Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1919, Page 12, Image 12

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    8 aW to Hwn U aalati? duality,
That aritMi Mat la faons) alncaraly
A thousaad livtrM W(U lackay bar,
Drivlaf far all aac tbbg al aia aa4 guilt.
O, faJraat al CraaUaa, lat ana baat
Of all Corf's works, craatura h whoa aacall'4 ,
Whatavar can to alfht or thought ba lorm'd, ,
Holy, dlvlna, (cod, amtaMt, ar awaat. ' " , , )
i Pre-Nuptial Affairs.
Mrs. Harry Schifferle entertained
at a delightful luncheon party - at
the Blackstone Wednesday in honor
of Miss Edith Hamilton; who is to
be a November bride. A bouquet of
' Ward roses tied with tulle formed
a most attractive centerpiece and
. corsages of , bride's roses were at
each place. A tiny bride held each
place card. Covers were laid for
Mrs. R. P. Hamilton, mother of
Miss Edith Hamilton, and Me's
dames Robert Hamilton, jr.; Mor
ton Engleman, J. B. Edwards of
North Platte, who is visiting Mrs.
Schifferle; Herbert Daniels, Frank
. Nieman, George Dixon of Chicago,
Sam Gilinsky, T. H. Worst, Edward
Terry, Robert WilsonWalter Daw
son; Misses Ruth Beattv, Lillian
Rosenzweig, Alberta Field, Carita
O'Brien, Bess Heaton and Florence
.Miss Carita O'Brien entertained
at a tea at her home Wednesday
afternoon for Miss Hamilton, and
the Misses Jayne Clarke and Marian
Weller. who will be autumn brides.
' Ward roses, attractively arranged,
were used through the rooms. As
sisting Miss O'Brien were Misses
. Ruth Kinsler, Irene Carter, Mary
Fuller, Marjorie Barrett, Alice Md-
Shane, Ruth Beatty and Belle Rob
ertson, who is visiting Jayne
Clarke; Mesdames Wayne Selby,
Robert, Reasoner and Robert Ham
ilton. Seventy-five guests at-
r" tended. ,
The marriacre of Mis Clara
' Hart, daughter of Mrs.- Ernest
Eldred Hart, and Mr. Walker
.. Williams Corbin of Hartford; Conn.,
took place Wednesday evening at
Hillcrest, the Hart home in Council
Bluffs. i
Wedding Date Announced.
' Miss Lottiax Guttman, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Guttman, has
- chosen November 2 as the date of
her marriage to Mr. Victor Ganz.
Mr, and Mrs. Siegfried Heyn en-
tertained in their honor last week
and Miss Rose Cohen entertained
; for Miss Guttman Sunday.
- - - Foote-Robbine.
J The marriage of Miss Mildred
. Foote, daughter "of Dr. and Mrs.
A. J. Fpote of Pasadena, Cal., and
Mr. Wyman Robbing, son of Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Robbins, took place
Wednesday at the Foote home .in
Pasadena. Miss Marjorie Foote,
ister of the bride, and Mr. William
Bowes were the only attendants.
Mrs. J. W. Robbins and Miss Lois
Robbins were presenet.
Mr. and Mrs. Wyman Robbins
- will be at home, 710 South Thirtieth
., avenue, in early spring. , , ;
The marriage of Miss Alice Lyr
manY daughter of Mr. George C.
Lyman of Pasadena, Cal., "and Mr.
,Harr Adams of Omaha took place
Wednesday at the Lyman home m
' Pasadena.
Miss Lyman served overseas with
the Red, Crosscanteen service and
Mr. Adams was an infantry captain.
. Their somance began when ' they
, , were stationed at Neufcfcateau.
After a honeymoon trip on the
Pacific qoast Mr. and Mrs. Adams
will make their homevin Omaha.
' ' Drama League Luncheon..
