employed. Walnut 89. 3806 Burt St. WANTED Competent white cook. Apply 20 S. S2d Ave. Harney 206. Mr. M. C. Peters. HOUSEKEEPER Wanted. Henry StrohL 901 North Lincoln street, Creston. Iowa. WANTED A competent white cook. Ap ply 2 M H. 32d Ave. Harney, 206. GIRL for general housework. 1306 South 85th Ave. Phone Harney 4969. DINING room girl wanted. Memorial hospital. Apply Wise Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Girl for diet kitchen. Wise Memorial hospital. Apply Trade Schools. WANTED Ladles to learn barber trade. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. Special ratea and Inducements. Miscellaneous. GIRLS with at least two yeara high school, learn nursing; part course In Lincoln, balance In Chicago; particulars, address. Green Gables Sanitarium, Lln- coln, Neb. , HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED f Men, ladlea and boy to learn barber trade; big demand; wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or write 1402 Dodge St. Trl-Clty Earner College. EDUCATIONAL. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. BOYLES COLLEGE. Students are admlttel at any time. Complete courses In accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, stenotype, rail road and wireless telegraphy, civil serv ice and all English and commercial branches. Write, call or phone Douglas 1565 for large Illustrated catalogue. Ad ' dress BOYLES COLLEGE. Boylcn Building, Omha, Neb. Van Sa'nt School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha N.illonal Bank Bldg. , Douglan 5890. V OMAHA real estate and Investment. J. J, MULVIHILL, r 200 Braridels Theat. Doug. 1. Omaha Real Estate and Investment. JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Block. Phone Tyler 4880. WE have cash buyer for. Weat Farnam and Dundee homes. Phone Douglas 6074 and we will call and inspeel your property. Shuler ft Cary. LARGE family needing modern home West Farnam district nad natter can uougia 200. A splendid bargain. North. NEW STUCCO LUSA New five-room, strictly modern stucco bungalow at 2734 Bauman avenue; oak throughout; built-in 'features, decorated, full, light basement; Torrid Zone fur nace, south front lot, one block to park and club house; paving all paid; a real home all .ready to move Into; price $6,500. Terms. , J.L. HIATTCO. THIAVf ' TYLER Qfin FIRST NATIONAL i7UU BANK BUILDING. '63 MONTCLAIR BARGAIN Brand new, two-story house; frame construction, press brick foundation; six fine light rooms; living room across front of house with fire place and book leases; fine dining room with built-in buffet; well arranged kitchen with one piece sink; second floor has three fine corner bedrooms and bath: oak finish downstairs; enamel upstairs; oak floors throughout: fine location In restricted residence district, close to car; for further information call Walnut 1680 evenings; Tyler 3540 days and ask for Mr. Benson. . Bargain on Terms Five rooms and bath room, bath fix tures not In, Just toilet; newly papered and painted outsiae, an in line snaps, Irion l for working man. good neighbor hood, close in, not In colored section, two blocks to snerman avenue car, iwv blocks to boulevard. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Price $2,000; (250 cash; balance monthly. Day & Mayme, (05"Keellne Bldg. Doug. 6194. Best Buy Prettiest Mile SPLENDIDLY BUILT, 8 ROOMS AND - 4ARAGE. $3,000 DOWN. PRICE $8,000. $75 MO. Strictly modern, cholceat quarter- sawed oak finish and floors. This home Is splendidly constructed and has ao many fine point about It. Simply have to show you. Lot 1 72x600 feet. This Is a wonderful bargain at this price. Call Tyler 496 STUCCO BUNGALOW Just being completed, 6 fin- room on one floor; osk and enamel finish: oak floors: complete In every detail: a snap at $5,750. . , , Benson & Carmichael, Tyler"S540: (40 Paxton 'Block, COTTAGE SNAP, $1,575 Near 15th and Ohio. ( room and batlr. $575 cash, balance long time. Pick this "P. J. TEBBENS CO., 605 Omaha National Bank. WILL build a nice modern 6-room house for you. I have material purchased. Call Wal. 127. W Have Property for Rent or Sal. