Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 26, 1919, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 16

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Curiosity, Inquisitive, importune
Of secrets, thea with Ilk Infirmity
To pub lick them, kelfc common, female, fault.
And on that check, and o'er that brew,
So aoft, to calm, ytt eloquent, i
Tha amllea that win, the tint that flow.
But tell of daya in f oodnees ipwU ,
Mitt Virginia Offutt arrived home
today from an eastern trip, where
7 he viaited in New York and Bos
ton. Mr. Jack Webster left Wednesday
" for a hunting trip.
:; , Mrf. F,- W.' Clarke and Miss
Helen Clarke are in New York
City where they will spend'a few
weeks. i ,
Colonel ''and Mrs. Frank J. -Madison
of Providence, R. I., were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Bur
gess last week-end. Mrs. Burgess
entertained at luncheon at the Oma
ha club Saturday for Mrs. Madwon,
. when i guests were present.
:.- Mrs. I. M. Raymond,' jr., of Lin
. coin arrived Thursday to spend a
few davs with her sister, Mrs. Ed
ward Creighton. .
Mrs. A. L. Reed and Mrs. Charles
T. Kountze leave the latter part of
1 next week for Excelsior Springs,
where they will spend a couple of
"Mrs. Austin Gailey of Indian
apolis arrived Thursday to visit
' - Mrs. Gailey'f parents, Rev. ' and
Mrs. Thomas Mackay, for several
Mr. Dudley Wolfe,' who landed in
New York a week ago is how at
Rockland, Me., with his mother,
Mrs. Joseph Baldrige. He had been
overseas for two years, having been
in the ambulance service and six
months with the Foreign Legion.
Mr. Wolfe distinguished himself and
has received six decorations for
bravery. . ,
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Reed and
daughter, Miss Erna,- are closing
their home for. the winter and have
taken an apartment at the Black
.'' stone, where they will move- next
Thursday. -
Mrs. Charles K. Coutant Iss pend
ing a few weeks in Omaha and will
be at the Blackstone.
Mr. John Grant and daughter,
Miss Selma Grant of Mead,- Neb.,
have been spending a few days in
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Hopkins ar
rived in Omaha Friday. Mrs. Hop
kins was Miss Louise Hupp before
her marriage. They will make their
home in Omaha.
Miss Pearl Jarvis of California
the guest of Mrs. Nile Booth. ;
Mrs. T. R. Mullen and Miss
Annie Carroll will return in two
weeks from Kansas City where they
were called by the death of Mrs.
Phillip E. Mullen.
Mrs. W. H. Ostenberg and
. daughter, Mrs. Walter Campbell,
left Saturday evening for St. Louis.
They will return by the way pf Chi
cago. : - . t , .i.-ij.-
Miss Eloise Binnis left Thurs-.
day for Seattle for an extended
visit with Miss Lovita Andrews
fnrmrlv of thin citv. Mis BinniS
wilt tour California, before return
ing to Omaha for the holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Douglas
announce the birth of a daughter
Mrs. J. J. Boulter and daughter,
Miss Margaret. Mrs. John T. Wolf
and children of Patterson, Cal., and
Mr. Charles Lee Cocke, jr., are
. viciting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
C. :L. Cocke( of Dundee.
Vf iss Edna Bullock of Lincoln is
visiting in Omaha. .
Miss Almarine Campbell has as
her week-end guests Misses Mildred
Doyle and Marion Risser of Lin
coln and Elizabeth Wier of Grand
Mr. Stockton Heth, who under
went an operation thif week at the
' Clarkson hospital, is reported to be
doing well. '
Mr. and Mrs. C I. Fuller and
Miss Mary Fuller left Tuesday for
Colorado Springs where they were
called by the illness from pneumonia
of Mr. Edward Fuller.
Mr. and Mrs. John Forbes of Ev
anston, 111., formerly of Omaha, ar
rived this morning and will spend
the week-end at the Blackstone.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald McFerron
and baby daughter of Hooperston,
111., arrived Monday to apend a few
weeks with Mrs. McFerron's pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stewart j
Of Council Bluffs.
