Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 25, 1919, Page 7, Image 7

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Miss Clara Williams to Give
Operatic Selections Audi
torium Is Grandly
The itige it all set for the open
ing of the big Pure Food show at
the Omaha Auditorium tonight, un
der the auspices of the Omaha Re
tail Grocers' association. J. J.
Cameron, secretary of the asso
ciation and manager of the show,
with a corps of assistants, has been
working night and day so that every
thing will K in raHinca wh,fl th
' " " "V 111 H HUM.VWB ... w
doors are thrown open.
According to Mr. Cameron, the
food show will offer the most com
prehensive display of food products
ever held in this country. All hopes
oi the retail grocers have been sur
passed in the number of distinctive
ly different food products which will
be exhibited and demonstrated.
Almost every known commodity
of the modern grocerestablishment
will have i place in the display
booths, the commonest of staple ar
ticles to the fanciest of fancy gro
ceries. "We really are surprised at our
success in getting exhibits," said
Mr. Cameron. "When we started
to work on the show we had hopes
of beating all former marks, but the
results have more than justified our
faith, for I do not believe a better
and more varied display of food
products ever has been held in this
country. Our show may not be the
biggest food show ever held, but' I
believe it will be the best."
A big staff of decorators was at
work on the Anditorium today and
will continue unil the show opens to
night, so that the interior scheme
will be complete. Special decora
tions are being made. The 87 dis
play booths already are in place and
exhibitors are busily getting ready
their displays.
Special Opening Features.
Special features will mark the
grand opening tonight. Mills' or
chestra will give a special musical
program and Miss Clara Wiliams,
who wil sing each afternoon and
night, has arranged to feature her
opening night program with special
According to Mr. Cameron, the
Omaha snow will be a record
breaker.1 It will be a mark for re
tail grocers' associations in othtr
riris in ihnn, at n4 th Omaha
man believes they will have to shoot
a long time to equal the score.
Brief City News
WMtliCT Strip Hlffla Mfg. 0 AdT.
Have Root Print It-rBeacon Presa
Elactrl Waaben-BaroH-QrandM Co.
Sues 'Theater Company Mrs.
Louis Moseley has filed suit for $15,
000 damages In district court against
the Empress Theater company, al
leging injuries sustained in the hall
way of the Empress theater on the
night of June 35. She asks $15,000
damages. '
Time One Hour later At I a m.
Sunday October 28, the Burlington
g:so p. m. tram tor Chicago will
leave Omaha Saturday night, Octo
ber 2J, one hour later, or 7:80 p. m..
Departure as usual at 8:10 p. m.,
commencig Sunday evening. Bur
lington night train for Kansas City
leaves Omaha Saturday night oly, at
11:45 p. m. Departure at 10:45 p.
m. as usual, commencing Sunday.
No. 9-43, for Denver and Billings,
leaves Omaha Sunday morning only,
at 1:20 sl m., instead of 12:20 a. m.;
sleepers available at 10 p. iu. as
usual. Information, details, etc., at
Consolidated Ticket office, telephone
Douglas 1884, or at Burlington depot,
telephone Douglas 3580. ,
Personal Injury Suit Alleging
that she sustained severe Injuries
because of a fall on August 12 when
she tripped over a hinge to an Iron
shutter over the sidewalk In front of
property at Sixteenth and Leaven
worth streets, owned by Emil F. M.
Leflang, Sophia Lavelll, cook, has
filed suit in district court asking
$10,000 damages.
Brazil Exports Much Corn
Buenos Aires, Oct. 24. News
papers here give prominence to the
Kiuwiug cApuruiuun oi corn,
mates being made that it now is
going on at a rate of 100,000 tons a
week. Large quantities are going to
United States, Italy, France anJ
Wants Marriage Annulled;
Thought She Was Divorced
Mildred P. Austin, who was mar
ried August 13, 1919. to Jay LeRoy
Austin in Omaha, has filed a petW
Hon in district court asking that her
marriage be annulled, j ,
She alleges that she was married
to' Leo Henry McKeever in Sioux
City in April, 1914, but that he de
serted her the following October,
saying that he was going to get a
divorce from her. "
She claims she thought the di-
rce had been obtained, but find-
ing that it has not, she requests an
nulment of her marriage to Austin.
