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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1919)
. ' ' ," ' ." "' . : . . - ....... , . ,.. ....... ., . .... . . .. , . ,, . .,. . 10 ' - - ' . " THE BEE; OfriAHA, SATURDAY, OUTUBEK 29, ma. ' ' KATCIIA 1(00 IS APPLAUDED BY DIGJDIENGE Magnificent Performance Is Given at the Brandeis : Wili Be Repeated Tonight. "iCfatcha Koo," the Oriental American fantastique presented last evening at the Brandeis for the ben efit of the First Central Congrega tional church, was in every way suc - cessful. Society folk were present in gala attire, the performance be ing the most splendid amateur the- . atrical Omaha has seen in many years. Quite professional in every detail was this play and each mem ber' of the cast showed special tal- ... ent. The, title role was played by Milo Gates, who entered into the spirit of KatcKa Koo and hade oj him a most interesting ahd laughable character. ' The powerful and terrible Maha- ' rajah of Hunga as portrayed by Rol lin Sherman was indeed a fearful man. Ann McConnell, Hazel Peter son, Phyllis Waterman and Helen Walker, his four wives, were real harem beauties, oriental costumes and Turkish manners making them seem as though they had stepped from the pages of. the Arabian Nights rather than from Omaha's ' most exclusive circles. k Song and Dance Artists. Mrs. Chattie Gaddin was the chatty person for whom she is named and Mrs. Joseph C. Law ' fence was perfect in her role. Her daughters, Dolly and Prudence, ' known to friends in the audience as Geraldine Hess and Jessie Pearson Mitchell, , were especially clever in song and dance skits with two young Americans, Walter Woodrow and Wallace Shepherd.', -Mildred Todd asv Solejah and Helen Holman as Urbana' were oriental women of the court -of the Vy-Maharajah. Robert Downs as the ' slave was indeed the humble servant of his master. The entire play was one of splen dor and magnificence. On the whole it was more interesting and showed more talent than did "Fifi of the Toy Shop," which was presented some time ago by the church. , , . "Only Once to Die." One incident which was especially appreciated was the statement by Solejah that "we have only once to die and, therefore, . make . the most of it." Proud parents and friends made, " up the greater part of the audience who witnessed these young ama , teurs, , and frequent bursts of ap plause interrupted the action. The house was almost entirely filled, and it is estimated that $1,000 was the minimum receipts for the perform ance. . ' Katcha Koo will be presented at a matinee today aire? at a perform ance this evening. Nearly the en tire house has been sold out for the evening performance. - ' Rev. Leonard Groh,. .Veteran Preacher, Dies at Age of 86 Rer. Leonard Groh, El' D., 3005 North Fourteenth avenue, died 'early '. vesterday morning at the Immanuel hospital at the age of 86 years. He had been a resident of Omaha for 23 years and was pastor of St. Mark's English Lutheran church for 21 years, retiring two years agoV . Rev Mr. Groh is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Anna G. Simmons of Omaha? two sons, John C Groh of Lebanon, Pa0 and A. R. Groh of Omaha; two grandsons and a granddaughter. 