THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 24. 1919. 13 BRINGING UP FATHER- Sm Jiff and Maggie la Full Page of Colors la Th Sunday Bee. " 1 Drawn for The Bee by McManu x Copyright, ltlt International Vew S err lee, II I IK ''M LeVO TO HEM 1 tOUiOTr JOO MIKF " ii ,. WHATI THE KOOfiXy tt-t OftOP IN TO EE V ftUTUERtHTHATi J I'M AWFULLY CLAO I MET HEARD MUCH BEAUTIFUL M HOME- v. I Lf..lP?J I Shrill 9HJ . r f M W P000 OF III I VMTHE 1 . I wl I lint UUKF I T HU wcowwnrUL: I MT K I TCHEN VmNT 1 1 1 I PlATlt-R'-' II Iff I rJr .l wew t - ' w in ui i i Mr - - - ii i i - f m m m m in mmm ESSES'. WQ F-7vnr iS!2JSpsa -0 -ru BOOSTERS RALLY; CREIGHTON HOPES TO MEETHUSKERS Burkley, Voices" Hope That New Relationship Between - Schools Will Result in Annual Game. While nearly 400 rabid Creighton students yelled themselves weak at a booster rally in Creighton gym nasium last night, Coach Tommy Mills took the Blue and White foot ball team through a lengthy "chalk talk" in a classroom in the high school department a block away. When Harry V. Burkley, alumnus of Creighton, pointed to the new re lationship springing up between the University of Nebraska and Creigh ton and declared he saw in it a ray of hope that his alma mater and the ("ornhuskers would soon tangle on the gridiron, the cheering of the "boosters" reached the ears of the Creighton team, locked in the classroom for the "chalk talk." ' New Relationship .Dawns. s "For 18 years Creighton men have longed to see their teams in action against the. State university," said Burkley. "A certain ill-feeling had risen, between the two schools in some manner and that feeling seemed to keep these (two teams apart. Today Creighton faces the dawn of a new relationship with the '.Cornhusker school. "On Saturday both teams will battle for the honors of their school and their state on the same grid iron. Saturday, evening both teams will feast together as the gue&ts of the Omaha Athletic -club. After dinner they will attend a "theater party as guests of the Omaha . ( Ii.mKa. jjt rnmm..j. Tlmf td me and a host of other Creighton ;lumni that the old feud existing ; tormerly . between these two insti vtuticjns has been broken and I ex pect: td.see sopn the Red and White fcOivtflej2ate university eieven ar c Payed -in 1 combat against the Blue I and White ! of Creighton in an an nual .contest " i, ; f a; ; To Enclose Bowl.' ''Volant have been begun by the alumni of Creighton to enclose the f prcsnt, campus with a monster con crete bowt, the finest !n the middle 'west. That, too. means greater 1 fields in athletics for Creigl.ton." : Fred .Armstrong, a senior in the . medical department at Creighton, led the rally in cheers. Under Arm ' strong's direction the Creighton fans . learned the yells and new songs in preparation tor Saturday's game. ; .Torchlight Parade. ; A i torchlight' -parade, starting at ; Creighton law school at 7:30 tonight, will include every Creighton student. f Torches will be carried by the stu i dents and the Creighton band, aug- t mented. will lead the procession. The entire seat section on the west side of the field and north of the 50-vard line has been reserved fo Creighton students. Eight , cheer leaders met last night after the rally ; and practiced leading their respective contingencies. Banners are being made to desig nate the different departments in the parade tonight and at the game to morrow. Huskers in Final Open Keld Workout , n r m i l i oerore Ukianoma mix - : . , Lincoln, Neb., Oct 23. (Special k Telegram.) A two-hour drill in - open field formations, anticipating the forward pass excellence ok the Oklahoma foot