12 , ; ' ; ; ' , . . y - , ' P ' f. 'THE BEEt OMAHA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER '4.1919 rv, ' ' -. The New and Better Way Nujol Rr Gmtfijfation wilf t,ech you the healthiest habit in the world. Geta bottle of Nujol from your druggist today and write for free booklet "Thirty Feet of Danger" to Nujol Laborator ies, Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey), SO Broadway, New York. SICKNESS PREVENTION HEALTH 11 'I Knnt tfnn (nn-Midi atma...,!. .1 - " ...... ..so' MVIISbU WIIU nHllMfti nf jtH.a,A .... down people jn two weeks' time in many instances. It has been used and ea domed hv aurh mmn mm nmi I T ; ...J State Senator and Vice-Presidential Nominee, Charles A. Towne; U. S. Cora, miaaioner ot Immirraion -Hon. Anthony Caminetti; also United States Judge G. W. Atkinson of the Court of Claims of WaaHtitfrtnn and nthoM A air ...... a tor or druggist about it. .. TOO FAT? Redoes 10 ts 80 IH., or more, under $100 UUAKANTllB by Korem system. obtain Oil ef Kereltt at any busy dnu. sU.re; or write foi me brochure to Xoreln Co.. Nr.-KOl. Station P, New Vork City. Become slander by Imt method. No salts, no thyroid, no alanine, no tedious exercising. Dellyhthilij easy, rapid reduction: Improves health, symmetry, efficiency; ADD YEARS TO YClliR I.IKF,! Become thin aaS remain sol REDUCE WRIGHT HAPPILY1 POLICE SEARCH FOR7 OCCUPANT OF KELLOGG CAR John McKenna,- in Hospital, Refuses to Divulge Name of Third Member of Party. i Police are still searchhing for the companion of Phil Kellogg, live stock commission man, in his speed ing ride to death at Thirteenth street and Deer Park boulevard Sunday afternoon. Kellogg was killed almost instantly. John McKenna, 4609 South Twen ty-fourth, street, who "was also in the death car and is now in St. Jos eph's hospital injured internally, re fuses to divulge! the identity of the third occupant of the car. McKenna told police he did nor know the man. He says Kellogg was driving the car at the time oi fte accident, in which six other gersons, all mem bers of the Gus and Albert Johnson families, were injured. Gus Johnson, 3020 Webster street, the most seriously injured, iJ get ting along nicely, attendants at at. Joseph hospital say. His wife, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Johnson, 3483 Lari more avenue, and their two chil dren, Charles and Leslie, have near ly recovered from, their injuries,, is the report from their home. County Investigator Dempsey is still probing the accident upon re port funished the .county at torney's office that "McKenha was driving the car." A charge of manslaughter may face ' McKenna it the reports are found to be true, Paul Steinwender, chief clerk to the county attorney, stated yesterday. It has not been determined whether an inquest will be held. No date has been set for the funeal of Kellogg. riAtSttEiro FIIMIND -TKOTO PltfW OFFERINGS FOR.' TODAY' y I $250.00 REWARD I B and no questions asked, for return H I of platinum diamond set wrist y B watch. Name and Chicago address 9 it owner engraved on inside. n E ALBERT EDHOLM, Jeweler Phona Douglas 1962 "J HIVflH-MSHHIaHHi REAT numbers of school tftil I -w dren in Omaha are taken to V4 tn mniri. tmncafl Kv their riar- fenls on Fridav ahd Saturdiv nights Not caring to have their children up late during school days, the mothers hit upon the plan of taking them on the above nights and now one can see hundreds of jhem looking: at Mutt and Jeff, Mack Sennett, Har old Lloyd and other comedies which the play managers feature for their especial pleasure. It is a treat De yond words to watch ' these tittle ones have their movie outing. Rialto The first two days' run of "Broken Blossoms," the' photoplay ft a vine its settine in the Chinese em pire and being shown at the-Rialto theater, has filled this nouse to us full seating capacity, while hun dreds have been turned away owing to their inability to procure seats. Never has a motion picture been ac corded a reception in Omaha as has been accorded "Broken Blossoms." Its success was instantaneous and it is safe to say that in bringing this oicture to Omaha the management of the Rialto has to its credit the biggest accomplishment in artistic entertainment that