Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1919, Page 5, Image 5
THE. BEE; OMAHA. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23. 1919. DIG EDUCATORS Oil PROGRAM OF TEACHERS' MEET State Convention to Hear Ad dresses of Leading Profes- sors From All Parts of United States. i The preliminary program of the ifty-third annual, session of the Ne braska State Teachers' association, to be held here November 5 6 and 7, shows the names of an unusual array of talent. , M. L. Burton, president of the University of Minnesota, has been referred to as a stirring educational evangelist. Among the other edu cational notables are: Prof. Fred t. Barber of the Illinois state nor mal school at Normal, 111.; Joseph C. Brown, president of Minnesota state normal .school at St Cloud. Dr. Otis W. Caldwell., "member of the faculty of Columbia university; M. G. Qlark. superintendent' of schools at, SiouxvCity; Peter W. Dykema, professor of music in the STOP PAIN! RUB NEURALGIA AWAY Instant relief from nerve tor ture and misery with old est. Jacobs Liniment" Rub this soothing, penetrating liniment right into the sore, in flamed nerves, and like magic neuralgia disappears. "St. Jacobs Liniment" conquers pain. It is a harmless "neuralgia reliefVhich doesn't burn or discolor the skin. Don't suffer I It's so needless. Get a small trial bottle from any drug store and gently rub the "aching nerves" and in just a moment you will be absolutely free' from pain and suffering. ' -v No difference whether your pain or neuralgia is in the face, head or any part of the body, you get in stant relief with this ojd-time, hon est pain destroyer it can not in jure. ' ' I. Nineteenth Floor to Make W.O.W. Biding The Highest in Omaha If' weather conditions permit, work of constructing a 19th floor on the Woodmen of the World building, at Fourteenth and Firnam streets,' will be started within the next three or four weeks, according to John N. Crawford, manager 'of the building. . The added floor will extend the full length of the building on tour teenth street, and 23 feet on Far- nam street Its ceilings will be 14 feet high,- making the Woodmen of me worm Diuiaing me mgiicsi i the city. The added space will be used by the Woodmen of the World com pany for offices. The company now occupies six floors of, the building. It is estimated that the addition will cost $100,000. Plans have al ready been drawn by the Holabird Roche company, Chicago architects. University of Wisconsin and a pio neer of community sineing in Amei- ica; George William Eggers, director of art in tne Chicago Normal school. Congressman S. D. Fess of Ohio, one of the educational leaders in congress; Dr.' J. Paul Goode, head of the commercial geography de partment in the Chicago university; Prof. Ira S. Griffith, head of the industrial deoartment in the Uni versity of Illinois; Miss Patty Hill of" Columbia university, prominent as a kindergarten authority; Dr. C H. Judd, University of Chicago. ... Julia C. Lathrop, head of the chil dren's bureau of the Federal De partment of Labor; Dr. T. S. Low den of the Columbus (O.) normal school; Charles McKenny of t the Michigan State Normal college; Dr. W. B. Owen, president of the Chicago Normal school; C E. Par menter, of the University of Chi cago; C. C. Swaip, commissioner of rural schools in! Minnesota. The entertainment orocrram will include John G. Neihardt, Nebras ka's poet; Hele'n Stanley, sopranist; Jacquez Thiband, violinist Negro and Wife Sentenced Sequel to Shooting Affair Eli Davis and wife, Nettie, both colored, 1506 Webster street, will each spend 30 days in jail, one for vagrancy, the other for disturbing the peace. Mrs. Davis shot Iter husband through the right hand late yesterday afternoon. They were sentenced yesterday in central po lice court. GREEK CATHOLIC CHURCH HEAD IN OMAHA 0N VISIT Bishop of United States and Canada Touring His Ameri can Diocese Appointed , by Athenian Synod. Bishop Alexandros, head of the Greek Catholic church in ,the United States and Canada, arrived in Omaha Tuesday night and spent the day here yesterday. He was at the Hotel Fontenelle where he met most of the Greek-Americans durr ing the day. With ' Father Gust Harvalis, pastor of the local Greek Orthodox church, he reviewed the church situation in Omaha. Bishop Alexandros is a virile man with iron grey hair and beard. He wears the purple vestment of his of fice. The word "Rodostolu" is placed after his name. This is the name of a Greek city. It is cus tomary, he explained, for each bishop to use such a title. Accompanying Bishop Alexandros is Milton E. Pasmezoelu of New York. The bishop is making a tour of most of his diocese in the United States. . , He was appointed by the Holy Synod in Athens and came to this country a year ago. Bishops in