THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1919. 13 OMAHA PRODUCE ' Oreters "King CoU" Chesapeake stand' ardai Oallon, 11.11: lare can, tOc; email can, JSo. "Klnf Cola" Chesapeake lecls: Gallon, I J. 76; large can, 66c; amall can, tie. "Kins Cola" northern stand ards: Oallon, 12.10: Urge can, S5o; amall can. J8t "Kln Cola" northern selects: Gallon, II. II; large can, TOc; small can, 4Jc. "Klnf Cola" counts: Oallon, 11.60; lam can, 7Jo; small can, 4c. Shall oys ters, per 100, Cotult, 11.80. Clams, par 100 (Little Necks, Cherry Btonea), Jl.71; Quohogs, large, 13.00. Blue Points, $1 60. Fancy Western Mammoth Celery Per dosen, 11.00. Wholesale prices of beef cats No. 1 ribs, Sc; No. I ribs, lie; No. t ribs, 14c; No. 1 loins, 6c; No. 1 loins, 13c; No. I loins. lfHc; No. 1 rounds, 26c; No. t rounds, lie; No. I rounds, Uttc; No. 1 chucks, 11c; No. t chucks, 12a; No. 3 chucks, 8c; No. t plates, lie; No. 1 plates. Vio; No. plates. 8c. Fish Catfish, northern, 3ta lb.; south ern, small, medium, "24c lb.; fancy fresh bullheads, large blood-red, northern stock. SOo lb.; fancy fresh halibut, medium, 29c lb.; chicken, 26c lb.; fancy black cod, 16o lb.; fancy fresh salmon, red, 26o lb.; pink, 20c lb.; fancy fresh trout, 26c lb.; black baas, O. 8., 35a lb.; medium, 30o lb.; large. 2(o lb., croppies, H to lbs. average. 22c lb.; fancy fresh whlteflsh. Jumbo, medl um, market; fanry yellow pike, 23c lb.; fancy fresh plolr-rel. 16c lb.; fancy white perch, fresh, lie Ibj fancy freah froien roe shad, 23c lb.; fancy froien western red snapper, 7o lb.; fancy froien tulllbee whlteflsh, average lb. each, o lb.; fancy frozen barracuda, 10c lb.; ateak polloek. 4 to 7 lba, each, per lb..-Tc; fancy frosen native mackerel, 12c fb. ; fancy froien floundera, lOo lb.; market cod, 3 to 6 lba. each, per lb., 7c; finnan haddlea, 26-lb. box, per lb.. He; kippered salmon, 10-lb. box, per lb.. 32c: smoked whlteflsh, 10-lb. basket, 22c lb.; peeled shrimp, gal., 32.60; scallops, gal., 14.76; crabmeat, per can, 13.60; headless, gal., 31.76; jumbo frogs, per doa., 36.00; lobsters, crabs, mar ket. Quotations on fruit ana vegetables fur- n In lied by Otllnsky Fruit company! Oranges 160-126, 37.00; 216-200-173, 37.00; 262-2D8-224, 36.00. Lemons 300-360, Sunklst, 33.76; 300 360, Ked Ball, IS.uU. , Bananas Per pound, 6 He to c. Apples Delicious extra fancy, 34.76; Winter Bans, extra fancy, 34.76; Winter Bans, fancy, 34.26; Jonathans, extra fan cy, 33.60; Jonathans, fancy, 33.26; Jon athans, choice, 33.00; Jonathans, Jumble, 3276. Rome Beatles All sixes, 3200; Sta mens, 33.00. Pears De Anjlou, 34.50; basket Kellers, 32.60. (J rapes Keg Red Emperors, 37.00; N. T. Concords, basket, 40c; N. V. Concords, 30 basket lots, 38c. Or. Phillips Grape Fruit 66-64-70-80-16, 33.60. Cranberries Wisconsin, bbl., 110.60; Wisconsin, box. 34.00; Long Keepers, No vember delivery: Late Howes, 110.60; Bell and Cherry, 310.00. Sweet Potatoes Jersey Hampers, 13.00; ' Virginia, bbls.. 36.26 to $5.60. Potatoes Minnesota Red River Ohios, SHc; Minnesota Whites. 3c; Washington and Idaho Whites, S'c. Onions Michigan Reds, Idaho Reds, (Vic; Calif orla Whites, per lb., 6c; Wash ington Yellows, lb., 6 'Ac. Cider Wlnesap and Jonathan, 37.60; Oregon, 310.00. Vegetables Canadian rutabagas, per lb., 3c; beets, carrots, parsnips 2c; Hubbard squash, per lb., 2'4c; cabbage, crate lota, 2c; cabbage, small lots, 3c;celery, Mich igan, per dox., 60c; celery, Jumbo, per doz., 3125; head lettuce, per doz., 31.50; head lettuce, crates of 4 dz., 36.00; egg plant, 32.00; artichokes, 32.00; BrusBell sprouts, per lb., 20c; cauliflower, 33.00; leaf lettuce, market price; green peppers, market price; onions and radishes, mar ket price. Honey 2 dozen frames, comb. 38.00; 5 ounce, strained, 33.60. Craker Jack, Checkers and Chums Full rase plain, 36.40; one-half case plain, 33 20; full case prise, 36.60; one half case prize, 33.30; salted peanuts, 10-lb., cans, 33.25; No. 1 rsw peanuts. 12'4 roasted, 15c; Jumbo raw peanuts. 17 roasted, 19c; Eng lish walnuts, No. 1 sack lots, 38c, less, 40c; English walnuts, budded, sack lota, 40c, less, 45c; English walnuts. No. 2., sack lots, 30c; less, 35c. Nuts Almonds: Drakes, 30c; Hard Shells, 23c; Ne Plus Ultra, 37c; f. X. L, 37c; Nonparall, 49c. Pecans: small, 24c; medium, 27c; large, 29c. Brazil nutsr large washed, 2c; medium, 27c; Filberts, 30s. Figs: Lily, 24 3-oz., box, 33.50; Lily, 12, 10-os., box, 33.25; Sultan, 24 8-os., bdx, 33.60; Sultan, 12 lO-oi., box, 3260; Sultan, 60 6-oz., box, 35.00. Layer Figs: No. 10 fancy, 6-row box. 33.60; No. 10 fancy, 4 -row box, 34 00 Smyrna Layer Figs: 7-crown box, per lb., 47o; 6-erown box, - per lb., 45; 6-crown box, per lb., 43c; 4-crown box, per lb., 41c; 70 pack ages, 35.50. Miscellaneous Finnan haddlea, 26-lb. J box, ptr lb.. 18c; kippered salmon, 10-lb. i box, per l b. 30c; amoked whlteflsh, 10-lb. basket, lb., 22c. Peeled and headless erlmps, crabs, lobsters, scallops, crabmeat, 33.00 per gal. New York Metals. : New Tork, Nov. 3 3. Copper Dull: electrolytic, spot and last quarter, 20 H 21c; all ethers unchanged. At Loiilon Spot: Standard copper, HOOi 12s 6d; lead, IU 10s; zinc, 47 16s; oth ers unchanged. Chicago Potatoes, Chicago, Nov. 13. Potatoes Firm; ar rivals, 65 cars; northern sacked and bulk rurals Burbanka, 32 802.S5, western rus sets, $3. 