Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 27, 1919, Page 10, Image 10

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Ohio State, Chicago and Wis
consin Only Undefeated
Elevens in Conference.
Chicago, Oct. 26. With the elim
ination of Michigan, Minnesota and
Illinois, the race foMhe '"Big Ten"
foot ball championship tonight is
Harrowed down to a fight involving
Ohio Stite, Chicago and Wisconsin
' the only undefeated elevens in the
conference, with indications point
ing strongiy to another champion
ship triumph for the powerful Buck
eye squad.
The impressive 13-3 victory Ohio
State scored over Michigan yester
dayOhio's first in the 16 years of
foot ball relations between the two
universities installed the Buckeyes
as strong favorites for the 1919 title,
although Chicago, as a result of its
crushing 41 to 0 defeat of North
western, is given serious champion
ship consideration. The undefeated
Wisconsin eleven with victories over
Northwestern and Illinois, is also
firmly established in the race and
will battle Ohio State for supremacy
November-15. The relative strength
of Ohio and Chicago, however, will
Hot be brought to an actual test
this season as the teams will not
Perhaps the biggest upsets Satur
day were the defeats of Minnesota
and Illinois. After being held al
"tnost powerlessj for three periods,
Wisconsin unmasked a smashing of
fensive that broke down the Illinois
line and paved the way Tor a 14 to
10 -victory. t
Minnesota fell before the already
beaten Iowa eleven, being outplayed
except for a few minutes in the
third quarter when the Gophers
fought their way down the field for
a:touchdown. ' 1
,$45,000 Deposited in Day
vln Non-Partisan Bank
. Fargo. N.'D., Oct. 26. Approxi
mately $45,000 was deposited in the
Scandinavian-American bank of
Fargg Saturday, the first day of the
opening of the institution, which was
closed October 2 by order of the
state banking board because of al
leged insolvency, according to an an
nouncement here by William Lemke,
attorney for J. k. Umhus, in
charee of the bank. The state su
preme Court has held that the bank
was solvent'and should be permitted
to resume business. ,
Bowling cAu
Local Bowling Notes.
A new matinee league has been
organized to roll regular matches
on the Farnam alleys every
Wedneday afternoon at 4:30. Four
departmental teams from the 1 Se
curity Loan company make up the
league. These matinee leagues al
ways prove successful and there
should be more of them.
The Sunlight Points went crazy
in the Gate City league last week
and knocked down the season's high
team total. Every man was in good
form, each turning in a good in
dividual total. A 3,049 total was
recorded, made up with three cames
of 984, 1,030 and 1,035. Charley Reis
rolled high total with 634, Zadina
followed with 617, Moyna next with
606, Landwerkamp with 597 and
Jimmy Jarosh trailed along with a
good 595 for low. Jarosh's 223 was
high individual game and a 168 score
was the only score under the 180
mark. A more consistant exhibition
of rolling is seldom witnessed. .
Will they never die? John Klanck
is back in the game and rolling as
food as ever. He will roll with
ams Indians.
Vaa Told Operation Was Her
Only Hope lanlac
Is Wonderful, She
. Says.
"RnMkinir from oersonal expert
fence." said Mrs. D. L. Travis, s well
known nurse, residing at 721 Sev
enth Ave.. Peoria. 111., in a conver
sation, recently. "I know Tanlac
. to be a most valuable medicine and
I feel it my duty to give the facts
to the world."
.-.'! Mrs. Travis is only one of a great
many in her profession who have
endorsed Tanlac. She has been
nursing the sick for eighteen years
and her statement, coming, as it
does, from one of such wide experi-
' .... . 'it A i.