1 He was president of the Nebraska - synod of the Lutheran church for ' two years. Funeral services will be held Sun day afternoon from St Mark's v Lutheran church. The family re v quests that no flowers be sent Sev eral pastors will assist in the funeral services. Burial will be on the fami ly lot in Forest Lawn cemetery. Man of 77 Obtains Divorce; Wife, Aged 67, , Granted $450 Alimony Judge Sears In district court yes i terday granted 'divorce to Peter .Holmberg, 77 years old, from Au gusta Holmberg, 67 years old. The old couple were married in Council Bluffs January 28, 1914. She was his housekeeper for one year previ ous to their marriage. Mr. Holmberg alleged that before ; their marriage his wife was of a genial disposition, but after ' their marriage she changed. - He said that his wife refused to ' go to church, would not cook his meals, would be out nights nntij : late and that she had boarders at the nouse and spent the money re ceived from them. Mrs. Holnfberg declared he called her vile and obscene names and had a violent temper, and that the money she receivedfrom the boarders was spent on repairs for the house and taxes. The only clothes she' got were of calico, she said. Mrs. Holmberg was granted $450 . alimony. - - Believe Iowa Robbers May Be Ralston Bandits - 7 Chief of Detectives Dunn is await ing the arrival' of pictures of the bandits who were captured in Sioux City after they had robbed the bank of Westerfield, la, of $5,000 in cur rency in an effort to determine f whether the two men who robbed , the Ralston bank a month aero can - be identified. The chief said two of j the robbers answer descriptions of ' - the bandits who held up the Citi - -tens State bank "at Ralston. Similar . methods of escape were used in both Instances-N i Portugal Grants U. S. Naval Base On Islands of Azores j London, Oct 24. It was reported today in dispatches from Lisbon that Portugal had granted the " United States a concession in the ' Azores for a naval ttatioa ' Our Better Values tor Cash Are Making Hundreds of New Friends Daily for Our Cash Buying and Selling Methods STORE EOUBS-9 A. It TILL 6 P. 11 Saturday in Children's Section Economical Mothers Will Appreciate) These Values r GIRLS' SERGE DRESSES ' Size t to 14, elegant values, Saturday, $7.95 GIRLS' SILK DRESSES Wot afl sisee, In the season's many lovely style, large variety of shades, Saturday, at. 814.95 LITTLE TOTS' CHINCHILLA COATS Elegant quality, sites up to 6, Saturday, at 810.00 Gtrts Good Want Winter Coats In a large variety of atylea and materials, all alzes, special values, Saturday, at 812.75 Chlldrea's Fur Seta, 83.95 86.95 810 to 815 DRUGS AND TOILET GOODS ll.K Pinand's Lllae Toilet Water, our price 754 f 1.00 Nut (Cream , Hair Re mover).' Our price 774 60c size 394 15o Mentholatumv Our Cash Price 184 60c CTCedar OIL vCasn Price, 394) 25c size ... 194 J5o Glycerine (3-oi. bottle). Our Price) .. .194 11c Jap Rose or Ollvllo Soap. Our Price, cake 7H4 J8.00 Combination Hot - Water Bottle or Syringe. (Guaran teed 2 years). Our -Cash Price ....82.25 $1.00 Hot Water Bottle. (Guar anteed 2 years), at... 81.25 11 11 THE CASH STORE .-. IW 1' ' - ' - - ,,, nun ' 1. ' " STORE HOURS-9 A. M. TILL 6 P. M. Economical Buyers Are Taking Advantage of the LETTING DOWN THE PRICES IN CHOICE QUALITY MEATS, OF ALL KINDS IN OUE SANITARY MARKET. DOJST MISS THE SATURDAY 8PECIAIS. a opruig Lamb Hind- -quarters, lb. i8y2c Spring Lamb lb. 12c Choice Pot Roast, : lb. 10e Sugar Cured Hams No. 1 quality, lb. 29V2c Break fast Bacon extra lean, lb. 33c Here Are Swell Velvet Hats j $5 On& doesn't expect $5 tos go V6ry far these days and yet 'twould be hard to find" smarter hats than these at even $10. " , They are of fine quality silk and Lyon's velvet in the most favored shapes draped turbans, chin chins, tarns, sailors and the larger droops. All the fall colors represented with many, many blacks. Three nlodels are pictured. There are scores of others equaling theSe in smartness of line and becomingness. Trimmings are simple feathers, grosgrain ribbon, flowers,. pins and the like. " . - " ' v , Specially Priced Saturday at $5.00. " ( SPECIAL SALE OF Boy Overcoats A table of odd sizes and patterns, in heavy wool and mixed, materials; former price, $10.00; sizes, 3 to 7. Saturday, at . . . . ............ $6.45 A complete-line of Boys' Mackinaws in a variety of patterns, high con vertible collars, in three-quarter. lengths; sizes, 6 to 18 years, Satur day,at .-.?8.50v Splendid values in Boys' Sweaters Cash Prices. . . .$1.50 up to $5.00 Boys' Flannel ' Shirts Our Cash Prices .$1.50 up to $3.00 Boys' Stocking Caps All wool. Our Cash Price only 75c Don't forget that this is the home of Hart Schaffner Marx Boys' Suits and 0 'coats with the largest stock west Chicago. i Boys' Dept., Third Floor Ml Neckwear Specials for Saturday At Etmt Price You'll Find tie Values Bemarkable. Extra fine quality Freque Sets with roll and round collar; worth 75o. Special Cash Price Saturday.... 50 Organdy Collar and Cuffs trimmed wth yal lace; worth up to $1.75. Special Cash Price Saturday 81.25 Organdy Vests trimmed with ruffles of Yal lace; worth up to $1.25. Special Cash Price Saturday i 694 Colored Satin Vests with roll and square collar; worth up to $3.50. Special Cash Price Saturday S2.50 Organdy and Net Rushing in cream and white; 4 to 6 Inches wide: worth up to fl.75. Special Cash Pries SaturjUy, yd 81.00 Net and Organdy Rushing in narrow widths; cream and white; worth up to 60c Special Cash Price Saturday, yard 194 Suberlat ive Values in Winter Coats There's more than mere style in these garments; there's a high quality of material and workmanship that insures the satisfaction which 'we always guarantee our customers. Sale of- Men's and Young Men's ' Overcoats In all of the new models form-fitting, single and double breasted, belts, belts all around and waist seam and ulster ettes in all the new shades. Cash Price- " K v . We H&ve a Complete line of Hart Schaffner & Marx SUITS AND OVERCOATS ; In all the world's newest styles and fabrics. All wool guaranteed. LOW CASH PRICES. White Kid Gloves Special Saturday Bacomo white kid, with fancy Jlack embroid ered backs, in all sizes, worth $2.75, cash price, Saturday, at : $1.69 Men's Hats Saturday we will put on sale 30 dos. men's ielt hats; all sizes; black, green, brown; Talne $4.00, A Saturday , .$2.50 M&nahall k Go. 's genuine relour hats; brown, olive green and tvy green; s;i -lined; value $10 and $12. Saturday . . -. $6.00 Ws carry a full line of Stet son novelty and staple hats. Priced. . $6.00 to $18.00 Men's tar caps, the product of Gordon Ferfuson Co, St Paul; all sixes. Priced 87.00 to 820.00 We have a wonderful line of men's fall and winter caps; all colon. Priced from 81.75 to 84.00 Saturday Shoe Specials Men's Black Uun Metai ana Brown Vici Blucher Shoes, with . . i it -rr welt soles and union maae. "nay Our cash price... PJW Women's Black Vici 9-inch Lace Shoes, with leather French, bftfila and . k nlafft 7 fW cash Trice. uair, Boys'. Youths' and Little Gents' Gun Metal Blucher Shoes that wear wen anas wok weu. uur no cq cash price, pair. tpu.uvr Men's and Women's Black and Gray ,Pelt e Slippers, leather soles and heels. Cash price V Big Girls' Patent Leather Button Shoes,vwith mat calf tops and Goodyear welts. Our cash price, o gQ at pair epeJeUW Women's Gray and Black