Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1919, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 17

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5 B
r In argument with m, a womn ever x
Ce by tht worse, whatever ba bar causa.
" - - - ' . - - . . -
Har overpowering presence made you leal,
It would not ba idolatry to kneel.
ELECTION of officers and
amendment of the state con
stitution were thenost impor
j tant matters of business which tame
before the Nebraska Federation of
. Women's. Clubs at its 24th annual
convention, held in Fairbury Octo
ber 21.24. This is the 25th year of
txistence for the Nebraska federa
tion, so the meeting -was known as
the. "silver jubilee."
The entire revision cf the consti
tution was rejected.' The two most
vital changes proposed related to
methods of elections and consolida
; lion of the offices of state president,
general federatiif? director and sec
retary. ,
Mrs. John -Slaker of Hastings,
fifth club district, was elected presi
dent. Mrs. Addison E. Sheldonre
) tiring president, was made general
- federation director and secretary.
Other state officers were chosen as
follows: Vice-president, Mrs. E. B.
Penney, Fullerton; recording and
corresponding secretaries, Mrs. S.
; M. Dewey, Fairmont and Mrs. Paul
Jerryman, Ord treasurer, Mrs. E.
G. Drake, Beatrice; auditor, Mrs.
Elizabeth Smith, Chadr6n.
A striking feature of the conven
tion was the opportunity for, and
interest in, discussions following all
big lectures on the program. Three
representatives of state institutions
spoke, three prominent men pre
sented, "Shall private property be
further socialized," an expert domes
tic engineer disclosed methods for
simplifying housework and Dr. F.
M. Fling discussed the making of
world peace. At the close of each
of these-interesting numbers, eager
questions were put and the deepest
' attention given to answers.
1 There were 312 registered dele
' gates and visitors, and probably a
total of 400 out-of-town women in
attendance. The Fairbury women
opened their homes to the outside
club women and otherwise extended
every courtesy in their power. Mrs.
T. I, Hatfield was chairman of lo
cal arrangements. - ' .
A supper party on the opening
night was the one notable social af
fair. Mrs. 'Allen W. Field of Lin-coin-
was mistress of ceremonies.
Special interest on , this occasion,
was taken in the report of Miss
.. Myrtle Judd, ; who represented the
- Nebraska . federation in overseas
-war work. Miss Cora Conoway as
leader of singing was a real factor
in the success of the meetings.
In her "President's Address,"
Mrs Addison E. Sheldon of Lincoln,
reported on her efforts to secure
rates for Nebraska vclub convention-
- 1x4 OCT 26, Sua Rag ...i
ists. Mr. George WBonnell, Lin
coln railroad representative, took up
the matter with Chicago authorities
who replied that whereas the Ne
braska Federation of Women's Clubs
was not of a "religious, educational,
fraternal, chairitable oe military or
ganization," the desired rates could
not be granted. Mrs. Sheldon said
she responded with a recent issue of
x ne Bulletin,, vi. r. . su""s
the federation to be religious, educa
, tional, fraternal, charitable, and in
fact everything except military." A
heartv laugh and applause were re-
. j
lurncu ai litis,-
There is no incompatibility be-r
Yes, Indeed, We
Than That!
cleaners-ralscy pro
ficient in all kin
dred lines.
D resher
v Brothers
; 221 M7 Farnam" St.
Phone "Tyler , 345.
Simple Home Method
Easily) Erases Wrinkles
Thwissnda bava reported great auecesa
with the famous saxolite wrinkle-removing
formula. One ounce of pure powdered
aaxolite ie dissolved In a ... half -pint- of
witch hate! and the solution used aa
face wash. The effect ia almost magical.
The deepest wrinkles and erow'a feet, as
well as tha finest lines whether due to
age, illdess, weather or worry are im
mediately affected. No oneneed hesitate
to try this simple lotion, as -it will not
harm any skin. Any druggist of course
can supply the ingredients. i
When you have that tired, careworn
look and you want to freshen up for tha
afternoon or evening, bathing the face in
the aaxolite lotion will produce a wonder
ful transformation. You will find thia
mora refreshing than an hour's rest.
