Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 29, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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    I i 'i ' i , 1 K i I i i ' .. I I . I . I V ;
Her leak composes', and steady sya.
Bespoke a mstchless constancy.'
Softly she treads, as if bar foal vara leta
,Ta crush the mountain dew-drops, toon ta melt
On tha flower' breast. -
'1 ' .
Out-of-Town Wedding.
"' The marriage of Miss Hazel Ear
ker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M.
?. Parker of Davenport, la., and
"Capt. J. Arthuc Christie, formerly
. of Omaha, took place,. Monday aft
ernoon in New York City. .
- k For Miss Mekeel.
I Miss Mildred Mekeel, whose
marriage o Mr. Herbert MjDuffee
will take 'place Thursday, was .honor
. guest at a luncheon Monday, given
at the home of Miss Dorothy Black.
In the evening she was entertained
at a miscellaneous shower by a group
of girls at the Girls' Community
house. Following' this, Miss Ethel
Magney entertained at her hame.
Mr. and Mrs. C. I.. Lowry
eiitertained at dinner and Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Mallory entertained at
T.n OrpKntn party Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Trestor will
. -entertain at dinner at the Atheltic
:lub Wednesday evening for the bri
dal party. .,,
, Veddlng Date.
,1 The marriage of' Miss pmmie
Burgess of New Rochelle, N. Y.,
and Mr. Guy H. Moates of Lincoln
will take place Saturday evening.
Miss Burgess was a Red Cross nurse
and was stationed in Virginia, where
Mr. Moates was a member of the
medical corp. He is nw a fresh
. man at the University of Nebraska
Metlical college 'and a member of
the Iron Sphinx, an honorary sopho
more organization of the state uni
versity. .
y For Bridal Party.
" Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Seur en
! tertained informally at dinner at
; their home Tuesday evening in
honor of Miss Hazel Evans and her
I fiance, Elliott Gilmore. Pink roses
were used to form the centerpiece
and covers were laid for l guests,
'. and included the fcridal party."
For a Bride
Miss Ruth Beatty entertained in
formally at her home. Tue,s,'.av
afternoon, in honor of Miss Edhh
Hamilton, who will be a November
bride. , Twelve guests attended.
, . - Clark-Summers. -
. The l marriage ot Miss Jayne
I Clark, 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
; Frank E. Clark, and Mr. John
Summers took place Tuesday even
; ing at the First Presbyterian church.
Rey. Edwin Hart Jenks read the
i marriage linPs. Following ' the
; ceremony a reception was held at
t the' parish houses'"
' For Guests. '
VMrs. Ji hn L. Kennedy will' enter
.. ' .li'in informally at luncheon at her
' lionje Friday and Saturday. Vht
honor guests 'will be the. Misses
' Virginia Hanscqiu and Mary Fran--cs.of
New York, who arevisiting
at ficr home. " .
Anniversary Party.
MVs. A. Hene was honoree at a
surprise afternoon affair at her
xiiome, Saturday,' The .occasioiKwas
'ier 35t!i wedding anniversary. The
?uests!ii:mbcred 45, and Mrs. Hei.e
ias presented with a cameo, pin.
Dr.! -mi1 Mrs. Edwin Hart' Jciiks
wilk, be J.onor guests' at a reception
eiven a't the; parish house of the
" First Prtshytcrian churchy Wcdnes
. !ay evening. The occasion is- the
' JOtlf anniversary of Dr. Jcnk's pastorate-
in Omaha. V
Mrs. Reed Entertains.
-- Mrs. A. L. Reed entertained at
luncheori" at" her .home Tuesday, in
honor -of Mrs. Eugene Valk of
-Los Angeles. Mrs. Valk is the guest
f her sister. Mrs. J. E. Davidson.
Roses formed the centerpiece, and
rover's were p'accd for eight.
Press Club Luncheon.
; The Oinahj. VV6inau's Press club
will meet for, luncheon Wednesday
at Hotel Loyal at 12:45 o'clock.
Luncheon for General Wood.
Dr. E. C. Henry entertained at
an informal luncheon at the Ath
letic club, Tuesday, In honor of
Maj. Gen. Leonard Wood, who
spent the day in Omaha. Among
those present were Messrs. W. G.
Ure, Jed Metcalf, Frank H. Gain,
John W. Towle. E. A. Benson, R.
I B. Howell, and Col. C. A. Baker.
