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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1919)
TrT) rief k R I G H T ILL) RKEZY BITS OF NEWS , YOUNG VANDERBILTS GET MORE RICHES. New York, Nov. '3. The two young sons of Alfred G. Vander- ej.t, who lost his life it! the sinking: r the Lusitania, are made the richer $721,31? each, through the filing in the deputy state comptroller's of- nee 01 a supplement repari Dy jonn J. Lyons, appraiser of the estate. The report deals with the disposition of part of a trust fund left to Mrs, Margaret E. Vanderbilt, their moth er, which reverted to the residuary estate through herremarriage ' in June 1918, to Raymond T. Baker, director of the mint. Under the will of their father the two boys, Alfred, 9, and George, 4, divide $10,000,0000 on the death of - their mother, in addition to the trust fund. The t6tal estate valued at $21,381, 400. ! CURIOUS PACKAGE AROUSES SUSPICION. ' Wash looking package, inscribed in Ger man script, was delivered through the mails at Attorney General Pal mer's office. It aroused suspicion and was turned over to the bureau of investigation, where it was dis covered that the package con tained a bottle of liquid labeled "boracic acid" on one side and bear ing a German inscription oni the other. Handled gingerly, the bVttle was put in a safe plat until the colorless contends could be an The package was sent by parcel post from New York, Officials are inclined to think it was intended as a joke. T IT YT T T7 C? nr-UT TT TTT-11.T INCREASES RADICALISM. New York, Nov. 3. Denial that prohibition is largely responsible for increase of radicalism in this country was made . by William H. Andersqn, state superintendent of the Anti-rSaloon league of New York. Replying to charges made by the association opposedto na- "It is probably true that the real leaders in crimes and riot are total abstainers, but such leaders are op posed to prohibition because it cuts off the available raw materials for use in the furtherance of their plots. There have been less crimes com-, initted in prohibition states than in wet states. The main centers of an archistic activity 'have been in wet centers." ACTORS' ASSOCIATION IN BOOKING BUSINESS. New York, Nov. 3. The Actors' Equity association, which won its strike against Broadway's produc ing managers, is going into the booking office business. Elimination of the theatrical broker by estab lishment of an "employment agency" was announced. Offices of the association, ineluding the "agency," will be established in quarters leased in the heart of the. theater district. - WIFE OP EBBETS , REFUSEDJDIVORCE. .-u. New YorK"Nov."3. Mrs. Charles H. Ebbets, wife of the president of .t . T. , , ta" t ( I tne tsrooKiyn .National league oasc ball club, jvas refused a decree of divorce by Supreme. Court Justice Benedict in Brooklyn. ' Suggestion was made. however, that she sue for a separation and the justice indi cated that she might be granted then the allowance of $6,500 a year which she would have received with the granting of a divorce. BAITING OF JEWS , RESULTS IN RIOTS. Vienna,, Nov. 3. Sharp clashes be tween the. police and gangs of row dies occurred yesterday in Vienna as a result of numerous cases of Jew-baiting. In a fight a dumber of heads were broken. v For several Sundays past youn? roughs have taken stations on bridges and insulted or manhandled Jews in orthodox garb. Sometimes the Jews were accompanied by a body guard of young Jews, in" whi?h cases fights were frequent. Sunday the situation became such that the police had to intervene. . . ,DONT DISPENSE. WHISKY IS URGED. New Orleans, La., Nov. 1 Drug gists were urged not to despense whisky in prescription by A'bert D Parker 6f New Orleans, president of the National Wholesale Druggists' association, in his anuual address at the 45th yearly convention of the . association. " "We must discourage in every way possible the dispensing of whisky i:i pharmacies," said Mr. Parker. Re fering to' reports that liquor dealers in various sections ' of the country were planning to go into partner ship with druggists' and sell their stores of whisky in ' prescriptions, Mr. Parker said "that is the very thing, we are going to try to stop." U. S. GOVERNMENT OPENS REGULAR BAR. ' New York, Nov. 3. The United Statesgovernment has opened a bar brass foot rail and everything in thf custom house to instruct federal agents in saloon ethics. This is part Of the school for pro hibition enforcement in New York. Rye, Scotch and "third rail" whis kies adorn the "mahogany," togeth er with 2.75 per cent beer and "light wines." Appearance of "customers" who have partaken of drinks strong er than the law