THE BEE; OMAHA'. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 3,1919. UMAIIA GAINS RY APPOINTMENT OF NEW RAIL HEAD " " 11 " H. R. McCullough, -Recently Named Northwestern Traf fic Manager, Aware of 1 Possibilities Here. Extensive improvements and en largements of Chicago & North Western railroad property in Omaha when the road is returned to private operation, are predicted here as a result of the appointment of Hiram R." McCullough as vice president ind traffic manager of the entire Northwestern system. News of Mr. McCullough's ap pointment reached Omaha today, ind Northwestern officials here are rejoicing. Mr. McCullough has visited Oma ha on numerous occasions, and al. though his headquarters are to be in Chicago, he is keenly alive to the possibilities of Omaha as a great traffic center, according to railroad men here. He is expected to relieve President Finley of all traffic mat ters, and also be his assistant in handling details of the road's busi ness. His is the first appointment made by the Northwestern- corporation management in the reorganization of its staff in preparation for pri vate operation. " Railroad men here say it will require herculean work to bring traffic matters where they were before government manage ment, but it is believed that Vice PresidentMcCullough and his staff will prove equal to thetask. "Omaha is fortunate in having such'' a man at the head of the Northwestern lines," declared W. H. Tones, division freight agent here, ''for no man appreciates the oppor tunities for a progressive policy in Omaha more than Mr. McCul lough." Floats have been Invented by an Englishman to enable a bicycle to ibe driven through the water the same as on land without the addi tion of a propeller. PHOTO FIATS TODAY I THE BRUTE BREAKER Four Terrific Fight Scenes. Greatest Forest Fire Ever Filmed. TODAY THE- JOYOUS LIAR WITH WARREN KERRIGAN A Rip-Koaring Comedy. f r WALLACE REID -IN "JHe Lottery. Man" - On of the Biggest and Best Comedies Ever Produced. MONDAY TUESDAY KM FRANK KEENAN ia "THE WORLD AFLAME" LOTHR 24th and s Lothrop WILLIAM FARNUM in "JUNGLE TRAIL" and Pathe New. Numberless New Articles Wanfed by Foreign Trade , Found in This Week's List Rice Flour, Condensed Milk, Boots and Shoes, Toilet Articles Scot Merchant Wants Candies Man in ; France Wants Oak Ban-els Everything at Good Prices. , ' y Nanjes and addresses of firms mentioned in these "Foreign Trade Opportunities may be obtained by request, mentioning the file number to the Bureau of Foreign and Doniestid Commerce, 402 Third National Bang Building, St Louis, Missouri " This government office has been established n St. Louis to assist firms in the Misssissippi Valley to obtain their share of expert trade and it welcomes inquiries from interested parties. "Foreign Trade Opportunities" which are gathered under govern ment auspices and reference to other commercial information of in terest to local firms, are published every Monday in The Bee. The following are the foreign trade items received during the past week. , Foreign Trade Opportunities. 157. Typewriters, adding ma chines, office novelties and cash reg isters. An agency is desired by a man in Czecho-Slovakia for the sale of the above articles. Payment, fa United States currency Correspond ence should be inCzechic or Ger man. - - 158. Machine tools, oil motors, compressors, 'pumps, turbines, ma terial for mines', forge material, lathes with horizontal plates, drill ing machines (radial type), and planing machines. A commercial agency firm in France desires to se cure the representation of manufac turers for the sale of the above prod ucts and for any machinery neces sary to industry. References. 159. Cement, white drill and white duck for men's suits, women's dress goods and cloths, rice flour, condensed milk, canned goods, cor rugated and plain galvanized sheets and barbed wire. Exclusive agencies for the republics of Santo Domingo and Haiti are desired by a firm in Dominican republic for the sale of the above products. Correspondence should be accompanied by samples when possible. Catalogs and adver tising matter should be in the Span ish or French language. References. ' 160. Boots and shoes, hardware, toilet articles, automobile accessor ies, and general merchandise. A mer chant in South Africa desires to se cure an agency for the sale of the above articles. References. 