ence. will oe reaa wun interest
evervwhere. "
"It is my honest belief," continued
Mrs.. Travis, "that there are mil
lions of people who, if they only
knew Tanlac as I do since using it
myself, would lose no time in re
lieving themselves of their misery as
I have done. 1 ,
f'The way I happened to know
of Tanlac was through a noted
physician. At this time I was suf
fering from what was said to be
chronic aooendicitis. which had
troubled me for seven or eight
years. I would become so nau
seated almost deathly sick after
eating that it was a common thing
for me not to be able to retain my
iood. I am speaking now of the
last stage of my suffering, after
. reaching the condition where an
operation seemed unavoidable. But,
' previous to this time and for sev
eral years my health had been very
poor and it was an effort for me to
itay on my feet and practice my pro
fession. I did it under the strain
of suffering and when I came off
from a case I was always so com
pletely tired out, exhausted, and
nervous that I thought each case
would be the last. - - -
"Finally, a few months ago, I
gave up completely, took to my bed
and arrangements were being made
for an operation, as it was thought
I would never recover without It
At this point my. physician and
friend advised me to try Tanlac for
a few days. Knowing he would not
advise me wrong I ordered a bot
tle at once and two days later my
suffering was letting up. Those
terrible pains began to leave, the
swelling and bloating commenced to
fo down and in a day or two more
changed from liquid diet to some
more nourishing and substantial
food. From that time on I re
covered in a way that was actually
astonishing to those who attended
me. In all I have taken about seven
bottles of this medicine and today
I am as well as one can be. My
lost . strength has returned, my
nerves are perfectly calm and no
one could get more restful sleep
than I do. My appetite is fine. 1 1
enjoy all my meals and I never
suffer in the slightest degree with
my stomach or in any other way.
Nothing would keep me from prais
ing this wonderful medicine."
Tanlac is sold in Omaha at all
Sherman & McConnell Drug Com
pany's stores, Harvard Pharmacy
. and West End Pharmacy. Also For
rest and Meany Drug Company in
South Omaha and the leading drug
feist is each city and town through-
fta statt of Nsbraska,
Herman Beselin and Bill Voss
are still tolling and of course you
can't kill "Dad" Huntington. The
old game is for the old as well as
the young.
Some mighty good races going on
in the various leagues. Don't look
like any walkaways in any league
this season.
Most of us despise cold weather
but cold weather makes the bowlers
flock to the runways and the grand
old game picks up as a result.
The women's league is having
some difficulty in maintaining their
organization up to its present
strength. There are plenty of wom
en bowlers, but there seems to be
something licking in keeping teams
together. In the past few seasons,
Omaha has led all other cities in
the number and quality of its wom
en bowlers. They should not become
lax now when the game is growing
l)igger and better.
Several bowlers have asked, "Who
is Bill Barron the newcomer in our
midst?" Well Bill, as he likes to be
called, is known all over the bowl
ing world. He has been connected
with both the bowline industry and
the game for over 20 years most of
the time in Cincinnati and St. Louis
He has always been a big booster
or the American Bowling congress
ana tne unio Mate Bowling asso
ciation, both large organizations.
With Garry Hermann and others he
conducted the big successful A. B. C.
tournament held in Cincinnati two
years ago. He also attended the
first A. B. C tournament ever held
and has never missed one since, and
don't intend to. He is a big man
in the game and a good fellow.
Every bowler in the city should
know him as his making his rest
dence in Omaha is a boost for the
local game. (
Dad Huntington's Beau Brummel
team motored to Fremont Saturday
night to take part in the big sweep
stakes. I he wintry weather caused
all of them to trot out their heavy
togs. Anyone seeing them and not
knowing who they were would have
guessed that it was Perry and his
crowd in another north pole dash
It's about time Hammond and
Middaugh, the Fremont cracks
were putting in their weekly visits
to our local runways m their wild
quest for wealth. Omaha sharks are
in good shape now and all set to
put up a good argument, which is
always necessary if this strong pair
is to be beaten.
Atkinson, the star Orchard &
Wilhelm bowler, is a new arrival
He hails from St. Joe, where he for
merly caved the pins in for
healthy average.
The Omaha Athletic club rollers
have got on the job and have or
ganized an eight-club league An
other eight-club league is in the
making. Herman Beselin, the old
timer, is one or the big noises in
the club organization and Bill Learn
is running the alleys, this pair
know enough about the bowling
game to get these organizations well
started on their schedules and con
duct a successful season. Two
strong teams, possibly more, will be
organized to represent the club in
outside matches and in the coming
middle west tournament.
