Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1919, Image 1

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San Francisco, Nov. 4. Miss Jane
Kimball, assistant cashier of the
: Palace hotel, was shot and killed
here by.Mrs. Julia M. Thurston of
Sacramento, who told the arresting
officer Miss Kimball had been trying
to get her husband from her for two
The shooting occurred on Mar
let street, a block froln the hotel
'Mrs. Thurston said she had waite.l
for Miss Kimball all morning and
at the detective headquarters she ex
pressed no regrets when she was
advised Miss Kimball was dead.
Santa Barbara, Cal.. ' Nor. 4.
Thanksgiving turkeys will reach new
price levels this year, according to
r. N. Gehl, aJocal dealer who has
flocks throughout the country. He
"says the removal of -the coyote
bounty in Santa Barbara county has
resulted in the animals multiplying
rapidly and declares they have lived
'mainly' on turkeys. Gehl estimates
the turkey supply at about one-ha!f
of normal.
aily Bee
VOL. 49. NO. 120.
M-cliu matter May 2. IKK. at
Omaha P. 0. uadcr act at March S. 187.
Daily Sim.. W.M: MM Nth. MtN xtr. '
By Mail (I you). Dally, $).M: SaMay. S2.M:
Partly cloudy Wednesday,
Thursday; warmer Wednes
day; colder Thursday.
Hourly teiupenttureoi
I a. m. .
f a. m..
3 ft. .,
a, m.,
t a. m.
1 a. an.
It a. m..
js boo ,
1 a. m..
p, ru..
S p. m.,
4 p. w..
5 p. m. .
p. ia..
? n. in..
S p. m..
New-York. Nov. 4. Prohibition
eiuorcenient has humbled the haugh
ty hotel clerk in New York. A week
ago lie told out-of-towners with his
loftiest and most distant air that
there were no accommodations left
1 for the night. Now he all but goes
hito the street hunting for prospeiS
.tive guests.. Hall rooms, rooms and
batns, andwhole -suites have been
available for the last four nights, ho
tel proprietors announced "because
Of prohibition.".
Dublin, Nov. 4. Ten girls were
demanded for trial in the Dublin po
lice court ; on a charge of selling
Irish republic flags daily.
, Twenty-two men, . given the .al
ternative of putting up bail or going
to jail for "illegally drilling volun
teers," chose jail. ' '
Withdrawal of Injunction Ob
tained by Government Will
Open Way for Settlement,
Samuel Gompers Asserts.
Public Begins to Feel Effect
of Strike in Serious Meas
ure, Particularly jn Montana
Districts and Southwest.
' New York, Nov. 4. A rumor from
Washington that the president has
assured the French government that
he "would do everything possible"
to lift the wartime prohibition ban
lent a bright ray to an otherwise
gloomy world of the liquor dealers
here. According to the story, France
asked Piesident WiRon what to ex
pect in connection with' its cham
pagne trade, saying that it had vast
stores of champagne pilingrtip in cel
lars at Epernay and Rheims await
ing shipment to America. It was in
ajtswer to this query, so the rumor
runs, that the president stated that
something would be done.
New York;. Nov. 4.,"We Two
is the beading of. a -printed treatise
-on marriage, accompanying wedding
announcements received here from
Boston telling of the marriage of
Gharles Fleischer, editor of "Democ
racy," author and former rabbi, and
Mebel Rebessa Leslies Some of the
planks from the "platform" of "We
Two" follow: , i .
"With the union, of each two m
marriage, society i organized anew.
"We two, in self respect and mu
tual respect, with love for each other
and good will toward all, have met
and mated. . -" ' .
"We aspire toward democratic
marriage, .:
."We two wish, in sanest sense, to
be holy, happy and healthy, and io
" radiate this beneficent contagion.
. "We two, aspiring to democratic
marriage, hope to maka noble suc
cess in our home of the same ex
periment' in organizing . society on
the basis of respect for the individ
ual, which America is trying on so
vast a scale."
Mr. Fleischer was rabbi from 1894
to 1911 of Temple Adrath Israel. Ha
resigned when he found his "visi?n
of a temple of God" was too tightly
bound- by congregational ties.
