Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1919, Page 3, Image 3

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Florence Ordered
Included in Omaha
, Switching District
The United States railroad ad
ministration has finally ordered that
rlorence, a suburb in. north Omaha,
be included in the Omaha switch
ing district, according to a message
received by the bureau of trans
portation of the Chamber f, Com
merce. The announcement terminates a
long fight between the railroads
and the Omaha Chamber of Com
merce, and opens what .' Cbilde,
head of th transportation depart
ment of the-, chamber ternjs a new
area for industrial shipping in Oma
ha. - . ,
Lumber and coal yard -interests
of Florence, started the fight mere
than two years ago, when Florence
was annexed . to Omaha, charging
that rates on inbound freight to
Florence werejjigher than those to
Omaha. The higher rates were' in
reality a tax on the city of Omaha,
it was said, because coal used for
pumping aT" the , water works was
higbir due to higher jrates. .
The Chamber of Commerce took
up the fight and last Utyf .secured
an authorization from the railroad
administration to include- Florence
in the Omaha switching district. A4
protest by the railroads delayed tnc
change until this wek, however.
Colonel -Wuest Makes Free
Balloon Flight at Ft. Omaha
.Lieut. Col Jacob W. S. Wuest,
coi....andr of Fort-Omaha, accom
panied by four observers, made a
tree balloon flight yesterday after
noon. - The .flight was for experi
mental purposes.
The Bee want ads for results.
John McCormacfc In :
a- Delightful New
BaUacl for Victrola
- , -S'-V : "
"Rose! of Picardy," which John
McLormack . interprets on a new
Victroja record, $s a song, taken al
most at random - froin the many
beautiful songs the new day has
given to the worldand is translated
into a thing pf more exalted beauty
by the voice of John McCormack
the artist who can find beauty and
it in
Lovers - of string music will hail
with delight another number inter
preted by the famous Flonzaley
quartetxpn a new;. Victrola record. It
hs a minuet trom Mozart s yuartet
in" D Major. Mozart wrote many
minuets. Perhaps the mast famous,
and even .today, it may be, the most
popularin the whole world (except
ing Paderewski's),is to be found
in his. opera, "Don Giovanni." And
this is one of t ft most graceful, the
most courtly, the most imaginative
of them all. Turning from the su
blimeNo music in a lighter vein, we
may even-there find refreshment
now and then. " '
So we mention couple ef songs
by Esther Walker, a young come
dienne who presents them on the
first of her Victor records. "Sahara"
(We'll Soon Be Dry like You) is a
timely take-off on the coming eyent
that wil make the country "sure
'nough' dry. The wails of the des
ert and the atrummings 6f barbaric
instruments introduce a grotesque
lament for the departed - "Whisky,
wint'r gin.",' An orchestral, accom
paniment produces a sly and very
fetching rhythm. - -
On the reverse of the record she
sings "Nobody Knows" (And No
body Seems to " Care) a coaxing
little ditty
in Miss Walker's best
Willys-Knight Limousine ;
Soon to Be Seen to Omaha
" The" streets of Omaha will soon
be graced with one of the new
Willys-Knight limousines. These
cars are beautifully , finished ! both
outside and inside as well as me
chanically and are one'of the late
types produced by the Willys-Overland
company. V, .
E. B. Williams of the Williams &
Smith Tailoring company recently
purchased this model for personal
use- ' ' "' "
Prohibition Has Not:
Helped trie Soda Track,
,-Chicago, Oct.. 2S-Amerkans art'
rushing to the ice cream soda foun-'
tains under the bone-dry regime
This was th gist of an laddreti ;
made by Asa B. Gardiner ptesidetU
of the National .association of Ic
Cream manufacturers, at, they con ,
, "No, fir; it was all wrong ai
wrong," said Mr. Gardiner. "I kno
we were told Vhat the alcoho! ;
starved system, would turn t
sweets', but the expected rush failee
to materialize. It, anything, busi
ness began to fall off."
