Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 01, 1919, Page 4, Image 4

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    4 -.'
Two Negroes Fined On Vag
rancy Charge and Two
Others Are Discharged
by Foster.
Four negroes who were arrested
lliursday night for investigation in
connection with the attack on Miss
Zeta Monahan 3010 Davenport
street; Wednesday night were- re-
' leased from jail yesterday upon or
der of Judge Foster, sitting in en-
' tral police court..
Two of the men, Hugh Hall and
Vernon fearl, both of Council
Bluffs, were fined $12.50 and costs
for vagrancy. The others, Elwood
Carter, Thirteenth and Cass streets,
and Mack Johnson. Council Bluffs,
were discharged. Hall was carrying
a revolver when arrested.
, Miss Monahan did not go to cen
tral polict station to attempt to
identify any one of the four negroes
as her assailant. Police did not
notify her, it was learned. " '
Two other negroes, Ralph Under-
' wood,, 2708 Seward . street, and
Howard Birge, Twenty-sixth and
Parker streets,, are still being held
bv police following a statement by
Miss Monahan that t'they looked
like the man who followed me."
Bertillon measurements of both
were taken' yesterday at police
headquarters. . '
Underwood says he has been
working 10 hours a day at the Ar-
Twenty One Alleged
Vagrants File Past
Police Court Judge
Twenty-one ' alleged vagrants,
eight of them negroes, received
fines, jail sentences or were dis
charged in central police court yes
terday. They were arrested Thurs
day. Many of them gave out-of-town
addresses. Two of the men
were professed I. W. W's, and are
being held pending an investigation
by federal authorities.'
William Gethner, who gave his
address as AhsQna, Conn., and Fred
Miller, Sioux City la. were each
given 15 days in jail for vagrancy.
Gethner was arrested when he is
said to have shouted in German to
Policeman O. P. Peterson when the
officer questioned him Thursday at.
Thirteenth", and Douglas streetsJ
Among his effects Gethner had an
insurance policy made out in Ger
man. He said he had relatives who
fought in Germany.
Pete Wegworth alias "Frisco.
Pete," notorious police character,
was also arrested and booked fori
vagrancy and investigation. Police,
say Wegworth is wanted in connec-1
tion with certain prominent bur
glaries committed during the last
week. -
Chicago Aldermen
Inspecting Plans
For Omaha Zoning
W. R. OToole and George Pret
zel, Chicago aldermen, art in Oma
ha to "obtain information which
may serve them in- the pro
posed zoning of the big city by the
lake. They are on a tour of cities.
"The Illinois state legislature au
thoriied Chicago to adopt a general
zoning plan and it is our purpose to
avoid the mistakes made by other
cities," said Mr. O'Toole.
Harland Bartholomew, engineer
of the St. Louis planning board and
consulting engineer of the Omaha
planning board, is also here.
H met the Chicago officials and
gave them the benefit of Omaha's
zoning plans which are being pre
pared by the board.
An ordinance embodying the local
zoning plan will be prepared soon
for introduction to the city council.
Drives Negroes Out of Corbin.
Corbin', Ky Oct. 31. Angered by
a series, of attacks on white men, a
mob here last night placed more
than 200 negroes on departing trains
and forced most of the remaining
negroes to leave on foot. One
negro was killed, according to re
ports, and two others wounded.
The town is quiet today.
Automobile Dealers
Elect Officers; Set
Date For Exhibition
J. T. Stewart of the J. T. Stew
art Motor Co., was chosen presi
dent of the : Omaha Automobile
board of directors elected Thursday
at the annual meeting.
Guy L. Smith was named vice
president and Clarke , G. Powell,
secretary and treasurer. Mr. Pow
ell was also made manager of the
annual automobile show to be held
next spring, v - .,'
At the annual meeting Thursday.
T. M. Opper, of the Jones-Oooer
Co., Guy L. Smith, Lee Huff, . of
the Nebraska-liuick Co., and J. T.
Stewart were elected director, of
association for the coming year.
" The question of an automobile
show next spring was brought tip
at the meeting and it was decided
to hold a show late in February or
early in March.
It was also decided that a truck
show, larger than any ever held in
Omaha before, would be held at the
same time. It is possible that the
truck show will be held in a sep
arate building. -
formed a $250,000 corporation to
breed -foxes from stock imported
from Alaska for their fur.
Man Dead From Gas
Said to Have Come,
From Little Sioux, la.
A man believed to be Peter Wal
ser, 40 years old, of , Little Sioux,
la., was found dead in bed in
room at 714 South Seventeenth
avenue, at II yesterday morning.
