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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1919)
THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1919. IS AUTOMOBILES For Sale. USED CARS 2-lllt. Willys-Knight taurine. 1 -Model $0 tearing Overland. 1-Model 10 Country Club Overland. S.Model It touring Overland. l-6tudebakr touring. 1 -Maxwell roadster. . 1-Wlllyo-Knlght roadster. 1111$ WlIlys-Knlght coup Mill Dodge sedan, l.ltlt Oldsmoblle touring. . EASY TERMS VAN BfcDNT AUTOMOBILE COMPANY, 1561-14 Frnra Street Open Sunday morning from I to Jit, S03ID BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS McCaffrey motor - COMPANY (The Handy-Ford Servlca Station) lit, and Jactsoo Eta, poug. 1500. Auto Clearing House Omaha's Largest Used Car Store, THE ONB PLACE WHERE YOU CAN BUY A USED CAR WITH A. THREE DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. 1311-14-1 Farnam. Dougla 6382. BRINGING UP FATHER I Sm Jtxgi tad Manic fas Fall Pat f Clora is The Sunday Baa. Drawn for The Bee by McManus Copyright, 1911 International News Sortie TO CO TO CLAHCV SHMSOU5 TONI4.HT OUT I'M AFHAIO TO AAK ME WIFE TO OON'T KNOW HOW TO HANDLE WOMEN 'lLkET vou vtre. TO LET fl I I IsssaiBT- aa. awl XI aain NOO WAIT RlHT OOT HEKE WHILE 1 40 IN AISO CAIN HER CONSENT 1 OONT VORW- "M NOT SO.tV IN- ftOMETHlN TCUA ME HE WON'T BE ARLE U ' B?'i.i!l..W:?",'WP..l.' StJrWtftUgMS' " ' ... m $fI W- 7 r,''Ti POOR, if4 I ' ' Market and Industrial News of the Day LIVE STOCK 1 Omaha, Nob., Oct. JO, 1919. Recelpta were: Cattlo Hogs Sheep Estimate Monday . .16.800 4,200 15,800 Same day laat wk.. 33,697 4,787 30,887 Samo day 2 wk,.. 21,738 3,488 23,978 Same day wk,. .. .20,412 2,824 39,074 Same day year ago., 11, 080 3,971 19,993 Recelpta and disposition of live stock at the Union atock yards, Omaha, Neb., for 24 hours, ending,. at 1 p. m, October 20, 191t: j RECEIPTS CARLOT. uauie.Hogs.sneep.n r. C. M. t. P 6 Mo. Pacific 1 Union Pacific 14 I C. 4 N. W., east...,. .. C. N. W.. west.. ..171 18 C, St. P., M. O... 0 6 C, B. 4, eaat 6 1 C, B. & Q., west.... 176 6 C, R. I. & P., east.. I Illinois Central 4 5 Chi. Gt. Weat 1 X 6 80 ii 81 Total recelpta ....576 6 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. RENT' A NEW FORD DRIVE YOURSELF 12 CENTS PER MILE. YOU ARE COVERED BY INSUR ANCE AGAINST LIABILITY RESULT ING from ACCIDENT. 10 NEW 1919 MODEL FORD CARS. FORD LIVERY CO., DOUG. 3622: 1814 HOWARD. NEW FORD SEDAN. t have a new Ford Sedan that 1 but S months old. With shock absorbera, bumper, extra casing, over-size steering wheel, dash light, demountable rims. It la the new ltll car with starter and Is just as good as new having been driven very little. Will aell for 1900 cash. No trade and will not consider less money. Address B-26, Omaha Bee. " MEEKS AUTO CO. Used ear bought, sold and exchanged. W, buy for cash and sell on time. Full line to aelect from. Middle State Oarage, 2026-8 Farnam St Doug. 4101. jjSED org et exceptional value, PROMPT DELIVER x5" ON ALt MODELS NEBRASKA WHITE CO. FRED C, ROGERS. MGR. TTLER ITU. 1407-21 Capitol Ave, t RELIABLE automobile school; best elec trlcal and self-starter courses; day and night school; com now; free catalogue. National Automobile School, 1114 North Twentieth. Omaha. Morris A Co...,. Swift ft Co Cudahy Packing Co., Armour A Co ,,. Schwartz A Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co... Ho. Omaha Pack. Co., Higgina Packing Co., Hoffman Bros John Roth A Sons.., Mayerowich. ft Vail ., Glassberg P. O'Dea Wilson Pack. Co...... W. B. Van Sant A Co. Benton & Van Snt. W. W. Hill & Co,,,,, F. P. Lewis , ... J. B. Root & Co.,,.,, J. H. Bulla v R. M. Burruss ft Co,, Rosenstock Bros.v F. G. KelloKK Wertheimer A Degen. 