Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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Daspite Enemy Reinforce
ments, Is Making Good
Headway Against Bol
sheviki, Reports Show.
McUingfor, Oct. 26.-.The official
rort, of the northwttfern army
1 us morning and a night itate
t;;:t General Vudenjtch has cces
ftiily resumed the offensive aouth
v. est and lontlirait of Petrograd, in
hpitf of th arrival of BoUhevik re
itilorcfijicnts from th north Ru-i-nn
front. The white troops have
fought their way eastward as far as
fosiifj, 25 miles cast of Gatchina,
on the railroad to Moscow. This
point had been reached earlier by
a cavalry raid.
White troops wer aUo pushing
their way northward frcr.j Krasnoye
Selo toward the Gulf of Finland, in
an endeavor to reach the coast at a
point between Kronstadt and Petro
grad. This morning's report reads:
"A severe engagement occurred
near Krasnoye iselo (16 mile south
west of Petrograd). North of Kras
noye Selo our troops began the of
fensive and captured Tshukons
kaya, Koprovo and Gorialov."
The communique last evening
"On Thursday troops advanced by
sharp fighting as far as Tostio (on
the foscow railway 20 miles south
east of Petrograd). The enemy at
tacked our positions at Russkoye
Selo and at Kaporskoye several
times, but were repulsed with heavy
casualties. The bolshevists have re
ceived reinforcements from the
Archangel and Karelian fronts."
Reports from petrograd state that
Hie central executive committee
(the soviet organization) has de
cided to close all the factories and
send the workmen to the front.
Women will undergo military train
ins? and be formed into a medical
corps, according to the same order.
A Russian officer who escaped
from Petrograd says that the situa
tion there is desperate.
Petrograd Must Fall
Reval, Russia, Oct. 26. The fall of
Petrograd is inevitable, according to
teliabie advices. Gen. Yudentich
intends, after the capture of the city,
not to halt in the city, but to pro
ceed to the river of Volkhov, about
75 miles to the east of Petrograd,
where a convenient line of defense
against an attack from the direction
of Moscow is ordered. A mobilita
tion of the population in the rear of
this line for the defense of Petrograd
is contemplated. v
Japs May Soon Leave.
Omsk. Oct. 26. Count Tsunetada
Kato, the special Japanese ambas
sador to the all-Russian government
Colds Cau.a Headache and Fain.
Feverish Headaches and body palna caused
from a cold are toon relieved by taking
There is only one "Broroo Quinine." E.
W. GROVE S signature on the box. lOe.
NOTHING more effectively
amusing than John Burke's
contribution to "The Passing
Show of 1918" hat ever been lis
tened to in Omaha, not even the
assertion of the chief of police that
he has given the city adequate pro
tection. Burke's account of how he
got to France through the draft and
what happened to him while over
there it really funny.
Willie Howard takes a number of
occasiona to convince the patrons
he was not joking' when he con
fessed in court over in Chicago
while the acton were on a strike
that he ii just as good an actor as
"Dave" Warfield, but doesn't get as
much for doing it. He is on and
off, sometimes announced on the
program, and sometimes not, but
always doing something that gets
attention. Eugene works aU witn
his eotnieal brother, and between
them they lead the eofaorts from the
Winter Garden along a triumphal
Roy Cunjmings has a new line of
stuff that registers somewhere be
tween "nut" comedy and foolish
ness. His antics are energetic and
almost boisterous, but he gets away
with it, and engenders enough of
laughter to warrant him in proceed
ing along the extravagant way he
has adopted for entertaining the
public. And then we have William
Pliilbrick, husky of frame and voice
alike, who also knows many ways
of exciting merriment.
And this brings us down to the
great central thought of any Winter
Garden show. Men who travel with
such , company must possess more
than mere masculinity to attract
attention at all. That is why those
who deserve notice are named first.
Helen Carriugton, blonde and neces
sarily beautiful, heads a galaxy of
loveliness such as the Shuberts
never before sent this far west.
Emily Miles stands right behind
Helen and Dolores Suarez, with a
lovely colortaura voice adds en
ormously to the delight of the spe
tator, appealing to the ear as well
as to the eye. Each of these sings
a number of songs in attractive
fashion. Dorsha, whover the is
displays her charm in a graceful in
cense dance and , excites imagina
tion in a voluptious exposition of
the art in the course of cleverly de
vised burlesque "Salome" scene.