253.40; western rurals, 33.00 3.10. BRINGING UP FATHER- Sea Jiff and Maggi in Full P( of Color ia The) Sunday Bta. Drawn for The Bee by McManue Copyright, 1919 Internationa) News Service. wt wire lt0 MAV.O VT ME. I'M AFRAID r r V 'YOU lO to A HO VITAL PETE NO YOU'RE tlCK' PHONE ME WHEN TOURE PEAQN AN' llx ftRlNcJ HE XOU THEN1- WELL-11X00 WON'T FOR4IT J?!K. 1 Think I HAO BETTER ' ' HCLLO JERRv i I J DOCTOR 1i-5L SOXOUVMON'TCFTA "tVER MINO... .E-LtFoRoye - m-t r-ZT ill, mil A ' ir-Jto ' J. , T " 7-fSA TtXJ THEN- II te. . I 1 1 ' . I Ps-a--AI .3 X a ' " ' ' r , ' " Market and Industrial News of the Day LIVE STOCK Receipts were: Cattle Hogs Sheep Official Monday. ...18,171 6.444 6,807 Official Tuesday 7,295 3,073 13,640 Official Wednesday. 8,13 4.834 13.936 Estimate Thuraday. .10.700 3,600 4,000 4 days this week.. 46,368 Same daya last week 61,583 Same days 2 w's ago 64,584 Same days 3 w's ago 68,709 Same days year ago. 49,787 16,961 37.383 17,731 40,669 12,036 59,278 21,946 83,794 47,408 36.491 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yards, Omaha, ..eb., for 24 hours ending at 3 o'clock p. m., No vember 13, 1919; RECEIPTS CARLOADS. , Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Wabash 4 Missouri Faclflo .... 1 (Inlon Pacific 138 C. & N. W., eaat 4 C. A N. W,, west.. 84 C, St. P., M. & O.. 21 C, B. & 2 , esst .... 3 C, B. & Q., west 104 C. R, I. & P., east.. 2 C, R. I. & P., west.. 6 Illinois Central Chicago Ot West... 1 13 11 16 4 4 t Totals Receipts. ...367 60 66 Mules. 3 cars. - DISPOSITION H EAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Morris & Co 683 , 897 964 Swift A Co 1,597 666 716 Cudahy Packing Co. 1.831 999 3,467 Armour A Co 1,333 1,096 7 J. W. Murphy 652 .... Lincoln Pack. Co... 68 .... .... So. Om. Pack. Co.. 28 Higgins Packing Co. 8 .... .... John Roth A Sons.. 16 .... .... Mayerowlch A Vail. 11 .... .... Ulassberg 10 .... .... P. O'Dea 8 Wilson A Co 76 W. B. Vn Sant A Co 145 Benton A Van Sent. 63 F. P. Lewis 259 Huntzlnger A Oliver 72 .... .... J. B. Root A Co. . . . 643 J. H. Bulla 64 R. M. Burruss A Co. 16 .... .... Roaenstock Bros. .. 90 .... .... F. U. Kellogg 165 Wertheimer A Dgen 41 .... .... Bills A Co 118 Sullivan Bros 41 A. Rothschild 119 M. K., C. ft Co,. 64 John Harvey 273 .... .... Jensen A Lundgren. 118 .... .... Dennis A Francis.. 112 .... .... Cheek A Krebs 10 Other buyers 1,776 4.282 Total 9,844 ' 4,110 8,435 Chicago Produce. I Chlcsgo. Nov. 13. Butter Unchanged. Eggs Receipts, 753 cases; unchanged. Poultry, Alive Unchanged. "automobiles. Tires and Supplies. USEU TIRBS DIRT CHEAP. 30x3, 34.00; 30x3 4, 35.00. All slzea In proportion. Look over ur rebuilts. Open Sundays. Tyler 2986. 908 N. 16th St. Keystone Tire Shop. NEW TIRES i2 PRICE Flsk. tlnodrlch. Bull tires. Lee, Firestone. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS, 2016 Farnam. Motorcycles and Bicycles. HARLEY - DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In used machines. Victor H. Roos, the motorcycle man. 27th and Leavenworth Sts. Repairing and Painting. RAtDIATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured in Omaha, 24-hour serv ice for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and fender repairing; body dents removed; new fenders made. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO. lm Cumjng St. Tyler 917. HorsesLive Stock Vehicles. 800 Sets of Harness, SADDLES AND COLLARS at 30 per cent discount; free list pries. Midwest Harness Co., 706 N. 16th St. Omaha. Neb. TAKE NOTICE. . Pair black chunks, weigh 2,200 lbs. Pair bays, weigh 2,700 lbs. Gray and block, weigh 2,900 lbs. Bay horse, 1,250 lbs. High class saddle horse, weighs 1.100 lbs. Ages from 4 to 9 years. Will sell theap, no use for them. Also farm waiton and harness. Residence, 3106 Lake St. Tel. Web. 1317. TEAM and harness. $125. St. 2431 Cuming POULTRY AND PET STOCK. FOH SALE Carneaux pigeons, 31.00 to 31. EU per pair. Wilt sell one pen, 40 pair cheap, account crowded for room. C. T. Schrlaber, Box 626. St Joseph. Mo. WHEAT screenings, 33.50 per hundred, delivered. 801 North 16th St A. W. Wagner. Douglas 1143. REEFER'8 More Egg tonls postpaid 31. Three packages, 32.35. Mrs. Clark, of flclal agent. 