Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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Republican Candidates Win in
New York and Coolidge in
.Massachusetts New
Jersey in Doubt.
(Contlnotd From Tut On.)
crats also vorked hard to bring the
voters to the polls, with the result
that the total vote was one of ths
heaviest ever cast in the state.
In Boston Long's . plurality of
nearly 20,000 last year was cut to
less than half that figure today.
.Fred J. Burrell, republican candi
date for state treasurer, and the
other nominees on the state ticket,
were elected by large pluralities.
Trenton, Nov. 4. Edward I. Ed
wards was leading Newton K. Bug
bee, his republican opponent in the
race for governor, by a margin of
12? votes at 2 o clock this morning.
With returns received from 1,704
districts out of 2,011, the vote was
Edwards 180,716, Bugbee 180,580.
Louisville, Nov. 4. Edwin" P.
Morrow, republican, today was elect
ed governor of Kentucky, over Gov
ernor James D. Black, democrat, by
a large majority.
It! the western end of the state
there was a considerable falling off
of democratic normal majorities,
while in Jefferson county, which in
cludes Louisville, the republican can
didate not only overturned a ma
jority of 4,063 for Stanley, demo
crat, two years ago, but turned it
into a republican victory by approx
imately 9.000.
Prohibition Carrie.
Figures on the two constitutional
amendments seemed to indicate that
the atatewide prohibition amendment
had earned by a large majority. Tab
ulation had few figures on the
amendment which would remove of
ficers who failed to protect prisoners
from mobs.
The issues in the, campaign were
During the campaign Governor
Black made speeches favoring the
league of nations. Mr. Morrow was
silent on the subject, but his man
agers in published statements as
serted he opposed it.
Morrow's majority is estimated at
from 15,000 to 20,000. Haynes
Carter, personal manager for Gov
ernor Black, in a statement con
ceded Black's defeat by front 8,000
to 10,000.
Unofficial returns from eastern
Kentucky, where it .was expected
that the democratic nominee would
cut normal republican majorities,
showed Morrow holding his own
and in some cases exceeding figures
in the gubernatoral electons two
years ago.
Baltimore, Nov. 4. The result of
today's election in Maryland was in
doubt at midnight. With less than
one-half of the city of Baltimpre
hrt frntn. Attornev General A. C.
Richie, the democratic nominee for
governor, was leading his republi
can opponent, Harry W. Nice, state
attorney, ot Baltimore, Dy aDoui
1,000 in Baltimore city.
Based on these. figures, the demo
crats were claiming that Mr. Richie
would carry Baltimore fcy about
Few definite returns had been re
ceived from the counties, however,
and it seemed probable that the re
sult would not be known for some
Jackson, Miss., Nov. 4. The Mis
sissippi democratic ticket was elect
ed in today's general election by a
plurality of approximately 50,000.
The socialist state candidates, which
furnished the only opposition to the
democrats, polled less than 10,000
votes. ,
. Lee M. Russell, present lieutenant
governor, was elected governor, and
H. H. Casteel was chosen lieutenant
governor. James T. Lester, grand
son of former Governor Poindexter,
was the socialist nominee for gov
The legislature will be democratic
throughout, as no opposition ticket
was put in the field in the districts,
All counties went democratic.
By rk i TajKioiv Lady
Public Policy Questions
" Carry in Illinois State
Chicago, Nov. 4. Early returns
from today's statewide election for
constitutional convention delegates
indicated tonight that the three
public policy questions had gener
ally carried in Chicago and Cook
county districts py about 2 to. 1.
These questions were designed to
instruct convention delegates and
were termed the initiative and ref
erendum, the gateway amendment
and public ownership.. -,
Philadelphia Elects :
Republican Mayor
Philadelphia,' Nov. 4. Returns
from about two-thirds of the city
show that Congressman J. Hamp
ton Moore, republican, was elected
mayor of Philadelphia by approxi
mately 140,000 plurality over his
democratic opponent, Harry D.