And there are others. The clause
in the new "A. E. A." contract under
which the managers are required to
provide stockings and shoes for the
at Omsk, has arrived in Omsk and
in a statement to representatives 'of
the press declared that the Japanese
troops in Siberia would be with
drawn whenever the all-Russian gov
ernment so desired. In his state
ment he said: x
"The aim of my presence here is
to strengthen the bond between the
Russian and Japanese people.' I as
sure you that the help coming from
the Japanese is entirely disinter
ested, for a strong and united Rus
sia is indispensable to Japan and an
assettito Russia itself. Bolshevism
is as dangerous for Japan as for
Russia, and it is of great importance
that we prevent its extension in the
chorus has added greatly to the
expense of maintaining this com
pany, a only a xfew of them cling
to the old Winter Garden foible of
dispensing with stockings altrgether.
However, enough is exposed to
establish that warm flesh quivers
under the covering provided. But
it is not only the nether limbs that
are daintily clad, for more lovely
gowns, gorgeous and elaborate cos
sumes, in rare and expensive fabrics,
were never exhibited at fashion
display than are shown in the
groupings that crowd the spacious
stage when thty bring on the girls.
In this feature the present excels
any former Shubert presentation.
Several beautiful stage settings
are employed, while each of the IS
scenes is appropriately equipped to
create the atmosphere for the per
formance to be given. Big and
large, it i the most satisfactory of
the lot, and if last night's experi
ence holds true for the week, it will
be the most successful so far as
Omaha is concerned,
. T. Roy Barnes is naturally funny
and he has developed the art of mak
ing "'people laugh without resorting
to slap-stick methods. With Bessie
Crawford he hopped off this week
as the headline" attraction at the Or
pheum. Mr. Barnes appears as an
impartunate book agent , and he
makes the most of his opportunities.
Miss Crawfqrd evidently does not
let the high cost of living disturb
her young life, for she is good to
look upon and her smile wins the
Emma Haig and Jaek Waldron
have an artistic dancing act in
which the little dansuese covers con
siderable territory in a brief time.
Mr, Waldron sings and dances into
general favor.
"The Current of Fun" is an up
roariously funny act. A woman of
Amazonian proportions allows a
strong current of electricity to pass
through her body and offers con
vincing evidence by lighting a gas
jet and a cotton taper. Aside from
the scientific interest of the act
there is a surprise feature which
provokes much laughter.
J. K. Emmett, well known to the
stage, appears in a musical romance,
"Heartland," in which he and Mary
E. Ryan sing several pretty ballads,
one to the rose and another about a
town where dreams come true.
Tommy Hayden and Carmen Kr
celle, an English character comedian
and violiniste, are amusing and en
tertaining. Sutter and Dell are
clever as trick cyclists. Steve Ju
hase is just what he claims to be, a
"bunkologist." Topics of the day
and kinograms are the usuaj screen
One of Clara I-ipman's effective
sketches, "Two Sweethearts." is the
headliner at the Empress, where it
was pushed into favor yesterday by
Walter Pearson and hi$ company.
It is a comedy of the dialect type,
but is made pleasantly amusing by
the clever method of the star and
his associates in putting it across.
Mabel Dixon and her Dixie. Boys in
a jazz jamboree found joyous wel
come from .the customers, who were
willing to take even more of. the
same sort. Jeanette Childs sings
several exclusive song numbers in ,
a way to win her a hearty reception,
and the Romas troupe show a lot
of skillful acrobatic maneuvers along
with some good comedy. Gladys
Brockwell in "Chasing Rainbows"
heads the picture exhibition. It is
( ( A LTHOUGH the, theme is
highly improbable, and the
action, at times, a trifle
strained, character portrayal in "The
Thunderbolt" at the Strand is in
tense and holds the interest of the
audience. .
A collie dog, and the child of the
two principals, win the praise of
the audience, who feet the impulses
and heart throbs of Katherine Mac
Donald as she portrays the life of a
woman wadded to a man through
hatred, continuing an old Kentucky
family feud, in which the forbears
of both principals were engaged.
The ending of the aetion is too long
drawn out, and close the chapter In
the life of both principals in the
happy way, which is so demanded
by modern audiences,
Thomas Meigham plays the lead
opposite Miss MacDonald.
A clean-cut young American fac
tory foreman wins out in the con
test for the heart of a rich girl
against a mollycoddle poodle dog
tender in Dorothy Phillip's latest
production, "The Right to tlappi
ness," which is to be shown on the
Sun screen the entire week. Dor
othy Phillips in the stellar role runs
the gamut pf contrast? from the
dregs of poverty to the baubles of
wealth. William Stowell as tha suc
cessful lover has appeared in. many
leading roles in previous Universal
pictures in which Miss Phillips was
the star. The picture is interesting
and filled the theater to its capacity
at the Sunday showing.