Ai luncheon will be given by the
executive board of the Drama
League - Monday, 1 o'clock, at the
Fontenelle. for John Cowper Powys
who will speak before the league 8tt
4 in the afternoon. Arrangements
are being made by Mrs. George
Prinz, chairman courtesy committee
and covers will be laid for 15 includ
ing John Cowper Powys, Mesdames
" George Prinz, Samuel Burns, Luther
Drake, Chajfcs G. McDonald, E. M.
Syfert, Lucien Stephens, Howard
Baldrige, S. H. Clark, Victor Rose
water, Ralph Peters and Edgar
Morseman, Misses Kate McHugh,
Belle Dewey and Erna Reed.
Mr. Powys lecture will be given
without charge to. members of the
Drama League. . 7 . ?
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Dietz will en
tertained at an informal reception
at theirhome, Wednesday evening.
Their guests . included the mem
bers of the Nebraska Library asso
ciation, who are attending the con
vention of libarians here, and num
bered 100. .
Mrs: Fallon Entertains.
Mrs. J. P. Fallon entertained at
luncheon at the Athletic club, Tues
day, in honor of Mrs. B. O. Host
etler of Kearney, Neb., who is visit
ing her daughter, Mrs. Anan Ray
mond. Covers were also placed for
Mrs. Raymond, Mrs. W. G. Good
rich and Miss Lila Williams.
Pretty Katcha-Koo Girls
Heart Beats
By A. K.
There's magic , ' -
In the softly-spoken word '
Destruction .- v i
, In the harshly
Uttered sound.
Unlovely voices
Have been the rift ,
Through which
Many a good cause ,
Hal been lost. '
The rasping inharmony
The gutteral notes .
The squeaking reverberation "
O- those vitally important
Organs of the throat ,
Have sent the honest soul V
Into a pauper's hell ;
And temporarily lifted
By tone-smoothness
The scoundrel to prosperity.
Softly-spoken, words
. Have helped the actress
Put across her charm '
The lack of them
Has wrung death knells
To many a great career. .
"They win the preachers'
Flocks from wealthy, fields
' They find the way
To tender spots
' In governors' hearts
From which paroles
Are given V
Or bring the cruel .
Hand of Law , - ...
Sometimes upon
An inoffensive head.
There is a subtle charm '
An art in words
Well and timely spoken )
' Words of wisdom s: r
Or foolish fun
As that may be
But always must one's thoughts
Be deftly handled v -s
Words ride a tone ,
Of musical modulation1
'Each breath a fine caress
A liouid note, v
An humble slave
Has won the rabid master
Lured him to his death
On soft sweet strains
The spirituelle
Lifted from muddy byways
And sinners to the realm
Oi Jieavyily light
Guard carefully ,
Therefore ,
The harsh blasphemous
Vocal vagaries v
Dethroning impulses
To cherished heights i
And remember there is magic
In the softly-spoken word.
. ' SELAH!
. t ' ''''' ' ' .. '
! -
American War Mothers. ;
Omaha ' chapter American War
Mothers will meet in Memorial hall,
court house, Thursday evening at 8
o'clock. '; ,
Home Economics Department.
The home economics department,
Omaha Woman's club will meet
Thursday morning at 10 o'clock at
the Y. W. C. A., Mrs. S. J. Burnett,
leader for the date. The program
will be in charge of Mrs. Burnett
and Miss Loa Howard. Subject:
"Simple ways of preserving the last
fruits of orchard and garden." ;
Psychology Department. ' '
Psychology -department, Omaha
Woman's club, will meet at 2:30
Thursdayafternoon at the- Y.iW.
C A.
i Benson Woman' Club.
- Benson Woman's club will met
Thursday afternoon at 2:30 in the
Benson city hall.
" ' ' Art Department
The art department, Omaha
Woman's club, wilt meet Thursday
. afternoon, October 23, at 2:15. Mrs.
L. F. Easterly will give a paper on
"The Beginning of American Art
Benjamin West, Copley and Gilbert
Stuart." ,
. P. E. O. Sisterhood.
