Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 23, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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Head of Harriman System
: Predicts . Great Things for
; r City Visit Here Indicates
No Changes. 7 . (
' Robert S. Lovett, president of the
'Harriman transportation system,
eft at 9 yesterday morning for Salt
Lake City on an inspection trip, af
ter spending two days in Omaha.
T r . ,
ne was accompanied oy. Mrs.
I Lovett, Miss M. C Bean, E. E.
Adams, consulting engineer of the
, Union Pacific railroad; E. E. Calvin,
; federal manager of the Union Pa
; cific; T. D Farrel, vice president of
the Harriman ' system, and H. M.
Adams, vice president of traffic of
the Union Pacific . '
During his stay here Mr.'Lovett
inspected the Union Pacific 'railroad
. rhops and the terminal facilities in
Omaha and Council Bluffs. As
ffuest of the Chamber of Commerce
Tuesday noon he gave a short talk
on the future of the American rail
roads when returned to private own
ership, predicting a policy of ex
treme conservation.
Both Mr. and Mrs. Lovett attend
ed the grand opera at the Audi
. torium Tuesday night. Mr. Lovett
also found time, during his short
stay to study economic conditions
in Omaha and before leaving, pre
dicted great things for the city.
Mr. Lovett and his party will pro
ceed to Salt Lake City and to the
west coast The inspection trip is
expected to last for from 4 tp 6
- weeks. Officials of the Union Paci
fic in Omaha say Mr. Calvin will
return east by way of Kansas City,
Mo. No important conferences were
held during the president's visit,
officials say, and nothing will be
changed on the system at the pres
ent time. .
My HEART'and
Adele Garrison'a New Phase of
a Wife
What Alice Holcombe Told
Y""". t Madge. . ,-.'..
Alice Holcombe looked up at me
wistfully, her lips quivering.
: "Forgive me," she pleaded. I
know I'm getting everything mixed
up. I I don't know what is the
matter with me."
"I won't1 forgive you if you talk
that way, I retorted with a grim
nest I was far from feeling. You're
simply upset by something you've
heard, and the quickest way out is
to tell me all about it. Come now,
you didn't know this when you went
to Patchogue,. so you must have
heard it there since yesterday. So
you won't have to go very far back
in your memory. Npw, when?
Where? How? as we use to tell
the chilldren in the composition
"I have a young cousin who is an
operator in the Bawiew telephone
exchange," she began obediently,
slowly, "I have not seen .her tor
some ' time, but she came out to
Patchogue yesterday for a week-end
visit the same , relative I came to
see. She is usually a very merry
girl, and I was surprised to find her
exceedingly sober of demeanor. I
caught here studying me covertly
several times, and at last this morn
ing she evidently made up her mind
to a definite course of action, for she
manoeuvred to get me alone and
then asked me earnestly:
Cousin Alice, what do you seally
think about 1he Stockbridge case?
Do you think Mr. Stockbridge killed
his wife?" ,.;T j; v :
"The ouestion nearly made me
lose control of imyself. But I have
been schooling my feelings lately,
trying not to betray too much my
horror at the thought that any one
should suspect Kenneth, for I find
that many of my best friends do not
think as I do about it. So I waited
until I could answer her calmly be
fore I tpoks.
An Unsuspected Shock. '
MT am sure that he didn't" I
told her. 'As sure of his innocence
as I am of yours or my own.'
" 'You're one of his oldest friends,
aren't you?' she went on, looking at
me curiously. 'Would it make yon
very unhappy . if he were found
guilty?-, ; ' nr
. .,"1 answered her promptly. Tees,
to both questions,' I said, and she
nodded her heed gravely as if I only
bad. confirmed her own tnougnu
"Then I know what to do," he
said thoughtfully, and a minute later
she added something which fright
ened me. '
"'Can you get a warnmg to Mr.
Stockbridge?" she asked.
"1 can I answered knowing that
I could relay it throusrh Kenneth's
attorneys. I did, not think it wise
to tell her that Kenneth had request
ed that neither you nor I should
attempt to see him."
Miss Holcombe paused and looked
up at as if asking assurance that she
had acted wiselv.
"You did just right,", I said."
"I thought you'd approve," she
answered simply, then went on with
her story. i
"Will They Tell r
"My cousin told me that both she
and another operator had listened in
on the telephone that afternoon both
when Milly telephoned you and
when Kenneth did."
I struggled hard to keep my face
expressionless. If these girls had
indeed heard everything, and should
tell what they knew, then the plight
of all of us was sad indeed. Alice
Holcombe and I would surely be
brought into the case, and I dared
not acknowledge even to myself how
damning to Kenneth Stockbridge
would be the evidence I would be
Compelled to give.
I forced my stiff lips to speech.
"Will they tell what they know?"
I asked. '
"The other srirl has. already."
