Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1919, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 A
Two Boys Admit They Never
Saw Reporter' They Ac
cused Until He Was
Brought Before Them.
(Continued From Pare One.)
to approve of Captain Haze's meth
ods. Chief Ifberstein also is known
to have offered to promote a cer
. tain police officer if he succeeded
in "getting The Bee reporter."
Morris and Thorpe declared they
would never have sworn falsely to
having seen the reporter leading a
Rang of boys to fie the court house
.. had not Captain Haze and another
detective convinced them that they
would he turned out of jail if they
complied with their request.
Beys Change Mind.
"Then afterVwe got to thinking
about it here in jail," said Morris,
; ''we agreed that we did not want to
be a party to a frame-up on an in
nocent man. We decided'last night
we would expose Captain Haze and
the other detective."
.The other wf net's who testified
against the repor'ei- before the grand
jury, i'. a notorious bootlegger, for
mer tioliceman, at'd now an aprent
v for Ehuer Thomas and Cominissfou
er RiiiT-er.
The affidavits follow:
. The ff davits,
j "Ernest Morris, being first duly
sworn on oath, ("eposes that he
.never saw - John -H. Moore, a- re-
V porter for the Omaha Dai'v Bee,
on the night of Srotcmber 28. 1919.
. . "Ke further tkvicses that he en
tered i'ito an afrrnient with Capt.
Henry P. Haze' " i sweat that the
afoies-:d John 1'. Moore did in
duce h;m, with o''iers, ito go to a
garage located at the. northeast cor
ner of ; Seventeenth and Davenport
streets; in the City of Omaha,
county, of "'Doug!.'"?, where gasoline
was retired, and then the afore
said John H. Mor-e shouted to the
crowi! to !come on and burn the
court 'muse.'
i Did Not I'.-ow Moore,
i . "That "the affirAt told the captain
that he did not 1 now or could not
even identify the aforesaid John H.
Moore, -and thrt 'he captain told
him h ; would fir; that all right, and
that fhortly afterwards the affiant,
, in cor-'any with etc Harold Thorp,
Were b-mtght to. "cam 201. city hall.
Here Are Two Affidavits Exposing the Rottenness and Stupidity of Omaha Police
Officers, in Their Attempt to Convict an Innocent Man on Most Serious Charge
UGZ- frfsl 2ti s&lr,
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by a detective to then unknown, and
told to .sit down, and that Mr.
hMoore would soon be in. This hap
pened n two different occasions,
but on the third occasion a tall man
came in and shook hands with Cap
tain Haze, who told him that the
party he was supposed to meet did
not appear, but that he (Captain
Haze) would let him know when he
would need him; that is, Mr. Moore.
As soon as Moore left Captain Haze
came to me and said, 'That is the
man, isn't it?'
"The affiant further says that he
promised to testify against John H.
Moore on promise to him and one
Harold Thorp that if they would
do as requested he (Captain Haze)
would see that they would not serve
a day's sentence in jail.
"The affiant further deposes that
one detective, to him personally un-
i'S. A- V E Y, O U R ' TEET H
'4 ios
If ycu have neglected your TEJETH ancf you have lost some or most of tem, don't wait until you
-the opportunity to replace those teeth with Bridge work.
full go
'. j.h. open faced, audpirl shell crown, two
liai fids, two full gold molara.
Upper Bridge, left cuspid to second
molar, Richmond Crown on cuspid,
full gold crown on molar.
Side Bridge, left cuspid to second molar.
Upper Bridge, cuspid to cuspid, Rich
mond Crowaa
Upper Bride?, full gold cuspids and full
gold second molars.
Upper Bridge, cuspid to cuspid,
open-faced crowns.
Upper Bridge, cuspid to cuspid,
gold abutments. .
Full Upper Bridge, bands and caps over central roots.
Richmond Crowns over cuspid roots and full
gold crowns nver second molars. ' ,
Gold crown and bridge work are the best dental appliances known, they supply missing teeth
without plates. They cost more, but satisfaction is what you spend yout money for. They require
no more care than natural teeth, are as firm, and restore the natural expression in many instances
better than ever. Satisfaction guaranteed. ' I '
TUl Upper Go f lata. Best Plate on Barth.
Toll Upper Cast Aluminutn Gold crown on left In tell.
jthtng more satisfactory. For auf stima.
