THE : OMAHA SUNDAY BEEr NOVEMBER ' 9, 1919.' 0;.1AIIA SCHOOL TEACHERS GET POPULAR VOTE Many Local Educators Nomi nated fo? Office in State A; Teachers' Association ;v" ' , Primary. " . . Omaha school officials and teach ers were favorites in the nomina tions for offices in the State Teach - vrs association, according to the canvass of ballots made yesterday by the executive committee. Approximately n.uuu votes were cast in this "primary." The five re ceiving the highest votes for each ' office were declared nominated, but any of these who don t want to make the race can decline in a letter to the secretary within the next week. i iupt. J. H. hevendge of the : Omaha schools was nominated for president of the association, mem ber of the executive committee in the Qlnaha district and for vice pres ident. . ": .;.s'.v- Others Are Nominated. . ,. J. G. Masters, principal of Cen tral High school, received a nomi nation ' for treasurer and for ' vice president. Belle Ryan, assistant su perintendent of schooj, was nomi nated for president and for vice " president. ''-It is necessary for these three to choose for what office they wish to run. Mr. Beveridge has signified that he will run for membership on, the executive 'committee, instead of for president. This decision brings Miss Ryan into fifth place among the presidential nominees, as she re ceived only one vote less for this office thaJi H. H. Hahn. The nominees are as follows:. : V Official Vote. ; For president: J. H. Beveridge, Omaha, 295; J. A. Stoddard, Beat rice, 185; C. Ray Gates, Columbus, . 162? J. A. Doremus, Aurora, 103; H. H: Hahn, Wayne, 98. - : ' i-' For vice president: C. Ray Gates, Columbus, 196; Belle Ryan, Omah.i, 91; J. A. Doremus.. Aurora, 70; J.G. Masters, Omaha, 65; A. J. Stoddard, Beatrice," 55, ' HFor treasurer? " J. F. Matthews, Grand Island, 836;. ;H. O. Sutton, Kearney, 40; C. Ray Gates, Colum bus, 32; J. rf. Beveridge, Omaha, 28; J. G. Masters, Omaha, 24. Member executive committee of Omaha district: J. H. Beveridge,1 296j J. G. Masters, 66; Belle Ryan, 46; JU. E. Potter, 22; Martha Pow ell.'21. All these are from Omaha'. V F, M. Gregg of University Place,' the present president of the associa tion, received' 409 votes in nomina tioa fof the office again, but is in eligible v for re-election, having served a term. - . ""'! The final election- of officers will ' be : made by referendum ballot mailed out to the teachers within the next 30 days. -4 Refuse to Pay Claim Of Efficiency Man For State House Work - Lincoln. Nov. " 8.-(Special.) . State Auditor George W. Marsh has retused to approve the claims of J. L.Jacobs & Co. of Chicago for ef ficiency work in organizing the de partments of the , state under the ! code law. , . ; ' .. The .. claims, as presented ; by voucher to the auditor are as fol- Department Public Works ; 11,332. 65 . Department Agrlculturo 399.60 Department Labor . 44.40 Department Trade and Commerce 26.40 . Department Public Welfare 133.30 .Department Finance .'. . 44.40 : In denying the claims the. state auditor holds .that in the first place the charges are excessive. He un derstands that the work charged for f was at the, rate of $100 a day. He thinks this all out of proportion for : the usual charges for such , work and' that- there are efficiency men in Nebraska who could have done , the work for much less money n "I believe we ought to patronize our . home folks instead of going outside of the state,". said the auditor. i Mr. Marsh said he had talked 'with experts -in this state and they had told him that the work ' ought' to have been done for about one-half what the Chicago men charged. He is also of the opinion that. there are