Middle West Tournament
Several of the middle west cities
have already sent in entries equal to
the number oredicted and they ar
not through yet. A big flock of
eleventh hour entries can always be
figured on and aside from these
there is yet more than two weeks
left before the entries close. Chi
cago was figured for eight,, with a
possible 10. Twelve are already in
and there is a strong possibility of
three more. Peoria is sure of six,
three more than first predicted. The
Twin Cities have entered eight and
they haven't stopped yet. Only one
of 'Milwaukee's two teams was ex
pected and the one entry from To
ledo was not expected, but still no
body was surprised as Toledo is a
real bowling city and the Caampion
Spark Plug team would enter a tour
nament if it was held somewhere iu
Siberia. The smaller cities, such as
Fort Dodge, Marshalltown, Daven-
' If it's anything in the
luggage line, we are sure
to have the article that
will just suit the idea
and if we haven't we'll
make it for you.
W Arc Retailers, Wholesaler
and Builder of Fine Luff at.
Call to Se Our Line.
1209 Farnam Street .
port, Le Mars and Mason City, la
Grand Island and Fremont. Neb.
and many others, have not entered,
although they have always been in
with one or more teams each.
John Hoffman, chairman of the
local entry hustling committee, as
serts that real action will Le com
menced this week in lining up the
big local roster. At least 75 teams
should enter, but the goal mark has
been set at 100.
The F. G. Smith's Arcades of Mil
waukee will be one of the main
drawing cards of the tournament. On
their lineup will be Jimmy Smith,
considered the world s champion
bowler. He has never been beaten
in a long series and has a long list
ot pertect scores to his credit. Ad
mirers of good bowling will sure be
on hand to see ths invincible James
W. V. Thompson, general bowling
manager for the Brunswick-Balke
Lollender company and prominent
Chicago clubman, has announced
that he will enter a team of Chicago
business men representing xhe well-
known Illinois Athletic club.
M" I t a a a
ineyre not world beaters, but a
team of real bowling enthusiasts who
never miss an opportunity ot enter
ing a big bowling meet.
Another big attraction will be
Countr John Gengler. the eccentric
Belgian, who will appear in the Im
perial Leather company lineup from
Chicago, at is considered a rival
of Jimmy Smith for world's cham-
pionsnip nonors. Besides being a
crack bowler he has many peculiar
ities which would attract a large gal
lery. He stands at the foul line.
taking but one step when delivering
the ball. Oftentimes he palms the
ball, throwing it without usng the
finger holes. He also bowls as well
left-handed as with the right, so
don't be surprised if you see him
casting the ball from the port Side,
and if you're backing him to win
don t get excited or worried he 11
get as many pins this way as if he
used his good old right.
Dick Grotte is handling the con
struction work for the big meet. A
large amount of additional con
struction is always necessary for big
meets of this kind. Dick is so fa
miliar with his duties along these
lines that he can do it with his eyes
The old refreshment headquarters
will be bufa memory from now on.
'Twas a popular place before the
generous brewers were forced to
quit putting out the amber flow. It
will be hard to make the visiting
bowlers think they are being cared
for along these lines by thrusting a
doughnut and a cup of coffee in
their open mitts.
Every bowler, no matter what his
prowess cn the runways amounts to,
is a committee of one to get local
entries and do whatever else he can
to make the tournament a grand
success. If you know where you
can get an entry, get it and turn it
over to Secretary Eidson or Chair
man John Hoffman. The entry may
go begging waiting for a caller. If
unable to get it yourself, give one
of the hustling .committee a tip as
to its whereabouts. Help boost
your own game.
President VA1 Scott announces
that he is all set up for the big drive
for local entries. "You know us,
Al," just take the lead, and you wili
find a big gang of boosters right
behind you.
It's about time the South Side
bowlers are being heard from on the
local entry situation. They have
always been loyal supporters of the
Three teams from Winner, S. D.
Guess that's some biglittle burg.
Coming Weeks Schedule.
Western I nioa Leagsjo. . i
Plant against Commercial.
- Trafflo against General Manager.
Construction asalhat City Superintend
Plant against Auditor. -Trafflo
against AH Star.
Ladles' Metropolitan Laauratt.