allows is demon strated and ways and means of get ting liquor with a "kick" in it are rehearsed. How. to approach the bartender also is taught CHLOROFORM WOMAN AND TAKE OFF HER RINGS. Dallas, Tex., Nov. 3, Using chlo rofromto overcome their victim, 'thieves '.Sunday night entered the J room of Mrs. M. E. Salter of Water ' loo, la., at a local hotel, and took from her fingers ' rings valued at $1,000. . FIGHTS BURGLARS FOR " HALF HOUR IN HOUSE. Portland. Ore.; Nov. 3. Rev. Father William Cronin, pastor of AH Saints Catholic church here, was taken to a , hospital suffering from serious injuries early today, follow ing a half hour's fight, with two armed burglars at his home. FOR PATHOS, HUMOR AND PHILOSOPHY READ "HEART BEATS" IN THE BEE'S WOMAN'S SECTION. nrw-tr Da VOL. 49 NO. 119. ttitnt u MtaltlM attar May 21, IMS. t OmM P. O. jUr ut of Marat 1 l7- OMAHA, TUESDAY, .NOVEMBER 4, 1919. ' Dally tii' Sua.. M.M: auttldt Ntk. taw ntn. B Mall (I raar). Dally, M.0O: Baaday, T ?TWO CENTS. THE WEATHER: " . Partly cloudy Tuesday and Wednesday; scolder in east portion Tuesday. , Hourly tcmpnitri ' ' 5 at. m. at. m. 7 . m. ft a. m. 10 at. m. 11 at. na. It noon , . . .89 ,..43 ...4 ...45 ...4H ...61 I p. IH. t n. an., X p. m., 4 p, m. , 5 p. m,, p. m., 7 t. m.. p. m... 33 ,...4 ....411 ...:45 ..,.4.1 ....4 A8 V) DEADLOCK IN PACT FIGHT IS INDICATED Senate Leaders' Attempt in Vain to Fix. "Definite Date "For Roll -Call on Resolution Ratifying Measure. , HITCHCOCK AND LODGE WAGE BLOCKADE FIGHT Republican Leader Declares t Treaty Will Be in "Grave ' Danger" if its Friends Carry Out Administration Program. Washington, Nov. 3. Further in dications that the peace treaty fight may lead to a continuing deadlock developed today .while the senate leaders were trying in vain to fix a definite date for a roll call on ratification. Administration senators, suggest ing that the final vote be taken this week, indicated a purpose to defeat ratification by combining with the treaty's irreconcilable opponents should the reservations adopted by the -foreign relaVjoAis committee be written- into the ratification resolu tion. Whether the administration forces then could present an alter nate resolution under ' senate rule's was brought into question by the republican leaders, who predicted that even if such, a resolution got consideration, -it-, too, 'would be voted down. An hour of debate on the subject got nowhere, andN the senate went back to consideration of treaty amendments? It may re4"h a vote tomqrrow on that by Senator La Follette, republican, Wisconsin, to strike out the labor provisions and then, unless some new plan is de vised to hasten action, other amend ments and a lonpr list of proposed reservations will be taken up'undcr the, tedious rule of unlimited debate. The administration proposal for a vote this week was presented by Senator Hitchcock of Nebraska, the democratic leader, after he had blocked one by Republican Leader. Lodge, calling for a final vote on November 15. A "final vote on that date," declared Mr. Hitchcock, "would mean that the only ppor tunity for a showdown on ratifica tion must come on a resolution drwn up byj the treaty's enemie3 and containing reservation unac ceptable to the administration sen ators." V ' Mr. Lodge in turn blocked the administration program, which would have provided for a vote Thursday on the committee resolu tion with its reservations and would have left Friday and Saturday for consideration of " any compromise resolutions agreed on by the demo crats and the "mild reservation" republicans. To open the" way for such a move after a ratification vote had been taken would mean upsetting senate rules entirely. Mr. iJodge declared, adding that if the treaty's friends voted against ratifi cation with the committee Reserva tions they would place the treaty "in grave danger." i j ijfo Precedent to' Follow Although Senator Hitchcock did not .definitely annpunc an intention to help vote, down the committee resolution he argued that such a course, followed by presentation of a compromise measure, would' be t , . r c i : it... lOKicai ana iair. auuuuriuiK una stand, Senator Pittman, Nevadad another democratic member of the committee, said he never would vote for the treaty if the committee reservations went in. Senate parliamentarians said there was no precedent to throw light on the auestion of whether defeat of Pthe committee resolution would be a final rejection of the treaty-or would leave the way open for of fering other ratification proposals. Late in the day Senators Lodge and Hitchcock conferred with Vice President Marshall on thu subject and it was said a parliamentary bat tle undoubtedly would develop