THE BEE:. OMAHA, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1919. 1& FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. I have lit acre of land la Pawnee coun ty. Nebraaka for trade for a mall timet of land or an Income property In or around Omaha. Writ 8. J. Brum baugh, Summcrfleld. Kan. BARGAINS IMPROVED FARMS,"" 1135 TO 1264 ACRE. NEAR OMAHA! IN VEST WHBRB TOU ARB SURB OF" RKrttJLTS. Q. P. STEBBINS, 111! CHICAGO. FOUR mile from Omaha. South 10 aero wt half of southwest quartar section T, township I north, range II east Writs Oacar E. Waar, fGrend Rapid. MlehlVan. TOR Weatern Nebraska and Eastern Col- orado lands e HELD LAND CO. U4 Brand! Bldg. FOR NEBRASKA LANDS 8KB A. A. PATZMAN, tt Kirbach Bllt. Tyler 1141 IMPROVED and unimproved wheat farm. Klmnall county. Nb. R. B. Holman, Bushnell, NeB. MERRICK COUNTT. Improved com and alfalfa farm at th right price. M. A. LARrON. Central city, wen, PRICE and tarma right on northeaat Ne braaka Improved corn and alfalfa farms, C. V. Nelson. 111 Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. South Dakota Lands. BRINGING UP FATHER- Sm Jif ( and Maggia ia Full Page of Colors ia Tha Sunday Baa. Drawn for The Bee by McManus Copyriirbt 1119 Introationl New Service, RANCH for aale, 1,200 acrea deeded. 4. 828 acre leaaed. Leaaea run I year from March 1. 1920. Price 140 per acre. Thla ! ranch la located In the Koaeoua country In South Dakota. Addreu T-711 Omaha Be. Texas Lands. TEXAS LAND. Why buy In a company T Own your own or lo-aer noma rarm ana on field In Galveeton county. Priced to eii. Addreu 601 Welt Seventh St, Lexing ton Nob. I JI441-WOULD "YOU MIND L. M IN NO H I Zl " . ( TM OOCTO 1 If XOUftE. WONOEFUU OOCTO !MY j II I yjMOER IF. I COULD I- VMT.N, UNTIL ETOAC3J HUftRY-DCC- VH c OTj W TML KtUOV OP AN' OCCOMC j THNK Wyoming Lands. HOMESTEAD LANDS IN WTOMINO FOR SOLDIERS OR OTHERS. BOYS MAKE USE Or TOUR TIME IN SERV ICE. AS WHAT TIMB TOU HAD IN SERVICE COUNTS .AS STRAIGHT TIME ON A HOMESTEAD Land la beln filed on daily and li go Ing faat: you ran take either l0, 120 or 640 acre homestead, and you boya ought not let thla opportunity paa by. II SO ooven location, tiling fee, ate; auto to land. . W alao have him fin ranehM for aala; grand business opportuniti in Wyoming to offer. Writ ua today, or better itlll, com. Address CALL McNAMARA, DOUGLAS, WTO. OFFICB OPPO. POSTOmCB. Miscellaneous. For Iowa, Nebraika aod South Dakota farm end rancbe fee ALEXANDER & GIPE, Doug. tool. 122 Panton Blk. FARM LANDS WANTED. WE will aell your farm; timely aale: quick result. Held Land Co., 064 Brand! Bldg. AUTOMOBILES For Sale. SOMB BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS McCaffrey motor COMPANY, , The Handy-Ford Bervic Station) aitkr and Jackson St. Doug- 1600 Schwartz A Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co. Bo. Omaha Pkg. Co. Hlggln Packing Co. Mayerowtch A Vail. Qlasaberg r. O'Dea Wilson W. B. Van Bant A Co, F. P. Lewi Huntzlnger A Oliver J.B. Root A Co J. H. Bulla R. M. Burruss A Co. Rosenstock Bros. . . F. G. Kellosr Werthelmer A Degen 1,410 Ellis A Co Sullivan Bros. A. Rothschild , Mo. -Kan. C. A C. Co. E. G. Christie Baker John Harvey Jensen A Lundgren. Dennla A Francis . Cheek A Krebi .... rOmaha Bay Stat Kay A Orr Morris, Sioux Fall Othor buyer 5,647 Auto Clearing House Omaha's Largest Used Car Store. THE ONE PLACE WHERE TOU CAN BUT A USED CAR WITH A THREE DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. 1913-14-14 Farnam. Douglas 1312. rent a new ford drive yourself 11 CENTS PER MILE. TOO ARE COVERED BT INSUR ANCE AGAINST LIABILITT RESULT ING from ACCIDENT. It NEW llt MODEL FORD CARS. FORD LIVERY CO., DOUG. 3022.. 1814 HOWARD. IF TOU WANT A REAL BARGAIN , HERE THEY ARE. v 1111 6AXON -. 1411 llll Oldsmoblle 131 1118 BiTP (36) 821 TBAWVER AUTO CO.. 110 FARNAM. MEEKS AUTO CO. Uaed car bought sold and exchanged. Wa buy for cash and aell on time. Full line to select from. Middle Stat Garage. 1026-8 Farnam St Doug. 4101. VSED car of exceptional vain. PROMPT DELIVERY, ON ALL MODELS NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRED C. ROGERS, MGR. TYLER 1717. 1407-21 Capitol Ave. RELIABLE automobile school; beat elee trtcal and aelf-atarter coursea; day and night school; come now; free catalog, Rational Automobile School. 1814 North Twentieth, omana. USED cars A exceptional value. GUY L. SMITH, 1681 Farnam Bt Dong. ltTt. .USED CARS AND TRUCKS. , AT BARGAIN PRICES STANDARD MOTOR CAR CO. 1011 Farnam St Omaha. Keh. SEE US ''FOR HIGH-GRADE USED CARS ROBERTS MOTOR CO., I101 FARNAM. DOUG. 1181. FOR SALE Saxon runabout, In splendid condition; first 1128 get It. Call Pro tector Sale Co., 1721 Howard. Tyler 8046. , . FORD9. BUICK8. DODGE. NEW AND US EO CARS, FORD BODIES. O'ROURKE-GOLDSTROM AUTO CO, 1701 SOUTH 24TH ST. SOUTH lt. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick aotlon; no delay. Auto Ex change Co.. 1051 Farnam Bt D. 1031. UNITED AUTO PARTS CO. ' 20S2 Farnam. EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. THE DIXIE FLYER. R. NICHOLS MOTOR COMPANY. 2620 Farnam St OAKLAND Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO. 3300 Farnam Bt t BARGAINS IN USED CARS- McCaffrey Motor Co. 16th A Jackson. Ford Agenta D. 1100. 1100 Reward for any magneto we can t re pair. Sole mnfra of new aelf-apaclmj f- flnlty spark plug. Baydorfer. 110 N. llth FOR TERMS ON USED CARS " VAN BRUNT'S Look for th red eal on wind shield. AUTOMOBILE electrical repair; aervlce station tor Rayfleld carburetor and Columbia storage batterle. Edward, FORD MARKET. . 