1,277 Kins & jo Sullivan Bros. A. Rothschild Mo.-Kan. C . C. Co E. a. Christie ...... Baker John Harvey Jensen A Lundgren.. Denni A Francis,... Cheek Kreb Omaha, Pack. Co ... . Morris, Sioux Fall., Other buyera , 17 698 ,S94 622 1,069 151 1,176 207 .... 210 .... 711 70 19 26 1 12 1 8 24 84 ..... 176 ..... 163 146 761 (04 175 6 162 ..... 595 1,277 ..... 231 136 119 281 39 , 118 ..... 711 102 ..... 240 66 69 ..... 64 2,972 2,105 2,091 Short Term Notes Quotations furnished Trust company: by the Paten Am. Tel. A Tel. s. 1824.... 98 Am. Tel. ft Tel. 6s, 1925.. ..101 Am. Thread 6s, 1928 100 Am. Tobacco 7s, 1919 100 Am. Tobacco 7s, 1920 101 Am. Tcbacco 7s, 1921 102 Am. Tobacco 7a, 1922 102 Am. Tobacco 7s, 1923 103 Anaconda Copper 6s, 1929.,.. 98 Anglo-French Ekt. 6s, 1920... 97 Armour & Co. c. d. 6s. 1920.. 102 Armour & Co. 0. d. 6a. 1921.. 102 Armour A Co. 0. d. 6s, 1922.. 102 Armour ft Co. 0. d. 6s, 1923. .102 Armour ft Co. e. d. 6s, 1924. .102 Bethlehem Steel Co. 7s. 1922.. 101 uetnienem eteei uo. is, 98 . 7 . 99 . 96 . 17 if o British ihia. 1921 Canada 6s, 1921...., Canadian Paclflo 6s, 1924.. C, B. ft Q. 4s, 1921 C, R. I. ft P. 6s, 1922 Cuban Am. Sugar 6s. 1921.. Cudahy Packing Co. 7s. 1922. .101 Gen. Electrio Deb. 6s, 1920.... 100 Great North. Ry. 6s, 1920.... 99 Inter. Rap. Transit 5a, 1921., 78 Kansas City Ter. 6, 1923.... 99 Lehigh Valley 6s, 1923 101 Liggett ft Meyers 6s, 1921..., 99 Philadelphia Elec. 6s, 1920.. 99 Proctor ft Gamble 7s, 1920. ...100 Proctor ft Gamble 7s. 1921.... 101 Proctor & Gamble 7s, 1922 102 Proctor ft Gamble 7s, 1923 103 Russian Rubles 5s, 1936.... 66 Southern Ry. 6s. 1920........ 96 Swift ft Co. 6s, 1921 99 Union Pacific 6s, 1928 102 U. S. Rubber 7s, 1923 ..103 W't'Rhouse E. ft M. 6s. 1920.. 100 Wilson Conv. 6s, 1928 97 Liberty Bonds. Liberty first 4s.. Liberty second 4a i ,, Liberty first 4s Liberty second 4s.. Lioeny tnira 4 Bid. Asked. 98 101 101 1004 102 '4 102 108 108?, 98 97 102 102 102 102 102 102 108 98 9 99 96 ' 98tt 100 Liberty fourth 4s 99.70 181 11.49T SEE US 1 FOR HIGH-GRADE USED CARS, ROBERTS MOTOR CO.. . 1301 TARNAM. POP&-"'-FOR SALE Saxon runabout. In splendid condition; first 1126 gets It. Call Pro teetor Sa!lea Co., 1T29 Howard. Tyler 3645; ; F01t6s, BUICIfS, DODGE. NEW AND - USED CARS. FORD BODIES O' ROURKE-GOLDSTROM AUTO CO., S781 SOUTH 24TH ST. SOUTH 899. FOR BALK 1911 aeven.paaaenger raige sedan, wire wheels, five cord Urea, first class condition; $2,500. Reeti-Nesh Sales Co., NerfolH, wee. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick aetlem no delay. AJto JOg change Co. 1051 yarnam St. P. I08- "witim nri'n tro.VttRl W. R. KICHOti MOTOR COMPANY. 2910 rarnaro av. OAKLAND Sensible Six. JI1MB OAKLAND CO. 8308 Farnam St r" AaRGAINS ir "CBBD CARS 15th ft Jackson. Fori Agents. 1100 Reward for any magnate we cau't re pair. Sol mnfra. of new , jf.t flnlty apatlt plu. Baysdorfer. 810 M. 18tB D. 1800 "uNTiD AUTO PARTS Ca 1019 W" EXCEPTIONAL USED CARS. Look tor the red oal on wind shield. AUTOMOBILE electrical repalra; 'vice station for Bayfield carbureton and PAiumkla atoraae batteries. Edwards. "f0RD MABKEt. Cash. Time. Liberty Bonds. vMt CARS LESS MONEY. TP rKIWVRD ATTTrt CO.. nnifO. 9670. 