when" the ratification stage is reached. ; ' Wife and Children Murdered; ; Throats Cut; Husband Held Vancouver, Nov. 3. The wife aud three sons, ranging in age from eight months to seven years of Buta Sa kata, a Japanese resident of Kitsil atio, near here were found dead in their beds with their throats cut. Sakata, aged 40, is in jail on a charge of murder. TKe 'Bee's Free Shoe Fund i A soldier at Ftfrt Crook, out of his $30 a month sends $5 to buy shoes for poor children. He sets a splendid example to people who arc earning much morq. ' If you could see the abject poverty which reigns in the homes where these little children of poor widows live, you would help too. Will you send a contribution? Prrtonlj awknowlnlired $6n.M VSoldler, Fort Crook S (Ml W. IJbrman, Friend. Neb S.00 Total , SSI. 00 Money Rolls in on Opening : Day pf Red Grofes RolFCall; ' Stage Stats Aid in-Drive Small Subscriptions Expected to Run into Thousands of Dollars Workers in all Sections of the City Report They Are Courteously Received Downtown Booth Collections Big More Articles Needed for Auction JL The opening day of the Red Cross membership drive was a complete success, according to word from the campaign headquarters, and sub scriptions are expected to run into the thousands of dollars. A com plete tabulation of the amount raised on the first day will not be avail able until this morning. None of the subscrptons yester day were large, but those for $5, $10 and even $25 and $30 were nu merous. Captains, lieutenants and workers reported that they were re ceived courteously wherever they went and that their appeals for funds seldom, if ever, fell on deaf ears. During the morning supplies were hurried into the outlying districts by members of the motor -corps and long before noon the house-to-house canvass was well under way. , In the business districts the booths were all occupied by enthusiastic workers and during the forenoon the dollars commenced to roll in. Grain Exchange Busy. One of the most fruitful fields during the day was at the, Omaha Grain Exchange, where members of Company A canteen were on duty. .Collections there reached $400 be tornbon. At the Athletic club Company B Canteen was on duty. The collec tions were $100 during the first hour's work. Members of the Women's Social service were on duty at the hut or. the court house grounds. They did not open business until 11 o'clock and closed at 4, but receipts aggre gated $118, a large portion of which was dollar memberships. The draw ing card at this booth during the noon hour was Beverly JJayne, noted film star. Entertain South Side. ' To give the Red Cross Roll call a boost Gus Edwards and three mem bers of his troupe, now placing at the Orpheum theater, will go to the South Side this morning where at 10:30 in the Stock Exchange building he will put on a special 'perform ance. Following the South Side per formance, Mr. Edwards and his as sistants will return to Omaha and from 12:15 to 1:15 they will enter tain on the north side of the court house, dividing honors with the auc tion held at tHe same time, at, which useful articles will be sold. While the Red Cross Roll call auction, held on the Farnam street side of -the court house yesterday, (Continued on Pcs Two, Column Six.) KEEN HUMOR OF LADY ASTOR WINS HER MANY VOTES American Girl Opens Campaign For Unionist Seat in v Plymouth, England. - . ' . . ' Plymouth, Nov. 3. Lady Astor, in her speech tonight on her adopt tion as unionist candidate for Par liament', said it was because she had the mirth of the British Tommy who could laugh while going over the top, she was able to face the tremendous responsibility of at tempting to become the first woman member of the House of Commons. "I realize th'at it depends on how I behave' myself there," she added, "whether other women will get in." A moment later she said: "If took the spirit of Drake and the faith of the Pilgrim fathers to get me here tonight." LosesNo Time. Lady Astor this afternoon dove into the wharfside fish market in an open carriage drawn by a team of beautiful horses with bridles dec orated with red, white and blue ro settes. A battery of press photographers, a swarm of children from the ad jacent slum district and dock labor ers and market workers immediately massed about the carriage. Smiling toward the photographers, Lady Astor asked "Why can't you let us have our little election down here in Devonshire?" Then turning to the crowd she exclaimed: "Aren't these foreigners awful persons.'This elicted much laughter. Lady Astor then stood in her car riage and made a brief talk, ex changed repartee with the crowd and answered the hecklers, generally si lencing them with