1230 Farnam. Cash. Tim. Liberty Bond. ltlt OLDSMOBILE. practically new. as traa; beat offer. Room 144 Banter Ins. Douglas I960. GOOD U8ED CARS. GUT L. SMITH. Cars for Hire. FORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR HIRE, i Drtv yourself, at very reasonable price; no extra to pay. Nebraska Service Garage, 1Kb. and Farnam. IX 7390. Tires and Supplies. USED TIRES DIRT CHEAP. 30x1, 4.0; 10x34, 16.09. AH slxe in proportion. Look over ur rebullta Open Sunday. Tyler ltlt. 108 N. ltth 8t Keystone Tire Shop. NEW TIRES i2 PRICE Fie. Goodrich. Bull tires. Lee. Firestone. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS, 118 Farnam, lite The Bee want adi for remits. Market and Industrial News of the Day LIVE STOCK ' Omaha. Oct. 22, Official Monday ....16,306 3,611' Official Tuesday ....17,369 6,806 ,j.w,.t. suueauaj aa,uvv v,vv ' Three days this weok 46,176 14,397 miub iiayn last weeK du,904 14, bit Same days 1 wka ago 61,147 - 14,637 Mar,, .1 , ai-A At e.1 to no. Same day year ago 2M31 12)666 Receipts and disposition of live at tne union otocx yards, Dmaha, for 24 hour ending at 3 o'clock Oct 21, 1819. RECEIPTS QARS. Cattle. Hog. C, M. A St. P 11 7 Missouri Pacltlo .... 1 1 Union Pacifio 187 14 C. A N. W., east ... 12 7 C. A N. W west ... 162 19 C, St. P., M. A O... 11 t C, B. A Q., east ... I C, B. A Q west ... 14 t C, R. I. A P., east.. t ' C, R. I. A P., wes. .1 1 Illinois Central .. I 6 Chi. Gt Western ... 1 4 1911, Sheep 19,824 26,641 14,000 69,365 72,770 84,243 98,697 63,643 stock Neb., p. m., Sheep. 6 2 16 2 19 2 2 12 4 Total receipt 468 87 78 DISPOSITION HEAD. Morris A Co. ...... Swift A Co Cudahy Packing Co, 118 845 733 1,780 1,296 2,301 1,899 1,796 2,410 1,961 1,847 . 2,022 69 ..... 297 40 20 S 29 3 22 16 107 1. 226 ..... 606 60 761 286 1 803 ' ..... 466 1,410 62 123 342 ..... 91 20 284 876 i. 179 . 146 74 ; . 18 38 74 112 13,832 Total .17,080 8,372 21,292 rattle Tha cattle eupoly was again quit liberal, estimate calling for 11,600 head. What little corn fed beef wa her sold stronger, heavy short fed bringing 916.00 and th better kind reaching 117 26. Not much western beef wa here, the undertone was strong on th few that w.m hare. Butcher stuff opened steady atileaat on the desirable kinds, but the under on was araggy ana ciuam nmui looked a little lower. It was another lower affair on most classes of atockers and feeders, about the only kinds that escaped declines of 26c being the good and heavy cattle on which packers would compete. Quotations on cattl: Choice to prime beeves. 50918. 00: good to choice beeves, 116.0016.60; fair to good beeves, H3.BO016.OO; common to fair beeves, 611. 00918.00; choice to prime yearlings. !17.60i9U.C0; good to choice, yearlings. I1I.I017.00; fair to- good yearlings, 12.6091S.OO; common to fair yearlings, 110.000)12.00; choice to prime heifers, 8.5010.00; choice to prime cowj, 110.00 011.25; good to choice cows. II.16BI.00; fair to good cows, 6.607.76; common to. ' AUTOMOBILES Mntnrcvrlen and BicTCleS. HARLET - DAVIDSON MOTORCTCLES- Bargains in uaea micuu - i Roos, th motorcycle man, 17th and Leavenworth Bt. ""Repairing and Painting. 1 RADIATOR CORES INSTALLED, Manufactured In Omaha, 14-hour erv Ice for auto, truck and tractor.' Expert radiator and fender repairing: abody dents removed; new fenders mad. OMAHA AUTO RADIATOR MFG. CO. 1819 Cuming St Tylr 117. F. P. BARNUM CO.. 1112 Cuming. Doug- Jria autt, mga irsai Mwrauwi, ,,. -ng. . . HorsesLive Stock-Vehicles. - 800 Sets of Harness 10 per cent discount No war price. Here are om of our bargains: lOt at et harness, 151 per set 400 let at 165.00. 100 ets of show hemes at reasonable prices. 100 sets of used hr ness, 135.00. Curled hair leather col lars, 15.60 each. Other leather collar 12.95. Bert 114 -In. halter. 11.45 each. Concord trace. 114.88 per et of four. We are the largest harness dealer in th west Reference Flrat National bnk' MIDWEST HARNESS CO.. - 708 No. 16th St. Omaha. Neb. npnnn sows. Buy on Blrdhavon Profit Sharing Plan. Phone Web. 2884. O. B. Petti, agent 00 HEAD good quality feeder for ale. Matt omen. Muraot p. v. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. WHEAT creenlng. 12.50 per hundred. - .. a aa. - . . , a 1. hi. cenverea. aui nn -- Wagner Douglae 1141. W. PERSONAL, THE SALVATION Army Industrial horn solicit your 010 magaalnes. We collect Wo dUtrlbute Phone Doug. 4115 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 uoage ptreei. t WILL not be responsible for any debt on or after Oct xw, w Mr. Blanch A. Crbnk. D. W. Cronk. MONEY TO LOAN. ORGANIZED oy the Suslnee Men of Omaha. FUnitui.j. piano ana 001 as security. 140 mo.. H. goods, total, 88 50. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 411 Security Bldg., llth and Farnam. Ty. 666. LOANS ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES, ETC , EAGLE LOAN OFFICE, , 1801 DOUGLAS ST. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRT LOANS. Lowest ratoa Private loan booth. Harry Malahock, 1514 poage. a. ji. k. h4. riltvfl and eltv loan S H. JJUUUi-18, iriw - 121 Keelln Bids. YOUNG LADIES Wa offer yon a well paid position. Pay you whflo in training. Permanent work. Rapid advancement. Investigate our working conditions. Operators' Employment Bu reau, 613 New Telephone Building, 19th and Douglas Streets. Local Stocks and Bonds, Quotation furnished by Burns. Brlnker at company. Stock Bid. Asked. Burgesa-Nash, pfd. T pet 99H Gooch Fd. Prod, pfd. bonus.. 99 100 Nat'l Sec Fire Ins. Co 160 Nebr. Power Co., I pet, pfd. It Nicholas Oil pfd. w-bonus.... 85 Om. A Co. B. St Ry. A Br. pfd 49 63 J. C. Penney Co., 7 pet pfd. 97 98 M E. Smith, T pfd., 1932 101 A. G. Spalding A Bros., 1st pfd. 99 100 Thompson-Belden A Co. ...... 