Fate as the powerful faetor that
sways the destinies of humans- and
t clever comedy, well worked out
and splendidly photographed.
Barney Gerard in selecting his
chorus for the "Girls - De Looks,"
with Watson and Cohan, which is
now playing at tfie Cayety theater,
made up his mind that he could not
take any girl, no matter how well
she could sing or dance, that was
not pretty, as well as talented, and,
above all, she must be under the
draft age. Ladies matinee at 2:15
daily all week.
"Going Up," with the metropol
itan cast, is coming to the Brandeis
theater for three nights and a
Wednesday matinee, beginning to
night. Song hits, funny situations
and delightful dance numbers run
riot in a story that has real vitality
and is about a young man, who,
having declared himself an aviator,
is forced into an air race with an
honest-to-goodncss flyer. One Qi
the biggest music hits of the piece
isxthe "Tickle Toe" number, sung
and danced by Norma Brown, one of
the mimic stage s favorite daugh
ters, assisted by Robert Earl, a
dancer of renown.
Augustus Pitou will present May
Robson in the new comedy. "Tish,"
at the Brandeis theater on Thurs
day evening, October 30, for an en
gagement of three days, with a mat
inee on Saturday. "Tish" is a dram
atization by Edward 2. Rose of th?
"Letitia Carberry" stories, written
by Mary Roberts Rinehart. The
comedy seems to be better suited
to the charming talents of this dis
tinguished comedienne than any
thing she has ever had provided as
a starring vehicle. '
Neighborhood Hown
COMPORT Tweaty-foortlt sad vin
vOO BLOW' " also eomruy.
HAMILTON Fortieth and Hamilton
,-ROV STKWAftT in "Y PROt,"
sode number T
LOTH HOP Tpeatf-fonrthjaad IMh
ropcvMonday and Tuenday, CLARA
WIFE;" Patne News anil comedy.
DIAMOND Twenty-fourth and
BORROWED PLUMAGE." five reels;
APOLl.O Twenty-ninth and Ya
xaworth Monday and Tuesday, WILL
(KAN'D Sixteenth . and Blnney
Monday and Tuesday, NAZIMOVA in
"YB rOR EYK," alia eoniedy. -
animals is interestingly brought out
in the photoplay, "Back to God's
Country," which is being shown at
the Rialto. As Dolores La Beau, a
woodland girl, whose kindly nature
has won her the love of, even the
most savage beasts of the forest.
Nell Shipman meets Peter Burke, a
novelist roaming the wilds of Can
ada for material for his new book.
Both are inspired by the love of
animals, to whom they show kindness.-
How this consideration for
dumb animals is repaid after Peter
and Dolores, married, go into the
Arctic regions to investigate condi
tions among the Eskimos, is most
grippingly shown when "Wap1, the
killer," a great4 Dane dog whose
friendship Dolores has wen, saves
the ir lives, The picture wll be the
stellar attraction at this theater, up
to and including Thursday evening-
In Jife, as jn art, Paul Brehant, a
famous sculptor, was an idealist.
His real woman he thought heSjad
found in the Countess Olga, but one
day he learned otherwise. Then
into his life came Denise" Fleury, a
typical child of Mantmartre, but as
yet untouched by its surrounding
temptations. "The Virtuous Model,
starring Dolores Cassinelli, showing
today and up to and Including
Wednesday evening, at the Moon
theater, is the story of an idealist
and his love affairs with two women
one a -Russian countess of great
charm and the other just an un
known girl of humble birth. Which
one measured up to his ideals is
beautifully told on the screen at the
above named theater.
"The Microbe," starring Viola
Dana, is the feature at the Muse
theater today and Tuesday. The
Stdry is a dramatic and heart ap
pealing one of "The Microbe," a
girl of the New York slums, who is
rescued from her unsavory sur
roundings by a young author in
search of ilocal color, Her quick
wit and winning personality, coupled
with the ease with which she ac
quires polish and refinement in her
new environment, quickens his in
terest in her. Judith Winthrope,
a young widow has matrimonial de
signs upon the author. Jealousy
leads her to treachery and deceit and
the "Microbe" is forced to leave
the home she has learned to love.
Startling events follow each one
more amazing than the last, until
a tremendous climax lays bare the
treachery which has embittered the
life of the girl, who at last finds
complete happiness and love. ,
My Heart and My Husband
Revelations of a Wife"
The Problem .Mrs. Dttrtee. Pre
sented. to Madge.