Omahans have yet enjoyed. The picture, made from the story, "The Chink and .the Child," taken from Thomas Burke's ' Limehouse Nights,' contains less than a half dozen characters, and yet its' apoeaMo the deeper emo tions is auite as striking and potent as was the appeal of "The Birth of a Nation," or "Hearts of the World." The picture will continue to be shown fpr the balance of the week that every person mayvhave an opportunity to see it. Strand Wallace Reid, starring in "The Lottery Man," at the, Strand theater, holds to the chance idea. Moreover, he starts a lottery with himself as the prize; is willing to go through life with the woman who holds the winning coupon costing one bone." But, there is one girl who upsets all his plans causes him to run into all sorts of embarrassing situations. ,; t Moon Plentybf action, plenty of beautiful scenery, both are to be s'een in "The, Brute .Breaker," a photoplay starring Frank Mayo, at the Moon theater. The forest fire scene in "The Brute Breaker" will no doubt go ddwn in film history as one'of the most realistic ever screened. To see it is to come un- dei the spell of. its appeal. The picture is being shown -to large crowds daily and will be shown for "SYRUP OF FIGS" CHILD'S LAXATIVE ; ' Look at tongue! Remove poi sons from stomach, liver and bowels. Protect Yourself v Against the "Flu" No cure has been' discovered for the dreaded, insidious Spanish In fluenza, and many of the most prom inent doctors fear an epidemic of the "Flu" during the coming-fall ind winter months, us bad, if not worse, than last winter. That "Flu" is very contagious has been proved conclusively. The Kan sas State Board f Health has de rided to isolate alf "Flu" suspects if n epidemic occurs this fall and winter; and many other states are retting ready to fight the "Flu." The "Flu" is not only dangerous tQ life during the illness period, but it seems t leave sthe entire body veak and enervated ; the head swims, the nervous system is affected and frequently it affects. the heart, kid neys and other organs of the body. The "after effects" ax often worse . than the" disease itself, and hundreds of thousands of people are still feeling the weakening, enervating effects many months after they had "Flu." There is only one way of sif e- guarding yourself against the dan ger of the "flu" contagion and to overcome the "after effects." Influenza is a germ disease that affects the blood and poisons it, af fecting every part of the-body. " Without oxygen jol cannot live. Oxygen is the life giver, the health ' restorer. If there is not a sufficient supply of revitalizingf-germ destroy ing oxygen in the blood, if the red blood cells are not rich in iron and the cell-salts that the cells of the body must have to maintain health and strength, then the blood is not able to resist disease "and the body becomes sick. Pure, healthy blood, vitalized wrth oxygen, rich in iron (which draws oxygen into the blood from the air in the lungs, just like a magnet draw steel) and supplied with Che cell salts that nourish and rebuild the cells of the body, will resist disease, destroy disease germs, burn up the impurities and eliminate them from the system. . - Reolo, the remarkable formula discovered by Dr. A. L. Reusing in creases the amount of oxygen in the blood, rapidly increases the number of red blood cells and supplies the iron and , cell-salts that nature re- Suires to maintain health and re uild the cells that the daily work tears down. .v Healthy blood-makes a healthy body, and Reolo makes the blood healthy. Therefore it is only sens ible to keep your blood healthy, vitalized with oxygen, iron and cell salts, not only to prevent Flu" contagion, but to restore your strength from "after effects" of "Flu." '. . Seolo oxidizes the blood and sends through the entire body a stream of rich, healthy red bipod, that revital izes every ceM of the nerves, tissues, brain and bones. It makes healthy blood that enables you to resist dis ease, renews the worn out. tissues, tones up the haart and nervous sys tem and restores health and vitality. If you are thin, rundowh and feel tired all the time; if you have head aches, backache, dizziness or suffer from pain ; if you are