''Miss Dorothy Oliver of Los'An-
geles arrived yesterday to be the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Trestor for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Wheeler have
returned from a visit to New York.
Miss Elizabeth Black, who has
been visiting in Albion, is now at
the Blackstone. Later in the fall she
' expects to go to California to join
her brother.
Miss Mildred Rhodes, who under-
went an operation last Monday for
- the removal of tonsils is convalesc
ing at her home.
Mrs. Daniel Wheeler, after a visit
in New York City, has gone back to
Burlington, Vt., where she will be
1 with her mother at the Sherwood
. hotel.
Mrs. R. C Howe and daughter,
Miss Marion Howe, left Sunday for
New Yerk City, where Miss Howe
will spend the winter studying piano
' ' with Harold Bauer. After a short
visit, Mrs. Howe will return to
Mrs. Oliver Bonney has gone to
Denver to vifit relatives and friends.
Mrs. J- 1 Howerton returned
.'- Tuesday from Kansas City.
' j HoMt, My Dear!
Man-mulmer we
Must confess
Are oft called Gladys,
Maode, and Tess!
. , Cartoons Magazine.
Tobacco smoke is one of the pet
abominations of the former German that the exiled Wilhelm,
the once most highest, has to go
i into the garden of Castle Bentinck
, J when he wishes to enjoy n cigar
! -r cigarette.
Benson Society
Hallowe'en Dance.
The degree staff of the Belle Re
bekah lodge of I. O. O. F. gave a
Hallowe'en dancing party at the Odd
Fellows' hall last night.
Matinee Party.
Miss Bernice Jackson, niece of
Mrs.. J. W. Welch, entertained a
number of her friends at an Or-
pheum matinee party last Thursday
afternoon. '
Missionary "Society.
The Presbyterian Missionary so
ciety will meet at the home of Mrs.
J. R. Ct others, S649 Ohio street,
next Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. W.
D. Pence is the leader for the pro
gram. Refreshments will be served.
P. E. 0. Sisterhood.
Mrs. N. B. Updike was hostess to
the members of Chapter E, P. E. O.
sisterhood, at her home, 3614 Jack
son street, Thursday afternoon,
when a guest day program was held,
each member having the privilege
of bringing one guest. Mrs. J. W.
Welch was the guest of Mrs. Up
dike. .
Baptist Mission.
The Baptist Tri-City Mission
quarterly will be held at the Olivet
church Friday, October 31. The
business session will be held in the
morning. Luncheon served at 12:30
at 20 cents per plate. In the after
noon Miss Anna Bazel, returned
missionary from Japan, will give an
interesting talk on her work in the
foreign field.
Presbvterian Halloween Party.
The Missionary society of the
Presbyterian church will be hostess
to a Hallowe'en party which will be
held in the church Friday evening,
October 31.
Improvement Club.
The next mee-ting of the West
Btnson Improvement club will be
held Monday evening, November 1,
at. the Benson city halL After the
business session is over the rest of
the evening will be spent in dancing
and social entertainment. Plans are
being, discussed for the erection of
a community center hall in Key
stone park to accommodate Benson
Gardens, Benson Acres and Key
stone park. ,
' Mrs. Howe Entertained.
Mrs. C. C. Howe entertained the
Keystone Park Kensington club
last Thursday afternoon.
Miss Studenroth Hostess. .
Miss Helen Studenroth was
hostess to the Walther league of the
Immanucl Lutheran church at her
home on North Sixty-fifth street
last Tuesday evening. -
Young Hostess.
Dorothv Howard, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. James Howard, enter
tained 12 of her friends at a Hal
lowe'en party last Saturday after
noon at her home, 5504 Main street.
Mrs. Marion Wright died last
Sunday morning after an illness of
a few days. Funeral services were
conducted by Rev. Thomas Ander
son of the Benson 'Baptist church.
Little Dorothy Wheeler, 4-year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter W. Wheeler, 3006 North Sixty
sixth 'street, died at the home last
Saturday morning.
Executive Board Meeting.