Flatiron Bldg., 17th and Howard.
cee want as nre ine nest busi
ness Boosters. ,
Getting Bigger, Too.
See Them on Pag 8.
Genuine Glove Leather
Coats Aviator Style
Belted tQC
Models. teJu
Reversible Gabardine
See our windows for
the latest displays of
Suits and Overcoats.
Get Inside One of These
Big Value Luxurious
Men, there's sure a pile of comfort and warmth in
one of these Palace Overcoats. They add to a fel
low's appearances, (they're practical, and just the
sort of coats you need.
Great Ulster Coats, Storm Coats, Belted and
Waist Seam Coats; all the leading colors; plenty of
practical, serviceable coatings and a site for every
body. , ,
Drop Into the Pal
ace Saturday and
slip Into one of
'hese overcoats,
you'll be surprised
at the values.-
( 1 w
1 i "
! " :
; A Sensational h$ W ? rV fi
k SUIT Ifp
S sTB sT
ISO Is a mighty small price
to pay for suits of this char
acter and you'll admit t
when you see them Saturday.
Waist seam and belted
model suits, conservative
suits, double and slnsle-
' . reasted suits, all the leading
Palace Trouser Special
Worsted Trousers neat
patterns all sizes, worth
14.00, choice. Saturday
200 Pairs Worsted Trousers
Clever .patterns neat fit
ting, all sizes; regular 5
values. Saturday
Boys' All Wool Mackinaws
Norfolk models, lively
plaids, well made coats,
all sizes. Omaha's biggest
values Saturday at
Boys9 Overcoats
Urnrilv warm overcoats S&
tviM of the hoar. Just the
sort that will stand the se
vere usage to which the av
erage boy puts them. Big val
ues at
Juvenile Overcoats
Clever styled overcoats for
the little fellow from 3 to 8
years; nifty patterns. Big
values at
- ' Dependable
These Sterling Values Spell Economy
and Saving in CAPITAL LETTERS.
-jv This Is a most
- wonderful offering.
Substantial school
Suits of durable fab
rics In all sorts of
nobby patterns and
styles tailored in
"the strongest possi
ble manner are of
fered .here at only
S6.9S and 19.98.
Come, get your boy
a suit at a great sav
ing. ' .. '
" . " " " '""
Pure Stick
Bring the (Children to Bjifgess-Nash
It Is Their Day Here
TO all the young folks and their mothers who have reserved Saturday for getting out
fitted for winter, this store offers special values that makes it a day of importance.
We are ready with every need that a girl or boy may have from the sturdy little
kindergarten tot to their big brothers and sisters in high school or college.
Now Is a Splendid Time to Decide Upor the
Girls Winter Coats and Dresses
These economy wise mothers who count the value of a full season's wear fully appreciate the ad-:
vantages of providing daughter's wardrobe early. Especially when such excellent values are offered as
these -s , i -.
Dainty Dresses for School Wear
$12.95 to $65.00 v v
The girls from 6 to 17 have been well taken care of in the selection of dresses, for there is such
a great assortment of styles, description is impossible. Made of:
; Serge, Tricotine, Satin, Velvet, Georgette, Tricolette, Etc.
In the new straight line effects in, blues, blacks, browns, etc.; some embroidered in black, others
in contrasting colors. Combinations of georgette with taffeta or satin, wool jersey combined with trico
lette, make most effective dresses for the younger miss.
Children's Winter Coats, $12.95 to $75
The children will be well pleased with these handsome coats of broadcloth, velour, silvertone, chin
chilla and bolivia for ages 6 to 17 years. Some are plain, others trimmed in fur, such as beaver, gray
wolf and raccoon. Also plush and velvet Priced $12.95 to $75.00., (
For the Children
20c pkg.
The children will want some
good candy over Sunday. Try
the delicious rotary kisses at
60c lb.
Italian Creams 69c lb.
BurffMS-Nah Co. Main Floor
For boys and girls
from 10 years up
Stevenson Kidnaped. v
Richard Harding Hans stories
for boys.
