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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1919)
y Imported Crepe de Chine , Silk Handkerchiefs For Women 35c Values 19c 1 Come with fancy colored borders and plain and checked centers and also the plain colors in all the new shades. Women's 25c Irish Printed Novelty Handkerchiefs, 19c. Main Floor 1 I Ak'SarBen Exposition visitors will spend millions of dollars in Omaha. Sub scribe for stock. ARS THB PACB aS?-tS K2CR0W1NC OMASA your home to the Neb. State Teachers Assn. Conven Hon, Nov. 5 f 6, 7. . A NEW VEIL Just Arrived. Notable Values in Women's Silk Hosiery BE C 0 M INGLY smart and quit the rogue ara thest V Pricings About "33 Below Regular, ' T URE SILK HOSE, LISLE m, I " "MMa m m I1 f lHMairi"''riaiii IB Wr""lTiM"r ' UMai"fl I n fi 1 I L TOPS, silk to the knee, lisle soles, black, white and all the wanted shades. Irregulars of 3.00 grade, specially priced, per pair, at 2.00. PURR SILK HOSE, SEMI FASHIONED, lisle gar ter tops, double soles, heels and toes, in black, white and colors, and also the fancy lace and drop stitch effects, worth up to 2.00, for "1.25. Possible Because of Special Purchases I INE LISLE HOSE, double PURE SILK AND FIBER SILK HOSE, semi-fash--v ioned, lisle tops. double soles, heels and toes, in lace effects, also the, plain colors and black and white.x Some are seconds of a J. 50 value. Priced at 796. hemmed tops, double soles, heels and toes, in black, white and cordovan. This lot is comprised of hose that have slight imperfections. Worth 65c, - but selling for 35e new veils as illm trated. A plain or pleated satin band at tha neck and the veil throws upward over the hat. Priced, 1.50 to 3.50 Millinery Dept. Second Floor iMSSSSSgSSEEg Main Floor iVi::yiy- ' f -J., i ' ?Mv$ir Win- ' I " t i High Grade Fall and Winter' Suits A One-Fourth Price Reduction For Clearance Beautiful, high-class, imported reproductions, elaborate fur-trimmed, embroidered, dressy mod els developed in Duvetyne Marvello, Peau de Pache and Peachbloom cloths. Ladies and Misses' Suits, presenting the fa vored models of the season at one-fourth reduction. VlNMMHMaHMKawlMUiattUJ J GLOVES That Lend Elegance to the New Costume convey the idea of a saving that may be made by purchasing now. - 1 Navy Peau De Pache Opossum Trim, was $325.00, now $243.75 1 Brown Peau De Pache Sable Squir rel Trim, was $415.00, now 311.25 1 Dragon Fly Blue Duvetyni Hudson Trim, was $298.00, - . now 223.50 1 Brown Peach Bloom Mole Trim, ' , was $215.00, now 161.25 1 Navy Embroidered Beaver Trim, was $250.00, now 187.50 1 Navy Duvetyne, Long Coat, Hudson Trim, was $369.00, now 276.75 J Various Other Suits, Offered at Price Reductions in Proportion. ' in groups including Velour, De Lalne, Tricotines, Broad cloths, Silvertones and Peachbloom in lovely shades, brown, taupe, navy and dragon fly blue, prices range '$98.00 119.00 125.00 " Second Floor I . In the face of a perceptible scarcity of high-grade gloves, women will find, more than ordinary complete stocks here. Gloves, correct in style and color. Our foresight in making early purchases not only enables us to as semble complete lines, but to also quote prices that are from 20 to 33 below present day market values. Gloves of Real Arabian Mocha, Silk lined or unlined, in' the most wanted shades of field mouse, castor and gray. Heavy embroidered backs, seams P. K. Two-clasp style wrist, splendidly finished with leather welt at wrist, per pair, $4.25. , Cape Suede Gloves, P. X. M. seam, heavy two-toned em broidered backs, clasp styles, in shades of oxford, field mouse and cas tor, at, per pair, $3.00. Real imported Cape Gloves, with P. X. M.- seams. Some have spear point backs and self-stitched, serviceable shades of African and English tan. Very special at, per pair, $2.50. ' Slip-On Silk Gloves, the popular slip-on style, extra heavy Milanese silk, heavy embroidered backs, adjustable strap at wrist, in best shades of navy, brown and ox ford, all with double tipped fingers, at, per pair $2.50. Real Chamoisette Gloves, self or two-toned, embroideredUacks, in shades of castor, oxford, brown, mastic, white and black. Very special, at, per pair, $1.00. V -Main Floor Very Special Saturday Choice of the House; Sale of Millinery The Season's Most Exclusive Styles; Choice, One Price, l dftfl , At $ 1 It is hardly necessary o dwell upon the beauty of these hats and the extraordinary op portunity presented for the purchase of a new hat in this, event Saturday. We need only say that they comprise the season's most exclusive styles, many of which are Original Pattern Hats from Hyland, Gage, Bruck-Weiss, Belnor and other prominent NewYork houses. They consist of the large Hats of Lyons' Velvet, of Hatters' Plush, rim with soft