New York, Nov. 4. Mrs. Charles
H. Ebbets, wife of the president of
the Brooklyn- National league base
ball club, was refused a decree of
divorce by Supreme Court Justice
Benedict in Brooklyn. Suggestion
was made, however, that she sue for
a separation and the justice indi
cated that - she might be granted
then the allowance of $6,500 aycar
which she would have received with
the granting of a divorce.
'New York, Nov. 4. Science still
plays handmaiden to a sceptic age,
her latest contributing being the
breathoscope. - The breathoscope is
an instrument now. beeing usedlby
booze sleuths in the city of New
York who have grown a trifle sus
picious of the sassafras lemon sodas
being served in the saloons of Jhe
Former "hooch" hunters depended
upon the shillioscope to tell exactly
how much alcoholic content harm
less looking fluid passed over the
bar contained. All that revenue ot-
ficers would have to do was to slip
. .U- V.... I (
safras or root beer, insert a ther
mometer-like instrument and take a
reading.: . I
But bartenders are a" little more
careful since the Volstead law went
into effect. Sleuths find it hard to
locate the barrel and imbibers of the
forbidden leave none of the precious
fluid in their glasses.
,So the revenue agents invented
the breathoscope to be used only in
case of emergency. For instance if
a place is raided and if there are
several individuals getting a drink
of something and there is no evi
dence of any violation ; of the law,
the officers pull the breathoscope on
them and make them breathe into it.
.. .The indicator of the breathoscope
will tell exactly,, the alcoholic con
tent of the fluid drank. If the con
tent was around 2.75 it would'be
registered on a small dial like the
face of a watch, but if the old hop
registered 100 per cent the bell
which is attached to the iustrumiut
would rimz,
Chicago, Nov. 4. At the end of
the fourth day of the soft coal strike
that has closed nearly all union
mines in the country and largely
stopped production with about 425,--
(KM) miners idle, there had been no
break or weakening on the part of
either the miners or the operators.
There were indications that each
side was willing to negotiate, but
each seemed determined that the
other should surrender some poifit
before diplomatic relations should be
renewed. The chiefs -of organized
labor, particularly Samuel Gompers,
suggested ' that the government
should dissolve its injunction against
the mine workers' officials and that
such a move would indicate that the
way was open to peace. Gompers
called the injunction a grave wrong
and gross blunder. The mine oper
ators maintained their attitude that
the strike must be called off before
negotiations could be opened. John
L-. Lewis, acting head of the miners'
i.rganization, said the negotiations
could start any time. 1
While operators and miners re
mained idle and the mine's stood de
serted, except for such men as the
unions allowed to- remain in the
shafts and upper works to care for
machinery, the public in some sec--lions
had begun to feel the effect-of
it ha..: strike, iik a serious measure.-
Montana Distressed. - v v
Montana was especially distressed,
the strike having closed schools in
Billings, while descriptions of the
situation in the state indicated that
many householders were on the
verge of suffering., ' Coal bins of
many homes were empty, dispajches
said, and many farmers in the dry
farming regions were without fuel
Three branches of the state univer
sity and the state normal at Dillon
may have to close shortly. Officials
were considering the question of
taking several hundred prisoners
from the penitentiary at Deer Ledge
to the mountains to cut wood for
the prison.
In the southwest many consumers
had no coal, but the regional coal
committee announced today those
victims of the strike would be given
two weeks' supply. St. Louis deal
ers declared they were almost out
of coal and petitioned the govern
ment to return to" authority the for
mer state fuel administrator 6f Mis
souri. Railroads Operating.
Railroad operation continued with
out interruption. The railroad ad
ministration has outlined its pro
gram for conserving coal stocks and
will have a central committee sit
ting constantly at Washington to re
ceive reports and to instruct the, re
gional committees.
There was little change in the sit
uation today. Among the announce
ments tonight was ane from Thomas
Brewster, chairman of the coal op
erators' scale committee at St. Louis,
that the majority of operators may
file damage suits against the United
Mine Workers of America, alleging
breach of contract. While the jnine
workers' body decided that the war
was over and their contract with the
mine owners expired, the operators
have maintained that the war never
has been officially terminated and
the strike was a contract violation.