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. 202 South 17th St. Doug. 6013. REAL ESTATE-Business Property BUSINESS property and Investments. A. e. TUKBY ft BON, 420 First National Bank Bldg REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS. FOR SALE Well located furnished apart ment: gross rental sv.suo; 16 per cent net on Investment. Terms. HERMANSEN & CO., 748 Omaha Nat. Bank. Doug. 7181. FARNAM, Harney, Leavenworth and Cum ing sta. Fayne ft blater Company. Poug. 1016. REAL ESTATE TRAQKAGE. FOR DESIRABLE TRACKAGE PROPER, TIES AND WAREHOUSE SPACE. SEE GLOVER & SPAIN. Realtora. Douglas 3962. 918-20 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. GOOD trackage lot, 113 feet front, paved street, 3,&ut). S. P. BOSTWICK. 309 Bee Building. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. LAND FOR TIRES I am looking for a bunch of cheap Ford tires and tubes. Will trade you 80 acres 6 ml. N. E. of Baldwin (Lake Co.), Mich; good soil, timber, clear; $1,600: and 40 acres near Branson, (Taney Coy), Mo., timber., clear, $1,600. or 6 acres with water right 2 miles of Blanca, Kan Luis Valley, Col orado. $500; also other tracts and lots, etc. Will swap one or all for tires, tubes and accessories. Mate ms an offer V. Palm, Upland. Neb. FOR EXCHANGE 360 acres ln fine cultivation and tiled; want mercantile business in west ern town; price $45,000. Inc. $14,000; 4V4 years. Decatur Real Estate Ex cliange. Citizens Bldg,, Decatur, III. INCOME FOR LAND We have 11 houses listed in Omaha Own;r wants land. S. 8. ft R. E. MONTGOMERY. 213 City National WILL exchange 50 head of good young work horses and colts for cheap land. Terry Mulhall, 313 Trimble Bldg., Sioux City, la. OMAHA Income property for land; price I1Z.4W0, mortgage ?:;.un). tsnwara Williams Co., SOS Omaha National Bk. Bldg, REAL ESTATE, UNIMPROVED. Siouth. BIG BARGAINnLOTS. $1.00DOWN. $1.00 A WEEK, buys fine garden tract. 47x132: only 2 blocks from West Center car line and one block to paved street: high and lightly, black soil; price, $295 and $340. THE BYRON REED CO. FOR SALE Two full size lota In beauti ful Overlook addition Vt block south of Elmwood park; act quick as thes will not be on the market long. Address. Box T-94, Omaha Bee. FINANCIAL. Stocks and Bonds. ' $100 to (10,000 MADE pnwptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg.. ltth and Farnam. p. K. BUCK. Lpansm Omaha Nat. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. HOME SEEKERS, ATTENTION. On account of other bualneaa needing my attention I am forced to aell my four well Improved Irrigated alfalfa farm located near Denver, consisting of 1.400 acre at price ranging from $160 to (200 per a are. Also several halt sections of wheat land In Lincoln, Lo gan, Cheyenne and Adama oountlea, Colorado, at price ranging from (20 to (60. Writ m for full description and term or call on m personally. A. C Dean, IK Adam Street, Denver, Colo. , S00-ACRE farm In Burlington, Colo, dis trict all level, rich, black soil, best wheat land In the world good buildings. ' 160 acre wheat to purchaser; adjoins town on Rock Island Railroad. HERMANSEN & CO., T48 Omaha . Nat. Bank. Doug. 7182. coin, Co., Colo lands Bargain. Easy term. See J. U Manrer Arriba. Colo REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Council Bluffs. -ROOM , house, close to achool; away from mud and water. Terms. Call Red 654 Dundee. We specialise In Dundee home. C. B. STUHT CO- 912-14 City REAL ESTATE-OTHER CITIES, REAL ESTATE SOUTH DAKOTA 160 acres, located In best farming dis trict of Tripp county. South Dakota, near Colome; all fenced and under cul Ivation: two springs: six-room house and other buildings. In good repair. Will sell or trade for city property. A. B. ALPIRN, 7th andDougla8 Sts Call Doug. 3424. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANTED HOUSES We have buyers for several good five to eight-room houses; must be welt lo cated: for quick sales Mat with us. WATSON & , BRENAN, "Real Reliable Realty." ' Tyler 450D. 644 World-Herald Bldg. WE have the customers and can sell your property; list with John W. Robot na. 681 Brandeis Theater, D. 629. WE HAVE served the Omaha public In buying and selling real estate for over 36 yeara. We have many call now for homes. Llsi your property with ua We will serve uu to yaur beat interest. McCague Investment Co., Douglas 416. BUNGALOWS WANTED. We have cash buyers for well-located bungalows and residences worth the money. For quick results, list with us. O'NEII'S R. R. ft INS AGENCY, 632-6 Brandeis Theater Bldg. WILL pay cash for good six or seven toom home. Must be well located and priced right Reply giving full de- aci ipuon. Box R-13. FOR quick result liat your property with US. y H. A. Wolf Company, 512 Electric Bldg. Tyler 85. WE hav buyer for five and six-room nouses. HERMANSEN & CO., 748 Omaha Nat. Bank. Doug. 7182, I HAVE a man who will buy your Im proved property and pay cash for It - but the price must be right GEORGE F. 'JONES. - REALTOR. 926 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 194. WILL buy a few good contract, second mortgage, or mech. lien. Chas L. Pease. 211 Brandeis Theater Bldg. LIST your property for sale with J. B. Robinson for quick aale. 441 Be Bldg. Phone. Douglas 8097. ' FOR quick sales list your property with W.VQ. SHRIVER. 1047-9 Om. Nat. Bk Bldg Doug. 16l. FINANCIAL. Real Estate Loans and Mortgages. MONEY to lend on Improved Real Estate. Interest payable semi-annually. W, H. THOMAS & SON, 228 Keellne Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2715. CITY and faun loans; Sty and 6 per cent; no delay. J H. Dumont -ft Co., 413 Keenne Ukig. $4,900 With $1,000 Down A nrattv bunaalow on Victor avenue: five rooms, almost new of latest type. Lr uait Porter-Wendell Co., Doug. 3064, Evenings. Col. 1923 ANNIK E. GLASGOW, voice and piano. 60?. Karbach Blk. Studio phone, Red 1SS. 208 South 15trt St NICE six-room cottage In best of order, r readv to move right into for (2,600, on small payments, nicely located, on paved street near two car lines. W. H. GATES Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. .1291. v PRIVATE MONEY.' SHOPEN ft COMPANY. Doug. 4228. Miscellaneous. SAFE INVESTMENT. Wanted $2,000 loan on $3,000 frater nal Insurance policy. Man wishing to make loan 1 beneficiary. Face of policy will come to beneficiary upon death of Insured, WVio Is 01 years old and In poor health. Will arrange mattera ao that entire (3.000 will be paid to note holder upon death of Insured, and will keep up premiums In Insurance. Chance to make from (500 to (1. 000 In short time, Address Bee, Box M-S. Kansas Lands. THREE GOOD FARM . HOMES, 56 MILES, KANSAS CITY, FRANKLIN COUNTY 80 acres 3 miles Ottawa, Kansas; county seat of Franklin county. Popu lation 12,000. High achool and college. Every acre fine smooth laying tillable land; 15 acrea blue grass pasture; 20 acres wheat now; good 7-room nous-; natural gas for lights and fuel; good barn; llo; close achool and church; R. F. D,. with telephone. Special price for immediate sale. 80 acres 4 miles Princeton, Kansas, 12 miles Ottawa. Every acre good smooth land: brand new improvements; clostf school and church, R. F.D. with tele phone. Price (125 per acre. (3.500 or mora cash, remainder good terms If wanted. 