no. funds available for payment of these claims and holds that the " legislature made no appropriation ' for efficiency work, understanding that the secretaries of the different ... f . oepartments were to oe men wno understood how to run their de t. partments. He thinks the claims should go to v the next legislature for approval. Snow and Colder Weather . Is Promised for Next Week- .V dOllllIlUll, UX O. CrtlliCl predictions for the week beginning Monday , are: Upper Mississippi 4and , lower Missouri valleys, local snows north, snow or rain south Sortion of district Monday, followed y generally fair and considerably colder weather a few days. Gener ally fair second half of week, with a return' to normal temperature.11, Zoning System Protects City's Health Safety Proposed Ordinance Would' Divide Omaha Into Dis tricts In Which Height, Size and Arrangements of Buildings, Would Be Regulated to Natural Prt cesses of, Growth and Curb or Directv Artificial ' Processes. ' . By B. Kvenild, ' Secretary of City Planning . Commission. "Zoning is thatrt of the city plan which co-ordinates the v other component parts of the plan by reg ulating the use, height, size and ar rangement oF buildings in accord ance with a predetermined City wide scheme of development. Zon ing is a legitimate exercise of the police power in the interests of pub lic safety, health and general wel fare. The establishment and growth of cities is partly a natural and partly an artificial process. . It is the function of the city plan, and particularly of the zone plan, scientifically so to promote the nat ural processes and so to curb and direct the artificial processes of growth that the city may become a place of safety in which to live and work, whre heajthful living conditions obtain, where the ameni ties of life may, be enjoyed and wherein the physical structure of the city may be commensurate with the citv's need. . . . ; For this purpose an 'ordinance has been prepared by the city plan ning commission, which regulates and restricts She location, of trades arfd industries, 'locales buildings wdc signed for special uses, regulates the height find bulk of -buildings here after erected, -and regulates and de-; tcrmines the area of yards, courts, and other open. ;spaces about build ings, and" establishes the boumLv ries of districts for said, purposes. ' , Three Main Parts. The 7 ordinance has three main parts, use districts, height districts and area districts. ' . The use' districts regulate and re strict the1 locations of commerce, business, trades or industries and' the , location' of all buildings dc sicned, erected or occupied foryspe cified uses, artrf divides the city of Omaha into four sections: (a) resi-j Aencf district t Vb commercial dis- trict; (c) industrial district; and (d) unrestricted district. j Under, (a) 'For Residence JJis trict. all land and buildings in the residence .; district shall be erected for and used exclrfcively as dwell . . i i ings. tenements, lodging or uoaru ing houses, churches, private clubs, hospitals, - sanitariums, public or cpmi-miKlir institutions of ail edll- cational, philanthropic or eleemosy nary nature, railroad passenger sta tion and the. usual accessories lo cated Ion the" same "lot with these various buildings. This includes the office of a ' physician,' dentist or l other person authorized by. Jaw to practice such .proiessions,' ana in cludes private1 garages containing space for not more than four auto mobiles, - . , 1 , ' Under (b) or commercial' district, all buildings shall be . erected and ujed for stores or shops, for' the conduct of wholesale or retail busi ness. Places of amusement, office oi offices, police or