pale and anae mic, nervous, restless, sleepless or are suffering from weakness or loss oi sirengtn ana energy, iry a pacK age of Reolo, the remarkable dis covery of Dr. Reusing, that gives renewed strength and energy, re vitalijes the blood with life-giving oxygen, and the iron and cell-salts that your blood must have to restore and maintain health, vigor and vitality. . Reolo is sold un3er the Positive Guarantee that if it does not help you, increase your strength; and make you feel better than you have ffor years, your money will be re turned. - V I Reolo is not expensive. The pack age of 100 tasteless tablets, suf ficient' for two .weeks, only costs $1.00. REOLO is sold in Omaha by Sher man & McConnell Drug Co.r L6th and Dodge, 24th and Farnam, 49th and Dodge, 16th and Harney, 19th and Farnam, Licensed Distributor for the Dr. A. L. Reusing Labor atories, Akron, Ohio. &L miysxrimU "I tl m rskiil I I I ff FSd 1 1 III II ' . - Ml - Wl fQHp tf Onto OMAHA PRINTING COMPANY ssss numM CCXMIKIM PRINTERS-LITHOGRAPHERS STEEL DIE EMBOSSERS COOSC IrCAtt or VICES Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only look for the name California on the package, then you are-ure your childis having the best and most harmless laxative or physic fbr the, little stomach, liver and bowels., Children love its delicious fruity taste. Full " directions for child's dose on each bottle. Give it without fear. ' "Mother! You musf say "Califor nia.' t A Stubborn Cough Loosen Right Up This home-made remedy Is a won ' dor for quick results. Easily ait cheaply made. home-made gynpyhich people have found to be ' jiuc la a.. millions of 'neonl the most deDcmlable means of break' ing up stubborn coughs. It is cheap and BimDle. but very prompt in action. Under its healing, soothing influence, chest soreness goes, pniegm loosens, breathing becomes easier, tickling in throat stops and you get a good night's restful sleep. The usual throat and chest colds are conquered by it in 24 hours or less. Nothing better for bron chitis, hoarseness, croup, throat tickle, bronchial aethina or winter coughs. To make this splendid' cough syrup, pour VM ounces of Pinex into a pint bottle and fill the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup- and shake thoroughly. If you prefer, use clarified molasses, noney, or corn syrup, instead of sugar syrup. Either way, you get a fulCpint a family supply of much better cough syrnp than you could buy ready-made for three times the money. Keeps perfectly and children love its pleasant taste; Pinex is a special and highly concen trated compound of genuine Norway nine extract, known the world over for its prompt healing'Wect upon the membranes. ' ' To avoid disannointment ask vour druezist for "2"A ounces of Pinex" with 'full directions, and donaecept anything else. Guaranteed to give ab solute satisfaction or jnonev promptly refunded. The Pinex Co Ft. Wayne, Ind. STOP if SI Zemo the Clean, Antiseptic liquid, Gives Prompt Relief There is one safe, dependable treat ment t hat relieves itching torture sad that cleanses and soothes the skin. - Ash any druggist fora35cor$l bottle of Zemo and apply it as directed. Soon you wiH find that Irritations, pimples, blackheads, eczema, blotche8,ringworm and similar skin troubles will disappear. Zemo. the penetrating; satisfying liquid, is all that is needed, for it banishes most skin eruptions, makes the ekin soft, smooth and healthy. TIN &W. Rote CfceCferctaBiO. V Neighborhood, Homes, HAMILTON 40th Mid Hamilton -r- AL10B JOTCB In "A SPARK DE V1NB." COMFORT 84th and Vinton LOTTIE KRAUSB In "OIRL, ALASKA," a , most extraordlnady picture: also episode number 14 of tlie "GREAT GAMBLE." GRAND ISth and Blnney "EYES ot a SOUL," starring ELSIE FER GUSON; also comedy. AFPOLO th and Leavenworth GEORGE BEBAN in "HEARTS ot MEN;" also comedy. , the last times at the Moon Wednes- day' C , Sun-'In "The lovous Liar." a photoplay starring J. Warren Ker- lgan at the un, one sees the star who usually is so immaculate, whether io tuting rig, past-century costume or evening clothes, in a greatly disheveled state. Having had a fight with three men, in mud knej- deep and in a lashing rain, his ao- pearance denotes anything but the immaculate