the Greek - orthodox church must not marry. "Pastors mav marry," explained the bishop through his interpreter. "But if a pastor marries he forfeits afi right to become a bishop". "I was educated in Constantino ple. . Many people thmk that is a Mohammedan city. But, excepting the government employes, soldiers, and the like, Constantinople is a Christian city. The majority oi tne 1,000,000 inhabitants are Christians." The bishoo was asked about the dietary rules of the Greek church. "If you become an orthodox Greek Catholic vou will learn of them." he said with a smile. "No meat on Wednesdays and Saturday, no meat for 40 days during lent, no meat for IS days in August and many other fasts are demanded." There are 134 Orthodox Grek Catholic churches in this country Wonderwork of Telegraph Picture. Show by Comparison With Cut Made from 'Original Photo Forwarded by Mail The Bee Only Omaha Paper Giving Readers Benefit of Marvelous Indention.' The marvels of the new tele graphic photo service obtained by The Bee for publication in Omaha, is strikingly attested by a comparison of a picture1 made direct from an original photo, taken carefully with regard to lights and shadows for reproduc tion by newspaper processes, and further retouched by the artist, and the same picture sent over the telegraph wire. The top picture 5s the one sent The Bee, by telegraph within an hour Qt so after it was taken in New York, and reproduced Sun day. V' ' . i Original Photograph. The lower picture is one made rlirr frim rr triorinal fthntft-H graph, mailed from New York following its transmission to The Bee by wire. A comparison reveals the faults to be found in a picture thus sent by wire, but more strikingly it il lustrates whamay well be called at this time an astonishing feat of telegraphic transmission,' the difference, in the two pictures merely accentuating the wonder of the invention. The principal fault to be noticed is simply that the telegraphed picture is some what indistinct, or blurred, as dis tinguished from the sharpness of outline found in the other cut. ' Exclusive Right These are among fhe' first tel egraphed pictures to be published by a newspaper since the perfec tion of the invention. The pro cess has been in use for some time during the experimental stage. The Bee has " exclusive rights in Omaha to use it, and is the first in the west to give its readers the latest thing in the way of newspaper wonder craft, oresentinar the news of the world as ,quickly as possible after it has become news. and Canada. They have no connec tion with the Koman Uatnouc i Church. . NEW YORK SIOUX CITY LINCOLN OMAHA . t CONANT HOTEL BUILDING, SIXTEENTH STY Wonderful Values in rw ML Hundreds of New Arrivals Purchased Greatly Underpriced Will Be Placed On Sale Thursday Lot No. 1 Materials Bolivias Broadcloths Silvertones Velours -Polo Clothn Kerseys tlPlushes Leatherettes All Sizes Colors Lot No. 2 35 I- Lot No. 3 4S Browns Taupes ' dreens Blues Plums Navys Blacks Grays All Sizes Elaborately fur-trimmed and plain-tailored models in a wide variety of styles, from the jaunty flare, 30-inch length models, to the voluminous coverall with immense shawl collar and wide cuffs. - COAT SECTION SECOND FLOQR ' y Very Specially' Featured for Thursday Extra" Size Bo uses Values Selling Regularly at $12.50 and $15.00 I r::1" : . . - - ' ' i tip.. ,v ' i ' fl - :v - . r ; -j - - will ? I w. 1 ? 1 iMMMWWMIHWMMIMWIMHhiawHMMMMWaHIHHMiMH " ( , Of extra heavy Georgette, in all the wanted suit shades, also white and flesh ; they show ' many style inno vations in cut and trim. V - BLOUSE SECTION MAIN FLOOR Sizes 44 to .56 They are Beaded, Braidecl, Embroi dered, Tucked, Lace-Trimmed, Pleat ed, in fact, every kind of trimming is included. Rural Communities Organize to Help In Red Cross Work Organization for Red Cross work in rural communities has been start ed in all parts of the country under the direction of E.L. Morgan, direc- I Nion. Nearly 60 percent of the popu lation of the country lives in towns of 8,000 population Or less and a large part of the educational v ork of the Red Cross must be conducted in these communities. Included in the program mapped out for this work are lectures in all training institutes, creation of small town laboratories in training centers 'where practical rural work can be given, advice to field workers on rural problems, development of chapter courses on things to be done, community studies on the peace program, exchange of plans with other agencies, meeting with farmers in their various bounty and state meetings and granges. James Carter asked the district court for a divorce from Maggie Carter, who, he says, . abandoned him in 1903, six years after their marriage. Police of Two Cities Search For Missing Bluffs Girl Omaha and Council