Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1919, Page 14, Image 14
"4K- j4 THE BEE: OMAHA. THtJRSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1919. WANT AD RATES iCasfc With Order.) I par worJ,... on day I pr word ........two eonsecutlv dayf 44 par word... v,,.thre consecutive day 5a pr word four consecutive days fa par word. ....... ..five consecutive day . To par word ....six consecutlv day l pr word seven consecutive day And on cant par word aacli additional No ad taken for Ten than a total of ivo or lea tban 10c per day. , CHARGE. lfo per lino (count ( worda to liha) 1 day 12a per line two consecutive day ille par Una. ...... .three consecutive days 80 per Una... seven consecutive daya 11.49 par Una. .. .thlrM Consecutive days CARD OF THANKS AND FUNERAL NOTICES. lee par line .each Insertion Minimum charge, SO cents. Then rates apply either to the Dally r Sunday Bee. All advrrtisements sp- pear in both morning and evening daily papers for the one charge. Contract Rates oa Application. ' For convenience of advertisers, wsnt II, will, be accepted at the following of ces . AIM OFFICE... Bee Building Amu Office 4410 North 20th SI Park Of flea 2615 Leavenworth St Couth Slda ...S31S N St. Walnut Office .819 North 40th St. 'Co. Bluffs Office IS Scott St. THE BEE . will not be responsible for - more than one incorrect Insertion of an advertisement ordered for more than one time. PHONE TYLER 1000. EvenlngNEdltlone 12:00 M. Morning Editions 10:30 P. M. Sunday Editions 10 P. M. Saturday. DEATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES ROSSITER Anne, age 34 years. Funeral Thursday morning, October It, at 8:30 a. m. from the family resi dence. 1314 South Twenty-sixth street to St. Peter's church, 9 a. m. Interment Holy Sepulcher cemetery. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER, "INDEPENDENT UNDERTAKERS." PIERCE-ARROW AMBULANCE SERVICE, Thlrta-thlrd and Farnam. Har. 34. FRED E. FERO, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Lady Attendant. 33d and Cuming Sts. Phone, Douglas 077. 'Auto ambulance. HEAFEY & HEAFEY, Undertakers and Embalmers. Phone H. 265. Office 2611 Farnam. HULSE & REIPENr Pioneer Funeral Directors, TOt South 16th St. Phone Doug. 1066. . TAGGART & SON, ' UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS. Telephone Douglas 714. 2216 Cuming St. DUFFY & JOHNSTON UNDERTAKERS. .JlTBMthjlrt71 FLORISTS. . LEE L. LARMON . 1814 Douglas St. Douglas 8244. L. Henderson, 1519 Farnam. Douglas 1248 JOHNJBATH. 18th and FajnamDiJ10001 MONUMENTS & CEMETERIES. THE largest display of monuments In th United States. FRANK SVOBODA, 1116 8. 13th. Phone Douglas 1876-6210. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Th folowing couples were Issued li censes to wed : Nam and Address. Age. Jasper Coppola, Omaha 38 Brlcita Olampava, Omaha.... 40 Norman S. Toung, Omaha 89 Ethel Odessa Savage, Omaha , 27 Henry V. Jones, Craig, Neb 14 Kathaleen Higglna, Wiener, Neb 18 Paul C. Collart, Gurley, Neb over 21 Ulna L. Schumacher, Gurley, Neb.over 18 Max Baum, Omaha ' J Basheva Bellalfer, Omaha over 21 "Tohn R. Ulman, Omaha !7 Alle L. Miller, Chicago, 111 18 Harry A. War, Omaha..., 2 Eva A. H. Colver. Omaha 20 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Typewriter and Supplies. TYPEWRITERS' AND ADDING MACHINES. . NEW AND REBUILT. Th most complete line of Typewriter and Adding Machine west of Chicago. Can furnish any make at most any price you deslra to pay. We rent and repair all makes and will buy or trad for your old machine. - Every machine guaranteed. See ua before you buy. CENTRAL TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. (Established over 16 years.) Douglae 4121. 106 Fsrnam St REBUILT, sold, rented, repaired. 'Carbon paper, ribbons and supplies. Service guaranteed. Try us. Phone 603L . OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 106 North 16th 8t BIG reduction In (lightly used and re built typewriters. Write for list. Mid land Office Supply Co.. 1404 Dodge. RENT an Oliver Typewriter, three month for $6.00, Oliver Agency. 190 Farnam 8t.. City. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES ' W rent, repar. sell needle and part. MICKEL'S NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE. Ford with commercial body; has been used as farm electric plant demonstra tor. Cheap. Chantry, Henahaw hotel. WE buy. aell and make desks, safes, show cases, shelving, etc. Omaha Fixture & Supply Co.. 11th and Douglas. D. 2724. OMAHA Pillow Co., feathers steamed, renovated and made up In new feather- J19Pl ticking. 1807 Cuming, D. 2467. LARGE wicker baby buggy, black with yellow wheels, fine condition; very rea sonable . Call Harney 6968. ANNOUNCEMENTS. Towel Supplies. FRONT'ER Towel Sup. 1816 California. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th. D. 618. Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co. Tel. Dougla 044. Miscellaneous. E. W. DAVIS Metallic sign letters. Furniture repaired. Webstar 4819. 3214 North 26th. - FOR RENT Electrlo cleaner. Colfax 4118. BUSINESS CHANCES. SOFT DRINKOND LUNCH ' In on of the best corner locations In I Omaha; selling on account of sickness. Will sell at invoice. Take abut 3650 to handle. See us. . LEWIS & CO., 411 McCague Bldg. POOL HALL AND BARBERSHOP In a good eastern Nebraska town. Es tablished seven years.. Clear 8400 a month. It Is th largest pool hall In the city of 1,200 population. Rent only $26. Price for quick sale. 33,000, See us. LEWIS & CO., 411 McCague Bldg. CLEANING and dyeing business? estab lished for 20 years In Omaha, doing large cash business. Must sell at once. Cash buyer only need apply. - Box R-39, Bee. Kindling delivered at $3.50 load. Web. 469. OVERCOATS, $2.65. Max Lerner, 209 8. 12. WANTED TO BUY. MAN to buy an interest and take charge of a well-established business; must nave $500.00 In cash and be ready to take charge at once. Call at 707 8, 27th. 'St. ORAGANIZED 1909. ASSETS $400,000.. Liberty Bonds Cashed. ALL INTEREST ADDED. OUR PRICES ARE HIGHEST. STATE SAVINGS, & LOAN ASSN IS S. 17TH ST., OPP. COURT HOUSE. MUST sell at once confection store at Bis south lotn. Reason tor selling go lng overseas. Good1 paying business. LIBERTY BONDS Coupon and registered; full N. T. market rind a or rued interest to date. MACK'S BND HOUSEi INVESTMENT SECURITIES. 