166 acre 3 miles Williamsburg, Kan sas, all good laylug tillable land; 80 acre pasture; 25 acres timothy and clover meadow; remainder cultivation; good 6-room houae; new barn and other outhulldihgs; close school and church; R. F. D. with telephone. Price (100 per acre. (4,000 caah, remainder long time 6 per cent CASIDA ft CLARK LAND CO., OTTAWA, KANSAS. Minnesota Lands. We hav eighty-acre and forty-acre tracts of land; will sell on small payment down; must crop eight acres for alx yeara without Interest or taxes and land will b yours. Land Is in Mllaca and Morlson counties. Minnesota. Write quick if you want any of this. Nelson Land Co., 114 So. 3d St., Minneapolis. Minn. Nebraska Lands s BUFFALO COUNTY GRAIN AND STOCK FARM. 160 acres located two miles from Rlv crdale, Neb., In Wood River valley. 90 acres under plow.the very best of soil; Ae very gently rolling, just enough slope Flo drain; balance fine rolling pasture with running water, with plenty of good Umber along tlve stream. This place has JG.000 worth of good Improvements and ;!i only--one-half mile from school. Price for 15 days only, (125 per acre; good terms. If you want a real homo or a profitable investment you should see me t once. M. A. Larson. Central City. Neb USD BARGAINS 95 acres Sarpy coun ly. Improved. Price (200 per acre; 120-acre- Improved Sarpy county farm, price (150 per acre. 160 acres. Burt coun ty, very rich land, price (175 per acre. 100 acres, Washington county, upland. Improved, close jto town, (176 per acre. Some exchange "might be considered on above. 440 acres near Greenfield, la. Will aell part and rent balance, price $275 per acre. Paul Peterson, 364 Brandeis Theater Bldg. WELL Improved one thousand-acre ranch fi r Bale, with long lease on two thou sand acres, cuts four hundred tons of hay: two hundred a farm land; also one hunderd cows on shares. Write Lock Box 112. Lakeside, Neb. FOR Western Neoraaka and Eastern Col orado lands see HELD LAND CO.. 664 Brandeis Bldg MERRICK COUNTY. Improved corn and alfa'fa farms at the right price. M. A. LARSON. Central City. Neb. WRITE me for pictures and prices of my farms and ranches In good old Dawes Co Arali L. Hungerford. Crawford, Neb. IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farms, Kimball county. Neb. R. K. Holmau, Bushnell. Neb. FOR NEBRASKA LANDS SEE A. A. PATZMAN. 2TW-. Karbach Blk. Tyler 64. GOOD imp. farms In N. B. Neb.; poss. Mar. 1. for Information and farm loans. C VA Nelson, 1021 W. O. W. Texas Lands. IS SECTION RANCH. - 3.000 deeded. balanoe lessedf sll fenced snd cross-fenced: 4 wells; small Improvements; 1.280 acres deed land; good farm land; 26 mllea from - Texas main line Rock Island railroad. Price "0,000 for deeded land and all Improve ments on leased land; (10,000 cash, bal ance 8 per cent. If not sold soon would take 1.200 cattle to winter. Farmers In neighborhood of ranch have plenty of feed .1. R. Wasson, Owner. Oakland City. Ind. Miscellaneous. A SNAP IN A RANCH. 2,280 A- In Keya Paha Co.. on NIc. brara river, highly Imp.. 200 A. -ultl-vated, 40 A. alfalfa, cuts 600 tons o. Iia. Plenty -of timber for post and fuel. Priced right. A W. TOLAND, D. 3575. 410 Bee Bl g. I am for a short time only, running a (35 excursion from-Kansas City to the Rio Grande Valley every Friday; we start from Omaha. W. S. FRANK. 