A gas jet was found open and he
had been asphyxiated.
Police believe death had .been
unintentional because a metal oin
on the hand screw that shuts off
the gas was broken. A transom was
open also.
The man rented the room last
. 1 ; ; ; ; - ; , , ; . .' .. 1 11
Wednesday night, paying , in ad-,
vance. He was a laborer.
County Investigator Michael
Dempsey is investigating the case.
The body was removed to Gentle
man' mortuary. .
Mexican Minister to Japan.
Mexico City, Oct. SI. Juan B.
Rojo, former counselor of the Mex
ican embassy at Washington, has
been named minister to Japan and
win leave soon tor lofcio to take his
post, according to the Excelsior.
To Cur a Cold la On Day.
Iota.) It atop th Couth and Hetdach
and work! off tha Cold. E. W. GROVE'S
ilgnatur on earn box. SOe.
Bee want ads produce results.
I M I r
The Joy Of A
Perfect Skin
Know the joy and
happiness that comes
to on thru possessing
a skin of purity and
beauty. The soft, dis
tinguished appearance it
renders brines out your
natural beauty to its full'
est In use over 70 years.
i IS i ff'fifo
6 Bei.l-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
Get Dn Edwarjs'Olive Tablets
That is th Joyful cry of thousands
face Dr. Edwards produced Olive
Tablets, tha substitute for calomel No
griping result from these pleasant
Stile tablets. They cause the liver
and bowels to act normally They
never force them to unnatural action.
Dt Edwards' Olive Tablets are a
soothing, healing, vegetable compound
mixed with olive oil.
If vou have a bad taste, bad breath,
fee) dull, tired, are constipated or
bilious, you'll find quick and sure re
sults from Dr. Edwards' little Olive
Tablets at bedtime, 10c and 25c a box.
mour packing house. He was at
home with hia mother and sister
the night of the attack on Miss
Monahan, he told police. Undrr
wood served eight months in France
and was discharged last July, he
says. i '
Ask $150,000 Damage
For Alleged Alcohol
Sales Crippling Man
Damaee suits aggregating $150,-
000 were filed in district coijft yes
terday in amended petitions by Mrs.'
Brideet Morrissey and her son,
George Morrissey, against Morris
Milder. Harry Milder and James
Christopher. I
It is alleged the defendants,
through drug stores and saloons,
owned by. them sold alcohol to
George Morrissey, which wrecked
him physically.
h T ' 1 I il.i K...:,... .....
sold raw alcohol at the Paxton
pharmacy, February 14, and after
drinking it, he lost his way walking
home and lay down at Thirtieth and
Wirt streets, where he was found
so badly frozen that he has lost all
the fingers and toes and his heels.
He is unable to stand and will never
be able to work again, it is alleged,
Mrs. Morrissey is 75 'years old.
She, asks $50,000 damages. George
Morrissey asks for $100,000 dam
ages. New Manager Assumes
Duties at Blackstona
' Officers of the North American
Hotel company, owners and oper
ators of the Blaekstone hotel, yes-,
terday appointed J. W. Schroeder,
as resident manager of the Black-'
stone, to succeed F. W. Rothery.
Mr. schroeder is well known
throughout the middle west as a
successful man. He has had long
experience in the operating of ho-
tela and the management of coun
try clubs. He opened the new
North American hotel in Hampton,
la., lasts spring and has been man-,
ager there until his promotion to
the management of the Blaekstone.
He will be assisted by his wife and
a secretary. j
F. W. Rothery has been resident I
: c . i T-t i i . r iL.
manager or inc oiacitsione lor mc
past two yearsi He has made no
plans for the future.
The change in managership is the
beginning of a- series of extensive
improvements at the Blaekstone,
according to E. W. Exley, presi
dent of the North American Hotel
company". i I .
Woman Struck by Street
- Car In Serious Condition
The condition of Marie Scanlon,
40 years old, 617 South Eighteenth
street, injured in a street car acci
dent Thursday night, is still critical,
attendants, at the Lord Lister hos-j
pital say.
The woman suffered a fractured
collarbone, a fracture ef the frontal
bone of tha skull, and many body
bruises when she was struck by an
cast-bound street car at Eighteenth
and Leavenworth streets. She was
dragged 30 feet after she was hit,
and H. Doud, 3102 Decatur street
who was operating the car, said
slippery rails was the reason he
was unable to stop quickly.