1421 First Nat Bk. Bldg. Tyler 3644. THE BEE will publish free a situation- wanted ad under this classification for soldiers and sailor and marina who will show their discharge paper at our office In the lobby of The Be building. Seventeenth and Farnam. Highest Cash Prices Paid for LIBERTY BONDS and Partial Payment Receipts. NATIONAL BOND CO., 610 World-Herald Bldg. Douglas 8013. SITUATION WANTED Cement finisher. Guaranteed work. Tyler 3179. EXPERIENCED colored lady wants lron- ing ana cleaning. weDster 1887. EXPERIENCED colored lady wishes day worn, uougiaa iu. "' LIBERTY BONDS Including psrtlal payment receipt,, bougnt for cash; immediate remittance made for bonda sent by mail. LEWIS CO., Brokers. 411 M'CAGUE BLDG. VICTORY AND LIBERTY BONDS. All issues bought. Special prices this week on 3d, 4th and 6th issues. Get them before selling for you will lose money. We must have bonds of these Issues regardless of N. Y. market quo tations. SECURITY INVESTMENT CO., Tyler 2736. 639 Securities (Rose) Bldg. TRAVELING salesman, exceptionally good line, preier man witn specialty or in surance experience, $250 and expenses; accountant, wholesale firm, $250 to $300; office manager and accountant, $250; bookkeeper, Investment firm, $126; book keeper, manufacturing ' company, new firm, good future possibilities. $125; credit manager, wholesale experience, $250. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASSN. 736 First Nat. Bank Building. LIBERTY BONDS. We pay the highest prices for your bonds, and partly paid receipt. Sea us before you sell. DELAPLANE LEONARD CO. 642 Securities Bldg. Tyler 4037. Liberty Bonds Wanted We will pay you spot cash for your Liberty bond or partial payment re ceipt. Room 200 McCague Building. Northwest Cor. 16th and Dodge 8ts. WANTED At once, boys 18 year of age or over to start in as messengers in bank; good chance for advancement; $50 to start. Box 8-90, Bee. DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks; used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1201 Farnam. D. 6146. RING DOUG. 3369 IF YOU HAVE FUR NITURE. RUGS OR OFFICE EQUIP- MENT FOR SALE. WE PAY MORE BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Carl and Laura Hanson, 131 8. 6th. boy; Harrison and Louis Porter, 1521 Hawthorne Ave., girl; Edward and Carrie Fredericks, 1916 Webster, boy; Roy and Bertha Kane, 1604 Laird, girl; Nicholas and Kathryn Spellman, 3308 N. 10th, girl; John and Alice Robb, 4208 S. 18th. boys, twins; Arthur and Vera Frederick; 4158 Cass, girl; Mike and Sarah Noriega. (01 8. 61st Ave., boy; Carleton and Emma Gerry, 5840 Miami, boy; Clrlch and Nellie Lundell, 3109 N. 59th, boy; Domingo and Jennie Garslo, 8th and Chicago, boy; Edward and Hulda Wilson, R. F. D. No. 5, boy; Joseph and Anna Bommer, 1708 Dorcas, boy; Arturo and Isabella Miller. 916 8. 20th, girl; Gesus and Ramona Alanls, 60S Marcy, girl. Deaths Georgena Martin, 4 mos., 4609 N. 18th; Alflo Andres, 34, 1309 Pierce; Orval J. Clayton, 26, hospital; Minnie Pearl Blge, 10, Florence. Neb.; David H. I Idrl-'v 83, hospital; Walter E. Larsen, U' X Charles. . BUILDING PERMITS. WANTED Popcorn popper and peanut roaster; also small cash register. Falr- iieia at Myers, Mason uny, jseo. WILL buy second-hand clothing, shoes and furniture, Tyler 2698. A. Zavett. 705 North 16th St CHODAK pays highest prices for old clothing, shoes and rugs. Call Web ster 4211. ACCORHEON, side, knife, sunburst, box pieainig, covered buttons, all size and tyles; hemstitching, picot. edging, eye let cut work, button holes, -pennants. IDEAL BLTTON AND PLEATING CO. 800-308 rirown Bldg. Phone D. 1 936. Mrs. Sherman Nelson, 4312 Marcy, frame dwelling, $4,000; David F. Tubbs. 7805 N. " 8th, Av., frame dwelling, $2,000; J. L. Hlatt Co., 4313 Marcy, frame dwelling. M.0O0: J. I Hlatt Co., 4323 Marcy, fram dwelling. 34.000. , HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING, BUTTON8. u. u. van Arnaro Pleating Co. 413-17 Paxton Blk. Phone Doug. 8109. "The Only Way'- Omaha Transfer Co. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE Do you want a guaranteed hand-made Yamatan Japanese rug or art square T Just a few left. Wilton, Velvet, Axmln tar, Royal Chenille and Tapestry Rugs; ' Lace Curtain, Blankets and Bed a tu hi T.lnan end Silverware; a small 'payment down and a little each week. Alwaya courteou treatment and VTbUSk mercantile co r 3 So. 13th St.. iL Bennett. Mgr. Carrie J. Burford. 620 Pnxton Blk. R. 4687 LOST FOUND REWARDS. niiwn TTWa ! .nHtnlra diamond, be tween 12th and Martha and 32d and , . -k. at. Finder nlease return to vi . .Thn M attorn. 2408 PhoneHarney5 25 4. Re ward. 32d. FOR ARTICLES LOST on street car tele- nhona Tyler 800. W are anxlqua to re- tor lost articles , to .rightful owners. OMAHA At OOUCftlU Mtra o. i tost A large black bill book containing bank poors ana payo. E. T. Mallory, 1016 W. O. W. Building. tARTY known who took Hudson seal neck place from Lincoln Inn Wednesday noon. Kindly return same to cashier Lincoln Inn or call Tyler 2828. LOST Chased gold bar pin. Sapphire set. At th and Lake or on 24th on ross nwn atreat car. Reward. Colfax 3463, LOST Boston bulldog. Answers -o name n.t.r Tartar wired together. Re ward. Cdlfax 2539. IOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS, Furniture and Household Goods. SPRMALS FOR THIS WEEK, and mahogany living room suites three piece complete. $97.50, mwA S99K Luxurious bedroom suite beautiful mahognnv finished or -other , woods, ' $49.50. $97.60 and up. Large assortment or odd chair ana rockers. 