THE OMAHA BEE. - i -tj:. -" Ovei2 Acres Floor Space P O U L l V . P rsSIW S I f VnmfT rrt Trade Mark RgiiterJ 'WV.M U. S. Pt. Off. nd Fgn & 1 1 Packing "Produce Dealers Here is an illustration of the new Produce and Cold Storage Building of. the Skinner Packing Company, now being erected at 12th and Douglas Streets, Omaha Nebraska. ThI. oUnt will be the mott modern poultry and egg plant in the world. The building is nine floor., 99x132. The ba.ement floor u u.ed for dry cold .torage. ihe nr.t iioorii i km.. for the necking company and produce department offices. Ihe $ next fire floor, are for cold .torage. The next floor i. u.ed for chicken picking and egg candling and the top floor U u.ed for chicken feeding. In addition to thi. property, the company al.o own. property adjoining on the north of thi. building, on which will be erected in the future, a building to take care of a more axten.ive bu.ine. in butter. The Produce Department of the Skinner Packing Company wn e.tabh.hed OTer a year ago and ha. met with phenomenal auccea. and ia now being conducted temporarily in the eld Kir.ehbraun Creamery building, until the new building U f im.hed. Thi. department ia owned by the Skinner Packing Company and we wuh to impre. upon'shipper. throughqut thi. territory that the policy of the company i. to give1 prompt .err ice, the be.t market price, and prompt return.. If you are not already .hipping to thi. J,PiSSiS ttJZ2Zttm the of the Omaha Poultry A..ociatio, will gi.e you .om. idea of N.braT.?. importance in the production of poultry and egg. and how important thi. .ndu.try ,. to Omaha and all thi. MU.ouri Valley territory. 1 , . JOHN W. WELCH, Pre.ident. ARTHUR L. EDSON, Secretary. OMAHA POULTRY ASSOCIATION Mr. Paul F. Skinner, Chairman of Board, Skinner Packing Company, Omaha, Neb. " Dear Mr. Skinner: , , Wi.h to thank you for your .ub.cription to the fund for the coming Omaha Poultry Show, to be held N0T7obumiSt be Xreaed to knowW I ha, .t.ti.tic. from Mr. E. R. D.niel.on of the Stat. Fair Board of Nbra.ka, that in poultty-nd egg., alone, Nebraka had a productionof over $56,000,000 in 1917, and, o bourse, the growth ha. been steady for the la.t two year.. - i In view of the fact that the Skinner Packing Company i erecting .uch a modern produce, plant, 1 thought you would be intere.ted, but no doubt, you are already familiar with the condition., or you would not be engaging in the bu.ine. 10 exten.ively. , 1 Your very truly, OMAHA POULTRY ASSOCIATION. (Signed) John W. Welch, Pre.ident. BUTTER-EGGS The Produce Department of th6 Skinner Packing Company during this last yearhas done a large export business, and the de- partment exports poultry and eggs to all parts of the world and ships these goods to all points in the United Mates. 1 The company now operates, not only jn the State of Nebraska, but the territory inc r iuefcuiuFai j v ' c , ri-w. --J Wirftmincr-and the volume of the poultry and egg business in nortnern rwansas, eastern voioraao, suuuicm uuui uo" -"" . s - V' Viie tArritnrv amounts to manv millions of dollars. x , As stated above, this department is owned by the Skinner Packing Company and if you desire any i00"0"" r!. cT.7 ni.i.: . TA UA A V.w v,i mail us the attached inauiry blank and give you any informa- IieS Or Uie JKinncr I alVllIJJ ,Jllipxuj9 wc nvuiu w 64 w w - . .... v ' 1 itl ft ' Mi A A Packing 12th and Douglas Sts. OMAHA, U.S. A SKINNER PACKING COMPANY, 1400 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha, U. S. A. il I would be glad to receive further information regarding your company. i Name . . ... .-.t-. Business Address SI 5 SI V a' I AW .1 w 4 ' r9Wr g "I I if- i