Affairs for Mrs. Estey.
Mrs. Harold Estey of Boston.-rho
is the guest orMrs. D. Q. Bradford,
has been the honoree at a number of
informal affairs given during the last
week. Mrs Nellie Markell enter
tained informally at a bridge lunch
eon at the Paxton hotel. Tuesday.
for her Chrysanthemums were used!"
to form the cerrterpiece. Covers
were placed for Mesdames D. 0.
Bradford, Ed Clayton, Isaac Ray
mond of Lincoln; F. F. Kennedy,
L. C. Nash, A. V. Kinsler, E. t.
Swobe, Howard Baldrige, Eva Wal
lace, and Miss Clarie Helen Wood
ard. ''Mrs. A. V.- Kinsler will en
tertain at a bridge luncheon in her
honor Wednesday; v lAr. and Mrs.
Howard Baldrige will give a dinner
for her Thursdayffreceding Jhe ball
ior the fatherless children of
France; Mr. Farnam Smith will give
a theater'partyv Saturday evening
and Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Swobe will
entertain at supper Sunday evening.
Mrs. Jay Burns will entertain at
luncheon on Wednesday, November
5, for this visitor.
For a Visitor
Among the , affairs planned in
honor of Miss Caroline Johnson of
St. Joseph, Mo., are a luncheon to
be given Friday by Mrs. L. F. Cro-
foot at her home, and a luncheon
Saturday at the Omaha club to be
given by Mrs. F. N. Conner. Miss
Johnson is visiting Mrs. Henry W.
Yates and 'J.!ic3 Nanie Richardson.
Informal Affair.
Mrs. T, R. Houston entertained
informally at her home, Tuesday
evening, at an "old fashioned taffy
pull." Her guests numbered 35.
Card Party.
A. card party will be given
Thursday afternoon at the hall at
Fourteenthand Catelar streets by
the Altar' society of St. Patrick's
parish. - - .
Sigma Chi Omicrom.
The Sigma Chi Omicrom sorority
of the University of Omaha will
entertain at a masquerade Hal
loween party, Friday evening.
: , 1
Persona Is
Mrs. Draper Smith is spending the
day in Lincoln. s
Mrs. J. E; Longmore of Lincoln
is visiting fier daughter, Mrs. W.
F. Ottman.
Mr. and Mrs. Don A. Chapin,
Miss Ethel Hollingsworth, and Mr.
Thebe of Lincoln were week-end
visitors in Cuha.
Dr. and Mrs. Oliver Everett
have returned to Lincoln after a
brief visit in Omaha. -
Mr. .and Mrs. John Charles
Wright of Lincoln have returned
home after spending a few days in
Omaha. . '
, Mr. Herbert McDuffee ofNMinnc
apolis, fiance of Miss Mildred Me
keel, arrived in Omaha Monday,
i I,. i
Miss Helen -Anderson is-at. her
home convalescing after a serious
illness. ';
Rubbing silver or plated egg
spoons wilh a little ammonia and
salt will remove the decoloration
causedjby the sulphur in the egg.
China packed in a pan is liable to
crack if boiling water ' be poured
over it. .
Heart Beats
By A. K.,
Mother Eve
Whispered amessage
My dears
To all young girls
And bachelor maids
A "word of wisdom" "
It's labeled'
And a word -of wisdom
It is.
- ;-. ,
Decide wften ytfung ,
What career you'd pursue
The Professions '
Or Barrister. . ;
Decide ,
If you really , .
Want to be smart
With degrees
And University foundations
Or v
The girl of curls
And simple ways ' ;.
A clinging vine i
A veritable mine r , ,
Of inexhaustible flattery.
For " -
These two paths '
l ead to different way
To the south
And the north of Life.
So similar
At first they seem
That you would scarcely
Think or lream
That one went north
To lofty heights
Impersonal and cold .
Where ice-bound ships '
When headed home
Are stranded
And forlorn . -Hopeless
in their majesty.
The other path 1
Goes south way south
Straight to the heart
Of Man 1
And the center
Of loved ones, and home. - '
For men in their wit
Care not a whit
For the intellectual spouse
They recognize 1
The lofty aims
And acquiesce in what she says
But simply cannot love her.
At home at night ,
They long for fine .
Kiddies and tasty dinners
Art will satisfy the head
Rut never fill the heart
SO-.., L;
For art's sake 1
Cast love thoughts aside
For teve's sake ,
Put away the art. I
- Chocolate Potato Pudding.
