Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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Safe and proper directions are in every "Bayer" package
"Bayer Tablet! of Aspirin" to be
genuine must be marked with the
safety "Bayer Cross." Then you
are gettting the true, world-famous
Aspirin, prescribed by physicians for
over 18 years.
Always buy an unbroken package
of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin, which
contains proper directions to safely
relieve Colds, Headache, Toothache,
Earache, Neuralgia, Lumbago,
Rheumatism, Neuritis, Joint Paint
and Pain generally.
Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost
but a few cents. Druggists also sell
larger "Bayer" packages. Aspirin
is the trademark of Bayer Manufac
ture of Monoaceticaddester of Sal-icylicacid.
Be Young In Body, Mind and
Looks Despite Ybur Years
How often you have
wished that you could
indulge in the strenu
ous exercise of out
door sports with the
vigor and enthusiasm
of youth! But the
end of the week finds
you all in you are
tired, listless and lack
the energytogo out for
a vigorous walk or a
round of the links or
any other exercise that re
quires much physical exer
tion. Many a man, even in
his middle forties, has a
vague feeling that he is
"getting old" and right
ata timewhenhe should be
at his very best physically.
An A he isgrowmg old, not
in the sense that the years
are pressing heavily upon
him -but in the sense that
his vital forces are wasting
a way faster than Nature re
places the worn out tissues.
My Heart and My Husband
" Revelations of a Wife"
$S ft il
. J I
LYKO is wild to wrlilnal
hh only. Ilkesteturv i
RtiuM all nibttitutM.
Thousands yes millionsof people find
themselves in this condition early in Hie. And
there is no excuse for it You can check that
tendency to grow old. You can carry your
youth with its Joys and enthusiasm into your
70's and 80's. But you must give Nature all the
help yon can. The best assistance you can And assist
ance of a sound, conatroetiTe character is in the ata of
The Great General Tonic
It enriches the blood -trently stimulate heart. Hvar and
. Mdneye to norma) activity brines back your pep. pencil
and mental vigor-chases away that tired, worn-out feel
ing and replace It with a spirit of buoyancy
LYKO ie a distinctive preparation, scientifically eor
reet initaoombinatlon of medicinal ingredients, and there's
nothing more invigorating, more strengthening or more re
building Specially beneficial for invalids, convalescents
and run-down people of all conditions. Get bottle from
vow druggist today tomorrow you will feel better for it.
MesiJattefers Ljko Medicbt Co. kJUZuZ!'
What Iha Underwood Compelled
Badge to do.
are never know move metal
day than those of mt swouMr
month fotfowhtt Junior's Mthdar
fete, whloh ended so auspiciously
for the happineee of Alfred Durfcee
and Ulila Fairfax
Only the closing of the tohool
disturbed the placid monotony of
the days, and that held no unex
pected element, was simply a matter
of tiresome routine which Alice Hoi
combe and I managed to dispose of
without friction or outspoken eroti
cism from the schcool board.
With Lillian and her small daugh
ter domiciled at Mrs. Durkee's next
door, I resolutely put from my mind
all fear of any unpleasantness for
me which might ensue from the cam
paign against Kenneth Stockbridge
by his dead wife's relatives, a cam
paign of which I strongly suspected
the sinister appearing man who had
called upon me to be a part Lillian
is always like a solid rock of reas
surance to me. I felt childishly
that nothing could happen while she
was my next door neighbor.
Only one thing clouded the utter
indolent contentment in which I
spent the first three weeks of my va
cation, and that was my. knowledge
of the intense suffering which Alice
Holcombe was undergoing because
of the continued incarceration in
the county jail of Kenneth Stock
bridge, charged with having mur
dered his wife. But as thd days
wore on I found myself with an in
ward protest at my own selfishness
adopting a view of the matter which
Lillian and JJicky kept torcing on
me. v
"Look here, lady, Ljlhan said
one day shortly after school closed
when I was expressing my sympathy
for Alice, "if vou don't auit trying to
carry the weight of the world on
your shoulders we're going to walk
slow behind you pretty soon with
nice little wreaths in our hands."
A Lazy Program.
"Why I Why!" I stammered.
"I'm perfectly all right!" "Yes you
are," she scoffed. "You are about j
as near a nervous breakdown as any- j
body I ever saw. I wouldn't tell
you this only somebody's got to I
make you take care of yourself, and
I fancy I am the goat. Remember,
child, you've been under a pretty
stiff strain for a long time, since
Dicky joined the aviation corps.
And the melodrama at Bayview
hasn't helped things along any."
"Well, at least I'm not going back
there next year." I protested feebly.
"For which small exhibition of
your common sense Allah 1 be
praised," retorted Lillian. 'But that
doesn't alter the fact that you are
pretty nearly , at the end of your
tether. You're thin, hollow-eyed and
pale, the mere ghost of ' yourself. 1
Oh! we ve all been talking you over.
Dicky, his mother, your father and
your humble servant, and we've de
cided that you need absolute rest,
lyi ig aftiund in the sunshine, reading
in a hammock, evening motor rides
ad things tike that jrouYa built
up again."
"Sounds like a nice hay attractive
pvoflpram," Itaid appreciatively.
