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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1919)
V ' I, THE BEE; OMAHA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1919. 9 MINISTER'S SON .GIVES BOND ON RIOTING CHARGE Sixteen-Year-Old Chicago Boy Returns With His Father to Enter School. My HEART and My HUSBAND Adele Garrison's New Phase of Revelations of a Wife . Harvey Robinson, 16 years old, t- son of Rev. George Robinson of the faculty of McCormick Theolog ical seminary, Chicago, was re leased from jail j yesterday by, Dis trict Judge Rediclc under $2,500 bond to await trial on the charge of unlawful assemblage and rioting for which he has been indicted by the grand Jury in Connection with the riots of September 28. ' Harvey's father was here from Chicago. Harvey, a tall, studious looking youth, wearing tortoise shell-rimmed glasses, looked like anything but a rioter. In fact, he declares he was not rioting, but "bumming" his way west when he happened to be in Omaha at the time of the riot. Harvey's father took hiqi to Chi cago, where he will be put back in the high school to pursue his studies i until a -judge and jury are ready for him in Omaha. HAVE LOVELY BltOUH HAIR TRIAL PACKAGE SENT FREE. Why tolerate streaky, gray or bleached hair when it it Jut a easy to tint your trexaes a beautiful brown ai it it to powder your facet Brownatone gives the hair bewitching heauty and charm, producing any shade of Brown or black If desired. "Brownatana Makes Ma Look Ten Year Younfer" No other preparation Is so simple to apply. Light spots, gray strands or streaks,, and all unnatural shades in the hair are quickly restored to all their original beauty. Absolutely Harmless. Brownatone Is guaranteed perfectly safe and harmless to the hair and skin. Con tains no poisonous ingredients such aa sugar of lead. Sulphur, mercury, aniline or coal tar products. It has no odor and is greaselcss. Apply it in a few moments with comb and brush. Sold by alt leading druggists. Two colors: "'Light to Medium ' Brown" ami "Dark Brown to Black." Two sixes. (Be and $1.15. Demand the genuine. , Special Fro Trial Offer. ' Send only lie with this eoupno for Free trial package and helpful booklet on the care ef the hair. ' Mail Thla Coupon Now: The Kenton Phartnacal Co.. 461 Coppin Bldg., Covington, Ky. Enclosed find 11 cents (to cover postage, packign and war tax) for Trial Package of Brownatona. Light to Medium Brown or j Dark Brown to Black. MarlP'with X shade wanted and mall" with your Mil name and address. Madge's Victory and Dicky'a Sur prise. I did not waste any farther time over the telephone with little Mrs. Durkee. With a curt "Yes,1 it is readyl" I snapped up" the tele phone. I purposely made my voice sound offended. I wanted her to have that to : worry. Over in the minute or two which must ejapse before I could see her. I fairly ran downstairs, and skim med over the lawn lying between the two houses with a celerity I had not suspected I possessed. The side door of the house was open except for the screen which I could see was unlocked. I rang three short, sharp rings, always my signal to Mrs. Durkee, then, as was my custom, opened the door , without further ado and made my way up the stairs to her room. I heard her voice in a plaintive murmur before I reached her door. "No, Alfred, dear, don't ask me," she was saying. "Go on with Leila. Don't let me spoil your enjoyment. I shall be perfectly all right." "But, mother!" Alfred was ex postulating worriedly as I knocked lightly upon the lintel of-the half opened door, and without further ado pushed it farther open and crossed to my little friend's side. "I'll see to your mother," I said crisply, "Please go over with Leila at once, Katie is having seven dis tinct kinds of spasms about her din ner. Get everybody together just outside of the dining room. Dicky is planning a big surprise of some kind you know, and wants it to burst upon us all at once. I'll be there almost immediately. Please hurry!" Madge Takes Charge. I flung the last words impatiently over my shoulder as I bent over