fire department sta tion houses, postoffices, studios, con servatories, dancing academies, car penter shops,, sleeping, or dyeing works, public garages, painting, pa per hanging or decorating stores or shops, dress making, laundries, mil linery stores or shops, photograph galleries, plumbing shops, roofing or plastering establishments, tailoring, tinsmithing, upholstering or under taking establishments, and also any use permitted in the residence dis trict ' Also telephone exchanges, electric substations or car barns may be established in this district, upon permit from the citjjr council. Also upon certain conditions the city council may issue permit jfor a pub lic garage, in this commercial dis trict. " , . industries Are Prohibited. Under (c), or industrial (district, the': Jol lowing1 industries; ' trades or uses jare" prohibited : ' . Amonia, chlo rtne. 'bleaching powder, sulphurous, sulphuric;' nitric ori hydrochloric acid manufacture, asphalt manufac ture or refining, brick tile or terra cotta manufacture r storage, boiler works, creosote treatment or manu facture, crematories, distillation of coal, wood or bones, fat rendering, fertilizer manufacture, illuminating or ' heating gas .manufacture, glue manufacture, gunpowder, fireworks or explosive manufacture or storage, incineration v0r ' reduction of gar bage, offal, dead animals or refuse, iron foundries, lamp black' manu facture, lime, cement or plaster of pari , manufacture, paint manufac ture, petroleum refining or storage, pickje, sausage or vinegar manufac ture, railroad yard or, roundhouse, Saw hides and skins storage, curing or tanning, rolling mill, scrap iron, junk or rags storage or baling, slaughtering of animals or fowls, smelting of iron, soap manufacture, yards for storing or feeding of stock, stone mills or quarries, tallow, grease or lard manufacture or refin ing, tar roofing or tar waterproof ing manufacture, chewing tobacco manufacture. . ' . Buildings' designated and used for all other trades and for purposes of storage, industry, commerce or res idence may be erected in this dis trict. " v " : r 7 1 Under (SJ, or unrestricted dis trict, buildings may be erected and used without restriction as to the nature of their use, provided, the same is not prohibited by law or ordinance. . ;, The height' : district" regulates and limits the height of buildings, and divides the city of Omaha into four classes: (a) 35-foot-' district; (b) 60-foot district; (c) 100-foot dis trict, aud (d) 150-foot district. The area district regulates and limits'the area of a lot or plot of ground to be occupied by buildings, and. divides the city of Omaha into four classes designated tas "A," rB,M "C" and "D" districts. 1 "A" district allows1 that 100 pef cent of the area'of the hot can be occupied by building; HB".district al lows that J00 per cent of the area of the lot can. be used on "the first floor, and 75. per cent of the corner lot; "C" district allows that 40 per cent of tha area or-the lot can be occupied, by building; and "D" dis trict allows that 25 per cent of the area of. the lot can be occupied by buildings. This means that "C" and "D" districts will be used for resi dence ' purposes; that "B" district will1 be used for commercial pur poses, and that "A" district used for industrial purposes. ' ' ... V -i r ' . Civics Taught by Adventure. . An'Indian'boy learns by adven ture the1 things he should know to be artfood American citizen. That's whynprogressive civics teachers are having the boys and girls clip out and. bringl to school the "Adven 'fures that Made an American," now starting in. The Bee. