Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1919, Page 2, Image 2

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Vivid Description of "Genius
of Italy" Enjoyed by
; More Than 600
- "Omahans. .
A picturesque figure, in academic
gown, with a British tang to his
speech, illuminating gestures and a
vocabulary to give iust the (hade of
meaning desired, John Cowpet
Powys gave his brilliant lecture on
"D'Annunrio, the Genius of Italy,"
before the Omaha Drama league at
the Hotel Fontenelle yesterday aft
ernoon. More than 600 people heard
him, the women being in the large
majority. Mr. Powys own person
ality was soon lost sight of in the
vivid description he gave of that
Italian who "represents the supreme
Latin element in human life."
"D'Annunzio is a man of action,"
declared Mr. Powys. "Most of our
modern men of letters are of se
dentary habits. Only five books out
of 25,000 produced during the war
will live. If their writers went into
the trenches the shock was too
much for them. If they stayed back
at a safe distance they produced ter
rible outcries against the atrocities
of the Huns. But they did not pro
duct literature.
Still Keeps Identity.
"DAnnunzio has never lost his
Identity. I suppose he alone of all
men of letters, possibly of all men,
enjoyed this war, regarded it as his
own element He drew Italy into
the war for the sake of Latin ideals
and the Latin race. When he has to
give up the ghost it will be one last
romantic gesture, accompanied by
rhetoric. We must regard him as
an orator, as a master of magnifi
cent, cruel, voluptuous rhetoric His
rhetoric has the ring of the ancient
world, a finally no finesse, no
light or shade and no humor.
"Whatever we may be, we are
barbarians," Mr. Powys ventured;
"at any rate, we have the saving
quality of humor, and humor never
enters where humanity is obsessed
by the drunken fanaticism of one
idea. It depends for its existence
upon a sense of proportion and con
trast "And D'Annunzio'i one idea is
beauty physical beauty. He would
reduce everything to a desperate
search for physical beauty. The
bodies of men, women, children,
trees, delicate flowers, burning jew
els, pillars, palaces, fabrics, tapes
tries and silk, statuettes and cameos
in their historic settings are of over
powering significance to D'Annun
zio and nothing else matters. The
league of nations is nothing to him.
It is an abstract idea, a well
weighed business proposition. From
his point of view, war is part of
that great aesthetic spectacle which
is life."
Recommends Two Books.
The two books 'which Mr. Powys
especially recommended were "The
Triumph, of Death," perhaps' the
great' writer's masterpiece, and the
speaker's favorite volume, "The
Flame of Life."
"He won't hurt your morals,"
concluded the speaker, "and we
need his aesthetic conscience.
Though he is shameless, unscrupu
lous, formidable and audacious, he
it honest. He has kept the integ
rity of his own personality intact,
and how many of us could say that?
We; have no personalitv except
when it comes to money. D'Annun
lio stands as one great threat, one
great defiance. He would say, 'I
stand for Italy, Fiume and Beautyl
Beauty is truth 1 Beauty alone is
lovel Beauty alone will save the
world and you have profaned it
until you are no longer worthy.'
Truth is beautyl That is all we
know on earth and all we need to
City Council Recommends
Approval of Officers' Bonds
The city council committee of the
whole yesterday recommended ap
proval of 40 bonds for new police
men, these bonds having been ap
proved as to form by tms city legal
department. ' .
In .this connection City Commis
sioner Butler again expressed him
self in favor of the council adopting
a policy of requiring that new police
men shall first appear before the
council before they are appointed
to the department. He raised ob
jection against the bonds on the
grounds that the names of these
new policemen have not been sub
mitted to the council
Westerner Chosen as
New Commissioner of
The Omaha C. of C.
i i-mltM
That J. David Larson, the new
commissioner of the Omaha Cham
ber of Commerce, will prove to be
one of the most valuable assets
possessed by that organization ap
pears certain from the high en
comiums that have been paid him
from Commercial interests in all
parts of the country since the an
nouncement of his engagement was
made. The latest is a telegram
sent by the Salt Lake City Com
mercial club which intimates in its
regret at losing Mr. Larson that
the Omaha chamber has found a
gold mine.