a. few barbed words, but with all evidences of good humor. Some of her shafts were: "I think you all know who is the working man's friend." "If some people had what we have they Vould not be down here both ering for votes." "You should go down on you knees and thank God you've go. some one honest to represent you." "I like people's children to be treated as I treat my own." "But for the fact that there are women, none of you would ,be here." She concluded jby asking "How many are going to vote for me? S Hold un your bands." The men, women and children, al most without exception, extended their hands. Then one of the pho tographers asked her to pose aboard a fishiiig schooner moored a few yards away. "I am not a movie actress,"j she protested. Nevertheless she" de scended from the carriage ; and walked across the slimy pavement of the fish mart and stepped nimbly aboard the boat, assisted by a po liceman and a fisherman. -Several Pictures Taken. Several pictures were taken. Then the grizzled captain of the boat was posed beside Lady Astor by the photographer and the candidate im proved the opportunity while the cameras were clicking by asking the captain? "Will you vote for me" He readily nodded assent. V "Cross your heart," insisted Lady Astor, and the sailor complied. The labor candidate, W. T. Gay, and his liberal opponent, Isaac Foot, have indicated that Lady Astor's American birth, the possession of wealth, the fact that she is a woman and her attitude 'regarding prohibi tion are points upon which her can didacy will be attacked. CONVICT BLACKS OF MURDER IN , EIGHT MINUTES Six Negroes Will Be Electro cuted for Race Riot Killings Near Helena, Ark. Helena, Ark., Nov. 3. Rapid progress marked the trials of cases growing out of the recent race dis turbances south of this city; 6ne rie- gro being convicted of first degree murder after eight minutes' delib eration by a circuit court jury and five others receiving a verdict of guilty to a similar charge, all at the same time, after the jurymen had been out seven' minutes. The ver dict means electrocution for the six negroes. , In the first of the two cases tried, that of Frank Hicks, several wit nesses for 'the state testified they sgw Hicks fire the shots the morn ing of October 1, which resulted in the death of Clinton Lee, an ex soldier of this city. The defense announced it had no witnesses, ar gument was waived, the jury was. instructed and in eight minutes a verdict was returned, i Defendants in the Vccmd case were Frank Moore, Ed Hicks, J. E. Knox, Paul HalPand Ed Coleman, charged jointly with the murder of Les. Witnesses for the state tes tified that Moore, Knox and Hicks acted as leaders, in the incident, ar guments for a verdict of second de gree murder were presented " by counsel appointed for the defense, instructions were given the jury and a verdict of first degree murder was returned in seven minutes. v Indictments have been brought against 122 persons, mostly negroes, as a result of the disorders. Salt Shortage In France Paris, Nov. 3. Salt has been added to the list of commodities lacking in France. CREAMERY PRACTICES UNDER FIRE Federal Trade Commission Investigates Complaints of Alleged Combine and "Un fair" Methods in Midwest. - 15 STATES REPRESENTED ' "AT HEARING IN OMAHA Independent Buyers Charged With Profiteering Busi ness Is "Eating Itself Up," Says J. F. Stout of Omaha. William B. Colver, member of the federal trade commission, and ,M. M. Flannery, attorney for the com mission, yesterday met at the Hotel Fontenelle nearly 100 representative creamery men, who came to Omaha from IS states to discuss their business methods and. to furnish the commission with information ' for future use. "We have received complaints of alleged ' unfair business practices and we decided to come out here and meet with the creamery men," said Mr. Colver. ""These men came upon our invitation and we dis cussed ' various matters of impor tance to this industry. The meeting was in the nature of a conference. After going over the ground as, we did, if there js any creamery man who beTTeves that his interests are being affected by unfair practices, he may file a formal complaint with the commission. Charge Unfair Prices. One of the complaints was that the large creamery concerns have been driving the small local cream eries out of business by establishing creamery stations in competition with the local plants. It was cited that these large concerns are paying as much for butter fat at points re moved from theifk plants as the local creameries are paying. G. W. Street, for the David Cole company, asserted that his company ' is paying Omaha prices out in the state because the