Such suits w6uld be filed by oper
ators individually and not by Hie op
erators' association, Mr. Brewster
John L. Lewis, acting head of the
mine workers, who today stated that
the collective bargaining machinery
of miners and operators was still
intact and all that was necessary
was for the government and opera
tors to put it in motion, tonight said
immediate resumption of negotia
tions could follow dismissal of the
government's injunction suit. The
government, however, through the
attorney general's office today had
let it be known that the injunction
proceedings would stand and that
there wasno thought of dismissal.
Gompers' Statement
Mr. Gompers stafement was is
sued after his return to Washing
ton from New York in response to
numerous requests for an expres
sion as to chances of bringing the
strike to a speedy end. The state
ment follows:
"Representatives of newspapers
have asked me for a statement re
garding the- coal strike and the situ
ation. 1 -1
"In the first instance it should be
known that the demands of the min
ers, which upon the surface seems
so radical and far-reaching, are by
no means so. For several years the
miners have not had more than a
half year's work their working
days averaging from 160 to 180 days
ContiaiM4 rt Two, Colvma Tbxe.)
More Optimistic Senators Pre-
v diet Vote on Ratification by
End of the Week
Washington, Nov. 4. Hope for
speedy action on the peace treaty
brightened up again today when the
senate voted down one amendment,
agreed to dispose of two more to
morrow and renewed formal discus
sion of methods to hasten considera
tion of reservations.
Tonight, some of -the more opti
mistic predicted a vote on ratifica
tion by the end of the week, while
the leaders on both sides thought it
likely to come within 10 days at the
In the background of all calcula
tions, ; however, was the possibility
of an eleventh-hour rally by the
treaty's irreconcilable enemies, who
have intimated more than once that
tKey were mindful of the opportu
nity which might t be presented to
talk off a final roll 'call until the ses
sion of congress ends early in De
Situation Still Doubtful.
Altogether the situation still was
a doubtful one, but republican and
democratic managers seemed con
fident that it soon would clear. While
debate continued, they held many
conferences and found agreement
everywhere except among the irre
concilables, it was said, to bring
every possible pressure to bear for
early action. Wednesday Demo
cratic Leader Hitchcock expects to
ask unanimous consent for a sharp
limitation of debate and he believes
it will be agreed to.
The amendment disposed of today
was one by Republican Leader
Lodge to strike from the treaty en
tirely the Shantung provision. The
vote was 41 to 26, the proposal, fail
ing by the votes of virtually , the
same senators who several days ago
defeated the committee amendment
on that subject.
Expect Action Today.
Early tomorrow action will be
sought on the amendment of Sena
tor Gore, democrat, Oklahoma, for
a popular vote before any declara
tion of war, and later the proposal
of Senator La FoHttte, republican,
Wisconsin, will come tip under an
agreement to vote finally on it by
3 p. m.. These are the only amend
ments "noVrtemaM
senate, and their . disposition will
clear the way for work on reserva
tions. - - - '
Part of today's debate was on a
motion by Senator Borah, republi
can, Idaho, to strike, out article 10,
of the league covenant, but he with
drew the proposal after suggestions
had been advanced for changing the
foreign relations committee reserva
tions on the subject to meet his ob
jection, . ......
. besides limitation or debate to 13
minute speeches as proposed by
Senator Hitchcock, various expe-'
dents have ben suggested to in
sure prompt action. One of these
kseriously considered by some sena
tors is that the senate go into secret
session, in the hope that speeches
will not be so numerous or so long
if they are not to be given public
' "
Woman Held - on insanity
Charge Not Searched and
Draws Weapon When toid
She Is to Be Sent Home.
Donald, a 12-Year-0ld Son, in
Next. Room, Hears Shot
Woman Had Appealed to
Police for Protection.
Bolshevist Forces , Launch
TJhrusts Against Left and
North Wings of Enemy.