502 Neville Block. FARM LANDS WANTED. WE will sell your farm; timely salea; quick rt suits. Held Land Co.. (64 B-andels Bldg. AUTOMOBILES. For Sale. MUST SELL CADILLAC. My personal touring car- must be sold. It' newly painted and rebuilt Ha good tires and Is one of the best kept up Cadillacs you ever saw. IT'S A TYPE 63. -(1.650 takea it worth lots more. See X , Tom Hunt, at the Cadillac Bldg., Far nam street, at 26th. X SOME BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS McCaffrey motor COMPANY (The Handy-Ford Service Station) 15th and Jackson Sta Poug. (600. RENT A NEW FORD DRIVE YOURSELF 12 CENTS PER MILE. TOTJ ARE COVERED BY INSUR ANCE AGAINST LIABILITY RESULT ING from ACCIDENT. 60 NEW 1919 MODEL FOR CARS. FORD LIVERY CO., DOUG. 3622. 1314 HOWARD. AUTOMOBILES For Sale. $100 for ny magneto w can't repair. T ord maga recharged and guaranteed trafr than when new. Price reasonable. All work guaranteed. BATSpORFER, Slf MKItk-S AUTO CO. Used ear bought, aold and ex changed. W buy for cash and ell on time. Full lin to elct from. Mid dle State Garage. 2024-g Farnam St Douglaa 4101. , 1 MAXWELL SEDAN Look Ilk nw. runs Ilk new. 1 five passenger DORT, food condi tion. 1 CHEVROLET Eight, almost w. 1 AUBURN 6-passenger. almost nw. s.;il i.'ougia topB. PROMPT DELIVERY ON ALL MODELS NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRED D. C. ROGERS. MGR. TTLBR 17(7. 1407-21 Capitol AT. RELIABLE automobile school; best elec . trlcal and self-starter course; day nd night school; come now: free fatalogue. National Automobll School, 1814 North Twentieth. Omaha. 1 TO 6-TON WINTER CABS FOR TRUCKS NOW READY FOH 1MMW PIATE DELIVERY. WM. PFEIFFER AUTO ft GARAGE! WORKS. 1636 LEAVENWORTH ST. TYLER 701. FOR QUICK BALE 1918 Dodge touting car, in good condition; enclosed top: automatic heater Installed. Price $1,160. Phone 203, Morris Apt. . USED cars of exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, 2668 Farnam St. Doug. 1(70. FORDS, BUICKS. DODGE. NEW ANP USED OARS, FORD BOD! KM. O'ROURKK-UOI.PSTROM AUTO CO., S701 SOUTH 24TH ST. SOUTH (. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action: no delay. Auto Kx change Co.. 2059 Farnam St. IX 6035. FORD MARKET, 22:to Farnam. Cash. Time. Liberty Bonds. THE DIXIE FLYER. W. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANT, 261'0 Farnnm SI. OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO., 200 Farnam St. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co., " 15th and Jackson. Ford Agents. P. 360". FOR TERMS ON USED CARS VAN BRUNT'S.' Look for the red seal on windshield. , AUTOMOBILE electrical repairs; ervlce station for RayfleleT carburetor Columbia storage batteries. and Edwards. FORD roadster, equipped with self start er, e!eetrld lights and shock bsorber. ran Douglas jtn. FOR SALE Winter top for Bulck. 37-C. Cost (260. will take (116. 2217 Ogden. UNITED AUTO PARTS CO., 2032 FAR" NAM. EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. BEST OFFERS IN USED CARS. TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 1910 FARNAM. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH. . oiiditlon, must FORD touring car, good be sold: (335. 201 s Don Cars for Hire. FORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR HIRE. Drive yourself, at very7 reasonable prices; no extras to pay. Nebraska . Service Garage, 19th and Farnam, D. 7.190. , I HAVE peveu-passeiiger car to hire by month or week. Must drive myself. Web. 4 406. Tires and Supplies. USKD TIRES dYrtCHEAF. 30x?, $4.00: SOxS'i, (5.00. All siaeA in proportion. Look over our rcbulltHV Ol'en Sundays. Tyler 2S86. 