99 300 Union Stock Yard, Om 100 102 Bonds Boone Co. Ia., ret 4 4.65 pet, Doug. Co. High. 6s, 1132-36 4.66 pet. I. Portland Cement 6s 18 100 Lin. Lt, He. A P. 6s. 1931.... tl Maytag Co. 6s. 1920-29 6.60 pet. Omaha Athletic 6s. 1921 tl 100 Un. Stk. Yds.. Om. 1st 6s, 1131 15 17 fair cow. t5.00ffS.25; choice to prime heavy feeders, ' 12.0013.00; good to choice feeders, I10.606H2.00; medium to good feeders, JS.6O10.0O; common to fair feeder, 17.00 SiipS. 50 ; good to choice atock ers. 310.00011.25; fair to good atockers, t8.6010.00; common to fair atockers. 86.60Qi8.00; stock heifers, t8.608.50; stock cow, 16.0007.60: stock calves, .87.00 10.75; veal calves, 17.00 14.00; Wis, stags, etc, 6.757.25; choice to prime grasa beeves, 113.00018.60; good to choice grass beevea, 811.00012.60; fair to good grans beevea, 19.60010.60; common to fair grass beeves, 16.6008.50; Mexican beevea, 36.00 0 9.50. BEEF STEERS. No. . Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 36 v.1272 f 14 60 6. 1030 115 00 16 1376 17 26 CALVES. 1...... 360' 1 60 15 291 t 00 1 160 13 00 3 150 13 00 WESTERN CATTLE. COLORADO. 33fdr. 938 10 65 12 strs.. 187 11 00 31 cow. 937 935 17 cow. 825 I 75 14fdrs. 751 50 MONTANA. 69 str.. 1091 11 00 29 at re.. 907 . 9 10 37 fdr. 877 8 85 WYOMING. 2 fdr. 1055 11 50 11 cow. 979 9 16 llSstkra. 710 t 00 18 tr. 860 7 60 23 fdr. 782 10 25 23 hfr.. 627 6 50 SOUTH DAKOTA. x tcow. 836 6 25 18 fdr. 1069 10 75 12 cow. 920 8 00 24 fdr. 837 9 25 NEBRASKA. 63 fdr. 1097 10 26 17 civ.. 426 t 60 117 cows. 925 8 71 30 civs. 2t6 10 00 14 civs. 147 13 60 287 fdrs. 740 . 9 75 aoetkrs. 738 9 60 22 fdrB. 891 10 75 32tkr. 631 .8 00 15 fdrs. 864 11 5E Hogs Receipts were fairly liberal, 77 load estimated at 6,000 head. Supplies run mora to lleht weiarhte than tor some time and quality was fairly good. 112.26 proved the popular figure for the day bulk of sales ranging from I12.0012.60. An early top was made ot 813.DU out the practical ton after trading got under way wa 113.00. A few extreme heavie sold under even money. The mafket wa generally 75ctl.OO lower than yesterday. HOGS. , No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. A-v. Sh. Pr. 49.. 372 40 111 75 36.. 336 l iz uu 60. .312 ... 12 10 66. .307 80 12 25 32. .306 ... 12 30 60. .295 ... 12 35 72. .261 70 12 40 67. .274 40 12 6U 74. .241 240 12 65 74. .224 ... 13 00 Cn.en TAftav'a rAcelnt of aheen and lamb were estimated at 14,000 head and included eeveral shipment of short feds and warmed up atuff. Quality on an average wa not very attractive but a responsive demand featured the trade In anil ruled generally steady. Good fat western lambs sold up to 115.00. One shipment or neavy snori iea orouguv 115.15. Fairly good killing lambs are mov ing around 114.50. Packers paid a high a 17.75 for best ewes, 19.00 for kged wether and 110.25 tor a atrlng of heavy yearlings. Most of the fair to good ewea are bringing 16.5007.25. , Culls and can ners, 13.0004.00. Quotations on sheep: Lambs, good to choice, 114 75 15.25 ; lambs, fair to good, 114.25014.75; cnoice leeaer ismoa, 018.00; medium to good feeders, $12,000 12.60; common and light feeders, $10.60 11.76; cull and throwouta, 17.00010.00; yearlings, 110.00011.60; wethers, 19.00 1.75; ewes good to choice, $7.2607.76; ewes, fair to good, 16.2607.25: good feed ing ewes, 16.0006.76; ewe-culls and can ners, $2.6004.00; breeding ewes, $7,500 13.00. FAT LAMBS. No Ar. Pr. No. av. it. 368 Wyo.. 61 115 01 160 Ida.. 70 $14 75 46 Utah.. 10 14 60 FEEDING LAMBS. 337 Wyo.. 81 12 75 410 Ida. 59 11 10 10 Utah.. 61 11 76 BtiOBT-rlSU laAMDO. tot Neb.. 14 14 60 18 shorn. 81 li oo FAT liWHO. t Utah.. 15 T 76 67 Fed..lll 1 71 I Ida. cl. t 4 00 FEEDER EWES. 17 Utah.. It 6 10 176 Ida.. 14 tl BREEDING EWES. 201 Wyo.. 16 f 75 118 Ida.. 96 18 as Chicago Live Stock. Oct. 22. Cattle Receipt, ) 18,- 000 head; market unsettled; beef ateera, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime, 117.26019.40; medium and good, 111.00016.75: common, 18.60011.00; light weight good and choice, 114.00018.85; common and medium. 17.76014.00; butch er cattle, heifers, 16.60014.50; cow. 16.89 0 12 76; canner and cuttera, 16.3606.60; veal calves, $16.60017.50; feeder steer. $7.00011.25; stocker teer, 16.00010.76; western range steers, t7.76016.6O; cows and heifers, 16.00012.25. Hogs Receipts 21,000 head; estimated tomorrow, 30,000 head; market 75c$l.O0 lower; closing $1.00 lower; bulk of sales, H.nnAiiAA, hpm. . 812.400 12.85: medi um $12:25013.00; light, $12.26012.86 light light, 112.00012.50; heavy packing aow, .mooth. -l-"B"-2S..P$S'2!.yw" rough, tll.25ll.75; pig. $11.76012.60. 1 Sheep and Lambs Receipt 22.000 head; estimated tomorrow, 35,000 head; market firm; lamb, i2.(oiffi.; cuhb am. com w t 7SA112.60: ewe, medium, good and 'choice, 16.7508.50; cull and com mon, t3.0Otps.Dv; oreeaing, .oii.b. Kansa City live Stock, v.nua Cltv. Mo.. Oct. 22. Catle Re ceipt. 24,000 head; market ateady; heavy beef steers, cnoice ana pnmo, .iv nil. morilum and aood. 112.15016.00: common, 110.00012.00; lightweight and choice, 113.10017.26; common and me dium. 18.10013.20; butcher cattle, helf era $8.50014.26; cows, 16.30012.00; can nera and cutters, 15.2606.10; Veal calve, 11145017.00: feeder steer. $8.35013.50; Blocker steers. $6.7009.60. Hogs Receipts, la.uuw man; mr.. ..nil to 11.00 lower: bulk of aale. 110.26012.76: heavies, 111.15012.75; me dium, tll.15011.00: light. I12.OO0H.6O; light light. $11.7601246; packing sows, pig. .. Sheep and Lamb Receipt. 10,000 heed; market steady; lambj, $15,000 uu anlta and Mmmnn. 