Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 28, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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-r rs. unJ-:i rP 1 TV TVfT I " ; ; , I
i iii i lynfj in i i iv rr k i i i h 1 h i n to - m - m hi es
ii m ar ar am .. . . m. . i jb m. .at - i . -aa taaa. -af i k i ni in a . n tfa bh aur m wr ci
i. , X, , ...... - r.", .- ..-v ....... . Mi -H VBL J a Mr ' H J I v. II
fy K r, Sh por " 11
Uf sr I Because her raiments
ONE former Omaha girl has
achieved fame in 'that, place
wmcn is tlie mecca for every
thing theatrical, New York. She is
Mrs. Frederick Andrew fnrmertv
Grace Leard of this city, and is
' now appearing in "Happy Days,"
. the play, runninfe at the New York
Hippodrome. Under the name of
Belle-Story, the maiden name of
her mother, Mrs. Andrews is fea
' tured as the lead in all the songs
'and choruses of the show.
In the. second, scene of act one
she sings, "Love is Very Wonder
ful." .Her song in actNtwo, "The
Marriage of the Lily and the Rose,"
is-said oue of the big hits.
She " also sings "My Beautiful
' Golden Land" and "My Sing Song
( Girl." ,
.In the programs used Miss Story
rt the only member of, the cast who
is featured and, according to it, her
fowns are desi'gued by Mme.
rinceS and Mme. "Ziebarth..
Miss Story was reared in Omaha
and was a close friend of Mrs.
Miriam Patterson Fairbank, who is
now of Chicago; Mrs. Robinson
Switzler, formerly Miss Amy Gil
nrore, and Mrs. Linn, the former
Alice Switzler.
Engagement Announced.
An interesting engagement was
announced Saturday evening at din
ner given at the Athletic! club by
the members of the Alcph chapter
of , the Achoth sorority at the Uni
versity of Nebraska. It was that of
Miss Dorothy Davison and Mr.
Russell Mason, both of Lincoln, and
who are students at the state univer
sity. 'Miss Davison is a sophomore
and a member of the Achoth soror
ity, Mr.Mason recently returned
from overseas, where he served sev
eral months and was wounded. He
is a junior at the university and. a
member .of the Alpha Sigma Phi
The announcement came as a com
plete surprise to friends. The dec
orations at the dfnner were blue and
white, the Achoth colors, and cov
ers were laid for 18.
The marriage of Miss Julia Maud
Cochran and Mr. Harry Craig
Christiansen was solemnized Mon
i day morning at' the bride's home,
' the ReV.NyR. L. Wheeler officiating.
There were, no attendants, and
"only the-immediate families of the
young couple witnessed the cere
mony '
A .wedtfing breakfast was served
after which Mr. and Mrs. Christ-"
ianSen left for a short honeymoon
trip. ' Upofv. their return they will,
temporaily be at the home of the
bride's parents. '
, For Edith Hamilton.
Mrs. Walter Dawson entertained
informally Na luncheon at the Fon
ttnelle, ' Monday, in honor of Miss
Edith (Hamilton, a November
bride. Covers were placed for 14
of Miss Hamilton ' most intimate
jfriends.-'nA large' basket filled witnl
" J
. Miss Carringtcri wjll appear,, with other members of the Passing
Show, at the Winter, Garden ball. After a vaudeville act,.' the members
of the company will, dance on the ball roomvfloor in costume, v ' ; ;.' "
pink roses formd the centerpiece
and tiny , slippers tied with tulle
bows and filled with pink rosebuds
marked the places. ,
Mrs. Morton Engleman enter
tained at .tea at t the Blackstone,
Monday "afternoon, f6r Miss Ham
ilton. Seventy guests attended.
Assisting Mrs. ' Engleman were
. . Bl , , HI i I I I JS II ,111 BBgJ I I 111.
As Sweet and Delicate
As Its Ingredients
Dainty pats of Troco sweet and delicate in
flavor, enhance the enjoyment of all other
t foods you serve. The use of Troco if cooking
. for making cakes and for seasoning meats
, and vegetables means that these particular
'" dishes will be especially good.