Cream half a cupful of shortening
and Add gradually, while beating
constantly, one cupful of sugar, two
beaten eggs, half ,a cupful of milk
pud half a cupful of hot. riced pota
toes. "
Beat thoroughly and add one cup
ful of flour, mixed with two tea
spoonfuls of baking powder, half a
cupful of grated chocolate melted
over hot water, one tcaspoonful of
vanilla and half a teaspoonful of
grourrd cinnamon. Bake - in a
greased Joaf pan in a-- moderate
oven "and serve hot with foamy
sauce , . - ' N-
Things to Remember.
Vinegar bottles and cruets may be
cleaned by putting into them finely
crushed egg shells with a little
water and shaking thoroughly.
To bleach white garments, use
one tablespoonful . of borax in one
gallon of water' Wet the -clothes,
dry in the sun, afld repeat the pro
cess if necessary.
Borax is one of the most-satisfactory
helps in laundry work. It is
safer to use than (vashing soda, be
cause its actiojn'is not so violent. It
soften the water and disolves fats
and starcjies.- It does not harm
eiher color material, and when used
in sfafch it gives a gloss and pre
vents the iron sticking.
The World s Most Distinguished
-n ' 14 . ,
f .ii !w. n m i
; v : li
i. I Pig PorkChops, j1
Musical Instrument
Tha fama of the STEINWAY tha piano by which all
other are judged i not merely a local or national one. It is
it the recognition, in the strongest poisible manner,of work"
of art that it unequaled and unrivaled in its particular line.
- From its inception the Steinway has been known as "THE
3EST PIANO," without qualification and without limitation.
New Steinway Pianos are EXCLUSIVELY sold in Nebraska
and western Iowa by the Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
Upright start at $750 Grands at $1200.
Other Pianos taken in exchange.
- Exclusive Fa6rjkMisi ritmtorg
1311-1313 Famcim$t t s
California Sugar
Cured Hams, lb.,
1608-10-12 Harney Street
Douglas 179
Did you ever realize that every article of food you buy at the Central Market has our guarantee for
., . purity and quality? ""N. n
Specials for Wednesday's Selling
- " .... ' . -
Swift's Lean Winchest- 1 Tall cans Snider's To- 1 Tall cans Carnation Advo Peas, per can,
er Bacon, OCA- mato Soup, in. Milk, 1C I
per can :.. .
per lb.
er's To- 1
per can
!" Fancy Bulk- Creamery Butter, Gallon cans Maple Syrup, i Extra Fancjr Florida Heavy I
1? 60c .T. $1.50 1 SWc E
- ' ' Freshman Club.
The Freshman Student club of
the Centra' High school will have
a Hallowe'en party in the gymna
sium of the Y. W. C. A. Wednes
day afternoon at 3:15.
St. vPeter' Church.
The women of St. Peter's church
will give a Hallowe'en dance, and
card party Wednesday evening at
the Metropolitan hall.
Roosevelt Circle.
The Roosevelt Chautauqua circle
is the name chosen' by the new
South Side, organization which met
at the home of Mrs. F. A. Cressey,
Monday afternoon.
Drama League.
Miss Kate McHugh will address
the Drama league Noyember 10 at
4 p. m., Blackstone hotel, onLord
Dunsany. Dunsany speaks in Oma
ha on November IS before the
Drama league and it is thought Miss
McHugh's preliminary talk will pave
the way for greater pleasure and ap
preciation in the famous Irish play
wright. Membership in the Jeague is now
more than 500. ,At the Powys' lec
ture Monday afternoon 146 new
members were enrolled. Mrs. Lu
cien Stephens, membershio chair
man, says they will make 1,000 mem
bers thejr goal f .
RedlCros Motor Corps.
Mrs. W. E. Martin; captain of the
Red Cross motor service, requests
that all drivers remove their Red
Cross pennants from ' cars, using
them only when on duty. a
Music Department.
Music department, Omaha Wom
an's club will meet Wednesday at
2 p. m. for rehearsal under Mr.
Henry G. Cox, director. An execu
tive committee meeting will follow.
This class numbers about 50 and the
business woman's class Avhich meets
Thursday evening weekly, is about
the same si2e. A drive will be made
to bring each division up to 100
members. There is an associate
membership in ,the Woman's club
provided for those who wish to join
the music department; also a similar
provision for any girl who wishes to
enter the evening business woman's
class. '
W. C. T. U.
The executive body of the W. C.