Pier Boys at St. Timothy.
Blanchard Glad Lady.
Richard's Hildegarde books.
BurfMt-Nuh Co. Third Floor
Union Suits at
Boys' and girls' white and
natural color wool plaited union
suits, drop seats. Sizes up to
16 years for . $1.75 as a Chil
dren's Day special. " N
Burf Mi-Nash Co. Main Floor
School Supplies
Special for
Saturday Only
Crayon, 3-X, 10c box. -Milton
Bradley or Prang
paints, 29c.
Leather book straps, 10c
School bags, 25c and 40c.
Universal note books, 5e.
School tablets, large count,
Slates, 20c and 25c.
Pencil boxes, 20c.
Burf eat-Nuh Co. Main Floor
Blue Serge Middies
Priced at $8.95
For the girls from 8 to 14 years
of age.
New Wool Jersey Smocks
$19.50 to $22.50
The new and popular garment favored by the juniors
from 12 to 17 years. They are embroidered in beautiful
contrasting colors and are priced from $19.50 to $22.50.
Doll Clothes Sewing Class Saturday Morning
On the Fourth Floor--From 10 to 12
, Bring your dolls here Saturday and make them a new dress, apron, coat or underwear.
Every Saturday the little girls bring their dolls here and we show them how to make tiny
little dresses. This Saturday we are expecting a greater attendance than ever before, and have made
preparations to accommodate and teach as many as can come so plan to be here at 10 o'clock and stay
until 1 2, and bring your friends with you. Mother will probably like to come and watch, so don't
forget to ask her also. .
Everyone, Is Planning
for '
If you haven't, begin Satur
day by selecting your favors,
games, table decorations, invi
tations, etc., from our large se
lection of novelties in our Sta
tionery section. j
Bursess-Naah Co. Main Floor '
Girls' Mary Jane
Hair Bows
35c to $1.00
These bows are made in 1 and
2-yard lengths, in plain and
fancy taffetas, such as stripes,
checks,'- plaids and beautiful
floral designs in many pretty
Also plain and fancy school
hair ribbons at 50c a yard.
Burfttt-Nath Co. Main Floor
Your Unrestricted Choice of Any Girl's Hat
. In Our Stock Saturday at
y 2 Price
y afa
SCHOOL girls may choose their hat Saturday from a
" large selection of styles that were carefully chosen
in anticipation of their wishes. There are
and you may have choice of the entire lot at exactly hi price.
Burr eM-Naih Co. iStcond Floor.
' Stockings 45c
Boys' and girls' fine quality
black cashmere hose in all sizes,
specially priced at M price, 45c
a pair.
Burf MS-Nuh Co. Main Floor
Hair Bobbing
The way a child's hair is cut
is a very noticeable feature of
its appearance. Mothers will
be delighted with the style
which the youngsters will get
in our Men's Barber Shop on
the Fourth Floor.
We Have ' Reduced the Price of
Educator Shoes for Children
As a Special Children's Day Feature
THE Children's Shoe Section have announced that they have
reduced the price of Educator shoes for one day only these .
are the shoes that let the children's feet grow as they should so
do not fail to take advantage of these special prices for Saturday
and purchase for future wear.
Dull calf button Educator shoes.
Black kid button Educator shoes.
Patent leather Educator shoes.
Sizes 6 to 8 reduced to $4.45.
Sizes BYz to 11 reduced to $4.95.
Sizes lllz to 2 reduced to $5.45.
Burfua-Naih Co. Second Floor.
efMi Burg
Boys' Two -Pants Suits Are
Featured at $12. 95-Fourth Floor
A ND certainly no worthier suits are to be found at this pricing, as
mothers and fathers will know Saturday.-
These suits are splendidly made to withstand, hard wear and are
good Quality material and cut on the latest lines. ,
Other suits priced up to $30.00.
Boys' and Children's
We have a very large selection of boys' and chil
dren's overcoats in blues, browns and 1 gray mix
tures, made on very stylish models. Priced
$9.95 to $35.00
Boys' Mackinaws at $9 $5
Just the garment for school wear on the cold
winter days. There is a large assortment to delect
Burfws-Ntih Co Fourth Floor