Wescott. Returns indicate that all
the republican councilmanic candi
dates were elected and that the reg
ular republican candidates for mag
istrate were also successful."
r .
n 11 l..i. . '
tj ; rr C IU17C a stunning
frock; a smart coat is
t gr always chic, but to really
Q feel "dressed up," one
Q must have a swagger uit.
Rather a task to choose
here so varied and so.
tunning are the modes.
Duvetyn, peach-bloom,
tricotineC vellomse, French
and mannish serge.
l '-' Tailored ; with a dash
and verve that only a
tailored suit can have.
Fur-trimmed; with a
smartness and luxury that
only a far-lrimmed model
. can reflect
, Come and look them
over. .
Smart Wnr for Women,
2nd Flaor SlarilU. Bill..
Two of Six Constitutional
Amendments Win Out
Dallas Wfttf A Tuun rf ttl si
constitutional amendments voted on
in Ty3q tnHav annarpfitlv'
... . " j rr -- j - - -
adopted, while returns available
here at midnight showed the fate
cf two others in doubt, with the re
maining two and a resolution pro
posing a constitutional convention
probably defeated.
Insane Woman Kills
Herself in City Jail
(Continued From Face Out.)
Wheeler, 16, and Russell Wheeler, 24,
the former of Sioux Falls and the
latter of Salem, daughter and son,
have not yet been answered.
In Matron's Room.
Mrs. Wheeler was placed in the
matron's room after she had told her
story to Sergeant Rose. She re
mained there all night and the next
morning when she was refused her
release she became hysterical. All
morning and afternoon up to the
time of the tragedy, she was hys
terical, according to Acting Captain
Peter Dillon.
"An insanity complaint was filed in
the cpunty attorney's office this aft
ernpon," said Captain Dillon Tues
day nights "We were going to take
her to the county jail to await a
hearing before an insanity commis
sion. She never was booked here
at central station.".
Officers Behrens and Neilsen went
to the matron's quarters at 4:30 to
take Mrs. Wheeler to the country
She held the door of her compart
ment closed refusing them admit
tance. "We explained," said Behrens,.
"that we were going to take her to
the railroad station and put her on
a train for her home. She stepped
from the door a little bit and when
we went to turn the knob and go
in we heard the shot."
Mrs. Wheeler's body was turned
over to Willis Crosby, undertaker.
Donald, the son, was taken in charge
by juvenile authorities.
No Search for Gun.
Just where Mrs. Wheeler had the
revolver is not known to the police.
Mrs. Wheeler was not "searched"
at the police station. Two grips and
a paper handbag constituted her lug
gage. The police believe she had
the gun in one of the grips. Both
were open in her room.
Tbs Tickle Makes You Couch
07 neaiing ui xnroac oo per Dottle.
Advantages of the
TONE quality of unequalled
naturalness and beauty, Tone
control by means of the fa
mous Graduola. Ability to Play all
Records without additional aftark.
roents or adjustments; Case designs
and workmanship of unquestioned
superiority; convenient Auxiliary
Features such as automatic stop,
record-filing equipment, etc
Sso t$ $350
1807 Farnam St.
Phone Dong. 4240
Samuel Gompers Asserts That
If Government Vacates In
' junction Order Negotiations
Will , Be Resumed, j
(Cautioned From Facet One.)
per year, intermittent, by days a'nd
weeks employment and then un
employment. The miners simply
ask for a regulation of the working
time so that coal production and em
ployent may be regular rather than
intermittent. If the miners were
permitted by the operators to work
full time the supply of coal thus
mined would soon force down, the
price of coal on the market and this
tUe operators are determined not
to permit. The miners', case might
better be stated by their demanding
at least five days of six hours work
per week, which is really more than
they are permitted to work at the
present time. An understanding ot
these conditions clearly shows who
are responsible for the present situ
ation and the cause.
No Practical Advance. .
"When in 1914 the miners received
an increase of 20 cents per ton, the
operators raised the selling price $5
per ton. Surely the conditions and
the standards of life of the miners
have deteriorated by reason of there
being no practical advance in their
wages and their earning power,
while the cost of living has soared
higher and higher.