Felt Juliets, with imitation fur trimming, turn soles. Our cash price, 01 g A .at pair ; Child's Turn Sole Button Shoes, sizes 5 to 8 ; di OK iplendid value. Our cash price, pair. ..... V ifrrr- 7 aDsJeUU i SPECIAL CASH PRICES. That Will Move ' Winter Funiishings $10X0 Sweaters $70 Men's nd youngr man's heavy rope stitch pull over sweaters com in several different color combinations 'such, aa black and gold, green and ox ford, heather and scarlet; also plain green or royal; sizes St to 44. Our Cash Price Satur day ....87.50 tiM Sweaters, $2J5 Hen's medium weight V neck, coat style or roll collar; pull over style in plain blue or ma roon; sices 38 to 4$; to clean up Saturday S2.05 . $2.98 Union Suits, $2.60 These are all Chalmers heavy cotton rib union suits. Made of the finest combed yarns very closely woven so as to Insure service and comfort, not ordinarily found in gar ments at this price.. All sties, 14 to 46. Our Cash Price Sat urday, at S2.50 $2.95 High Rock heavy fleece lined union salts...... 82.25 $1.41 High Rock fleece lined shirts and drawers ....81.10 S.tO Sprlngtex heavy cotton rib union suits, . Sat, 81.95 ll.BO dark blue chambray work shirts, Saturday, 81.25 2c Roclcford sox; all sizes, 10 to 13. Saturday, pj, ....20 12.00 flannel night shirts. Cash Price Saturday.. 81.65 Bee our silk shirts before buying. It will pay yon. More Women's and Misses' Coats - Just Received for Saturday ' Two Special Groups 1 t $55 and $25 Elegant Cloth Coats, many fur trimmed, lined throughout In the season's many shades. Materials, Velours, Bolivias, Silvertones, Meltons and Novelties ; sizes and , styles for misses, ladies and styl ish stouts. Special Saturday . Fur Trimmed Cloth Coats in 3 different styles. Colors, Brown, Taupe, Burgundy and many made of Velour, lined; all sizes. Special Saturday . J. 25! Women9 Seal Plush Coats Venetian lined two styles, one ripple, one belted, all sizes, elegant faluespecial Sat. $35.00 fin BUY WINTER UNDERWEAR NOW You'll find every Item bere listed an exceptional value at the price and we nave many more to show you. v Women's Wool Union Salts la high neck, long sleeves or low neck, sleeveless; ankle length; extra fine quality; regular prices, $4.50 and $4.98, on sale, regular site, 83.50; extra else. $3.98 Women's Silk and Wool Union Suits In high neck, long sleeve; Dutch x neck, elbow sleeve; low neck, sleeveless ; ankle length; regular prices, 3.98 and $4.25. Regular size, $2.98; extra size, 83.25 Dots' and Girls' Wool and Cotton Union Suits, in high neck, long sleeve; ankle length, In white or gray; izs 1 82.00. rise on size. 'Boys and Girls Heavy Fleeced Union Suits In high neck. long sleeve; ankle length; white or gray; size 2, 1 81.20. rise on each size. Women's Outing Flannel Gowns,, with collars, or without col-. lars, In pink or blue; regular price $1.98, on sale 81.75 s Women's Heavy Outing Flannel Pajamas, in two-piece or one-" piece; pink or blue; regular and extra sties; regular price, $2.98, on sale Saturday, at ...