. 1 ; o . ,
Mrs. Jennie Wheeler of Salem,
S. D., 41 years of age, shot herself
to death in the matron's department
of the city jail at 4:30 yesterday
afternoon .vheji Patrolman John
Behrens and Bertillon Officer Hans
Neilsen attempted to take her to
tne county jau on an insaniiy com
plain!. Donald Wheeler, her 12-year-old
son, in an adjoining room, heard the
fatal shot. Four other children and
her divorced husband, all in South
Dakota, survive her;
Mrs. Wheeler used a -22 revolver
she had brought with her from
Salem. .The barrel of the weapon
contained .but one shell. The bullet
was fired directly into - her left
breast and pierced her heart, killing
her almost instantly. . 1
Mrs. Wheeler wrote a letter to
her daughter, Gladys, 16 years old,
a high school student in Sioux Falls,
vestcrdav morning. Matron Ella
Gibbons mailed the missive for her
shortly after noon. JNo one knows
the contents of the missive as it is
now in the mails between here and
Sioux Falls. . ' ,
' , Feared Alleged Gang.
Mrs. Wheeler arrived in OmahaJ
from Sioux City at midnight Mon-
rlav. She asked a police officer to
.proUcJUjcr .trpra a jrUque , ot , men
wno were planning to khi ner.
The officer, sent ner to central
police station. ! ,
Mrs. Wheeler told Sergt. Frank
Rose at the station that she di
vorced her ' husband in May, this
"bince that time i nave naa w uu
a domestic in otner
Omsk, 'Nov. .4. (By The Asso
ciated Press.) The bolshevist
thrust against the left wing of the
Siberian army has developed to such
an extent that the Siberians have
been obliged to fail back south of
the Trans-Siberian railway to with
in 80 miles of Petropavlovsk, which
appears to be the bolshevis't ob
jective in this sector. . A corre
sponding tactical retirement of from
12 to 25 miles has occurred along
the whole Tobol river front.
The Red forces also have
launched an , offensive on the ex
treme north and have succeeded in
retaking Tobolsk, the important Si
berian city at the junction of the
Tobol and Iritish river and pushing
the Siberian troops back some miles.
The situation is regarded as fat
from critical and the population
. . TM--
manuests no excitement. ine rc-j .. . . . r ,
ported bolshevist air raids against apparently went down to defeat in
Republican Parties
In France All Unite
a .mil
, Against Bolshevism
Paris. Nov. 4. The union of -all
republican vparties for the campaign
against bolshevism and extreme
radicalism in the coming elections
has already divided into groups, de
pending upon the relative conserva
tism of the members. The . first
group, called the republican bloc,
does not admit an extension of the
movement to include candidates
from the right. Its leaders are
members of parliament who are op
posed to Premier Clemenceau and
it includes in its membership the
anti-clerical group. -
The second faction admits to its
ranks all republicans, including na
tionalists and liberals, and its mem-
oers , wnue acKnowieaging tnai tne.
cnurcn aisesiannsnment ana tnose
secularizing the schools must remain
intangible, renounce all religious in
tolerance. Several other parties havV been
created for the election, among the
prominent ones being the new de
mocracy party and that known as
the Action Francaise.
Charge 7,200 Quarts Whisky
Were Sold for $106,000
Chicago, Nov. 4. The sale of
7,200 quarts of bonded whisky for
$100,000 and payment of $6,000 in
bribes to policemen and other per
sons were the charges which caused
the internal revenue department to
start a sweeping investigation here.
The whisky, which was the prop
erty of Isador Grubiner, a former
saloonkeeper, was spirited from a
warehouse under the nose of prohi
bition guardians, according to the
' Warrants for the- men' implicated
will be based on charges of viola
tion of the wartime prohibition act
and selling liquor without a whole
saler's or retailer's license.
Repatriating Dead Heroes.
Boston, Nov. 4. Repatriation of
some of the men who died in uni
form overseas was indicated with
the information that the steamer
Lake Daraga was bringing the
bodies ' of ' 111 soldiers from Brest.
The Lake Daraga is bound for New
York and is due to arrive there No
vember 12. - -
slave dutv as
t,nmc" she said bitterlv.
' "I overheard a remark a few
weeks ago that 'they' were going
to burn the little home I had been
given by the divorce judge in Blue
Rapids, Kan., ', sue tow . acrgwm
Rose. "I then planned to taice my
youngest child, Donald, and hurry to
my tormer nome in souwicwi iv.u
sas, there get my .aged mother and
go to my Blue Rapids home and
Se"MCy husband warned me against
starting for Kansas. , I believe he
is a member of some organization
that is planning to kill me and get
my property and though he wants
he wants to protect me, he is afraid
to ilisclose the plot. - ,
Imagines Death Threats.