my little friend who was lying back m a rocking chair with every appear ance of suffering. I, think Alfred, who knows his mother's little foibles very well, although he never betrays his knowledge, was oniy too 8;" to leave her to me. , I, cast a furtive glance after him, saw him seize Leila who, troubled and reluctant, was standing just outside the door--by the arm and' hurry her down the hall. I 'waited only until I was sure they were out of earshot before be ginning my campaign agamsv little neighbor. "See here, you little fraud!" I said with surface merriment, but witn underlying l grimness that I knew she would recognize, it you inn 'm going to let you spoil my wnoie party you have anoincr wins com ing, as Dicky says. Here! I brought this along with me it iS absolutely warranted to relieve a headache, and if it doesn't, why there are plenty of couches at our home. But be there at the begin ning of this dinner you've got to be, so Swallow this, bathe your face and eves that's what I always, do when my head aches and come along. The Surprise Disciosea. "This," which I held out to her, was a peuet oi kiuu for me long ago by Dr. Pettit when I was suffering from nervous head- I knew that it sue were reai- J, C. SANDERSON MAKES A GAIN OF POUNDS Ends Twelve-Year Trouble ' by Taking- Tarmac "It's Wonderful," He Says. t rined over twenty-five pounds since I commenced taking Tanlac, and troubles that have been causinft me to suffer for twelve long year have been completely over? come." said James C. Sanderson, who lives at 110 South John Street, Springfield, UL. while taking io . ti ani.antaf ivp the other day. "Yet,, sir, Tanlac fuced me tip all ;t.t rAntimied Mr. Sanderson, "and IH tell the world that it is the best medicine on earth to build a man up when he is all run down like I was. There wasn't a time dur ing all the twelve years that l couia ' ait ilAurn and eat a meal without suffering afterwards. Why, I would be so bloated up with gas at times T rmilrl hardlv breathe, and would have i the worst sort of cramping ' pains in the pit of my stomach. 1 had actually gotten to the point whsre little sour was about the only thing I could eat. and I got so weak and run down that I couldn't work at all and just had to lay off from the job altogether. I was very much discouraged over my condition and I knew that unless I soon arot hold of a medicine or t.rMtment that would help me, I would not live much longer. "Now that was the condition was in when I commenced taking Tanlac. Before I had finished my first bottle I knew that I had found the rvht medicine at last. My ap petite came back, and I noticed that what I ate agreed with me. I began to aleep better and, instead of f eel Ine tired and worn out in the morn- Ings, I felt rested and refreshed. Well, sir, I just stuck to Tanlac . antil I have now taken five bottles. tnd now I am as hale and hearty is any man in the country. All troubles have been completely jvercome and I can do as mucn iard work as I ever did ill my life. ! never would have believed that a nedicine would bring a man out ike Tanlac has me, and you can 'ust put me down as a booster for his wonderful medicine as long as J live." Tanlac is sold m Omaha at all Jherman & McConnell Drug Com pany's stores, Harvard Pharmacy and West End Pharmacy. Also For rest and Meany Drug Company in South Omaha and the leading drug- srigt in each city and town through- ut u stave oi neorasaa. auv. Briej City Nws Weather Strips Higgle Kfg. Ctv-Ae. Have Root Print It Beacon Press Btoetrie Washers Bargsas-Qraadsn Co. Couple Married Miss Stella Alls house and Clyde Conkei, both of Red Oak, la., were married by Rev. Charles W. Bavtdge. Commissioner Towl to Rpeak City Commissioner Town will ad dress the Southeast Improvement and Social Center association at the Bancroft school Tuesday night ZJmman Out of Danger City Commissioner ZImman continues to improve. He was stricken with ptomaine poison last Friday after noon at hla office. The danger pe riod is said to have passed. Released On Bond Verne ' Stra ley was released yesterday by Dis