Mayor and Coal Men
Discuss Future in
Event of Walkout
Acting Mayor Ure conferred
yesterday afternoon with 10 repre
sentatives of local coal firms and J.
M. Metcalfe, secretary of the As
sociated Retailers, on the coal situa
tion. The meeting was an executive
one, and no formal action was taken.
We discussed the situation, and
the consensus of opinion was that
serious develonments will not re
sult." said Mr. Ure. "In viewof the
president's strong position in this
matter, the coal men are nopeiui
that there will not be a coal strike
The coal miners are to submit their
statement on Wednesday, and if the
situation warrants, we will hold an
other conference after Wednesday."
The city government and the coal
dealers will co-operate in the dis
tribution of coal on a fair basis.
Those who may not have any coal
ahead will be served before those
who have been able to buy coal dur
ing the summer. Coal hoarding is
to be prevented if the situation
should become serious.
. rn.i 4-lr are exoeriencinqr a
heavy run of orders on account of
the threatened striKC. :
Congregation Honors
Pastor on twentieth
Anniversary in Omaha
A ...tlnn in hnnnr nf Rev. Ed-
win Hart Jenks, pastor of the First
D...ut;n rtniri-ti. Thirtv-fourtn
and Farnam streets, will be given by
the congregation tomorrow evening
from 8 to 10 to celebrate Rev. Mr.
Jenk's twentieth year as pastor oi
the church. . .
Before coming to Omana ne was
the laree churches of
California for 14 years. He was
i : Tonccville Wis ' and edu-
cated in' the state of New York.
Rev. Mr. Jenks graduated irom
.1.- wv.uanii,n cpmtnarv and later
IHC Y w . j
took a course in Hamilton college.
He then entered the AUDurn ineo
logical seminary and received his
nf doctor of divinity at Coe
college, Cedar Rapids, la.
"Hard work is tne secret oi suc
cess in any endeavor," says Rev.
Mr. Jenks. "To achieve success one
must put his whole heart and soui
into it.
n. TirkU Makes Yon Cough.
HATES' HE AMINO HO NET Stort thy Tickle iw
Hsallnt the TtiroM. aoo per -
Skinner's the Best
Macaroni and Spaghetti
made of Durum Wheal
Bags and Suit Cases
Walrus Bag
mi.:. 1 A-n V)1
Aiua uBiiusvuiC)
leather lined WAL
RUS Bag, snap
catches, sewed on
corner?, strong
frame, 18 inches
long. Special at
Fiber Suit Cases
Fiber Suit Cases are
strong and good looking
(very much like leath
er in appearance), yet
they are very much
cheaper than leather
ones. We show them at
$3, $3.75, $4
and $5
1803 Farnam Street
First Snow Flakes
Of the Season Make
Appearance In Omaha
Omahans who thought they saw
snow on the streets early yesterday
morning were mistaken, in the
opinion of L. A. Welsh, federal
weather forecaster. Mr. Welsh be
lieves it was frozen rain or sleet
The first snow flakes of the sea
son to be seen in Omaha mads their
appearance about 1 yesterday after
noon. Snow or rain had been expected
to reach Omaha for several days,
on account of the heavy snows and
zero weather in the Dakotas, Colo
rado and Wyoming.
The United States Bureau of
Mines have adopted a number of
substances that produce . offensive
odors to be pumped through the
ventilating shafts of mines to warn
miners of danger,
Installing Board In
Auditorium to Throw
Voices of Teachers
A huge sounding board of the
latest type is being installed at the
auditorium for the state teacher's
convention next week. The install
lation work is under the supervision
of J. M. Gillan, head of the indus
trial bureau of the Chamber of
The board, which is conical in
shape, is expected to "throw the
voices of speakers to the farthest
parts of the auditorium. It is large
enough for a quartet of singers, and
will be used at the auditorium when
ever possible.
