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Because Omaha will start on a new era of development
when the citizens construct this big permanent exposition.
Because it will add td our population and business
by bringing hundreds of thousands of people
here annually who will spend millions of dollars.
Visitors Will Stay, and Buy
Many of them will decide to locate here,
or to buy property here, or to establish them- '
selves in business, or to buy Omaha goods.
i:f fThis new business will mean the expan
sion of all Omaha business firms, as well as
the establishment of new ones.
Exposition to Lead the Way
The exposition will stimulate civic pride. This
will spread to all lines of community development
Every project for the betterment of the city will be
. carried forward with the Ak-Sar-Ben Exposition as
; a model. '
It's Your Business
You can help make Omaha a big city of
500,000 and help increase your own business,
thus adding to your present profits, salary or in
come. . , ,
You will buy Ak-Sar-Ben Exposition stock,
not alone for any dividends itnay pay, but for
the larger dividends that will come to you from
the increased business which the exposition will
bring to Omaha and to you.
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