3 7b, ino STATE FURNITURE CO. Corner 14th and Dodge St. Opposite U. P. Bldg. BETTER VALUES BETTER MER. CHANDISE BETTER SERVICE. I2T00T stock" of furnltur to b sold; 00 .11 binrta mrs linoleum, phon ographs, duofolds. table, chairs, china and kitchen cabinet, dreaser. chiffon, lers.' bed, springs, mattresse. trunk, suitcases, bedding, linen, eto. Open till a m Credit It yon wish. U3i-i N 4tk St Web. 1607. TTKrvrtTM rnsra. first-class condition inn Bood refrigerator, white enamel '4-slxe bed, floor lamp, mall Vlctrola. porch swing, three rock ers, a J-bsseDurner gas piam, ii.e" I " j- nn.r EO.foot garden hose, fakes, shovels, fruit. Jar, dishes .kettles anil nans: leaving cuy. n " . FOR SALE Som furnltox. also porch ... curtains, porch swing; boy' toW coaster wagon; books, etc. 3127 North Fifty-ninth. tret. Telephone Walnut ' 4RT. KEW RUGS mfg. from OLD CAitg CUMING KUU u.6nini m t. ., r.., .in at Red 4112. Omaha BELLING out entire stock of furnltur and household furnlhlng regardles of Cuming Bt. ' &v ..11 and ieir-ut furniture, tove and rgs t Jw Prie,:c,,il or nsvmeni Amer. rum, v,.. . FOR SALE Monitor range; Ecllps rang. 1S1Q ppent-cr ou FOR SALE Range atov. Call Ty. 418. Tanoes and Musical Instruments. A. HOSPE CO. rZFSJZ Pianos for rant 84.00 per month. riNK walnut organ, extra good, with mirror. $15. 6219 Leavenworth. Store and Office Fixtures. FOR 8ALE Rlalto Shoe Store fixture. ' annlv to Mr. Brande or Mr. Herman. Lumber and Building Materials. ilT L M. KEVAN, M ft. tOtti 8( ANNOUNCEMENTS. Brass and Iron Foundries. PAXTON-MITCHELL CO. I7th and Martha Sts., Omaha. Neb. -Brass, bronie, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings Accordeon Pleating. Baggage and Express. Ticket IX 295. Chiropodists. Contractors. CONTRACTORS. BUILDERS. ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS. We save you money on your building. Realty Syndicate Co., Doug. 6619. 302-317 Wilkinson Bldg. Dancing Academies. KEL-PINE School for Dancing, 2424 Farnam. D. 7850. Learn ti dance for $4. Class at 8 and dan cing at 9 p. m.. every Monday, TMirs- day, Saturday. Music by Desdunea orchestra DANCING TAUGHT. Soft shoe clog; waltz, fox trot, one- step, two-step; after the first lesson able to dance In public. Call . Web. ' 3344 for appointment. - Dentists. DR. SECOR, 1st Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Ty. 2138 Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg Detectives. PHIL WINCKLER, Investigations, shadow work, locating: best reference. iiio Dewey. Harney 6708. . JAMES ALLAN, 312 Neville Blk. Evidence secured in all cases, ryier mo. Electrical Utilities. ELECTRIC heaters. $10.60; vacuum cleaners, $37.50:' Mola wasting macmne. Lalley-Wilson Electric Co., 1307 Farnam. TiTTPIZT'W Electric washing machines XJ U XV XV 1. IN electric Irons and reading lamps. 2223 Cuming St. Doug, asm. Film Developing. DEVELOPING, orintlng and enlarging. Mr mall, oromnt service, u,- anteed. Make payment on delivery, 2437 Laurel Ave., Omaha. FILMS developed free. Mall order o- llCited. THE EWS1UIN W. ' O"""" Jewelry. DIAMONDS WaWSS ack at small profit. GROSS Jtiwaum CO.. 402 N. 16tU Bt neo XV n 1TI.ATAII. Jeweler Established 1892. Sixth Floor. Securltle Bldg. Osteopaths. DR. MABEL WESSON. 820 Neville Blk. ' T. 2960. H. 4741. Painting. SIGNS AND AUTO PAINTING. 90S N. T TI S-TTZGERALU. 16TH. TYLER 2988. Plating. ,.,. We have jusi openeu K.....o , ,M nm,h, anil readv for business. We plat and replate all finished of ths art known to tfce metal trade. We are doing business at 811 South Sixteenth St. rnone uougias m. Patents. nrntirffH houaht and SOld. In tarna-lnnal latent l-o.. aea D. 669L Potatoes. COUNTRY merchants wanting car load of potatoes write toe rersuaon c at seotisoinrr. men.. lor pruti. Printing. Wedding Stationery V. 6 Printing Co.. 43y 8 lth St Remodeling Contractors. LESSARD 0 SON. 2021 Coming. Ty. 1832. SAFES Safes. BARGAINS! "lJth Farnam J. J. Derlght Bate co. Stationery. OMAHA Stationery Co.. 307-9 South 17th. Tailors. Dledrlck, P. L., its S. 20th. Tailor. D. 2432. M. KEISER. 10$ South Hlh. ' D. 1U1. Rooming Houses. 1 ROOMS, best location, always full. Douglas 8106. ' SITUATIONS WANTED Male. Laundry and Day Work. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. CREDIT MAN, must be experienced, $125. urnco cierK, collection department, must have good education; salary de pends. Office clerks and bookkeeper, good fu ture, $100-110. THE MARTI CO.. 1126 W. O. W. Bldg. INCOME TAX man, $300 per month. Tramc man, age 24 to 26 years, $159, WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, 1138 First Nat. Bank Bldg. EMPLOYMENT SERVICE, COMMERCIAL REFERENCE CO. ; 1516 City Nat. BankJ I WANT A GOOD OFFICE CLERK. Mac, 224- Bee Bldg. Professions and Trades STONEMAN. Wo want a real honest-to-goodness Btoneman who can OK for position and handle the work for three oyllnder presses. An opportunity for the right nan. Sea S. E. Huasey. OMAHA PRINTING AND ADVERTISING BUREAU, 1214-16 Howard St. WANTED Linotype operators and hand compositors;-, nonunion; rererence re quired; eight-hour day; good pay and working conditions; living expenses low; perfect winter climate; natural gas for fuel at 25c per 1,000; no danger of coal famine. Address Fort Smith Printing and Publishing Fraternity, Fort Smith. Arkansas. PRINTERS WANTED Two combination job-ad men who can also operate press es. Can use woman printer. County seat weekly, 10 to 20 pages, Ten to 12 people. Up-to-date town, 4,600, 10 miles city paving; county has voted 89 miles paved roads. Pay $30 per week. Fifty-three hours. E. Z. Collier, Al gona, la. , WE have exceptional opportunity tor first class automomie electrical man; musi be able to repair any make of starter or magneto. Address H. J. Kipper, Care Sioux City Storage Battery Co., Sioux City, la. WANTED All around sheet metal worker; one who ha had experience in furnace work; steady Job for right man; do not write unless you mean business. Billings Sheet Metal Works. Billings. Mont. GOOD opportunity for blacksmith and gar age man. large territory in prosperous community. Barber shop and pool hall for sale. For further information ad dress Boone State Bank, Boone, Neb. WANTED Men wishing position fire men, colored train porters, sisu. s-suu mflnth- nn oYnarlance necessary. Ad dress Inter-Railway. Y-721, Omaha Bee. ALL round binder wanted to take charge of small bindery; non-union; gooa p and chance for advancement Reynard Press, 133 Fl-st street, San Francisco. TAILOR wanted