Sweet Shop against Union Outfitting Co.
Payna Investment against Omaha Towel
Bowen Furniture Co. agalnstt Omaha
rnnung to.
Cnlremal Motor Leafne.
Service against Shop,
Stock against Sales. )
Cat City Leauro.
Olympla Candy against M. E. Smiths.
Omaha Printlna Co. acainat U. S. Na
tional Bank.
Elite Furnltura Co. aralnat Guarantee
Clothing Co.
bam s Indiana against Beselin a Ola
Nebraska Tent and Awning against
western union.
Omaha Grain Exchanso.
Kye-Schneldef-Fowler against Omaha
Elevator Co.
Maney Grain Co. against Hvnai Eleva
tor i;o.
Rothschild Grain Co. against TJpdlks
urain jo.
Albers Commission Co. against M. C.
Peters Mill.
Omaha National Bank against National
Fur and .Tanning.
Union Outfitting Co. against Swift &
Styletex against Reeds Crowns.
Triangles against Bunllght Paints.
Standard Motor Co. against Shirley
Clothes Shop.
Farnam Alleys.
Union Paetfle Leajroe.
Passenger Accts. against Nebraska Di
Shops against Supt. Transports tlon.
Division Engineers agalnat Valuation
Car Kecoraa against misc. Accounts.
Greater Omaha Toagne.
Scott Tent and Awning against Billings
Dental Supply.
Rogers rate against Beau rummei.
Bowen Furnitures against All Stars.
Omaha Bicycle Co. against Washington
Shirts. . ..
Paulson Motors against rora ueuvery
Co. ,
Swift Co. Lean.
Premiums against Gems.
Brookftelds against Empires.
Sllverleafs against Prides.
Alamlto League.
Supply against Sales.
Office against Plant.
Farnam League.
Willys-Knights against Baker Ice Of
Farnam Alleys against jaccarrrey Mo
tor Co. . . . ..
Baker Ice Shops against auio uenvery
Mina Tsylors against Betsy koss oaies-
men. . -
Tfehraska Clothing Co. against M. E.
v- . m. wi naTm . . . i n .t 1 1 r j i . ni tin.
Paiton & Gallagher against Universal
Drexel tsnoe co. against iepr i
er Co. , . .
Fairmont creamery uo. against vn
Hall Engineers. .
Brunswick Alleys, I Moth Bide,
Mngie City Jeague. '
Koutsky -Favllk agalst Packer Na
11 - I B.nV Yards National cam
South Side Cafeteria.
stver Candv Co. against 14V Stock
National Bank.
Reliable Tire to. against u
oral Springs.
Sergt. McLean, Heir of Sultan
of Llang-Uang in Doubt What
to Do With Them.
Look over the local entry list. If
your team is riot in yet. get busy.
If your captain is slow, shore him 1 ment held
Tarnsh. No better oair could be
nirVA tn ponduct a meet of this
kind. Eidson has been mixed up
with the bowline sanlfc for fifteen
ears, always in some executive ca-
naotv. Conductine city ana state
' . . i t:
tournaments is a oastime ior nun,
and while this is his tirst Dig
undertaking, his knowledge of gen
eral tournament conditions will
enable him to put it over m his usual
successful manner. His experience
as assistant secretary when the
Middle West tournament was held
here in 1915 amply fits him for the
place. It is Jarosh's first venture
into lsrce bowline affairs, but' he
has keen knowledge of bowling con
ditions throughout the middle west
and is a thorough student ot tne
came. He is a hustler, and his
pleasing personality will make him
an ideal man in assisting in the
conduct of the big meet. The local
bowlers re extremely fortunate in
having this industrious pair to con
duct and look after Omaha's inter
ests in making this season s meet
the most successful in the history
of the Middle West Bowling asso
along. iJo you realize that your
entry may influence others?
Two hundred sets of elossv pins
have arrived and are waiting to be
knocked about. . They are a special
select grade of tournament pins.
The pin question is an important
one with good bowlers. Poor pins
would make an otherwise success
ful tournament a failure, but there
will be no pin trouble at this year's
tournament, as the sets received are
of the best quaity.
