Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1919, Page 13, Image 13

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Lincoln Followers of Nebraska
Grid Fortunes Predict Vic
tory by Narrow Margin
Saturday Afternoon.
Lincoln, Oct. 22. (Special Tele
gram.) That Nebraska and Okla
homa will play a close game in Sat
urday's meeting at Rourke parki
Omaha, is the prediction made at the
Husker hunting ground this week.
Coach Schulte's phenoms evidently
suffering from restlessness, are mak
ing what is tacitly called a "mighty
poor showing." Bennie Owen, it is
said, has a hip pocket jammed with
trick plays. If so, he will have a
splendid opportunity to show them
to advantage. Husker supporters
are beginning to despair that their
Jeven will ever be finished in the
proper degree.
Fullback in Discard.
Freddie Dale, 205-pound fullback,
s officially in the discard. The
;hanccs are that "Bull" Wilder, the
fighting tackle, will also go to the
scraD heao. Both sustained injuries
of a more or less serious nature , i
the Notre Dame game of last Satur
clav. M. Munn. guard, is also out.
The Nebraska campus is astir with
Kossip concerning the first game to
he played in Omaha tor some years,
A sDecial train, or several of them,
deporting some 1,000 students, will
leave Lincoln early Saturday morn
ing for the state's metropolis. Dr,
I. T. Lees, acting athletic director,
had reserved a block of 1,500 seats
The entire' faculty will accompany
the students.
Figures Nebraska to Win.
The wiseacres figure that the
Huskers will win Saturday's battle,
but by a close score. Wnght, sub
stitute halfback, who scored on
line smash against Notre Dame, is
now being regularly played at full
hark, frr.lasson and Howarth are
alternating at ouarter. Pucelik,
cnarrl. in on the line.
The Nebraska-Notre Dame foot
ball same netted Nebraska a little
more than $11,000 in total receipts
according to figures given out in the
athletic office Wednesday. This is
not the record, but is one of the
largest intakes the Husker manage
ment has had in years.
As a money maker the Syracuse
Nebraska game on Thanksgiving
day in Lincoln is expected to break
all records. Syracuse, by virtue of
its victory over Pittsburgh last week
by a score of 1 to o, is raieo a
eastern champion and probably will
wind up tne season national iu-u
It will be Nebraska's greatest
game. ..
Are you going ta the theater or
movies tonight.' n so see amuse
ment page. '
Creighton's Midget Center to CREIGIITON STAR
Be Opposed By 260-Pounder
Blue and White Pivot Man Weighs Only 138 Pounds
Will Be Against Heaviest Man Ever Seen in Foot
Ball Game in Omaha Says Marquette Man Will
Have Hands Full.
For capital k Overland Tire
Rubber Compimy. AdviM number !
leeres and prlea wanted.
' - OuU Bm, Bom Y-722.
Was Goina Down. Hill Fast
When He Began Taking
Tanlae :
"I tried and tried for seven, long
year to find something that would
relieve me of ray suffering, but
nothing did me particle 01 gooa f fcmn takinsr Tanlae." md
J. H. Wilson, 3308 Freeman Ave.,
Kansas City, Mo., a ear inspector
employed by the Union Pacific Ban-
"I just hate to think of the awful
misery I was in before I started
taking this Tanlae," continued Mr.
Wilson, "why, I don't believe any
man in the world ever suffered with
his stomach as bad as I did. After
nearly every meal gas would form
so bad on my stomach that I would
be in agony for hours at a time.
I had such awful headaches and got
so dizzy that I would have to lay
off from work for two or three days
sometimes. My kidneys troubled me
a great deal and I was so nervous
and restless that any unexpected
noise would make me jump nice 1
was shot at , I was going down
hill fast, and , losing weight and
strength . right along, and all the
medicines I tried was simply money
thrown away for nothing for they
did me no good.
"My health was so broken that I
was almost a complete wreck when
I started taking Tanlae. But now,
it seems too good to be true, my
recovery has been so rapid that I
am in better health than I've been
in seven years; why, I just feel
almost like a new man. My stom
ach was never in better shape than
it is today, and I can eat things I
didn't dare touch before I took
Tanlae; in fact,. I an eat anything
I want and not suffer the least bit
afterwards. Headaches and dizzy
spells are a thing of the past with
me and my nerves are in such fine
condition that I am not disturbed
at all now by unexpected sounds
or noises. My kidneys never trouble
me now, and I never have an ache
or pain in my whole body now, and
I have picked up in weight and
strength so much that I feel many
years younger. I just want to make
a public statement and tell what
Tanlae has done for me so that
other people who are suffering may
be encouraged to give this remark
able medicine a trial."