for bushelman; also all- round man for cleaning aepi.; sieaay Job for good man. J. W. Fields, Dry Cleaner, Ft. Collins. Colo WANTED First class lighting fixture mechanic to make up lignung nxiurea. Apply Hardy Furniture Co., Lincoln, Neb. - ALL-AROUND .auto trimmer, $6.50, 9 hours teady; state expenonce. imana Auto Too Factory. Spokane, Wash. WANTED Meat cutter; with references. American preferred; $100 per me. An ton Sfepepek. Sargent. Neb. LKA R. actual auto repair, - vulcanizing. Los Angeles Y. M. C. A. Auto acnooi. WANTED Young man to work in press room. Apply Foreman Bee rressroom. BROOMMAKERS wanted; open shop; good pay. Omaha Broom f actory. WANTED A first class barber; steady Job. 2904 Sherman avenueJ Salesmen and Solicitors SALESMEN. Owing to th enormous demand for hog Insurance, w can use one or two more good salesmen. If you are a real producer, get In touch with us at once, as this offer will not be open long. A car Is desirable. , AMERICAN LIVE STOCK INS. . COMPANY, Finance Building, 1817 Dougla St HELP WANTED MALE. Salesmen and Solicitors. IF YOU can sell Insurance and can come clean you can obtain a liberal contract In good territory with an established company offering a full line of standard policies. No stock-selling or organiza tion proposition. Address Lock Box 822, Omaha. Neb. SPECIALTY SALESMAN ar.tmA t sail hlrh-rrade Una to homes, f.otnrioa. in Omaha and vicinity; 11 years increasing success throughout United States; repeat orders will build permanent local business: state age. miaiiflcatlons. goods sold. Sllver-Cnam- berlln Co., Clayton, N. J. IJ-T! .1a ,.1M1I1,II wanted to aell a T.OOO-mlle guaranteed tire to the "dealer; special spring dating Proposl tlon, take orders at once to ship any time after the first of the year: price .T..U.I01 territory allotted. commission basis; must .have A-l refer- Hennenln Ave., Minneapolis. Minn. AIRPLANE New vehicle for children, J"r -vi.i. -.nMi. hn ridden fast or slow. Man to handle Nebraska or Iowa exclusive. Liberal proposition. Write or wire. Whitney Mfg. and Sale Company. Box . ajannanau, SALARY and fat commission to first class experienced salesmsn to lell an auto mobile product advertised In Literary Digest Saturday Post Motorist,- Etc. Experience necessary. 290 Farnam 8t Haraair 1092- SALESMEN AN OPPORTUNITY OF YOUR LIFE. WHY WORK FOR $100.00 PER MONTH WHEN WE HAVE A LEGITIMATE PROPO SITION THAT WILL PAY $600.00 TO $800.00 PER MONTH, PROVIDING YOU WILL WORK AS FAITHFULLY IFOR YOUR SELF AS YOU ARE NOW WORKING FOR 'YOUR PRES ENT EMPLOYER? This propositicn 1 selling direct to the farmer, handling a complete line of groceries, hardware, paint, oil and automobile accessories. We have 65 men now ' making the above amount and can handle a few mora live salesmen representing a firm backed, by a good many years of past business in Omaha. Yon hve no money to Invest, only your time while we teach you how and at the same time 'will convince you this Job la just as represented. Ws have some good territory, including Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas. Missouri,! South Dakota, Minne ' aota, Colorado and Wyoming, so act quicklv Must have a car. Address. GENERAL OFFICE 1307 HOWARD STREET SECOND FLOOR Ask for Sale Manager. CANVASSERS and two neat appearing men for city work and good premium proposition. Will teach yon how you can aally earn from $1 t $10 dally, and., will give svery as lstane to worker, oommls mlsslon basis. Sea Chenhall Room, 702 Be Bldg., I to' 8:30 a. m.; 4:30 to 8:00 p. m. , ONE OF THE OLDEST AND LARGEST ORGANIZA TIONS OF ITS KIND IN AMERICA. CAN USB A B U S I N E 8 S-GETTER IN OMAHA, IOWA OR NE BRASKA. WE FURNISH LEADS, CO-OPERATION OF LOCAL BANKER. WE HAVE MEN NOW MAKING $.000 AND MORE FIRST MONTH WHO HAVE NEVER HAD OUTSIDE SELLING EXPE- j RIENCE. MAN WITH CAR PREFERRED. BUT NOT IM PERATIVE IF YOU HAVE GRIT AND ABILITY. AD DRESS i OR PHONE F. LE MONN, ROME HOTEL. WE have an excellent proposition of real merit to offer several men who are looking for an opportunity to make $500 a week or more for about eight weeks time on a commission basis; this will not appeal to the man who Is looking for a "Job," but a man who has suc cessfully sold high grade stocks or In surance will Immediately recognize this as an opportunity to employ this much of his time very profitably. R-25, Oma ha Bee. GO INTO business for yourself and make in wnue you are malting si on com mission. See ma for capital. Britton Picture House, Box 178, Omaha. YOUNG men (Catholic). If you have am- oition we win train you to disks idv weekly. Call 8-9 and 5-8. No. .24, Pat terson Block. . Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Pan washer; good wages. ply Steward, Blackstone Hotel. Ap- Boys. WANTEDNAMES OF SEVERAL LIVE BOYS WHO WANT GOOD EVENING ROUTES ON THE BEE. TWO ROUTES NOW OPEN. HUSTLE-RS WILL MAKE GOOD MONEY EVERY WEEK. AP PLY AT ONCE TO BEE BRANCH. 4110 NORTH 24TH STREET. WANTED Bright neat appearing boy to deliver proofs, sea advertising manager, umana iee. . BOY WANTED To lern trade. Apply after 6 p. m. Night, Foreman Bee. DELIVERY boy wanted. 1714 Farnam. Miscellaneous. WANTED. MEN FOR COUNTY BRIDGE AND CULVERT GANGS. BOc PER HOUR. -i i 10-HOUR DAT. 8D FLOOR WICKHAM BLOCK! WICKHAM BRIDGE ft PIPE CO, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IA. WANTED MAN . FOR SODA FOUNTAIN APPLY SUPERINTENDENT, BURGESS-NASH AUTOMOBILE DRIVERS. We guarantee, you $3 with an oppor tunity to earn from $4 to $8 dally. Teach you to drive and pay you while learning. We require a $50 cash bond at time of employment. Write or apply In person. Do not telephone. - OMAHA TAXICAB CO., ' 257$ Harney. . ' POSITIONS, locations, etc, for doctors, dentists, druggists, veterinarian, nursea F. V. Knlest, 212 Be Bldg.. Omaha, Neb HELP WANTED FEMALE. Stores and Offices. I. WANT 5 YOUNG LADIES TO LEARN LONG DISTANCE TELE PHONE WORK. THIsV AFFORDS A BETTER OPPORTUNITY FOR GIRLS TO GET INTO EXECUTIVE POSITIONS THAN ANY OTHER BUSINESS I KNOW. YOU DON'T NEED EXPERI ENCE. I WILL TRAIN YOU IN A GOOD SCHOOL AND YOU WILL BE PAID WHILE YOU ARE LEARNING. COMB AND SEE MB DAYS BETWEEN 9 A. M. AND IP.ll r GERALDINE BELL. 216 TELEPHONE BLDG. YOUNG LADIES WB OFFER YOU A WELL-PAID POSITION. PAY YOU WHILE IN TRAINING . PERMANENT WORK RAPID ADVANCEMENT. INVESTIGATE OUR WORKING CONDITIONS. OPERATORS' EMPLOYMENT BUREAU 61$ NEW TELEPHONE BUILDING 19TH A DOUGLAS STREETS. STENOGRAPHER, doctor'a office, $75 to $100; cashier, mercantile firm,-' $100; general office clerk, typist. $65; ste- - nographer. wholesale Jewelry firm, $100; stenographer. Insurance, $100; bookkeep er, investment firm, $100; assistant bookkeeper, $86. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASSN. 730 First INai. cann duuuikb. STENOGRAPHERS, $110, $100, $90, $80. cashier, $108; bill clerk, $80; multlgraph operator, $85. Watta Ref. Co., 1138 . First Nat Bank. . . n . nvuKuv cpDiripr. ?j ,i r liJ I ami' . . COMMERCIAL REFERENCE CO. 1618 City Nat. Bank. YOUNG lady to clerk In grocery store. Buffet eft son, io b. nin oi, I WANT A GOOD OFFICE CLERK. Mao, 224 Bee Bldg. Professions and Trades. WANTED a young lady to assist In bookkeeping in a bank. . Steady work and chance to advance. First Btate bank. Lodge foie. wen, WANTED First class barber. Apply 2904 Sherman Ave. Agents and Canvassers. YOUNG ladles (Catholic). We will train you In our work that will pay you $30 weekly. Call 8-9 and 5-6, No. 24. Pat terson Block. Household and Domestic. WANTED Experienced white" girl for general housework; best wages; no laundry work. Mrs. E. A. Creighton, 119 8. 34th St. ynone Barney ai. GIRL for general housework; laundress and upstairs girl kept; good wages. Mrs. A. W. Gorden, 1016 South Thlrty- eigntn street. WANTED Girl for general housework. Famtlv of three. 8mall house Mrs. J. E. Goodrich, Jr., Walnut 1911. 6115 Cap itol Ave. . NEAT reliable middle aged woman as housekeeper In small family. Modern home. 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. Webster 665. WANTED A nurse maid. Mrs. George Van Brunt, 224 8. 18th St.. Council Biuirs, la. WANTED Girl for general housework. 3611 Jackson street. Mrs. R. M. Breck- enrldgej WANTED Girl for general housework. Mrs. Merrlam. Harney 100. DAY work wanted. Call Webster 4224. , Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Cook, middle aged White Way Cafe, Oakland, la. lady. WANTED Night silver girls. Steward, Blackstone Hotel. Apply WANTED White woman dishwasher. Ap ply Clarkson Hospital. . Miscellaneous. WANTED MEN FOR ALL KINDS OF WORK. THE BIG 4 LABOR AGEN CIES. 323 8. ELEVENTH ST. P. 4044. CORN SHUCKERS WANTED. Wanted one hundred corn shucker at once, wage eight and nine cent per bushel with room and board. - Apply to County-Agricultural agent. Court House, David City, Neb. ",,n 1 ' I". ...... ,. 1. . t.n n r,IVnn I, I' WJ, 111 HIT. BI1UI1 .1 ' , tu u.i.v a Ford; apply in person to M. C. Peters flllll sq.. ,jm nim J3 pm., ouutu pmw. TV,MSTRR9 wanted tn haul enal Tnri. pendent Ice A Coal Co., 2516 N. 17th St Webster 83. DRIVERS wanted for Ford delivery; must know the city. letter wan raper uo., Corner 13th and Harney si GIRLS AND WOMEN FOR LABELING AND PACKING MACARONI. LIGHT AND EASY. - '. CLEAN AND PLEASANT SURROUNDINGS. DAY WORK. APPLY SUPERINTENDENT , SKINNER MFG. CO. TTLER 1528. 14TH AND JACKSON. WANTED. 20 experienced power machine opera tor on Co-Zee overalls. Experienced operator can make $20 per week. Can use a few that are not experi enced. We, give a guarantee while learning. f Apply for lady. OMAHA AUTO TOP CO. 709 S. 15th St WANTED OIRLS TO WAIT ON SODA TABLES APPLY SUPERINTENDENT. BURGESS-NASH CO. GIRLS for chorus who can' sing, no ex- perlence necessary; must travel, gooa salary, easy work. Louis Morgan, Boyd Theater. 7 p. m, GIRLS wanted. Jf. C. Leary Co., 716 South Flfteentn street. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. You can always secure ' an office, sales or executive position through our Btrvico EMPLOYER'S REFERENCE CO. "No Charge Till Placed." 224 Jee Bldg. WANTED First class man or woman pharmacist; attractive position lor one who Is honest, competent and experi enced. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. WANTED Men, ladle and boy to learn earner iraue; Dig aemana: o. learning; strictly modern. Call or writ 1402 Dodgs St TrlClty Barber College. NOVEMBER 15. Census Examination every wnere. inousanas neeaeu. oum ple questions free. Franklin Institute, Uept. Z31-X, nocneaier. rt. x. WANTED Experienced passenger ele vator operator. Apply clerk uiacasione Hotel. EDUCATIONAL. DAT SCHOOL NIGHT SCHOOL BOYLES COLLEGE. Students are admitted at any time. Complete course tn accountancy, ma chine bookkeeping, comptometry, short hand and typewriting, tenotype, rail road and wireless telegraphy, civil serv ice and all English and commercial branches. Write, cell or phone Douglas 1565 for large Illustrated catalogue. Ad dress BTJYLES COLLEGE. Boyles Building. Omaha. Neb. FOR RENT FURNISHED. Apartments. i BL-BEUDOR' APARTMENTS, , 1STH AND DODGE 8T8. Two and three-room apartment com pletely furnished. Hotel service. Tyler 4200. . WOMAN employed will rent good room In new downtown apartment to woman employed; $26 per month. Box 8-75, Omaha Bee. . $ RMS. and bath, Ru Blau, $50-$40. WALSH-ELMER CO.. Tyler 1536. 333 Securltle Bldg. . N Houses. 5-ROOM furnished cottage. Call S. 4201. FOR RENT ROOMS. Furnished Rooms A LARGE modern front -room, private family, tn good neighborhood, plenty of hot water and heat, auitable for two gentlemen Or employed married cou ple. Phone Harney 1988. WEST Farnam district, two warm, clean, comfortably furnished sleeping rooms, with large closet and close to bath. Strictly ' private home. Phone Harney 6391. 3349 Harney St. FINE large first floor front room, suit able for two gentlemen, $7.60 per week. Hanscom park district; V, block from car line. Harney 1309. FOR RENT. Two furnished light housekeeping rooms, all modern. Inquire at 1424 N. 19th St WOMAN employed will rent good room in new downtown apartment to woman employed; $26 per month. Box 8-76, Omaha Bee. COMFORTABLY furnished bedrooms In heated flat , (45 South 27th Street. Har. 4996. ELMS HOTEL, 19th and Harney, under new management; nice, clean, modern rooms, $6 per week and up. . ONE large sunny south roam; walking distance; reasonable. 