18.00012.25; yearling wether. tl.2510.; f.-6 07.65; cull and common. 13.0005.75; breeding ewea, 7.O014.H; reeuer lamoe. $10.50012.25. . 4 Sioux aty Uve Stock. Sioux City, Ia., Oct 11. CattleRe ceipt. 4,000 head; market, trong; beef Bteere. fed, tll.6O017.15t grs. 17.600 11.60; fat cows and heifer. 18.00013.00; grass, 17:00010.09; canner. 16.0007.00; veal calves. 86.00916.00: stocker and feeders, I6.5012.00; feeding cows and heifers, 15.0008.60. . . , Hogs Receipts, 1,000 head: market. Tl cent to 11.00 lower; light. $11.00012.75; mixed. $11.60011.25; heavy, $11.000 12.00; bulk of aale, 111.60 0 12.15. . Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1.100 head; market, steady. f St. Joseph Live Stock. St Joseph, Mo., Oct. 11. Cattle Re ceipts, 2,500 head; market strong; steers, 17.60017.691; cows and heifers, 16.500 15.00; calve. 17.00 015.50. Hoga Receipts, 7,600 head; market 71 cents to 11.00 lower; top. $13.00; bulk of salee. not quoted Sheep and Lamb Receipta, 4.000 head; market steady to 16 cent higher; lamb, IS.l691t.7li ewe, 15.1007.76-' GRAIN MARKET 1 Omaha. Oct 11. lilt. Grain arrival today were again light Carlot receipta were: Wheats 61; corn, 17; oat, 1; rye, I, and barley, 10. Wheat taken generally wa unchanged, though a few car of cholc No. 1 hard sold some higher. Corn was 1 to 1 cents lower. No oats had been sold up to 1 p. m. Rye was unchanged. - Wheat No. 1 hard: 4 cars, 12.26; 1 car, $2.25; 1 car, 12.24; 1 car, 12.23; 1 car, $1.17 (smutty). No. I hard: 1 car, $2.24; 1 car, $2.22; 1 car, $2.21; 1 car. $2.14. No. 4 hard: 1 car, $2.16; 1 cars, $2.14; 1 car, $2.13; 1 car, $3.04 (very amutty). No. 6 hard: 1 ear, 12.08; 1 car, $2.0t 1 car, t3.02 (smutty). Sample hard: 1 car, $2.00 (fire burnt). No. 1 northern spring: 1-1 car, $2.66. No. 1 northern spring: 1 car, $2.32. No. 4 durum: 1 ear, 12.01. No. I mixed: 1 car, 12.10. No. I mixed: 1 car, 11.26; I oars, $i.22; 1-1 can, No. S mixed: 1 car, $2.13. Sample mixed: 1 ear. $1.04. v Corn No. 1 white: 1 ear, 11.16; t cars, $1.35. No, 4 whit: 1 ear, $1.83. No. 1 yel low: 6 car, $1.31. No. 1 yellow: 1 car. 1117; 1 car, 1136. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, $1.34. No. yellow: 1 car, 11.31. No. 2 mixed: 8 car, $1.14. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, $134. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, 11.32. Oats No. 1 whit: 1 car. II He. Rye No. 3, 1 car, 1.11. Barley Rejected: 1 ear, 11.11. OMAHA GRAIN MOVEMENT. Today Week Tear Receipt Ago Ago Wheat 61 89 - 62 Corn 17 28 61 Oats 1 10 72 Rye 8 8 3 Barley .10 1 11 Shipments- Wheat 64 158 11 Corn 22 60 71 Oat 33 12 83 Rye 2 24 I Barley 10 . RECEIPTS IN OTHER MARKETS. Wheat Corn Oat Chicago 152 111 167 Kansa City .... 85 21 8 St. Loul .....139' 12 11 Minneapolis 663 .. ,, Duluth 116 Winnipeg 646 Omaha Grain Inspection. The number of car of grain of the several grades Inspected "In" here dur ing the past 24 hour follow: Wheat No. 1 hard, ti No. 1 hard, 11; No. 3 hard, 21; No. 4 hard. 17; No. 6 hard. 12; Sample hard, 1; No. 1 mixed, 3; No. 2 mixed, 5; No. 3 mixed, 6; No. 4 mixed, 2; No. 1 spring, 1; No. 2 spring. 1; No. 1 prlng, 2; No. 4 spring, 1. Total 107. . . Corn No. 1 white, 1; Sample white, 1; No. 1 yellow, 2; No. 1 yellow, 6; No. 3 yellow, 1; No. 2 mixed, 1; No. 1 mixed, 3. Total, 19. Oats No. 1 white, 7;. Total 7. Rye No. 2, 2; No. I, 8. Totsl T. Barley No. 3, 1; No. 4, 1; No. 1 feed, 2; rejected, 1. Total t. PRIMART RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Tr. Ago Receipts . Today. Today. Wheat 1,744,000 1,607,000 Corn 620,000 681,000 Oats 702,000 1,410,000 Shipments- Wheat 889,000 540,000 Corn 328,000 461,000 Oats 685,000 836,000 EXPORT CLEARANCES. Today. Tr. Ago. Wheat and flour... ..116,000 684,000 Chicago Grain and Provisions. Chicago, Oct. 22. Indications that coun try offerings of corn had been checked made the corn market rally today from a decline due to demoralization of hog values. Corn closed firm at tne same as yesterday' finish to 114 o higher with December $1.24 to-M.26 and May $1.22 to $1.22.' Oat gained to Ho. The outcome In provision wa unchanged to 40o lower.' At flrat bear had things much thefr own way In the corn market. Big new breaks In the price of hogs resulted In considerable speculative selling. Tem porarily, too, buyer were further discour aged owing to the fact that contrary to expectation the longshoremen's strike was still unsettled. It was not long, though, before the majority , of traders became convinced that the downward awing of the corn market was shutting off sup plies from rural source and that no dis tress liquidation on th part of holders had taken place. Spot then grew nerv ous, and export buying of oat accelerated the late upturn. Oat nrmnathlsed. with tha early weak ness of corn, but afterward ahowed Inde pendence. Revival of exnort demand was noted including 100,000 bushel bought here for the aeaboard. Provisions were deDressed by th col lapse of the hog market, but grain strength acted later as an offset in part FINANCIAL Art Corn Dec. May Oats. Dec May Pork. Oct Jan. Lard. Oct Jan. Ribs. Oct Jan. Open. I High. I Low. Close. ITes'y. 1.18H 1.16 1.12 1.18 1.11 1.11 111 1.10 1.11 1.214 .70 .71 .70 " .71 .71 .71 .74 .73 .74 .71 41.69 31.15 31.50 31.80 32.10 26.76 28.85 26.60 28.86 27.20 23.86 23.90 23.60 23.87 23.95 18.80 18.50 17.25 17.80 17.07 17.30 17.36 Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Oct 11. Flour Unchanged. Barley 11.0501.21. Rye No. 2. 