Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 09, 1919, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 17

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    We kaew what an, but km act what w aajr be.
.' rtlakaapaara.
1 i ij
Sha'a far loo lovtly to ba wrong 1
Black, il aha ptcatca, shall ba whit.
. ' Pershinr Club.
The Pershing club will entertain
at a dance Monday evening at the
-Lyric hall, Nineteenth and Farnam,
. Political and Social Science.
- Mr. W. F. Baxter will address the
'political and social science depart
ment on "The Commission Form
of City Government," at the regu
lar meeting, Monday, November 10,
at 2:30 p. m. Mrs. John W. Gill
'will be the -leader of the day.
-Round Table Circle.
The Round Table Chautauqua
circle will meet at 7:30 Monday eve
nine. Mrs. W. B. Howard will be
the leader.
"Worph" Club.
'., The Social Settlement has or
-ganized a new supper club to be
known as the "VVorph" club. It will
hold its first meeting Monday eve
ning at the Settlement house with
Miss Winifred Smith as leader.
Tennyson Circle.
The Tennyson Chautauqua circle
will meet Monday at 1:30 o'clock at
the home of Mrs. A. D. Cloyd. The
lesson will be chapters 7, 8. 9 and
10 in "America, Among the Na
tions. Mrs. j. l. worey ana Mrs
Fred Elliott will be leaders.
Missionary Federation. 7
The Women's Missionary federa
tion will hold an all-day meeting
Tuesday, November the loth at the
First Christian church, Twenty-
sixth and Harney streets. Rev.
Frank G. Smith .of the First Central
Congregational church is the speak
er for the afternoon. Mrs. James
Almy has chargeX of the luncheon
arrangements, ana Mrs. j..w, uiu
is chairman of the program.
P. E. O. Meeting.
Chapter B. P. of P. E. O. Sister
hood will meet with Mrs. W- E.
Bronson, 1122 Park avenue, Tuts
day afternoon at 4 o'clock Mrs. P.
J. Haas will be the leader. '
Business Woman's Club.
The .Business Woman's club will
hold a meeting Tuesday at the Y.
W. C A. Miss Kate McHugh will
speak on the "Well Remembered
Voice." ....
D. A. R. Meeting.
The Daughters of t'le American
Revolution will, meet Tuesday aft
ernoon at 2:30 o'clock at the home
of Mrs. R. C. Hoyt, 610 Park ave
nue. Mrs. A, L. Fernald will hav
charge of the program, and Mr. TL
T. Fitch will speak on England.
South Side Woman's Club.
TheN South Side Woman's club
-will hold a business meeting at
Library Hall, Tuesday afternoon, at
2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Samuel Skrick
ley and Mrs. John B. Watkins will
read reports of the meeting of the
'State Federation which was held in
Hastings, Neb.,, two weeks ago.
Spanish Club.
The ' Omaha Spanish club will
meet Tuesday evening at 30 Pat
terson block.
1 North Side Mothers Club . .
The North Side Mothers' club will
meet Tuesday for luncheon at 1:30
o'clock at the home of Mrs. Cecil A.
Bacon, 2863 Bauman avenue.
The Omekro-E-Xima club of the
Social Settlement will meet Tuesday
evening at the Settlement.
, George Custer W. R. C.
The regular meeting of the George
A. Custer Woman's Relief corps will
be held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30
o'clock in the Elks' club rooms, 215
South Fifteenth street.
i - - a
Current Topics.
The Current Topics society will
11, at 2:30 o'clock at the Y. W. C. A:
auditorium, lhe meeting win open
with a Bible study from the 10th
chapter of Mark, 46th verse to the
end. The current events meeting
will follow with a paper on Andrew
Carnegie, read by Mrs. W. J. Chi
rum. A recitation will be given by
Mrs. H. G. Malstrom and a discus
sion of current events with . Mrs. I.
Creigh as' leader. '
U. S. Grant, W. R. C.
The U: S. Grant Woman's Relief
corps will hold inspection Tuesday
afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Elks'
club, 215 South Fifteenth street
Sermo Club. N
The Sermo club will meet at a 1
o'clock luncheon at the home of
Mrs. George Gearhart. Mrs. J. J,
Hess will be the, leader. Mrs
George Lindley vSU speak on "Our
Nature Birds." . .
Frances Willard W. C. T. U.
The FrancesHvMard W. C. T. U.
will meet Wednesday at 1 o clock at
the home of Mrs. W. H. Sanford,
4812 Florence boulevard. They will
sew for the Child Saving Institute.