This season's tournament will be
handled and directed by Secretary
Harry E. Eidson, assisted by Frank
Fremont Tournament.
In the big sweepstakes tourna-
at Fremont Saturday
night only one Omaha team figured
in the money. The Rogers Cafe
team rolled into third money with a
score of 2,642. Two Fremont teams
won first and second money. The
Heins Alley was high with 2,752
and the Myra Candy Co. second with
Teams from Lincoln and Schuylei
also competed, but did not figure in
the prize money. The Ford Liverys
of Omaha also failed to register a
prize winner.
The Beau Brummels, another team
entered in the meet, failed to arrive
in time to compete, due to an auto
accident on the road.
Tax Exempt in Illinois
7 Cumulative Preferred Stock
With Right to Buy Common Stock
Orders Executed
New York Stock Exchangs
Chicago Board of Trad
Chicago Stock Exchange
New York Cotton Exchangs
New Orleans Cotton Exchange
Minneapolis Chamber of Commerca
Cleveland Stock Exchange
Buffalo Corn Exchange
Toledo Produce Exchange
New York Produce Exchangs
St. Louis Merchants Exchange .
Milwaukee Chamber of Commerce
Omaha Grain Exchange
Kansas City Board of Trade
Phones: Tyler 1944.
By Universal Serriee,
San Francisco, Oct. 26. Ser
geant Robert A. McLean of the ma
rine recruiting station. 24 East
Twenty-third street, New York, who
recently fell heir to forty wives, is
a son of the late Dr. Robert A. Mc
Lean, professor emeritus of clinical
and operative surgery, University of
McLean spent two of his many
years ot service in the southern
islands of the Philippine group. In
stead ot using his spare time lan
guishing for the friends back in the
States, McLean made new ones of a
different race and a decidedly dif
ferent color.
He learned the languace , and
chummed with the reputedly fierce
Moros to such an extent that he was
adopted by the Sultan of Llang
Llang, a small island off the coast
of Borneo.
And now that same dusky ruler
has died and bequeathed his various
holdings to this American soldier
and there is a harem.
Goes to Take Possession.
McLean is surprised. The days
and incidents connected with his
long stay in Llang-Llang had grown
dim in his mind. But ne is not at
all perplexed. On September 23 he
started on the long journey to take
possession of his "kingdom."
The sultan's fondness for McLean
grew to such an extent that he ex
pressed the wish of making him his
egal son. MCJ-ean aid not lane xnis
seriously. The old man was 86.
But one dav a summons came, it
bade McLean present himself with
two friends at the royal abode.
' Mingle Blood Drops.
McLean tells his experiences this
"I took Frank Korncum and Ser
geant Walter of the marine corps,
Brief City News
Weather Strips Hlggln Mfg. Co. Adr.
Have Root Print It Beacon Press
Klectrio Washers Burgess-Qranden Co.
Predicted Sleet Arrives Sleet
falling Sunday evening: not only
made the pavements slippery, but
coated tne winasnieids or the auto
lsts who happened to be out.
now stationed in California, with
me: When we reached the sultan's
home we were ushered into the pub
lic hall, which was only a good sized
tent pitched high on stilts. There
I found the sultan, looking very
stately and important.
"My friends and I were taken
into an adjoining room and dressed
in long flowing robes. We were
taken before the sultan, who first
bared his own chest and made a
little slash in it with a Moro kris
and then made me bare my chest
while he cut the same size slash.
Taking a drop of blood from his
chest, he mixed it with a drop of;
my blooil, ana irom then on i was
his adopted son.. I left the next
day and I have never seen him
"And. speaking of the harem, they
were off in quarters by themselves
and I never set eyes upon them.
Whether they were as old as my
grandmother, or mere flappers, I do
not know. Some of the native
women are quite pretty."
Could Use. Fortune.
McLean doesn't know whether he
will be called upon to enact the role
of a wealthy potentate, or merely to
assist in a series of financial adjust
ments in the settlement of the sul
tan's estate. If there really is a nice
fat fortune he says he knows how
to use it in New York.
But the harem?
McLean looks archly aside and
says lie doesn't know.
To Discuss Child Labor.