11.31. Bran $37.00. Corn $1.3701.81. Oats 66 068 0. ) Flax $4.36 04.38. r St. Louis Grain.; St. Loul. Oct. 21. Corn December. $1.26; May,. $1.24. jaia uecemoer. no mui aimji Kansa City Grain. Vsnaaa Cltv. Ma.. Oct 12. doe! Corn December. 11.26; May. tl.12. New York U. S. 2, reg..l00 U. S. 2. coup. lOt U. S. cv. 3s. rear II U. a cv. Is, COUP II U. 8. 4s, reg..l06 U. S. 4s, coup. 106 Am. Tel. A Tel. cv. 6s. ..101 Anglo-French 5s 97 Armour uo. 4 He 84 Atchison gen. 4s 78 B. St u. cv. 4s Bethlehem Steel ref. 5 Central Leather 6a. Central Pa cific lit . C A O. cv. 6 .... , C. B. A Q., Joint 4 C. M. A St P. cv. 4s .... 75 C, R. I. A P. Ry. ref. 4s... tt C A 8. ref. 4KB 80 Chill Coppsr cv. 7 114 City of Paris t 17 D. a K. a. ref. 5a Dom. of Can. 5 (1131) . Erie gen. 4s , Gen. Elec 6 Gt. North. 1st 4 17 Bid; u it .. 1T .. 11 .. 14 15 Bond list. Illinois Central ref. 4s II Int. Mer. Marine la ... 17 U K. C. S. ref. 6s 77 L. A N. on. 4s 14 M., K. A T. 1st 4s 68 Missouri Pa cific gen. 4s 68 Montana Power 5s ... tO N. Y. Central deb. 6s 15 Northern Pa cific 4s 71 Northern Pa cific 3s 66 Oregon Short Line rer. 4s.. 83 Pacific Tel A Tel. 6a ..... 10 Penn. con. 4s 92 Penn. gen. 6s .. 94 Heading gen. 4s 84 St L a San Fran. adj. 6 80 Southern Pa cific cr. 6a.. 108 Southern Rail way 6a 81 Texas Company cv. s lot Texas and Fa- 88 15 49 15 clflc 1st Union Pa cific 4s ... United States Rubber 6s . United States Steel 5s ... Wabash fat .. 11 16 . 88 100 ii New Tork, Oct. 22. Stooks continued to surge forward In today's extremely active market, further easing ot money and the more encouraging surveys of the steel and Iron Industry contributing perceptibly to the Improvement I Call loans fell to 6 per cent, the lowest quotation In several weeka, time funds relaxed slightly and maintenance of the prevailing rate of rediscount by the federal reserve bank was accepted as a favorable augury. Trade authorities asserted that pig iron and finished steel production in the past week Increased to a 60 tier cent basis despite the deadlock In the steel strike. Aceordlng to the Iron Age price of some fabricated product have been advanced, with,' prospect of premium of ferings for speedy delivery. Steels and the many equipment Issues which move In sympathy with that group displayed marked , strsngth, Republic Iron leading on Its rise of 18 points to 120 in the last hour, thla constituting a new record. During the greater part of the -session, however, oils, motors and affiliated stocks were again the over shadowing features. New maximums were made by Texas Company, Mexican and Pan-American Petroleums, General Motors and Baldwin Locomotive at ex treme advances of 6 to 16 points. Sin clair waa strong on announcement that a large eum had been set aside to Increase the company's capacity in the middle west district. Other prominent stocks made gain of 3 to 13 points. They in, eluded such Issues a Remington Type. writer. Columbia Graohaphone. Corn Products, Retail Stores, Hide and Leather preferred and Burns Brothers.' Chemical, Fertilizer Pauer and utility Issues em braced the other active stocks at gain of 1 to 3 point. Salea amounted to 1. 725.000 share. Reaction in speculative rails caused moderate Irregularity In the bond mar ket although the Liberty group was steady, with the !s at 101, repeating the year's highest price. Total sales, par value, aggregated J14.3UIUH"'. Old United States bonds were un changed on call. Amer. Beet Sugar 4 A mer. Can 20, Amer. Car A Fdy. Amer. H. A L. pfd 8 Amer. Locomotive 8, Amer. S. A Re... 3, Amer. Sugar Re... 1, Amer. Suma. Tob. 8, Amer. T. A T Amer. Z., L. AS. 1, Anaconda Cop ... 2, Atchison 1, A. G. A W. I. S. S. 4, Baldwin Loco. ...78, B. A O 1, Beth. Steel "B"..61, Butte & 8. Cop... CaL Petro 2, Can. Pacific, .... Central Lea 15, Chfesa. & O C. f M. A St. P 1, Chi. A North.... C, R. I. A P Chlno Copper .... 1, Colo. F. & Iron.. 8, Corn Products ..62, Crucible Steel ...12, Cuba Cane Sugar 9, DIs. Secur. Corp . . 6, Erie 1, Gen. Elec Gen. Motors t, Ot. North., pfd... Gt. Nor. Ore Ctfs. 8, Illinois Central . . . Insplra. Copper . . 2, Int Mer. Ma., pfd. 4, Inter. Nickel .... 9, Inter. Paper 29, K. C. Southern... Kennecott Cop.... 1, L. A N. ; Mex. Petroleum. . .10, Miami Copper . . . Mldvale Steel 31, Missouri Pacific. 3, Montana Power is Nevada Copper . . N. T. Central .... N. Y., N. H. A H. . 1, N. A W. .7, Northern Pac. ... 2, Pan-Am. Petro. ...42, Pennaylvanfa ..... 1, Pitts. AW. Va Pittsburgh Coal .. 1, Ray Con. Copper. Reading , . 1 Rep. Iron A Steel. 18, Shat. Arts. cop.. Sinclair O. A R.,117 Southern Pac 18, Southern Ry 1, Studebaker Corp.. 19, Texa Co 19 Tobacco Products. I, Union Paclf lo .... United CIg. Stores. 54 U. S. Ind. Alcohol. 9, U. S. Steel ......151, U. S. Steel pfd .. Utah Copper 1, Western Union . . Westing. Electric. 6, Wllly--Overland .12, National Lead ... 2, Ohio Cltl 16, Roy'I Dutch, N. T.71 ,100 100 700 66 300 137 600 142 100 183 300 75 900 141 900 107 600 99 300 31 600 eih 200 9l 500 181 900 16f U 800 40 100 108 600 26 500 54 900 150 000 107 400 67 43 91 28 44 48 99 149 43 89 16 900 171 400 339 700 85 600 45 300 93 400 62 800 115 700 29 90071 100 18 900 35 300 110 600 264 100 27 600 600 100 400 200 900 65 29 65 17 ,74 82 100 100 200 86 100 140 700 43 98 64 135 138 112 74 139 105 99 21 68 90 185 160 40 106 26 53 149 106 67 42 ' 91 28 43 45 95 238 41 88 15 171 332 85 43 93 61 114 28 69 18 34 110 258 27 62 28 66 17 72 32 ioo 86 136 43 63 23 81 101 13 61S4 600 64 900 23 400 82 800 12V 500 14 .900 63 400 109M8 700 26 25 400 143 140 600 316 310 400 106 105 700 123 123 900 116 114 000 115 112 300 111 110 600 116 116 400 84 84 ZOO 86 400 67 600 37 000 88 700 67 86 66 36 87 66 600 113 110 98 65 135 142 122 74 141 106 99 21 68 90 1R5 164 40 108 26 53 150 106 67 43 91 28 43 48 97 248 42 88 16 171 337 85 45 93 61 114 29 69 18 36 110 261 27 66 28 65 17 72 32 100 86 137 43 ,32 '4 23 82 118 13 62 108 25 142 312 106 123 115 113 111 116 84 86 67 36 88 58 110 New Tork .Money. . New Tork, Oct. 22. Mercantile Paper Unchanged. Sterling Unchanged. Franca Demand, 8.70c; cables, 8.88c. Lire Demand, 10.20c; cables, 10.18c. Marks Demand, 3.60c; cablea, 3.66c Time Loans Strong; unchanged. . Call Money Firm: high, 6; low, 8; ruling rate, 6; closing bid, 6; offered at 6; last loan, 6 per cent London Money. London, Oct. 12. Bar Stiver, Honey and Discount Unchanged. Short Term Ndtes Peters Trust company's dally quota tions: y Bid. Asked. Amer. Tel. A Tel. 6s, 1924.... 