" "On my way from Salem to Sioux
City on the train I overheard' two
members of an opera troupe talking
about how these parties who had
been threatening me were going to
kill me Monday night in Sioux City.
In Sioux City I had a police officer
protect me and put me on the train
for Omaha. I have enough money
to secure accommodations at a ho
tel but I - am afraid to leave the
custody of the police."
Mrs. Wheel telegraphed, her
son, Floyd, 21, in Salem to hurry
to Omaha to get Ponald, as sire
feared for his safety and not her
Floyd Wheeler has not yet an
swered. Telegrams to Gladys
(Continued on Pass Two, Column Two.)
International Labor
Conferees Peeved
At Senator's Words
Washington, Nov. 4. Incensed at j
critical remarKS ot senator ouci
man of Illinois in the senate, several
members of the international Jabor
conference declared that unless of
ficial assurance was forthcoming
that the addresses delivered Monday
and Tuesday are not representative
of the attitude of the senate, steps
might be taken to adjourn the con
ference or move it elsewhere. -
While the senate addresses were
barely mentioned in the conference
hall, delegates freely discussed the
matter among themselves and sev
eral declared theiri willingness to
leave Washington. 1 Conference of
ficials,' however, are making an ef
fort to avoid any break.
Advocates of a : 48-hour week,
which is favored by the report of
the organizing committee, clashed
with defenders of a straight eight
hour day on the floor of the con
ference. v -'-,
Omsk are pure fabrication.
The news of this general retire
ment of Admiral Kolchak's armies
along the front north and south of
the 'railway has already been an
ticipated by wireless" bulletins from
bolshevist headquarters, which yes
terday announced that 1,500 Siber
ian prisoners had been taken when
Petropavlovsk was captured. This
records an advance of 80 miles by
the bolsheviki on this sector since
the date of the foregoing dispatch,
reporting a .retreat to within 80
miles of Petroplavovsk. The bol
sheviki also reported the fall of
Tobolsk sometime ago.
i '
Scorches Labor Candidate Who
Evaded War Service
Defends Lloyd George.
Tucsdav made , her first official
speeches in the caiftpaign which is
to determine whether an American
born woman the first woman
to sit in the House ot Commons.
She told the Associated Press cor
respondent that she thought it quite
appropriate that a daughter of Vir
ginia, the first English settlement
in the United States, peopled by
West Country folks, should become
the representative of that section
of England in parliament.
At noon Lady Astor drove in her
carriage to the almshouse, where
during a 20-minute stayj she
greeted nearly 50 residents, all old
women, asking them to vote for
Lady Astor next visited a tenei
ment house where, standing in the
dirty roadway, she talked for sev
eral minutes with women. She de
fended Premier Lloyd George and
silenced the champions of the prob
able labor contender, W. T. Gay,
pointing out that he was not really
the labor candidate but an indepen
dent laborite and had boasted that
he had evaded military service.
Soldier Discovers '
Man Lighting Bundle
Carrying Grenades
-Minneapolis, Nov. 4. What of
ficial declare mav have been an
attempt to blow up thjt Minneapolis
armory was frustrated last nigni
when a sentry discovered a man
stooping over a bundle outside of
the armory. The man escaped but
the ' sentry found two "live" hand
grenades in the bundle. Examina
tion of the grenades showed them to
be fully loaded.
More than 500 guardsmen were
drilling on the armory floor at the
time. Officials said a report of the
affair would be made to the War
department at Washington.
"Sleeping Sickness" Takes
Toll of Two in Portland
Portland, Nov. 4. Two deaths
from "sleeping sickness," technically
known as lethargicus encephalitis,
have occurred in Portland this week
and another case of the strange dis-
tease is under ODservation. uty
health authorities said tonight they
had taken precautions to isolate an
other supposed case of the disease.
Three Aspirants for Supreme
Court Bench Go Down to
Defeat Before Republican
Nominees in New York.