1 , 161. General merchandise, ma chinery and hardware, chemicals, railway, and ship builders' supplies, and construction materials. A man ufacturer in Argentina desires to se cure agencies for the sale of the above products.' Correspondence may oe in tngnsn. Keterences. 162. Candy. The purchase of chocolates and bonbons, hard can- AMTJRKMEffTS. BRILLIANT MUSICAL BURLESQUE Twice Daily ELELK Mat. Today Final Performance Friday Nlte Another of Joe Hurtlf'e Offering THE s BURLESQUE WONDER SHOW GEO WITH 82 MURPHY and Primrose 9-SEMON end a Fin Cast in "MY WIFE WONT LET ME" Jo Mitchell, Arthur Conrad. Edna Grew. Frank Martin, Clara Domlss. Cliaa Flag and A 8TUNNINB BEAUTY CHORUS PEAR READER: Last season all the Japers ald: Hullv rood ariow." They Just nstur- f all;- had to repeat It yesterday aa cast. book and production are we aame as before. If you missed it than, don't this time. Wonderful diversion for visit ing teachers. OLD MAN JOHNSON, Mgr. Gayety. dies, mint creams in pails of 10 and 20 pounds each, and mixed creams in fancy packages are desired by a man in Scotland. Quotations should be given c. i. f. Glasgow. Payment, cash. 163. Cotton and silk underwear, cotton and silk hosiery, oilcloth, rubber and silk raincoats, woolens, worsteds and trimmings, thread, yarn, twine, soap and millinery ma- tenaky firm m bweden desires to secureau agency for the sale of the above products in Scandinavia. Ref erences. 164. Wheat flour, corn meal, packing-house products, rice, canned goods, codfish,, pollock, matches, brooms, paper and wrapping paper. The representation is desired by a firm in Porto Rico for the sale on that island and Santo Domingo of the above products. References. 165. Cotton undershirts, drills, rough cotton suitings, denims for trousers, etc., both plain colors and stripes, plain shaws for women, cot ton and wool mixed in cheap grades, and cheap cotton blankets. An agent for cotton goods in Colombia de sires to secure an agency for the sale of the above articles. A sample shirt and piece of cotton drill were received and may be examined at the bureau or its district offices. (Re fer to file No. 40667.) Correspon dence may be in English. Payment, cashr-New York draft attached to order. 166. Oak barrels. The purchase is desired by a man in France of oak barrels, white or gray, not red, hold ing 600 to 620 liters and weighing 160 to 170 kilos, and having 8 iron hoops. He desires to receive 100 to 200 barrels as samples at first. Pay ment through bank on receipt of goods. Correspondence should be in French. References. 167. Accumulators, power engines, generators and motors. Electricians in Australia desire to secure agen cies for the sale of accumulators, power engines, from three-fourths horseoower to 3 horsepower, and generators and motors up to 4 horse power; also any eiectricat gooas. References. v 168. Heavy chemicals, steel prod ucts, paper products, tools and hard ware. A firm in Colombia wishes to obtain the representation of a few exclusive lines. ItMesires to repre sent only four or five large houses and to the cne or two which they already have they wish to add agen cies for the above products." Refer ences. 169. A merchant having stores in Egypt and Sudan is at present in the United States and is interested Evening t Sun. Mat, 28, 50, 75, $1 SL?kJVIats 15c and 25c turn if you lik but no amokinc Al ANY WCtN Da Chew I LADIES' TICKETS DAY MATINEE Baby Carriage Garage in the Lobby 10c BOVn TONIGHT V I JLr TUESDAY Pop. Mat. Tomorrow Beet Seats $1.00 Not a Motioq Picture Oliver MoroacO Present FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN BEVERLY BAYNE Themselves in "THE MASTER THIEF" TWO SHOWS IN ONE. "Going Boms" Mlitliturt Meslcal Ceat ody. Bill Proitt, "Cowboy Minstrel." La and Lawrence, Lavlna Trio. Photo Attrac tion: Percy Hyland la "Slrl I Bohemia." Mack Swain Comedy and Pathe News. AMUSEMENTS. Faateat. Peppiest, Laughingeat, Girl lest Show That Omaha Has Had This Year. NOW 8SMat Wednesday PRICES Night. 