All because Troco itself is so perfect in flavor
and quality. You may pay more but you can't
buy a more delicate, delicious product. -
" - 1 ' ' . - ' ' ,
' Made from the White Meat
, ' of Coconuts
Troco is made from the dainty nut fat extracted
from the white meat of coconuts, the most valuable
K of U Tropic foods. This is churned by a special
1 process with pasteurised milk, -the temperate clime's
food standby. We churn and ship every day, on ice,
to insure freshnees. v -
If your dealer will order often and keep his stock
"in the ice box, Troco will reach yon in perfect con
' , dttion a supreme table delicacy.
Your grocer has Troco or can get it for yon. If yon
r cannot secure it in perfect condition send his-name
' to the-Troco Nut Butter Company, Chicago.
We arTobllro labal troe w "oleomargrtB"
knw of ld laws txiaed betar it wu Invented.
" ' But it uuAaIim b aalnul oU Jut par Tct&tl
bU aA Nn ptari94 milk. ,
V Paxton & Gallagher Co. s '
- 701-n s. loth st. d. less. v
Sm Our Booth at th Food Shaw."
Mesdames S. S. Kent, Harry Schif
ferle, Robert Hamilton, jr., Robert
Hamilton,- sr., Harold Thomas and
Walter Dawson. Mrs. Karl .Hop
kins, formerly Miss Louise H,upp "of
Chfcago . shared honors with , Miss
Hamilton. Decorations were in pink
and -white.
. : -
Mr. and Mrs. J. Levine announce
the , marriage' of their daughter,
Elizabeth, and Mr. Emil Singer,
which took place Sunday afternoon
at" the home of the bride's Barents.
Rabbi Frederick Cohn read the mar
riage lines. ' Mr. Singer recently re
turned from , overseas, where he
served 12 months. After a south
ern trip Mr. and Mrs. Singer will be
at home. December 1. '
. . '.For Mrs. Burch..
Mrs. John Potter Webster enter
tained informally at a luncheon at
her home Monday in honor of Mrs.
Merrill Burch of Dubuque, la., who
is visiting Miss Maragret Baum.
Decorations were in autumn colors
and covers were pldced or six.
) Fke
All donations for the Needle
work guild must be at Camp F
headquarters by .November 4,
you responded? '
The French Orphan Christmas
box must be off the first weelc-in
November. Have you called head
quarters for your assignment?
A supper was given at the Y. W.
C. A. Wednesday evening-bythe
guardians for our new executive
secretary, Miss Mary Louise Guy.
Twenty guardians were present.
Miss Guv spoke of the work plan
ned for the coming year. ;
The Ayuzunta group met Satur
day at the home of their guardian,
Mrs. T. C. Fartsch. This group is
working for the Needlework guildJ
so tne atternoon was spent in sew
ing. , - ... fr- r
The Kopa-Yallani group . with
Miss Mildred Foster, guardian, held
a council fire Wednesday afternoon
at the Y. W. C A. Two new girls
were taken into the group. Miss
Rosalie Platner and Miss Grace Gal
lagher took the Woodgatherers
rank. This group is planing a Hal
lowe'en party atthe home of Rosalie
Platner.. ... s
Miss Ruth Miller's group. Sken
sowane, hiked to Bellevue on Satur
day. This group is taking advantage-of
the pretty fall day and have
planned another hike an4 break
fast. , ; - ' ,
The Raosu group. . Miss Ruth
Peterson, guardian, held a council
fire Tuesday at the home of Alme
dia Hamilton. -Three girls, Cornelia
Gilbert Almedia . Hamilton and
Elizabeth Combs took the rank of
woodgatherers. " Three girls were
awarded honors. - . . ,
' ' Bridal Dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Clark
entertained at dinner, at the , Black
stone, Monday evening, in honor of
their daughter, Beulah Jayne, and
her finance, Mr. John Summers,
whose marriage will . take place
Tuesday evening. Roseswere used,
to form the centerpiece, and covers
were placed for the members of
the bridal party.