small companies pay Omaha prices at their points, and he gave the impression that when one raises the price for butter Kat to the farmer, the other meets the raise. It appeared that there is strong competition to obtain the butter fat. ' Charge Profiteering. The operation of independent buyers was scored as being, profi teering and tending to increase the spread of cost between producer and consumer. i x "We know that the creamery bus iness is eating itself up by these un fair practices," was a statement by John F. Stout of Omaha, represent ing the Harding Creamery comply- J J , . . lhe conference decided mat a o cent commission should be the max imum paid to hose . who maintain the creamery stations in small towns. ' , 'Oppose Omaha Prices. "It is a question of competition," declared E. T. Rector, vice president of the Fairmont Creamery com pany. Attorney Frank Dojzell of Fre mont, representing the Farmers' Centralized Creamery company, ob jected to the Omaha concerns pay ing the Omaha market price tor but ter fat at pbipts in the Fremont ter- Exposition Drive Passes . . " $800,000 Mark and Board Pledges Half of Remainder Worker in Campaign Guests of Advertising-Selling .. League and Hear "Pep!.' Talks to Urge Them For ward in Last Lap of Drive Plan to Reach Quota Before Banquet Thursday Night, Members of the Ak-Sar-Bea board of govenors and workers in the Ak-Sar-Ben $1,000,000 drive for exposition funds, were entertained at the Hotel Fontenelle last night by the Avertising-Sellngeague of Omaha. The dinner, which was en livened by cabaret features, and the lUeeting which followed, were the most enthusiastic held snice the dri started eight days ago. Guy Cramer, manager of the drive, announced that the fund had reached $810,000 last night. " E. Buckingham, chairman of the board of governors, announced' that the board would raise $100,000 of the remaining amount if the workers would volunteerto raise the re mainder. Talk of "Pep." . "We will," shouted the men, and Mr. Buckingham was satisfied. He told of a $5,000 subscription to the fund from "Uncle" Ben F. Smith, a former well known resident "of Omaha, now living in Glencoe, Me. He urged the workers to try sev eral times before giving up a pros pective contributor, and told of visit ing -a concern 13 times before he succeeded in getting a subscription. Albert E. Braham, western dis trict manager of the Calumet, Bak ing Powder company, delivered a rousing talk on "pep." He produced a dilapidated sheet of music which had "been the official Ak-Sar-Ben march 20 years-ago. His sister in England ihad sent it to him, he said, with a joking letter calling his attention to the cover, -which bore the picture of JCink Ak and' the knights of Ak-Sar-Ben. . "She wanted to know how it hap pened that we had royalty in the land of freedom I had been writing her about," said Mr. Braham, "but the point of the thing is that even in its youngest days Ak-Sar-Bea's fame had spread. It is .now world wide. Look to Future. ' v . "Think what the proposed exposi tion will become in the next 20 years," continued Mr. Braham. "You men who "are raising funds for the permanent exposition are selling stock in the biggest thing in the world today." ' Mr. Braham closed wifh a poem of his own composition which (Continued oil Page Two, Column Fire.) (Continued on Pair 'Two, Column Five.) The vOm aha Bee Finished Way in the Lead , on the tptal volume of Food Advertising" during the Retail Grocers -Pure . - . Food Show last week " f Here's the score for the seven days Oc tober 26th to November 1st, inclusive v BEE . News World-Herald 1819 InS. 1252 Ins H69lns.. and, to oV do n't fo rget this was the largest food show ever held in Omaha To reach the housewives of Omaha ' you must use THE OMAHA BEE STEAM FITTERS GAMBLE WHILE SOLDIERS SUFFER Charges of Willful Negligence Of Men Constructing Camp Sherman Hospital Made. Camp Sherman, O., Nov. 3. Charges that wilful negligence on the part of steam fitter employed in the construction bfj)ase hospifal at Camp Sherman resulted in ex posure for weeks to the zero weath er prevalent in October and all of November, 1917, of sick soldiers confined there, were among the dis closures made before the congres sional subcommittee ' by Joseph Poole, Chillicothe contractor, late today. This evidence will be fol lowed up to fix the responsibility for the suffering of the men, according to Chairman John C. McKensie and Chief Examiner vRoscoe C. MtCul loch of the committee y While sick soldiers were pinched and actually blue' to their finger tips with the bitter cold, steam fit- ters supposedly equipping the hos pital wards with steam heat were gambling and warming themselves over