Tanlae is sold in Omaha at all
Sherman & McConnell Drug Com
pany's stores, Harvard Pharmacy
and West End Pharmacy. Also For
rest and Meany Drug Company in
South Omaha and the leading drug
gist in each city and town through
out the state of Nbrasr
When Marquette and Creighton
mix at Rourke park next Saturday
afternoon John Bros of Creighton,
probably the lightest foot ball cen
ter in the country, will lock horns
with "Babe" Wright of Marquette,
said to be the largest man who ever
appeared in college foot ball.
iiroz will be at the pivot position
for the Blue and White, while
Wright will play center for the visitors.
Broz tint the beam at 138, Wnght
at 260.
Heralded as Star.
Wright is -heralded as the greatest
center the Milwaukee Hilltoppers
have ever possessed. The following
item from Chet Koeppel, sports ed
itor of the Milwaukee Sentinel,
shows the lofty position in whfch
Wright is held in the north:'
"Wright, Marquette's center, . is
probably the heaviest- center the
game has ever seen. Stripped he
weighs 260 pounds. He is six feet
three inches tall. He is very spry
on his pins despite his bulk and
works as well at guard as he does at
center. According to Coach Jack
Ryan, Wright's showing against
Lawrence last Saturday won him the
position of center for the remainder
of the season." r
Light Weight an Asset.
Broz, on the other hand, is 5 feel
9 inches tall and weighs only 138.
Mills considers his weight as an
asset, not as a handicap. "Broz
fights for every inch," said Mills yes
terday. "I am sure he can hold his
own against any center in toe coun-
Wh en Broz was told about his op
ponent s hulk, he smiled. 1 heard
story once about a geek named
Goliath," he said. "I think it was
the Bible said he was just 6 feet 2
and weighed 259. Anyway, he didn't
amount to much when the right fel
low came around. Wright will know
Omaha foot . ball fans are lite
the proverbial babies. They won't
Frank Kavanaugh on Hospital tin they t iti satur-
urn n i j r. V dy they get it in the form of a
LlSt With BlOOd POISOmng I wonderful double-header of the
Johnny Bros.
he's playing against somebody, I'll
guarantee you that."
"Jack" Broz was born in Howells,
Neb., of Bohemian parents, 21 years
ago. This is his second year on the
Blue and White squad. He attends
medical school.
Story Going Rounds of Base
Ball Circles That Congress
man Gallivan , May Be
Made President.
Boston, Mass., Oct. 22. Purchase
of the Boston American league
base ball club by a local syndicate
which, if successful, would elect
Congressman James A. Gallivan as
president of the club, has been pro
posed to President Harry H.
Frazee, tfc present principal own
er, Congressman Gallivan an
nounced today. In a telegram the
congressman said that his friends
had made an otter for the club
which President Frazee now has
under consideration.
Frazee Denies Report. '
New York, Oct. '22. President
Harry H. Frazee of the Boston
American league club denied today
that he was considefing the sale of
the club to a Boston syndicate.
"I have never received an offer
form Congressman James A. Galli
van, who is a close personal tnend
of mine," said Frazee, "and I am
not negotiating for the sale of the
club with anyone. From time to
time I receive offe'rs through the
mails from apparently financially ir
responsible parties and these letters
remain unanswered. More than a
year ago I gave a 30-day option
upon the . club to a combination
which had asked my price. The .op
tion was never exercised. The club
is not in the market and I cannot
understand the basis for the present
report ,
Won't Name Friends.
Washington, Oct. 22. Represen
tative 'Gallivan of Massachusetts
would .not name today, "Boston
friends" who, he said, were seeking
to purchase the Boston American
league base ball club.
"Boston friends of mine, who by
the way are not in politics," he
said, "asked Harry Frazee for his
price on the Red Sox some time
ago. They did not meet his price,
but iosteadt made ajti offer. That's
the case as Iknow it. If they bought
the club I was to be elected presi
dent, but I have heard nothinsr
about the deal for the last three or
four weeks."