"The mandate of the officers of
the United Mine Workers of Amer
ica was direct from the representa
tives of the men, who at the recent
convention, decided that unless a
substantial improvement in wages
and a regulation of the working time
were granted the strike order should
be i issued to take effect November
1. President Lewis and his asso
ciates therefore had no alternative,
particularly when the mine opera
tors left the conference, leaving the
representatives of the miners alone.
Injunction Called Wrong. '
"The injunction secured by the at
torney general could not prevent the
strike' for it was issued after the
strike notice had already gone forth.
The injunction was not only a grave
wrong but a gross blunder. It prac
tically takes away the constructive
influence of the officers of the , or
ganization and indeed bars .them
from attempting to end the strike.
Instead of conservative leadership
prevailing it places the whole move
ment in the hands of local men who
may vie with each other and be at
variance with each other. If the in
junction were vacated and the De
partment of Labor invite the opera
tors and the representatives of the
United Mine Workers to a further
conference, I have an abiding faith
that a mutually honorable adjust
ment can be negotiated and effected
whereby the coal strike can be
brought to an ed."
' Lignite Men May Strike. ?
Bismarck, N. D., Nov. 4. Unless
the 1,500 lignite coal miners of
North Dakota are granted a 60 per
cent increase in wages by midnight
tonight they will walk out then,
Henry Drennan, district president of
the mine workers of North Dakota
and Montana, told the North Dakota
Lignite Operators associatioii, fol
lowing five-hour conference late
today in Governor L. J. Frazier's
Domestic Crop Expected
to Alleviate Sugar Lack
Washington, Nov. 4. The short
age of sugar will end when the new
domestic crop reaches the market,
said a minority report filed in the
senate today by Senator Ransdell,
democrat, Louisiana, opposing the
majority plan to extend federal con
trol of sugar and authorize pur
chase of domestic and Cuban
Funeral Services Friday
for Florence Heuermann
Funeral services will be held at
the home in Arlington Friday at 1
for Florence Heuermann, who died
at midnight Monday following an
operation at Nicholas Senn hospital.
She was a trained nurse, having stu
died at the hospital, and was 26
years old.
Labor Convention
Candidates Elected
(Continued From Face One.)
Election Commissioner Moorhead
estimated there were 1,100 votes
Varner Defeats Panko
in Johnson County, 2 to 1
Tecumseh, Neb., Nov. 4. (Spe
cial.)! A. Varner defeated Fred
A. Panko as delegate to the consti
t Jonal convention in Johnson
county by a vote of over 2 to 1.
Panko represented the Nonpartisan
league element here. The proposi
tion to hond the county for $230,000
as funding bonds to take care of
outstanding indebtedness 'was de
feated by decisive vote.
Madison County.
Madison, Neb., Nov. 4. (Special.)
Returns from Madison county
were as follows: Tyler, 1,671;
Green, 1,320, both nonpartisan and
representing the Twenty-fourth dis
trict of Madison county; Dahlsteen,
1,224, and Albert, 1.659, representing
the Twenty-sixth district.
Jefferson County.
Fairbury, Neb., Nov. 4. (Special
Telegram.) Jefferson "county, Thir
ty-second district, complete: John
Heasty, 1,032; J. U McLucas, 816.
Thirty-fourth district, complete:
Frank E. McCraken, 898; William
Greuber, 801.
York County.
York, Neb., Nov. 4. (Special
Telegram.) York county, complete,
gives Smith 1.038; Price, 1.227. Fif
teen out of 21 precjhets, Landgren,
992;. Janison, 524.
Hamilton County.
Aurora, Neb., Nov. 4. (Special
Telegram.) Hamilton county, 44
districts, W. I. Farley, 260; A. M.
Hare, 559.
Platte County.
Columbus, Neb., Nov. 4. (Spe
cial Telegram) Election returns
irom Platte county give Charles J.