Chapter E, P.- E. O. sisterhood
will meet Thursday afternoon, Oc
tober 23, at the home of Mrs. N. B.
Updike. . ' ,. ; ' .
' Community Service.
The D. T. A. will have a costume
party Thursday evening at the
Girls' Community house. Each
young lady will be dressed in cos
tume imitating some character
whom she will impersonate during
the evening. - -
Dinner party at the Community
f house, KKKs, 6 p. m.. Dance at the
Army and Navy club by D. T. A.
and Wamm clubs, Thursday, Octo-
ber 23. ,; , ...',,. - -
Longfellow Circle.
Longfellow Chautauqua circle will
meet at 7:30 Thursday evening, Oc
tober 23, at the library; Mrs. Helen
. K. Morton, leader. . , x
Business Woman's Class.
I The music clas of the Omaha
' Business Woman's club' will meet
1 f
Mrs. Cyrus Mason, press chair
man for the Nebraska Federation
of Women's clubs and editor of "The
Bulletin," and club editor of The
Bee. Mrs. Mason responded to a
toast 'The Future"at the opening
banquet Tuesday night
Thursday avening, October 23, at
the Y. W. C. A. Department mem
bership in the Omaha Women's club
is open to this class.,'
'.. '
v : Wjrcha League.
The Wyche Story Telling league
will meet Thursday afternoon at 4
o'clock. Misses Edna Durland and
Fannie Hayes will give a program.
Naperian Qub. -On
Friday evening, October 24,
the Naperian club will give a danc
ing party at the Castle hotel This
is the second of a series of dances
the club expects to give this season.
, Vk
Va 'n-K-Vj
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SfjflliSllw i ' i',.' J'...'
You are doomed to see two of Omaha's prettiest and most popular
girls appear in two of the most difficult roles in Katcha-Koo at the
Brandeis theater, October ,24-25. First they make your teeth, chatter as
they make you feel the wrath of the great Maharajh and then they make
you laugh. The roles are played by Miss MildreTodd and Mrs. R. C.
Hoiie After Work Aoroad
and Summer in the
Miss Mona Cowell, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cowell, re
turned to. Omaha Monday morning
from the east, where she has been
since her arrival from overseas, Au
gust 17. Miss Cowell with her par
ents has been in the Catskills dur
ing the early fall. .She went over
seas just a little more than a yeaH-wiji contributions of the children
aeo for canteen service. She.' how'
ever, became interested in caring for
refugees and served in that work at
Le Puy until after the armistice.
She visited the various battle fronts
and Paris. The Cowells will ' re
main in Omaha for the present, but
will go to California in early Jan
uary. -
For Miss Feiler.
A miscellaneous shower was
given Monday evening in honor of
Miss Theresa Fejler by her friends
at the home of Mrs. M. Theiler.
Those present were: -Misses Mar
garet Theiler, Elizabeth and Pau
line Dinkel, .: Aernes Feiler, AnTSlia
Semerad, Helen Redmond, Alma
Breiholz, Pauline Semerad, Elsie
Dinkel, Adelia Becker, Matilda and
Elizabeth Theiler, Gertrude Probst:
Breakfast Party.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Miller en
tertained at a breakfast party Wed
nesday morning at the Blackstone.
Koses- were used to form the cen
terpiece and covers were laid for
Messrs. and Mesdames Peter John
son of Superior, Neb., J. C. Seacresl
of Lincoln and L. J. Dunn.
Mrs. Low Entertains.
Mrs. Wilson" Low entertained in
formally at a tea at - her home.
Wednesday afternoon. Flowers in
the autumn colors were used
through the rooms. iMrs. Eugene
Valk, who is visiting her sister. Mrs.
J. E. Davidson, was the honoree.
For Mrs. Burch.
Miss Eugenie Patterson entertain
ed informally at luncheon at the
Blackstone Wednesday, for Mrs.
Merrill Burch of Dubuqne, la., who
is visiting Miss Margaret Baum.