2668 Douglas. - NICELY furnished room In good location; private family.' Webster 1644. LIGHT housekeeping and sleeping rooms, 2540 Capitol Ave. Tyler 2760. MODERN furnished rooms, 614 No. 21st. Tyler 6348. Housekeeping Rooms. FOR LENT Housekeeping rooms, elec trlo light and gas furnished. 605 So. 28th St. Unfurnished Rooms. TWO modern front rooms, 1822 Vinton St. nnnirias 4L'fi2. FOR RENT HOUSES. West LET US HANDLE Your rental property; houses, apart ments, eto. Writ u or call on us. THEO. E. PETERSON COMPANY, KKAliTUKS, 457-8 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 7024. Miscellaneous. LIST your property for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY, Realtors. Tyler 729. PETERS TRUST CO., Specialists In Apartment management FOR RENT Business Property. Stores. FARNAM ST. STORE. Fine extra deep store, with extension to alley: suitable for high-class auto or other business. See 2063 Farnam street, H. A. WOLF CO.. agents. 612 Electric Bldg. GOOD store rooms, Moon Theater Bldg. Inquire WORLD REALTY COMPANY, Phone- Douglas 5342. MODERN store room, 3113 Burt C. C. BEAVER, ' Doug. 2450. 760 Omaha Nat. Bank. Miscellaneous. UPSTAIRS RESTAURANT finest Joca tlon in Council Bluffs for upstairs res taurant, coffee or chop suey house, cen ter of business district on" corner of Brorfdway and Pearl streets. Floor spaae of about 40x40 ft or can furnish about half that space. Unusual oppor tunity to secure absolutely the best lo cation in city. Rent will be made rea sonable. Address Geo. G. Clark, 18 Pearl street. Council Bluffs, la. Phone 174. WANTED TO RENT. Unfurnished Apartments & Houses FOUR or 5-room house or cottage, dress F. H. Chase, Bee. Ad- Furnished Apartments and Houses A LADY wants 1 or 2 rooms furnished; private family preferred; referencea ex- changed. Box R-56, Bee MOVING AND STORAGE. CO. FIDELITY STORAGE AND VAN 16TH AND JACKSON. DOUG. 288. STORAGE, MOVING, PACKING. REASONABLE RATES. " FREE RENTAL SERVICE. COMPLETE LIST OF ALL VACANT ' HOUSES and APARTMENTS. MOVING. PACKING, STORAGE. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. v OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., 806 South 16th. Doug. 4163. Van Sent School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Dougla 5890. MOSHER stenographers succeed. Learn quickly In school or by "Home 8tudy.". Omaha Business College, 206 Lyric Bldg., 19th and Farnam. D. 6528. ANNIE E. GLASGOW, voice and piano, 603 Karbach Blk. Studio phone. Red 185. 208 South 16th St FOR RENT FURNISHED. Apartments. ROACHES, etc., exterminated with one ap plication, by contract or sold outright B. B. B. EXTERMINATING CO.. OMAHA, $07 Brand. Thee. Bldg. Doug. 1370. - GLOBE VAN . , AND STORAGE CO. For real service in hauling or storage call Tyler 230 or Doug. 4338. Auto or wagon service. r METROPOLITAN VAN and STORAGE CO. Owned by H. R. Bo wen Co. Ty. 8400. LET us estimate your moving, packing and storage. 1605 Davenport. Doug. 2908. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West' ' A Distinctive West Farnam Home $12,000 House consists of eight rooms and bath, with painting and decorations in the best possible condition; quarter sawed oak-woodwork and floors; fres coed walls; trees and shrubbery; large garage and all that goes to make a home both beautl&il and attractive. We know of no house in this district ap proaching It In value. Let us arrange to show you this splendid place. ' WALSH-ELMER CO., Tyler 1636. , 333 Securities Bldg. Immediate Possession Owner Is leaving the city, ao can get possession "a once on this 7-room modern house. This is a real bargain; near car; large lot, garage and shads trees. Price $3,950. Easy terms. Address 4239 Grant St. - Creigh, Sons & Company, Douglas 200. 508 Bee Bldg. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW Kraystone stucco bungalow, brand new, five rooms and tiled bath, oak and enamel finish, brick fireplace, two book cases, French doors, one bullt-ln Murphy bed; west Leavenworth district near Field club; $7,600. almost half cash. WATSON k. BRENAN, Real Reliable Realty. . ' Tyler 4505. 544 World-Herald Bldg. A DANDY HOME Six-room, modern, newly papered and painted, finest location and corner lot; price $6,000. U. U. BEAVJCiKH, Dong. 2450. 760 Onfaha Nat. Bk. HOUSES FOR SALE. REALTY SYNDICATE COMPANY, 802-317 Wilkinson Bldg. Doug. 6619. DANDY S-ROOM COTTAGE CHOICE LOCATION MOVE RIGHT IN NOW. $1,500 DOWN, PRICE $3,600: $26 MO. Choice lot, 60x125; only I blocks to car lines; all on one floor; all newly decorated and papered: modern except furnace; splendidly built. Call Tyler 496. OSBORNE REALTY COMPANY, 430BeeBuil(Ilng. OMAHA real estate and Investment. J. J. MULVIHILL, 100 Brandela Theat Doug. 9. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. Omaha Real Estate and tnveatment. JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Block. Phone Tyler 6880. WE have cash buyers for West Farnam and Dundee home. Phone Douglas 6074 snd we will call and Inspect your property. Shuler A Cary. 6-ROOM home, fine location, all modern; now vacant; paving paid, and near car; $4,950; eas yterm; call day. Dougla 1734. 1127 8. 31 ST Modern 10 room; paving paid; poasesslon Nov. 161 garage; $7,600. John N. Frenser, Dougla 664, LARGE family needing modem home West Farnam district had batter call Dougla 200. A splendid bargain. North. A REGULAR HOME For Less Than House Can Be Built for 2019 Grand Ave. , T rooms, strictly modern, reo. hall, Sarlor, din. room, kitchen, pantry, ice ox room, screened porch on 8. E. cor ner, downstairs; S bedroom and bath up; full cemented basement; coal bins, fruit room, laundry, sink, floor drain; large lot paved street; just off Prettiest Mile. This la best buy In city today. Owner leav'ng city. JOHN T. BOHAN, 621 Paxton Blk. Phon Ty. 4880. Sunday or eve., Col. 2630. Six-Room Cottage , Modern Except Heat ' $1,200 The number Is 3114 Miami St. The lot Is worth $450. A handy man van take ahold of this and make it worth $1,800. Thla price ia only good for one week. WALSH-ELMER CO., Tyler 1536. 