THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1919. 15 LSha waa Etas' Mi-h pt may I Saa was paathra met than aialancaaly, od aarioua awra thaa praahra, aod aaraae. t may ba, awra thaa aithar. Tit jbK kars4 virglna avar wad ' " With aarasaa af na aert at adueatiaa, - -7 V Or ftatlen&ia who, thsuia wall -bora aait ar4, I! Grow ttr4 af adaatifla caavanatlaau . ' Suffered no III Effects. Jin an Arkansas river town built largely on reclaimed land most of the houses had to be built on pillars four or five feet above ground. One resident with a longer head tkan his neighbors inclosed the space under his house with pickets and in the pen thus made he kept a drove of scrawny hogs. "Do yon think that it is sanitary " healthful to keep your hogs under the house like that?" he was asked. ' "Aw, I don't know, stranger. I recken so," replied the native, and hitched up his overalls. "Never notice anv bad effects , from itr "W'y, no," he drawled. "Ibeen akeep'n my hawgs there for 14 years and never lost a hawg." Harper's J Magazine. - CLUBDOM I . Registration. This is the last day for registration- of those who wish to take part in the election of November 4. Election Commissioner Moorhead cava rffiutratinn of women has hm vrrv atrnner the last few davs. About 500 were in Thursday. His office in the court house win oe open till 9 p. m. Friday. Mrs. Cameron Entertains. Members of the Omaha Woman's club who are attending the state convention of the state convention of the Nebraska federation at Fair bury, were entertained at dinner Thursday evening by Mrs. M. D. Cameron at Hotel Mary Etta. Convention Fun. Two club women were talking at the Fairbury convention, N. F, W. C. One was a retiring secretary who has had an enormous amount of correspondence to handle during - NOTICE. All dub notices for the Sunday paper must be in the office by 5 p. m. Friday. Mail them to the club editor or call either Tyler 1000 or 3479. her incumbency, just expired. You seem as glad to retire from office as though you were getting out of use yvaia tiu - ' - am getting away from the pen, you know," came the rejoinder. Mrs. Merrill Lectures. Mrs. Anthony French Merrill vill give the first of a series of lectures entitled x"The New Era" at the Blackstone Wednesday morning, November S. The sixth and last of the series will be given on Decem ber 10. This liberal allowance is made on any old machine you may hare; bo matter what its condition Apply H, on a new "WHITE; pay balance $5 a month. Write, phone or eall TODAY! MICKELS 15th AND HARNEY Phone Douglas 1973 SOCIETY Box Parties for Foot Ball. Amonar those who will nminv a - ----- jr J ooxes at tne big toot ball games, Creighton - Marquette, Nebraska State-Oklahoma State nnivrsitv- at Rourke park Saturday, October 25, are: T. F. Kannady John Redlck jonn juaaaan o. M. Smith J. E. Davidson A. A. Lohmann Howard H. Baldric George Brandels A. E. Burr T. C. Byrno Ralph Van Orsdal H. V. Burkley Charlea J. Beaton Mr. Rothaonlld W. D. Hoiford i Qane Malady Salnuel Burna . R. T. Burna Lawrence Brlnker R. E. Karla E. H. Ward, . Charlea M. Carvey Mra, A. L. Reed Denman Kountze Everett Buckingham Frank McDermott Frank W. Judion One box will be occupied by Ne braska State university regents, Chancellor Avery, Dean Buck and members, of the state university faculty. Another box will be occu pied by the officials and faculty of Creighton university. Archbishop Harty will occupy the Brandeis box. era 1 fob vooto vwMH&Jyj-Jry V ' Wt WIIL OIVI YOU u so n I J roo youbocd machine tVxN ' f m wc wia givi vou a 1 1 U BFQgYcjjBOlOMAtMlttt Dr. Edvrards' Olive TabletsGet at the Cause and Remove It Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets, the sub stitute for calomel, act gently on the bowels and positively do the work. People afflicted with bad breath find quick relief through Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets. The pleasant, sugar-coated tablets are taken for bad breath by all who know them. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets act gen tly but firmly on the bowels and lives, stimulating them to natural action, dealing the blood and gently purifying the entire system. They do that which dangerous calomel does without any of the bad after effects. .All the benefits of nasty, sickening, piping cathartics are derived from Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets without gripingjainor any disagreeable effects. Dr. F. M. Edwards discovered the formula after seventeen years of prac tice among patients afflicted with bowel and fiver complaint, with the attendant bad breath. Olive Tablets are purely a vegetable compound mixed with olive oil; you will know them by their olive color. Take one or two every night for a week and note the effect 10c and 25c Lovelorn BY BEATRICE FAIRFAX. Echo to "Heart Beats' ' To A. K. The instrument, A. K., which you control Appears to be a sort of seismograph Employed upon the editorial jtaff To mark the agitations of the soul. Sometimes we find ambition at its goal; . Again, the palpitations of a laugh; Or, it may be a living epitaph We note upon your necromantic scroll. 'Tis said that Argus had a hundred eyes, And these, transplanted on a peacock's tail, Saw only things between the earth and skies. Your hundred-pointed pen can pierce the veil Of secrecy behind the heart's disguise, Disclosing to the world its checkered scale. W. H. Note: The author writes poetry to A. K. in appreciation of Heart Beats, and remains unknown except tor the signature, W. H. (SEE Moral Support. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha See: I just read Blond' and Brunettes let ter to you. I live quite neair- Scotts bluff and I certainly asrree with you about inserting the period after crazy. inere are uireiiei;iauio places run in connection with such cafes and any girl who would ever consider such a proposition should be classed as one crazy. It seems to me that if more, people would use a little common sense of their own it would be a lot less trouble to you and they, also, would be better off. I am a Bin, just the age or Bionae and Brunette, and I can't under stand why they would even con sider It, especially when there are Japs concerned; that alone would make me suspicious as for being crazy about good looking Japs de liver me! I certainly think your advice Is solendld. and if the ones asking advice only had a small per cent of your common sense, the world would be better off. GOLDEN HAIR. T P. S. I hope Blond and Bru nette will see this. I'd like them. to know what I think of them. . Suspicious. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I am a boy of 18 and In love with a girl of 17. I have been' writing to and going with this girl for two years. We were going to be mar ried once arid decided to wait until we were older. Now she is writing to another boy who is away in school and sometimes goes with another boy here in town. when I ask her If she loves me she says yes, and says she will mar ry me when she is through school. Do you really think this girl loves me as she saya she does? Tours truly, BROWNT. If the girl doesn't love you, 'you will find it out unmistakably sooner or later, and in the meantime the very best .thing you can do to en courage her to care for some other fellow is to be suspicious. Girls 17 year old have been known to change their minds about fellows, but unless you know the girl has a habit of lying, I don't see why you should doubt her word. Brokenhearted Mother. Dear Mfss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: I have been reading your advice, so I am coming to you for help. Is there a hospital In Lincoln or Omaha for poor people. I am ex pecting to be sick and my husband and I both work hard trying to make both ends meet Could you ive me the address of some lady doctors in i.incoin i xi bo, please uo. Hoping to see . the answer in the paper soon as possible. A BROKENHEARTED MOTHER. Many hospitals take care of worthy people, but that is a matter RED CROWN GAUN1e JPBDPOB I I I I I I I BED CROWN 6ASOUNE 1 I l 1 I I : nnooonna At Filling Time-Look for the Red Crown Sign Tourislvor truck driver, you'll get the same quick accommodating service. The location of the Red Crown Service Stations, the uni form dependable quality of their products, the courteous efficient manner in which those products are distributed all are .designed to relieve motorists from any trouble or incon venience in re-fueling. Bed Crown Gasoline is clesji-burmfig, power packed motor fuel. Gives mileage satisfaction. Bay it by name, talarlne Oil provides' perfect lubrication for any car. ' Keepa your motor young and powerful. For sale at the sign of the Red Crown. x STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) V :'' ' " i OMAHA SERVICE STATIONS: 18th and Cam . 