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. BOY HELD IN JAIL .AS RIOT SUSPECT FREED BY JUDGE Father Flannagan Says Police Arrested Lad Without a v Shred of Evidence. Frank VaUnti, 11 years old, ar rested on suspicion of being involved fn the court house riots of Septem ber 28, was turned over by Judge Troup in juvenile court yesterday to Father Flannagan, who will take Frank to his home for boys. This young boy was kept in the county' jail for a week after his arrest, which occurred the day after the Hot. He has been .in Rivir viewxdtention home since; that time.' .-',..,'.,... The boy is defective," aid Father Flannagan. "He is under nourished and underdeveloped. He is one of a family of eight children. His father is. a cobbler and the fam ily live at' Tenth and Pacific street. He is in the first grade at school "There was no shred of evidence to show the boy had' any activity in the riots at all and how the police happened to pick on him is beyond my comprehension." i ', ' - , The grand jury returned five in dictment at noon yesterday and then adjourned until Monday morn ing. Richard Smith, colored, was in dicted, charged with a . statutory offense against ZetMonahan, 3010 Davenport street. 4 The names of the, other four wert not given ouLas they have 'not been ' arrested. . Tom Dennison, City Commission' er Butler and, City Commissioner Zimman were called as witnesses and gave testimony before the grand jury yesterday. It is now expected that the jury will adjounuearly this week. Be fore doing so the, 16 men wilt visit the various county institutions on a tour of inspection as is customary with grjand juries. y ' Losing both hands by an accident, a St. Louis young woman has learn, td to operate a typewriter speedily nith sticks with cushioned endthat he attaches to her artificial hands. This Medicine Rcddnniended by a Doctor When a doctor uses a medicine himself ( besides1, prescribing it to his patients, he '"must know that it has merit. v 'This is what Dr. J. H. Wagner, a promr inent physician of Skate, Kentucky, has to say about Dr. Hartman's well-known remedy, PE-RU-NA: "I have used PE-RU-NA myself for catarrh and have given . it to others for catarrh,, bloating after eat ing and other ailment. It has proved a success in all cases with old and young men and women. All speak well of PE-RU-NA. It is the best of all tonics." , Dr. Wagner, out of the fullness of his . own personal experience, for the good of all sick and suffering, recommends a . medicine which he knows to be good. You may be sure a doctor would not endanger his professional reputation by endorsing PE-RU-NA unless satisfied beyond a doubt of its value. , Whether your trouble be a cough or a cold, or a more subtle catarrhal affection of the stomach, bowels or other organs, give nwiu-NA a trial. The immediate improvement which von will e nrill ant. flfy beyond a doubt that PE-RU-NA is what you need. PE-RU-NA may be purchased anywhere in tablet or liquid form. ( 'it 1 u J f it 9 mm 4 DR. J. H. WAGNER STORE H0UR5e9 A. M. TIU. 6 P. It We Buy Direct From ihe Producer Fresh Butter, Eggs, Fresh Dressed Poultryetc, paying cash at the highest market price on day of delivery, Hundreds of producers are finding direct selling most satisfactory. So will you try it . STORU HOURS 9 A. M. TILL 6 P. M.v THE ASH STORE v; We Take Liberty Bnds of any issue at market value in payment for merchandise purchased here. Any Inquiry In regard to same will be cheerfully answered at Cashier's Window, Main Office, Third Floor." , . !