trict Judge Redlck under $250 bond to await trial In district court on a charge of failure to pay $20 a month alimony to his wife who secured a divorce recently. Highway President to Speak S. M. Williams, chairman of the fed eral highway council and president of the Highway's Industry associa tion, will speak at the Chamber of Commerce November 4 on the "Na tional Highway Policy." Alleges Personal Injuries E. F. Hubbard sued the Omaha Van and Storage company yesterday In district court for $2,500, alleging that he was run into and Injured by a truck be longing to the storage company, April 2S at Sixteenth and Jackson streets. , " yV .-' Sues Taxi Company Samuel Car per sued the Central Taxicab com pany yesterday In district court for $10,000 damages alleging that a taxicab in which he was a passenger, August 24, was overturned by a driv er, who, he alleges, was inexperi enced and Intoxicated. ' - o V. W. Bradley Ill--W. W. Brad ley, superintendent of the Nebraska Humane society, is ill. He'went to Norfolk, Va., a week ago to attend a national meeting of the American Humane association, and returned to' Omaha Immediately upon ar rival at the southern city. Judge Fines Railroad Fedecal Judge Munger yesterday fined the Chicago & Northwestern railroad $500 for violating the 16-hour law by working a freight crew more than 16 hours at Merrlam, Neb., August 21, 1917, whe the train was held three hours for water on ac count cf a broken pump. , Personal Injury Suit Lovie Perry sued the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company in district court for $10,000, alleging that, she suffered injuries by being thrown from the rear platform of a street car at Sixteenth and Dodge streets the afternoon of Oetober 10. She says her fall was caused by the sudden starting of the car. Papilliou Church Bazar-r-The St, Colunibills Catholiq church will give a bazar Wednesday and Thursday of this wek at Bells hall,, Papulion There will be a car running into Omaha at 12:30 p. m. from the hall, which will enable Omahans to get home after the dance. The bazar will start at 4 in the afternoon and there will be a chicken supper served at o. Al Livingston, rire .Department Captain, 1 Answers Last Gill ly suffering it would relieve her, and ;f -Vi wpre shamming, as I more than half suspected, it wouia not hurt her. "Will it cure a heartache, too, Madge?" she asked, with a pathetic queruiousness inai ajipcucu even while it irritated me.' Tm sure of it," l Mia nippanuv. "Because heartaches are- usually nMhinfir but indieestion. Come, where's a wash cloth or do you pre fer some powder? . "But I look a fright." she pro tested weakly, and 1 knew that. my battle was won. , "You 11 look worse if you dont hurry," I retorted, snatching a pow der puff and a mirror from lier dressing table. Til give you - M seconas io primp, I said. , , . "Youre just awiui, waage, sue replied, daintily applying the pow der puff. "But I suppose I ought not to spoil your dinner. But I never thought of it in that way, and it just seemed as if I couldn't" Never mind that now, i sata, bringing her a glass of water, and standing Over her relentlessly until she had swallowed the-te!let I had prescribed. "Now tuck your arm in ' mine, so fashion, and ' come along." I . We found everybody gathered in the living room outside the closed dining room, and there was a gen eral shout of relief when we ap peared. Only Leila tairraxs fair face remained vaguely shadowed. "Now.-let the show begin V ui- lian chanted.. 