Grounded Ship Floated
Again; Resumes Trip1
San Francisco, Oct. 22. The Toyo
Risen Kaisha's steamer Nfppon,
Maru, en route here from Japan,
which went agroudd in a heavy fog
early today in Half Moon bay, 20
miles south of San Francisco, re
ported to the government radio sta
tion at 8:45 o clock this mornine that
she had floated herself without
damage and was proceeding to Sao
WMh IIlIt U Sit'
as Result of Injury
Two Weeks Ago.
Frank Kavanaueh. Creiorhton's
right guard, will be out of the line
up Saturday when the Blue and
White clashes with Marauette at
Kourke parte.
This information was civen to
Coach Mills last night by Dr. E. F.
Shanahan who has been caring for
Kavanaugh in St. Catherine hos
Kavanaugh injured a toe in the
game with South Dakota two weeks
ago and blood poison set in. Early
'.vas regarded serious and he was re
moved to the hospital. Dr. Shana
han said yesterday that his condi
tion will certainly keep him out of
the Mafquette game and probably
out of the Haskell Indian game
the following Saturday.
The news of Kavanaugh's illness
was a blow to Creighton hopes,
but the appearance of Frank Mc
Vaney at practice this week has
bolstered them up greatly. .
Star at Fullback. j
McVaney starred at fullback for
Kearney Normal school two years
ago. He enrolled at Creighton Den
tal college three weeks ago. Mills
has been grooming him for Kava
naugh's place and McVaney look
like the man who will line-up at
right guard against the Milwaukee
McVaney is the largest man on
the team. He stands. 6 feet 2 inches
in his stocking feet and weighs 207
pounds. Despite the fact that he has
been out for practice little more
than a week he says he is in good
"Mickey" Harmon, Johnnie Dris
coll and Cy Lynch are on the sick
list Harmon, backfield man and
end. sprained his ankle Tuesday aft
ernoon. Last night he was scarcely
able to walk. It is doubtful whether
Harmon will be able to play Satur
day. Driscoll chipped a bone in his
left arm in the south Dakota game
Driscoll pulled himself into a foot
ball suit last night with his arm still
in a cast and ran about the field
with the team during practice Dr,
MacMahon said Driscoll would hard
lv be able to appear Saturday, al
though the fighting little Iiishman
insists that his arm never felt bet
ter." Lynch, too, appeared for prac
tice last night, his first appearance
since he was injured in the south
Dakota game.
Developing Forward Pass,
With tips from Milwaukee that
the visitors were developing forward
pass plays of every description, Mills
drilled his team last night in the art
of defense against passing.
Dispatches from Milwaukee tell
ing of "Babe" Wright's pr j'.vess at
center are branded by Creighton as
"bear dope, Harold Wise, termer.
IV" a student at Marquette. ow
medic at Creighton, says Douglass
is the man Coach Ryan will'proba
bly use against Creighton. Wise
keeps close correspondence with
several students at the beer town in
stitution. .'
"Douglass is a demon." said Wise,
"He was out of the Lawrence game
last Saturday because he was suffer
ing from an attack of boils. Thai's
how Wright got to play, I think.
This Wright may be as sensational
as the Marquette bunch claims he is
but I doubt it. It seems that the
Marquette team is all Milwaukee
talks about. The papers up there
claim that Marquette has one of the
best teams in the northwest The
'dope' up, there seems to be that
they 11 beat Creighton by a comfort
able margain, but tnat, too, i seri
ously doubt,"
Exhibition Base Ball.
San Franclaeo,
St. Paul
San Francisco . .
Batteries: Hall
and McKee.
12. Score:
R. H.
,'. 10
and Hare-raves; iSmlth
Revitalise your blood and put your
system in condition to rosut
the hardship of winter.
It is the strong-bodied men and
women who an vigorous ana
healthy in winter, and who are not
inconvenienced by the cold, wet
days. Wet feet don't bother them,
sudden changes cause no inconven
ience, and even when a cold is
caught," because of contact, in a
close, stuffy room, with some one
already infected, the trouble seldom
lasts over a day or two. This highly
desired state of health is brought
about by having rich, pure blood,
uncontaminated by impurities of
any kind. ,
You may possibly think your
blood is all right you are not
troubled by outward signs. Yet you
have felt tired and lanquid, you
have lost some sleep or hafd some
minor ailments at times, but you re
gard yourself as In "fairly good
condition physically." This may
be true, but yon. should take noth
ing for granted, you should not
guess" that you are all right The
thing to do is to make yourself
right by taking a good blood tonic
and invigorator, such as S. S. S. It
is the best known blood tonic on
the market today. There is hardly!
man or woman in this state who j
has not heard of it. It has helped
to restore many people to health.