1053 Park Ave. P Kl lie, REED Rufus Red Belgian does, with litter and Flem!h Giants; ribbon winners. .apuui avb. PERSONAL, THE SALVATION Army Industrial home solicits your old clothing, furniture, magazines. We collect Wa distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-111 Dodge Street WANTED To know the whoreabouta of Mrs. Mmle Cole. Sister, Mrs. Ltllle Nix- on. anxtous to find ner. Aaarees, airs, f Lime Nixon. Milton, uregon. Kir.vF.V nansenrer car to hire by month or weeK. Must nrive myseu. v i-u. tm. MONEY TO LOAN. t.t a xti ivno ivn TEWlP.T.nT LOANS. Lowest rate. Private loan booth.. Harry MalashocK. lax iwaye. u. .ow. "it H. LOUGEE. INC. 128 Keellne Bid. YOUNG LADIES W offer you a well paid position. Pay ou while in training. . Permanent work. Rapid advancement Inveatigata our working conditions. . ' Operator' Employment Bu reau, 613 New Telephone Building, 19th and Douglas Streets., Local Stocks and Bonds (Quotation furnished by Burns, Brlnker and Company.) ' Stocks Bid Asked. Burgess-Nash. 1 per cent pfd.100 Cudrhy Packing Co 110 11014 uougias .Motors o eu Fairmont Cream ufd 99 Gooch Food Prod, pfd. bonus 99 100 Gooch Food Prod, com 70 80 Goodyear Tire & R. 7s 1st pfd 99 4 100 Harding Cream 7s pfd 100M 102 Neb. Power Co. 7s Dfd 99 Nicholas Oil pfd. w-bonus 91 U. ft C. a. St. Ry. & B. pfd.. 49 63 A. G. Spauldlng & B. 1st pfd 99Uj 100 Thorn. -Belden & Co., 7s pfd.. 99 100 Union 8tock Tards, Omaha.. 100 101 Bonds i Booth St. Louis 6s. 1931 100 Doug. County Hway 6s 1932-36. 4.66 ps French Cities 6s, 1934 91' 92 V4 Omaha Athletic 6s, 1929..., 98 100 O. A C. B. St Ry. 5s, 1928.. 80 83Uj U. Stock Yds., Om. 1st 6a 1931 96 97 Cattle Today's receipts show quite a Ittle increase over yesterday, the esti mate calling for 10,700 head against lightly over 8.000 yesterday. Total for the four days ia about 6,000 less than a week ago and 4,000 smaller than what were here a year ago. There were several loada of beef cat tle on hand today, some of very fair uanty, nut very little was done on the early rounds. Cowa and heifers were In plentyful supply, early prices were steady, but with & tendency towards weakness ater. Trade In atockers and feeders is bout the same aa in butcher stock, with early sales being closa to steady, with a rather slow demand. Western beef was fully steady with yesterday. BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 4 1060 39 76 29.. 1116 311 60 20 1181 13 25 24 1268 14 00 COWS. 22 1071 7 76 7 961 7 76 CALVES. 246 00 26 301 t 76 0 165 13 60 HEIFERS. 7 791 8 60 6 806 9 00 WESTERN CATTLE. IDAHO. 31 cows. 914 ( 36 9 cows. 604 6 60 SOstrs.. 898 10 75 6 hfrs.. 816 7 60 WYOMING. Sstri.. 693 7 25 . 36 strs.. 988 11 00 6stkrs. 611 g 00 34 fdrs. 957 10 80 10 cows. 1063 8 60 30 fdrs. 906 11 00 NEBRASKA. Intra.. 724 7 25 40 strs..l026 11 20 23 civs. 282 10 60 21 strs. .11116 11 60 3 civs. 123 14 00 36 strs. .1104 9 86 Quotations on Cattlt Choice to prime beeves, 315.5017.00; good to choice beeves. 113. 00(16. 00; fair to good Deeves, 312.0013.00; common to fair beeves, 310.50111. 60; choice to prime yearlings, 916.0017.50; good to choice yearlings, 113 6015.00; fair to good yearlings, 312.00 P13.00; common to fair yearlings, sio.ou 12.00; choice to prima heifers, 38.50 10.60: choice to prime cows. 39.6010.76; good to choice cows, 38.009.00; fair to good cows, 36.607.50; common to fair cows, $5.006.26; choice to prime heavy feeders, 3115012.50; good to choice feed ers, HO.OOJpll.OO; medium to good feed ers, 38.009.60j common to fair feed ers, 87.008.00; good to choice stockers, lio.oogiii. oo; fair to good stocxers, is.uu r9.tu: common to lair aiocxers, o.uub 7.60; stock heifers, 3.008.00; stock cows, 36.60(97.00; stock cslves. 36.609 10.60; veal calves, i7.outpie.zi; duds, stags, etc.. 35.268.50; choice to prime grass beeves, 313. 00016. 60; good to choice grasa beeves, f 11.00012.60; fair to good grass beeves, 39.0010.50; common to fair grass beeves, 37.50QS.uo; .Mexican beeves. 37.008.60. Hoes RecelDta were light, estimates calling for only 3,600 head, over 30,000 less than for the same tima last, year. While aulte a few heavy hogs are still oomlng, light weights are much mora lib eral than they were. Quality of all receipts Is good. A few heavy packers sold from 314.10014.25. but most or the packing ana mixed grades sold from 14.2514.40 with Rood Dutcners ana lignts on up, op lor the day being 314.76. Bulk of sales was 314.2514.50. The market being generally 25Q)50c lower than yesterday. No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 43. .333 110 314 10 66. .262 70 014 20 53. .382 140 14 25 31. .281 ... 14 30 61. .282 ... 14 35 17. .263 ..u 1440 68. .187 ... 14 45 39. .227 70 14 60 66. .191 ... 14 65 69. .276 40 14 60 Sheen Today's receiots of sheep and lambs was limited to a few thousand head and bulk ot the offerings consisted of short feds. Inquiry from packers was ac tive from trca start, pricea lor rat sneep and lambs ruled strong to possibly a llttla higher. Choice native lambs reached 316.00 and good short feds moving around 314.76. Toppy ewes are quotable up to 18.35 or better. No sales or wetnera or yearlings were reported. Early trade In feeders pre sented no new features, although trend of vsluea has been a little higher so far this week. Pretty good feeders aro bringing 912.76013.00 with fleshy grades around 313.26. Good feeding ewea bring 96.ztt;6.75. FEEDER LAMBS. No. At. Pr. No. At. Pr. 142 fed.. 45 311 25 125 fed.. (3 113 21 FAT LAMBS. 