Thielen 800 majority over Jidgar
Howard in the Twenty-fifth district
and I. L. Albert' 700 majority over
Andrew Dahlsten in , the Twenty
sixth district.
Lincoln County.
North Platte, Neb., Nov. 4.
(Special Telegram) Reports from
nine precincts show Wheeler 35.5
for delegate from Lincoln county;
for float delegate show, show Wil
cox 455.
Merrick County.
Central City, Neb., Nov. 4.
(Special Telegram Attorney E. E.
Ross of Central City, whose name
was written in on ballot, ; leads
Woostcr by two in Merrick county;
Becker third.
' Washington County.
Blair, Neb., Nov. 4. (Special Tel
egram) Washington county elected
A. W. Sprick of Fontanelle delegate
to the constitutional convention by
a vote of 417 to 189 for Don C Van
deusen of Blair, "editor of the "Pilot
Wife Buys Yacht and
Uniform for Hubby
Police End Romance
New York, Nov. 4. The cruise
of "U. S. S, Toy" ended today
when her skipper, "Lieutenant
Commander" Harold E. Joy, was ar
rested for impersonating a naval of
ficer. '
"It's all my wife's fault," he said.
"She bought me a yacht and this
uniform with wound and service
stripes, and told me if I didn't wear
it, she'd leave me."
Joy was taken to a police station
at the instance of a naval intelli
gence officer. He is 20 years old.
To Build 208 Warships.
Honolulu, Nov. 4. An eight-year
naval program costing $824,000,000,
has been decided upon by the Jap
anese government, it was announced
here in a cable message to The
Shypo, a Japanese daily newspaper.
The program includes the construc
tion of four 40,000-ton battleships
of the Nagato class, four battle
cruisers, 20 light cruisers, 80 de
stroy e rs and30othercraft.
. Milk Prices Advanced. .
New York, Nov. 4. Retail prices
of milk were advanced on the ground
of the increase in wages of wagon
drivers, which averted a strike. The
increases, effective tomorrow, range
up to 1 to Vi cent a quart for grade
B and 2 cents for grade A. At pres
ent milk prices range from 17 to 19
Every Day a Day
of Supreme Joy
Distinguished Workmanship of Artificial Teeth Means
Combined Comfort and Unquestionable Fit.
For Those Who Seek the Best
We invite your comparison as to quality and reasonable
Douglas y fcnj
Attendant VjiOLjO 0&0
1515V2 Farnam St
Notice Out-of-town patrons can have work completed
in one day. Call, phone or write.
Open Evening Till 8 p.m.
son TBelden Store
May your convention in
Omaha prove exceptional
ly interesting, instructive
and enjoyable.
If this store with its many
accommodations can be
of any assistance please
feel free to call upon us
at any time.
The conveniences of the
rest room, parcel check
room, the cashing of
checks all are at your
Red Cross, 1920
. The First Day
All Silk Neckwear
for only 75c
Well made of good
silks in correct pat
terns and colors to
meet with every
preference. A liberal
shape, each with a
,' slip-easy band. A
timely suggestion for
those who are wise
in making Christmas
selections now.
Pure Irish Linen
35c three for $t.
It's hardly necessary
to say that the quan
tity is limited, con
sidering that today
fine cotton handker
chiefs are selling for
this much.
To th left as you enter.
Silk and Cotton
Fabrics, $1 Yd.
Most attractive patterns
in dark shades with cor
responding plain colors
for trimmings suggest in
themselves most delight
V. f ul ideas for kimonos. The
silk and cotton mixture
has a very pleasing tex
ture and is quite excep
tional for $1 a yard.
Second Floor.
French Kid
for $1.95
Only in black and
white. An attractive
overseam glove regu
larly priced $3, is of
fered Wednesday, in
an incomplete line of
sizes, for $1.75 a pair
Fine Cloth Goats
$49.50 $75 $98.50
" '
A winter coat is a most attractive thing when
it i good a woman looks her best in a be
coming collar of fur and the grace-giving
lines of a well-tailored wrap.
Coats heavily fur trimmed, smart utility coats
of tweed and leather combinations that are
most effective.