Mrs. John McCaeue will entertain
at a bridge party at her home Thurs
day afternoon, in honor ol Mrs.
Burch. ."
Children Asked to Bring
Pennies for Roosevelt
The woman's committee of the
Roosevelt Memorial association fin
ished its work in the schools today.
Two visits to the schools have been
made the first to enlist the co-op
eration of the principals in the pro
tect, luesday attractive blue boxes
were left in each room for the free
The woman's committee has been
assisted in delivering the boxes by
young wometv of the motor division
of the National League for Wo
man's Service.
No quota has been set ior the
schools of the city, according to
Mrs. John W. Towle, chairman of
the woman's committee. The amount
to be 'contributed by the . school
children is entirely voluntary and
cannot be estimated. Superintendent
Beveridge has asked that the chil
dren bring their pennies on Thurs
The women of the committee have
asked the teachers to stress the
fundamentals 2nd principles of
Americanism, for which 'Theodore
Roosevelt stood so loyally,
Four-minute speeches are being
written this week by the children
of the public and parochial schools.
Archbishop Harty has offered a
gold medal for,4he best, speech on
"Good Citizenship and American
ism" written in the parochial
schools. '
Monday, October 27, the birthday
of Roosevelt, will be observed in
the schools in programs bearing on
the life of Roosevelt as a type of
good Americanism worthy of emula
tion by the youth of the Country.
For Miss Henderson.
Mr. William Campen entertained
informally' at his home Tuesday eve
ning in honor of Miss Lillian Hen
derson, the occasion being her
birthday. Twenty-five guests at
tended. '
Egch Sex Has Its
Own Superior
X Mentality
"Mental differences are as fre
quent and as striking in the human
family, as physical variations." said
Professor I. N. Madsen of the Uni
versity of Omaha, addressing the
Omaha Woman's club at its open
meeting Monday afternoon in the
Y. W. C Aauditorium. , "We don't
need tests to ascertain geniuses.5 nor
to detect the idiots, but there is a
wide range of mentality in between
which it is very advantageous for
many purposes, to be able to
classify." ... v
The first real intelligence tests
were definitely established in 1906,
according ( to the speaker. .These
were individual tests, however, and,
therefore, slow. A need for group
tests was obvious, and it was not
long after that they were worked
out Their greatest service was felt
during the recent war. The tests
applied to army men were, for the
purpose ot determining ability to
learn easily, to comprehend and fol
low instructions, to adapt one's self
to a new situation and to analyze a
new situation. Upon application of
the tests it was found that army men
prove to be 11 per cent superior, or
very superior; J5 per cent normal,
or slightly above n6rmal; 22 -per
cent low average and 32 per cent in
ferior. This same standard applied
to high school seniors brought the
following results:. None fell below
average, 49.6 per cent were very su
perior, ,36.5 per cent superior, 12.3
per cent high average and i.o per
cent average. Mr. Madsen explain
ed that the tests did not involve any
subject matter which would give
high school students an advantage,
but rather that a high school course
is in one sense a process of selec
tion, and the boy who reaches his
.senior year is usually one who start
ed with good native intelligence.
Very practical use was made of
intelligence' tests in the army. "In
many instances," Mr. Madsen told
his audience, men were entirely re
jected because they proved to- be
mentally inferior. In such cases in
dividual tests were made to bear
out the group test A man's work
was to some extent determined by
his response to the tests. A soldier
who was sub-normal in intelligence
was assigned to-a different duty
than one who tested normal or
superior." . A
A decided resentment was noted
when Professor Madseir exhibited
charts showing that ' boys invari
ably tested out higher than girls of
the same age or school grade under
the army tests. Sensing this feeling,
Mr. Madsen explained that the army
tests were favorable to men and
were designed for armynot general
purposes. He conceded that each
sex has its superior mental quali
ties. This- brought round of ap
plause from the feminine gathering.