18th and Coming . 18th and Howard i 12th and Jackson 23th and Harney 39th and Farnam 20th and Ames 45th and Grant 50th and Dodge 14th and I South Side 24th and O South Side 30th and Tucker J Florence you would have to take up with the institution Itself. Write the State Board of Control at Lincoln, telling them what you have told me. They may be able to suggest means for helping you. Also consult the coun ty commissioners In the county where you have your residence. A woman about to become a mother is entitled to the best skill that the medical profession J affords, whether she be rich or poor, and especially If in addition to the , normal anxiety she is harrassed with the cost of living to a point where any extraor dinary expense becomes a terror, and life is a 'fearful thing. This Is only one side, however. The new life will be a great blessing and hap piness to you.. If you are not able to make satisfactory arrangements for care, write me again, and be of good cheer, for there are plenty of good people in this good old world to take care of the other good and worthy people in it. Send me your name and I will send you names of women doctors in Lincoln. The Girl He Left Behind. Dear Miss Fairfax, Omaha Bee: Have read your answers In The Bee most every day and now am coming to you ror advice. I am an eastern boy and have a very dear friend in the east whom. I dearly love. We correspond ana have since I came west. Have heard that this friend Is keeping company with another fel low. What would you advise? I am 20 years of age and so Is she. Should I ask her to marry me or am I too young? I have a fairly good position, making about $115 per month. Do you think this sufficient for a boy to ask a girl to marry him? Thanking you In advance for any help you can give me, I am, yours truly, HEARTBROKEN. You could be engaged to the girl for a year or two, before , marrying her. Twenty ia young tormarry, but if you and the girl really care for each other, you ought to be willing to wait a few years and In the meantime youn engagement would be an inspiration to both of you. Be very sure before you declare your self that she is really the girl you wish to marry. There is danger when one goes Into a new part of the country that temporary lone someness makes the former friends seem more dear than they really are. Thank Vou There are teachers who advertise themselves as rag time teachers. They are usually of inferior ability. The fundamentals "Cool" Eecolletage' Is Desirable, Burt Jazz Gown Never, Sys London Modiste Exclusive Cable to International News Service and London Daily v Express. London, Oct. 24. Do the women who matter accept the bare-back fashion for evening wear? Mme. Machinka, the well-known dressmaker, considers that 4hose who do accept it "are-not of the set whose ideas carry weight of influence." "The so-called Jazz frock," she said, "is a garment quite foreign to the courtier's gown, wheh is a carefully-thought-out production of a master mind. A good costumer may safely create an extreme style of gown and still not convey any sense of having crossed the Rubicon. "A 'cool' decolletage is desirable in crowded ballrooms. More oc casion for adverse criticism is brought about by the manner of wearing a frock than by the frock itself. There are women who would imbue a nun's garb with allure. "The 'jazz' frock was a moral shock to everybody." Unfortunately the "startling" models which are modified by the best dressmakers find their way unashamed into the dance rooms. If the women do not stamp out the fashionable indecency of the moment there is ample evidence that men will do it. The men are not only ashamed of the fashion, but they do not think it beautiful. Mr. Carey Morris, the artist, says that there is no artistic suggestion in it. "The greatest art," he said, "is that which suggests in an artistic way but does not give bald fact. A dress can be beautifully suggestive or it can be vulgarly suggestive. The fash ionable naked arm is an. instance of vulgar suggestion." of rag-time are just the same aa for classical music. Go to a good teacher and learn time, rhythm, chords and accuracy You will learn more from a good teacher for the money expended than from one who promises short cuts and accomplish es his results by omitting essential gjrfneiples. - Miss Hannah Patterson of Pitts burgh, who was awarded the Dis tinguished Service Medal for work during the war, has been appointed an assistant in the office of Secre tary of War Baker in Washington, c.i. ...t,. -ri e sprinkle it about in any place they u ...... . iiauui. Fine white stockings make most excellent wash cloths. - 1 I -J 1 II Si . 