908 N. 16lh St. Keystone 'fire Shop. NEW TIRES i3TRICE Flsk, ffOndrMt, Bull tirs. I FlrMton. KATMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 2016 Farnam. .f Motorcycles and Bicycles HARLET - IAV1lStON MOTORCYCLES Bargain lu ns-'tj machines. , Victor H. Roos. the niotovyrle man, 27th nd T.eavBiiworth fits. Repainng arl- Painting. m . RAIDIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha. 24-hour aerv Ictj for auto, truck and tractor. E-part radiator and fender repairing; body dents removed ; new fenders made. (OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR J1KU, -JO. 1M! cumin St. Tyler 917. HorsesLive StockVehicles. DON'T force t the bfg spe.-lM rang liors) auction at stoi-k yard ntHblea, neit Monday. November 2. Will hava over 50ft hnreH and must' hav somebody to buy and take them away. Home will nirk5 good farm horse. I.oU of big, " rugged 3, 4 and 5-year olds, that Jir nirety hatter-broken and .!!! -ffTake horses wHghHng from J.30fl-l,5nn u,. each next spring. And some will sell heap enough for hog feed. Attend this . auction next Monday and get youraelf tome, horses that will make you money. T. c. Uallup. Horse and Mule Co, 800 Sets of Harness, ' SADPMCS AND COLLARS st 31 per cent discount; free list prlo. Midwest Harness Co., TOfiN N. ICth M. Omaha. Neb. . TAKK NOTK'K. Pair black chunks, jveifch 5.200 lb. Pair bays, welsh 3.700 lbs. Oray and block, weigh 2.900 lbs. - bay horse, 1,250 lbs. High class saddle horse, weighs 1,100 lbs. Arcs from 4 to 9 years. Will self cheap, no use for them. Aipo farm waeon and harness. Residence. 2106 lake St. Tel. Web. 1117. TEAM and harness. SLL'5. 2121 Cuming St. - , 1 POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHEAT screenings'! J-.50 per bundled, delivered. S01 North 16th St. A. W. Wagner. Douglas 1142. REEFER'S MoreEgiTlo"nis postpaid '"IT.- Three packages, I2.3S. Mrs. Clark, of- flclal agent. 10.r-3 Park 'Ave. PEDIGREED Rufus Bed Betfilan does" . with litter and Flemish Glanls; ribbon wlnpc-rs. 1S10 Capitol Ave. PERSONAL. . ' THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture., magazines. We collect. Wo distribute. Phune Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Doilee Street, MONEY TO LOAN. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY .LOANS. Lowest rates. Prtvate loan booths. Harry Malashock. 1514 Dodge. P. 66H. ES.18S4. FARMS and city loans. E-. H. LOUGEE. INC. 528 Keellne Bldg. Man Running Grocery for Widow Arrested ' ' on Brother's Complaint . Frank JCellerman, who has been running the grocery store at 1922 South 'Twentieth street during the illness -of Mrs. Bertha Israel, widow, who owns , the store, has been re arrested on charge of adultery, filed by Max Rosenstein, the wid ow's brother, following his release on bond to appear before the grand jury, after his arrest on a similar charge October 18. Kellerman is being held in the city jail. Mrs. Israel, who attempted sui cide by swallowing poison October 16, because of alleged persecutions of her brother, declared the arrest ' of Kellerman is the result of spite y work of her . brother because she would not marry the. man selected by him for her. Kellerman declared he is the victim of persecution b the widow's brother. i 120 OLDSMOBILE "I," run 4.000 miles: splendid mechanical condition. This Is rare bargain. ROHEKTS MOTOR CO. . 220) Farnam Douf. 1131. Second Holdup in Week' At the Same Corner Michael Lorrenze, 58 years old, of Denison, la., who came here a week ago to look for a railroad po sition, reported to the police last night that he had been held up at Twelfth street and Capitol avenue by twoMexicans and relieved of $60 and a Swiss watch. One of the men held a gun on him, he says. The robbery took place about 7:30 in the evening. This is the second af fair of the kind reported from this corner in a week. To get in or ouf of business use the Want Ad columns of The Bee. They are read by thousand. X :.:v-...-:.:'..