T. U. will meet at the Y. W. C. A.
Wednesday at 2 p. m.
School of Commerce.
The High School of Commerce
Student club will hold its regular
meeting Wednesday afternoon at
H. E. L. P. Club.
The H. E..J- P. club will have
supper Wednesday evening at the
settlement house. Miss Letobski is
instructor of dramatic art for the
W. R. C. Convention.
The seventh annual convention of
the second district, W. R. C, will be
held Wednesday, October 29, begin-
. . in . ii :i l 1
ning at iu a. m. in i"c tummi iiidiu-
ber of city hall. All corps mem
bers are urged to attend. This dis-.
trict is composed of 14 corps. y
Maccabees' Party.
Omaha Review No. 46, Woman's
Benefit association of the Macca
bees, will give" a carnival of dancing
and other amusements the evening
of November 3 at Danenbrog hall.
Advice to the Lovelorn
Loves Comes Unbidden 'and, "To Love or Not We Are
No More Free Than the Ripple to Rise and -,
-Leave the Sea." .
Unhallowed Rites For Hallowe'en.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:
I have read the advice you gave for
Hallowe'en parties and tjiink it was
good. I am going to have a party
next Thursday. WJiat kind of Invi
tations should I have? And CRn. you
tell me anything we could use (or
telling fortunes. - E. S.-
A simple 'rUvnie Which can be used
when the hontes.s finds n difficult fo
originate one, is thei following::
On 5-lallowe'en, when witches ride,
Conic and have your fortunes tried:
We'll lift the veil and tell you true'j
.lusp what the future holds for you.
Please lift the latch of Walthani's
gate -
Not later than the hour of eight,
ut ere that day, send us a line,
To -say you'll join in our good time.
Having keyed your guests up to a
genuine celebration of the feast, plan
for them plenty of fiin with a strong
favor of mysticism and fate. Here
are some of the good things which
you may arrange for them without
expense: - v '
reel some , apples and L have the
peelings afloat In a tub of water.
HIindfold each in -turn and let him or
her kneel in front of the tub holding
a tiny, wand which is announced as
"a mystic hazel twig." If the hostess
is costumed as a witch to conduct
the ceremonies she eould present the
twig with a muttered incantation.
Stirring around in the water the
player dips up the first peeling he
catches and N tosses -it over his
shoulder. The initial formed by the
peeling is that of the fgture life mate.
Fortune telling can be performed
with nuts in a variety of ways. This
is very effective if carried out by a
witch or gypsy. A good and simple
means of divination with nuts s
where each in turn has a dish of nuts
passed-to him and must choose one
iom the dish taking the first one
that comes to hand. .From the size,
shape and other characteristics of
the nut (its smoothness, perfection
or imperfection, etc) the seeress
deduces the description of the com
ing man or woman in one's life.
Here, too, is a good and merry one.
Make little fortunes in a quick and
simple way by cutting from a news
paper or advertisement a dozen or so
of words which when fitted together
will give a brief fortune. For exam
ple: -
1 "You will meet nextwek a dan.
gerous new acquaintance.
2 You will soon be asked to de
cide an important question. "'
Put each little sentence in a sepa
rate envelope and seal the envelopes.
Then distribute the fortunes in some
novel way. The man in the moon
may be painted on a curtain, for In
stance, and some one concealed be
hind the curtain may throw the en
velopes out through an aperture in
the curtatn(the mouth of the man in
the moon) during the eclipse. Or a
crystal gazing magician may pretend
to read the future of the guests in a
large crystal globe which he,manip
ulates and may give each one the en
velope containing an account of wfiat
he saw in the crystal.
Or the envelopes may be attached
in country places to the trees and
hushes out of doors and the lads and
lassies seat out to search for them in
the gloom. ,
Very ancient is the divination , of
the kale stock or cabbage stalk, and
where cabbages have formed part of
the kitchen garden and stalks ; re-
Salad Jell
Lime Jiffy -Jell is fla-;,
vored with lime-fruit es
sence in a vial. It makes
a tart, green salad jell.
Jiffy-Jell desserts are
flavored with fruit-juice
essences, highly con
densed, sealed in glass.
Each dessert tastes like
a fresh-fruit damty -and
it IS.