1919 FABIMAM. lin'FRANKHN'oWimmy, in perfect eon- : GOOD USED CARS GUY L. SMITH. Motorcycles and Bicycles. iARLSY . DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains In uaed machine Victor H. Reoa, the motorcycle man. 7U and Leavenwortnow. 2.183 Total 14,681 4,388 19,618 Cattle The week opens eut with the smallest cattle run that has been here on a. Monday for several weeks, aatlmates oalllng for 16,300 head. There was little good beef 6a offer and the moderate sup ply changed bands readily at strong to 10016c higher prices. Right good natives brought 116.35, Nothing choice was of fered either in western er native line. Butoher (tuff was steady to strong as a rule, good to choice heavy cowa were a quarter higher in lota et ease. Choice heavy westerns brought 811.15 and very desirable corn fed yearling heifer reached 14.75. The stocker and feeder demand was very good and the market wag aetlve right (rem the start at price that were steady to 1526o higher than last week' oioae, dooq ieeaers were ices g-isnucui tna en most recent juonaays. BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. CUWB. I...,,,0 00 . Quotations on cattle! Choice to prime beeves, 816.9018.00; good to choice beeves, $15.0016.60; fair to good beeves, 313.6016.00; common to fair beeves, 311.0013.00; choice to prime yearlings. 17.6018. 60; -good to choice yearlings, 816.50W17.oo; lair to gooa yearnngs. 312.6015.00; common to fair yearlings, 310.0012.00; choice to prime heifers, 18. 60010. 00; choice to prime cows, J160 010.76; good to rttolce cows, 18.0999.60; fair to good eos, 3607.60; common to fair cows, $6.o 6.00; choice to prime heavy feeders, 312.0013.00; good to choice feeders, $10.B0J12.00; medium to good feeders, tS.5010.00; common to fair feeders, 7.008.50; good to choice stock era, 810.0011.26; fair to good . stoekers. 88.50uo.ou; common to lair siscKers, 86.5008.00; stock heifers, - 18.6098.60; stoek cows, 36.00QI7.60; steak calves, 87.noaiO.76: veal calves. 7.oorai.oo: bulla, stags, etc., $5.757.I5; choice to prima grass beeves, 313.8018.50: good to choice grass beeves, $11.0012.5Q; fair to good grass beeves, $9.50810.50; com mon to fair grass beeves, J6.00OI.60; Mexican beevea, 36.009.60. novs-nt!(!eiDi oi nun amounted to loads, estimated at 4.200 head. Quality compared well with average receipts of weights. Trade was fairly active at un even prices, ranging from steady to aa mucn aa sue lower man eaturgKy. iqi range was narrow, with the bulk at il3.96fH13.75. with erlme butcher weights selling up te top ef 114,11, a small Blece selling tat HOGS. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Cara for Hirt. VORDS AND LARGE CARS FOR HIRE. Drive yourself, at very reasonable prices; ee xW ta pay. Nebraska Service Garage, llth and Farnam. D. 7390, Tires and Supplies. USED TIRES DIRT CHEAP.. . ;fw'l t00: HOxSU. 15.00. 'Alt aixea in Droportlon. Look over , our rebuilt. Open Sundays. Tyler 2986. 908 N. 16th St Keystone Tire Shop. MWfIRESlORICE Flsk, Goodnea Bun tires, iee. rireeiono. KAIMAN TIRE JOBBERS. 2016 Farnam. ReptiriKsTand Painting. " ' RAMATOR CORES INSTALLED. Manufactured In Omaha, 24-hour serv ice for auto, truck and tractor. Expert radiator and tender repairing; body denta removed; new fenders made, mi 1B1 AT1TO RADIATOR MFG. C4. 1819 Cuming St Tyler 117. r. P. BARNUM CO., 2121 Cuming. Dog gla 8044. High grade automobile paint- - Horses Live Stock Vehicles. 800 Sets of Harness. ta Bar frit nlaenunt No war Brlc. . Bara ara anma nf aur barxalna; 208 sets of harness, 861 per eet 408 set at 165.60. 