1 rDicky, holding Junior ' perched UDOn his shoulder, put his hand unon the knob of the door. "Now . you 11 see a birthday oresent that is W rjreseiill he boasted. ' VNone of your Tattles andJ balls and silver dinguses in mine. He threw open the door, and we trooped in to see in the midst of a pile of other toys an immense rock ing horse, almost as tall as Dicky himself a magnificent, tostly toy. suitable for a child of 51 (Continued Tomorrow.) Failed to Tell Wife of Divorce Suit; Decree Is Now Set Aside Burt . Stoops, an electrician at the uayety theater, found yesterday that he should have followed legal court procedure in obtaining the di vorce from his wife, granted Octo ber IS. Yesterday Judge Day set aside the decree on the ground that Mrs. Stoops had not been notified ot the pendency of the suit. Mrs. Stoops filed her petitioi to have the decree set aside October 16. She said that a few days after her husband filed his petition. Sep, tember 2, he told tier that he had dismissed it and that he would live with her again. . , They accordingly began livinsr to gether she said, at 2923 Douglas street, and that she was very much surprised when she learned the di rorce had been granted, as she had no opportunity to contest it. Mr. Stoops alleged in. his petition that his wife failed to cook his meals, and spent t many eveniugs away trom homi ort Omaha Officers In Air j Five and One Half Hours Lieut-Col. Jacob W. S. Wuesl and four observers, Capt. A. G McKin ley, Lieut. .W. fc.. Connelly, .Lieut. W G Burns and Lieut. G H. Maran ville, who left Fort Omaha in a free ballon at 1 :30 Saturday-afternoon, landed at Pacific Junction, Ja., about eight miles from LOunciI Blutts, after remaining in the air five and one-halt hours. The balloon floated over Omaha for about two hours- and a half at a height of 2,000 feet. It then rose to 5,000 feet and on account of little wind did not travel very far. The flight was for experimental pur poses. T INDIGESTION V, ' . "Pape's Diapepsin" makts Disordered Stomachs A. T. Livineston. ' senior caotain at fire engine house No. 17, Dun dee, died Sunday afternoon in a hospital He wal compelled by illness to leave his work 10 weeks, ago ; ' t Mr. Livingston is survived by his wite. He served with the Omaha fire department more than IS years and was a member of the United States fire company in the Panama canal zone four years. He .was 42 years old and was known by a host of friends as TA1." Hit home- was at SOD Underwood avenue. Funeral services will be - held at the Scottish Rite cathedral, 2 p. m., Wednesday. Burial will be in For est Lawn cemetery. ' Are you going to the theater or movies tonight? If so see, amuse ment page. - Twin Boy Infants Die One Day After Another Twin boys, three months and nine days old, born of an unmarried mother, died at the Child Saving in stituted one last .Friday and the other Saturday, according to reports received at the health office. "In fantile atrophy," was the cause of death in both cases. Heal Itching Sldns With Cuticiira All rurtsts: ralLrjrBtaMniTeft. rroa or "nsarn, pt. a, Bwua." The Bee wanteds for results. ft Lumps of undigested food caus ing pain. When your stomach is acid, and is gassy,' sour or you have heart-born, flatulence, headache or dyspepsia,, here i speedy relief no waiting. v ' , Eat a tablet or two of Pape's Diapepsin and instantly your stom ach feels fine. All the. indigestion pain, gases, acidity and misery in the stomach caused by acidity ends. Pace s Dianepsin tablets cost lit tle at, any drug store but theri i no surer or quicker stomach antacid known. ' a 11 A medicine which has given satisfaction to its users for over 40 years as Cardui has, must be a good medicine. If, you suffer from female troubles, arid need a reli able, strengthening tonic, ot real medicinal value, as proven by the expert- I ence of thousands of women users, TAKE TV A lMmis! Tnsl . IhS MUII14.I5 lull Hi vyi Mrs. d S. Budd. of LA Covina, Calif.t in writing r1 Cardui, savs: "1 took a bottle at 13 years old, and it cured my headaches. I nave taken it since mar riage, and received much help from it Cardui is the best medicine I ever took ... It was the only medicine . . . that helped myback..."TryCrduL AD Draggists EBI3 to X m EVERYBODYS STORE 21 Extra Special Values on the Main Floor Dresser Scarfs Union Suits II Cuff Pins Men's Hose White Corduroy Cotton Hose Butcher Linon Dres- Women's Low Neck, solid gold cuff pifis, rmauallty 'black WhK corduroy for Women's white or bal- ser Scarfs, hemstitched sleeveless pink . bodice .ttr.etiva desiens verr wW. mv and Palm children's coats. Pine briggan cotton hose or scalloped edge, sizes top, flat