, You will change from
old-style gelatine dainties
when you once try Jiffy
Jell. Millions have
changed already.
Order from your grocer
now '
iO Flavor, at Your Groctr'a
2 Paekagn for 25 Cents
Bee Want Ads boost business.
True Value Or,
Your Money Back
' s" MEANS
, Quality for Quality Service for Service Price for Price.
You can prove for yourself that we can give you Quality Den
tistry in a quality way at reasonable prices. .
Lady Attendant.
son and
Omaha Dentists
' V? v 1515! Farnam Street.
Notice Out-of-town patron can have work completed in one day.
Write, Call or Phone. '
Open Evenings o B P. M.
main, well may the hostess try "his
delightful plan, which is so old that
it will be new Each lad or lass must
seek the cabbage bed alone and in
the dark, or at most with the light of
a Jack o' lantern. Each may then
telr his own fortune and no one else
need be in the secret. If the stalk
one pulls comes up hard, he or she
will have difficulty in getting the per
son of, election.. If easy, so will be
course of love be. If the stalk is
rough, the character of the "fortune"
will be rugged and unpolished. 'If
smooth, polished and urbane. Many
Important deductions may be drawn.
Perhaps there is nothing which eo
entirely satisfies the average fate
seeker as an oracle which may be
depended on to answer questions in
writing. This oracle which may be
made very fanciful, is usually
painted on a curtain, after the man
ner of . the nyin in the moon already
mentioned."" It might take the form
of a. huge witch head, a witch sat
(Grimalkin), a ghost or goblin. A
big falSe'face with extra large mouth
(which may be cut wide) pinned on
a curtain and having the mouth cut
through the sheet wfiuld also serve.
Some one, of course, sits concealed
behind the certain.. After a slip
of, paper having a query writon
on it , is pushed through, a lapse
of a few seconds occurs usually
before the return slip drops out.
Each fate seeker has but one ques
tion, unless the party is very small
one. In addressing his question to
the, rracle he must repeat a rhyme,
the Idea of this being to give the con
cealed oracle a Hilew to his identity.
Or, instead of written fortunes, have
the Qracle answer through a mailing
tube, a confusing din being kept up
behind the curtain, so as to make
the words audible and nothing more
cover) to bring out the magic' words,
this too, will amuse.
Girl IU and Needs Clothes.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I
am . writing to you to see if you
could help me in this way. I am
a poor working girl, have no home,
pay for my board and room and
laundry.'but I am not able to work
now; have been very sick for some
time, and I am not able to work
yet: the doctor's advice is that I
will not be able to work for some
time; I have had the "flu" three
times; I am in need of clothing (all
kinds), and I wondered if you could
help me any. Now, I ask you to not
publish this -letter, my name or my
address, because it might place me
so when I get able to work it would
be verv inconvenient for me. I will
send you a self-adxjressed envelope
so you may let me know if you can
helo me. I will appreciate your
hkindness very, much. You could
send tnem 10 me oy ntss uu
will pay for it, because I will ap
preciate any of your help. Now. as
I ask you, please do not print my
name or mv address. I thank you
very much for taking up your time.
- v A. B. c.
No, floubt there are many people
who have warm, respectable gar
ments which they would be glad to
send a girl who is ill and in need
of help. We appreciate your delica
cy aboht not revealing your name.
If any wishes to help you and will
write us, we will, supply the name
to only that one person, who can for
ward the clothing she wishes to send
you. "It would have been helpful had
you given some idea of your size.
Can't you write us again telling that,
Funny stunts are just as suitable! and stating as definitely as possible
ffi. Central roramira Stare
j -w ol r
as divinations and might appropri
ately make up at least a part of the
program. The Hallowe'eners - even
who find it too indecorous to bob for
apples floating in a tub can bite
swiftly swinging doughnuts, each
player kneeling on a cushion with
hands behind his back.
Floury Fate, an old time sport,
where a dime is taken out of a
mould of flour with the teeth, never
looses Its zest on ' this particular
date, and the same may be said of
the old Scottish rite of running
three times around the bouse in the
..... ...... v,,.. "J ..i'u in Li.ii . l no,ri . J
It has become an easy matter to
render the table for Hallowe'en
feasting both charming and, appro
priate, so lavash is the display of
novelty among which the hostess'
chooses her decorations. If the
place cards are written in invisible
ink or in milk and allowed to dry so
that each card must be held to .the
flame of the tiny Hollowe'en candle
(placed at the fate seeker's allotted
wha you need.