113 fed.. 70 13 00 211 fed.. 66 13 75 125 fed... 66 13 75 4 fed... 80 16 00 FEEDING EWES. 201 fed... It 46 FAT EWES. 112 Neb.. 101 8 35 131 fed..l2t I 10 BREEDING EWES. 10 fed.. 134 9 00 . Quotations on Sheep: Lambs good to choice, in. 6OSII6.00: iambs, isrr to good, 314.00014.60: good to choice feeder Jambs. 112.76013.25; fair to good feeders. 3ii.76fji2.7t: cull lam Da, 5.ooii.oo; yearlings, 310.15011.60; wethers, 39.000 10.00: ewes, good to choice. 88.0008.50: ewes, fair to good, 97.2508.00; ewe culls and canners, 83.0005.00; breeding awes, Kansas City Live Stock. Kansas City. Mo.. Not. 13. Cattle Tta eelpta. 6.800 head: market atronr tn IS cents higher; heavy beef steers, choice and prime. 317.16018.76; medium and good, 313.00017.15; common, 310.50013 90; ugntweigni, gooa and choice. 113.8OW 18.40; common and medium. 38. 60013. CO; butcher cattle, heifers. 36.35013.60; cews, 36 25011.40; csnners and cutters. 15.000 6.25: veal calves, 314.00017.00; feeder steers, 38.00013.50; stocker steers, 36.00 10. 4U. Hogs Receipts, 8,000 head; 36 to CO cents lowerf- bulk, 913.75014.26; heavies, 313.76014.10; medium, 313.85014.30; lights, 313.75014.20; light lights, 313.60 014.10; packing sows, 112.76 13.60; pigs, 312.50014.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 3,600 head; steady to strong; lambs, 812.60014.76; culls and common, 88. 25012. 26; yearling wethers, 39.6011.25 ewes. 96.00:08.26; culls and common, 38.00 05.75; breeding ewes, 37.60012.00; feeder lambs, 311.000 13.00. s Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Nov. 13. Cattle Receipts, 19,000 head; estimated tomorrow, 13,000 head; market, firm; beef steers, medium and heavyweight, choice and prime, 818.40020.50; medium and good, 311.250 18.40; common, $3.75011.35; lightweight, good and choice. $14.7620.00; common and medium, $8.00014.76; butcher cattle, heifers, $0.65015.00; cows, $6.75013.50; canners and cutters, $5.7506.75; veal calves, $17.75018.75; feeder steers, $7,260 13.00; stockers, steers, 3B-2510.26: west ern range steers, 37.76015.50; cows and heifers, 36.60013.06. Hcgs Receipts, 60,000 head; estimated tomorrow, 28,000 head; market, irregular; declined 26c to 60c; closed 10c to 15c higher than early; bulk of sales, 314.00 0 14.35; top, 314.55; heavy, 314.0014.55; medium. $14.00014.40; light. $14.00014.35; light light, 313.7514.36; heavy packing sows, smooth. $13.50013.86: packing sows, rough, $13.25013.50; pigs, $13.75014.60. Sheep Receipts, 8I.0OO head; estimated tomorrow. 16,000 head; market, steady; lambs, 312.40015.00; culls and common, $8.75012.26; ewes, medium, good and choice, 37.0008.50; culls and common, $3.0006.75; breeding. 36.60011.76. St. Louis Live Stock East St. Louis. 111., Nov. 13. Hogs 8.000; 10 to 1Z cents lower. rop sn.ia; rum medium licht sows smooth 312.25013.26; packing sows rough 311.7612.75; pigs 14.00i4.bO. Cattle 3,000; strong to 25 cents higher: beef steers, medium and heavy; choice and prime, 318.0019.25; medium and good $11.00017.76; common 38.75010.76; light, good and choice 314.6019.25; common and medium 38.60014.26. Butcher cattle: Heifers $6.50016.00; cows $6.50 0 1 2.00. Canners and cutters $5.2506.60. Veal calves: Light and handy weight $14,600 17.26; feeder steers $6.60012.00; stocker steers $6.50010.00. Sheep 1,200; steady to higher. Lambs $12.5014.76; culls and common $6,000 12.00; yearling wethers $10.0O12.26. Ewes: Medium and choice $5.5007.60; culls and common $3.0005.00. 10 to 1Z cents lower. rop sn.ia; 314.40014.60; heavy $14.25 14.60; im $14.4014.75; light $14 25014.65; light $14.86014.60; heavy packing Sioux City Live Stock. ' Sioux City, la., Nov. 13. Cattle Re ceipts. 800; market strong; beef steers, fed, $11.00016.00; grass, $7.00011.00; fat cows and heifers, fed, $8.50012.00; grass, $7.009.00; canners, $f. 0006.50; veal not quoted; stockers and feeders, $6.00015.00; feeding cows and hel'ors, $6.00011.00. Hogs Receipts, 3,100; market 60 to 76 cents lower; light, $14.26014.75; mixed, 313.75014.25; heavy, $13.60014.25; bulk, $13.75014.25. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 8,000; mar ket strong. St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, Mo., Nov. 13. Cattle Re ceipts, 3,000; market steady; steers. 37.60 017.50; cows snd heifers, $5.6015.00; calves, $7.0016.60. Hogs Receipts, 7,000; market lower; top, $14.40; bulk, $13.75014.16. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 3,000; mar ket strong; lambs, 310.0014.75; ewes, 36.00 0 8.25. $1.26; Mexican dollars, 99 He. Receipts light on both prairie hay and alfalta. wbllo the demand continues good, causing the market to remain firm and steady, with no chango In prices. Oat and wheat straw ateady. No. 1 upland prairie hay, $23.00 to $33.00; No. 2 upland prairie hay, $17.00 to $20.00; No. 8 upland prairie hay, $13.00 to $16.00; no. 1 miniana prairie nay, szi.00 to tzz.oo; No. 2 midland prairie hay, $17.00 to $20.00; No. 1 lowland prairie hay, $ to $17.00: No. 3 lowland prairie hay, $12.00 to $14.00; No. 3 lowland prairie hay, $9.00 to 310.00: Choice alfalfa. 