An Important Selling for Mond ay of v
. x The Latest Creation in Decorated Linens
V ' . V,'
On a material very much like real linen is the LuckBhie Bird,
so popular now among the elite housewives, elaborately embroidered
and surrounded with a blue frame in the form of scalloped edges in
blue of the- same shade. The very extensive line consists of Luncheon
Sets, T.ea Cloths, Dinner Cloths, Napkins to match' all, Scarfs for the
buffet or side table, in sizes and at prices as follows: .
; ' ' - ' s - - '
Dinner Sets -' r
72-inc,h Dinner Cloths, each, 7.50. '
18x54-inch Scarfs, each, 1.50. , -
1 18x36-inch Scarfs, each, 1.25.
f i4xl4 Napkins to match the cloth,
6 for 2.98.
Lunch Cloths
These lunch cloths are the round shape
in the 54 inch size, "scalloped, embroid
ered edge with four large, blue birds em
broidered in blue over a very ' fine art
cloth. Special at ( 6.98
Scarfs, napkins and doilies to match.
. Blue Bird Doilies
Luncheon Sets
These sets consist of 6 doilies each, fo?
place and tumbler, alsoone center doilie
to match, put up jn
complete at 4.98.
a neat box. St
'These are in the 9-inch size, with one blue' bird embroidered
very neatly and daintily. Special, each, 25r . - '.
, MAIN FLOOR - ' '
I 1 1111 I Bn'l IV- CI ' JTMIIW . " t J
: . ' ' . SETS THE PACB &S'fls FOa CROWWC . OMAHA )
ieaturtng For Monday v x
. .''''' : m.
vOrierltal Embroideries
New merchandise and new ideas are to be found in
ttr Art Department every day direct from 'the Orient,
lade into many useful and ornamental articles, some of
them listed below:
Mats for .the tables, priced from 25c to 3.50
"Scarfs for library tables, from 7.00 to 18.00.
Mandarin Squares, priced from 5.50 to 6.50
Hand Bags, priced from - 7.50 to 8.00
Mandarin Skirts, priced at 20.00
12.50 to 25.00
Pillows, priced from
Oriental Incense and
Incense Burners -
Oriental Incense and Incense Burners are carried in a
large variety of styles at all times. -In the Incense there
is a large range of odors, priced from , 10c to 1.00
The Burners are from !' 25c to 14.00
Library Scarfs of Tapestry, an
exceptional value, at 3,95
Special For Mpnday
Flannel Gowns
A ' v .. .
Averj timely and interesting sale, coming
in -time to make a-good saving, of very fine
Quality Gowns in plain white and dainty colors.
Bier ranee of styles. Medium and'extras. Others
up to 3.98.
Warm Petticoats
. Knitf Wool and Flannelette Petticoats for
women, -in black and prays. . Priced from 1.50
to 5.98. - v ' - . . '
' Sleeping Garments - r
Outdoor Sleeping Garments for women, of
heavy flannelette, in one piece, with hood and
jsack. Specially, pricjed at 3.50. , 1 I
v Here's an Interesting Selling of v j
This sale of Domestics presents savings . of a most appreciative
- nature Merchandise of a very high character from the best looms
of the country. Offered Monday exceedingly advantageous. '
Gabardine Suiting Featured
':f;:r it 39C
Colore!! and 36 in. wide, it a splendid assortment of plain
Bhdes. .Very desirable for misses' and girls' school '1QP
"""suits, dress, etc. Worth 75c a yard, but priced at JC
liOODS. This lot includes pongee,
llninK. serges, cretonne, etc. Val
ues up to 60c a yard. ' While
the lot. lasts, yard, for
OUTING FLANNEL, white and fancy,
36 inches wide, $xtra heavy quality
with long, warm, fleecy .Qrt
nap. Special, yard, at OyK,
DRESS PERCALE 36 inches wide,
suitable for dresses, . wrappers,
anrons. children s aresses or doj
waists, etc. Very best
lengths up to 12 yards.