98 99 Amer. Tel. A TeL s, 1925. ...101 101 Amer. Thread 6s, 1928 100 101 Amer. Tobacco 7s. 1911 100 100 Amer. Tobacco 7s, 1920 101 101 Amer. Tobacco 7s, 1921 102 102 Amer. Tobacco 7s, 1922. .....102 103 Amer. Tobacco 7. 1928 103 103 Anaconda Copper 6s, 1929 ... 98 98 Anglo-French Ext 6s 1920.. 97 17 Armour A Co. Con. Deb. Is, 1920 102 101 Armour A Co. Con. Deb. 6s, 1921 102 101 Armour A Co. Con. Deb. 6s, 1922 102 101 Armour A Co. Con. Deb. 6s, 1923 102 101 Armour A Co. Con. Deb. 6s, 1924 102 103 Bethlehem Steel Co. 7s, 1922.101 102 Bethlehem Steel Co. 7s, 1923.101 102 British 6B, 1921 95 96 Canada 6s. 1921 98 9 Canadian Pacifio 6a, 1924.... 99 100 C, B. A Q. 4s, 1921 95 95 C, R. I. A P. 6s, 1922 97 18 Cubaa-Amer. Sugar 6s, 1921.. 100 100 Cudahy Packing Co. 7a. 1922.101 102 Gen. Electric Deb. ts, 1920. ..100 100 Great Northern Ry. 6s. 1920.. 99 99 Inter. Rap. Trans. 6a, 1921.. 72 74 Kan. City Terminal 6s, 1921.. 19 109 Lehigh Valley 6b, 1923 101 101 Liggett A Meyers 6s, 1921.... 99 100 Phila. Elec. 6s. 1920 88 00 Proctor A Gamble 7s, 1920. ..100 100 Proctor A Gamble 7s, 1921. ..101 101 Proctor A Gamble 7s. 1922.. .102 102 Proctor A Gamble 7s, 1923. ...108 103 Russian Rubles 6a, 1936.... 80 84 Southern Ry. 6s, 1920 96 96 Swift A Co. 6s, 1821 19 100 Union Pacific 6s, 1928 102 . 102 U. S. Rubber 7s, 1923 103 104 Weatlnghouse E. A M. 6s, 1120.100 100 Wilson Conv. 6. 1928 97 98 First Liberty ! 100.60 Liberty. 1st, 4s 96.20 Liberty, 2d, 4 93.58 Liberty. 2d, 4 '4s 93.88 Liberty, 3d, 4a 95 48 Liberty, 4th, 4 t3.62 Liberty. 6th. 4 88.61 ..... FURTHER SLUMP IN HOG PRICES IS PREDICTED Drop of One Dollar a Hundred Will Cost Nebraska Farmers About $8,000,000; For the first time since the war the price of hogs on the local mar ket took a drop of $1 a 100 pounds and a further drop is predicted to come soon. Hogs at the stock yards at South Omaha sold as low at $12.50 and $12 Wednesday, and advices from Chicago state the quotations on hogs there was under $12. The drop in hogs is said to have been accom panied by a strong decrease in the price of grain and provisions. According to Chicago market ex perts the high cost of food gener ally caused a large marketing of hogs which demoralized the market, but R. C. Howe, general manager for 'Armour & Co., in Omaha, says the hog market is1 due for another slump in prices and that the price of Lhogs had been abnormally high. ,- Mr. Howe was also of tne opinion that the market in hogs would drop under a $10 figure befori "many weeks, which he ascribes' to a heavy corn crop that will make feed cheap er. He estimates that corn will sell for $1.25 a bushel, which he says means that hogs will sell for $10. Until recently the Chicago market for live stock has been higher than Omaha, which was attributed to the additional freight charge, but this has been absorbed lately and has left Omaha paying higher prices, than Chicago. According to Mr. Howe buyers will refuse to pay the here tofore high prices and consequently all kinds of meat'wijl be reduced in price. ' A dollar drop in hogs as applied to the annual production of hogs in Nebraska is estimated to mean a loss to Nebraska hog raisers of ap proximately $8,000,000. For the first time in a lone while sales were made at Chicago yester day below $12 a hundredweight, and numerous animals changed owner ship down as far as $11.50. New Tork General. New Tork, Oct. 22. Cornmeal Steady; yellow granulated, $3.60; white, $3.6603.66. Barley Firm; malting,' $1,4901.8$ f. o. b. New Tork. . Wheat Spot, steady; No. 2 red, $2.36 track New York, export billed. Corn Spot, easy; No. 3 yellow and No. 2 white, $1.62 e. 1. f. New Tork. Oats Firm; No. 1 white. 13c. Pork Irregular; mess, $46.00; family, $52.00063.00. Lard Easy; mlddlewest, 527.30027.40, Other articles unchanged. ' Soujth Side New Tork Coffee. New Tork, Oct 22. An early advance In the market for fotfee futures today carried prices back to about the high point of yesterday morning, but met increased realizing and was followed by reactions. The opening waa Irregular at a decline of 3 points to an advance of 2 points, but prices soon firmed up on the. higher Bra zilian cables, with December selling at 16.90c and May at 16.76c, or 21 to 30 points net higher. The reported settlement of the Santos strike led to realizing or liqui dation by some of yesterday's early buy ers, however, and December sold off to 16.64c In the later trading, while May re acted to 16.49c. The close was 4 to 11 points net lower. October, 16.64c; Decem ber, 16.64c; January, March, May, July and September, 16.4SC, Spot coffee was reported in better de mand, with Rio 7s quoted at 17 c and Santo 4s at 26 626c. New Tork Produce. New Tork. Oct 22. Butter Steady and unchanged. Eggs Steady and unchanged. Cheeae Firm; state, whole milk, flats, current