Creighton Mixers Club.
The. Creighton Mixers club, will
open their season with a harvest
home dance at Kelpine's academy
Tuesday, evening, October 28. Dec
orations will be in harvest style.
"MickeylL Harmon, a member of the
Creighton foot ball team will sing.
She is poor
The passers sneer . ;
Because her raiments
Are almost rags ; i
. Made solid by patches
And mends-
And darns.1 x
Some ;fools decry 1 r
, She gave over much
To the : undeserving
Who chanced her way
That the money was wasted
On gifts and flowers
On books" for the ill
And stray infants' clothes.
One queer version ,
The public gives .
.Is .vastly different
She is a miser
They decide " J ' ' .
T.nd hordes the gold
Which should go, .
For food : 7
And comfortable -t
Stylish clothing.
Nayl .'
She is not poor
Though her clothes
Are worn
They're all wrong
She is not a miser.
" But she's very riclr
In' Eternity's wealth
Bach day she stores .
Into a savings bank
All she collects ,
On her love-strewn path.
' Interest
And compound
. That bank pays
For she deals
With the savings bank ;
. Of the Soul. )
The interest is happiness
Paid every hour
Through smiles
And friendship
e And fondest love.
; A passport she has . '
Through the Pearly Gates
The. password ,
. She learned
. Was J'Kindness." ;
' -- : ""SFXAH. ,
V i : . .. .Theater Parties.
Parties at the Orphetim Monday
evening included C. L. Farnsworth,
who, had nine guests; H. E. How
land, eight; W. E. Pearce, eight; G.
D. - Beaumont, six, and V. Currey,
six. Other parties were given by
J. - M. Baldnge, N. McCoy, A. L.
Coad, W. Chambers, Dr. T. Dailey,
C. Greuriig, E. W. Hart, A. Harris,
C. C Lohrman, P. W. Micksell, J.
Nygaird, R. C Peters," E. L. Thipps.
C: C. Redick,Robert Zachary, Fred
Webster, Charles Ver Merhan, Ray
Shields; J. Sullivan and Wi Schnorr.
: '" " ' PrettiAt Mile Club.
A formal dance will be given
Wednesday evening at Prettiest
Mile club. .
On November 1,' an informal
party will be held. Although the
decorations will be in Holloween
style, i,t will not be a masquerade.
MissIsabel Harrity of Philadel
phia is the guest of Miss Beatrice
i Mrs. M. R. Murphy' and daughter;
Helen, and Mr. and Mrifc George
Laire left Saturday afterpoonfor
. motor trip to Sioux City for the
week-end: All returned Saturday
night except Miss Helen, who will
spend the week with Mrs. Johrn
Murphy and family of Sioux City.
Dr. and 'Mrs. . M. Keys have
located at the Bransford tempor
arily. ' '
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanford sf
Ketchikan,' Alaska, are visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Cyrus Mason. ,
Mrs. C L. Dolan' has. returned
from Long Beach, Cal., where she
spent 10 months.
1 Mrs. Will Tfuelsen is touring the
western coast and will return in
v Miss Edna Anderson,' who re
cently was graduated from" Healds
College of Music at Long Beach,
Cal., will return to Omaha Isoon.
Snanish Club.
'The Omaha Snanish rlnb will
give a Halloween party Tuesday
evening at 302 Patterson block.
Business Woman's Club.
The Business Woman's club will
hold a regular meeting following
supperat 6:15 Tuesday evening at
the Y: W. C. A. Mr; Joseph T.
Votava will talk on "The Machinery
of Voting. Miss Eva Norton, lead
er. .. "
Current Topics Department.
Current topics department will
meet in the Y. W. C. A. Tuesday
at Z:30 p. m.
' ' Y. W7C.'A.
Discussion class "at the Y. W. C.