833 Securities Bldg. SIX-ROOM SNAP . Brand new; frame construction, press brick foundation; excellent location, corner lot, close to car; living room across front of house with fire, place and book cases; fine dining room with built-in buffet; well arranged kitchen, one-piece sink; upstairs has three corner bedrooms and bath; oak floors through out; oak finish downstairs, enamel up stairs; a classy place inside and out " and exceptionally good value at $8,400; shown by appointment Call Walnut 1580 evenings. Tyler 8540 days. 5902 No. 33d St. Buy this practically new home. (Own er is a nonresident and wants It sold at once. Best offer cash or payments buys it. See today and make offer. Creigh,. Sons & Company, Douglas 200. 508 Bee Bldg. 5-ROOM COTTAGE $2,800 3821 Maple St., oak finish, modern ex cept bath; fixtures, sleeping porch, large, light basement; good location; on easy terms. 6-ROOM CEMENT BLOCK COTTAGE. All modern except heat, good condi tion and good location. Terms. HARROW & GILCHRIST. Red 3378. 6-ROOM DOUBLE HOUSE IN K.UUJN iaK i-ljAV-r, Having three rooms on the first floor; three sleeping rooms and bath on the second floor; fully modern; furnace heat and electric light; In good order; rent ing for $000 per year; lot 60x124 at 1807-9 Lothrop street; price $4,600. ' W. H. GATES. 647 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1294. STUCCO BUNGALOW Just being completed, 5 fine roomi nAA. r,A tnomAl finish? oak Vtl UII7 liuui , won aim " floors: complete in every detail; a map Benson & Carmichael, REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. Council Bluffs. T-ROOM nous., close to from mud and water. Red 664. chool; away Term.' Call Dundee. BUILT F0R A HOME. From selected material two year ago. This seven-room and sleeping porch 1 a real buy at $7,00 oe-hlf cash. Finished In oak and mahogany, newly decorated, 60-ft corner lot and a nice garage. One block to car. LEWIS & CO., 411 McCague Bldg., D. 882. W speclsllie In Dundee home. C. B. STUHT CO., ' 111-14 City National; DoBglat7. REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. INCOME TAX LAND. ' Wa have 11 house listed in Omalra. Owner wants land. ' & S. 4 R. E. MONTGOMERY. 216 City National. . WILL exchange nice Omaha income prop erty (or land. Write ua. Edward F. Williams Co., 80J-4 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. D. 420, REAL ESTATE-UNIMPROVED North. PRETTIEST MILE LOT BARGAIN. Faces east; all Improvement In an! paid for; 45x144; on the boulevard; fine home all around; building restriction. Owner needs cash and will sell cheap. P. J. TEBBENS CO., 608 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. Dougla 2181. South. BIG BARGAIN LOTS. $1.00 DOWN, $1.00 A WEEK, buy fine garden tract, 47x132; only 3 blocks from West Center car Una and one block to paved street; high and "sightly, black soil: price $298 and $340. THE BYRON REED CO. FOR SALK Two full site lots In beauti ful Overlook addition H block south of Elmwood park; act quick as these will not be on the market long Address, Box Y-94 Omaha Bee. REAL ESTATE-OTHER CITIES. REAL ESTATE SOUTH DAKOTA 160 acre, located tn beat farming dls trlct of Tripp county. South Dakota, near Colome; all fenced and under cul tivation; two springs; six-room house and other buildings In good repair. Will ell or trade for city property. A. B ALPIRN. 7th and Douglas Sts Call Doug. 842 FIVE-ACRE farm on Woodbury Ave. Good land, close to paving. Price, $3,500. lie. Gee Real Estate Co., 105 Pearl St, Coun cil Blufa. la. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE served the Omaha public In buying and selling real estate for over 36 year. We have many call now for home. List your property with us. Wa win serve uu to your best interest- McCague Investment Co., Douglas 415. BUNGALOWS WANTED. Wa' have cash buyers for well-located bungslowa and residence worth the money. For quick results, list with us. O'NEIL'S R. E. & INS. AGENCY, 632-6 Brandela Theater Bldg. HAVE customer for 7-room house. Han- scom park district Tan pay $600 canh.' $75 a month. Call Mr. Brownie, Tyler 4316. ' INTER-STATE REALTY CO., S520 Farnam St. I HAVE a man who will buy your Im proved property and pay cash fo it but the price must be right. GEORGE F. JONES. REALTOR. - 926 City Nat. Bk Bldg Doug 1941 WILL buy a few good contracts, aecdnd mortgage, or mecli. lien. Cbs L. Pease, 211 Brandela TheaterBldg. LIST your property for sale with J. B Robinson for quick salea 441 Baa Bldg Phone. Douglas 8097 LIST your property fo sals with C A, GRIMMEL. 849 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Tyler 3540. 640 Paxton Block. c onnvt nilMr:AT nw . A strictly all-modern bungalow, almost new. at a bargain. $3,660. Located 4528 North 36th Ave. Call Mr. Theo- dore. D. 4670. or Tyler 1910 A VACANT STUCCO S19 N 38th Ave. Oak finish; 7-R $7,000, 31.700 down. Bee It. SIX-ROOM cottage, modern except heat. 125 North Thirty-seventh street Price $2,600. $500 cash, balance terms. A. w. Toiana. . - : , . . . r . .a E A A . HD1ltl BARGAIN. G. P. STEBBINS, 1610(1 CHICAGO rATTVfl A. nnHPRTV. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. M RR A NnTCTS THEATER D 1761 A FEW homes and lots for sale, in Park wood Addition, a safe place for invest- ment. Norrls ftJjorrliDou.4270. MINNE LUSA homes snd lots offer the best opportunity to In rest your money pnone Tyier wi. WE will sell your home within 30 day. R. F. Clary Co.. 2404-06 Ame avenue. Colfax 175. i - South. Hanscom Park District BARGAIN BUY $350 CASH Owser has a very low and reasonable price on this property at 1344 South Twenty-seventh street; . a seven-room, partially modern house on a fine east and south front corner lot; terms 3350 cash $-0 per monm; kb luuaj. Creigh, Sons & Company, P' oaa Kftfl Ttm 13M3T. Immediate Possession . Five-room, all-modern bungalow, two blocks from Field club in the West Leavenworth district; has maple floors, birch and pine tflm, white enamel bath; lot 40x155. Owner leaving town, will sell at a safflflce. Located . at 921 S. 38th Ave. . , - WATSON & BRENAN, "Real Reliable Realty." Tvler 4505. 