131.00 to 332.00: No. 1 alfalfa, $29.00 to 830.00; standard alfalfa. $26.00 to tzs.vo; no. z alfalfa, 323.00 to $24.00; No. 3 alfalfa, $18.00 to $20.00. Oat straw, 39.00 to 111.00; wneat straw. $8.00 to $10.00. New York General. New Tork, Nov. 13. Wheat Spot steady; No. 2 red, $2.35 Vs. track New York, export billed. Corn spot steaay; no. 3 yellow and no. t white, 31.73 K c. 1. f. New Tork. Oats spot nrm; No. 1 white, 83c. Lard Easy; middle west, $26.4026.60. FINANCIAL New Tork, Nov. 13. When call money ratea broke to 6 per cent In the final hour of trading today the stock market re bounded from Its low levels and closed at appreciable advances throughout the list Trading was heavy' before the close and many stocks, notably motors, oils, steels, equipments, affiliated . Industrials and a score of miscellaneous specialties, showed gains for the day of from 5 to 20 points. Sales approximated 2,200,000 shares. Rates for call loans held at 16 Per cent until about 2 o'clock. Then they broke to 12 and rapidly went to (, the normal rate. This was believed to mark the passing of the stringent money period. Leaders in the spirited rally which fol lowed were the issues which broke most severely yesterday and the day before. The market was steadier at the opening today, but the initial high rates for call money caused an avalanche of selling In the next hour or (wo. Factors which contributed to the lower ratea were the lending of money by brok ers who offered their surplus funds and announcement from Washington that ths federal reserve board had taken no ac tion on credit conditions here. One of the leaders of the spirited rally was General Motors, which opened at a 16 point rlso only to lose Its advantage and finally advanced by leaps and bounds to 325. an extreme recovery of 46 points. Mexican Petroleum, In which support reemed almost altogether lacking yester day, rose more than 30 points. The extent to which the short Interest Involuntarily participated in the rebound by covering of contracts is naturally a mat ter of debate, but the market's recupera tive power suggested that no small part of the recent reversal was due to bearish' aggression. Trading in bonds was confusing, reces sions in industrials being balanced by the strength of rails. Liberty issues made up part of their early heaviness. Total sales Ipar value) aggregated $17,850,000. Old United States bonds were unchanged on call. Sales High Low Last Am. Beet Sug. .. 9,200 94 90 94 Am. Can 4,000 SfiVi 54 66 Am. C. &. E 10,700 1374 130V4 13614 Am. H & L., Pfd. 4,600 125 124 123 Am. Loco. . . .4. . .18.800 99 92 99 Am. S. Ref. ... 8.(100 71 V4 67 VJ 7H4 Am. Sug. Ref. ...10,000 137 133 137 Am. Sum. Tob. ..11,600 97 95 964 Am. T. & T 11,600 99 99 99 Am. Z.. L. & S. .. 2,000 17 17 17 Ana. Cop. , 1,700 65 63 65 Atchison : 3.309 90 87 90 A. , G. & W.I.S.S. 9,700 168 159 168 Bald. Loco 99.000 114 103 113 B. & Ohio 3.500 36 38 38 Beth. Steel "B" ..37.1.00 . 99 93 98 B. & S. Cop 4.(100 24 24 24 Oal. Pet 6,900 45 40 46 Can. Far 2.900 148 145 147yt Oen. Lea 21,700 100 95 99 C. & Ohio 1,000 66 56 66 C, M. & St. P. .. 4.5O0 43 41 42 ('. & N. W 1,700 9t 90 91 C. R. I. & P. 2,500 28 26 28 C'hino Copper .... 3.000 39 3" 39 Colo. F. & 1 2.100 43 Jl 43 Corn Prod 20,700 89 83 88 Crucible Steel ...16,900 225 209 225 Cuba Cane Sug. ..12,200 42 40 42 Dist. Sec Corp. ,.10,100 77 75 77 Erie 3,100 15 14 15 Gen. Elec 1.200 169 165 169 Gen. Motors 47.200 325 280 320 Gt. N., Pfd. 4.800 84 83 83 Gt. N. Ore Ctfs. .. 8,400 41 39 41 Illinois Cen 100 90 90 90j Insp. Cop 8,100 67 66 57 Int. Mcr. M., Pfd. 14. 600 106 103 106 Internatl. Nickel. .12,200 26 25 25 InternatU Paper ..18,900 72 66 72 K. a Southern ... 300 18 18 1 STS Keiinecott Copper. 6,200 31 30 31V, I, & N 300 110 108 108M Mexican Pet 83,800 216 186 212 Miami Copper ... 400 26 25 25 Mldvale Steel 20,500 63 50 52 Missouri Pacific... 2,900 28 27 28 Montana Power... 100 - 61 61 61 Nevada Ccpper... 1,200 16 16 16 N. Y. Central i.200 72 71 72 New Haven 4.400 32 31 32 Norfolk & Western 1,900 100 99 100 , Northern Pacific. 3.700 85 83 85 Pacific Mall ; 200 38 38 38 Pan-Am. Pet 44.600 116 104 113 Pennsylvania .... 6,700 42 42 42 Pitts. W. Va... 2,100 30 30 30 Pittsburgh Coal... 2.300 63 60 62 Ray Con. Cop 2,400 21 21 21 'Rip. I. & S 79,200 116 106 lll'i Hhat. Ariz. Cop... 300 12 12 12 Sinclair O. & R... 117,500 64 60 54 Southern Pacific. .78,700 107 104 . 1M Southern Ry 6,200 24 24 24 Stud. Cor 8,200 119 108 119 Texas Co 11,600 309 288 307 Tobacco Prod 6,400 88 84, 88 Union Pacific 4,600 122 121 1122 V. C. Stores 83,100 96 86 96i U. S Ind. Alco.. .21,600 111 106 110 U. S. Steel 185,700 106 103 1064 IT. S. Steel pfd.... 600 114 114 114 Utah Copper 5,400 80 78 791 West. Electric 8,600 64 53 53 Willys-Overland .27.200 31 30 31 National Lead.... 1,900 84 81 84 Ohio Cities 16,900 62 50 62 R. D. N. T.. 47,100 99 94 96 New York Coffee. New York, Nov. 13. Coffee No. 7 Rio, 17c. Futures, easy; December, 16.04c; March. 