Yard, at, . . -
quality in
MADRAS SHIRTING 32 in and 36 in.
wide, in a beautiful assortment of
printed and woven designs; "some
have the Russian cord ef- A Q
' feet Special, per yard, N TE
OUTING FLANNEI-Whlte and fancy
colors in stripes, checks, plain gray,
blue and nink: heavy quality for
fall and "Winter undergar
ments. Special, yard, aty
Veryx Special Monday
Sale of Cotton
500 Cases Purchased Mont hs Ago Offered Now ,
At a Saving of 33 to 50
In fact ve purchased these last March just when the rawj cotton mar
ket had reached its lowest point for the year 1919 and for that fact we are
in position to oferHhis desirable, merchandise at remarkable savings
to you. ( , ,-. .
Special Selling Monday Of
Just as the weather man predicts colder waves, along comes
this offering of Bedding Needs. Supreme yalues in every instance,
' because we bought when the mill prices were lowest the reason- we
can sell these Bedding Needs so remarkably low now. ; ,;. ,.
: Featuring ed Comforters A ?
- -I
at 8;50
These are worth $10.50 covered with finest quality French
cambric, la a range of new patterns," filled witli goott whit
cotton, neatly overstitched edges. , , : ' '
r 29c
bleached . and
hand rolled, opens up 72x84 inches,
one roll large enough to make full
size comforter, comes in two
weights. 4-lb. rolls, regular -i
'price 1.75, on sale at , L0J
CRETONNE 5,000 yards, in "beautiful
floral and tapestty effects for fancy
work, draperies, comforter covering,
etc.. in serviceable lengths. Value
up to 65e yard. '
Special at
3-lb. rolls, regular price
- $1.48, on sale at
Cotton Dress , Goods
$2 Ins. and 36 his. wide, In a wonderful assortment of beauti
ful plaids and checks. In this lot are, some of the imported
fabrics wjth wool finish. Vals. range up to 60"- ,
V Special Per Yard, 39o
- I - BASEMENT , V ;
1 3-LB. LEADER BATT We are also
H offering ' a beautiful hand rolled
I snow white and especially processed
H of good' Quality,' size, 72x84 inches;
i regular price 1.69, on - ' A(Z
m sale at J.xO
p Weight 2 lbs., made of natural pure
ft long staple cottoiv,hand rolled; very
g desirable for making a light weight
j comforter. Size, 72x90. QC
I Regular price $1, on sale at. OOC
Weight 3 lbs.,1made of tfatural pure
long staple cotton -quilted and
stitched in parallel ljpws four inches
apart which makes the comforter
making easy and does not allow cot
ton to pull apart after the comforter
, Is made. Each roll, 72x90 inches. An
exceptional offer at, -
each, l.OV
In 3-lb rolls of our well known
White Fawn, well made of a splen
did quality of snow white cotton,
' hand rolled and neatly wrapped.,
Regular price 1.85, n H
exceptional value at XOU
COTTON, BATTING 50 caseaof our
popular Regal and Creole quality, a
- medium sized roll of long staple sea
island cotton, neatly hand rolled and
wrapped. Your choice of OQ,
these two favorite qualities rC
This is especially-processed, antl
ceptically prepared, yet it retains its
natural creamy appearance," un
usually lofty and buoyant One of
our-most popular brands. AQf
Reg. price 59c, on sale for rtOt.
COTTON BATTING Of a good quality I
cotton- covered with cheese "
cloth" thoroughly processed to in- 1
crease its loftiness; large enough to
' niake full size comforter; size, 72x 1
SO inches; approximate weight, 4 m
lbs. Regular price 2.95, 1Q m,
on salvor -i Ml g
COTTON BATTING A 'good sized
roll of splendid quality white cotton jf
neatly rolled and wrapped. A good m
value at 25c. Specially - O-,
priced for this sale at lOv j
sorted colors. Regular twin bed
size,- 60x80 Inches. -Made -bf choic
est selected wool that has been thor-
' oughly steamed to prevent shrink-
ing. Exceptional val
ues, pair, at s
COMFORTERS Silkollne v covered,
. filled with good white sanitary cot
ton, covered with full standard qual
ity silkollne in a variety of pretty
patterns in Persian and other styles.