A. will consider A Business Girl s
Expense Account," at'7:15 Tuesday
evening. "
P. E. O. Sisterhood. .
The seven P. E. O. chapters in
Omaha, which make up the local
federation, will have a business
session Thursday afternoon, 2:30
at the Y. W. C. A.
Mrs. John R. Hughes; who is
now first vice-president of the Su
preme chapter, say the P. E. O.
organization went over the top, at
the recent Denver convention, with
their educational fund. It had
been their aim to raise $100,000 for
use in loans to aid girls in com
pleting their education. For the
past two years Mrs. Hughes has
been treasurer of the " educational
fund and she is particularly pleased
that the desired goal was reached.
Oraekro-E-Xima. .
Omekro-E-Xima club" will meet
at the Settlement hoiise Tuesday
evening for supper and dramatic art,
Miss 1 hompson, instructor. -
Westside W. C. T. U.
Westside W. C. "f. U. will meet
at the home of Mrs. Martin Johnson
at Forty-ninth and Walnut, Tues
day, October 30, at 2 p. m.
U. S. Grant Post.
'Members of U. S. Grant post, G.
A. R., with their wives havebeen
invited to attend a kensington at
the homesof Mr. and Mrs. B. O.
Sweazy, 4758 North Twenty-fourth
street, Tuesday afternoon, October
28. . ; .
, Custer Relief Corps.
George A.' Custer Women's Relief
corps- will meet 'Tuesday at 2:30
p. m.. The Elks have loaned the use
of their room on the second floor.
Public Speaking Department.
The public speaking department
of the Omaha Woman's club will
meet Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock
at the Y. W. C. A.
G. F. Magazine, ' '
The Nebraska Federation has
kgone well over its quota of subscrip
tions to me genrrai icaerauon mag
azine. About 65 new subscriptions
were taken at the Fairbury state
convention last week. Mrs. LeRoji
Davis of Lincoln, who had this work
in charge, as well as distribution of
Mrs? 'H.' H. Wheeler's excellent
Handbook for Nebraska Citizens,
says that all copies of the handbook
which could be obtained were sold.
-v Delphian Society.
Ths Delphian chapter of Omaha
will meet at Hotel ' Blackstone,
Tuesday, October 28, from 3 to 4
p. ni.
Alpha Grove.
Aloha Grove will entertain Tues
day evening, October 28, in honor of
the supreme officers of the Wood
men circle. There will be a short
program and refreshments.
" Peace Petitions.
Omaha women who are interested
in securing signers for petiions call
ing for early ratification of the peace
treaty have organized themselves for
the most jffective work possible.
On Tuesday there will be women in
chargf-'bf petitions at the leading
Stores. Mrs. A. B. Dunn will be in
stalled at Kilpatrick's, Mrs. Mark
Levings at Brandeis, Mrs. Robert
Drake at Burgess-Nash's store, Mrs.
Harolds Evarts, City National bank,
and Mrs. Frank Hoagland at the
Woodmen of the World building.
Other workers will be stationed at
the Y. M. C. A., the Elks' club, War
Camp Community headquarters and
Knights of Columbus chapter house,
Clef Club Party. ,
"-The first banquet of the season
for the Clef club was given Mon
day evening, at 7:30 o'clock, at the
Hotel Loyal. I he decorations were
to he very novel and a "surprise to
the members and their guests.
The hostesses were Miss Corinne
Paulson, chairman of the commit
tee, assisted by Miss Henrietta
Rees, Miss Eloise West and Mrs.
Henry Cox.
'. For Bride-EIect.
Mrs. Dow Lanham entertained in
formally at luncheon at her home
Monday in honor of Miss Hazel
Evans, who will' be a bride of this
week. Autumn flowers were used
and covers were placed for only the
mostjntimate friends of the bride-to-be.
i , . . ..
,' -'Luncheon.
The Executive Board of the
Drama League entertained at lunch
eon at, the Fontenelle, Monday, for
John Cowper Powys,,who addressed
the members" during the afternoon.