16.19c. New York Cotton. New Tork, Nov. 13. Cotton closed firm at a net advance of 80 to 186 points. Linseed Oil, Duluth, Minn., Nov. 13. Linseed $4.71 04.90. London Money. London, Nov. 13. Bar Silver 69d pe ounce. Money and Discount Unchanged. GRAIN MARKET Omaha, Neb., Nov. 18, 1919 Grain arrivals today were extremely light Carlot recelpta were: Wheat, 23; corn. 14; oats, 13; rye, 2, and barley, 1. Traders were slow In getting together and up to a late hour only a few sales had been made. Wheat was unchanged though there was hardly enough mar keted to afford a fair basis for comnurl- son. Corn was unchanged to 2 cents nigner, yellow and mixed generally up. Oats were unchanged. Wheat No. 3 hard: 1 car, $2.32: 8 cars, $2.30; 1 car, $2.28; 1 car, $2.28 (smutty); 1 car, $2.25 (yellow). No. 4 hard: 1 car, $2.23 (yellow); 1 car, $2.20 (yellow); 1 car, $2 18 (yellow). No. 6 hard: 1 car, $2.1$. No. 8 northern spring: 1 car, $2.69; 1 car, $2.68. No. 8 mixed: 1 car, $2,30. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, $2.17. Corn No. 4 white: 1 car, $1.47. No. 6 white: 3 cars, $1.40 (new). No. 1 yellow: 1 car, $1.64. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, $1.48. No. 6 yellow: 1 car, $1.48; 1 car. $1.45 (new, special billing); 1 car, $1.43. Sample yellow: 1 car, $1.33 (new). No. 3 mixed: 2 cars, $1.48; 1 car, $1.48 (part new). No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $1.44 (new, near yellow). No. i mixed: 1 car, $1.40 (new); 1 car, $1.38 (new). Oats No. 2 white: 1 car, 72 c, No. I white: 1 ear, 72c: 8 cars, 71c. Omaha Grain Inspection. The number of cars of grain of the several grades inspected "In" here dur ing the past 24 hours follows: 1 Wheat No. 2 hard, 4; No. 3 hard, 10; No. 4 hard, 16; No, 6 hard, 5; sample hard, 2; No. 2 mixed, 1; No. 3 mixed, 4; No. 4 mixed, 7; No. 5 mixed, 2; No. 1 spring, 1; No. 5 spring, 3; sample spring, 3. Total. 57. 1 Corn No. 1 white, 1; No. 2 white. '2; No. 4 white, 3; No. 2 yellow. 1; No. 3 yellow, 1; No. 4 yellow, 4; No. 5 yellow 2: No. 6 yellow, 1; No. 2 mixed, 1; No. 3 mixed, 6; No. 4 mixed, 1: No. 5 mixed, 1; No. 6 mixed, 1. Total. 24. Oats No. 3 white. 9. Total, 9. Rye No. 3, 2; sample, 2. Total, 4. Barley No. 4. 1. Total, 1. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Receipts Today. Wk. Ago. Yr. Ago. Wheat 23 65 10 Corn ...14 27 15 Oats 13 21 22 Rye 2 1 1 Barley 12 6 Shipments Wheat 60 75 f.O Corn ..19 25 . 6 Oats 17 12 59 Rye . . 8 Barley 1 1 8 RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. . Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 60 78 63 Kansas City 188 1 11 St. Louis 68 18 23 Minneapolis 222 Duluth 149 Winnipeg 333 PRIMARY RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Receipts Today. Yr. Ago. Wheat ...1.034,000 1,461.000 Corn Oats Shipments-Wheat Corn Oats 277,000 882,000 434,000 1,258,000 858,000 296,000 114,000 496,000 U. S. 2s, reg...l00 U. B. 2S, Chicago Crain and Provisions. Chicago. NoV. 13. Corn advanced In price today, strengthened by the upward movement of the New York stock market and by scarcity of rural offerings. The close wss firm. 120 net higher, with December $1.32 1.32 and May, $1.26 01.26. Oats gained 101c to 1 lc. The outcome In provllsons varied from 12c decline to a rise of 22c. It was not until after midday that the corn market showed substantial gains. At the opening, some weakness was evi dent owing to uncertainty over money rates and to the fact that the weather was Ideal for husking. Signs, however, that declines In the price of corn had begun to curtail fresh supplies from the country led to a rally. Then the market gave way under free selling by houses with eastern connections, but after mid day the bulls obtained renewed control, and during the romalnder of the session the upward tendency of corn values ac quired .constantly increasing vigor. Oats paralleled the action of corn. To ward the last, there Was active buying of May delivery on orders from the east. Provisions were firm most of ths time In sympathy with grain strength. Pack ers bought and lower quotations on hogs received little notice. 93.20; third 4s, 94.74: fourth 4s, 93 28; Victory 3s, 99.32; Victory 4s, 99.31. New York Bonds. Great Nor. 1st 4"is 79 I. C. ref 4s 79 Int. M. M. 6s.... 95 K. C. S. ref 6s.. 75 I,. & N. un it.. 65 M. K. & T. 1st 4s 63 Mo. Pac. gen 4s 66 Mont. Power 5s. 83 N. T. Centra deb. 6s Art. I Open. I High. I Low. Close. Test." Corn 1 Dec. 1.80 1.32 1.28 1.32 1.80 May 1.24 1.26 1.23 1.26 1.24 July 1.23 1.26 1.22 1.25 1.23 Oats. Dec. .71 .78 .71 .78 .71 May .74 .76 .73 .76 .74 Pork Jan., 34.00 34.16 83.90 34.16 34.00 May 33.00 33.26 Lard. Jan. 124.10 24.32 23.95 24.22 24.00 Ribs. I Jan. 118.20 18.36 18.10 18.35 18. IS May 118.16 18.25 18.02 18.25 .. 