By making two films at the same
time from slightly different angles
an inventor claims to produce
motion pictures with the appearance
or solidity.
Will Enjoy Hallowe'en Frolic
Hallowe'en will serve as the basis
for the monthly meeting of the
Omaha Rotary club Wednesday
evening at 8, when the members
and their families and friends will
gather at the Happy Hollow club
house to enjoy a number of sur
prises promised by the October
group of the club, which is in
charge of the party.
The regular noon meeting for
Wednesday has been cancelled in
view of the Hallowe'en frolic.
Widow Says Stock Salesman
Threatened to Kill Hel
C G. Morganthaler, stock prox
moter and salesman living at thl
Hotel Fontenelle, was fined $50 and
costs in Central police court yeater
day on a charge of drunkeness. Mrs,
E. Peterson, a widow, 3517 Web
ster street, appeared against him
Morganthaler visited her Sunday
afternoon and threatened to kill
her, she testified.
BPSF8- gloves : GB
I'n a on-7 i
It has been our purpose and endeavor
i ever since the beginning so many
years ago to serve, to the best of our
abilit) the people of this community.
To establish and maintain the quality
of the merchandise we sell to tell the
truth about it at all times in order
that rve may merit and hold the confi
dence of those who, favor us with their
To this policy we owe our growth and
from it there will be no deviation.
Stamped Embroidery Pieces
for Christmas Gifts
Pillow tops, scarfs, cen
terpieces, luncheon sets,
pillow cases, scarfs all
the dainty things that
are to be ready by
Christmas must be start
ed soon.
Come and see our as
sortment, a finished
model of each article is
on display, and lessons
are given when materi
als are purchased here,
in every sort of needlework.
Youll Enjoy a Visit to the New Needlework Section on
the Second Floor.
Smart street
Reasonably priced
A single clasp glove of heavy
leather, pique sewn, comes In
tan, gray, brown and beaver, for
$3.SO a pair.
Slip-on gloves, either tan or
field mouse, with the soft little
folds at the wrist so desirable
this season, are to be had for
Very swagger gauntlet gloves,
fastened with a neat strap about
the wrist. Come In brown, tan
and gray, for $4.75 a pair.
A sheer fine
That will please the woman who
loves the finer, plainer things is
of sheer Irish linen, beautifully
and simply hand hemstitched,
that is priced $1.
A hand embroidered pure linen
bit of daintiness may be had in
any degree of flowered decora
tiveness from 50e up.
A good quality of paper and en
velopes, 24 of each to a box,
priced for Tuesday,
25c a box
Fabric Values
The like of which one finds
but seldom these days.
Embroidered Voiles Beautiful all
silk voiles embroidered in tinsel
and silk figures and stripes. A num
ber of exclusive patterns
Which have sold aa high as $10 a yard,
offered "Tuesday for
$3.89 a yard
Velvetina An especially fine erect
pile fabric that does not mar easily
and wears excellently.
The $5 quality, 36 inches d& fipr n ..J
wide, is priced Tuesday only $0.1)0 il (J 11.
Satin Raye The best value of all, a
rich, lustrous satin in seventy-five of
the season's approved shades.
A $4 quality, priced o f Q n Oinrrl
during this sale QO.tyy (I yUril
The Fabric Sections Main Floor.
A Gilet
Otherwise known as a vestee, or
a waistcoat, is quite essential
to the woolen frock and a de
lightful addition to the silk one.
Alternating rows of sheerest
organdy, finely shirred, and val
insertion go all the way up the
front to the roll collar made in
the same charming way, but
edged, as a final triumph, with
filet lace. The result is a vest
of sheer and dainty charm that
is quite a find
for $3.75
Neckwear Dept.