their i gasoline torches, Poole told the committee. He asserted that the weather was socold the nurses wore their furs when they tended the sick and the doctors wore their sheepskin fined coats and the patients had no heat whatever. Poolerho was employed Dy the A .Bentley and Sons company of Toledo, as a carpenter" foreman at the base hospital, characterized the attitude of the steam fitters as "dis loyal" and as the "worst" he had ever seen. A ' Games ' of chance were worked among the men, the witness declared. Two' or. three days every week somebody would come andhave the men buy chances on automobiles, wrist watches' and other things, he said. I , "That was a graft worked by somebody," he declared. Arguments Heard On Appeal in Neal And Katelman Case Lincoln, Nov, 3. (Special.) At torney A. S. Ritchie and Judge Ben Baker of Omaha, the former repre senting "Red" Neal and the latter Morris Katelman, argued before the supreme court an appeal from the district court of Douglas county which had sentenced the two men to terms inthe penitentiary for auto mobile stealing. They were convicted, with Will iam McKenna and L. C. Jones,, re cently recommended ior parole, for complicity in a series of automobile thefts, the latter turning state's evU dence against Ncal and Katelman. The contention was made that McKenna and Jones , had been' of fered immunity, if they would give testimony which would convict Neal and Katelman. County Attorney Shotwell denied that immunity was promised the men and charged that all were equally-- guilty in a con spiracy to steal cars. ' Four Cases Bubonic Plague Reported in New Orleans New Orleans, Nov. '3. Foar cases of bubonic plague, two of which resulted in deaths, were reported last week in New Orleans, according to announcement by Dr: Oscar Dowling, president of the Louisiana board of health. - ' . Health officers of five southern states and of the cities of Memphis. Mobile, Shreveport and Baton Kougejvere advised cf th$ situation by Drri)owling. A i Today Omaha will decide whether it will provide adequate school ac-4-reachine into 28 states, showed the commodations fcjrMts children ttt 1 "ft breajcs jin,. the ranks, of organ $5,000,000 ; BOND ISSUE FEATURE OF ' ELECTION TODAY Delegates to jCohstitutional Convention Will Be Selected ; V By Male Voters. ty will select 12 men from 31 can didates for delegates to the con stitutional convention. It is election day. The polls will open at 8 o'clock this morning and that women will vote. Election Commissioner Moorhead estimates that 4,500 women . have registered in the city for this election. This big registration was brought out by a -special campaign among , the school teachers and" the mothers of school children. It is believed that the women voters will be the deci sive factor in carrying the, schcol bonds to success. , V Little Interest Shown.. . ' Comparatively small interest in the election is being shown by. the men voters, although this big bond is sue is up and 12 men are to be elected to assist in the drafting of , t. . ........ The school bonds are to be used in erecting many new buildings and making additions to old school houses. So rapid has been the growth of the city that the school equipment has proved entirely in adequate and in many parts of the city the children can go to schcrf un4.ii wf toi lt " onlv.half a day, the rest of the children going to school the other half of the day. v . ' These bonds must be voted, school authorities say, unless the whole public school system of the1 ci,ty is to be crippled seriousy. The other issue to be voted on today is $100,000 honds. to aid in construction of a new 'city police station and jail. The total cost of this building according to plans will be about $175,000. Women can vote on these bond propositions, but cannot vote for constitutional convention delegates. Discusses Election Issues. . F. A. Brogan, chairman of the ex ecutive committee of the Chamber of Commerce, advised menjbers of the Good Fellowship club to choose candidates, to the constitutional state convention withs great care, during a short talk' at the chamber yesterday. "We want a liberal constitution, without fads," he said. "The Cham ber of Commerce is not in politics and has recommended no Special group of men for election." . Five States, to Elect Governors; 2 to Vote On Prohibition Issue New York, Nov. 3. Gubernatori al elections will be held in five states Tuesday Kentucky,. Mary land, Massachusetts, Mississippi, and New Jersey. ' Ohio votes on ..two referendum and two amendments the former relating to legislative ratification of the federal prohibition amendment and the prohibition enforcement aot passed by .the last