"Ph, Mpesls VP coom,
picas, qvetCK'
Katie $ voice sounded outside my
door, tense, worried. J opened it
quickly and taw that my little maid
was oh the verge of one of her tern
peramental bursts of tears.
"What is it, Katie?" I asked sooth
ingly. "Oh, my dinner fieem get all
spoiled eef nobody coom eit heeml"
she wailed. "First, I vait till M tes
ter Graham and dot Jeem fee in
dining room, den I have tq make
Jeem aveep all over vunc.e yet. And
now everybody novajres. Meester
Graham he vashing eop, Mess Fair
fax she ever by Durkees, dot leetle
Marion she out !n tree, her mudder
I no know veres, and you"
"I am right here, Katie, and I
promise you that everybody will be
in the dining room in five minutes.
itist take a look at Junior. Isn't
e the cunningest thing?''
Katie is very much like a spoiled
child. Jf ydu can divert her atten
tion she will forget any real or fan
cied grievance.
A Successful Ruse.
"Oh-hl dot blessed babeel" she
exclaimed, with a dive toward Jun
ior, who, resplendent in his very
best embroidered white frock with
knots of pink ribbon, white kid
slippers and pink silk Sorks, was
sitting in his crib happily striking
at a colored ball swaying above
him, and laughing delightedly.
"Don't rumple him, Katie " I cried
out in alarm, fearing lest I had been
too successful in my ruse, and that
Katie in her exuberant admiration
might updo my painstaking labor to
make Junior sartorially perfect
"I tink I know better dan dot,"
Katie retorted loftily. "Btit I joost
got to have vun heady kees,"
She bent above the baby's crib,
pressed her lips to his sunny hair,
the caress she always gives him, wi
for which she has invented, her own
term- Then she straightened her
self, her face aglow with gratified
pride as Junior stretched his arms
toward her with an appeal to be
taken up.
"You like me carry him down
stairs?" she querried hopefully.
"I'm sorry, Katie, but bis father
is counting on doing that today. I'm
just waiting for him now. The
minute he comes I'll gather up the
rest of the guests."
"All right, I feex qveeck," the girl
returned, restored, to her usual hap
py good nature, and she whisked
out of the door only a minute before
Dicky, entered.
"AlPtecdy, sweetheart?" He gave
me a careless kiss, passed on eag
erly to the crib where Junior, al
ways -razy, was fairly bouncing
himself i p and down. For the frac
tion of a second a film of disap
pointment spread over my content
ment. It ' was the first time - my
husband had made me feel that I
rankei second in the scale of his
heart values, and I had to summon
all my Latteries of self-derjsion to
dissipaK the cloud, gossamer
though it was.
"To the last snap fastener," I re
plied g,yly. "Will yon take Jun,lq.r
downstairs? I must get the guests
together. They appear to be scat
tered .mi the surrounding country,
and Katie is on the verge of a nerv
ous eollapse."
"For tha Jove of Mike, rou ev
eryboly put on the double quickl"
Dicky exclaimed. "She mjy collapse
the mment dessert is served if
she wants to, but for the sake of
my prctcstii g tummy keep har
calm uniJ then."
"I'll do my best,1 I promised,
hurryi'ig pu( of the door and sum.
manmi my mother-in-law, Lillian
nd my father, whs were all dressed
for di me; and comfortably reading
in th.'ir rpoms, t-illian volunteered
to fet-jh, Mario", and I flew to the
telephone and called up the Durkee
Mrs. D trkee herself answered the
telephone with such promptness
that 1 suspected she been sit
ting near it, waiting for my sum
mons, he has an extension 'phone
in her own room, so that no matter
whether she be upstairs or down
she can answer a summons prompt
ly. It is only 0i of the many
thoughtful provisions for her com
fort which Alfred has made.
"Is mat you, Madge?" she asked
sr-whimpered would be the better
word. "I didn't want to call you for
fear I'd disturb you, and I've been
waiting for you to call. You'll just
have to excuse me today, dear. I've
jrot a terrible headache. Ia your
dinner ready? I'M call Alfred and
tell him, and send him and-snd--Lelia
light over."
I know little Mrs, Durkee's. head
aches of old. One of the derst
and suettest of women, she is not
above the subterfuge' of pleading
a convenient headache or other ail
ment when ther Is seme social task
before her which she does not wish
to perform,
I saw that if I didn't wish my
dinner to be a social failure I must
immediately take strenuous meas
ures with my little friend,
(Continued Tomorrow.)