W. C. T.'U. Meeting.
The Omaha W. C. TU. will meet
Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 at the
Y. W. C A. Auditorium. The re
port from the delegation to the
state convention, which was held in
York,.Neb.,! on October 16. will be
read. Superintendents will report
their work for the coming year.
Woman's Club Corps.
v The afternoon division of the
Woman's Club corps will meet
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock.
H. E. L. P. Club. '
The regular meeting of the club
will be held Wednesday evening at
the Social Settlement
Harmony Council.
Harmony council No.1480, K. L.
of S., will give a card party and
dance at the Swedish auditorium,
Wednesday evening, November 12.
Public Speaking Department.
The public speaking department
will meet Tuesday, November 11, at
fin 9 m f tli Y. V r a. StnHv
.will be continued in phonetics and
vocabulary building. The depart
ment will take up connotation to. de
velop mental assimilation and a
depth of personal response. The
membership of this department is
rapidly increasing.
A. C A. Notes.
The drama section of the associa
Af ntt.v)i. alumna will meet
iivii vi .uiiLgiaii. uihii" .....
rWovember 11 at 4 p. m., with Mrs.
J. H. McMillan, 115 Lincoln boule
vard. The play to be given - is
"'Waiting" by George Middleton.
Mrs. D. M. Scriben, leader, assisted
by Mesdames, Thornton and Holtz.
Story Tellers' League.
The Omaha Story Tellers' league
will meet Thursday, November 13,
at the home of Mrs. T. C. Brunner,
3205 Poppleton avenue.
Departmental Tea.
The public speaking department
will give a tea for new members at
the home of Mrs. L. M. Lord, 312
South Thirty-second street, Novem
ber 13 from 3 to 5 o'clock.
Longfellow Circle.
The Longfellow Chautauqua cir
cle will meet Thursday evening at
7:30 o'clock at the public library.
The lesson will be chapters 12 and
13 in "America Among the Nations."
Woman's Club Corps.
The evening division of the Wo
man' club corps for business girls
will hold jts regular meeting Thurs
day evening at 7 o'clock in the Y.
W. C. A. auditorium.
The Liberty chapter, Kensington
club, will meet Thursday afternoon
at the home of Mrs. C. M. Cohran,
2560 Ames at enue, at 2 o'clock. ,
American War Mothers.
The Omaha chapter of the Ameri
can War Mothers will meet Thurs
day evening in the Memorial hall at
the court house. A report of the
national convention will be given.
West Side' W. C. T. U.
The West Side W. C. T. U. will
meet Thursday at the home of Mrs.
William Vickers, 4667 Marcy street.
Psychology Department.
The department of psychology
will meet Thursday afternoon at
2:30 o'clock in the club rooms at the
Y. W. C. A.- The subject, "Mem
ory," will be discussed.
Th DaiiDrVifcrs nf 1812 will eive a
kensington at 2:30 o'clock Thursday.
Mesdames C. H. Mullin, George
Darr and Joseph Weeth will assist.
For Edith Hamilton. '
"Mr. and Mrs. Morton Englemarf'
entertained informally at dinner at
their home Friday evening in honor
of Miss Edith HamTTfbn and her
fiance, Mr. Edwin Thompson, of
Mineral Wells, Tex. Mr. and Mrs.
R. P. Hamilton, sr., were included
in the party.
Mr. and Mrs. R. P.1 Hamilton, sr.,
entertained at dinner at the Black
stone Saturday evening in their
honor. Pink . chrysanthemums
formed the ., centerpiece. Covers
were placed for Messrs. and Mes
dames Morton ,Englenjan, Harry
Schifferle, Robert Hamilton, jr.;
Mrs. Olive' Dodge, - Mrs. F. B.
Young and daughter, Miss Char
lotte Young, of Gering, Neb.; Miss
Edith Hamilton and Mr. Thomp
son. -
Mrs. Cecil Hitchens will be host-,
ess at a coffee Sunday afternoon in
honor of Miss Hamilton and Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hamilton,
jr., will entertain at a theater party
at the Brandeis Mondaveveniner.
followed by supper at the Athletic'
ciuu. .
"Roosevelt .Circle.
The Roosevelt Chautauqua circle
will meet Friday evening at the
home of Mrs. F. A. Cressey.
West Omaha Culture.