Rieim 10 h N lbs., or mors, under 1100
GUARANTEE by Koratn system. Obuln Oil
ef Ksrsls at sny busy druk stem; or writ for
free brochure to Koratn Co.. NL-0l. Station
P. Ksw York City. Bsooais slesdsr by best
method.. No salts, no thyroid, no surrins. no
tedious exeKiaint. Drllthtful easy, rapid
reduction ; traereves health, tynmrtry. eMelaaey:
ADD TKABa-TO YornV IJFF! Become this
and ramals is! REDUCE WF 16 HT HAPPILY!
Society Ladies Adopt
; NeD) Hair Curling Method
Since tha introduction of liquid silmer
ine in this country, it has become quits)
V "the proper thing" among society women,
who have readily adopted it in place of
the destructive curling iron. The wavea
and cnrls acquired by the new method are
' far more natural in appearance, and tha
hair is of course glossier and prettier than
could be if the Ufa were cooked out of it.
The liquid is pleasant ts use.' being
neither greasy nor sticky. It is a simple
thin to apply wtth a clean tooth brush at
,. night when the hair is down. The lovely
wavy effect in evidence in the morning is
1 all that one could wish for. It costs little
to use liquid silmerine, as a few ounces
from the druggist will keep tha hair in
V g.url so ;.
tweeir women's clubs "and babies, if
Mrs. B. F. Farrell of Schuyler and
Mrs. H. W. Benson of Oakland can
be taken as examples. These- two
women attended all sessions of the
three-day convention. ,
Mrs. Farrell is the'motner of 11
children, five boys" and six girls,
ranging in years from 1 to 20. Asked
how she managed, Mrs. Farrell said,
"We all help each other and we have
very good health. I think the rea
son we keep so well is that I don't
have time to do fancy cooking." Dur
ing the war Mrs. Farrell did council
of defense work in her county. She
is a member of a bridge club and
an active member of the federation
as well. She was nominated for the
vice presidency' but declined to run,
she gave a. toast at the opening sup
per party,' and served on the elec
tions committee asN teller.
Mrs. H. W. Benson of OAland at
tended with her 10-month old baby
and a nurse. Ms. Benson has served
for two years as state chairman of
the social and industrial conditions'
Bishop Vincent Circle.
The Bishop Vincent Chautauqua
circle will meet Monday evening at
the city library at 7:15. The lesson
will be chapters 5, 6 and 7 in "Am
erica Among the Nations." Miss
Myrta Schneider will give a travel
talk on Cuba.
conducted at 11 a. m., luncheon will
be served at noon and afternoon
meeting at 1 :30. Dr. W. M. Darmer,
secretary of the American commit
tee of the mission to lepers, will
speak in the afternoon.
P. and S. S. Department.
The political and social science
department, Omaha Woman's club,
will meet Monday afternoon, Octo
ber 27, at 2:30 o'clock in the Y. W.
C. A. building. Mrs. H. J. Bailey,
department leader, announces that
Mrs, Draper Smith has secured Mr.
Francis Brogan to speak on school
bonds and . Commissioner Dean
Ringer to discuss the needs for po
lice equipment. ; '
YJW. H. A.
At a meeting of the Y. W. HI A.,
Tuesday, October 21, two classes
were organized to further the work
of the club, a sewing class to meet
every other Tuesday and ia Bible
class to meet on Thursdays.. All
members interested should report at
these classes without delay. On
November 1, a Hollowe'en party
and dance will be given for the. Y.
W. H. A., members and friends'?
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
Owing to repairs being made in
the domestic science room, the cook-
"ig passes have not yet started,
but every thing is ready now and
classes begin October 27. If you
have not already enrolled, do so
now. Classes on Monday evening,
Tuesday evening and Tuesday
. Everybody loves a Halloween
party. The Y. W. C. A. invites all
association members and their girl
friends to join with them in a Hal
loween party on Friday evening,
October 31 at 7:30. Come and
have a good time.
Y. W, and Y. M C. A. joint serv
ice: 4:30r-A good old sing.
5:00 Address by Mr. E. M. Well
man. ,
6:00 Get acquainted hour.
Bring your best friend. Stay un
til church time, Sunday. October
26. In charge of a Y. W, and a
Y. M. Committee.
"A Business Girl's Expense Acr
count is the topic before the dis
cussion class next Tuesday night at
7:45. If you are having trouble
with yours, or if you have solved
the question join this group and
add your bit.