Senate Leaders Hope
To Expedite Peace
Treaty This Week
Washington, Oct 26. Although
senate leaders hope 'to expedite the
German nace tteaty this week by
disposal of amendments and by be
ginning consideration of reserve
tions, both houses. wjl convene:
Monday with decreasing prospects "
af adjournment of the special sea- 4
sion by November JO, a leaders j.
have hoped. In view of prospect
tive delay on the treaty, house ll4
ers today fjisussed plans for a sep
arate recess of the lovver bpdy with-
out waiting for the senate,
In addition to the. treaty, the. .in
dustrial crisis,- intensified fey th .
threatened coal strike, late (hie
week, also promise to fcive much
attention m congress this week.
The strike pf bituminous coal min
ers will come up for ary dii
Cussipn on (the pending resolution of
Senator Thomas, democrat, of Colo
rado, proposing drastic action by
the government. Further consjdera
tion of the strike may came tHroilgh
(he senate interstate commerce sub
committee's investigation of the
coal situation. Also late this week
the senate labor committee plans ..
as a result Of its inquiry into, the s.
steel strike, to present a repprt
containing constructive recommend- ,
atjons, both for irwmtdjate' action
and future legislation.
Both senate and house Tuesday
will receive King Albert of Bel- :
gium. ' '
Three bills will probably be sent :
to the president by congress this
week those extending, passport re
strictions against anarchists and
other radicals, increasing .pay of
postal employes and containing the '
first deficiency appropriation. Prog
ress en other legislation is planned. ,
the house being expected to pass
the senate oil and eoal land leasing -
bin, - ; "
Jugoslavs Not Authorized
to Sign St. Germain Pact
Belgrade. . Oct 26, An fifflcia!
communication says: - x
"The Jugo-SIav delegation to the
peace conference have not yet feeei
authorised to sign the St. Germain
"Cascarets" work while you sleep!
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"Casearets" never rrloe. efeketi ot
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Calomel, Salts, Oil or violent Pills.
"Casearets" are a deiurhtf ul laxa-
tlve-eathartie for grown-ups and
Switch to "Cascarets" Cost si
little I
Parents f
-. -
Help Your Children in Their School Work
Recall the days when you were trying to master your
lessons! How greatly you appreciated assistance) no mat
ter how slight.
Times have changed to be sure, but the boy and girl
must still be helped with his or her lessons.
Here in Omaha. The Bee has stepped in and .will take
the place of father, mother, brother, sister or friend, and lend
assistance to the boy or girl. No other plan or pleasure can
interfere, as might be the case with the individual. To re
peat, The Bee will do the part of relative or friend each day
and at any time, during the entire school term providing
the Circulation Department is given an order to deliver it
each week day at the small cost of 15 cents.
New Series of Educational Articles
Every Day Throughout the School Year
We desire to call your attention to this new series of articles for Boys and Girls appear
ing in The Bee, and which will be continued throughout the school term.
Each Monday
1 How to study skillfully.
2 Nature study.
Each Tuesday
3 For Boys to Make.
4 For Girls to Make.
Each Wednesday
5 Adventures that made an American.
6 Woodcraft -
Each Thursday
, 7 Sports for Boys.
8 The All Round American Girl.
Each Friday
9 How to Earn Money Outside of
MO Everyday Sciende and Home Me
chanics. ,
Each Saturday
11 What Boys Can Be.
12 What Girls Can Be.
- These twelve series are prepared for us by leading educators all over the United
States. They are especially designed to help the children in school work. Teachers of
this community know about them through special booklets which we have distributed.
You will find your children asking for the articles to use in school.
College professors complain that the boysvand girls of today are not reading the
news, and therefore, are not keeping up with the times. It is because we do not want
this to be true of the boys and girls' of Omaha that we ale supplying them with intensely
interesting articles of the highest class.
This is not a question of spending a lot of money for books to supplement school
work. Fifteen cents a week will do it. Please telephone or write the Circulation De
partment of The Bee, and we will see that your children get the paper without missing
an issue. ,
The Bee is the only paper in Omaha publishing these articles.
-. 'x ' -
The Omaha Bee Circulation Dept.
Night Phone
, This is BesrinaM Van PliinV
Tbe boys call him "Bookworm."
He is hunting "Supplementary Ma
terial." His back is weak; his eyesight Is
Hs gets good grades but he wont
-live long to enjoy them.
This is Bill Smith.
The boys call him ReA
He is hunting "Supplementary Ma
tenaL" His eyesight is strong; his back is
stronger. .
He believes in the Bible, esnedalb
b Ecdesiastes 12:12.
He is reading the new articles fet
boys in this newspaper.