50c to $2.00.' Balcony $1.00. second Balcony- 50c. Wednesday Matinee 50c, 75c,. $1.00. Matin Daily 2:15. tmi at ST II THI Bt ST IN VAVOC VILLI Every Night 8:15. GUS EDWARDS (Himielf ) & Co. In "WELCOME HOME SONG REVUE" LYDIA BARRY MOLLY McINTYRE & CO. The Vivian; Blanche and Jimmie Creighton; Royal Gaacoignea; Bell at Wood; Topics of the Day; Kinor ram. PHOTO FLAYS PHOTO PLATS "a three weeks vacation in two hours of delight" Off come the husks of your daily y life : it rips and tatters those drab old dreams of the world-a-day. A fashionable Omaha physician y called it "the supreme magic of art that scoops the benefits of a three weeks' vacation into a two hours' de light." . A complete shift in mind and body. Hot nerves sponged with the cooling spray of melodious colors. Weary brains glowing again with a lyric-love that bathes the soul and brisks the , brain-cells. Bodies tired and "loose " with the burdens of life's trash are startled into happy strength with warm, enticing melodies from four throbbing, orchestras. To forget yourself is to remember life. To know life is to see the great est art sensation Omaha ever has known. ' f A worth-while achievement in this day of the commonplace. The great creation which tjae world expected and for which the world , has been watching. . A work of which Charles Hanson Towrie, eminent magazine editor, said : "It is the greatest step forward that we have known. I feel that a new era has dawned."' America's supreme art creation, Omahas most absorbing attraction D. W. Griffith's fascinating Chinese Romance,f"Broken Blossoms," ,at the RIALTC) all this week. No one seated after performance begins. Perform ances begin at 11, 1, 3, 5, 6:30, 8 and 9 :30 o'clock.- LOVE OF CLOTHES' AT, BOTTOM OF GIRLS' DOWNFALL Woman Deputy Sheriff Asserts Fine Garb Sends Females f to Prison. My Heart and My Husband ADELE GARRISON'S New Phase of "Revelations of a Wife" tLos Angeles, Nov. 2. Mrs. Net tie Yaw, the only woman deputy sheriff under Sheriff John C. Cline, saye that nine times out of ten,the love of clothes is at the bottom of woman's straying from the, straight and narrow path. Mrs. Yaw has conducted hundreds of women from the Los Angeles county jail to the state prison and to hospitals. She has seen the con ditions that surround their lives: she knows just why (hey succumbed to temptation and just what that tem tation was. , "Girls who have committed of fenses which result in imprison ment," says Mrs. Yaw, "have a strong yearning for oretty clothes. pretty things in general, silks, furs and automobiles which they cannot afford, and which they see are the possession of girls of wealth. iney cannot witnstana rneir ae sire. The result is that they forge checks to buy pretty things. This, strangely enough, is the most com mon offense of women. "They are caught because the stores are well orcanized to trap the passers of bad or worthless checks. "These girls, as I have studied them in conducting theni to prison all have big hearts. Their trouble is that their hearts are too big, full of sympathy, full of yearning for the things that other girls have, full of generosity, so much so that they slip into the great pittalls ot lite but ienorant of the great social laws which require that we must eafn honestly everything that we get. in all lines of goods handled by warehouses in Egypt, Sudan and Syria. s 170. Catalogs of tractors and farm implements , are desired by" rubber plantations in the Dutch East Indies. It is planned to cultivate between rubber trees and to clear new ground, for which tractors, cul tivator's, and plows will be re quired. N 171. :, Prepared leathers, lubricat ing oils, ham and lard. An agency is desired by a man in France for the sale of the above products. Quo tations should be given c. i. f. French port. Payment on receipt of goods against documents. Correspond ence may be in English. Reference. 172., Woolens, textiles, boots, rubber goods, drugs, soap and hos iery. An Amreican firm is about t send to Poland and Czecho Slovakia one of its representatives to estab lish permanent agencies in those countries and wishes to obtain for him agencies for the sale of general merchandise such as the above ar ticles. Reference. 173. Industrial chemicals. A firm in Argentina desires to get in touch with exporters of industrial chemi cals used in the manufacture of soap, randies, tanning materials and espe cially palm oil, precipitate of sul phur, salicylate of soda (140 degrees, very white), caustic sofia, bicarbon ate of soda, chloride of lime, resin H, corbonate of potassiumtalcum, caustic potash and tar. Quotations should be given c. i. f. Buenos Aires. Payment, cash against documents in Argentina. References. 174. Agricultural machinery, fac tory supplies and electrical goods. A firm in Brazil desires to secure an agency for the sale of the above lines. Reference. 