Full Upper, plain teeth, rubber base, gold filling
right central mesial surface.
t: , . 1 i . i
flKtul Lower Gold Plato with gold clasps and rubber attach,
menu. Avery satisfactory plata.
Full Upper Swaged Aluminum, plain teeth, pink
rubber gums, rubber attachments. Thinest i
and lightest plate known.
full lower. Watt's Metal ptnk gams. Avery
strong and satisfactory plate.
A perfect fitting metal plate is an ideal plate, in cases where it is impossible to have Bridge Work.
Metal plates are comfortable and give perfect satisfaction. These plates are made up to match your
own upper or lower teeth. You can have gold crowns, gold fillings, or bothinserted and imitate your
own so perfect, that even your family would not know that they are not natural.
Remember, a tooth properly filled is as good as it was before it decayed, and the sooner, it is
j given, the proper attention the. less will be the cost. Free consultation and candid advice. Quality
f is the one imperative consideration, of appliances that become part of ones self. i
' To be particular is to be civilized; if we are not" particular nothing matters much.
DR3 CLARK, the Painless Dentist
Experience Is What Counts in Dentistry
Gold plates, the be6t made. Comfort plates made to fit any mouth, no matter how
;i difficult. Crown and bridge work that feels like your own teeth. Teeth Extracted by
i the use of Vapor Mist absolutely without pain, no danger in heart i trouble or other
thickness. Nitrous Oxide administered for the extraction of teeth, and tne filling of
'sensitive teeth. v ,. , i
Office, 5th Floor, Paxton Block, 16th and Farfiam Sts.
: Lady Attendafit, Phone Red 1201
known, said in their hearing that
"We have been trying to gef'that
for a long while.'
"That the affiant, realizing the
enormity of his crime of railroad
ing an innocent man to the peniten
tiary, makes this statement volun
tarily. (Signed.) E. MORRIS.
"Subscribed and sworn to before
me this 8th dav of November. 1919.
"Notary Public."
Second Affidavit.
"Harold Thorpe, being first duly
sworn, on oath deposes that, he never
saw John H. Moore on the ' night of
September 28, 1919, and as a matter
of fact never saw him before in his
"Affiant further deposes that the
statement of Ernest Morris is true.
"Subscribed and sworn to before
me this 8th day of November, 1919.
"Notary Public."
Both Morris and Thorpe still are
in the county jail, both having been
sentenced to 90 days on pleas of
Hire Driver to Take ,
Them on Motor Tour
And Then Kill Him
Og'den, Utah, Nov. 8. Carl Cole,
19; Fred Cole, 20, and James Ken
dall, 20, alias James M. Heim, jr.,
arrested i here yesterdays charged
with the murder of M, J. Needham,
a rent car driver of San Francisco,
October 31, according to Sheriff
Peterson, confessed their crime to
him today. ,
.According to the sheriff, the trio
had planned leaving"San Francisco
for the Uintah basin, where they
expected to winter, spending their
time at trapping. ' In order to make
the journey, it is stated, they needed
a car, and after a conference, de
cided upon Necdham's. -According
to the sheriff, Needham was mur
dered with the aid of a hammer,
after he had driven them 20 miles
from San Francisco.
Auto Bandit Asks
Policeman to Aid Him
Corning, N. Y., Nov. 8. The' call
ing upon a policeman to assist in
the stealing .. of an automobile is
nrobablv the very latest in the an
nals of auto banditry. That is what
happened in Corning when Muriel
Hunter, ot h.noxvuie, n., an set
for a eet-awav with a touring car.
hailed Policeman Fr.ed L. Dimick to
help him crank the car. The owner
of the car opportunely appeared.
Hunter was arrested.
Alleged Forger at 11
Chicago, Nov. 8. -Lyman Ballard
:.s only 11 years old, but he has a
mind for complicated strategy. The
hnv. it is alleged, recently sent a
note to his : mother, .signing his
school principal's name, requesting
the immediate presence of Mrs. Bal
lard at the school. Upon her return
from the school Mrs. Ballard dis
covered the loss of three rings,
valued at $200., -Lyman was nowhere
to be found.
1 1" "'S!
The Bee's Free Shoe
"Inasmuch as ye did it unto one
of the least of these, ye did it unto
Me," said the great Teacher.
tA dollar or more sent to this fund
will work for many monthf keeping
some ivery poor little boy's or girl's
feet warm this winter.
And your reward for the kind deed
will assuredly come to you in the
fullness of time.