dresser he ,is. "The Joyous Liar" closes its run at the Sun theater Wednesday evening. Muse "The World Aflame." star ring Frank Keenan at the Muse the ater for the last times todav. is a prcture-story dealinir with everv dav problems of industrial life, and is a picture of such interest that every- Doay, young ana oiaj snould see Empress Never in her success ful career as a star has Peggy Hy land been cast to better advantage than in Wm. Fox's screen presenta tion of the New York stage success, "'A Girl in 'Bohemia" which-onened at 'the Empress Sunday. The expose of the life of the so-called Bohemian set of New York is fascinating in its interest. - ASK MORE TIME TO ESTIMATE REPAIR TO COURT HOUSE One Report Approximates That t Made by Architect . ; . Latenser. The committee of architects, con tractors, engineers and laymen ap pointed 8y the .county commission ers 10 idays' ago to estimate the amount of money required to repair the court house made its report to the county commissioners yester day, 1 recommending also that the commissioners pursue further inves tigations before passtng a resolution calling for bonds to pay for the work. The four groups which compose the committee brought in estimates varying from $295,000 to $351,000. The original estimate made by John Latenser, architect of the building, was $353,000. This does not, include tire cost of furniture, carpets and fix tures. . The furniture, fixtures, rugs, etc., which will have to be replaced will cost $189,000 it is estimated. . Four: Estimates Submitted. The committee also mae a rec ommendation that an expert be Ifalled in to go over the damage in detail and make a complete tabula tion of everything that was destroy ed or damaged. Such an expert, the county com missioners say, would cost , $50 a day and the work would require at least ' seven weeks, costing about PHOTO PLATS - AT THE . THEATERS WALLACE REID IN "The Lottery Man" One of the Biggest and Best Comedies' Ever Produced. SOCIETY night attendance at the Orpheum was extremely heavy, and greatly relished ' the "Welcome Home Song Rlvue," with Ous Edwards at the head of his own company as the stellar attraction. Molly Mclntyre, in the one-act Itish romantic playlet, "The Love Chase," evoked hearty approbation Lydia Barry, singing' comedienne, proved exceptionally entertaining. One of the hits of the bill is the most skillful jugglen who has ever appeared at the Orpheum. He is Royal Gas coignes, the man with the double somersaulting dog. Another pro nounced success is the comedy skit, "Mudtown Vaudeville," humorously presented by Blanche and Jimmy Creighton. , ' i ' " Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Bayne, themselves, wind up their short but interesting stay at the Boyd with a matinee and evening performance today, presenting "The Master Thef," a real melodrama of the modern type. These popular movie stars are just as good in the spoken drama, and are delighting a host of friends with the quality of their work. They have a remarka bly strong company in support, and the play is lavishly mounted. ' One of the largest items that such producers of musical extravaganzas, as purveyors of high-class girl shows hive to contend with is the constant renewal of wardrobe. "Oh Baby which the Marcus show is presenting at the Brandeis repre sents an original outlay of $30,000 for costumes alone. But that is not the worst of it. The Jverage life of a stage costume such as those worn in "Oh Baby" is less than eight weeks. Silks and satins don't stand the wear, to' sav nothing of- crepes and chiitons. cut the dear public wouldn't stand for more durable and less expensive materials. Therrjlks out in the orchestra chairs are too wise nowadays, so Marcus will have to keep right on and hope that the silk worms don't go on a strike. "Shopping in the Orient" is a lilt ing son of brightness splendidly sung by Ethel Lawrence and Rich ard Bosch in the captivating produc tion of '"Chin Chin," which comes to the Brandeis for three perform ances, two nights and a matinee, starting next Friday evening. Chaunccy Olcott in an Erlanger production, of "Macushla" comes to the Brandeis next - week, starting Sunday. Mr. Olcott brings four new songs