-, You'D Not (fribble Over These ' Special nces Dsunty ON Blouse Seldoni' ill "-our experi ence,' certainly' not lne v- eral seasons, have we been able to secure ' values the equal ' of these , " JNovember sale specials Sensational Sale of Ladies' Fine Blouses FORMONpAY, 600 Crege de Chine and Georgette Blouses-All colors f and 'all 'sizes; values to $6,00 Our Cash Price, Monday - . $298 400 Georgette Blouses-Beaded- and embroid ered, the newest and - J. A. I .11 ciassiesx ini iw: g, adcg and all glzes; aU wanted shades: sfzeffior, L , , ; , all; blouses that were priced to $15.00. Cash Price, Monday ' - - $7.50 500 Georgette, Crepe de Chine and.'' Washable Satin Blouses All riew $10. day- styles;: values, to Cash Price, Mon- $5.00 SiMAret ..FIRST Distinction ' in' ' quality., and colorings. Second Remarkably low cash prices mark our shewing of New Winter Silks one of keenest -interest td all economically inclined women.v '':;vr',:'; '.'''; . : ,, v .;; " '.'v ' .. Don't Miss These Specials $5.50 Sat$n Pannes 4Q ; inches wide, navy, midnight, nigger l)rown,taupe and black. Our Gash Price. ; ;. . . . ... .$4.50 W-50 ; Satin D u v e t y n 40 inches -wide, brown, navy and black. Cash Price. . . .S6.9S $3.50 Crene Meteor 40 inches wide, -wine, Myrtle, olive, prune,' wisteria; at. . . .$2.69 $3.50 Satin Imperial 40 inches wide, gray, wine, Myrtle, hunters, olive and prune. Cash Price. .; .$2.69 $1.59 $3.50 Satin Cteeta 36 inches wide, in all colors $3.50 t f Fancy Striped TaTf eta, 36-in. . $2.50 Colored Messaline, 36-in . TO All Silk gingham, 36-in. . , $2.00 Black Messaline, 36-ini ...... I Black Taffeta, 36-in $2.25 'Corduroy 33 inches wide', rose, copen, regimental blue, golden, , brown, wine, Jkaupe and prune. ... .'.$1.75 $155 : Velveteen 22 inches wide, rose, navy, green, wine,, copen and plum; at.....98? $8.50 Chiffon'. Velvet 42 inches . wide, "; copen, wine, plum, jjjrune, navy, Pekin,' taupe and black. Our Cash Price only'...... $7.50 $1.50 Silk Poplin 36 - inches wide. Cash Price. . . '. . .98$ $5.50 Costume Velveteen 44 inches wide, navy, brown, taupe, wine, green, prune and black. Cash Price. . .. .$4.75 $4.00 Costume Velveteen 33 inches wide, navy, copen, green, prune, nigger brown, chestnut and j black. Our Cash Price........... $3.25 ' ....i.. ...... Coat Styles That fashion Dictates And, ; of ' course;" just what womerr want an almost end less assortment here for your selection ''and " at low cash prices that constitute them. values; truly extraordinary. '. Two Extra Specials 150 Cloth and Plush Coats - Many, of these with, fur ol- lars, and many lined through out; high grade materials and' x exceptionally wrell made; Spe- , cial Cash Price K , $35.00 100 LADIES' COATS In very high-grade materials, includ ing bolivias, velours, plushes and other pop ular materials; all sizes, including stouts for the large women. Special Cash Price $49.00 Just the Wekve and Coloring You Want in Wool Goods 4p-Inch French and Storm Serges, half woo!; a splendid dress fabric; in all colors; (plenty of navy; be sure and ' buy them now; tash price. 98 60 and 56-inch wide All Pure Wool Black French Serge, an ele gant material for suits and dresses,. black only; it is selling else where for $3.50 . to ?3.98; our special cash price S1.98 50:inch All Pure Wool Serge, in all colors, .plenty of navy ; they are well worth today $3.00,'" our. cash price .....