At a business meeting of the exe
cutive board of the Benson's
Woman's club, Mrs. W. A. Wilcox
was elected president and Mrs. C.
C. Beavers vice president.
Royal Neighbors.
The Royal Neighbors held their
first meeting of the season last
Thursday night. After the business
was adjourned, a banquet was
Methodist Church.
The Methodist church has pur
chased the adjoining property on
the west, which was formerly its
old church building and will con
vert the Same into class rooms for
its Sunday school, which under the
leadership of Gorton Roth has out
grown the present capacity. A
teachers' training class has been or
ganized and every teachesr in the
school it enrolled.
. Woman's Club. '
The Benson Woman's club met
Thursday afternoon in regular ses
sion, Mrs. W. A. Wilcox presiding.
The program was carried out as
scheduled. Mrs. Thomas Anderson
was hostess.
Community Center Council.
At a meeting Friday night in the
city hall at Benson the Community
Center Council for the coming year
was elected as follows:
J. E. Pine, J. Briton, A. Elsasser,
Mrs. A. Weshli, E. M. Jacob
bergger, Paul Kistler, Mrs. P.
J. Doley's Florence Knudson,
and Dan O' Keefe,
The council will meet at an early
date and elect its chairman and
other officers. A rising vote of
appreciation was extended to Mrs.
F. E. Young, the retiring president.
Talks were made by Commis
sioner Falconer, J. J. Isaacson, and
E. F. Thomas of the war camp com
munity center. '". .
The council is planning an elab
orate program for the winter.
Epworth League Party.
The Epworth league will give a
Hollowe'en social next Tuesday
evening. -
i Personals.
Mrs. K. Hansen, mother of Mrs.
Bert Golden, is seriously ill at the
home of Mrs. Golden, -3337 North
Fifty-ninth street
Mrs. John Dietz of Keystone park
has as her guests her mother, Mrs.
Carmichael, and sister, Ntiss Car
michael of Little Rock, Ark.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice McMichael
have moved into their new home on
Sixty-fourth and Miami streets.
Mrs. N. Dean of Denver is the
guest of Rev. and Mrs. Thomas An
derson. Mr. and Mrs. John Shifbauer have
taken possession of their home on
Sixty-fifth street which they pur
chased three months ago.
Mrs. J. W. Welch of Cherry
Croft has as her guest a niece, Miss
Bernice Jackson, of Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. , Bayley of
Boston were week-end' guests of
Mrs. Bayley's brother, William
Morse and Mrs. Morse.. They have
just returned from a honeymoon
trip to Alaska and points along the
western coast, vand Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. William Langford
have gone to Chicago to meet Mrs.
Jacob Kemmer, mother of Mrs.
Langford, who will return with
them for an extended visit.
R. M. Davidson returned to his
home in San Jose, Cal., after hav
ing spent several weeks at the home
of his niece, Mrs. Charles A. Tracy,
2922 North Fifty-fifth street
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Whistler have
as their guests Mr. and Mrs. War
ren Sisson of San Bernardino, Cal.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Jacobberger
and daughters, Celia and Melba,
were, .entertained at, the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Jacobberger of Dun
dee: last Thursday night. -
Mrs. C C. Beavers attended the
state convention of the Federated
Women's club, which was held in
Fairbury last week. Mrs. Beavers
was a delegate , from the Benson
E C. Hodder has just returned
from a western Nebraska trip.
Those who attended the 36th an
nual sess'ion of Rebekah state as
sembly of I. O. O. F.. at York last
week are as follows: Mr. and Mrs.
E. E. Paddock and Miss Vita Pad
dock, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Golden,
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Rice, Mr. and
Mrs. F. M. McCray and Mrs. E. H.
After having sold his business in
Benson, A. Steinberg and family will
go to California, where they will
make their fnture home.
Powys, to Lecture
for Drama
Scottish Rite Party.
The Scottish Rite Women's club
will give a Hallowe'en dancing party
Friday evening, October 31, for club
members and their escorts. Mem
bers may invite a Scottish Rite
Mason and lady.