It has brought relief in thousands
of cases of blood disorders during
the past fifty years.
S. S. S. is a standard treatment
for all blood disorders. It is a true
blood tonic, that purifies and brings
new vigor and new life to the blood
stream.- It is guaranteed to be
purely vegetable, to contain no mer
cury or other mineral drugs, but to
be made from herbs and roots care
fully selected for their known me
dicinal properties. For chronic
sores, nlcers, catarrh, rheumatism,
eczema, psoriasis, salt rheum, tet
ter, acne and other such diseases as
are due to impoverished blood.
S. Si S. acts promptly and satisfac
torily. It conterscts the germs
and poisons, cleanses the system of
unhealthy accumulations, literally
washes all foreign matter from the
blood and renews its life-giving
Be sure to take S. S. S. this win
ter. The renewal of vigor that it
will give you will be well worth
while. One thing you can be sure
of and that is if you take S. S. S.
you will be benefited. Get it today
at your drug store refuse any sub
stitute. For medical advice address
Swift Specific Co., 416 Swift Labor-
atory, Atlanta, Ga
With the Bowlers,
Welnecer ....
J. Kuhn ....
Total 1070
Kreuier SS5
Rasmusssn 345
Knopfel ........ Ai
Spaur 440!
Bartlett . 415
Vlralc 4
Barrett 408
L. Kuhny 443
Bushier 409
Poncelow 464
Total 1160
Gibba 441
Peters 60T
Helf 410
Brlzzs ......... 32S
Beckroan 272
Straw Ul
Total, 1080
Fremiti m.
Oeuns ,.
Whltts ' .
..... 174
Andersen .....
Francis ' .
Harper .......
. S02
. '481
. 467
. 486
. S28
Totals .......2471
Boatman 451
Mebl 4M
rrey 390
staurter 521
Nelson 290
Handicap ...... 69
witt . .
.. SOS
.. 413
. 450
.. 494
.. 67
Totals 2121
Crowo 422
Robson 486
Harper 402
Purdue 528
Selile 464
Finch ,
Johnson .....
Humphrey . . ,
Handicap . . . ,
Universal Moto Company Learn.
Eckles .. ' 41 9T""?"
KOSS 391
Davidson ' ...380
Foster 400
Total l,60
Name. Tntoia
Connelly ...... ...458
Hortlub ....
Sautter ....
O. Hartlleb
Total 1,(57
Name. Totals I
McDowell 291
.632 Barton ....436
Charqulst 420!Newell ".419
Total 1,3591 Total 1,464
Ladles Lea rue.
Nama. Totals. I.,"?- Tot'A
Hausman "llReese Jni
Jamison .&rav :::::::::::i44
T;UI liTSS Total .........T527
Name. Totals. Name. Totals.
Mulich 61(Ivawe 390
McCrea 862Murray 466
Oernandt 604lThompson 440
Thall 465Rauber 396
.1.1471 Total
grid game. Creighton opens with
Marquette university and the sec
ond game will be the long-sought
Nebraska game in Omaha, when
the Huskers meet Oklahoma.
The entire faculty of the Ne
braska university will be here to
witness the game and practically
cverv University stnHont will h
j jammed into the park, besides the
great crowd of Omaha fans who
have been so loudly clamoring for
a game here. The greatest crowd
of sport fans ever gathered in any
one spot is expected by the. com
mittee in charge of the Saturday!
events, ine advance salein Oma
ha has been away above the early
Evenly Matched.
It is judged that Nebraska "and
Oklahoma are the most evenly
matched teams in collegiate circles
and a great tjame is expected in the
wind-up game. The initial contest,
the Creiirhtoh-Marauette tanele. is
also deemed a great card for such
a double bill . and the game will
probably be a thriller, according to
the "dope." The- battle between
Creighton s pigmy center and Mar
quette's giant pivot man, alone, will
be worth double the price of ad
mission. . ; " v
The officials for the eame have
been named and they are the best
tnat could be procured.