I - -h
' The Nujol Treatment as
Sickness Prevention
Science, with anti-toxins, serums, and modern sanitation.
has done much to prevent dangerous disease) but the
; diseases so checked are comparatively few. On the other
hand, 90 of ell diseases have one common origin
constipation. -The dangers of constipation are so far-reaching, became
the blood receives poisons from an infected mass within,
and carries them directly to every organ of the body ; nd
because constipation- itself keeps the system in a run
down condition so that any inficdous firms from without
, readily gain foothold.
fJeep clear of constipation and you guard against serious
disease. Nujol will remove constipation y and prevent
its return.
The action of Nujol is entirely different from that of
any other constipation remedy. It is not a drug. Nujol
softens the food waste and encourages the intestinal
' muscle to act naturally.
Nujol helps Nature establish easy, thorough bowel evac
uation at regular intervals the healthiest (habit in the
world. Get a bottle from your druggist today.
hr wlutH, Mitt "Thirty Feet ol DulSer fm. urtf
. , Nujol l.ihomonti. Standard Oil Co. (New Jenc;) SO Broadmr. N.Y.
ri. mi ihmm hm. , u jr if trtducb ntntmut n
'thi mmt a Hifrl". Iran, mfir frtm nlrttnm.
mo. us. pat. orr.
Fbr Constipation
) -
Not A Blemul
mars the perfect
appearance of her com
plexion. Permanent
and temporary skin
troubles are effectively
concealed. Reduces un
natural color an'd corrects
greasy skins. Highly antiseptic,
used with beneficial results as
curative agent for 70 years.
Be Better Looking Take
Olive Tablets :
To have a clear, pink akin, bright
eyes, no pimples, a feeling of buoyancy
like childhood days, you must keep
your body free from poisonous wastes.
Dr Edwards' Olive Tablets (a vege
table compound mixed with olive oil)
act on the liver and bowels like calomel,
yet have no dangerous after effect
Take, one nightly and note results.
They start the bile and overcome
constipation. That's why millions of
boxes are sola annuauy. iuc ana ax.
THEY taste better. That's
not the only difference,
either, as they digest better,
look better, and are betten
if made with
Girls ! Have a mass of long,
x thick, gleamy hair
Let "Dandertne save your hair
and double its beauty. You can have
I6ts of long, thick, strong, lustrous
hair. Don't let it stay lifeless, thin,
scraggly or fading. Bring gack its
color, vigor and vitality.
'Get a 35-cent bottle of delightful
"Danderine" at any drug or toilet
counter to freshen your scalp; check
dandruff and falling hair. ' Your hair
needs this stimulating tonic, then its
life, color, brightness and abundance
will return Hurry 1
250 Electric 'Washers Sold
$125 Time Payment
$118.75 Cash '
Time Payment
$80 Cash
and Cash
Rebate ;
enables every house
wif e in Omaha to have
an Electric Washer
NOW. Don't defer
longer the purchasing .
of one.
they save you
v money.
' they save your
. clothes,
they lighten house
work and give you
added hours for
' pleasure and recre
ation. V
delivers a guaranteed Electric
Washer to your home.
Those buying during the second week
of our Great Electric Washer Sale can
secure theuv Washer with a first pay
ment of $5.00; then $5.00 a month there
after until. Washer is paid for.
r Third Week Term: $5.00 Down? $8.50
a Month.
Fourth Week Terms:
$10.00 a Month.
$5.00 Down;
Cash Rebate
' Every time 100 Washers. are sold, up
to 400, each purchaser participating
(during out 30-day sale) will receive a
cash rebate of $1.00. Over two hun
dred Washers sold to date. Purchasers
are already entitled to a cash rebate '
of $2.00. '
The second lot of cash rebate checks are now being mailed don't for
get when 300 Washers have been sold you will receive another cash rebate.
' Each sale made lessens the cost of your Washer.
0 ,
braska Power Coe
Your Electric Service Company"
a. (