The West Omaha Mothers' Cul
ture club will hold its regular meet
ing next Friday at the home of
Mrs. W. W. Carmichael, 3845 Cali
fornia street, at 2 o'clock,
Among the luncheons Friday were
those of the Women's Educational
club at the Fontenelle, Nebraska
chapter Phi Delta Kappa at the
Chamber i of Commerce, and Uni
versity of Chicago at the Athletic
Book Week.
Miss Madeline Hillis, in charge of
the South . Side library, and Miss
Hazel Timmerman, assistant, -will
hold "open house" on Friday, No-
veber 14, at the library, Twenty-
third and M streets, in connection
with book week, November 10-16.
Trinity Auxiliary.
The women of Trinity Auxiliary
will serve a New England dinner
Friday, November 14 in the Parish
house, 1716 Dodge street- The din
ner will be served at 6:30 o'clock.
In the afternoon there will be a sale
of fancy articles for Christmas gifts.
The sale will open at three o'clock.
Dorcas Club.
The Dorcas Sewing club will meet
Friday at 1 o'clock at the home of
Mrs. Minnie Bexten.
Birthday Affair.
Mrs. A. C. Stewart was the hon
oree at a jurprise birthday party at
her home Wednesday afternoon.
She was presented with a cut glass
flower basket. Those present were
Mesdames J. Johson of Osceola,
Neb.; M.. Oberman, I. Beckaman,
C. R. Tate, A. Traieder, E. L.
Goode and Ed Carlsen.
Musical Tea.
The legular monthly musical tea
of the Omaha Woman s club will be
given Wednesday afternoon, No
vember 19, at the Y. W. C. A. audi
torium. An interesting program of
Spanish music and dances will be
given under the direction of Miss
Edith Miller. Mrs. J. Stanley Hill,
soprano, will give several numbers
of Spanish songs; contralto num
bers will be given by Mrs. E. F.
Anderson and Spanish dances by
Miss Mildred Jack. Mr. Francis
Potter will give solos -of Spanish
music on stringed instruments. All
taking part will wear Spanish cos--
tumes. Mrs. W. E. ahafer will be
the leader of the afternoon.Tea will
be served following the program.
Americanization and Thrift.
The state chairmen for American
ization and thrift for the Nebraska
State Federation of Women's Clubs
will be appointed by the executive
board. This will answer inquiries
received regarding these officers.
Round Table.
. The League of the Round Table
will be entertained at luncheon by
Miss Gertrude Bailey at her home
Dunsany Lecture. '
The Dunsany lecture will take
place Saturday . afternoon, Novem
ber 15, in the ball room of the Hotel
Fontenelle, at 3 o'clock. . 1
A. C. A. Luncheon.,.
,The Association of Collegiate
Alumnae will meet Saturday, No
vember 15, at 1 o'clock luncheon in
the Palm room of the. Fontenelle
hotel. A general meeting will fol
low the luncheon. A special pro
gram .has been arranged for the af
fair. '
Look at tongue! Remove poi
sons from stomach, liver
and bowels.
Accept "California" Syrup of Figs
only look for the name California
on the package, then you are sure
your child is having the best and
most harmless laxative or physic for
the little stomach, liver and bowels.
Chlidren love its delicious fruity
taste. Full directions for child's
dose on each bottle. Give it with
out fear.'
Mother! You must say "Califor
nia." . j
A Home Made
Gray Hair Remedy
Gray, streaked or faded hair can
be immediately made black, brown
or light brown, whichever shade you
desire, by the use of the following
remedy that you can make at home:
Merely get a box of Orlex powder
at any drug store. It costs very lit
tle and no extras to buy. Dissolve
it in 4 oz. of distilled or rain water
and comb it through the hair. Full
directions for use and a $100.00 gold
bond come in each box guaranteeing
the user that Orlex powder does not
contairi silver, lead, zinc, sulphur,
mercury, aniline, coaltar products
or their derivatives.
It is safe, does not rub off, is not
sticky or gummy and leaves the hair
fluffy. It will make a gray-haired
person look twenty years younger.
Again !
, "Adler-i-ka has been worth its
weight in gold to me. It has CURED
my constipation and a serious bowel
trouble which I had." (Signed) Mrs.
Anna Wagner.