Alice Holcombe answered, "but for
tunately she had a busy board that
afternoon, and she heard but very
little. She has been given a good
sum of money for the little bit she
did hear, and both she and the law
yers employed by Milly's family
have been pestering my cousin to
tell her story. But to far she has
kept quiet she is not the knid of a
girl to sell 1.W knowledge end they
have no idea how much she knows
And now I am sure she is safe. She
has promised me that she will not
only keen from telling what she
heard, but will persist in saying that
she really heard nothing more tnan
did the other girl. She even refused
to tell me what she had heard.
I drew a breath of relief. I could
understand the reluctance of Alice's
vountr cousin to repeat the venom
ous words concerning her which
Milly Stockbridge had uttered to
me that afternoon.
Glad indeed was I also that my
friend had not discovered the fact
of Kenneth Stockbridge's confiding
his private papers to me. I was
not sure just how she would take
that bit of news. But I was trou
bled at the thought of the dynamite
which her young cousin possessed,
for I did not quite share my friends
confidence in her young relative s
discretion. 1
I feared that a girl who would
"listen in" would also capitalize her
. (Continued Tomorrow.)
An arc light carbon of French
invention consists of a solid rod
within a hollow cylinder, the arc
formed at the end being rotated by
a magnetic coil. "
Arc You A
Tobacco Goat?
If So, Write Dr. Elders for Hit New
Discovery That Quickly Banishes
"Old Man Tobacco" Forever.
Dr. Elders' Tob
acco Boon Banishes
all forma of Tobac
co Habit in72tol20
hours. A positive,
nulck and perma
nent relief. Easy to
take. No craving
for Tobacco after
the first doee. I
guarantee satisfac
tion In every case.
Send no money,
just your name and
Address for free
proof and full information, to Dr.
H. win Elders, Mail order Dept. Z7S
Don't be a tobacco goat any longer.
everybody store"
The Well-Groomed Maris Conceptions of Correct Style Is
Admirably Interpreted In the New Fall and Winter Models In
'4 1 ' ' '
- B ,7:1
V 0
Men's I
Shop V I 7
en the Fourth "'- j
Floor ' .r; i '
Expert attend-5 I : .
ante from t t K V -V " i
1 m. to I p.m. I ;; 1
TV T 1
For Men. Young
' e. J
en ana Doys
The fabrics, 'as never before, carry the unmistakable
stamp of exclusiveness and supreme smartness. Clothes
can be found here for the man that wants clothes of refine
ment, and; clothes that will give SERVICE and SATIS-
Youll find here such values in Burgess-Nagl Overcoats
and Ulsters at
These coats are all made from very fine domestic "and
imported wools. Overcoats of all types, and for all pur
poses. .
Young Mens Overcoats
Double breasted, fitted back, in blues, browns and gray
mixed. At $34.60, $55.50. With or without belt. V
Our line of goods in storm and weather Tironf Auto
mobile ulsters is very strong. We are offering many coats
for your selection in full lengths, double and single breasted,
with half belt and belt all around, at $34.50, $39.50. $44.50,
$49.50, $54.50, $59.50. v
Boys' and Children's
We are showing many,
coats in blues, browns
and gray mix goods made
on very snappy and sty
lish models. Price- -r
$10 to $34.50
Youths' Suits and
: Overcoats
A wonderful collection of hew fall
$22.50 to $60
The models of greatest popularity
, are those with the double-breasted
coats in the plain and waist line ef
fects. .
, Buim-SHk Co. Fourth floor.
Brief City News
Weathw Srlp-B1ftlB Utg. O Av.
Have Root Print It Beacon Press
. BlMtrle WMher-BaraH-Oraada Co.
J. O. Blxby Son 'Co. have just
completed a steam heating system in
Orchard & Wllhelm rarage building.
Personal Injury Suit Hans I.
JIansen filed suit in district court
arainst J. i. iiewis ror 5,uue dam
ages, allegingr that Lewis ran into
him with hia automobile at Thir
tieth and Weber streets August 10.
He says Lewis 4idn't stop.
Nebraska Lodge, JTo. 1, Knights of
Pythias, will confer the rank of es
quire at Its castle in W. O. W. hall,
Sixteenth street and Capitol avenue,
this evening. C. W. Britt will have
charge of the ceremony. Knights
visiting In the city are invited to at
tend. : Resumes ' Entertainments The
Ben Hur club has resumed giving en
tertainments and dances this season
at the Prairie Parle club house,
Twenty-sixth street and Amee ave
e. ASaira will be given Sunday,
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
nights each week. , (
Visits Police Matron Mrs. Emma
Burkey, police matron at Dee
Moines. la., la in Omaha visiting Po
lice Matron Oibbons. , Mrs. Burkey
was taken about the city and public
darice halls and complimented the
members of the Welfare board on
their supervision of public dancee.