Piano Bargains
One Day Only
Knabe Upright, used. r '. . . .$150.00
Estey, nearly new. $275.00
Chickering Bros. Acouitigrande , $350.00
Chickering & Sons, slightly used .$350.00
Milton Player Piano. ....... .$350.00
Brinkerhoff Player Piano. $385.00
A Fine Selected Stock of
' I ' ' New Knabe Baby Grands, .
Fischer Baby Grands,
and Knabe Ampico Reproducing Pianos.
Hayden Bros.
New Piano Dept.
We have prepared for a mighty outlet of Coats--at two
prices-which will be the pivot of coat activities in Omaha.
' v. ' i.
Coats Previously . Coats Previously
$55 to 69.50 $75 to 85
For Woman-Little Woman-the Large,
Well Proportioned Woman-the Miss
OUCH an announcement now, at the beginning of the coat season, should be an inspiration to prospec-
tive coat buyers. This is a sale offering you wonderful tolues, notable reductions, the season's newest
and best models from our regular stock, the most popular fabrics, colors and triininings, and
" i A Big Variety of Modes in All Sizes, Including: 34-36-38-40-42-44-46-48-60-53
Lot 1-125 Coats-
Previously $55 to $6930
T N tailored, belted, raglan, loose back, front peit mod-A-
els, some displaying large sealine collars, others with
convertible collars, high military collars, smart pockets,
huge buttons, clever cuffiMvery model the perfection
of fine tailoring and finishing. .
Made of silvertone, velours, chinchillas, polo cloth,
mixtures, pompoms, oxfords in all popular colors.
Lot 2-55 Coats-
Previously $75 to $85
Coal Shop-
THE loose, flare. back modes, also trim tailored lines,
belted, beltless, raglan style, the full ripple skirt
and the yoke models with collars of Hudson seal,
skunk and raccoon; large shawl or convertible collars,
fancy belts and pockets add greatly to their smart
styles. '
Developed from silvertone, bolivia, chameleon cord,
frost glow, frostette, plumette in all colors. 1
Every Coat Richly Lined
Third Floor
of glove silk
. $3.95
X Smart women. tr
nnaing jersey Dioomera
and th trim-fitting
pettl-bockera bo practi
cal they fit so snarly
v under the new mods of
skirts, no bunching or
Pettibockers, $7.25 -$13.75
Of Milanese Jersey, In all dark suit colors
bright colors, and the light delicate shades.
Lingerie Shop Second Floor
Slip-Over Sweater $6-95.$ 1 5
Showing all the newest, cleverest of the Win
ter Styles in long or ripple sleeve the arm
flare model. In the close or basket weave, with
- trimmings of iridescent stripes, or filet borders
and cuffs.
In every conceivable sweater eolor, or combi
nation of colors.
Suealtr Shop Second Floor
150 Distinctive
Trimmed Hats
Your Choice
,Previously $10 to $18.50
Clever Pattern Hats developed in panne, Lyons and colored silk velvets also velvet and
beaver combinations.
Tailored Hats, Dinner Hats, Afternoon Hats
Decorative touches artistically applied of ostrich fancies, ostrich bands, wings, unique
ribbon trim deft embroidery, touches of silk, yarn or chenille, burnt goose and glycerine ostrich.
"Live Model"
Notice what excellent
lines a Kabo corset gives
your figure how com
fortable and easy it is to
wear. This fact Is decid
edly emphasized in the
Kabo Comfort Top"
Designed especially for women at desks, or
v those who have to sit all day at their work no
front steel gouging into the flesh, but a flexible,
serviceable strong front boning, above the waist
The very newest style for each individual
figure awaits you in our Corset Shop, where you
can be assured of a coerect, comfortable fitting,
by experienced corsetieres, who thoroughly un
derstand the scientific art of proper corseting.
A fine line ot Brassieres in assorted sizes at
only 59c to $7.50.
Millinery Shop-
Second Floor Corset Shop-
-Second Floor'
Saturday-the Last Day of Our Remarkable Suit Sale
SuitShop : ;
Economy Hosiery
$1.00 $1.25 $1.50
Women's fine llsles, in light, medium and heavy
weight full fashioned and high spliced heels, double
toles and toes. The good 'wearing quality.
Hosiery Shop Main Floor
"The Store of Specialty Shops"
Third Floor
Not-a-Seam Hosiery
Made of pure thread silk, fast dyes with seam
less loot and ravel barrier Just below lisle garter top,
which stops runs. In black, white and all wanted
shoe shades.
Hosiery Shop - Main Floor