make, special, 32c; state, average run, 11031c. ' Poultry Alive Irregular; chickens, 25c; fowls, 26081c; others 1 unchanged. Dressed, steady; fowls, 2639c; old roosters, 22023c; chicken, 28066c; tur keys. 86046c. . ' Evaporated Apple and Dried Fruits. New Tork, Oct 22. Evaporated Apples Dull. Prunes Steady. Apricots Fair demand. - Peaches Quiet. Ralalns Steady.' , Dry Good. New Tork, Oct' 22. Cotton good mar ket today were atrong, with volume of trading restricted became of inability to secure merchandise. Yarns were strong and burlaps quieter. Fine worsteds were in good demand and silks active. New Tork Cotton. ' New Tork, Oct "23. Cotton closed barely steady at a net advance of 61 to 110 points. New York Metals. New Tork, Oct. 22. Spelter Firm; East St. Louis delivery, spot, 7.87a bid; others unchanged. At London Spot: Copper, 104 lis Id; electrolytic, 116; tin, 279 Id; lead 29 12s 6d; spelter, unchanged. New Tork Sugar. New Tork, Oct 22. Sugar Unchanged. Chicago Produce. Chicago, Oct. 22. Butter Lower; creamery, 8063c. Eggs Lower: receipts, 4,867 caaes; firsts. 67 058c; ordinary firsts, 610 62c; at mark, cases Included. 61058c; storage-packed, firsts, 69 060c. Poultry Alive, unsettled; springs, 23e; fowls, 16023c. Potatoes Weaker; arrivals, 100 ears; northern bulk and sacked round whites, $2.2502.60; Idaho russets, $1.00 cwt Kansas City Produce. Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 21 Butter, Eggs and Poultry Unchanged. i Linseed Oil. Duluth, Minn., Oct 22. Linseed 14.30 04.38. liberty Bond Price. Price on Liberty bond at 1:56 p. m. were: 3, 100.88; first 4. 95.20; second 4s. 93.60; first 4s. 95.36; second 4s, 13.84; third 4s, 95.44; fourth 4Kb. 92.68; Victory 3s, 99.60; Victory 4s, 99.58. Turpentine and Rosin. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 22. Turpentine Quiet Receipta, 114 bbla. ; saiga, none: shipments, none; stock, 8,712 bblsT Kosin f irm, sales, ill caaKs; receipt, 200 casks, shlpmenta, 809 casks; stock, 33,731 casks. Quote B, 18. 56c; DBF. 16.80c; O, 17.06o; H. 17.60c; I, 18.70c; K. 19.30c; M. I0.0o; N. 20.80o; WO, 31.65o; WW. 22.15c All Shipments of Idaho Sheep Are In ' for Omaha Markets Si Tollman, a cattle man of Basin, Wyo., was a visitor at the stock yards Wednesday, looking over the market. He said the range in his section was in good condition caused by a number of good rains recently, but that hay was scarce and some ranchmen had paid $25 a ton for al falfa. Al Brown of Mountain Home, Ida., who arrived at the yards Wed nesday with a shipment of lambs, said most of the large outfits had sent in most of the sheep and lambs that would be sent this season. Edward Hamruerly of Mackay, Ida., who brought in a four-car ship ment of grass cattle, said practically no Idaho beef cattle, were shipped to the Pacific coast this year. He said the Missouri river markets were getting the bulk of Idaho cattle. Jackson's Hole Cattle Man boosts the Omaha Market A shipment of cattle brought in by j. D. Ferrin of Jackson's Hole, Wyo., went at the top price of $12.50 for feeders at the stock yards Wednesday. the cattle weighed in at about 1,000 each, and Ferrin said the price was the highest received for feeder cattle from his part of the country this year. He said he wanted to be listed as a booster for the South Omaha mar ket as he had found it better than he had expected. "While feed is not as plentiful in my part of the country," said Ferrin, "as in the past years, there are a great many cattlemen holding over as many cattle as usual, aand a great many that jit-had been planned to hold for winter will be sent to South Omaha if the market continues as brisk as at present. South Sider Will Make a Pet of Big Bull Snake A bull snake, about 5 feet long, coiled up on the sidewalk in front of the Rushing garage, Twenty-fourth and N streets, attracted a large number of South Side residents Tuesday evening. Bert Hyatt, formerly motorcycle officer, picked the snake up and his snakejhip cuddled in Hyatts arms, apparently satisfied with being pet ted. Hyatt says he is going to adopt the snake and use him as a rat-catcher. Left Nothing "Over There" He Would Go Back After A homecoming reception was given at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. William Marietta, 2115 O street, in honor of the return of Loenard L. Miller, who has been in the Orient as a member of Uncle Sam's navy. Young Miller said he left nothing "over there" that he wanted to go back after. South Side Brevities Two sales ' girls wanted; good poaitlon for good girls. Apply Manager, Wilg Bremer. The case in South 8lde police court agalnat E. A. Cariaton, charged with reckless driving of an automobile October 7, at which time it la alleged he ran down and injured Mrs. Mary Brown of Waterloo, la., wa postponed Indefinitely to await th condition of Mrs. Brown. Riley Ellla, colored, faced Police Judge Fitzgerald in South Side police court Wedneaday morning to answer to a charge of vagrancy. He was fined $100 and costs, which waa auspended en his promise to leave Omaha and return to Memphis, Tenn. To Banquet Heroines and Heroes of Kountze Church Kountze Memorial Lutheran church, Twenty-sixth and farnam streets.Vgave a banquet, last night for returned soldiers, sailors and nurses of the church. There were 253 members of the congrega tion in the service, said to be the largest number from any Lutheran church in the United States. All but 10 have returned to Oma ha, four having lost their lives in the service. - Quake Shakes Rome Rome, Oct 22. Rome was shaken by an -earthquake at 7:05 o'clock this morning, the tremor waking up the population still in bed and lasting a few seconds. No reports as to the damage done have as yet been received- . The Weather. For 24 hours ending I p. m. October 22, 1119: Temperature. I a: nv, dry bulb, 46; wet bulb, 41. Noon, dry bulb, 60; wet bulb, 49. 