Dicky's uggeetkm.
lt la," Lillian rejoined, "but
you've got to put Alios Holcombe
aad her troubles out of your mind
first, Worrying about it won't do
her or Mr. Stockbridge one bit of
good, and you'll only get yourself
into such a state that if there came
a chance to do them any real service
you would not be in either the men
tal or the phiysical condition to ren
der it
"I suppose your are right" I re
turned meekly, "and I will do my
best." -
"You'll do better than that If I
have any say in the matter," Lillian
I found it very pleasant to be back
and be petted and coddled for awhile.
Dicky was my devoted cavalier, and
I knew from his manner that he
was really worried aboutt me. I was
more fatigued mentally and physi
cally than I had realized, and it was
several weeks before I began to get
back my ambition. But at last I
grew tired of inaction, no matter
how luxuriously padded, and I ex
pressed my restlessness to Dicky
one afternoon when he had come
home early and was reading to me
as I lay in the hammock.
"Dicky," I said suddenly, putting
out my hand and pulling the book
away from his gaze, "Please stop
reading a minute."
"Anything to please," Dicky re
joned promptly, an then with a
shrewd glance at me, "What's ' on
your mind old dear?"
"Don't you think I've been on the
shelf long enough?" I asked.
"Oh Hoi" he rejoined. "Begin
ning to sit up and take notice, aren't
you well? Vyell, now let's see what
the doctor would better prescribe.
I'm going to , take you away after
a little, but I can't go just yet I
have itl
"How would you like to run the
car with me as the teacher?" ,
(Continued Tomorrow.)
Most In
Bortamif 'Event
There is only one medicine that
really stands out pre-eminent as a
medicine for curable ailmentavof the
kidneys, liver and bladder.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root stands
the highest for the reason that it
has proven to be just the remedy
needed in thousands upon thousands
of distressing cases. Swamp-Root
makes friends quickly because its
mild and immediate effect is soon
realized in most cases. It is a gentle,
healing vegetable compound.
Start treatment at once. Sold at
all drug stores in bottles of two
sizes, medium and large.
However, if you wish first to test
this great preparation send ten cents
to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton,
N. Y., for a sample bottle. When
writing be sure and mention ' The
Omaha Bee.
TW Jlrgfjr Ttoref Cmptdk
' Promotion in the Navy comes quickly to those whofasffly
far higher ratings. Ia starch 1S99 A. P. Nilsson enlisted hi
the Navy as an Apprentice Seemen, 3rd cless. In April 1907
he was rate J Chief Turret Captain. Hlspay today lefltSJt
per month. . ' '
A many lite men !
REEL them off "Rio", Gibraltar, Ceylon, Yoko
hama all the great porta of the world are they
only places on the map to you or are they porta
where you've gone sailing in from the high seas with
every eye along the shore turned admiringly on your
big ship jour ship I "
Are the great world ports nothing to you but little
red spots in 'your school geography, or are they rest
towns whose funny streets you've walked whose
strange sights you've seen whose magnificence you've
admired towns in which you've greeted the world's
tailor men from the Seven Seas?
l . . ;
Make each port yon visit mean another big experi
ence. Curious spots, beautiful spots, ugly spot,
famous spots, and every one of them more interesting
to see than anything you ever read about in all your
Efe. Every ocean has a United States ship sailing for
soma port worth acefag.
If you've any call in you for a full life Join, and
color all your years ahead with memories of things
worth seeing with knowledge worth having with
an' inexhaustible fund of sea tales and adventures
picked up ashore and afloat that will make you a
welcome man in any company. '
' : i '.
Compare such a personality with that of men who
are content to just stick around all their days and
see nothing. Boy I
Work? sure, andja man's work it is, among men,
Ray? well, rather, with a bunch of men who know
how to play. These comrades of yours carry in
their ears the sounds of great world cities, of boom
ingjguna, of swashing seas sounds you will share with
them and that will never die away.
And when you come home, youH face Fife ashore
with level eyes for Uncle Sam trains in self-reliance
as well as self-respect The Navy builds straight man
ZnBtt for two yean. Excellent eyporhmrtlea for advancement Four weeks holidays with pay each year. ,
Shore leave to tee inlaw! sights, at ports visited. Men always learning. Good food and first uniform outfit
tree. Pay befina the day you enlist. Get full information from your nearest recruiting station. If you do
not know wbmn the nearest tea ui tin nation is, ask your postmaster. He knows.
. i . '
off ! - Join, ihe U. &Nawy,
Constitutional Convention to be composed of a
Non-Partisan body. ' . , '
r i
Neither Democrats nor Republicans, Socialists nor
others to be recognized.
'. i
Elect only men who will represent the spirit of the
call. 1 '
Choose men who know the needs of Omaha and
Douglas County as, well as the needs of the State oi
Nebraska. . ,
Select only men with1 known records who have in
the past spoke for progressive. matters. V .
Be careful that the reactionary element does not
control the Convention. 1
Vote for the men whose names appear in this ad
vertisement. ' ' i '
These men have had wide experience in legislative
- affairs.
They will not permit a reactionary constitution to
be written.
They have made their record as progressive legis
lators. They stand upon that record.
Elect these men and the State of Nebraska will
have written into its constitution wise provisions which
will permit the legislatures in the future to pass such"
remedial legislations as the State from time to time
demands. , : f
Take This Ticket to
Booth With You
Si! ,