Size, 72x84 in. Spe- A H?
cial at rr O
COTTON BLANKETS Wool finished'
in white, gray and tan, with assorf-
- ed washable borders and thread-
whipped edges, full
, bed size. Pair
1 66x80 In., in colors, of blue, pink,
gray or tan. Bound wits a 2-in. mo-
. hair binding and gualwiteed to give
lald effects, 66x80 In., in assorted
colors, neatly shell-stitched edges,
heavy weol finish. Regularly worth
$3, but prlcep for Mon
day's selling each, tX,
splendid quality bleached muslin,
' filled with, a specially prepared
felt wadding, handsomely stitched,
neatly whipped edges. Worth 4.00;
' but specially priced , . QT
for Monday, each . ZitJ
25 .Cases Cotton Blankets
For single, three-quarter and full size beds in white, gray '
and tan, with fancy borders, In three lota, priced as follows
for Monday's selling: v . l-
2.49,1.98, 1.69
Of Pronounced Importance This
Selling of Rugs
Featuring ; 1 r -
Royal Wilton Rugs '
i at 69.50
$90 values, 9x12 "size, excellent quality, genuine
Royal Wilton, in correct reproductions of Orientals har
moniously colored. Splendid values.
Extra Size Rugs
"We are the only store in the city that
has been fortunate in securing an extensive
line of extra size rugs. Vell woven Ax
minster for extra large rooms, in a choice
; assortment of neat designs, 100.00 value,
at 75.00
WUton Velvet Rugs at $40
8-3x10-6, woven in one piece, no seams, in a' splendid
wearing quality and attractive colorings- 52.50
Axminster Rugs at 37.50
- 9x12, rich and lustrous colorings in Persian, designs ;
also medallions and florals. 50.00 values.
Alluring Collection of Beautiful Silks
Their Richness and Variety, of Design Proclaim,
Them Supreme to Any Heretofore
If you want to select material for a new frock or simply what is in vogue, you will
be more than delighted with this sho-wing. Numerous rich silks, presented in a host of
pleasing tones, are here in full array. " - . . ' ' ' : ' ,
SATIN PE LUXE, 36 inches wide, a
beautiful, soft, heavy satin ' that will
not rough. in a full range of plain and
changeable colors. Very special per
yard, 2.95. '
SATIN RADIANT, a lustrous satin,
36 inches .wide, rich and soft, in a full
range of street and evening shades.
Per yard, 2.25. t
CREPE DE CHINE, an exceptional
value, 40 inches wide, heayy, firm silk
that will wear-and tub; in all colors.
Per yard, 2.25. ,
Taffeta, 36 inches wide, in plain and
novelty effects in a full range of color
ings, suitable for skirts, dresses and
blouses. An exceptional s value, per
yard, 2.00.
have just received a beautiful lot from
Cheney Brothers in a wonderful range
of patterns and colorings. Per yard,
1.75 to 2.25.
VELOUR DU NORD, 32 inches wide,
in black only, a rich, deep black velvet,
suitable for coats. Very special,' per
yard, at 3.95.
. ' s THIRD IXOO-,' H ' . '
Per Yard, 6.95 to 12.50
A full line of this beautiful material; suitable for'
coats, trimmings and scarfs; 50 inches wide.
Drapery Materials
1 1"
Special Monday Featuring.
Quaker Curtain Nets
at 1.25
In white, ivory and ecra. These are the better qual
ities in filets-reaves, and valued up to 1.75' per yard. alL
new patterns, and come in white and ecru. Yard, 1.25.
Specially priced fo? Monday's selling.
y .
50 inches wide and worth
3.50 yard. Large assort
ment of colors, and can be
split and madento beautk,
ful hangings. Yard, 2.00
Worth59c a yard. -These
can behad in white, ivory
and ecru; 36 inches wide,
and specially priced for
Monday per, yard, 39
Drapery Materials
at $2 to $10 '
In plain and figured, all the newest patterns.
We . make estimates on all kind of draperies,
and also hang them,