-81.98 Butter and Uieese ; DETAKT MEAT SPECIALS, ruer Psckss OrJnT -Bnttw. pjr lb. Strietljr Trb SgW. 4o.........M FrMh snuod Pnut Butttr, pr lb. ........ZSH Vouns Amirtcu ChMM, lb. ....3So ruU Cmm Nw York Wklto OSmm. vme lb. ;. JJ ruU Cnam Brick Omm l......SSe Uik DIU Pickle doi Sau.r Kraut, qt. "ISJ Jlk'a DllcU Not Butter, lb.... Me All Brands Nut Bnttar. lb. S3 SOMETHTJfO WEW. PnrBony. leaa than half tha Pric ot Butt.rv Nothing Finer to Eat on Broad. Batter Dept. Per lb S5 Special Cut Price Grocery Sale JllUJlXl3A M.M. " " W zwve all tho .0 or aaft ansar No. t Hand Picked Kavy Boaoa, par lb. .100 No. 1 California Brown Betas, per lb. So Fancy Japan Rico, par lb. lSe Tha Boat White or ToUow Cornmenl. per lb. 5a - The Beat Bulk Rolled Oatmeal, per lb. ... Be Nuneo Xrapo rated Sweet Corn, per pkr. B No. S cans Golden Pumpkin, can.. Be Par Cider Vinegar, bottle ..10e Pure Tomato Catsup, bottle . ...t.IOc The Beet Domestic Macaroni, spa ghetti or Ers Noodloa. pks....1H Ho. Z cans Early June Pes Fancy Ripe Tomatoes or Sweet Sugar . Corn, can 12V4o Tall Cane Pet or Carnation Milk.. lee Tall Cans Wilson Milk 13a Kan e Assorted Soopo. eaa e Snlder's Tomato Soup, can ......lie 10 Mule Team Borax, pkg. 10c 16-ounce Cane High Grade Baking Powder, per can ;....Jlc No. S Cans Pork and Beans, can. .15c No. I Cans Pork and Beans, can.. Be Lux Washing Compound, pkg... .lie S Bars Beat 'Em or Diamond C Soap nt ;?" Wool Soap, per cake ,2T5 ( Cans Sunbrlght Cleanser tSe Shelled Popcorn. Ib. Me L . dried TRtnrre. etc.. fob pcd- DENtiS, PIES AND CAKES.. New California Seedless Ralsras, per lb. Be New California Muscatel Raisins, per' lb B New Cleansed Currants, lb. Joe New California Figs, lb ....SOo New California Prunes, lb. SSc fancy California Apricots, re, ... .SSc 7 Crown new umjmi New Mince Meat, pkg. wjje New Braill Nuts, per lb. 300 TUB GREATEST TEA AND COFFEE MARKET IN OMAHA. Diamond "H" Cereal and Coffee, per lb. .....S5e Our Famous Qolden Santos Coffee, per lb H. B. C. Special Blend, lb te M. J., the Highest Quality, per lb Se Breakfast Cocoa, per lb- .M The Best Tea Slf tings, lb. ...... Ste Choice Sun Dried or Basket Tired Japan, per lb. ., Se Fancy Oolong. Ceylon, English Break fast, Gunpowder or Spider Leg Ja pan Tea, per lb .....We IS LBS. BEST NO. 1 COOKING PO TATOES BOe New Cabbage, lb. Se Hubbard Squash, each, 10, 15, Me Housefurnishings at gAvnia cash raicis Hard Coal Base Burner; 14-inch fire pot, full nickeled. Special Cash Price 857.50 Soft Coal Heating Stoves. Cash Prices up from .815.00 Vacuum Lunch Box, with one pint vacuum bottle 82.10 Folding Ironing 'Board, securely braced Special at 81.98 Splint Clothes Basket... 81.50 Splint Clothes Hamper, with :over 82.25 6-gallon Garbage Can.. 81.00 Chair Step-ladder. Our Cash Pric .,.82.10 Large sized Japan Bread Box. Special at ....81.89 Sanitary Sweeping .Compound, large can. Special at...... 204 Large can Sanl-Flush, special, at .. 204 $1.50 O'Cedar Oil Mop, 81.25 , Round Roasters, made of heavy aluminum f or ........ . 81.59 Hayden's Special, $LE0 Broom. Special for ,........ .81.00 Exceptional Values . Saturday in ' HOSIERY Worsen 'i Pnro (Thread Silk Hose Best . makes fall fashioned and seom lesa black and oolon. Val ue up to $2.75. Cash Prieo fl.98 Women's Puro Thread and Fibre Silk Hose ; all colors and sizes. Specially priced at SI .00 Women's Cotton and Fleeced Hose ; regular and extra sizes. Price ...754 Boys' and Girls' School Hose, in black, white and cordovan; 50c values. Sale Price 37 ; Fur Coats Sat. in Blouse Section Special Saturday ' Blouses at $7.95 35 elegant Canadian" Marmot Fur. Hundreds of dainty georgette cTepe Coats, varied lengths, with Austral- blouses, made up in allthe newest 'ian Opossum collars, Raccoon collars shades, including dark suit shades; and self trimmed, worth 25 per cent styles are cleverly beaded, braided, more, at tucked and embroidered; large va- (lie tiie 01 ce riety to select from, all 7 QR $110, $140, $100 sizes, special values, Sat J 1C, I ft It Pays TRY HAYDEN'S FIRST-It Pays I v - ' . ,- ' -is:'-;