ball team, character 's ized the final practice of the Ne braska Cornhuskers at Nebraska field this afternoon. The Husker squad leaves for Omaha tomorrow . afternoon at 1:30 o'clock Coach Schulte definitely announced that Dale, fullback; . Munn, guard, and Wilder, tackle, will not enter the. game. The deduction of these - three cuts the Husker weight aver ages to considerably less than the Oklahoma eleven. Schulte is figuring on beating Bender at his own game, McGlisson, it was announced, would start at quarter with. How t arth, veteran pilot, in the halfback column. Wright, the flashy back who scored against Notre Dame, is now regularly intrenched in the full- DacK position, xne JNeDrasKa squad wul turn out late Iriday for a work 5 out at Creighton field. South Side Grid Team Preparing for Hard Game at Lincoln The South Omaha Packers, who held University Place to a 6 to 6 tie last week, are gradually getting into excellent shape for the Lincoln High school battle, which will be staged at Lincoln Friday afternoon. The Packers' team probably will never again buckle up against such a team that they will meet Friday, as the state capital lads are consid ered one of the best toot nail teams in Nebrask?. The South team is going through strenuous practice with the second squad and special signal Irill every evening at the school. This game will decide whether coach ratten a arriors will be able to I'ntsh the Mexican, Congress 1 Seeks to limit Power -Of President Carranza S . ! V Washington, Oct 23. The Mex ican House of Deputies has voted general approval of a proposal to witnaraw extraordinary powers granted to President Carranza two years ago, tinder which he decreed many laws, according to advices to day from Mexico City, but when ef- . forts were made to confirm the ac tion in detail the government minor ity Jeft the chamber in a body. This was repeated three rimes in a single tession. and lack of a quorum pre vcntM bual action. grid season as a candidate for the state honors. If Lincoln should de feat the local lads they will not be able to qualify for the state cham pionships, as they have lost three games this season. Coach Patton is upon Tommy Ferris to win Friday's game, as he is a veteran and well drilled on the signals and the art of playing foot ball. He has been the star in every game South High ha? played. , , ,. The men will be drilled hard a:.d long on both straight foot ball ai.d open formation for the Triday game. About 100 students will prob ably leave with the foot ball men. Want Foot Ball Game. i The Rambler Juniors' foot ball team would like to get a game with any 100-pound team in the city. Call Tyler 2076 and ask for Willard Ur ban. , School for Deaf Will Oppose Commerce Grid Squad Friday The School for the Deaf will meet the Commerce warriors Fri day afternoon in a practice game, before the business lads make their first trip of. the grid season to Harlan, Ia. "Duke" Levinson, Commerce's star right end, is gradually giving up to old man "Jinx" as the injur ies he received in the Creighton game is gradually getting worse, but he hopes it will not keep him away from the game next Friday. "'With' the' return of Frank Ross, former star guard, it seems Jimmie Johnson, wlio has played a stellar same in' all of Commerce's contests, will be out of position, as Ross ractice yesterday to "nab" John- snowea up tor pr and is most likely son s position. ; Emil. Rokusek, who was a former star on the . Commerce squad sev eral years ago, is showing up well in all of the games. He is playing a tackle position at present.. . In appreciation of the good work the team has been doing