Parents to Meet Teachers A
meeting for parets of Central High
school students la to be held in the
High school auditorium this evening
at 7:45 for a general conference
about high school work. Opportu
nity will be given after the meeting
for parents to talk with the teachers.
Stolen Car Recovered An auto
mobile ' which was atolen from
Deputy "County Attorney Beal Sun
day from Thirty-sixth and Q streets,
was recovered by one of hie former
college chums, U. H. Bremers, an
attorney. The car waa found three
miles west of Paptlllon, Neb. Bre
mers identified the car by the license
numbers which he chanced to see
It on his way to Gretna. -
Stops the pain In-'
atantly and In 10
minutes t n e
corn or cal- .
,kua la all
cone. Noes '
tended treat
m e n t a : no
soaking the feet Safe, sure and sim
ple. CORN FIX Is wonderful I Take
no other. Money back It It falls to
help you. At all dealers, or direct for
S5c Buy a bottle today; enjoy walk-,
In tomorrow! CORN FIX CO., I no.,
Newark. N.J. .
Bee Want Ads offer rare bargains
to persistent readers.
Children's Street
Car Tickets
May be secured at our con
veniently located Informa
tion Desk on the -
Hare your Christmas cards
engraved NOW in our sta
tionery section You'll have
i -.ore time to make your se
lection and we will have
more time to give you serv
ice than at a later date. I
Berg Mesh Co. Mota floor.
For Every Woman
in. Omaha
Who wants clear,
beaatifol complexion,
free from wrinkle
and lines and who
wants boontifal, lai
troai hnlr.
Complete for $5
1 Vibrator
Electric massage, for use in
your own borne la being demon
strated In our Drug Section.
Come in and let our demonstra
tor show you how to develop a
soft, colorful skin how to free
your face from lines and blem
ishes how to restore your hair
to its natural luxuriant beauty.
Come in tomorrow. i
........ Usr
Announcing for
N Friday and Saturday
A Great Sale '
See Thursday papers.
Warm Goats and Attractive Frocks for
School Girls of All Ages - ; '
Are Ready for Thursday
When attractive, youthful styles are combined with durable materials and fine work
manship, ready made clothes are far superior than those made to order, especially when
they fit as well as the . i v
Coats from
Our Junior
$12.95 to $75
The children will be well
pleased with these handsome
coats of broadcloth velour,
silvertone, chinchilla and
bolivia for ages 6 to 17 years.
Some are plain, others trim
med in fur, such as beaver,
gray wolf and( raccoon. Also
plush and velvet. Priced
from $ $75.00.V
Dainty Dresses
for School Wear
$22.50 to 165.00 v "
' The girls from 6 to 17 .have
been well taken eare of in the
selection of dresses, for there
is such a great assortment of
styles, dlscription is impossi
ble. Made of: "
In the new straight line
effects, in blues, blacks,
browns, etc.; some embroid
ered in black, others in con
trasting colors. Combinations
of georgette with taffeta or
satin, wool jersey combined
with tricolette, make most ef
fective dresses for the
younger miss.
New Wool
Jersey Smocks
$19.50 to $22.50
The new and popular gar
ment favored by the juniors
from 12 to 17 years. They
are embroidered in beautiful.
' contrasting colors and are
priced from $19.50 to $22.50.
Blue Serge
Middies, Priced
a at $8.95 :
For the girls from 8 to 14
years of age.
Radiating Warmth and Win
ter Comfort, Women's Coats
Are Now at Their Best
3 ,
Hundreds of new coats have been arriving with each express
in such abundance that winter winds .can blow their coldest and
still find us well prepared to serve you.
Special at $24.95
is a group of coats made of
heavy materials, all wool; jer
seys, plaid materials or fur fab
rics. Placed in one big group at
$24.95 each.
$39.75 and $49.75
there is a great variety of styles
and materials from which to se
lect. The values are so extraor
dinary that We are certain they
have no equals.
Others Up to $3 50
Wash Co. Sic d Timor.
Handsome Fur Trimmed Suits
for Women and Young Women
$54.95 to $395
LOVELY suits of velour, silvertone, velour de laine and broadcloth are handsomely
tailored and trimmed with the most popular furs, including near seal, raccoon,
Australian opossum, beaver, Hudson seal and many others equally as popular. The
selection is unlimited as to style. - 1
A Group of Smart Looking
Suits; at $24.95
Broadcloth, serge, wool poplin and ve
lour are the materials used in good-looking
suits that come in brown, navy,
henna, beaver and dust. y
A Group of Distinctive New
I Suits, at $37.95 ...
A style to suit every taste in beautiful
materials, and the prices are from one
fourth to a third less than the regular
price. - ,
Barf eas-Nuh Co. Second Floor.