Adler-i-ka flushes BOTH upper
and lower bowel so completely it re
lieves ANY CASE gas on stomach
or sour stomach. Removes a sur
prising amount of foul, decaying
matter from the alimentary canal
(which poisdned stomach for
months). Often CURES constipa
tion." Prevents appendicitis. The IN
STANT pleasant action of Adler-i-ka
astonishes both doctors and pa-'
tients. It is a mixture of buckthorn,
cascara, glycerine and nine other
simple ingredients. Sherman &
McConnell $)rug Co.
Quick Action When
Pneumonia Threatens
Tightness and Soreness in
Chest Calls for Begy's
Don't fool with slow acting lini
ments, poultices, plasters, hot water
bottles and the like, when Begy's
Mustarine, the first and best im
provement on Grandma's old-fashioned
Mustard Plaster will subdue
the inflammation and put you right
over night.
It's hot stuff is Begy's Mustar
ine that's why its the speediest
killer of pain in the world.
But it can not blister you can al
ways depend on that, but it will open
up the pores and end the misery, in
double quick time.
Its the real honest remedy for all
aches and pains, for congestion and
inflammation, for swellings and
Use it the minute you suspect that
Influenza is attacking you and re
member to apply it promptly if you
want to conquer sore throat, ton
silitis, croup, coughs, pleurisy or
bronchitis in just a few hours.
. Always in the yellow box never
sold in jars and money back if not
as advertised. Be sure its Begy's
S. C. Well. & Co., L. Roy, N. Y.
Only Thirty-seven More Shopping Days Before Christmas
. ' . - . ' r
Monday We Launch Our Greatest
s alle I
Read Every Word 1
THHIS is the greatest sale we ever held.
- Greatest because of the great amount
of high quality merchandise (when
merchandise is scarce), greatest above
all in the wonderful low prices we offer.
Shop now and buy everything you will
need for Christmas.
A Special Offer In
14-Kt. Solid Gold, very small and
nifty Octagon design, with the
very finest and most reliable 15
jewel movement. Only a limited
number of these beautiful
Watches in stock.
Regular Price $55.00.
This Week
Solid Gold American
15-Jewel Movement
Very reliable timekeeper and
extra small size. We take
pleasure" in showing you this
Regular Price $38.00. '
This Week
14-Kt 20-Year Gold Filled Octa
igon Case with the best 15-jewel,
Note, Same Prices as Last Year
17E have not raised our prices one cent
, from last year (look up our last
year's ads and see) for. instance, cut
glass which was a great bargain and half
priced at $1, is still sold at $1. We have
practically eliminated all profit to get vol
ume of business. Buy all you can afford.
Special Sale of '
Sheffield Silver Hollow
Six-Piece Tea
and Coffee Set,
movement. A wfatch that will
run well and keep time. .
Regular Price $29.75.
This Week'
Coffee Pot, reg.
price $18, now
Tea Pot. reg.
price, $17.75,
Cream Pitcher,
reg. price $9.00,
14-Kt 20-Year Case, small , size
and reliable timekeeper, 15-
jewel movement. Only 27
these in stock
Regular Price $21.75.
This Week
Serving Tray, reg.. dQ f
price $39.50, now. P3 1 WU
Sugar Bowl, reg. ,
price $11, now. . .
Loaf Sugar Bowl,
reg. price $9, now
Sheffield Silver Water, Pitcher,
.JS. $18.20-
Sheffield Meat Platters, beauti-"
ful shape, reg. t 1 5 Hfl
$15.00 now ipiU.UU
Sheffield Bread Trays, hammered
edge, reg. price d Af
$8.00, now PO.tU
Berry Bowl, reg. 1 1 OA
price $14.00 now. . V 1 1
Casseroles, reg. price Af
$8.00, now ipO.U
Creamer and Sugar, beautiful de
sign, reg. price fc17 C.f
$22.00, now D I .OU
Vegetable Dish, Combination
Dish, reg. pric fc1fi OA
$21.00, now iplD.OU
One-Half Price Sale of AH Leather Goods in the Store
Our Jntire stock is included
in this great sale. Remember,
that we - carry the largest and
finest line of' all kinds of high
grade leather goods. There aref
Ladies' Hand Bags, Vanity and
Envelope 'Leather Bags and hun
dreds ,of items to select from.