Dwight E. Porter, principal of the school, honored the foot ball men with a banquet last night. All of the play ers gave speeches and all expressed regret that Coach Anderson s men of Creighton won from them. Today's Calendar of Sports. Racing-: Fall meeting; ef Empire City Racing auorlatlon at Xonkera. Fall meeting- of Maryland 8tate Fair aaeorlatlon at Laurel. Fall meet ins of Kentucky jockey club at Louiin Hie, Milliard! National lS.t balkllne cham pion nh I p tournament at New York. Swimming t Canadian Indoor champion ships at Montreal. Boxing: Richie Mitchell against Johnny Dundee, eight rounds, at Jersey City. University of Omaha To Meet Tarkio Grid Squad This Afternoon The University of Omaha will meet the gridiron men from Tarkio this afternoon at 3 at Creighton held. The university men recently re turned from Wayne, where they suf fered a defeat at the hands of the locals. Haaker probably will hold down one of the ends. Jerry Keil, ... s i . . r. aiso oi me umanj university, is showing up well at half. Hines Denies Report. Washington, Oct. 23. Director General Hines today denied pub lished reports that he had threat ened to have troops sent to New York to take the place jf express strikers. ... " ; . ; '; V ; S : ' If 1 -'rW-VI BLEND fM J. If V V'" , U CIGARETTES jPJ , L ' i 18 cents a package Came are mold rmrjr wAaro ia ' aeientiifcaTy eW packagam of 30 cigaratteai or tan pack' ' mgea 300 eiganttaa) in a ' glaaaiaa-papar covered carton. Waatronglyr' anmanrf thia carton for the home or otRea aup ptj or wham jou traraL GAMELS are unlike any ciga rette you ever smrked in quality, in flavor, in mellow mildness a7d in real satisfac tion I Any way you consider Camels they are a cigarette reve- e . . . '''.' lation! Camels meet your favor so completely you will want to smoke them liberally and you can, without tiring your taste! Camels are an expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Do mestic tobaccos. This blend is so unusual, so delightful, you will prefer it to either kind of tobacco smoked . straight 1 . It will abso lutely answer every wish you ever expressed for a cigarette made to meet your taste! ' v Camels have a smoothness that is as unique as it is refresh ing. Yet, Camels have that all there body that gives satisfaction so generously. And, you'll enjoy Camels freedom from any un pleasant cigaretty aftertaste or any unpleasant cigaretty odor. V You'll quickly realize that you very much prefer Camels quality to premiums,' coupons or gifts. R . REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY. Winston-Salem. N. C. C0-0PEBATI0N The 'rpU 'All UNION MEN AND WOMEN, your friends and families . are requested to he consistent patronize home industry boost for a Greater Omaha and demand the UNION LABEL on all commodities you purchase, whenever possible. ' - . fs The following business interests of our city solicit the sup- . port of all working people, and are recommended by the OMAHA CENTRAL LABvTK UNION. i ' Amusement ? ' '".'" ". '' - .-v- -BesM-. Theater;-. - ., . - ' Rialto Theater, Sun Theater. , Strand -. Theaters Auto.Battarieg ' . . S. 0. S. Supply Co. Auto Dealar , Bonney-Yeager Co. . ' , ' (. Holmes-Adkins Co. ," : .. -Auto Caracas ' - -'.