Silk and wool
union suits
Ankle length suits of fine
ribbed silk and wool, with
varying neck lines, either
low, Dutch or high. Come in
all sizes and are priced for
Tuesday, $3.75
Black silk
hose for $2.75
Every piece of wearing apparel
that you buy these days pre
sents a problem, yet nothing
more than the silken hose you so
delight to wear. So often the
texture is right, and the price as
well, then a single imperfect
ititch and their beauty and
their usefulness are gone.
A black silk hose, an extremely
fine quality of heavy black silk,
full fashioned, with an extra
elastic, specially fashioned top,
with a high spliced heelf a dou
ble sole and toe, and scientific
ally reinforced tops and soles of
" fine lisle thread. A really won
derful value for $2.75 a pair.
"Teddy Bears,"
a large assortment,
for $3.50
Nainsook, cambric and batiste
envelope chemise, with the
most charming lace trimmed
tops, a splendid . variety of
styles that are exceptional
At $3.50
Second Floor.
Just what
is it that makes many fig
ures so unattractive? It is
the bulging at the top of
the corset in front, the en
1 a r g e d diaphragm, the
bulging at the shoulder
blades, the curved hip
line, or the round back.
Redfern corsets
Correct these faults and
rejuvenate the wearing,
not by discomforting pres
sure, but by clothing the
figure in the Lines of
If you have developed fig
ure faults from wearing
ordinary front lacing cor
sets, come and be fitted in
a Redfern front lace. They
are perfected.
Priced $12.50 pair
FT jij 1 "J 1 "l
The Superior Beauty
. of these . . .
Suits, Coats and Dresses
Is at once apparent. In them one sees the style, relia
bility and tailoring, which; combined, are the compo
nents of true satisfaction in clothing. An especial effort
was made to secure a group of splendid values at this
specialized price. An, extensive and varied assortment
is being shown.
The fine, soft duvetyns," peachbloom, and the like, that
are the approved suitings, combine handsomely with
The coats are characterized by graceful flowing lines
and the showing of brown, in all its subtly graduated
tones, is remarkable.
And as for dresses, both woolens and silFs are so fine
in texture, so varied in hue, and so altogether distinctive
in style that you will surely find the collection an inter
esting one.
"Apparel Section Third Floor
Thirty-third Anniversary Offering's
from The Men's Shop
Shirts for $3 are exceptional, particularly such
shirts as you will find in this group. There
are crepes, percales, madras, oxford cloth, rep
cloth and soisettes. Patterns for young men
and for older men. Splendid colorings. Soft
or laundered cuffs, as preferred. Collars at
tached or detached. Made by Manhattan,
Eagle, Arrow, Earl & Wilson. Sizes isy2 to
18. We can recommend every single shirt at
this price.
A tremendous line of new neckwear priced at $1 .
All silk ties, made with slip easy bands.
Widths vary from the rather narrow Cheney
tubulars to the wide flowing four-in-hands.
Silks and satins of every description, with pat
terns and colors too numerous to mention.
The bat wing ties at this price are very pleas
ing. It's not often such good neckwear is of
fered for one dollar.
A pure Irish linen handkerchief in several styles
for 75c The most particular men can find
nothing to criticize about this value. We im
ported these ourselves and know how fine they
are in comparison with similar offerings in
other shops. Plain linen, with three widths of
hems. Cord and tape border styles, in many
patterns. Also linen, with a touch of color,
besides two different styles and sizes of em
broidered initials. Also an extra size hand
kerchief at this price measuring twenty-three
The Mens Shop a step to the left as you enter.
A Splendid
Blanket Bargain
All wool and wool
mixed blankets in a
large assortment of
plaids in almost every
desirable shade, in
cluding pink, blue,
gray and tan. Also a
few plain grays and
whites with borders in
colors. Three-quarter
and double bed sizes.
Sold Up To
$18 a Pair
Tuesday Only,
$12.50 a Pair
Second Floor.
Palm Olive
8c a cake
This special low price
is for one day only