"These intelligence tests can be
made of great every-day value,"
concluded the psychologist They
will enable us (1) to fix up our
school curriculum to meet the needs
of the pupils; (2) to segregate the
mentally defective; (3) to deal with
the morally delinquent in advance,
knowing the relation between moral
delinquents and mental deficrents
(4) to aid in juvenile court work.
Miss Millard Entertains.
Miss Jessie Millard entertained in
formally at luncheon at her home
Wednesday. The hemor guests were
Miss Caroline Dodge, sister of Mrs.
Edgar Scott, and the Misses Mary
France and Virginia Hanscom of
New York, who are visiting , Mrs.
John L Kennedy. Miss Dodge
leaves within a week to spend the
winter in New York. Covers were
placed for 12.
Fashion Dispatch
' Special Cabla to Tha Baa.
Paris The great contrast be
tween the misery of the devastated
area of France -and the pleasure
mad Deauville has been commented
on by many American buyers who
are at present in France. At Deau
ville it costs as much to live for
one dav as would rehabilitate a des
titute family and - the luxury of
dress is unequalled the(e by any
thing worn in prewar days. Every
one comments on the nudity of the
fashions, skirts being cut to the ex
treme of shortness and bodices be
ing all but eliminated.
Plans for Ball
Plans for the ball for the father
less children of France, October 30,
were completed Tuesday at a com
mittee meeting at the home of Irs.
Joseph Barker, who is chairman of
the affair. Mrs. Barton Millard,
state president of the organization,
and Mrs.' Paul Gallagher and Mrs.
Williard Hosford attended. Mr.
Gregory hasonated the ball room
of the Fontenelle for the occasion,
and it is expected that it will be
mos.t successful. The entire cast of
the "Passing Show," 'which is ap
pearing at the Boyd that week, will
attend after the theater.
Luncheon Party.
Mrs. J. H. Rushton entertained a
foursome at luncheon at the Uni
versity, club Tuesday in honor of
her guest, Mrs. Edward Sudendorf,
of Tampa, Fla.'
Halloween Party.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Dowd will en
tertain at a costume party at their
home Halloween evening, n honor
of their daughter, Bonnie Bernice.
Thirty guests will attend. 1
' . Mrs. Max Westermann of Lincoln
is visiting in Omaha.
Mrs. Louis Allen of New York is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. Frank
Spigle. . ,
Mr.' and Mrs. T. H. Rushton havs
as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Sudendorf of Tampa, Fla.
For Visitors.
Mrr and Mrs Henry Cox enter
tained informally at dinner at their
home, Wednesday evening, in hon
or of Mrs. Rupert Bailey of Pierce,
Ida., and Mrs. Frank Jones of Pas
co, Wash., who are visiting their
parenets, Mr. and Mrs. Norris
Brown. The decorations were in
bluebirds. Covers were also placed
ior Mr. and Mrs. Brown and Misses
Florence Rush and Mary Philippi.
Lesion in Scientific
, Complexion Renewing
Everyone haa a beautiful akin under
neath the one exposed to view. Bear that
in mind. and it ba easier to undeintand
Ithe correct principle in acquiring a lovely
(complexion. Nature is constantly shed-
dine the top skin in flaky particles like
dandruff, only much smaller in size. In ab
normal conditions, or in advancing ase.
these particles are not shed as rapidly aa
in robust youth. The longer they remain
the more soiled or faded they become
that's the immediate cause ot a "bad com
plexion." t
It has been discovered that ordinary
mercolized wax,'' to ba had at any drug:
store, will absorb these worn-out particles.
The absorption, while hastening Naturae
work, goes on gradually enough to causa no
inconvenience. In a week or two the trans
formation is complete. The fresh, healthy
hued, youthful underskin is then wholly In
evidence. You who are not satisfied with
your complexion should get an ounce of
mercolized wax and try this treatment.
Use the wax nisjhtly. like cold cream.
washing it off mornings.
i 41
r. w
I-.y" afcM mKi laaS,"ns
and Money Too
Makes Good Pancakes
Quick as a Wink No
Milk or Eggs Required.
1 Try It in the Morning
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