175. Millinery, cotton pieces, foodstuffs, canned fruits, lard, flour, rice, paper, provisions, etc. An agency is desired by a" man in the Dominican republic for the sale of the above articles., Terms, 60, 90 and ' 120 days sight draft against documents. Correspondence should be in Spanish. References. 176. Rice, sugar, coffee, silks, cotton goods, laces, velvets, haber dashery, packing paper, writing and cigaret papers, hardware, galvanized sheet iron urgently needed),, enameled and galvanized articles,.' coloring matter, leather and skins, charcoal, anthracite, drugs, alcohol, agricultural machinery, plows, trac tors, harvesting machines, glass ware, steam and gas engines, ce ment, petroleum, mineral waters, machinery for plastering, for mills, for glass plate making, motors of high sower for plate glass shops, motors of middle , power for spin ning mills and other shops, electric motors for motion picture machines, machinery accessories, extra parts, rollers for gear making, automo biles, trucks and traction autos, of which there is an urgent demand. Importers in Turkey are in the mar ket for the above products. Reference. 177. Textiles." drv goods, fancv eroods, notions and specialties, wear ing apparel, vehicles, leather, drugs, chemicals, iron and steel, metals, heavy, hardware, machinery, general hardware and specialties, electrical supplies, rubber and steamship sup plies, and- brooms and bristles. A firm in Norway desires to secure an agency and purchase the above com- AMUSEMENTS. SEATS ON SALE AT Box Office AUDITORIUM ,SAT. NIGHT, NOV. 8. Positively Thrilling in It Grandeur and Noble Beauty. World's Moat Distinguished Musical Organization wtcan l Cboire tO Notable Singers Under the Persona.' Direction of th Renowned MAESTRO CASIMIRI MAIL ORDERS TO AUDITORIUM. PRICES SI.OO, $2.00, $3.00, $400, $S.OO Plus War Tax. 1,1 v WW What Madge .and Lillian Set Out to Do. As the seconds wore on into min utes and there was no sound from the hall into which Mrs. Durkee and my mother-in-law had disappeared, my anxiety increased. Despite my knowledge of Mother Graham's in nate sense of justice I was not so confident as was JDicky that she had followed Mrs. Durkee in order to bring the little woman to her senses. Might she not instead my anx iety prompted me to ask be em ployed in condoling with the other woman's grief? ' I signaled my apprehension to Lillian, womai fashion, with a lift ing of the eyebrows. She promptly seized my cue. "Alf," she said with authority of long friendship, turnings to him, "why don't you take Leila into the library for a few minutes and tell her the things that we all know you're dying to utter? Then by the time your mother c"omes back we'll all be ready for the happy ringing down of the curtain upon the fourth act." Where Are They? Alfred flashed her grateful glance. v "Come on, sweetheart," he said tenderly, and without giving Leila time to assent or dissent, he hurried her mas'terfully out of the room. As the door closed behind them Lillian rose, an air of decisiqn en veloping her. "I guess Paw Graham and Grand paw Spencer ought to beable to take care of one baby for a few min utes," she drawled. ''But I think you'd better stay with them, Marion. They might give him pickles or salad or something." Little Marion giggled happily, as much I was sure at this sign of her restoration to her mother's fa vor as at the pleasantry. It is an in variable practice of Lillian's to fol low any reproof of Marion's with some pleasant quip to -the child a feus, minutes later. " "I'll watch them, mother," she carolled. "Oh, you beautiful darling, youl" This apostrophe she directed to the baby, and was the last thing we heard as we left the room, Lil- modkies. Quotations should be given c. i. f. Norwegian port. Pay ment through banks. Reference. 178. Electrical,, machinery . and material, small tools or mechanical instruments, automobile accessories, kitchen and table cutlery, hardware, and bare copper wire. An agency is desired by a business man in Spain for the sale of the above pro ducts. Correspondence may be in English. - References. 179. The purchase of oak m planks and squares is desired by a firm in Beleium. Quotations should be given c. i. f. Antwerp. Payment against documents. Correspondence should be, in irencn. Keierence. ISO. Windmill, small refrigerat ing plants, motor trucks, oil and pas ' engines, and lighting plants. The representative of a machinery company in Australia will soon ar rive in the United States and de sires to secure agencies tor tne saie of the above commodities. Trade Lists. 