An extensive collection one that you'll en
jo'y looking over offering values of the rec
ognized Thompson-Belden quality.
' Apparel Third' s
Reductions in
Stamped pillow cov
ers and centerpieces
that formerly sold for
50c to $1.50 are
priced for Wednes
day 25c Each
Finished embroidered
pieces that were used .
as models are to be
sold Wednesday
For Half Price
Art Dept. Second Floor
Lisle Hose
For High Boots
A new fashioned silk
lisle hose in medium
and dark gray, field
mouse, brown, -cordovan
and black, is
splendid for service
and is offered Wed-,
For 75c a Pair
Full fashioned silk
lisle hose in navy,
4 black, African
brown, field mouse
and cordovan with
garter tops and dou
ble soles, are offered
For $1.25 a Pair
Bloomers and
Bloomer Skirts
There is quite a
novel bit of lingerie
in the form of a com
bined short skirt and .
ruffled bloomers. It
is made from flesh
colored silk mull and
daintily lace trim
med. Priced $3.50.
A most alluring col-'
lection of crepe de
chine ana satin
. bloomers with either
open or closed knees,
in any degree of
' lace- trimmed daint
iness. Priced from
$4.25 to $8.
Second Floor.
An "A BC"
Is All In One
This Antoinette Bras
siere Combination is a
happy union of three
garments, a brassiere,
envelope drawers and
a short skirt. Could
anything be more con
venient? It's a charming bit of -lingerie,
easy to slip
on and beautifully
snug and well fitted,
that is priced most at
tractively for Wed
nesday, f
Corset Dept., Second Floor.
New Fall Shoes
Wednesday, $8.85 a Pr.
Wonderfully attrac
tive shoes in dark 1
gray, field mouse and
golden oak brown
s with fine long vamps
and Louis heels.
One good walking
boot in taupe brown
with military heels.
Shoes that are alto
gether out of the ordi
nary at such a price.
We have a large fireproof
warehouse where you can store
your household goods for
any length of time you may
wish and be assured that they
will be in just the same condi
tion when you call for them
as when you packed them.
Furniture has increased
about 100 per cent. Why
gamble in any form with your
household goods?
We pack, store and move
any time, any place.
Phone Douglas 4163
806 South 16th St.
A Sure Way To '
End Dandruff
. There is one sure way that has
never failed to remove dandruff at
once, and that is to dissolve it, then
you destroy it entirely. To do this,
just get about four ounces of plain,
common liquid arvon from any drug
store (this is all you will need), ap
ply it at night when retiring; use
enough to moisten the scalp and rub
it in gently witn the fmeer tins.
By morning, most if not all, of
your dandruff will be gone, and
three or four more applications will
completely dissolve and entirely de
stroy every single sign and trace of
it, no matter how much dandruff
you may have.
You will find all itching and dig
ging oi tne scaip will ston instantly.
and your hair will be fluffy, lustrous,
glossy, silky and soft, and look and
feel a hundred times better.
Summer blossoms. , 4.
a II winter in
fr n if 0
Go this winter
Where children laugh at play and age lengthens its spanl
Where there are miles of sunlit boulevards through the
green and gold of the orange groves.
Where the bungalows are rose-bowered.
En route visit the National Parks, National Monuments and other winter t
resorts. See Hawaii, too.
Ask for information about Excursion Farts to certain winter resorts.
Xrmllfarala far f ha Tsarist. "Hawaii" and attiar winter raaort baaklata. en raanaat. Let the i
im tiem inni nam n an Tour tnn .or anni? ta ma naareat ixHiaouamiaa ucaai owes ur a-
niuHl Travel Buraao, Unltad Btataa Railroad Administration. 44 Transportation Bid..
Chicago; 141 Liberty SU Naw TorkCltx; 02 Haalaj Bldf.. Atlanta, Ua. Flaaae Indicate tne
places jreu wish te see as route.
1414 Dodge Street, Omaha, Nebraska. Phone Douglas 1684,