Popile ,
308 Lyric Bldf.
Phone Doug. 8704
Borglum Piano School
August M. Borglum and Madame
Borglum (Pupils of Wager Swayne).
Ear Training, Sight Beading and Pub
lie Performance.
Fall Tern Opens Monday, Sept. 8th.
I Clarinetist Emprest Theater s
Teacher of Saxophone mad
- r-i. : - e
Phone Walnut 4518-2.
Piano Studio
22 Arlington Block
( f
Florence Bailer Palmer
FnpUs Prepared for Opera, Church ;
and Concert Positions.
Studio: 3918 Firnam, Omaha, Neb.
Voice Hearing; Free Br Appointment.
Phone Douglas 2548.
Popular Music and Ragtime Piano Playing;
Positively taught in twenty lessons Original Christensen System. Imita
tors can copy the substance of our advertising, but they cannot copy our sys
tem. Christensen schools of popular musie located in all large cities from
"coast to coast." Established in Chicago, 1908. by Alex Christensen,
Phone Walnut 837. Omaha Studio, 4225 Cuming.
Can or Write for Free Booklet.
Instructor at College and Academy of The Sacred Heart
Phone Harney 863
Studio 1243 Baldrige Block, 20th and Fa
Under the auspices of the Drama
League, John Cowper Powys comes
to Omaha to lecture at 4 o'clock
Monday at the Fontenelle on "D'An
nunzio, the Genius of Italy." A
luncheon will be given by the execu
tive board for Mr. Powys at 1
o'clock Monday at the Fontenelle.
Thursday Card Party.
A card party will b given, Thurs
day afternoon, at 2:30 by the St.
Rose parish, 4225 South Thirteenth
Press Club Luncheon.
The Omaha Woman's Press club
will meet for its regular luncheon
Wednesday at 1 o'clock at the
Loyal hotel.
, All Saints Night
On TFriday evening, October 31,
the Girls' Community House, 1716
Dodge street will be the scene of
weird and ghostly revelry. All the
members of the Girls' Community
Service league and co-operating
units are expected to experience a
wonderful metamorphosis and come
forth in the immaterial forms of
ghost, goblin, witch and fairy, in
which intangible, but thrilling exis
tence they will entertain for the
service men of both forts and their
exservice friends.
Among the feaures of the evening
will be a hallowe'en stunt b" the
drmatic class of the Girls' Com
munity Service league which draws
its membership from all units of
the league, assisted by a group of
soldiers and civilians.
A wandering band of gypsies for
merly gifls of the D. T. A. club,
will give an interpretive dance.
Fortune telling, crystal gazing and
dancing will occupy major portions'
of the program.
As the men will not have dis
carded their mortal existence their
appetites, it is supposed, will be as
good as usual. Home-made pump
kin pie and pop corn balls will be
supplied by gnomes "and sprites in
almost limitless quantities.
Miss Helen E. Purcell of the Na
tional headquarters of War Camp
Community Service, spent two days
of this week visiting and investigat
ing the work done by the Girls Di
vision in Omaha. Miss Purcell was
greatly impressed by the growth of
the work.
The number of girls enlisted for
service has been increased to such
extent that the Community House
at Seventeenth and Dodge streets is
one of the most popular places in
the city.
Classes in dramatics, folk dancing,
music and athletics and cooking
have been organized. The eager
nesswith which the young ladies
take up this sort of work is the best
evidence that Community Service of
this sort is greatly needed.
Mr. C B. Root spent the latter
part of the week in Kansas City. He
is investigating the work in that city
and conferring with a committee
from national headquarters regard
ing the future of the service in
Omaha. y
The attention of exservice men is
called to the fact that blank forms
for the Minnesota bonus are on
hand at the Army and Navy club.
Those who are entitled to the bonus
should make application at once.
Mr. C. A. Levings, director of the
Army and Navy club, addressed the
war mothers at the court house
Thursday evening. He explained
war risk insurance and requested
the assistance of the ladies in en
couraging exservice men to hold
on to their insurance,
.- Schedule.