181. Flour dealers and agents in Panama City, Panama. 182 Importers, consumers or dealers in explosives in Chile. 183. Hardware dealers in the jonannesourg consular aitum, Smith Africa. 184. Importers of cordage and rope in Haracaibe, Venezuela. 185. List of coopers in Grenoble, France. 186. Importers of shocks and lumber in Italy. 1 Q7 Tmnnrt.ra if ranrlv in Svd nev. Australia. - 188. Importers, dealers and com mission agents interested m tood stuffs in the principal Cuban cities. 189. Commission and importing houses in Honolulu. 190. ' Importers of coke and forge coal at Asuncion, Paraguay. , 191. Large coal dealers and im porters in Bordeaux, France. 192. Importers and retarlers of cotton goods at 'Curacao, Dutch West Indies. i ' ' 193. Principal importers of men's and women's gloves in Caracas, Ven ezuela. 194. Principal impQrters and .deal ers in dry oods, clothing, millinery, notions, novelties, etc., in Cienfuc gos, Cuba. ' ' A representative of a large com mission house, having offices in El PasOj, Tcx.f Ciudad Jaurez, Chihna hua, and Mexico City, Mexico, is in St. Louis to secure the representa tion of manufacturers for the sale of Iheir goods in Mexico. The principal lines wan tell are jute bags, paper and paper goods, enamel ware, auto mobile . accessories, paints, glass ware, shoes and shoe machinery. This firm has a force of 12 sales men traveling throughout the north ern part of Mexico and it contein plates appointing additional sales men for each new line. Miscellaneous Items. x The bureau has recently published a report on the lumber market in Italy and reconstruction acquire ments. The report gives1 a general description of Jiving conditions, re cent industrial development and for eign trade of Italy, economic condi tions affecting the use of lumber, foreign lumber requirements, meth ods of purchase, sale and distribu tion and requirements and plans for reconstruction. Information concerning the regu lations applying At -commercial travelers in Latin-America, docu ments necessary, licenses and license fees, customs, treatment of samples and advertising matter may be ob tained from a report issued by the bureau entitled, 'Commercial Trav elers in ,Latin-Ainerica." American consular officers in Spain report that there is a good market for adding machines in that country. A detailed report will be sent to interested firms. Mexican Rebel Occupies Town of Reynosa, Mexico Brownsville. Tcx Nov. 1. Gen. Andrew Almazan, Mexican rebel commander, with about 70 of his men, occupied the town of Reynosa, Mex., opposite Hidalgo, Mex., ac cording to reports here tonight. He met witjj no opposition, the Carran za soldiers in the Reynosa garrison, having crossed to the Texas sid Reynosa is 60 miles west of- Mata nioroi. i lian . having "picked me up' with her eyes" as we rose from the table. We found the living room de serted, and a hasty though .stealthy survey of the other rooms discov ered no trace of either woman. We came -down the back stairs to the1 kitchen, interrogated Katie in low voices. "Sure, I see them," Katie said, a note of disgust in her voice. "Dey go out to the .gardens behind rose hedge. That Meesis Durkee, she cry and gulp, and that mother-in-law she keep saving, 'I know, I know, . I have same ting vunce." What matter that Meesis ( Durkee, feel like that ven she goinl get such fine young lady like Meesis Fair fax for daughter? What she vant, eh Queen of Belgium? That wom an! sne married already yet." 1 Hehind the Hedge. "You asy they're in the garden?" I said sweetly, ignoring Katie's tor rent of comment, and without fur ther parley we left the house and took tne path to tne lake. "Of course, Katie's been listening at the door again," I said nervously. "What I'm ever going to do with her I don't know. It seems as though nothing would break her of that habit." "Do?" Lillian turned on me in amazement. '"Do nothing but go down on your knees in thankfulness that she stays with you. I'm think ing seriouslyx of carrying Betty's breakfast up to her bed for her if there's no other way of inducing her to stay. You know a housekeeper is absolutely indispensable to me, and I never could break another one in. But Betty's certainly feeling her oats in these days of high wages. Andffbm all indications Katie seems no different than usual." ; "No, she