Bluffs de tectives have been unable to find any trace of Geneva Davis, the 16-year-old girl, who Monday afternoon left her home, 111 North Eighth street, Council Bluffs. Without revealing her plans, Miss Davis is said to have gone away with a strange woman much older than herself. Charles Addison, Oakland, la., the girl's sweetheart, is assisting in the search. Burgess-Nash Entertains Visiting Librarians at Tea Burgess-Nash Co. entertained the visiting librarian with a tea, yes terday afternoon in the cricket room, in honor of the 25th annual convention of librarians. About 75 visitors inspected the book department of the store. Miss Emma Rood, formerly with the Omaha public library for many years, is manager and buyer for the department - Pretty Nearly There. -V Ruling Benefits Men Who Were Disabled , , While Serving In War Former soldiers, sailors and ma rines who have incurred disabilities in line of duty which have necessit--ated major amputations, such as the loss of a hand tfr foot, both hands or both feet, or Joss of sight of one or both eyes, and who are desirous of taking vocational . training, can now have their applications acted on within 24 hours, according to a bulletin received yesterday at the army building hi Omaha. Heretofore all applications for training were referred from the dis trict vocational office to the federal board at Washington for action. Under the new system all of these applications are acted on .by travel ing field representatives, who have been sent out from Washington. These representatives cover the entire country and visit each voca tional board at least once every two weeks, at which time all eases in the district office are cleared up. The only cases, which such traveling rep resentatives must refer to Washing ton are those involving courses for a period longer than two years. On these the Washington office will give a decision within 10 days. . City Will Sell Carload of Potatoes at $1.50 Bushel A car of potatoes from northwest ern Nebraska will be sold by the city today, beginning at 9 a. m., at Twelfth and Nicholas streets., The price will be $1.50 per bushel, in sacks of two bushels each, on the cash-and-carry plan. These are what is known as white, irrigated, potatoes. s- The minimum amount sold will be half a bushel. The sale is being conducted by O. M. Olsen, Mayor Smith's secretary, and Joseph Sherry, deputy city clerk. These city officials expect to receive a car of Early Ohio potatoes soon. Byrne Made Vice President Of Custer BattlefiekHrVay The bureau of publicity of the Chamber of Commerce yesterday re ceived notice that Roy T. Byrne of the Byrne-Hammer Dry Goods Co. was elected second vice president of the Custer Battlefield highway, executives of which were recently organized at Sheridan, Wyo. The highway leads from Omaha to Gla cier National park. George W. Weideman, Lewiston, president; W. H. Wallace, Sheridan, Wyo., first vice president; F. B. Gladden, Hardin, Mont., treas urer, and W. D. Fisher, Sheridan, Wyo, secretary, ( Allege Two Youths Are I. W. W. Propagandists Two young alleged propagandists of the I. W. W. organization fell into the hands of the police Tuesday night at Thirteenth and Douglas streets, just after they had left the local I. W. W. hall at 114 South Thirteenth sireet. They, gave their names as Tim McCarthy, 17 years old, Syracuse, N. Y., and Harold Westgate, 16 years old, Clinton, la. Both had membership cards of the I. W. W. They were, turned over to juvenile authorities. Lift ojfComs! Doesn't tyirt a bit and Freejone costs only a few cents. ' With your fingers-! Yon can lift off any hard corn, soft corn or com between the toes, and the hard skin calluses from bottom of feet. A tiny bottle of "Freezone" costs little at any drug store; apply a few drops upon the corn or callus. In stantly it stops hurting, then shortly you lift that bothersome corn or callus right off, root and all, with out one bit of pain or soreness. Truly! 'No Humbug 1 Eczema Wash AtMchsfD.D.D.tour r ttefainc araptiaa ud rwll b abl to (Mtao4 itaep one Bare. Thl-)uit towbl Ii It wartk tryinff Get a trial bom taxUr. Ue, Me n4 fi.M. Tr mcney back If Um tnt bsttto iom not rlier jon. HEJED.ID). M lotion for Shin Disease Flv Sherman A McConnel! Drug StorM. WMMMMIMX f OPEN NOSTRILS! END A COLD OR CATARRH 1 ZHow To Get Relief When Head and net are staffed Up. Count fifty! Your cold in head or catarrh disappears. Your clogged nostrils will open, the air passage of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more snuffling, hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or headache; no struggling for breath at nurht , Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist and apply a little of this fragrant antiseptic cream in your nostrils. It pene trates through every air passage ot the head, soothing and healing the swollen or inflamed mucous mem brane, giving you instant relief. Head colds and catarrh yield like magic. Don't stay etuffed-up and miserable. Relief is sure. Appear At Tour Bit-InitanU V you racdvi a caller or an unexpected in- vttarJoji you can feel con fident of always appearing at your beet In but few moments It renders to your skin a wonderfully pure, eoft complexion that to beyond conputoon. Attain I 1 i1rfJI(&lmJiH Skinner's the Best Macaroni and Spaghetti Recipe Boole FreeOmaha STOWUP? Get at the Real Cause Take Dr.