$2.50 6 Inches wide, All Pure Wool Plaids, in a decidedly good range of colorings, from the somber dark effects to the bright sport pat terns and colors; a J regular $5.00 value, cash price S2.WS 50-Inch All Pure Lambs Wool French Serge; very fine quality in 25 different colors; plenty of navy;- they are scarce everywhere x at ?4.00; our special cash price .........2.95 56-inch wide, best qual ity, fine All Pure" Aus tralian Wool Broad cloth, the fine, rich, silk luster cloth; plenty of navy and black and twenty other colors; our . very special cash price ... $5.98 56-incIi wide All Pure Wool. Coatings of all kinds of pretty colors and materials; they are well worth from $2.00 to $3.00 more; don't miss to see them; our cash price ....84.98 56 inches wide, the very V Jlnest pure wool Duvetyn, in all colors; they are selling other places rrom $10.00 to $12.50, our special cash price $7.98 Have Your Skirt Made U) Measure .bi an ex-, pert man tailor In all the new up-to-date styles; fit and work manship ' guaranteed; Inquire Dress Goods Dept Main Floor; for the making ....$3.00 V-Specialism Dinnerwaref 36-Piece Dinner Set, Worth $12.00, at $9.50. , ; Neat border decoration, "with gold line edges and .tvaced Jiandles, high grade American semi-pjpcelain. Service for 6 persons. ' -'' ' , ; ;c t.J 36-Piece Dinner Set, Worth $.50, at . . J .-$7.50 , Pretty decoration, American semi porcelainware. . Service for 6 r rsons.: 100-Piece Blue Band Dinner Set American semi-porcelain; . service for 12 persons ; special ......... $20.00 100-Piece Dinner Set, Special, $27.50 Pretty decorated American porcelain ware. Border decoration. Complete service for 12 perccriK ' ,5 d 500 English Tea Pots . . . : Values to C2.00, Monday, special at, each . . , .95 SpecialValuesjn Furniture , i-.. . . . i Simmon's Guaranteed Springs - All sizes. At..., $4.50 to S25 We, have marked down our own-regular cash price to a price where every ''offering is a big value. Only furniture of known quality find their way into our stocksence ,you;-are assured of absolute satisfaction. " v' ; . - $35.00 Enerlander' Couch Bed perfect bed when open, smooth, level surface; when closed a per fect ; couch; .rustprbof : " steel spring : ' roll , edge cotton ;. felt mattress. Cash Price,' complete .'. . . $28.75 $35.00v Simmon's 2 Inch Continuous Post Brass Beds Reduced $45.00 Simmon's V2 Inch Straight Post Brass Beds Reduced : to,: Cash Price. . ..... ..... $33.50 ' $28.50 3:Piece Simmon's Bed Fitted with , guaranteed sanitary link springs ; sizes, . 4-6 and 3-6. Our Special Cash Price only..... ...... . . . . . ... .$23.50 Guaranteed Mat tresses In all ; sizes. At.;.. $4.75 to $60 Sanitary, Pure Feath er Pillows Per pair, from $2 to $15 Genuine, Red Cedar Chests Direct from m Tennessee. Priced 3 at... $12.50 -to $75 Golden, Fumed and Waxed Oak Ex tension Tables Six feet long. Our Cash Prices. .$18.50 to $75.00 Golden, Fumed and Waxed Oak Chairs To: match. From. .... .$2.50 to, $9.00 For the Home 1, s' SPECIALS FOB M05DAY. Electric Iron, $7.00 value, apectal... Folding Ironing. Board, securely Splint Clothes Basket, cash price Snllnt Clothes Haraper with cover, ar cash 85.50 82.25 Splint Clothes Hamper Pri?6. V."..; " i;'rV.;.'l',r-"lVin.Mnl rush O ueaar un mop. "'-"jy,; nrice ..... ! Universal launch -Kit. with one-pint vacuum bottle Isrf.Wo -Two-Quart Aluminum Double Boiler. .81.98 Hayden's Special $1-50 Broom, speeial for Monday ...... .aUX.uiF Chair Step Stool, our cash pnoe 5J?5 Stool Step Ladder our cash price 81. 1U .STOVES A9D HEATERS. Hard-Coal Base Burner, 14-lnch rirepotr. fiiH nickel, cash price V ; -StIka Solt Coal Heating Stoves, up from. .818.6JJ Kftchen Range Stoves, up from. .. . .839.0U Vniversal Combination Coal and Oao, our cash price i 81?2R Cabinet Gas Range i2"Sflf Gas Heaters 5?i'I Coal Oil Heaters ..84.75 Here Some Interesting Grocery Specials ; K ' For Monday's Big Special Sale v You'll Want (o Look Stylishly Dressed i Many a beautiful dress or suit loses , half its charm by rea son of the wearer having on an ill fit ting coreet, or one w i t h-o u t becoming lines.' :v - You'll; find the dainty " r;'" LADY RUTH corsets will meet your supreme favor once tried. Jhey combine serviceability and . comfort with artistic lines not to be surpassed. Xet : Our .Expert Fitters , Take Care of Your Needs. SPECIAL TOR MONDAY A . dainty Lady - Ruth' model, made of pink coutil, with elastic top1; front lace. Our Special Cash Price. .. .... . . 