V Chic Veils for Every Purpose r IT may flow audaciously from the edge of one's hat brim or else cling closely to one's face with an alluring bit of self colored ribbon to hold it in place. But a teil there must be, declares the woman of fashion. MAIN FLOOR V The Trend of Fashion Says Fur Trimmed Winter Coats In These Are Values of Unusual Character OLLECTION selected from our stock, and including Ml M 1 1 t 1 1 " J v manutacturer s nign-graae samples, onering vaiues vi most unusual character. ... vr At 72.50 Bokhara v Chameleon Crystal Cord , CTS THE PACE CROWING ORAMA Our Greater New 4th Floor Opening Saturday FOR CROWING OMAHA Velour de Laine Silvertip Bolivia Silvertones Beautifully lined, richly fur-trimmed collars in shawl and graceful cape designs. This lot includes a limited amount of garments of extraordinary Talues, so we are forced to urgeearly selection. ! r No C. 0. D.'s, No Approvals and No Exchanges. New Coats Additions daily arriving hold close interest in our Plush Coat Section. Novel sport length wraps, richly embellished collars) cuffs and borders in contrast fabric and fur trimmings. Special models in full length garments for stout figures, too. Prices range from ' , 39.00, 59.99 and up to 85.00 ' SECOND FLOOR. New "Marvel" Hats Combining Distinctiveness and Economy "EW up-to-the-minute hats, jusf arrived, all told 360 of them, including copies of many of our higher priced models. This shipment presents by far the best values of the season, and coming as it does, just before the holi day time, it should prove most acceptable to ''the women who want a new hat at a reasonable price. , Always 6.85 Beaver faced hats, gold brocade hats, satin and fur combinations, large blackwelvet dress and street hats. "Marvel" Hats always 6.85. SECOND FLOOR. ' THIS is the new store addition we have been rushing to completion It will house the largest Toy Department Omaha has ever had. Visit it Saturday. , v Shoe Styles At TheirSmartest In1 Women's "Cantilever " Shoes Combining Style and Comfort C7J ... . " v THE "Cantilever" Shoes help to keep your feet" strong and shapely. There is room for your toes, no crowd- ing or cramping of the foot in any way and no strain on the arch. Flexible shank, allowing free use of muscles. All of these good points you will be sure to find in the "Cantilever" Shoe. Priced At 13.00 They are made up in vici kid', welted flexi N ble sole, Ioav leather heels, lace styles. Sizes in stock from 3 up to 9 with widths from AA to E. Priced for Saturday's selling at 13."00 MAIN FLOOR I -U 1 li 10,000 Home Grown Roses fa On Sale Saturday, While They Last, Each Just Received Genuine Roller Canaries We have just received our first shipment of the genuine "Roller Canary" with the genuine ' Roll Song." No harsh, choppy or screeching notes, but trills and trills of real music. Take one; of these wonderful little musicians with you to make your home bright and cheery. MAIN FLOOR Large and beautiful C h r y santhemuni Plants, full, large, hleaUhy blooms. Sat urday, each 79c Colorful Sweaters- Gloves of Quality and Style Are in Large Assemblage Here Gloves bought at from 25 to 33 1-3 per cent below the present market price enables us to make these remarkable offer ings for Saturday. Gloves of Extra Selected v . Imported Capeskin , Some in novelties, with bandallet and embroidery to match; others in the more conservative styles, in a splendid assortment of colors, in cluding putty, pearl, tan,-oyster, African, battle and black. P. X. M. and pique seams; one-clasp styles. Very special, per pair, $3. Real Washable Chamoisette Gloves For women, heavy embroidered backs in self or two-toped combina tions, P. K. seams, best shades of brown, battle, mastic "and white. Per pair, 1.25. ' Double Silk fcloves for Womepf Splendid quality tricot, single row embroidered or Paris Point, stitch ing on backs in the wanted shades of mastic, battle, brown, white and black ; in two-clasp styles. Per pair, 1.50. Women's Gloves of Real Grenoble Kid' In Perrihs and other well known makes, over-seam and pique, attrac tively embroidered backs in shades of battle? African, English, tan, black-and white; two-clasp styles. Per pair, 4.25. - ' , - ' MAIN FLOOR Dainty Madeira Handkerchief s Embroidered on Very Fine Linen With scalloped dges and pretty floral designs worked in the eyelet, also rose and wreath patterns with a vacant place where the initial can be embroidered. Regular 75c values, but especially priced for QQ Saturday's selling at . v - Imported , Silk $repe de Chine WzrV Handkerchiefs. 