1 rKlSTltEETjBn bowikV. X CUMAft7.D STORING UP ENERGY FOR THE WINTER Begin Now Taking Father John's Medicine To Build Flesh and Strength No better time than the present can be found in which to build the flesh and trength, the vital energy needed for h e coming winter. For this purpose no better tonic-food body-builder can be used than Fath er John's Medicine, which is of su perior food value and guaranteed purity. The rich body-building, strength giving elements of Father John's Medicine are combined in a form most easily taken up by those who are weak and run-down. .That is why many people gain flesh and weight steadily while taking this old- fashioned family medicine. Father John's Medioine is safe to give to every member of the family because is guaranteed free from alcohol 1 dangerous, narcotic drugs in any form. Begin taking it today. Value-Giving Furniture There is no end to the pleasure and comfort of a Well arranged and properly furnished home. The Greater Bowen Store ia showing many distinctive Dining and Living Boom Suites in Mahogany, Walnut, Fumed and Golden Oak that will add charm and comfort to the home. They are all of the typical Bowen Guaranteed Quality, spelling satisfaction to you in every way. Our Drapery Section OVER-ACIDITY of the stomach hat upset many a nighfs rest If your stomach is acid disturbed, dissolve two or three IMIOIDS ing and enjoy refreshing sleep. The purity, and v :J -f f a . gooaness oi jvwnoiaa guaranteed by ' scon BOWNE MAKERS OF SCOTT'S EMULSION 19- OMAHA'S NEW STORE. SPECIAL FOR ' SATURDAY. Grocery Department. NAVY BEANS, 9Htf H. H. HARPER CO. 17th and Howard Sta., Flatlron Bldf. "FOLLOW THE N BEATON PATH" EATON'S ETTER AR GAINS : "FOLLOW THE BEATON PATH" Read (his list of items carefully. Note the savings afforded among these Satur day bargains. It will pay you to form the habit of buying at this store. aturday pecials 75c Dioxogen, f pint 42c 75c Pinaud's Tivoli Powder, 49c 15c Cuticlene, for sinks 9c 50c Eatonic .'. 39c 25c Mustard Cerate, spe cial 16c 50c Mentholatum 39c $1.00 Penn Safety Razor. . .69c' $1.00 Leonard's Ear Oil. . . .89c 60c Swiss Villa Lawn Sta tionery, per box 24c 30c Zymole Troches .21c 60c Swamp Root 44c $3.75 . Horlick's Hospital Malted Milk .-. $2.98 $1.00 Erusa Pile Remedy. .69c $1.25 Mother's Friend 89c 60c Danderine ....... .$4c 50c Pond's Extract 39c $1.00 Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin, at 89c $1.00 Perpicide 83c 25c Salinos (a saline laxa tive 16c 35c Vick's Vapo Rub 27c Aspirin Tablets, bottles of 100 tablets S9c Hostetter's Bitters" 89c Pears' Unscented Glycerine Soap 14c Castoria 24c 60c Sal Hepatica. ..48c $1.00 Eodol Dyspepsia , Liquid, at .72c $1.00 Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 73e 30c Laxative Bromo Qui nine, at 22c 25c Beecham's Pills 19c 60c Hay's Hair Health 29c 25c Bandoline, Beaton's. . . . 19c 50c Orazin Tooth Paste. . . .34c $1.00 Nuxated Iron 89c $1.00 Delatone .79c 75c Pompeian Massage Cream 59c 60c Sempre Giovine 39c $1.00 Listerine : 79c 25c Phenalax Wafers. .... .21c 25c Carter's Liver Pills. . . .16c $1.50 Fellow's Syrup Hypo phosphates ..y $1.19 RUBBER GOODS. Big special sale on all Rubber goods, guaranteed two years,. Saturday and Monday. $2.00 2-quart Beaton's Com bination Syringe, and Wa ter Bottle $1.48 $1.10 2-qt. Davidson Foun tain Syringe .78c $1.25 2-qt. Velvet Water Bottle 89c $3.50 Ladies' Spray Syringes, at $1.98 40c 52-inch Syringe Tubing, at 25c PHOTO DEPT. Films Developed Free When Prints Are Ordered. CIGARS. 10c Bugles 6c Little Chancellors 6c ' McCord Brady Hand Made, each 8c Box of 50.... $2.50 8c Little Mozarts. ...... 