legislature and th? latter a definition of 2.75 as nonintox icating liquor and repeal of consti tutional statewide prohibition. Kentucky also votes on statewide prohibition. ' Illinois andv Nebraska elect dele gates to constitutional convention, while Texas passes on, a call for 4 similar convention and six constitu tional amendments. JV FIRST BREAK REPORTED IN TWO STATES Washington Hears of Many' Defections From Ranks of Strikers and Is Hopeful of Betterment in Situation. IDLE MINERS WANT TO RETURN JO THEIR JOBS Only Fear. Deters Them, Re cording to Confidential 'Ad- vices to Department of Jus-. tice Operators' Statement.: , , - -V . ; Washington, Nov. - 3. Official -Washington was firm- in the belief tonight that the end (of the coal strike was near, .! " - There was nothing definite or tangible in the way of actual devel opments to justify this hopeful view of the situation, buteverywhere the feeliog prevailed 'that . influences were being brought to bear to have the strikers, numbering more than 400.000. return to work. ; . . Confidential reports'io the , De partment of Justice from its agents in the coal field's were said tp show many defections from the ranks of the strikers. Some of the reports said that large numbers. ' of idle miners had declared they wanted to return to work, but were afraid. . Protection Promised. In this connection omcjalseiter-.' ated that adequate protection would be given. There was no specific statement as to how this would be provided, but it was 'explained that . . 1 J 1 M.LI. . . 1 . 1 , iruops wuuia uc avaiiauie at ine can of any governor who believed, it necessary to preserve order or pro-' tect workers. Scattered, reports from the fields, and Colorado. Advices to Washmffton headquarters of tht operators said that all non-union mines were work ing to full capacity and turning out considerably more coal than on Sat- J c r . , . . t . remain open until 8 o'clock tonight. I "Cy,-T a - " - M nnrtc caiH That it m nn man ntrt iron A feature of the election will bel f. . . "V" .7": " v" 6. j to work in non-union mines and that there was gfowing sentiment that the men themselves should have- had the right tovote on the ctri'lfA Kfrr it toe rr A rmA , Public Opinion Factor. i nis lniormaiion to a large ex tent was in line with that receive"t! by the government.' especially as to defections.. Officials said the strikers realized 'public sentiment was' against them and some labor leaders also were taking this view. Attorney General Palmer, han dling the main end of the 1 govern ment's case. went, to Pennsylvania tonight feeling, it was said, that the crisis might be over before Satur day, the day on which the tempor ary ipjunction restraining officers of the miners organization from ac tivity was made returnable. Asked what the government would do that day, an official said: "s ' We will not cross that bridge The fact that no disorder was re ported anywhere by Department of Justice agents was taken as a good sign . thaL conditions ' were hopeful and that ttte miners realized it was a time for sober judgment and ac- li'nn C...A I : .jevemi miners , mceiings were scnedulen for tonight in the coal fields and ttwas thought here fnat these might have an important bearing on the general situation. Chicago, "Nov. v 3.-T6day, the first test day in the nation-wide ' strike, of, bituminous coal miners, passed with out a break of any con sequence in. the general cessation of production, despite the inactiv ity of the leaders of, the United Mine Workers of America because of the government's restrainng order. During the day there was a fur ther movement of troops into affect- (Contlnurd on Page TVs, Column four. ' u . Compromise' Plan " To EncLCoal Strike Cleveland, Nov. 4 'Niat tiie Unit ed States government witlrdnw it federal injunction against the, coal , strike leaders at once and the min ers return to work under a guaran -tee of a wage increase of IS to 2! per cent effective November 1, of upon their return tq work, are pro posed In a plan of . compromise by A. L. Faulkner, federal commis-" stoner of conciliation." Mr. Faulkner further proposes that: . "Operators be permitted to add the increased wage cost to the war-' time fixed price of coat "A board of arbitrationKone mem ber representing the miners, one the operators and a third to be a neu-" tral member selected bv the first two or appointed by the president be " named to determine just wages, hours and yearly contracts. "The report of ' the arbitration t board be made public ahd effective ' prior to April 1, 1920, at the expira tion, of the period during which the miners receive the 15 or 20 per cent merease over their present waa .''. . : A