Louisville, Ky. Secretary of War
Newton D. Baker is expected to
preside at the annual meeting of the
National Consumers' league here
November 20 and 21. Mr. Baker is
president of the organization, which
deals with questions concerning
child labor and working conditions
for women.
Four Hundred Salesmen Start
Campaign Today to Ob
tain $1,000,000 for
The mammoth drive for $1,000,000
for the Ak-Sar-Ben exposition is onl
More than 400 salesmen, all suc
cessful business and professional
men, today will canvass the city
selling stock to build the exposition.
Before the week ends Guy Cramer.
chairman of the sates organization,
said he expects the committee to
have attained "100 per cent success."
The stock is being sold tor $100 a
share. It is the hoDe of the board
of governors of the Ak-Sar-Ben, who
will be the board ot directors of the
exposition company, that the stock
will bring from 3 to 4 per cent divi
dends within the next three years.
The board of governors of the
Ak-Sar-Ben has offered $1,000 in
prizes to the best three teams. Ran
dall K. Brown, king of Ak-Sar-Ben,
has offered $500 which will be ex
pended for prizes to be given the
first 50 salesmen who bring in five
or more uncarded prospects totaling
more than $700.
The prizes will be gold engraved
knives. Besides these prizes, J. E.
Davidson, general manager of the
Nebraska Power company, who is
chairman of the drive finance com
mittee, has offered a $50 cash prize
to the salesman who brings in the
most uncarded subscriptions, and
Chairman Cramer has offered a
prize of $25 as second prize in this
special contest.
Salesmen will be the guests of
the Ak-Sar-Ben at complimentary
luncheon this noon and Tuesday
noon in the Hotel Fontenclle ball
Distress Signals From U. S.
Wooden Steamer Sent Out
New York, Oct 26. Distress sig
nals from the American wooden
steamer Lewiston were received
here by wireless. The British
steamer Justin notified the Lewiston
that she was hurrying to her n
sistance. The position of the Lewis
ton, bound from Rotterdam to Bal
timore, was given as latitude 37.29
north and longitude 73.32 west,
about 150 miles east of Newport
The distress signal came about 45
minutes after a call for assistance,
fchich decleared that the Lewiston
was in need of a tow to continue
her journey. The Lewiston, which
has a net tonnage of 1,528, is owned
by the United States Shipping
Board and operated by the Ter
minal Shipping company in trade
with Tin: Netherlands.
This Shows How Idle Hen Can Re
Made to Produce Money in Winter.
"When I began using Don Sung In' De
cember, I was getting only 2 or It eggs a
day from 50 hens. Within three week..
before I had finished a 50 cent package rr
Don Sung, I wss Retting from to 4 doii
each day. I shall never be without Don
Sung." -Jermina Hedges, R. F. D. I
Shumway, III.
This S or 4 dozen eggs a dar. at wintn
prices, was almost clear profit. Yom
hens should do as well. It's no trouble tr
use Don Sung and you risk nothing hi
trying it, under this offer.
Give your hens Don Sung and watch re
suits for one month. If you don't find ths
it pays for itself snd pays you good
profit besides, simply tell us and youi
money will be promptly refunded.
Don Sung (Chinese for egg-laying,
works directly on the egg-laying organs,
and is also a splendid tonic. It is easilj
given in the feed, improves the hen'i
health, makes her stronger and more aetiv
in any weather, and starts her laying.
Try Don Sung for 80 days and If h
doesn't get you the eggs, no matter hov
cold or wet the weather, your money wit
be refunded by return mail. Get Don Sum
from your druggist or poultry remed
dealer or send 60 cents for a package, bi
mail prepaid. Burrell-Dugfrer Co., 373 Co
lumbia Bldg., Indianapolis, Ind.
American Candy Company
Exempt from Present Personal Property Tax in Illinois
Seven Per Cent Cumulative Preferred Stock
With Right to Purchase Common Stock
Seven Per Cent Cumulative Preferred Stock, $100 par value, authorized and outstanding $1,200,000
Common Stock of no par value, authorized and outstanding 120,000 shares
The Preferred Stock is exempt from, personal property tax in Illinois. It is preferred as to dividends
and assets. Dividends are payable quarterly, the first day of September, December, March and June.