--. The Electric Garage. . , ,v O'Donovan & Pease Auto Co. Packard Garage. Auto Repair Shop ' Cameron Auto Repair Shop. H. P. Elsasset. Reliable Tire & Repair Co. Nebraska Tire & Rubber Co. Presto Auto, Repairs and , Welding J Auto Deliveries Auto Delivery & Messenger Co. Auto Tire Fillers American Tire Rebuilders Co. (Inc.) American Eagle Tire Co. Universal Tire Filling Co. Auto Tire Supplies T. J. Garvey Maxotlres.) Auto Tire ani Truck Bodies Great Western Tire & Truck Co. Auto Tires and Vulcanisers Portage Tire Market, i National Tire Shop. G. & G. Auto Tire Vulcan izing Co. Auto Tinner F. F. Fink. Baggage and Transfer Co. Union Transfer Co. Berber Shop Jacks Selinsky. Bank x American State Bank of Omaha. South Omaha Savings Bank. Bakeries . C. F. Stamm. Chris Olsen. . . ' Domestic Bakery. Federal System of Bakeries. John Wedberg. Mogy's. M Brown Park Bakery. Svoboda's. West Farnam. . Wilke & Mitchell Co. Bottler Cola-Cola Bottling Co. "Omaha Bottling Co. Sloup-Sherry Bottling Co. Boots end Shoe ' i Regent Shoe Co. Loyal Shoe Store. Bowling Alley garden Bowling Alleys. Omaha Bowling Alleys. Box Manufacturer Eggerss-O'Flyng Co. Brush Manufacturer Wien's Omaha' Brush Co. Cafe Stockman's Cafe. ; ' Mogy's,' " , Capital Lunch. Cereal Food - " Uncle Sam's Breakfast Food. Chemical Laboratories . ' " Urego Chemical Laboratory. Chiropractors Dr. Boos. ' . Lee Edwards. 1 Dr. Enollenberg. Cigar and Tobacco H. Beselin & Son. ' Central Cigar Store.' Alois Novack. -' Omaha Tobacco Co. Clothiog- and Furnishing Culkin & Martin. Guarantee Clothing Co. John Flynn & Co. The Fair Clothing Co. ' J. H. Green Co. , 1 Square Deal Clothing Co. John A. Jensen Clothing Co. Joe Lewis, JThe Star Store. John & R. A. Libal. ' Ben Shafton Co. Palace , Clothing Co. Nebraska Shoe & Clothing House. E. V. Lorig. Herman D. Marowitz. Coffee Dealer Olsen Coff e Co. (Happy Hol low Coffee.) oal Dealers - A. L. Berquist &' Son. Crosby-Kopietz-Casey Co. Coal Hill Coal Co. Kratsky Bros. Pivonka Bros. ' ' . Cleaners and Dyer Modern Dry Cleaning Service. People's Cleaners and Dyers. Confectioner (Wholesale) Drelhus Candy Co. (Ben Bur Choe olates.) Steyer Candy Co. . . Confectioner (Retail) A. Barnell (Taffy Parlor.) ,E. L. Nelaon. ' Ware's Candy Kitchen. Creameries -. Alfalfa Butter Co. ' Crown Dairy Co. Fairmont Creamery Co. Harding; Cream Co. Commission Companies Jerpe Commission Co. Dentists , Dr. Bradbury. Dr. H. J. Bond. Dr. P. E Rasmussen Dr F. R. Vasko Department Store The New York Department Store. ' Phillip's Department Store. The Star Store. .. Druggists Adams-Hsight Drug Co. Bersnek A Son. " Blake D.-ug: Co. Brown Park Pharmacy. Castle Pharmacy. , Cooney Pharmacy. City Drug Store. E. A. Williamson. Hickory Street Phsrmsc . Highland Park Pharmacy " Hill-Williams Drug Co. Hoist Pharmacy. Tiiberty Drug Co. Marsh Pharmacy. Maple Ave. Drug: Co. Melcher Drug Co.' Q Street Pharmacy. R. C. Lueke Drug Co. - PUrk's Pharmacy. Vanda'a Pharmacy. - Dry Good Thos. Kilpatriek Co. V. Melena. 1 Walker's Cash Store. Fish Market Sanitary Fish' c Oyster Market. - Florist - A. Denaghue. . ' , -. Hess A Swoboda. Petersen Bros. Swanson, The Florist. Furniture Dealer Continental Furniture Co. Elite Furniture Co. Home Furniture Co. " ' H. Dolgoff. Modern Furniture Co. "(lne ( Fruit Dealer (Wholesale) Trimble Bros. Funeral Director Fred E. Ferro. 4 Frank Janda. . .-:... Huls ft Riepen.' . John A. Gentleman. ' i Jones It Co. ; , l Taggart m Son. Frank Ik Kolouoh. KorUko Bros. , ,f , Heafcy Heafey. I Grocers (Wholesale) " (,' American Products Ce. -- ) Farrell Co. Grocer and Provision (Retail) A. Newman. ; , ., " Anton Remes Armand Peterson. ' Basket Stores. . - Buresh Bros. ( Central Market ( Crosstown Grocery. - Consumer's Grocery. C. Thorson. E. Wirshbo. F. J. Pros. ' Fred Krcma. Galombick's Grocery. Geo. Roffman. c Hibbeler . Co. " Henry Geest. H. H. Andreasen. Harry Hollender. I. Kulakofeky. : J. A. Anderson. , I , - 1 . J. Gogela. J. Morgan. John Resnlehek. J. N. Bauer (Delicatessen.) J. P. Kraus Co. K. M. Store i ' Kotera 4b Sloup M. Resnick