G. 0. P. Nominee for Governor
Wins in -Kentucky, But Re
sults in New Jersey "and
Maryland Are Still in Doubt.
r-New York, Nov. 4. Tammany hall
the municipal election today. All
three of its candidates for the su
preme court bench seem to have
lost. ,
With returns lacking from 223 dis
tricts out of 948 in the First judicial
district. Justice J. E. Newburger,
who was denied a renomination by
the democrats and then placed in
the field by the republicans, had
125,713 votes, while Irwin Unter
myer, 33 vears old. his opponent, had
83.071. Mai; Philip J. McCook, the
other anti-Tammany candidate, had
107,326 and Justice Robert L. Luce,
In the Second judicial district, with
204 districts lacking out of 954. A. L.
Squiers, -republican, had 124.564 and
George J. S. Dowling, democrat,
- Moran Defeated.
An official count probably will be.
necessary to determine whether
Robert L. Moran, the ' Tammany
candidate, or R. H. Laguardia, the
republican nominee, has been elected
president of the hoard of aldermen.
With 102 districts missing at 1:45
a. m. Moran, with 386,000 was lead
ing by 800 votes. " i ,
1 he democrats -conwaiWMaj. one
- PtymwrthVHtfwr:- 4.-Ladrt"Aslor-Hactor-n--the' todnrrary- election- was
Dean of Kansas Law School
Dies at His Lawrence Home
Lawrence. Kan.. Nov. -4. Tames
Woods Green, known among . the
students of Kansas university as
"Uncle Jimmy." dean of the school
of law for more than 40 years, died
nere this morning.
Bee's Free
Do you think, as you walk alons
the cold streets in your good, warm
shoes, that the hearts of many chil
dren in struggling families would be
delighted by .the gift of a pair of
There are dozens of such children
waiting for shoes. Until The Bee's
fund a-ets more money thev cannot
have them. Send a gift to this fund
now and learn the satisfaction it will
bring to you as well as the joy to
the hearts of these children who are
the victims of circumstances.
rreTlnniil? wknawledfed ..167.00
Kd. Whltchorn !.00
norathy MTn Wood K.00
Mra. T. K. 8teTn S.OS
the assault bv William Randolph
Hearst upon Governor Smith and
tfie Tammany candidates. Hearst
is credited with having stood spon
sor for Mayor Hylan and there has
been no break between them, al
though the city ' administration has
remained at peace with the gover
nor. -
The socialists had predicted that
James O'Neill, their candidate for
aldermanic president, would poll
more votes than Morris Hillquit did
in tc mayoralty contest in 1917 but
they failed to substantiate their
claim, althoueh he had 112,241 in
2,310 districts out of 2,567.
Boston, Nov. 4. Gov. Calvin Cool
idgc, republican, was re-elected by an
overwhelming plurality today over
Richard H. Long, democrat. Last
year, when Long also was his op
ponent he won by a plurality of
-The state complete (uncomplete)
For governor: Coolidge, repub
lican, 317,191; Long, democrat,
The vote for. Coolidge was the
largest ever received by a candidate
for governor in this state.
The "law and order" slogan of
Governor Coolidge, based upon his
stand against the striking Boston
policemen, brought out a heavy re
serve republican vote. The demo-
(Continutd on Pace Two, Colnmn One.)
Advise Legislation to
Prohibit Labor of
r Children in Industry
Washington, Nov. 4. Recommen
dation that all nations enact legisla
tion prohibiting industrial labor by
children below the age of 16 were
made by the internatoinal working
women's congress in a resolution
adopted unanimously. Action on the
resolution came after a failure to
reach an agreement on onlv the
basic principle in the suggestions of
fered for legislation concerning
maternity benefits and the care of
mothers and babies. '.
The"" child labor resolution also
provides that a child to engage in
any "gainful occupation" must have
completed at least his courses in the
elementary school, and have been
declared physically, fit by a medical
officer. Provision would be made in
the legislation recommended by the
delegates one less than 18
years old may work in a mine or a
quarry and in all work the day shall
be shorter for the boy between 16
and 18 than for adults, while no boy
may be given night worK.
Abandons Graft Cases.
Oakland, Cal. Nov. 4. District
Attorney Ezra W. Decote aban:
doned the police graft cases which
involved former Chief John H.
Nedderman, former Corp. Thomas
O'Neill and David -W. Cockrell. in
dicted as go-between of Nedderman
and local gamblers. Upon the dis
trict attorney's motion the remain
ing indictments were dismissed in
superior court and the combined
bonds of $180,000, under which the
threj men were held, wtre exoner
ated. .