No mortgage indebtedness may be created without the consent of 95 of the holders of the Pre
ferred Stock. v
Beginning January 1, 1920, the Company will set aside not less than $50,000 per year for the
retirement of the Preferred Stock, which shall be purchased in the open market or called at $107.50
per share and accrued dividend. .
Application will be made in due time to list both classes of stock on the Chicago Stock Exchange.
All legal matters pertaining to this issue have beeen passed upon by Messrs. Barthell, Fitts & Bundall, of Chicago, for the bankers, and Law.
renee A. Olwell, Esq., Milwaukee, for the Company. The books of the Company have been audited by Messrs. Jonathan B. Cook & Company, Certified
Public Accountants, Chicago, and the appraisal of the plant and property has been made under the direction of the Ran Appraisal Company of Milwaukee.
American Candy Company is one of the largest, oldest an,d best known Candy manufacturing indus
tries in the United States. As a Wisconsin corporation, it was first chartered in 1889. Its plant, located
in Milwaukee, equipped with every device for the manufacture of Confectionery on a large scale and on
a most economical basis, is one of the most complete Candy manufacturing units in the world. The Com
pany manufactures every variety of confections, and in addition is the owner of such well-known brands
and trade marks, which are extensively advertised in the Saturday Evening Post and other mediums, as
"Milady" Chocolates and "Rex" brand of confections, etc. At the head of the enterprise remains Mr. Louis
Kuhn, one of the best-known men in the industry and President of the National Confections Association in
The great strength and successful history of the Company is indicated by its record of sales, earnings
and dividends. This shows that the volume of sales has risen steadily and continuously from one hundred
thirty-three thousand dollars in 1893, to one million seven hundred seventy-three thousand dollars in
1918. Net profits of a little over three thousand dollars in 1893 rose to three hundred thousand dollars in
1918. Net profit for the period from 1893 to 1918 have averaged 28 on the outstanding capital stock.
While dividends of one million four hundred fifty-six thousand four hundred ninety dollars were de
clared during the period, the Company's assets and working capital maintained a steady and continuous
increase. '
The advent of prohibition has created so great a demand for Candy that the Company, like many
others, is forced to refuse orders daily. Orders are now on its books to keep the plant running to its fullest
capacity into 1920. The annual consumption is now at the rate of over a billion pounds, an increase of
over twenty per cent during the past two years. It is the intention to greatly increase the Company's facil
ities, thereby insuring an increasing volume of business.
The total sales to July 19th, this year, were one million eighty-one thousand dollars, compared with
seven hundred and thirty-six thousand dollars for the same period last year. Net profits for this period
prior to the deduction of Federal Income Tax are over two hundred thousand dollars. On account of so
much Candy being kept in storage during the summer months the largest volume of business and the
largest profits are always realized during the last six months of the year. It is conservatively estimated
that the total net profits for 1919 prior to deduction of Federal Income Taxes will be five hundred thou
sand dollars nearly six times the original dividend requirement on the Preferred Stock. After liberal
allowance, for taxes, net earnings applicable to Common Stock for the year will be at the rate of 25 on
the offering price.
A- large amount of this issue having been retained by interests identified with the management, we ,
offer the balance, subject to prior sale, on the following terms: The Preferred Stock at par flat, or $100
per share. For a limited time, with each sale of Preferred Stock purchased, we extend the option to pur
chase five shares of the Common Stock at $7.50 per share. Checks should be made payable to F. A.
Brewer & Co., or if desired, to the Peoples Trust & Savings Bank, Chicago, and sent to F. A. Brewer &
Co. The amount of both classes of stock available to the public being limited and an over-subscription
of this balance being anticipated upon this, the first public offering, we advise clients to wire or tele
phone their reservations at ourexpense. The right to reject any and all subscriptions or to allot a smaller
number than subscribed for is reserved.
Investment Bankers
208 South LaSalle Street, Chicago
Telephone Harrison 8590
The statements contained herein are not guaranteed, but are based on
Information and advice which we believe to be accurate and reliable t