1 p. m., dry bulb, 63; wet bulb, 56. Highest. 69; lowest, 46; mean, 88; nor- mr.l, 51. Totsl excess since January 1, 881. ' Relative Humidity, Percentage. ' 8 a. m....70 Noon. ...43 I p. m...,80 - Precipitation. Total since January l. 25.44: deflcioncv. 1.47. Report From matron at 7 P. M. GRAIN MEN WIRE PROTEST TO NEW SHIPPING ORDER Telegram to Traffic Director Alleges Proposed System a Handicap Rather Than : Benefit. The board of directors f th Omaha Grain exchange yesterday sent a telegram to C, E. Spens, traf fic director of theUnited States rail road administration, protesting against the new order of the ad ministration : requiring .individual permits to ship grain to Omaha. The telegram follows: "We have been advised by Oma ha grain control committee that in accordance with Mr. Holden's in-, structions individual permit system affecting shipments inbound to this market will become effective Sat urday. Every time this system has been put in effect, it has resulted in unnecessary and unreasonable de lay in making shipments, without any apparent resulting benefit to the administration, the public or to shippers. "It hampers the grain trade in tne conduct of its business and has, in many cases, resulted in unfair dis crimination between markets and between shippers. There is no con gestion in this market, nor any pros- norte nf anv. Shnrtacc nf cars fire- , ' ' - - j o - r - eludes any possibility of congestion, it is impossible to get enough cars to supply the demand for coarse grain and with individual permit system in effect this Condition will become more acute. "The early movement of corn from Nebraska will move west to Colorado, Wyoming and intermoun- iciiiiuij, i icaici a uavve aieu sold very large amounts of corn ,to go from Omaha to the west, in com petition with Sioux City and Min neapolis, and relying upon our agreement with Mr. Holden's rep resentative, Mr. Clarity, that this obnoxious individual permit system would not be put into effect so long as there was no congestion, they expected to buy the corn to fill these contracts in Iowa and South Dako ta in competitionwith Minneapolis and Sioux City. "By putting in the individual per mit system in this market, and not at Siouxx City and Minneapolis, you will subject dealers in this market to heavy losses in favor of dealers in Sioux City and Minneapolis where we are advised the permit system will not be effective. Sale of new corn from Minneapolis to coast points are greatly in excess of our sales. We ask that the ef fective date of the individual permit system in this market be postponed until the necessity arises for it.: Please wire reply." Butcher Is Stabbed in Foot Following an Altercatioi M. Whitebook, 200" North Nine teenth street, an employe of thi Central market, was stabbed in thi right foot during an altercatioi with Christ Pappas, 2208 Farnurr street, yesterday at the entrance tt the Conquest restaurant, Sixteenth and Dodge streets, according to a report to the police. It is claimed that Pappas object ed to Whitebook delivering meat through the front door of the res taurant, and that when Whitebook started down the stairs to enter the restaurant, Pappas interfered. It was during the scuffle that followed that the stabbing occurred, say po lice. , ;. Pappas is held at the Central po lice station on a charge of stabbing with intent to wound. The injured man's wound was dressed by a po lice surgeon. Applies for, Injunction to Close Scheschey "Roadhouse" Suit to close the "roadhou?e" of George Scheschey was started in district court yesterday when Depu ty CountV Attorney Cftffev annlirr! for an injunction to close the place. "It is alleged that liquor is being sold there and that it is a common nuisance," said Mr. Coffey. "Com plaint was made by pepole who live in that neighborhood,-east of Carter Lake." New U. S. Naval Attache Is Annnintorl to t nnrlnn flffioc ' lf.fcFMIII.WM tv aaUIIUVII VIMVV Washington, Oct. 22. Capt Walter R. Sexton has been appoint- ed American naval attache at Lon don, relieving from this duty Rear Admiral Harry S. Knapp, who row will be able to devote all his time to his work as commander-in-chief of the American naval forces in Eu ropean waters., .." S OIL DIGEST FREE Write for our Oil Digest, giving valtt able up-to-date information about Texa. Oklahoma, Kansas and other oil field that every investor should have. Telia where you can buy and sell any oil stock. Quotes prices. " , R. M. SANFORO, 711 Republic Bldg., Kansas City, Ma. Cheyenne, pt. cldy... Davenport ciouay ... Denver, pt eldy . De Maine, cloudy... Lender, cldy North Platte, cloudy... Pueblo, clear Salt Lake, pt. cldy.. Santa Ke, clear. . J . . , Sheridan, snowing ... vaienune, ciear Tern. High. Pre. 66 10 16 60 69 68 72 It 0 32 - 64 X A. WELSH, Uetooroloilit .00 .00 .00 .00 ,00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .14 .00 aaljpsai cmugh ' 's .. Bonds Backed By t Entire Communities; Exempt from all Federal Income 'Taxes and in many cases from local taxation. . Many states and cities are included in the greatly diver sified list ,, , Suggestions for your in vestment will be found in our list OB-258. V Sent Upon Request JbNationalGty Company Corratpoadeot Office In ever 80 Cities Omaha Flrat National Bank Building .Taiepbooe 3316 Douilu