Fine Real Pin Seal Hand Bag
with fine engraved frame at
tached, lined 'with fine brocade
silk and fitted with mirror. Regu
lar price $19.75; Monday, Tues
day and Wednesday, 35
Ladies' Hand Bag in real black
morqeco leather with outside
handkerchief pocket. Fancy out
side flap with button fastener,
double metal frame inside for
change compartment and fitted
with mirror. Regular price
$15.75; Monday, Tuesday and
e..., :$7.88
Ladies' Real Seal Pleated Bag
with covered frame, fine Moire
silk lining, with purse and mir
ror. Regular price $10.75; Mon
day, Tuesday and QQ
Wednesday J0.00
Ladies' Real Seal Hand Bag,
pleated effect with fine quality
Moire silk lining, partly covered
frame with inside change purse
attached and fitted with mirror.
Regular price $11.00; Monday,
Tuesday and KA
Wednesday . ...... . 4O.Ov
Vanity Bag, genuine fihp long
grain seal, fancy silk fining, coin
frame center pocket, fitted with
purse and mirror. Size 5x8
inches, enameled button lock.
Regular price $16.00; Monday,
Tuesday and Wednes- jfc Q A A
. . . V-'. w
day, Vi price.
Vanity Bag, genuine, panther
grain seal, fancy silk lining, in
side frame, center pocket fitted
with purse and mirror, enameled
button lock, size 5x6 inches.
Regular price $8.00; Monday,
Tuesday and Wednes- t A A
day, price...... P'r.UU
Several hundred Ladies' Leath
er Bags to select from ; each and
every Bag will be sold at just
one-half of regular price Mon
day, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Come early, while selection is
A Big and Attractive Display of New Cut Glass
Cut Glass Bon Bon, Daisy
sf"?:1: . . . $i.oo
Cut Glass Vase, 9 -inch,
pattern .... $1.00
Cut Glass Bon Bon Dish,
with cover, AA
Daisy pattern V iUu
Cut Glass Sugar and
Creamer, 1 Aft
Daisy pattern, P 1 .U vf
Cut Glass Mayonnaise
Bowl, Daisy fi1,ftft
pattern J 1 .VJ V
Cut Glass Individual
Water Bottle and Glass,
Marguerite d 1 rift
pattern V 1 vJU
Cut Glass Creamer and
Sugar, Mar- d ff
guerite pat.. . P eVvr
Cut Glass Comport, Mar
guerite d1 Af
pattern J 1 iUU
Cut Glass Powder Box
and Hair Receiver, Mar
guerite df ft ft
pattern . . . .. viV"
Cut Glass Butter Dish,
with cover, Marguerite
TT. '..:...$ 1.00
Cut Glass Milk Pitcher,
Marguerite l A A
pattern V 1 UU
Cut Glass 8-inch Fruit
Bowl, Mar
guerite pat.
. Cut Glass 6-inch
v Nappy, Daisy
?,t $1-00
n . r ,
, VUi uiass 2 ana
IP. I. n i ' s t n t r 'i-handle Nappy,
I Extraordinary bale ot tut Glass j M;er; $1.00
I Water SetsMonday I
i Water PitcIier6 Water Glasses I
! Price $9.75
Fre,e with every Water Set, 1.14-inch beveled Mir-j
Dollar Sale on Stratford
Silver Flatware
1 Stratford Berry Spoon, Betsy Ross pattern,
at 81.00
1 Stratford Cold Meat Fork, Betsy Ross pattern,
at $1.00
1 Stratford Gravy Ladle, Betsy Ross pattern,
at 81.00
1 Stratford Cream Ladle, Betsy Ross pattern,
at 81.00
1 Stratford Jelly Knife, Betsy Ross pattern,
at 81.00
3 Serving Spoons, Betsy Ross pattern, 81.00
6 Stratford 5-O'Clock Teaspoons, Betsy Ross
pattern 81.00
1 Stratford 2-piece Child Set, Betsy Ross pat
tern 81.00
Special Jewelry Offers
Solid Gold Baby Rings -S1.00
Solid Gold Baby Pins, pair ......... .Sl'.OO
Solid Gold Seal Stick Pins ....S1.00
Solid Gold Tie Clasp ..81.00
Solid Gold Collar Button' Sl.OO
14-Karat Gold-Filled Cuff Buttons, plain and
engraved 81.00
14-Karat Gold-Filled Waldemar Watch Chains,
at 81.00
14-Karat Gold-Filled Pocket Knives, 2 -blades,
at 81.00
14-Karat Gold-Filled Stick Pins, with sets,
at 81.00
16th and Douelas Sts. mp":..1' JEWELERS
At the Sign
of the Crown.
Golden Stairs.
1 1
Prompt Attention. Omaha. Neb. I