doesn't," I admitted. "Eeavesdropping is. no new thing with her." ' "I should say it was a congenial defect" Lillian said dryly. "And if she has no thought of going out and making a million dollars in a minute Td advise you to go slow on the discipline until this domestic help situation clears up a bit. It can't last long, but the atmosphere is dynamatic just now." "I know," I admitted.. Then as the distant sound of voices came to us I clutched Lillian's arm, and like conspirators we moved up to the shelter of the rose hedge, from be hind which the voices of my mother-in-law and Mrs. Durkee came in agitated conversation. It was the second time that I had eavesdropped in the rose garden. The first time was an involuntary offense. But this time Lillian and I were listeninedeliberately, for we had to know Mother Graham's atti tude before we took a hand. - The Way Mrs. Durkee Made up to Leila Fairfax. Ohl I know I'm a perfect fool, but I can't help -it I can't 1" Little Mrs. Durkee's voice rose in a wail strongly tinged with hysteria, In the shelter of the rose hedge se cure from observation Lillian grip ped my arm significantly. I knew that she was watiting ar tensely as 1 tor Mother Graham s reply, won dering what her attitude would be toward Mrs. Durkee'l unreasoning disapproval ot her sons betrothal to Leila r air tax. "You are all of that." My mother-in-law's voice was grimly disregard ful of giving offense as is general- ally characteristic of her. And it is all nonsense to say that you cannot help it. Sit down on that bench and get yourself together while I tell you something." , Lillian and I exchanged hopeful, amused glances. Evidently Mother Graham was "strictly on the job," as Dicky wold say. Wonderful Words. "Ohl" Mrs. Durkee's childish voice held vast astonishment and more than a little resentful chagrin. We heard her flounce down on the seat with an angry rustling of silken draperies, very much as a bantam hen would ruffle her feathers at something which displeased her. " "Of course I might have, known that you would be against me too," she said petulantly, and I knew just how. her extremely pretty lips were pouting. Mrs. Durkee is one of the rarely fortunate women who pre serve a certain youthful beautv far into late middle age and who are fully aware of their good fortune. "And I must confess that I don't expect it-of you either," she went on, "after what you said on the way out here, about knowing all about it." "Don't be an anointed idiot just because you know how. and can do it!" my mother-in-law y rejoined tartly, and I grinned joyously at Lillian, as 1 recognized the phrase Mother Graham so often use" in talking to Dicky and me, "Of course I know all about it, and that's exactly the reason why I'm trying to prevent you frommaking Cods Break Get instant relief with Tape's Cold Compound" "Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blow ing and snuffling! A dose of 'Tape's Cold Compound" taken every two hours - until three doses are taken usually breaks up a cold and ends all grippe misery. The very first dose opens up your clogged-up nostrils and th: air pas sages of your head; stops nose run ning; relieves the headache, dull ness, feverishness, sneezing, sore ness, stiffness. "Parte's Cold Compound" is the quickest, surest relief known and costs only a few cents - at drug stores. It acts without assistance. Tastes nice. Contains no quinine. Insist on PapeV the same mistake I did, although if you must have the truth, I have never humiliated my son in the public way that you did yours this afternoon. But I objected so strongly to Richard's marrying Mar garet that I said things which I am afraid Richard will never forget. He has never seemed quite so near to me since. And now that I have learned thatMargaret is exactly the wife for Richard, I would give a good deal to unsay, the things I uttered at the time of. their, mar riage." "Exactly the wife for Richard," For a moment while 'the wonderful words poured over my-consciousness, I forgot our errand, everything saye the blessed fact that a wound, long hidden yet none the less pain ful, had been suddenly healed. I had long .known that my mother-in-law under all her grimness had a very sincere affection for me. But that she approved of me, was fully contented with Dicky's choice, was news most grateful to me. A Swift Retreat. . "You ought to know, having once had a mother-in-iaw yourself," went