weave union , V Beach K to liu qnalIty: extra flPecial ful1' "mless, slightly 18x45 or 18x54 inches,, suits, knee length. special. Tuesday, at Beacn. Bises 9 to li. Tvesfoy, at soiled, at $1.00 each $1.00 each - $i.00 pair 4 pr. for $100 $1.00 yard ( 3 for $1.00 Table Damask Fancy Ribbons Baby Cups Union Suits y Coat Lining Sanitary Belts Fxrra heaw weleht 6 to 6 inch fancy rib- Attractive little silver nj''J.llTIre Venetian coat lining, In flesh and white, Extra hwvywelgtit patterns, plated cups for the '1 in plain and figured ma- 1 a r g e, medium and Bleached Table Damask dark warp pn, checks baby. Special for Tues- lnC ?'a m iterials. 36 inches wide, small sizes. Special for splendid quality. and stripes. day , 36. 88, 4 at Special Tuesday, rit Tuesday, at , $1.00 yard 2y2 yds., $1.00 $1.00 each $1.00 each . $1.00 yard $1.00 each ' V - Knit Bloomers Sanitary Aprons Dainty Blouses Printed Crepes Women's Hose Notions Women's fine quality Sanitary Aprons SnTt A In pr" JfrJ ' O.? women's Shoe shining outfit, ., . . , . T ... F ' J r.iir riTin,Thil designs, in both light pure silk and fibre silk children's supporters pink and white cotton flesh color. Large and ar stoA worth doub e Ark grounds; 36 n0Be in Coiors-Seam- and two packages of the knit Knee Bloomers. small sizes. tn pnee. sizes ae. to and 40 lnches at less, at best safety pins, all for $1.00 pair $1.00 each $1.00 each $1.00 yard ' $1.00 pair $1.00 Hand Purses Hand purses, in the back strap style, ' in crepe grain and cross grain feather. , $1.00 Picture Frames Ivory picture frames, square, with ivory back. Specially Triced , for Tuesday. $1.00 .' Drugs , 1 idoz. Bayer Aspirin; 1 Pebico Paste,' 1 palm Olive Vanishing Cream, 1 prophylactic Tooth brush. all for $10Q 1 4 Specials From 4he Fourth Floor Kaynee .Waists Boys' Ka'ynee Waists, in plain blue cambric and striped percales. Special, Tuesday, at $1.00 Stocking Caps . All wool stockin caps, in , red, green, gray, blues and white. Spe cial Tuesday $1.00 Record Albums 12-inch record albums for phonograph records. Made in the numbered envelope style. Special t $1.00 a Emerson Records New Emerson records just in all of the latest song hits. Special 3 for $1.00 3 From the Third Floor Sweater Yarn Extra heavy Bear Brand sweater yarn, in coral, robin's egg, green, gray, etc - $1.00 hank Texoleum Matts 18x36 Inches, sanitary and water proof; spe cial, at 4 for $1.00 , , Carpet Samples Jute carpet samples, 1 and 1 yards long; bright colors. Special, 2 for 4 , $1.00 Tuesday-Dollar Day A Great Event in the Downstairs Store Bed Pillows Bed pillows, filled with 4 good quality feathers excellent art ticking."" $1.00 each ' Pillow pases 45x36-ln. extra heavy, of very fine quality ma terial with S in. hems. Special--. $1.00 each Cheese Cloth ' Ten yards ot good quality . cheese cloth; very special Tuesday 10 ydsfon $1.00 Pretty Cretonne This cretonne is 36 inches wide and of splendid quality. Spe cial Tuesday at 3 yds. fofLOO . 27-in. Chambray Plain or figured cham bray, of good quality, 'suitable for house or children's dresses. 4,yds-, $1.00 School Dresses , White galltia and ging ham school dresses, slightly mussed, odd sizes, ages 6 to 12. $1.00 Boys' Blouses Boys' flannel blouses, in, gray and khaki sizes 3 to 10; special $1.00 each House Shoes Women's house shoes, flexible soles. Sizes 2 to 4 only, worth three times' the price. $1.00 Children's Shoes Infants' and childrens' black button shoes. Hand turned soles. Sizes 1 to 5 and 6 to 8. at ' $1.00 Felt Slippers Odd lot of women's colored felt slippers. Not all sizes; Special $1.00 Men's Slippers Men's felt slippers, with felt soles, in brown, gray and black. All sizes,. 