Coat Cleaner.
Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee:
This article is the first that I've
written to you, but It is nota case
of love. Please tell me how I can
take powder off of my coat? .' How
ii my penmanship? Thank you.
V I. F.
A vigorous brushing will not be
sufficient Gasoline, is likely to spot
Get a prepared cleaner. The shoe
shops can possibly supply you In
Teacher of Violin.
Special Attention Given
For Appointment
Phone Douglat 9454.
AND zz
can be diy cleaned, steamed and refinished
so they look practically like new.
We make a specialty of such work.
Send them inwhile.the weather is nice and
get rid of the dust, soil and germs that have
.accumulated during the winter.
- -We pay return charges on all out-of-town
orders. ' 1
Write for Our Complete Price List.
"Good Cleaners and Dyers"
1515 Jones St. . . 7 Phone Douglas 963.
South Side, 4708 South' 24th St. Phone South 1283.
Guy Liggett, President. ,
WNftftf STUtET. TTr
v. Bo wens
Art Always
the Best -n
and with them goes the posi
tive guarantee of complete sat
isfaction. You can rest assured that a
stove purchased from the H. R.
Bowen Co. Is perfect In con
struction, guaranteed as to
quality and a Typical Bowenr
Value. i
tBowen Value
Giving Heaters
H Earl Ettmouijr Hot Blast Heater
H Full nickel trimmed, ilxteen-lttch
E Are bowl. Will keep fire forty-eight
H hour. An exceptional value. .155.00
m Soft Coal Heater 18 -Inch Are bowl.
If tull nickel top. A real value. ,$StM
Oil Beater Nickel flnlahed and
plain. Just the thing to take oS
the chill these cool mornings
$5.50, $6.50, S7.50.
m. Hot Blast Heater 18-Inch fire bowl,
g full nickel top; will hold ftrs
m for forty-eight hours. A real value
S ai fZZ.50
Baseboners We have a great
many baseburners from which to
make your selection. These wars
purchased last year, but on ac
count of the anbracitH coal
thortage they were held over.
These are now offered at excep
tionally low prices
$40.00, $45.00, $52.50, $65.00,
$t.50, $68.00, $89.50, $95.00
; s and up.
Bowin. Combination J
Range of Quality '
s- mi urn
This Bowen Combination Range
S It of guaranteed construction Is a-
S sieve that will serve your every
purpose throughout the year. Four
fgas and four coal, and Is nickel
trimmed with porcelain back... $135
S Fonr Cat and Four Coal NI4kel
S trimmed and plain splasher back.
3 An excellent guaranteed Bowen
Y ES, that's just what we mean. For a first
payment of only $5.00 we deliver a new
up-to-date Automatic Electric Washer to your
home. Payments may be made to suit your
convenience. -Every
woman knows the ' fa
mous Automatic the machine
T .
that has cut out the Blue -Mon
Call or Phone
Sold by ,
J. I. Purcupile & Co
Electric Household Appliances.
1908 Harney St.
Phone Douglas 2360.
" $150 will buy 3 shares. in the beautiful new
theater, stored and apartment building, to be
erected at 24th and Ames avenue. No better
time no better place.v We are sure, of divi
dends from 18 to 25 fo. No watered or
promotion stock. Write or Call
2404-6 Ames Avenue (Upstairs). Phone Colfax 173.
(-Hole Steel Range Guaranteed
construction, lS-lncb. oven, high
warming closet, nickel trimmed,
cast Iron base. A . real Bowen
value $69.50
O.Hole Cast Iron Range White l'oi-
felatne Doors, high warming closet,
lynch oven. Value at. $60.00
Exceptional Bowen V aluts
H Extra heavy, guaranteed alumln
um cooking utensils. Cannot be du
g plicated elsewhere for considerable
g more than the prices asked by the
g H. R. Bowen Co. When buying of
g- the Greater Bowen Store you may
"m rest assured that you are getting
g true dollar for dollar value.
j Stew rana Heavy ware, one-quart
i siie. A most exceptional price,
each .....35o
Sanee Pant Extra Jieavy three
pleoe set Three different sizes. A
real value, 3 pieces $1.25
Large Aluminum Kettle, Suited te.
every use In the kitchen $l.i5
E Heavy Alaminum Tea Kettles Typt j
kal Bowen values ..$1.95