544 World-Herald Bldg. SOUTH OMAHA Packing house man, a new home for you at 33d and Jefferson: five rooms, good basement; two large lota Call Collax 718. "NEW HOME Near packing houses, 6-room, two lots. Call H. H.. Colfax 719. Miscellaneous. NINE-ROOM, all modern house; hot- water neai, newiy - ;,,, rnniiltlon. 2518 Caldwell. Price, $3,500; rt cash. r . 1305 First National Bank Bldg. Tyier ieo. BIRKETT & C0.."ri and insures. 250 Bee Bldg. Douglas ess. FOR SALE Three-room cottage. Full .. -fa r r Arm. inr on oouievara, ii.iou. strong. 325-6 Securities Bldg. LIST your houses and lota for quick sale with Hastings F "''""i; , . . 1 Bhnn, Tvlar 60 tiarney aircw - Wa Have Property for Rent or Sale. AMERICAN SECURITY CO iot South 17th St Doug 6011 BARGAINS In homes tnveatment prop- ernes ana acreao'n, --- - .nn a. Mn-tnn ua Omaha Nat Bid Bldg. WILL" build a nice modern 6-room house for you. 1 nave ins njain, Call Wal 127. REAL ESTATE-Business Property. BUSINESS property and Investment. tin F'rat National Bank Bldg. Farnam, Harney. Leavenworth and Cum ing Bia rayoa m Doug 1016 , C tJT?AT. t?QT ATPTRACK AGE. FOR DESIRABLE TRACKAGE PROPER TIES AND WAREHOUSE SPACE. SEE t r -Trxr-T oDltM 13 si Ham Douglas 3962. 918-20 City Nat Bk. Bldg. BELT Una trackage. 1 acrea In- center ot population, near scnooi, cnurcon, lines and shopping center. Ideal tor manufacturing purposes. , Trackage ts scarce. This 1 best piece of trackage In Omaha today. For location and price call at this office. R. F. Clary Co., 2404-6 Ame Ave. GOOD trackage lot lit feet front paved street. 33.500. 8. P. BOSTWICK. 300 Bee Building. WE have the customers and can ell your property; list with John W. Robbln. 681 Brandela Theater. D. 52 FOR quick sales list your property wltb W. O. SHRIVER 1047-9 Om. Nat. Bk Bldg Pong 1636 FINANCIAL. Real Estate, Loans, Mortgages. OMAHA HOMES EAST. NEB, FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1016 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 2716. CITY and farm loans; 54 and 6 per cent: no delay. J. H. Dumont A Co., 41S Keellne Bldg. MONEY to lend on Improved Real Estste Interest payable semi-annually W. H. THOMA8 A SON. 228 Keellne Bldg. PRIVATE MONEY. SHOPEN & COMPANY. Doug. 4238. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly.-VF. D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th-nd Farnanr. D. E. BUCK. Loans. 442 Omaha Nat. Miscellaneous. SAFE INVESTMENT Wanted $2,000 loan on $3,000 frater nal Insurance pqllcy. Man wishing to -make ioan I beneficiary. Face of policy will come to beneficiary upon death of Insured, who Is 61 years old and in poor health. Will arrange matters so that entire $3,000 will be paid to note holder upon dnath of insured, and will keep up premiums on Insurance. Chance to make from $500 to $1,000 In short time Address Bee. Box M-3. FARM AND RANCH LANDS. Colorado Lands. CALORADOLAND.. South half section 24-16-46. Cheyenne county, Colorado, All nice, smooth land Price for quick sal $16.00 per acre cash Thl Is a good buy. Write or wlr. . . C. B. MOLING, 201 Lathrop Building, Kansas City, Mo. CHOICE land close to "the town of Kit Carson In Cheyenne county, Colorado, for sale at $18 Ao $30 per acre; will take an auto a first pay: will be at Pax ton hotel until Monday morning, room 322. Call and see me, or write for par ticulars to Haxton, Colo. Also cholc land near Haxton. A. M. Axelson. $0,000 acre cholc raw or Improved" Ltn coin, Co.. Colo., lands. Bargatna Easy torma, See J. L. Manrer. Arriba. Colo. Minnesota- Lands. IMPROVED 280-acr farm In Todd coun ty. Minn.; building consist of even room house, bsrn, granary, corn crib, windmill, etc; 130 acre under cultiva tion, balance used for meadow and pasture; no waste land; thl farm will produce good crop of corn, oats, olovar, potatoes, etc.; located only a mil from railroad town; good soli; would make a good grain or stock farm; price $22.60 per acre. SCHWAB BROS.. 1028 Plymduth Bldg.. Minneapolis, Minn. J Montana Lands. DANDY LITTLE STOCK RANCH in ' Montana. 35 miles from Great Falls. . 660 acre well Improved, 10 live springs, two creeks, 80 acres open timber; can put up 200 tons hay yearly; adjoins county road. In rain belt Price $36 an acre, half cash, balance six years. A thousand-acre property adjoining can be purchased at same price. For full Information write J. I. Eakln. 15 Dunn Block, Great Falls, Montana. Nebraska Lands. PIERCE COUNTY, NEB. Farms For Sale. All good farms, tn good part of-couu-ty. Located close to county seat town. On main roads. Telephone. Close to school. Good water. In corn belt. 240 acres, good clay soli, extra well Improved, fine alfalfa and bay, 150 acres under cultivation, rolling. Prlct $175.00 ner acre. 320 acres, good aoll, well Improved, nearly an unaer cultivation, rnct 6166.00 pel acre. - 80 acrea, sandy loam, half cultivated, balance pasture, well Improved. Price $80.00 par acre. 160 acres, sandy loam, well Improved. 110 acre under cultivation. Price $100.00 per acre. - Write or see owner P. C. DEIBLER. Pierce, Neb. SARPY CO. FARM 226 acres 4 mile from good town, 16 mile to Omaha; 160 acre rich Elk horn bottom land, worth $350 per acre; 66 acres of timber pasture; splendid 8-room house, barn, windmill. Thl Is an undivided eatat and will be sold for $226 per acre. Carry $30,000 back ia first mortgage. A splendid grain and stock farm, as '.t has good oasturs. GRAHAM-PETERS REALTY CO. 829 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Omaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN. South Side. IF you want a real home, at a bargain, you should see Jaa H. Kopiets, real ea- tare investments, tos ooum ,in m FOR SALE Six-room house, all modern, nearly new. jwcniyHwunu aim n.Bio., good terms. Phone South 2867. 220 ACRES choice land 6 miles northwest of Ravenna. Neb. 240 acres under cul tivation, balance pasture. Good Improve . ments. $126 par acre. Easy term to suit purchaser. MOREARTY & CONBOY T. 3841. 640 BEE BLDG., Tyler 467t WRITE m for picture and price of my farms and ranches In good old Dawe Co. -Arab I Hungerford, Crawford, Ntb, .'3 I it