tan, crowns of Duvetyne in all the various shades, with ' Trimmings of Ostrich, Monkey Fur, etc Small draped Turbans and all Gage Bros.' Banded Sailors included. In" fact, choice of the house with one exception, and that is Fur Hats. "Second Floor The Quality of Exclusiveness : Charming Coats In Extensive Variety DAILY NEW ADDITIONS to our stockssinake most complete assortments from which to make selection. CLOTHS IN VARIETY, Silvertones, combine lovely color tones, rich Evoras, Peachbloom and Duvetyne. Soft, warm, lovely, materials, lending to graceful drapings and Dolman or cape type wraps. ' , ELABORATE FUR TRIMMINGS, Collars, Bandings, ! Ornamental Pockets and Cuffs. COLORS FAVOR Browns, Pompeian and Rust, Dragon fly and Navy Blues, Reindeer, Taupes and Beaver. PRICES RANGE $69.00, 85.00, 125.00 to 350.00 Special Priced Groups of Excellent Values S Fur-trimmed and tailored, splendid models in variety cloths , $29.75 7$49.00 y Second Floor ,..:-.,.. Plff f ML I i Toilet Necessities And Drugs at Special Prices Our Drug Department is always busy and we attribute it to two conditions -first, because of the completeness of our stocks and second, because of special prices we are enabled to quote through extra large purchases. CuUx Cuticle Re mover, 35c size, 29c P h e Tooth Paste, 60c sise, 39c Amend Faeo Pow der, 60c size, 87c. D. A R. Cold Cream, 60c size, 42c' Woodbury Facial Soap, 26c size, 19c Odorono, 30e size, bottle, 21c MenthoUtum, B0c size jar, 37c Nob Spi, a deodor ant, 60c size, 35c X & X Talcum Pow der, 26c size, 16c Eaargine, a plendid dry cleaner, 36c size, 24c S. S. S., special, the 1.00 size, 83c Muliified Cocoaaut, Oil, 60c size, 42c Nux and Iron Tab lets, 1.00 size bot tle at 59c Bronte Seltzer, tbe 60c size, - 45c Semprajr GioTine, 60c size bar, 49c Marenello Face Pow der, 60c size, 49c LyoI, specUl, the 60c size, 42e Merck' Sugar of : Milk, 1.00 size, 71c Palm OHt Soap, 1 doi. bats for 98c Or, per bar, 8 He Main Floor Pond's Tooth Paste, v 85c size, 27c U 1 7 p t o Ointment, 26c size, 19c Dressing Combs, the 26c and 86c grades, 19c Powder Puffs, woo! or velour, 60c grade, 29c Pirer's La Treflo or Azurea Perfume, regular 1.76 oz. quality, 1.25 Pirer's Fl o r a m y o Face Powder, reg ular 1.76 quality, 1.48 Water Bottles, i less red rubber, special, 88c Knit Underwear at Less Regular Prices Women's Fleece Lined and Heavy Ribbed Cotton Union Suits, in alL styles in low neck and sleeveless, half sleeves and Dutch 'neck and high neck and long sleeves. All sizes and all are of ankle length, 1.75 values. Priced, per suit, at 1.25. . Women's Winter Union Suits of Silk and Wool and All-Wool, from the famous Thos. Dalby(and For est Mills makes, all of fine Me rino wool, some are interwoven with silk. These ; garments are full fashioned with flat-lock seams in any style and size that rr x i p i . cAWTSTi you may want, $o values, rncea ; specially at 3.50. " Silk Lisle Union Suits for Women; Marvel fit, Kayser grade ; reinforced where wear is greatest and finished with tailor band top and cuff knee, in white and flesh and all sizes, 2.50 values. Very specially priced, at 1.69. t Silk Top Union Suits for Women, made in fine quality of glove silk top and lisle trunks. All knee lengths, 2.50 values. Priced at 1.69. "-Third Floor aTO 1 Have our Expert Corsetieres fit you with a Candy Special! R N. PRACTICAL Front Lace Corset JUST in from California is a de licious line of Candied Fruits in jellied form, dusted in sugar nd so fresh and wholesome that you can hardly distinguish them from the fruits themselves. Boxed as follows : Figs, Apricots, Figbuds and Oranges 39c a Box Main Floor This is a corset that is different from any other front-laced corset. It eliminates all cor set troubles when it is adjusted on the figure, thereby giving it the fashionable lines; it keeps all other undergarments in their proper places at the same time just the corset for complete comfort.' These corsets are made in an assort ment of models to suit every type, and the mate rials are of good, strong white and pink coutil, v --... v - , Priced at from . Third pink mercerized broche and pink silk brocades, and guaranteed for long service. They are re markable values and if. they were sold at their regular price they would be far greater prices than those we offer them at for Saturday's sell ing. Ask to see the P. N. Practical Front Lace Corset with the inner elastic shield and support er. Priced from 4.50 to 10.00. P. Nt Corsets in the back-lace styles in the popular topless and low bust styles. y , 2.00 to 5.50 Floor Hair Nets Very Special! REAL Human llair Nets, best quality. These nets are in fringe style and ,all colors, some cap shape, at, very special, 1 10c Each Notion Dept., Main Floor CAtL Practical Front Cbntt