-Edwards' OUve Tablets Hint's what thousands of stomach sufferers are doing now. Instead of taking tonics, or trying to patch up a Airractinrt thsv am ottarlHnc the real cause of the ailment clogged liver and cusoraerea Doveis. - Dr. Edwards Olive Tablets arouse the liver in a soothing, healing way. When the liver and bowels are per- their natural functions. awaV . SMIUU15 uawu - goes indigestion and stomach troubles. Have you a Dad taste, coaiea tongue, poor appetite, a lazy, don't care feeling, no ambition energy, trouble with undigested foods? Take Olive Tablets, the substitute for calomel Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets are a purely vegetable compound mixed with olive oil. You will know them by then olive color. They do the work without - griping, cramps or pain. . ' Take one or two at bedtime far quick relief. Eat what you like. 10c and 25c. Rheumatism A Home Cure Given By Ores Who Had ItT In Um sprint of UDS 1 was attacked by 11m eiilnr aud Inflammatory Bheumatina. 1 auf fered aa only mow who fiatt- It know, for over three yeara, 1 tried remedy after remedy, and doctor after doctor, but such relief ae 1 re ceived waa only temporary. Finally, I found a remedy that cured me eompletely, end II hai never returned. I bare firm It to a number wlio were terriWr afflicted and em bedridden with Rheumatism, -and tt effected a cure in every caee. I want every sufferer from any (one. et rheometie) trouble to try tola marvelous beal ln power. Don't send eent; aimnly mill tout name and address and I will send It free to try. After you hare used It and tt has proven Itself fa be that lonf-looked-for means of curing your BaeumaUam. you may sand the prloe of It, one dollar, but, understand, do not want your money unlets yon are per. fectly. satisfied to send It. Isn't that fair! Wbj suffer any longer when positive relief Is thus offered vou treat Don't delay. Write today. - N Mark H. Jackson, No. flurney Bids.. Syracuse, N. T. Mr. Jackson Is responsible. Above state ment true. Why Be Fat? Become Slim This Season ... , . Have you heard about the new systam for weight reduction? . You may eat and drink all you need. There is no tedious exercis ing. Take a little oil of korein at mealtimes and when retiring; alsc ' follow the simple, clear directions A loss of weight, ten to sixty poundi (whatever you need to lose), maj be expected by this safe and pleas ant system of fat reduction. At the druggist's get a small box of oil of eiorein capsules, and start at once. ' Be of normal size, with good figure and attractive appearance, agile, quick-witterf, healthier and more efficient. By reducing weight now you are likely to avoid one or more diseases, heart weakness, sun stroke, apoplexy, etc., and to add many years to your life. Remember oil of korein. Become thin and stay so. Show others this adver tisement , . BIG EATERS GET KIDNEY TROUBLE i y Take Salts at first sign ot Bladder irritation or Backache. The American men and women must guard constantly against Kid ney trouble, because we eat too much and all our food is rich. Our blood is filled with uric acid which v the kidneys strive to filter out, they ' weaken from overwork, become sluggish; the eliminative tissues clog arid the result is kidney trouble, bladder weakness and a general de cline in health. v When your kidneys feel like lumps of lead; your back hurts or ths urine is cloudy, full of sediment, or you areNob!iged to seek reliei two or three times during the nighti if VOU Suffer with cirlr W.ioU. dizzy, nervous spells, acid stomach, w you nave rneumatism when the weather isTbad. art tVnm .l.. " rnacist about four ounces ; of Jad oaus; use a taDiespoontul in a glass of water before hrVfa days and your kidneys will then acl - Title Th . aa V . aiia itfiuuus bans if made trOTO the actd fif crran nJ U- - juice, combined with lithia, and has "'' "a ,or generations to Ilush anrf .1 I t'A neutralize the acids in the urine so it no longer is a source of irritation, thus ending bladder disorders. . Jad Salts is inexpensive; cannot Injure, makes a .delightful efferves cent llthia-watr-r longs in every home, because no body can make a mistake by ha. hi a gooa Kianey nusnmg any