5c 15c Mozart, Perfecto. . .10c Box of 60 $4.75 aturday pecials CANDY DEPT. Agents for Huyler's, Original Allegretti and Lowney's Choco lates, in Vi to 5-pound boxes. We also sell Johnson's, Gor don's and Woodward's. Jelly Beans, per lb 50c 80c Chocolate Caramels, per lb 65e $1.25 Chocolate Covered Filberts, per lb.' 98c 50c Salted Peanuts, per lb. .39 EDISON MAZDA LAMPS. ' 10 to 50 Watt Mazda Lamps, at 3Se 60 Watt Mazda Lamps. . . .40c 15c Fuse Plugs, 6 to 30 Amperes, at 8c Johnson's Quintette Chocolates The gray package contain ing more than a pound. Has Bitter Sweets, Swiss Milk Chocolate Caramels, Choco-H late Butterscotch, Chocolate Honey Nougat, Chocolate Nuts. S1.35 and S2.75 8izB- Beaton drug company 15th and Farnam Streets Mail Orders Receive Our Most Careful Attention We have one of the largest and most thor ough staffs of designers and home decorations In the middle west. They will take care of your every want and wish In making your home beautiful. You should have them ad vise with you In making your home beautiful there will be no expense whatever, whether or not you mae purchase. We make overdrapes fn all styles and patterns, Including rich velvety, double-faced velours In combination colors; tap estries in sunfast and tubfast fabrics, ranging in prices from three dol lars up. Also an excep tional line of cretonnes as low as fifty cents per yard. IK "f f fjL J Be sure sad 1 ' In fi TlBlt the Dra- j f J rtlit-l pery Section. 1 "A ,JWfl We specialize Ol y IWJl OB draperies J' 1 Jjtl" and other if V 4gj ll 1 hangings. J ti " V ( You--Above All-Must Be Satisfied I No matter wha,t you buy or what price you pay, the H. R. Bowen I Co. guarantees to satisfy you In every particular that is viy our I I value-giving offerings are so appreciated by the shopping public'. 9 g Take advantage of these typical Bowen values: 1 i , ', ' I " Plain Hemstitched Marquisette Curtains In cream, white and ecru i I colors, 2 to 2tf yards long, per pair $1.95 I Plain White Hemstitched Marquisette Curtains With drawn work I border, 2 yards long, highly mercerized marquisette, pair.... $2.95 Plain Mercerized Silk Hemstitched Marquisette Curtains Trimmed jlv m with linen lace front and bottom, in white, cream and ecru, at per 1 Palr ............$2.5 I White Silk Hemstitched Marquisette CurtalnsV-With pretty drawn I workborders; a sple ndid chamber curtain, at per pair. . .... $3.45 p A Good Mercerized Marquisette Curtain With filet lace border, front 1 g side and bottom trimmed with small edging, 2 yards long, in 1 cream and white, at, per pair $3.45 m White 81 Ik Hemstitched Marquisette Curtains With filet motifs and g drawn work borders, beautiful patterns, at, per pair $3.95 1 Plain White and Ivory Marquisette Curtains With pretty lace inser 1 tion silk, hemstitched, 2 yards long, at, per pair.... $3.95 j White Grenadine Curtains Small all-over patterns, polka dots and ij snowilake designs, with 2-inchj-uf fie, front and bottom, pair. . $3.95 I A Beautiful Hemstitched Voile Curtain With drawn work design ia M corner, in creajn and white, 2 yards long, at, per pair.... $3.95 I White Irish Point Curtains 2 yards long, good quality net; a most y wonderful value, at, per pair.... .j. $4.95 Value-Giving Rugs XKAA Very fine Wilton Rugs, in many different patterns and colors, of rose, blue and taupe mingled Into the many different oriental styles; 9x12, In size, $110 Good Wilton Rugs, made from fine all-worsted yarns, In rose, blue and tan; ex tra fine values, in 9x12 sizes; only ......$72.60 Large line of fine Heavy Axmlnster Rugs, of excep tional character of design ing and color, 9x12 In size, t $42.50 Extra Heavy Seamless Ta pestry Brussels Rugs, good patterns and many delight ful colorings; large assort mentin 9x12 size, $29.50 I m Added Bowen Values AluminumWare ) Exceptional Bowen Values Extra heavy, guaranteed alum' inrnn cooking utensils. Cannot be duplicated elsewhere for con siderable 'more than the prices asked by the H. R. Bowen Co. When "buying of the Greater Bowen Store you may rest assured that you are getting true dollar tor dollar, value. Stew Pans Heavy ware, one quart size, a most exceptional price, each .....35c 8auca Pans Extra heavy three- piece set. Three deferent sizes. A real value, 3 pieces $1.25 Large Aluminum Kettle Suited to every use In the kitchen.. $U5 1 Heavy Aluminum Tea Katia ' Typical Bowen values $1.15 niniiaiDnra FOR BEST RESULTS GET YOUR AD ' IN THE BEE TOftCT ' .. 1 ,