100 seu of (how harness at reasonable price. 108 set ef uaeo nar. 135 no Curled hair leather cel. lara. 85.50 each. Other leather .eollar 12.36. Beet 14 -In. haltara. H it eaen. Concord traces, 114.10 per t ef tour. W are tb largeet harnee dealer In the west Reference First National baak. MIDWEST HARNESS CO, y 706 No. 16th 8t Omaha. Neb. No. Av. 84. ,318 65. .369 34. ,833 64, .111 67.-287 65. .$64 63. .279 96. .264 72. .256 $60 $1 00 45 18 zn IS 36 1$ 48 13 65 13 61 13 76 II 10 14 10 40 78 80 Ml 'io 31, ,151 45. .270 34. ,869 60., 360 51, .800 7$,$6I 69.. 268 29.. 21 Sh. Pr. ... $11 20 148 It 30 218 'ii to IS 40 18 60 18 10 II 70 13 86 14 00 Ik,... h, waab Anenad OSt With a run of 16,800 sheep and lambs; thi hlp ment Included leveral (hipmant of warmped-up stuff. Quality on average waa not very attractive. Active inquiry from the start featured the trads In fat stuff and prices ruled generally 25 cents higher than last wees. i.aoi sold i Pto $7.76. with aoma good choice "n... U.I..Ua 11,11. TOBOV fat lambs were safely quoted up to $15.00 or better. Feeder lamos m tlve demand and commanded prices that nnaalblv a little higher In spot. Warmed-up lamb sold for a. sec ond trip to the country at $13 25 to $12.46 with omethlng choice la the way of eloee-wooled westerns, quotably JP to $13.00. Feeojer eiung nnaer " - MONEY TO LOAN.'tVVri ntr thai TlltttlnaM ItAIl Of Omahi. FURNITURE, piano and notes as security. $40 mo,, H. goods, toUU PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 431 Security Bldg., 16th and Farnam. Ty. 666. Tl5AN ON DIAMONDS, WATCHES. ETC EAGLE LOAN OFFICE, 1301 POOULAa nr. " nfunviia AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rate. Private loan booth. Harry Malashock, uoage. u. ; iliui aait eltv toana B H. LOUGEB. ma 128 Kceline Bldg. BROOD SOWS. Buy en Blrdhaven Profit Sharing Plan. Phone web. 2884. O. s. row, agenu too HEAD good quality feeder for sale. Matt Glllen, Murdo. 8. D. PERSONAL. tHE SALVATION Array Industrial horn solieiU year old clothieg. furniture, maalne. We eelleet We distribute. Phone Doug. 4118 and our wagon will call. Call and lnapect ear sew borne. lll-lllt-1114 Podge Street , WILL, not be responsible for any debts on or after Oct 20, 1811, by my wife, lr. 1'anch A. Creak. P. W. Cronk. POULTRY AND PET STOCK. tVllVaV ....Tl."...' " ta ' w v-J Jt dellTored. 881 eWW 16tfc IU A W. wgjgaser. veugua tie. YOUNG LADIES We offer you well Paid position. Pay van whilo in cniinuig;. - v Permanent work. . Rapid advaneament. Investigate our working conditions. Operators Employment Bu reap, 61 S New Telephone Buildinf , 18th and Douglas Streets, 101 ioo 91 7$ 100 101 100 100 101 102 103 101 70 97 100 102 103 100 91 i.20 93,74 95.50 95,16 93.70 GRAIN MARKET mostly lightweights and common quality or open-wooled grades. Good feeding ewes are popular to country buyers at $S.25 6.75. FAT LAMBS. . No. Av. Pr. No. At. Pr. 30 fdr.. 76 $14 60 FAT EWES. 103 fdr. 109 7 65 Quotations on sheep: Lambs, good to choice, $14.50 15.00; lambs, fair to good. l4.oof 14.26: cnoice ieeaer lamDs. (iz.bu 13.00; medium- to good feeders, $12.00 12.50; common and light feeders, $10,60 11.75: culls and throwouts, $7.0010.00; yearlings, $10.00ll.o; wetners, is.uufgi $.75; ewes, good to choice, $7.257.75; ewes, fair to good, $6.257.26; good feed ing ewes, $6.006.75; ewe culls and can- ners, 32.50ffl4.ov; Breeding ewea, it.tuw 13.00. Chieago Live Stock. Chtfage, Oct 20. Cattle Receipts. 