The Freshman Mudent club ot
the Central high school is having a
Halloween party in the gymnasium
of the Y. W. C. A. Wednesday
afternoon at 3:15. Every ortf is
le-oking forward to an exciting
time. .
The Central high school student
club will have a cabinet meeting
Thursday afternoon at 3:30 at the
Y. W. CA.
Omekro-E-Xima club will meet
at the Settlement house Tuesday
evening for supper and dramatic art.
Miss Ihompson, instructor. -
Westside W. C T. U.
Westside W. C. T. U. will meet
at the home of Mrs. Martin Johnson
at Forty-ninth and Walnut, Tues
day, October 30, at 2 p. nC
U. S. Grant Post
Members of U. S. Grant nost. G.
A. R., with their wives have been
invited to attend a kensington at
the home of Mr. and" Mrs. B. O.
Swezy, 4758 North Twenty-fourth
street, Tuesday afternoon, October
Custer Relief Corns.
George A. Custer Women's Relief
corps will meet . Tuesday . at 2:30
p. m. The Elks have loaned the use
of their room on the second floor.
Public Speaking Department.
The public speaking department
of the Omaha Woman's club will
meet Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock
at the Y. W. C. A.
The Delphian chapter of Omaha
will meet at Hotel Blackstone,
Tuesday, October S28, from 3 to 4
p. m.
Alpha Grove.
Alpha Grove will entertain Tues
day evening, October 28, in honor of
the supreme officers of the Wood
men circle. There will be a short
program and refeshments.
Omaha Walking Club.
The Omaha Walking club will
start from end of Florence car line
at 3 p. m. Sunday and walk to
Briggs. Leaders, Mr. and Mrs. R.
E. Winkleman.
Needlework Guild.
The Omaha branch. Needlework
Guild of America, shes contribu
tions to be sent iih next week.
November 5 and 6 are the dates for
distribution from the Kountze Me
morial church.
' -Tennyson Circle.
Tennyson Chautauqua circle will
meet Monday at 1:30 p. m. with
MTs. W. Boyd Smith, 2307 South
Thirty-second avenue. "America
Among the Nations" is . the book
from which the lesson will be taken.
Leader. Mrs. W. A. George. Cur
rent events will be given in response
to roll call.
- Round Table , Circle.
Rdtind Table circle will meet at
7:30 Monday evening at the Y. JV.
C. A. The .lesson will be from
"America Among the Nations, ' led
by Mrs. Walter Loomis. .
.. South Side Chautauqua.
A new circle-was organized Monj
cay evening on the aeoth side. v
name has not yet been selected. The
next meeting will be Monday, Octo
ber 27, at the home of Mrs. F. A.
Cressey, 4204 South Twenty-second
street. President elected was Miss
Anna Olsen; secretary, Mrs. Vera
DuBois. "America Among the Na
tions" will be studied.
Dundee Patriotic Club.
Dundee Woman's Patriotic club
will meet Monday at 1:30 with Mrs.
A. F. Williams, 4804 Douglas street.
Presbyterian Union.
The quarterly meeting , of the
Omaha Presbyterian Missionary
nnio: wi'i be held at the Florence
Presbyterian church Monday, Octo
ber 27. Devotional exercises will be
tftAM M
Douglas -isez
Episcopal churches of Omaha.
South Omaha and Florence will
hold their united monthly meeting
on Friday, October 31, at 2 p. m.
in Trinity Parish house, 1710
Dodge street. Mrs. Leffs Cald
well will speak on social service.
School Forum. -
The School Forum will meet for
luncheon at the Chamber vof Com
merce, Saturday, November 1, at
12:30. Miss Autunfn Davies of
Central High will be hostess and
Mr.E. M. Reynolds will speak on
"Oiaha as a Retail Center."
V For Mrs. Burch.
Mrs. Merrill Burch of Dubuque,
la., who is-aisitine Miss Margaret
Baum, will be honor guest at a
luncheon, Monday, given by Mrs.
Jack Webster at her home.
I Informal Tea.
Mrs. Everett Burke will give , an
informal - tea, Thursday afternoon,
in honor of Mrs. Walter S. Klopp.
Hollowe'en Dance. ,
A Hollowe'en dance and card
party will be . given, Wednesday
evening, at the Metropolitan hall,
by St. Peter's Parish.
Mrs. S.Bowman, Miss Jess Stev
enson and Mr. Sam Bowman of
Minneapolis, will motor to Omaha
next week to spend the week end.