18.10 Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 13. Flour Unchanged. Barley $1.1001.34. Rye No. 2. $1.311.32 , Bran $39.00. Corn $1.4801.61. .v Oats 6969c. Flax $4.87 04.90. ' Kansas City Grain. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 13. Corn De cember. $1.32; January, $1.27; May. $1.26; July, $1.24. St. Louis Grain. St. Louis. Mo., Nov. 13. Corn De cember, $1.33; May, $1.27. Oats December, 73c; May, 76c. Liberty Bond Prices. New York, Nov. 13. Prices of Liberty bonds at 11:30 a. m. were: 3s. 100.04; first 4s, 94.80; second 4s, 92.70; first 4s, 94.60; second 4'1s. 92.84; third 4s, 94.52; fourth 4s, 92.72; Victory 3s, 99.34; Vic tory 4s, 99.32. Prices of Liberty bonds at 2:66 p. m. were: 3s, 100.08: first 4s. (4.80; second is. 92.86; first 4s, 94.80; second 4s, cou. .100 U. S. cv 3s reg 88 U. 8. cv 3s cou. 87 U. 8. 4s reg.. 105 U. S. 4s cou.. 106 I Am. Tel. & Tel. 1 cv 6s 99 Anglo-French 6s 97 Armour & Co 4s 82 Atchison gen. 4s 79 B. & O. cv4s 66INor. Pac. 4s. Beth. Steel ref Nor. Fac. 3s... Short Term Notes Quotations furnished company. Issue v Am. Tel. Tel.. s... Am. Tel. A Tel., 6s... , American Tob.. 7s.,.,. American Tob., 7s Anaconda Copper, 8s. Anglo-French Ext, 6s. Arm. A Conv. Deb., 6s. Arm. Conv. Deb., 6s. Arm. A Conv. Deb., 6s. Arm. A Conv; Deb., 6s. Arm. A Conv. Deb., 6s. Beth. Steel. Co., 7s... Beth. Steel Co., 7s British, 6s Canada, 6s C. B. A Q , 4s Inter. R. T. Co, ( Ksraaa City Term., 6s. Lehigh Valley. 6s Llggot A Myers. 6s.., Proctor A Gamble, 7a.. Proctor A Gamble. 7s,, Russian Rubles, 6s... Union Pacific 6s Wilson Conv., 6s First Liberty. 3s Liberty, Ind, 4a...... Liberty, 1st, 4a Liberty. 2nd, 4s Liberty, 3d, 4s Liberty, 4th. s Liberty, 6th., 4s Liberty. 6th, 3s by Peters Trust Pay. .1934 .1936 .1923 .1923 .1939 .1910 .1910 .1921 . .1933 .1923 .1924 .1933 .1923 .1991 .1921 .1931 .1921 .1923 Bid - Kg lot ios 97 97 103 103 103 103 101 100 101 97 H 97 96 67 99 1923V100 .1931 99 .1932 103 7 ,1923 .1936 .1933 .1928 103 64 103 97 100.1ft 92.64 94.10 93.33 94 63 93 14 99.84 99.34 Asked 7 101 103 97 5, 101 101 101 . 101 101 ' 101 101 97 (8 8 100 101 100 102 103 69 . 109 $7 5s 88 Cen. Leather 6s 97 Central Pac. 1st 75 C. AO. sv 6s. . 83 C, B. & Q. joint 4s 96 C. M. A St. P. cv 4s, 73 C. R. I. & P. Ry ref 4s 66 C. & S. ref 4s 78 Chill Ccpper cv 7 106 City of Paris 6s 95 !D. ft R. G ref 5s St Dom. of Canada 6s (1931) . ... .92 Erie gen 4s 46 Gen. Elec. 6s.. 94 Bid. lOffered. OS 77 t Ore. Short Line ref 4s 82 Pac. Tel A Tel. 5s 89 Penn. con 4s 92 Penn. gen (p... . 92 Reading gen 4a. 82 I St. L. A San. F. adj. 6a 68 Southern Pacific cv 6s , 108 Southern Ry. 6s 86 Texas Co. cv 6s. .104 ITexas A Pacific 1st 86 Union Pac. 4s... 84 U. 8. Rubber 6s 87 U. S. Steel 6s.... 98 Wabash 1st .... 90 New York Money, New York, Nov, 18. Mercantile Paper Unchanged. ' Sterling Demand, $4.11; cables, $4 13. Francs Demand. 9.35; cables, 9.34. Guilders Demand, 37: eables, 87. Lire Demand. 12.30; cables, 12.20. Marks Demand, 2.76; cablea, 2.80. Bonds Government and railroad, heavy. Loans Time, strong; unchsnged. Call Money Strong; high, 16 per cent: low, 6 per cent; ruling rate. 16 per cent; (.losing bid, 6 per cent; offered at 7 per cent; Jast loan, 9 per cent. 1 New York Produce. New Tork, Nov. 13. Butter Firm: creamery higher than extras, 7171c; extra, 7070c: firsts, 6169c. Eggs Firm; fresh gsthered extras. 74 0 75c: do, extra firsts, 7173c; do, firsts. 6670c. . Cheeae-l-Steady; unchanged. Poultry-s-Live, steady; chickens, 26 27e; fowls; 200 30c; roosters, 20c; turkeys, 35cN Dressed, not quoted. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah. Ga., Nov. 13. Turpentine Firm; $1.56; sales, 163 bbls.; receipts, 100 bbls; shipments, 5 bbls.; stock, 10.993 bbls. Rosin Steady: sales, 421 bbls; receipts. 1 bbls; shipments, none; stock, 42,433 bbls. Quote: B..D. E, F. $17.00: G. $17.26; H, $17.35; I,,$18.50; K. $19.70; M, $20.25; N, 21.00; Wg, $21.75; Ww, $22.60. Pry Goods. New York, Nov. 13. Markets for cot ton goods and yarns today were steady and more quiet. English government linens In this country sold as freely aa they could be allotted here. The Atlanta division- of the government army department has offered about 19, 000,000 yards of cotton goods for sale. New York Sugar. New Tork. Nov. 13. Sugar Unchanged. Coffee. New Tork, Nov. 13. The market for cot. fee futures was much less active after yesterday s hesvy liquidation, but showed continued nervousness, and fluctuations were very irregular. The opening was 1 to 18 points lower under further scatter-v lng liquidation, and March sold off to $16.20 right after the call, or 20 points below last night's closing figures. Lower ml I r els prices In Brssll encoursged the selling, but trade Interests were moderate buyers, and there were rallies to $16.66 for Marcha and May during the middle of the day, with active months selling 1$ to 20 points net higher. This met renewed , liquidation, notwithstanding the Improved tone of the stock market, and the closo was $16.19 for both March and May with the general list 12 to 23 points net lower. December. $16.04; January, $16.08; March and May, $16.19; July, $16.18; Sep tember, $16.04. Spot markets were neglected at 17o for Rio 7s, and 26 to 26 for Santos 4s. Dried rrults. New Tork, Nov. IS. Evaporated Ap ples Quiet. 