on my mother-in-law, with relentless logic, "that the wife, if she be even ordinarily lovable always has the inside' track." "You can just bet I do," replied little Mrs. Durkee. "I had the most cantankerous old dame you ever set your eyes on, but I managed it so that she never succet ded in interfer ing between my husband and me, although she tried it often enough, goo'dness knows, i But I had my own way in everything." "And Leila Fairfax will do the same thing, you mark my word," retorted my mother-in-law. "Alfred will simply eat out of her hand. So if you don't want her and incident ally your Son to regard you as a 'cantankerous old dame,' I would advise you " "Ohl" Mrs." Durkee capitulated swiftly, entirely, at the dismal pic ture my mother-in-law had deftly painted. I hadn't thought of it that way. Do you suppose Alf will forgive me?" "Beat it, quick I" Lillian whispered in my ear, and noiselessly, swift ly, we skimmed back over the grassy1 path, entered the house breathlessly, and then hugged each other ec statically. "You'll find Alf and Leila in the library," Lillian said a secondlater. "Better tip them off and get them back into the dining room, so every thing will be as it was when Mrs. Durkee flew tfie coop." ' I obeyed her and when-Mothej Graham and Mrs. Durkee the latter flushed and "teary round the lashes" appeared in the doorway, we were all chattering busily. The men?of course sprang to their feet, but Alfred Durkee did not go to meet his mother. Instead he stood rather grimly watching until she, with but a single appealing glance at him, went straight to Leila Fairfax and put her arras around the girl's slender figure. "My dear," she said with charm ing Joveleness which always endears little Mrs. Durkee's friends' to her, "please believe that I love you and am very pleased at Alfred's choice. And some day you'll know i'l your own heart just why I was so hateful just now, and that you had nothing to-do with it" . Lelila's answer was, smothered in the big bear hug with which Alfred Durkee enveloped them both, and in which I knew all bitterness against his mother bad been swal lowed up. (Continued Tomorrow. : Lift offComs! Doesn't hurt a bit and Freezone costs only a few cents. With your fingers! You can lift off any hard corn soft corn or corn between the toes, and the hard skin calluses from bottom of feet. A tiny bottle of "Freezone" costs little at any drug store; apply a few drops upon the corn or callus. In stantly it stops hurting, tffen shortlj you lift that bothersome corn oi callus right off, root and all, with out one bit of pain or soreness. Truly! No Humbug! IS Clear Your Skic' WithCuticura All druggists: SonpE Ointment 25 & 50. Tal cum 25. Sample each free of "CuticuraJ Dept. E, Boitoa. ' For Colds or Influenza and as a Preventative Take "Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets" Be sure you get the Genuine Look for this signature CHEST CLOGGED SIP WITH HEAVY COLD? Don't give it a chance to "set in" ute Dr.King'a New Discovery m HAT dangerous stage where a I cold or cough or case of grippe might get the better of you may be nearer than you think. Prompt action ' with., Dr. King's ,New Discovery will avert a long siege. " For fifty years it has loosened congested chests, dissipated tight packed phlegm, brokeii vicious colds and coughs. Give it to the youngsters fake it yourself. There will be no disagreeable after-effects. 60c. and $1.20 a bottle. At your druggists. 30c ; on the box. Doctor Praises Eczema Remedy Th cure of Skin diteaietVeczema) and dit. easea of the Kalp it known tobedifflcult. How. erer there ii one remedy that if entirely de pendable in this distressing and troublesome disease; that Is D. O. D. prescription, M. L. RANDOLPH. M. D. ' Oakhurst, Texas. P Inand we will tell you something about wht D. D. D. Prescription has accomplished in you.