19c For women, fancy barred and checked borders and plain white centers, also many in the floral designs and some sin the solid colors with a narrow hem stitched hem. A handkerchief that is if worth 35c. Priced each, at, ltC MAIN FLOOR s ' 1 Warner's Rust Proof Corsets - One of the most popular of the season's new Corsets is the Warner's rust proof, in both front and back lace,yunequalled for their wear.' Some have semi-rubber tops with ribbon and lace trimming. The, materials are a pretty novelty pink brocade, coutrk,. and batiste, all attractive and serviceable materials. , Our expert fitting ser vice free, adds to the service and comfort a Warner corset will render. We also have Warner's 'cor sets for the miss and slender, medium or average and full figure in a large stock of vari ous styles ; very reasonably priced from ' Sale of Winter Suits Entire Stocks of Garments Radically Reduced in Price -Effective Saturday ' Our entire tock of garments radically reduced. . Grouped prices afford selection of choice garments comprise our, entire stock and include sample suits of extraordinary values. Materials offered for your approval comprise One of the many nice things about late autumn is that it s means innumerable nutting parties. And nutting parties mean happy times, plaid skirts and, last but. not least, gay colored sweaters. It is really a revelation to note how Qui present wide choice in Sweater styles counts for smart individuality for each and every figure. Here are girlish models and colors in Slip-On, Tuxedo and Ruffle styles. Warnwool Sweaters for outdoor sports, and de sirable styles for the elderly woman who enjoys a Sweater's warmth when indoors. t . ' v Priced at 8.50 and 10.00 SECOND FLOOR t ! Silvertones Tricotilies Peachbloom Marvello Duvetynes Tinseltones Suede Velours Silver-tip Novel and various models featuring the tailleur, chic, clever straight-line types, vary with blouse back, ripple belted effects, high choker and shawl collars; trimming or panels and cuffs introduce the season's smart furs. These values offered include high-grade samples, and they are offered to you at actual, wholesale cost. Lots priced at 39.00 59.00 69.00 and 75.00 and Upward s .(No C. O. D's. and No Exchanges) Second Floor J T ft- Knit Underwear Complete Stocks Prices Moderate Union Suits for women, silk topped and lisle, knee lengths, some fleece lined suits with ankle length, very Special at 1.69 Women's Union Suits, medium weight, plain and fleece lined, all styles, in both the extra and regu lar sizes, priced at 1.25 An odd lot of Women's Vests, Pants and Cor- set Covers, in medium and heavy weight. Very specially priced, each, at , 75c THIRD FLOOR Women's Pure Silk Hose At 2.00 At 1.25 Full fashioned, silk to the knee, lisle soles, In black, white and shoe shades. Some are Ir regulars of a S.00 rrade, special ly priced at 2.00 Full fashioned and semi-fashioned, lisle garter tops, double soles, In i fancy (lace effects, plain colors of black, white,, grays, cordovan and navy, at 1.25 Pure Silk and Fibre Silk Hose, lisle tops and soles, In black and popular shoe shades, a 1.50 quality for only 7VC MAIN FLOOR . ' Toilet Necessities' and Drugs at Special Prices 2.00 to 7.50 THIRD FLOOR ft : cleaning 24c n e r g i e, a fluid, 30c size Brofflo Seltzer, 1.20 size, for' 89c Listerine, 50c size 89c Goldman's Hair Coloring, aH shades 1.25 Mercolized Wax, 1.00 size 75c Marinello Face Powder, 60c size ' 49c JNorwick's or Senreco "Tooth Paste,. 35c size, for 27c Djer Kiss Face Powder, for all complexions 62c Mavis Toilet' Water, 1.25 size K 98c Inbrey Cold Cream, 1.00 size jar 83c Cutes Compact Manicure Set, 50c size 39c Mary Garden Perfume, 2.50 oz. quality, oz 1.50 Mennen's Shaving Cream, 50c size 89c Gillette Razor Blades, per dozen i 83c Resinol Soap, 30cvsize 24c - x After the Monotonous Humdrum of the f - Work-a-Day World ' it is veryood to go home in the evening to music, music on your own piano and songs by the family choir Several "blue-chasing" melodies, songs with a good sentiment, are listed below. "Why not take several home with yout Tell Me Why Oh, What a Pal Was Mary Our Yesterdays Tell Me ' -Vamp Baby - My Dreamy Little Lotus Flower ' Hits from "Going Up," that delightful Musical Comedy. Lonesome, That's All -Kentucky Dreams When the Lanterns Glow In the Gloaming There's Something About a Rose Sunshine and Rain Gypsy Girl I'm Like a Ship Without a Sail In Your Arms Give Me AH of You My X3olden Rose Byelo My Cuban, Dream I'm Forever Blowing Bu MAIN FLOOR It Pays to Purchase Good Luggage N 'EVER have we shown a better selected assortment than the one arranged for your choosing. There's every' 'lug gage need represented and the prices as well as the display is very attractive. " Wardrobe Trunks at 28.00 and up to 105.00. General Purpose Trunks at $10 and up to 45.00. Traveling Bags at 3.50 and up to 75.00. Personal Greeting , Take Home Cards for Christmas A KODAK Vaginal Bulb ZOO grade v Syringe, 1.19 T w o - Quart " Fountain Syringe orv Water-Bot-( tie, 1.25 grade 79c Heavy White Rubber Sheeting, 36 inches wide, 1.50 grade 98c Mennen's Talcum Pow- der, 30c size 21c MAIN FLOOR f. Suit Cases 27.50. at 2.00 and up to MAIN FLOOR MEN'S STORE THIS very day is none too early to place your order if you have not already done so. Indications point to our reaching the limit of our capacity earlier than usual this year, and the rare charm of the Cards is more than ever evident. Special in the Stationery Department, for Sat urday only, is a lot of stenographers' note books, a dozen for , Only 50c BOOK DEPT. MAIN FLOOR Did you know that there is hardly a gift more acceptable than a Camera? Sup pose you give that friend a Kodak gift, or make yourself a gift in one of these Cameras listed below: No. 0 Brownie Camera 2.86 No. 2 Brownie Camera 3.33 No. 2-A Brownie Camera . 4.58 No. 2-0 Brownie Camera 5.97. No. 1-A Auto graphic Kodak, Jr., single lens, site 2Vix44. at - 18.30 MAIN FLOOR , W