to feature- the sweetly humor ous and pathetic Irish play. The new songs will be a delight to Mr. Olcott's followers, "That's How the River Shannon Flows" gripping the hearts of the audience like "Mother Machree." A musical comedy Of he abbre viated type, ".That's Going Some," is the stellar attraction at the Em press theater. The six girls -in the chorus are exceedingly pretty and their singing an3 dancing is most pleasing Adelaide Carpenter, prin cipal lady in the cast, has a charm ing soprano voice. The attraction at the Gayety this week is Joe Hurtig's "Big Burlesque Wonder Show." with George P. Murphy and Primrose Seamon real leaders of all organizations of this kind. Thcfive or six big star special ties which are introduced through the comedy, alone would repay one for the pricie- of admission, paid; Ladies' matiiiee at 2:15 daily. , Standard Dental Co. Names McKinney Superintendent At a meeting of the directors and officers of the Standard Dental com pany, Barker block, Omaha, last night. M. P. McKinney of the All American Chemical company, 1210 south Sixteenth street, was unani mously elected superintendent .of manufacturing, equipment andadver- Ltising. The Standard Dentad company manufactures reniidies for the treat ment of pyorrhea and other diseases of the teeth. Dr. G. W. Todd is president of the company. Dr. Clif ford R. Teft was formerly in the position Mr. McKinney will assume, Dr. Teft having resigned. The remedies will be manfactured at the All American plant which is equipped for manufacturing all chemical products. . Charges Attempted Assault; John Karin, laborer4617 Farnam street, was arrested yesterday eve ning on complaint of Violet Black more, 21 years old, of the same ad dress, and charged with attempted assault , 1 TODAY WITH WARREN KERRIGAN A Rip-Roaring Comedy V V a 1. I I MONDAYj-TUESDAY FRANK KEENAN in "THE WORLD AFLAME" LOTHROP-lLV,:J WILLIAM FARNUM in "JUNGLE TRAIL" and Paths News. $2,100 and delaying progress on the repairs fo that length of tune. The commissioners now propose $o appoint a committee of abstract ors and real estate men and book keepers 'to estimate the cost of re storing the records. , It is said that this will cost about $250,000 in the office of the register of deeds alone. Until an estimate has been agreed on by all these committees the county commissioners cannot issue the bonds or advertise f,or con tractors. J And until that is done the work of rebuilding the court house and restoring the records must be delayed. V County commissioners say they caruiot tell when they will be ready to go ahead with the work. Schoolslo Be Opened for Community Center Activities The Board ot Education last night approved the use of the fol lowing schools for community cen ter activities: West Side, South High gymna sium, Miller Park, Central t Park, Monmouth Park, Mason, Lincoln Edward Jiosewater, Dundee gymna sium and Kellom. , The approval was made in re sponse to a request received from City Commissioner Falconer of the park department. . J. H. Beveridge, superintendent ot schools, spoke encouragingly of the prospect of the school bonds being carried today. PHOTO PLAYS PHOTO PLAYS PHOTO PLAYS he fought like a tiger - did themysterious stranger in this great , drama of the big lumber camps of the north -woods. Inspiring romance and breathless action! . You'll Like It ! SisSSt r4 frcmendous story told in a (DLa I A fAdil What The World-Herald says of Broken B lossoms Now playing at the :a: s "BROKEN BLOSSOMS" MOVIE HEADLINER 'V 'Broken Blossoms' is one of the very hardest stories on which to make a comment. It tells such a plaintive, pathetic tale that words to lit the delicate acting come hard. The filth, hunger, despair, the cruelty, of the Englishman of the docks is put in elo quent contrast with the quiet, brave, adorable chink. This is the same 'Broken Blossoms' that startled New York and v Chicago movie critics with its beauty, jts simplicity. Too much can not be said of the portrayal of the young girl by Eillian Gish. The characteriza tion of the Chinama'n is delicately drawn by Richard Bartheless and played in admirable restraint. Performances at 11, h 3,- 5, 6:30, 8 and 9 p 1 Augmented Orchestra 20 Pieces TO -fit