- own neighborhood. Your money bock unless the flrst bottle relleTes too. SJc, wo .12.!3X IMl lotion for Shin Disease Flva Sherman 4 McConnetl Drug Store. Fatness Kilis 31,000 Yearly Fat il fatal to health and personality. It i estimated that over 81,000 persons have died oacn year in the past decada long before their allotted span of life, ' through ih effect! of excessive fatness. Aay orerstout man or woman il carrying unhealthy adiposity that ia pressing against end injuring vital organa of the body. The heart, that delicate humaai apparatus, becomes congested. In numer ous cases there are dangerous gatherings of packed-in fat around the throat, toroacb, liver and other delicate parts. Through overstoutness the afflicted per son while apparently well ia liable .to . nervousness, neurasthenia, physical or mental collapse and other disorders, for obesity is irritating. Cases of htart iailurt, apoplexy, aunstroke, etc., are fre quent causes of premature death. Fat persona are particularly victims of acci dents and are more liable than healthy. Blender persons to death from influenia, pneumonia and other severe ailments. It you an orerstout jrou should know it Is truly a esse ot slow suicide (or you to sill yours It a rood many veers before nstural old axe, simply because you do not emancipate yourself from tbe burden of unhealthy, unsightly ttk Moreover, jour efficiency should be Improved by becoming slender; also your appearance should deeeme (neater "4 mere attract. There la a delight fully eucceuful method ot weight reduction known as koreln system-.. It consists ot .some simple directions with the use of oil of 4oreln. this method Is so pleasant because It contains Do thyroid or other such drastle ingredients, no strenuous exercises, so etarvaUon; indeed, yon msy est all you need. The koreln system la uarsnteed; It Is perfectly harmless; recommended fcy Musicians. A reliable self-treatment By reducing now yon may extract greater contentment, happiness, increased mental and physical efficiency, tetter health and longer life. Be fair to yourself and those who ace dear to youl 8urpriso everybody with your renewed vigor, vi vacity and surpassingly superior person ality. Get oil of k or tin (the easy koreia system is in each pkge.) at the drug store without delay; or if mora convenient, aend 1.00 rash, stamps or money order to Korein Co, iN"li,-v9, Station F, Kw lork, N, J, Bowels Become Normal liver livens up,' bile flows freely headache, biliousness, tongue-fur, stomach-sourness, disappear when Dr. King's New Life Pills get in their natural, comfortable action. Pureatives. never oleasantly cor rective, sometimes habit-forming, should not be taken to rack the sys tem violently. Nature's way .is the way of Dr. King's New Life' Pills- gently Dut nrmiy lunctioning ine bowels, .eliminating the inesline cloareine waste, and prompting the most eratifving results. Cleanse the system with, them and know the boon of regular bowels. 25c, at all druggists. ASTHM Why suffer? Dr. Batman's Astasia Rcwesy S instant reuer. 47 years or success, at all drugarista. Avoid all substitutes. rtvea iOcal PEORIA WOMAN GAINS 22 POUNDS TAKING JANLAC Digestion Perfect, Now, Sleeps Like a Child, Feels' Bright and Cheerful, v "Tanlac just seemed to give me a new lease on life." said Mrs. Ger trude Genseal, who resides at 715 North Adams street, Peoria, 111., re cently. Continuing, she said : "T hnve hnrl a Revere Ktomaeh trouble for three years, and had a very poor appetite. I never felt liko eating, and what little I did manage . m J 11 1 I'll - ' lo iorce oown woum iienny kiii me. Gas would form on my stomach and I would have severe spells of cramps that would lay me up for days at a time. I would have the worst sort of headaches, and I felt tired and fagged out all the time and my limbs ached so it was all I could do to get about My nerves were all upset and it was impossible for me to get rt good night's sleep, and I would get, up in the morning and begin ih! day's work as tired as when I went to bed. , "A friend of mine got me to try Tanlac, and it surely was what I ueeded. My stomach does not bothei me any more and I have a fine ap petite. I am always hungry and eat anything I want, and what I cat agrees with me perfectly. I am never bothered with gas or those dreadful cramps and I do not know wTtaJLit is to have the headache now. I have gained twenty-two pounds in weight since I began takiner Tanlac. and I. feel so strong and good all the time uiy nui ft is a pleasure to me. iuy nerves are so calm now that I uleen like a child, and get up"" in the morn ing feeling bright and cheerful. I am in Tawf A set- kAnltl, hahi a h ! T . X. II ValOVIt tlCTeSItyU IlUWy OUU ft. U WO Jfc all to Tanlac." Tanlac is sold in Omaha at all Sherman & McConnell Drue Com pany's, stores, Harvard Pharmacy and West End Pharmacy. Also For rest and Meany Drug Company in Sooth Omaha and the leading dreg gist in each city and .town through out the state of Nebraska.-Ad. - ?