Sons. j . M. J. Bandola. M. J. Simon. v ! . N. Slobodisky. . J, O. B. Mummert. . ; Rachman'a Grooery. , . R. C. Paxton. - R. Kulnkofsky. Riverside Grocery. - R. H. Robbins Co. Rudolph Diets. Bam Mortenson. Sommer Bros. Co. Sterling Grocery. i T. J. Thomas. ....... T. G. Howell ft Sons. United Provision Store. ' V. Vachal ft Co. W. F. Francis. .r" Wilke ft MitcheU Co. . . - Wm. Wallace. Welch's Grocery Store. General Merchandise ' John Pekio. Joseph Sterba. i. Hardware Dealers T Johnson Hardware Co. "Frenchr's." Leon Augur Peterson ft Mlcbelsen. 1 Joseph Plpal. , ? Koutsky-Pavllk Co. ", . O. K.. Hardware Co. '"' Joseph Bauer. r H. Dogoff. ' The Star Store. - - V. Vachal ft Co. Hotels Prague Hotel. Union Hotel. Heating Company , , Oxo Gaa Heating Co. Insurance and Real Estate (- John I Duff. "j Investment ' Payna Investment Co. - . . -Jeweler J - Louis - A. Borsheim. ' Godfrey's. Wm. . Patten Co. Jacobson ft Fuen Co. Flitton Optical ft Jewelry Co. A. Ceeha. s E. R. Smisor, Udiea' Wear - ' House of MenaugK Laundries Emerson Laundry. Truax Laundry. Loan Office " , Commercial Loan Office. Lumber Companies Crosby-Kopiets-Casey Co. Bradford Lumber Co. Machine Shop . American Machine Works. , .., . Carl Henwood Machine Shop. P. Melchior's Machine Works. . Meat Market Union Market. Brown Park Market. Frank Kuska. Frank Kunel. , Cyril . Hromek. ' V. J. Kosak. A. Naegele. V. F. Kuncl. - Packing House Market. , - Joseph Solfronk. , Manufacturer Bertschy Mfg. ft Engineering Co. Economy Vapor Heating Co. . - John Deere Plow Co. Nebraska-Iowa Steel Tank Ce. Omaha Casket Co. Omaha Pillow Co. (Pillow and Mattresses), 1907 Cuming St., Phone Doug. 2467. . Affinity Mfg. Co. r H. Beselin ft 8on. Burlington Vinegar ft Pickle Works. Eggerss-O'Flyng Co. F. Laitner. Great Western Tire ft Track Co. . Jensen Omaha Toy Co. , Maney Milling Co. Omaha Flour Mills Co. Perfection Cooker Corporation. ' Wien's Omaha Brush Co. Millinery Store A. M. Voboril. Paper Companies ' Carpenter Paper Co. Paints, Oil and Glass " Barker Bros. Johannssen Glass ft Paint Co. Omaha Paint ft Glass Co. Photo Studio -v- v. Rodstrom's Studio. - . Pipe . Smoke a Crown Pipe and fee) O. K. Plumbing ' Liberty Plumbing ft Heating Oe. John J. Ostronie. J. A. Wessman. . Western Heating ft Plumbing Co. John C. Riha. : Printer Beacon Press. Ries-Hal) Printing Co. , Tollirer Printing Co. t Poultry Food M. C. Peter MID Co. Picture Framing ' , Adolph Melchors. ... RenoTating . ;: " -. Omaha .Pillow Co., 1(07 CumiriR St Phone Douglas -24S7. Repair Work , Omaha Stove Repair Wks. (Stoves.) -, Wright ft Mack (Elevators.) , 8. O. S. Battery Supply Co. . Bt - teries.) . - Rubber Belting" dc Supplies Co. h John Day: Rubber. ft Supply Co. ' Roofings - . ' Commercial Supply Co; i ; Restaurant-- . " i .Capital Lunch.' ' Mogy's Cafe. ,v LaRue' Cafe. O'Look Inn. Oneida Restaurant. . West Farnam Cafe. Sanitarium The East Cereal Co. Seed Companies Mississippi Valley Seed Co. Nebraska Seed Co. School and College Omaha Shorthand College. ' ' Van- Sant School of Business. Storage Companies Omaha Warehouse Co. Sheet Metal Works 8. Abrams. - : P. Kunold. Soft Drink Parlor L Corenmaa's. Tailor ' i , ;: Dundee Woolen Mills. Dunham ft Dunham. r Glasgow Tailors. Z. Kristicn. H. Kolnlck. M. Lynch. Tea Companies -Moyune Tea Co. Trunk and Bag Alfred Cornish ft Co. Freling ft Steinl Co. Tobacco and Cigar E. L. Nelson. Wrecking Companies Dworak Wrecking Co. Flour Companies Bone Dry Mack says: . "Ask for Puritan Flour. , Sun Kist Flour. Omar Flour." .t ... Watch 5.1? T5'rt f,rm!r ' Organised Labor watch this newspaper for our next publication. ... OMAHA CENTRAL LABOR CNrON. -