Secretary of State Declares Pro
hibition Proposals Will Win
by Margin of 75.000.
Columbus, O., Nov. 4. After less i
than jSix months of actual prohibi
tion, Ohio today voted to remain in
the dry column, apparently by a
majority three times larger than
that by which it first voted prohibit
tion a year ago.
At midnight Secretary of State
Smith declared that dry majorities
on the four prohibition proposals
voted upon today would'reach 75,
000. Indications were that the vpro
posed amendment providing for
classification of property for taxa
tion had been defeated.
At 10:15 o'clock tonight the Ohio
taxpayers league, which backed the
campaign for the classification
amendment, conceded the defeat of
the amendment by 100,000 or more
Report Gains for Drys.
- In several of the rural counties
the drys were reported to have
gained from eight to 25 votes to the
precinct. However, in Cleveland,
the wets were claiming to have car
ried the county by from 23,000 to
34,000. Last year the ijets carried
the county by between 18,000 and
19,000. -
In Cincinnati, the wets were claim
ing majorities on the different pro
hibition proposals ranging from 51,
000 to 56.000, or slightly larger than
last year's wet majorities. "
At 9:30 o'clock neither wet head
quarters at Cincinnati nor dry head
quarters in Columbus had issued
statements on the basis of returns
already received. Both sides, it was
said, were awaiting more definite re
turns from the larger cities.
Classification in Doubt.
While the cities were rolling up
majorities for classification the rural
.districts were voting heavily against
it and early indications were that
the proposal would suffer defeat.
Returns were slow in coming in
and in the event of a close vote it
was feared that it might be several
days before the definite result would
become known.
Indications were that because of
the many "municipal elections oyer
the StatcVyptes oh local elections
were being counted before an effort
was made to count votes on the
statewide issues. '
Late tonight James A. White, su
perintendent of the Anfi-saloon
league of Ohio, issued this state
ment: "Indications are that if present
gains continue, the drys will win on
all four proposals by from 50,000 to
75.000 majority."
L. H. Gibson, manager of the
Ohio Home-rule association, said:
"The Crabbe and ratification meas
ures are decisively defeated and we
believe we will win both amend
ments. The vote on the latter two
propositions, we admit, will be close,
but the result will be in our favor."
Gompers Rebuked by
Methodists for His
Slap at Prohibition
Washington, Nov. 4.- The asser
tion of Samuel Gompers. president
of the American Federation of La
bor, that prohibition was contribut
ing to the unrest in the United
States was characterized as "not
only unfortunate, but deserving of
rebuke," in a statement issued here
bv the board of temperance, prohi
bition and public morals of.- the
Methodist church.
"Radicalism in England and
France and throughout the continent
of Europe, the statement said, "is
very mucn more rue man u is ui
America, despite the floods of alco
hol. Bolshevism is a thing of ig
norance; prohibition commands the
support of 90 per cent of Americans
with school educations. Bolshevism
is a thing of saloons, barrel houses
and slums: prohibition is the pro'
duction of schools, churches and
"All America concedes everything
nossible to labor and labor leaders,"
the statement added( "but Mr. Gom
pers is not the uncrowned king of
this country. If it is true that fos
cizn born laborers are rebellious
against the country because of pro
hibition it may be said that the coun
try is not being run entirely for
their benefit. If they do not like
the way things are being done let
them go back to turppe. six weeks
after they have landed on that con
tinent they will be begging the
churches for passage money back."
Four of Five Candidates Sup
ported by Unions in List ot
Those Chosen to Draft New
Constitution for State.'
Germany Wants to Arbitrate
' Question of Giving Up Ships
Copenhagen, Nov. 4. Germany
has replied to the inter-allied note
demanding the surrender to the al
lies 'and associated powers of Ger
man ships turned over during the
war to shipping companies in the
Netherlands and which are at pres
ent in German ports. Germany of
fers to arbitrate the question.
Government Puts Price of
$75,000 on Wooden Hulls
ph iladelphia, Nov. 4. Announce
ment is made that the emergency
fleet corporation has fixed $75,000
as the price for the 3,500-ton Ferris
wooden ship hulls the government
intends to sell. Nearly 200 wooden
fhios, mostly of the Ferris tvne. are
ito-be sold.. ,
School Bond Issue Ajthorizeu
By Vote of Three to One
Jail Bonds Obtain Over 60
Per Cent Majority Required
Omaha yesterday voted $5,000,000
school bonds by a vote of 3 to 1.