Quigley of St. Mary's college will
referee; Anderson, K. A. A. C, will
umpire; Wyatt, Chicago, head lines
man, and Reid, Michigan, field
judge. These men were named for
the Oklahoma-Nebraska game and
it is thought that they will also be
on the job for the opening fray.
Weights Compared.
The players, with their weights,
are listed below:
ftwanson (172) ...,L. B Haskell (165)
Symien (203) L. T..P. Johnson (184)
Wilder (r85) L. O Taylor (225)
Day (166) C Harnm (193)
M. Munn (205). R. O... .Doer, C. (206)
Hubka (185) R. T Smoot (204)
Heiioj in) it. ic.R. Johnson (176)
McGlasson (165) Q. B White (185)
Schellenbers (178) ..L. H Hill (165)
Dobson, C. (175). ...R. H.MoDermott (138)
Dale (206) V. B Swatek (168)
Nebraska Total weight, 2,016; average
weight per man, 183.
Okishoma Total weight, 2,007; average
weight per man, 182.
The Nebraska team, as a whole,
outweighs Oklahoma by eight
pounds. They have an average of
one pound per man better than the
visitors. Nebraska's averaee ner
man being 183 pounds and Oklaho
ma, 182 pounds. Nebraska s Mine
average is 184 pounds and Oklaho-
Champion Defeats Sutton in
Five Innings of Game
Shaefer Shares Hon
ors of Day.
New York, Oct, 22 Willie Hoppe
still leads the players who are com
peting for the 1H.Z balk line cham
pionship in the national tournament
here. He defeated George Sutton in
the. eleventh game of the tourna
ment by 400 to 298 in five mnines,
This is the third winning bracket for
Hoppe, who has won all his games
so lar. ;
Morningstar and Schaefer have
won two and lost one game each,
while Sutton has won two and lost
two. - Cochran and Yamada have
each won a single game and lost two
and Slosson has been defeated in all
three of the starts he has made.
Hoppe and Schaefer shared th
honors for brilliant work today,
each having won out in five innings
ior an average oi ou, wnicn is nign
for the tournament.
Hoppe 89, 119, 1, 100, 81. Total, 400,
Average. 80.
Sutton'!3, 2, 2, 14S, 123. Total, 298,
Average, u9 3.5. .
The schedule for tomorrow fol
lows: .
Slosson against Schaefer; Morn
ingstar against Sutton; Cochran
against Yamaha; Hoppe against
ma's line will average 193. Nebras
ka will have an advantage in the
weights in the backfield, Oklaho
ma s average being 164, while Ne
braska's average is 179. The Ne
braska team is composed of four
tw-year men, two three-year men
and five one-year men. Oklahoma
has three three-year men and eight
two-year men. The opposing
coaches are Schulte of Nebraska
and Dobson of Oklahoma.
The Creighton game will start at
1:30 p. m. and the Nebraska game
is scheduled for 3:30. The place,
Rourke park, home of the Western
league base ball club, fourteenth
and Vinton streets. All South
Omaha and Albright cars go with
in one block of the park.
Today's Calendar of Sports.
Racing: Opening of fall meeting of
Kentucky Racing association at Louis
ville. Continuation of fall meeting of
Empire Ity Racing association at
Yonkers. Continuation of fall meeting of
Maryland Stat Fair association at
BlUiards: National 18.S balkllne cham
pionship tournament at New York.
Boxlnrt Kid Lewis against Fred Dyer,
12 rounds, at Lowell, Mass.
South Side Grid Team
Preparing for Hard
Game at Lincoln
The South Omaha Packers, who
held University Place to a 6 to 6 tie
last week, are gradually getting into
excellent shape for the Lincoln High
school battle, which will be staged
at Lincoln Friday afternoon.
The Packers' team probab'y will
never again buckle up again't such
a team that they will meet Friday,
as the state capital lads are consid
ered one of the best foot hall teams
in Nebraska.
The South team is going through
strenuous practice with the second
squad and special signal drill every
evening at the school. .This game
will decide whether Coach Patten's
warriors will be able to finish the
grid season as a candidate for the
itate honors. If Lincoln shorld dt
eat the local lads they will not be
able to qualify for the state cham
pionships, as they have lost three
games this season.
Coach Patton is depending upon
Tommy Ferris to win Friday's
game, as he is a veteran and s well
drilled on the signals and the art of
playing foot ball. He has been the
star in every game South High ha?