6 to ll.i $1.00 1 1 1 ; a Gloves $1.00 Chamoisette gloves, in all of the fall shades. Special for Tuesday-- $1.00 Casseroles' - Made of glass, with glass cover, round shape, for use In oven. Special $1.00 Cups and Saucers White semi-porcelain cups and saucers, fancy ,, shape " 5 pair for $1.00 Table Tumblers Thin blown table turn-1 biers, bell shaped, very good , ' 12 for $1.00 Sugar, Creamer Floral cut patterns on neat shapes. The set, Tuesday, for $1.00 1 Step Stools t Waste Basket Jersey Gloves Made of bard Wood, Steel waste basket, Itf e n s gray and well braced; very handy solid bottoms, strong h . t . p f W have around - the and durable; - assorted rown J"se,y 8l0ves ror house colors- Tuesday only at N $1.00 $1.00 each for $1.00 . i . Sauce Pots EggWhippers Boys' Shirts n.., .rw.,. , " Eoys' neck hand and Convex Baucepots, all Dunlap. cream and coiiar attached shirts, Liioir. Jim eS shippers, complete made of very good qual- enameled covers, seam- - fof ity material; .very spe- lKeB - ' cial at , $106 $1.00 ! $1.00 each v Sauce Pans Toilet Paper Panama Shirts Convex Sauce pans , t, , ' ' . with covers all white crePe tlBBU9 to1' 8ma t of men's enamel, long handle, let paper, large size Panama, linen shirts; Seamless; assorted roll for Tuesday only at Sizes, at $1.00 . v 14 for $1.00 . ' '2 for $1.00 Stovepipe; Challies Boys' Blouses ti a,ai ,(MM v 36-inch challies in ex- t, 1 ,Bmal lot ' Boys' Blue Steel stovepipe, ieliAnt flt" , , black sateen blouses. Six-inch size. Special gnd range of light Just the kind for school for Tuesday . and dark colorings. f- for By- Ver Bpe" ; cial at , - , 6 for $1.00 ; 4 yds., $1.00 $1.00 each Coal Hod if Curtain Scrims Night Gowns Sifter and Shovel , tn,,,, .h.i. i..v i.M, i.i ' Mnty curtain scrim, Men's full size muslin Black Japanned coal with pretty colored bor- ""I'1'"""'11'" hod. round wire - ash dera. Special Tuesday nlgnt Bowns, very good sifter and coal shovel at quality, at The 3-plece set at - $1.00 t ! 8 yds. for $1.00 . $1.00 each SSLeo1:MoI)Set Twill Toweling White Caps 1 triangle shape cedar v Painters', paper hang oil mop with handle; 1 8 yards of bleached ers' and bakers' white dustlees dust cloth; twill toweling with col- caps; just the kind iF1?4 ancdar oi) ored border yu've been wanting, polish. The 3-piece out- at flt at $i oo 8 yds. for $1.00 5 for $1.00 boys' Stockings Damask Cloths Cashmerette Boys cotton stock- ; Damask breakfast ,?Se lngs, fine for school cloths, slightly dam- Women S heavy weight wear real values, aged, size 45x45. Spe- seamless cashmerette Tuesday - cial (j0ge 3 pairs for $1.00 $1.00 each , 2 pairs $1.00 Canister Sets Black Hose Children's Hose Hi-rltpieCe ,8et Women's black cotton Children's black and ! Vl gf - d lisle double top tan fine ribbed cotton t ?utnM hc"e. For this day hose; special for Tues- tea canister; white ja- -, dr panned oniy ay $1.00 set 6 pairs for $1 00 6 pairs for $1.00 Waiters' Aprons Full size waiters' aprons, made of good quality, for Tuesday only at 2 for $100 - School Pants Boys' school pants, made- of durable ma terial, sizes 6 to 10, lim ited quantity; for Tues day only at $1.00 pair . Silk Mufflers . Men's silk mufflers, limited quantity to cus tomers; for Tuesday only $1.00 each oys' Waists - i Broken sizes of boys' waists, all colors; very special at 2 for $1.00 White Shirts Men's white shirts, very good quality, sizes ,14 to 16; for Tuesday only at $1.00 each Men's Neckwear Men's neckwear, ex tra special for Tues day; limited quantity to customer 2 for $1.00 Men's Hose Men's fiber silk hose, come in all sizes and colors. Special for Tues day only 4 pairs for $1.00 Men's Mittens Men's conton flannel gloves and mittens, Just the kind you will want for work; special at 7 pairs for $1.00 Boys' Rompers ; Good quality, bbys' rompers, come In all sizes, for Tuesday at $1.00 each String Ties . Men's black silk string ties for dress wear. Very special at 3 lor $1.00 Leather Belts ; Men's leather pelts of good quality leather. Tuesday only at 2 for $1.00 Men's Caps v Men's worsted caps, very'flne quality; very special for Tuesday, at $1.00 each Linen Collars Men's spongeable lli. en collars, all styles; Tuesday only, at ; f 4 for $1.00 Handkerchiefs Men's bandanna handkerchiefs, large sizes; special at 8 for $1.00 ' Linen Handkerchiefs Men's whiten linen, handkerchiefs, very good quality, for Tues day only at IQjor $1.00 Boys' 'Overalls y Boys' overalls, come In blue, khaki and blue striped; special for Tuesday only at - $1.00