Try this method of helping some
poor child and at the same time do
ing good to yourself. , . ' .
All gifts will be acknowledged in
this column. .
Prevlondly acknowledged .. ''9?,5?
W. M. Pearl, Burkett. Neb. J M
A Friend 8 00
Total 'W0
Address, Free Shoe Fund, The
Bee, Omaha, Neb
UA K y ; TV
-y yt t -,y jty
Ohio Sustains Federal
Prohibition by Small
Majority, Vote Shows
Columbus, 0., Nov. 8. Ohio Ia,st
Tuesday' voted to sustain the action
Of its legislature in ratifying the fed
era! prohibition amendment by a
majority of 1,480, according to com
plete returns from all but two pre
cincts in the state, and official re
turns from 79 of the 88 counties, re
ceived and tabulated at the office of
the secretary of state. The vote
stood: For ratification, 499,776;
against,' 498,296. ,
Although returns on the other
prohibition questions ,voted upon
had not been tabulated officially, the
indication that the repeal of the
state wide prohibition was defeated
by 30,000 or more majority, that the
2.75 per cent beer proposal was de
feated by a majority jof 15,000 or
more, and that the wetTsucceeded in
defeating the Crabbe prohibition en
forcement act by a majority of
25,000 or more.
Jellicoe Arrives.
Victoria, B. C, Nov. 8. The Brit
ish battleship New Zealand, with
'Admiral Viscount Jellicoe aboard,
has arrived here from Australia.
t i i ii in i i irf
S, E. COn. 16th &. JACKSON STS
You Will Enjoy Selecting Furniture Here
At this store you meet with the right sort of sales service. A store where
deliveries are prompt where prices are right-fwhere selections are large
enough to allow the gratification of every personal taste and where courte-
ous" salesmen are ever ready to show you. ,.And, as always, you make your
own terms. , ,
Kitchen Cabinet
For Neatness
You never have to put away things
at the end ot a baking when you have
a Hoosier. As soon as you use an ar
ticle there is no other place to put it
but in its own place, right within arm's
reach in your cabinet. You just have
to save time and labor whether you
try to or not.
A Week Puts
the Hoosier 1
iji Your Home.
A Simmons
Means Rest
A Simmons' Steel Bed is good
through and through. R does not
rattle or shake and this sturdy con
struction is an aid to sound, refresh
ing sleep. , .
The above is just one of the
many new styjes in Srmmons' Steel
Beds awaiting your selection here.
$9.75, $14.50 to
Sole Agents in Omaha for the Nationally-Known
They Pay for Themselves
Right here in Omaha, winter
after winter, Howard Heaters
have been saving their owners
dollar after dollar on coal be
cause of their overdraft construc
tion. Burn All Fuels Perfectly
In view of an acute shortage
of coal throughout the winter,
due to the strike, this is an im
portant feature when selecting a
fit BBBMBIMillli I 111 Rj
Combination Ranges
It is a fine thing to be able to
burn coal, gas or wood In one
stove. It is convenient. It meant
a saving of time and you have a
Cool Kitchefi in Summer
Warm Kitchen in Winter
A "F e d e r a 1" Combination
1 Range with high warming oven,
four holes for coal and thres
powerful gas burn- ft A C A
ers is only iPO.OU
The Gas Stove That Is Nationally Advertised
- Cuts Down Gas Bills
Direct action of flames from the
burners means rapid cooking and a
saving on gas (as compared with
the old-style burner on many
They Bake Perfectly
and clean easily. A wide range ;
of models at moderate prices.
The Nationally Advertised and Guaranteed
Washing Machine '
A Maytag Washer
Pays for Itself
On a litle less than 10c for
electricity a Maytag Electric will
do an average family washing
and have it out on the line early
in the morning.
Meet the Easy Pay-
mAntc Sin fllA MavfatT
SUlClllO Via llav
I With the Money You
Save on Laundry.
The revolving aluminum cylin
der in a Maytag is easy to handle
and it will not rust or corrode.
Ik H
Sole Omaha Af nb for This Washing Machine.
for Armistice Day
3x5 Size
This is an exception
al value in a flag that
will give you years of
Electric Irons, $2.95.
Curtain Stretchers.
Folding Stepladder
Stools, $1.15.
Well made Waste
Baskets, 39e.
Trays, 95c.
Ten-piece Brown
Betty Baking Sets,
Fiber Shopping
Bags, at 29c. 1