The men will be drilled hard and
long on both straight foot ball and
open formation for the Friday
game. About 100 students will prob
ably leave with the foot ball men.
Returned Red Cross Worker
Says Slovaks Worship U. $
Capt Frederick A.' Sedlscek re
turned to Omaha. Monday sfts.
seven months' service with - th
American Red Cross in Serbia. Cap
tain Sedlacek tells of the sdmirstion
the new republic, Czecho-Slovakis,
has for the American people.
"Americans are viewed almost as
demigods and are hailed with joy
and showered with admiration by
the people . of Czecho-Slovakia for
the aid given them by the people of
America. Two pictures hang in
nearly every home, one of President
Masaryk of the Czecho-Slovakia re-
ublic and the other of President
att.PWy aCo. la. Troy. N. Y.
Tht am "Armas" b and or mmqr ei Iks
1619 Howard Stmt ISIS Howard Stroot
Store Open From 8 A. M. to P. M.
Only a Few of the Many Items Ara Listed Below
U. 8. Army Rubber Hip Boots, brand new, 11 and up only sites left, at SS.23
U. 8. Army Regulation Tents, 16x18 with 8-foot wall, pyramid shape, extra
heavy duck canvas, values from $7t.0S to 1100.00, Special. . . , . .$27JK
U. S. Army Wool Blankets, renovated, tht finest assortment, ...... ,$S.M
Cotton DOUBLE Blankets, brand new .SSM
U. S. Army all-leather vests, brand new, with O. D. Wool Lining, Speeial,
at 9S.87
U. S. Army Comforters, renovated, speeial $1.23
U. S. Army Ssnltsry Pot Beds, brand new, Simmon's sagless springs, gray tu
bular ends, speeial SS.69
U. 8. Army Saddle Blankets, all-leather, brand new SS.SO
V. 8. Army Havarsacks tlM
Overall Trousers, laundered, but almost
new, per pair. ..SSo
Jacket Overalls, laundered, bat almost
new, per pair SSc
Sweaters, brand new, khaki, at. . . .$4.SS
Dark Gray Sweaters, with shawl sol-
U. S. Army Mittens, leather palm, per
pair 3Bc
Drawers , $1.68
Undershirts $1.68
Wool Socks, heavy grade, per pair. SSc
Wool Socks, extra heavy, white, per
pair - 89c
Wool Socks, khaki, heavy 79c
Bed Ticks SSc
Rrrwim a brand new. ............. .49c
Pork and Beans, with tomato sauce, in Khaki Unionalls, brand new, at. .$2.88
2-lb. cans, per can ISc I Karo Syrup in Gal. cans 73c
TO OUT-OF-TOWN BUYERS : We ship goods exactly as advertised.
Make orders out plainly. Include money order or draft. No. C. O. D.'a shipped.
If ordered by parcel post include postage. Ton are assured of prompt and
satisfactory shipment. - '
orders payable to
ISIS Howard Street ISIS Howard Street
ill ' 111
Why&tima outsells
all stiaight iMdsh
Why is it? .
First because all straight Turkish cigarettes are
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Second -because none of them,noteven the high
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This thing that Fatima gives is Just enough x
Turkish not too much as, in straight Turkish ciga
rettes, nor too little as in poorer Turkish blends
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. Fatima contains just enough Turkish to taste
right and just enough to leave a man feeling right
even when he smokes more than usual.
But vrhj talk about it? Just look at the list
below. .- '. '
A still better proof is to try Fatimas yourself.
"V f
Just enough Turkish
There used to be one kind of places
where straight Turkish cigarettes had
the lead.
These were the places where men with
plenty of money bought their cigarettes.
Bat now, even in these places. Fatima
outsells the fancy, expensive straight
'Turkish brands,
For example, at these and scores of
other smart hotels all over America :.
The Congress Hotel, Chicago;
Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago ;
French Lick Springs Hotel;
Marlborough-Blenheim, Atlantic Gt y ;
Hotel Traymore, Atlantic City;
The Vanderbilt, The Astor, and most
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The Breakers, Palm Beach;
Hotel Touraine, Boston, etc., etc.
ani -it
SB I I '
NOTE Fatima contains mora
Turkish than any other Turkith
blend cigarette.
A Sensible Cigaretti
20 for 23c