1 . .$3.00 v In Corset Department Second Floor,! 1 Buy Vlmit now and make Tour own bread. One anek of flour, will make 04 lte loaves of bread. 48-lb. sacks Best lgh Grade Diamond H Flour 82.98 k?4-lb. sacks Best High (irade jjiamona n riuur S5-lb. sacks Pure Rye Flour,.... $1.40 Th Rest Domestic Macaroal. , Spaghetti or Egg Noodles, , J t-pkg .,. -T'At Grape Nuts,' pKg. ...... ..lSVic Fancy Japan Rice, lb 15e Good Japan Broken Rice, lb. ...-8 1-3r Oil Sardines, can ........ 6',4e Snlder's Tomato Soup can Large bottle Pure Tomato Catsup or Cider Vinegar, bottle -10e Large Jars Pure Fruit - , i Preserves ,...35e Advo Jell, tor dessert. pkg. ,'4 Teast Foam, pkg..... No. 2 cans Fancy Sweet Sugar Corn, Early June Peas or Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, rier can ...i ......IS'ie Nunso Evaporated Sweet Corn, pkg. ....Be No. 2 cans Golden Pumpkin. can TVaC No. 1 Hand Picked Navy Beans, lb 10c to. 1 California Brown Beans, lb. 614c' 16-oz. cans Pet or Carnation Milk tec 16-oz. cuns Wilson Milk... 15c Kamo Assorted Soups, per can 10c Sallon cans Golden Table Syrup ...83 ft -gallon cans Golden Table Syrup . . T 45c No. 2 cans Golden Wax (Beans 18c ' DRIED FRUIT D NUT SPECIALS. Fancy new. Evaporated, Peaches, lb .-35c Fancy new Santa Clara Prunes, lb. 20c Fancy new Seedless . Raisins, lb 25c Fancy new Cleaned Currants, I lb. r. ....... :to Fancy Evaporated Bartlett Pears, lb 25c Fancy Evaporated Apples, lb ., 30 No. 1 Shelled Popcorn, lb.. 10c New Taragona Soft Shell Almonds, lb -40r New California Walnuts, lb. i.... 35 'ew BrazlJ Nuts, lb 30c Frsh Roasted Peanuts. lb. ...... HV4c THE GREATEST TEA AND COFFEE MARKET IN OMAHA. Diamond H Cereal and Coffee, lb 25c The Best Tea Sittings, lb..22e Our Famous Golden Santos Coffee, lb 38c Diamond H Blend, per lb. .40c H. B. C. Special Blend. per lb. 424e M. & J., the talk of Omaha, lb 45 OMAHA'S GREATEST YEUE- - TABLE MARKET. 15 lbs. Best NO. 1 Cooking . Potatoes 50c Fancy Solid Cabbage, lb... 3c Fresh Southern Shalots, Rad ishes. Beetaor Carrots, bunch 5c Fancy Head Lettuce, head 12c Fresh Spinach, peck 30c Large Cucumbers, each.... 20c Fancy Ripe Tomatoes, lb..l5e Rutabagas, Beets or Carrots! lb 3 1-Sr Poncy Cooking Appses, peck ; 85c Large Grape Fruit, each.7 BUTTER. CHEESE. BHT TERINE. ETC. Strictly fresh Eggs, doz...B5 Good Creamery Buttsr, lb..08e Pure Honey, lb 35c Full Cream, N. Y. White Cheese, lb 45e Full Cream Young America or Wisconsin Cream Cheese, per lb ,...38 Fancy Brick Cheese, lb... .48c Fancy Dill Pickles, doz...25 Fancy Sauer Kraut. qt....lOc Fresh Ground Peanut Butter, lb .221,4 Wall Pap er To induce you to buy now, we are offer ing some wonderful bargains in Wall Papers in our. large "Daylight Dept" ' . Specials For This Week. Tapestries and Blends, for living and dining room?, 75c value,. for, per roll........34M 30-Inch Oat Meal Pauers.a good line of col ors to select from, beautiful cut-out borders are shown with each, regular 50c values, at, per roll 194 Engraved Varnished Tile Papers, -for kitchens and bathrooms,, value 40c per roll, at per roll ,....15 Bedroom Papers, in new designs with dainty cut-out borders, at, per ro1..12V4 A large line of new papers suitable for liv ing rooms, dining i.oms, bedrooms and; kitchens, in two lots, at our special cash price, per roll...... 54 and 104 Vl i- - Government Bacon aSfffig i S12 Sale Monday 1 Cahs,I $2.88 ; It Pays TRY HAYDEN'S FIBST-It Paysj