1 Prunes Firm. Apricots and Peaches Scares. Raisins Active. Kansas City Produce. Kansas City, Mo., Nov. 11. Butter and PouRry Unchanged. Eggs One cent higher; firsts. He; sec onds, 61c. LIBERTY BONDS Bought and Sold We Buy and Sell LOCAL SECURITIES Robt C. Oruesedow & Co. 160 Omaha Nit'l. Bank Fli . Have you been to the Texas Oil Fields? Then send me your name aud address and I will mail yott special and exclusive Information about something NEW through which information you can make some money. This can only be appre- . . . . . 1 i 1 ..1. 1 . .l a a n ciatea Dy inose wnu nn, with their own eyes one of the MANY OIL FIELDS OF TEXAS. YOU should capitalise your knowledge of Texas fields and make yourself some money. I will show you how it can be. done. ftrt V v fat LSAUA D tC ... i Bar Silver. New Tork, Nov. 13. Silver Bar Printing EtffrVTto SV Tiri i-Tiri nin oir oir nir, nin i Unusual Quality & l"1! , Dependable Service HieCuOtypeS HALFTONES TYPE printing press W - . 1 Jitchings Color Plates Omaha Printing & Advertising Bureau 1214-16 Howard Street Call Chas. R. Docherly Telephone Tyler 1390 mm The Safety and Tax Exemption off Joint Stock Land Bank 5 Bonds and the meaning of these features to large investors SAFETY: These bonds are issued under the Federal Farm Loan Act. They are declared to be instrumentalities of United States Gov ernment, and are prepared and engraved by the Treasury Department. The bonds are secured by Government ap proved first farm mortgages, or by United States Goverment Bonds or Certificates of In debtedness. The bonds are legal investment for all fi duciary and trust funds under the jurisdiction of the Federal Government, and are accept able as security for Postal Savings, Deposits and for all deposits of Government funds. The constitutionality of the act and the validity of the provisions exempting the bonds from taxation, have been approved, by the Attorney General of the United States, as well as by some of the most eminent legal talent of the country, including Geo. W. Wickersham, Esq., and Wm. G. McAdoo, Esq. The Federal District Court at Kansas City on Oct. 31, 1919, dismissed the suit attacking the constitutionality of the Federal Farm Loan Act and the Tax Exemption of the bonds, thus in effect establishing the validity of the Act and all of its provisions. An appeal from this decision has been taken to the supreme court, which has been asked by all parties to ad-, vance the case for early hearing set. TAX EXEMPTION! These bonds are ex empt to the same degree as the Liberty Loan in other words, they are exempt from all taxes, excepting only inheritance taxes. This includes exemption from Fed eral Income Tau and local personal property taxes. ' The value of the exemption from Federal Income Taxes alone, to individuals of large incomes, is indicated in the following figures, which would be further increased if the ex emption of the bonds from other taxes were considered : Net Yield of Joint Stock Bonds: Taxable Income - $ 50,000 80,000 100,000 200,000 500,000 1,000,000 4', (To Optional Date) Equivalent to 6.52 8.33 10.22 12.50 15.52 16.07 ' s (From Optional Date to Maturity) Equivalent to 7.25 9.25 ! 11.36 ' , 13.89 17.24 17.86 The top line represents the net rate rea lized from Joint Stock Land Bonds, regard less of the income of the holder. The re maining figures ' represent the gross rate which must be realized at varying incomes from taxable securities to procure the net rate at the top of the column. $5,000,000 Dated May 1, 1919. 10,000,000 Dated Nov. 1, 1919. Optional May 1, 1924. Optional Nov. 1, 1924. Due May 1, 1939. Due Nov. 1, 1939. Redeemable at par and accrued interest on any interest date after five years from date of issue. Coupon Bonds fully registerable and interchangeable. Denomination, $1,000 and $500. In- terest payable semiannually, May 1st and November 1st. Principal and interest payable at the bank of issue or at the Equitable Trust Company of New York. We recommemJ these bonds for Investment PRICE 102 AND INTEREST Yielding Over 4.50 to Optional Maturity, 1 Thereafter All statements herein are oflcisl, er based upon Informefloa which we regard as reliable, and, wMle w do not guarantee them, ther are the data upon which we hare acted la the purchase ef these bonds. Halsey, Stuart & Co. 209 SO. LA SALLE ST., CHICAG NEW YORK DETROIT PHILADELPHIA BOSTON ST. LOUIS N MILWAUKEE William R. Compton Co. 105 SO. LA SALLE ST., CHICAGO ST. LOUIS j NEW YORK CINCINNATI NEW ORLEANS Peters Trust Company, Omaha, Neb. The Equitable Trust Company of N. Y. BOND DEPARTMENT 37 WALL STREET. NEW YORK