Mrs. Bowman will be the guest of
Mrs. F. P. Kirkendall and Miss
Stevenson and Mr. Bowman will te
guests of Mrs. Ben Gallagher.
Richard Page, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Page, is critically ill at
his home. His sister, Mrs. John
Trteder of Fort McHenry, Md., ar
rived in Omaha Thursday morning.
Mrs. B. F. Cijummer and Dr. Le;
Roy Crummer have returned from a
short visit to Chicago..
Capt. Ralph E. Curti, son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Currl, is home from
Overseas for one month. He has
been with the, Medical regulars.
B erk o w itz 's F urs
Omaha's New Fur IStore
2818 Leavenworth Street.
Presents a notable collection of rare pelts,
developed into authentic modes, and priced con
servatively. ,
' ' - ' .
Alterations Remodeling
J. Berkowitz Fur Co.
(Successor to J. H. Rothholz) ( -
" Music Department. .
Music department, Omaha Wom
an's club will meet Wednesday at
2 p. m. for rehearsal under Mr.
Henry G. Cox, director. An execu
tive committee meeting will follow.
This class numbers about 50 and the
business woman's class which meets
Thursday evening weekly, is about
the same size. A drive will be made
to bring each division . up to 100
members. There is an associate
membership in the Woman's club
provided for those who wish to join
the music department ; also a similar
provision-for any girl who wishes to
enter the evening business woman's
W. C. T. U.
The (executive body of the W. C.
T. U. will meet at the Y. W. C. A.
Wednesday at 2 p m.
School of Commerce. '
The High School of Commerce
Student club will hold its regular
meeting Wednesday afternoon at
3:30: 1 '
H. E. L. P. Club.
The H. E. L. P; club will have
supper Wednesday evening at the
settlement house. Miss Letobski is
instructor of 'dramatic art for the
W. R. C. Convention.
, The seventh annuil convention of
the second district. W. R. C, will be
held Wednesday, October 29, begin
ning at 10 a. m. in the council cham
ber of city hall. All n corps mem
bers are urged to attend. This dis
trict is composed of 14 corps.
Parent-Teachers. " '
A postponed meeting of the par
ents' and teachers' association of the
Henry AV. Yates school will be held
in the school building at 3 p. in..
October 30. All patrons are urged
to come. Talks by Mrs. J. H.
Beveridge and Mrs. Iphn W. Aus
tin followed by an informal tea and
Longfellow Circle.
Longfellow Chautauqua circle-will
meet Thursday evening at 7:30 in
the public library. The lesson will
be from "America Among the Na
tions." Leader, Mrs. W. B. How
ard. Roll call wilLbe responded to
with currentevents.
. Psychology Department.
The psychology department,
Omaha Women's club will meet
Thursday -afternoon at 2:30 at the
Y..-JV." C. A.. Subject, "Muscular
Sensation." Instructor, Dr. D. E.
Jenkins. ' i . '
Westminster Church.
Westminster Presbyterian church
will have i reception for their new
minister and his wife. Dr. and Mrs.
M. R. Land, Thursday night, Octo
ber 30 at 8 p. m., who came here
from Lincoln, 111., a few weeks ago.
Dr. Land spent a year in France dur
ing the, war. Mrs. Land has friends
here, who were classmates with her
in college at Madison, Wis, Dr. A
B. Marshall, Dr. Edwin Jenks and
Frank Anderson will speak. Miss
Luela Anderson, violinist, accom
panied by Miss Sophie Nainska, and
also Mrs. James Houston, vocalist,
will give musical numbers. Hosty
esses: Mesdames Clara E. Sanders,'
William Whitehorn and J. R. Camp
bell. FRIJ3AY. "
B. T. Club R. M. S. '
The B. T. club, Railway Mail
service will meet with Mrs. Charles
Adams, 4030 North Fortieth, Fri
day afternoon.
Eastern Star.
Maple Leaf chapter, Order of the
Eastern Star, will entertain at a
Hallowe'en party at Masonic tem
ple Friday evening, October 31.
South High Club.
The South High Student club will
meet in the club room of the Y. W.
C. A., on Friday . afternoon at 4
o'clock for their first business meet
ing of the year. -
Episcopal Auxiliaries. ' ,
The - woman's - auxiliaries of the
This Space
Brandeis Stores
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