The $100,000 city jail bonds also car
ried, but only by a small margin ;
over the 60 per cent-majority re
quired for these bonds.
The total vote as compiled latt.v
last night, with six precincts out .
of 168 still unreported, was as fol- -lows
on the bonds:
For the school bonds, 8.373. - '
Against the school bomds, 2,837.
For the jail bonds, 7,330. s .
Against the jail bonds, 3,884.
Union labor's slate was trium,
pliant in the election of delegate,
to the constitutional convention
Four of the five candidates sup
ported by union labor were elected
They are Anson' H Bigelow, R. A
Wilson, A. J. Donahue and Georg
Norman. '
Howard in Lead.
Jerry Howard ran far . ahead o !
all other candidates piling up a vol
of 4,526, nearly 500 ahead of ' hi;
nearest competitor.
The 12 successful candidates -ai
shown by the unofficial compilation
with only six precincts missing, ari
as follows, with their several votes '
Jerry Howard ............... .4,52 -
Charles L. Saunders ;...4,05C '
diaries W. Seats . 3.86: .
A. J. Donahue 3,851
George A, Magney.,. 3,81
Anson H. Bigelow , .3,635
George E. Norman. 3,56!
L. J. TePoel .....3,53.!
Charles F. McLaughlin.. 3,484 -
R. A. Wilson ................ .3,43.'
Joseph T. Votava '. .3.24:
Lysle I. Abbott.., .'.3,137
There is a bare possibility that
the reports from the remaining si
precincts may change the last name,
on the list and put Alfred C. Muti
ger in place of Mr. Abbott. Mr.
Monger's vote was totaled as 3,052
last night. ( -
Messrs. Bigelow, Howard. 'Wilson .
snd Norman were endorsed by the
Citizens' arid Taxpayers' x league,
which also endorsed six unsuccess
ful candidates.
The committee of 500 endorsed
Messrs. Howard, Abbott and Saun
ders ,and six unsuccessful candi
dates. ;
Vote ot Losing Candidates. '
The vote polled by the unsuccess
ful candidates as compiled ; last
night, with six precincts missing, is
as follow: '
Isidor Zeigler ..: 7 2,603
James Allan ... 2.168
James H. Bulla V. 2,658
Vaclav Bnresch ....2,106 .
Robert, C. Druesedow ., 2,289
George B. Dyball ...2,818
Albert W. Elsasser .;. 2,464
Harry A. Foster ,v 2,574
Charles Grau ............. ...2.605
ED.- E. Howell 2.796
James O'Hara 1.957
J. P. Palmer 2,380
Carroll S. Rainbolt 2.639
William C. Ramsey 2.538
O. A. Sinkie ........2.68!
John M. Tanner 2,370
George M. Tunison 2.391
Frank C. Yates ..............1767,
Joseph T. Votava, one of the win '
ners, was endorsed by. no organiza- '
tion, but won by extensive advertise x
ing in newspapers and street cars. .
The total vote cast in the city was
approximately 11,210, out of nearly
35,000 registered men and 4,500 reg
istered women voters. The vote was
one of the lightest ever cast here. .
In the county outside of Omaha
(Contlnord on P Two. Column Foot.) ..
Nonpartisan League
Defeated in Fight for
Convention Control
Lincoln. Neb.,Nov. 4. Nebraska -
voters today selected 100 delegate!
to the state constitutional conveiw "
tion which meets in Lincoln the
first Monday in December. All thu-
candidates ran on a nonpartisan
ticket, and there was lax interest,
the only issue being an alleged ef
fort on the part of the NonDartisan
league to elect members of that or
ganization to control the convention.
Returns indicate there will not be '
to exceed 20 Nonpartisan league
delegates, perhaps: not half that '
number. ' '
In Lincoln, chief interest cen
tered in propositions for the city to
take over the street railway com
pany under municipal ownership and N
io issue Donds tor municipal exten
sions of the water and lighting
plant Early indications were that
tire bond proDositions carried anrf
the car company proposal wai
fcated. ; '