Sunday. October 26 Ooen house
at the Girls' Community House for
soldiers, sailors and marines, 4:30 to
6:30 p. m. Girls of the Community
Service league hostesses, chaperoned
by Mrs.'N. S. Wallace. .
Monday, October 27 Full re
hearsal for the Hallowe'en stunt, 7:30
p. m., at Girls' Community house.
Tuesday, October 28 Cluga club
supper and volley ball gariie at
Girls' Community house, 6 p. m.
Dance at Fort Omaha given by the
H-E-L-P and KKK clubs.
Wednesday, October 29 The Pa
triot club supper and Kensington at
the Girls' Community house, 5 p. m.
Wamm club supper at 6 p. m. at
Girls' Community house. Esthetic
dancing class. Girls on the floor at
8 o'clock sharp. Cooking class at
Central high school, 6 p. m.
Thursday, October 30 Ki-To-San
club supper at the Community house,
6 p. m. D. F. S. supper at the Com
munity house at 6 p. m. KKK pop
corn party at the Community house,
7:30 p. m. Cluga club meeting at
the Community house for decorating
the house for the Hallowe'en party.
Dance at the Army and Navy club,
Joan of Arc and Patriot clubs.
Friday, October 31 Cooking class
at the Central high school at 6 p. m.
Hallowe'en party at the Girls' Com
munity house for men in uniform
and American 'Legion men at 8
o'clock. Stunts and dancing, pie and
pop corn balls, given by members f
the Girls' Community Service league
and co-operating units.
Saturday, November 1 Dance at
the Girls' Community house, Cluga
and Beebee clubs. Dance at the
Army and Navy club, given by
American Legion men.
Gray Hair Ended
. In From 4 to 8 Day
Science has dis
covered the way
for restoring hair
to Its natural col
or. It is offered to
women in Mary
T. Goldman's Sci
entific --Hair Color
Restorer. -And
women use this
scientific- hair
e o 1 o r restorer
with the nm
freedom they do powder. Simply comb Mary
T. Goldman's through the hair. In from 4
to 8 days every gray hair will be gone.
Scientific Hair Color Restorer
- This Test Convince
Send the coupon for a trial bottle and
eur special comb. Be sure and give the
exaet color of jour hair. Try it on a
lack of hair. Compare the results, and
the pleasure of using with the old way.
Send in the coupon now.
1407 Goldman Bldg., St. Paul, Minn.
Ameet Ne Imitations For Sale by Orugglits
I MaryT. "ooldnun )4S7 fieldmaa Bldg.. St.
' Paul, Minn.
Please send ma your tree trial bottlt of Miry
T. Goldman's Hair isilor Beatorer with special
enmb. I am not ohlliated in any wit by av-
icepttnf this free offer. The naturaal color of
my hair Is black let black...... dark
brown. ... meaium orowu.... ugub -utuwu,
Co State
Hardware Dept.
Come in this week and look at
our line of stoves, large combina
tion stoves and gas range, white
enamel back; price $89.50. Four
hole cook stove, $26.50; heating
stove, $16.50; laundry stoves,
$7.65; stove boards, $1.65 to
$2.80; coal buckets, 45c; fire
shovels, 15c; stove pipe, joint,
25c; perfection heater, $6.25;
electric heaters, $10(50; a very
good broom, 49c; two-hole gas
plate, $3.65.
1 7th and Howard, Flatiron Bldg.
Best Way to Wash the Hair
We find you can bring out the
beauty of your hair to its very best
advantage by washing it with can
throx. It makes a very simple, in
expensive shampoo, which cleanses
the hair and scalp thoroughly of all
the dandruff, dirt and excess oil,
leaving a wonderfully clean, whole
some feeling. After its use you will
find that the hair dries quickly and
evenly, is never streaked in appear
ance and is always bright, soft and
fluffy; so fluffy, in fact, that it
looks more abundant than it is, and
so soft that arranging it becomes a
pleasure. Just use a teaspoonful of
canthrox, which you can get from
any good druggist's, dissolve it in a
cup of hot water; this makes a full
cup of shampoo liquid, enough so
it is easy to apply it to all the hair
instead of just the top of the head.
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