81, 10 head: estimated tomorrow, 20,000 head; market, unsettled. Beef steers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime, $17.46019.40; medium and good, $14.25017.00; common. $8.5014.25; light weight good and choloe, $14.6019.60; common and medium, $7.7614.J5; butcher heifer, $4.6014.60i cows, $6.40 12.60; canners and cutters, a.z;(; veal calves, $16.7617.60; feeder steers, $7.0013.00; stocker steers,. $6.0010.50; western ranie teer, $7.75 915.60; cows and heifers, $5.7612.60.- Hogs Receipts, si.uooneaa; nununii tomorrow, 30,000 head; market, weak; mostly 16o to 26e lower. Bulk, $13.60 14.40; top, $14.70; heavy, $14.00014.60: medium, $14.0014.70; light $13.85 14.40; light light, (; neavy packing sows, smooth, $i3.40&i3.7b; packing sow, rough, $ll.7513.25;; pigs, $12.2513.26. - Sheep and Lambs Receipt, 85,000 head; estimated tomorrow, 82,000 head; market, firm. Lambs, $12.76 16.00; cull and oommon, $8. 76 12.60; ewes, medium, good and choice, $6.60 7.76; cull ..and com mon, $3.006.25; breeding. $6,756)1.00. Kanjaa City Uve Stock. OatHaTianalnts. 4.000 and 4.008 calves: market steady; calves, steady te 15 cent higher; heavy neei sieere, cnuice aim prime, $16.1618.35; medium and good, $12.2016.00; common, $10.1010.20; light weight, good and choice, $13-20 17.25! common and medium, $8.1513.20; butcher cattl. heifer, $6.O014.25; cows $6 30 12.00; canners and cutters, $5.00 e6.D0; veal caives,, steers, $l.4018.60; tocner (isera, 9.65. TTna-a Hanelnt. 14.000 head: meetly 25 cents lower: bulk, 118.40 14.00 ; heayles, II KIIlS, 1.I(P1-,W aiPH'H "", Txu.av 13.60; packing aow, $12.0011.00; pigs, shLliR.painta. 14.000 head: 16 to 50 ..... M.h. lamha. II J. 00615. 60: culls and common, $8.00 11.26; yearling weth ers, $9.26l.s5; ewes, j.oo; t and common, S3.uw.i, $7.0014.00j feeder lambs, $10.50 12.25. Sioux City Livestock, s riv. Ta.. Oct 20. Cattle Re- eainta. 7.608 head; market eteaay to strong; beef steers, fed, $1.0017.25; grass, $7.0011.60; fat cowa and heifers, I9.0013.QO; grass, ei.ewov.ev, cwucn, (lAAffiTnn- veal calves. 86.006X15.00: stoekera and feeders, $6.60011.25; feeding eows aid heifers, $5.08.00. XlOSo-li.ei;"sipisi, u,vvv uoe, f ' v ta 60 cents lower; light, $13.60 14.60; mixed, $18.86100: heavy, $11.5013.25; bulk of sale, in,nyii'. , Sheen Receipt, e.oee. neaai wrav tad. ' ., " St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, Mo., Oct 20. Cattle Re ceipts, 6,000 head; tny; teers, i.ow 17.60; cow and belter, $5.26 15.00; tAnooi6nA. Hnr'n Recelnt. 3.500 head: 25V to 40 cents lower; top, $14.10; bulk, $13.00 t A aa Sheep Receipt. 11,000; II to 80 cents hlgher-l-mbs, $1.1101515; ewe. $6.26 New York Produee. York. Oct. 20. Butter Firm rraamenr higher than extras. 7071c; creamery extras, 70c; firsts, DSgpesc; bo. 9 47p. Eggs Firm: receipts, 8,184 case; fresh gatnerea exiras, ee(Qf jgei eaira, ui-bib, , 68e; flrrta, 064o; westers) nennery, vhltaa. fine ts fancv. 624$9e. Cheese Firm; receipts. 4,678; state rhnia milk, flats, current make. 32c: state whole milk, average run, 30 0e; state wtole milk, twin, current make, 303c; state whole milk twin, average run, 1030o. -Live Poultry Steady; chicken, 27c; fowls. H10c: old rooster. 19c: turkeys, 28ffi36c. dtessed. steady: fowls. ,$639c; old roosters. 2121c; chickens, 19046c; turkey, 95940c. Chicago Produee. Chicago, Oct 20. Butter Higher; creamery, 50066a Eggs Steady; receipts, 1,811 eases firsts. 6t959e: ordinary firsts. . SI 052c at mark, case Included, 61 68c; storage packed, firsts, 6eeoc. Poultry Alive, lower; springs, $2c; fowl, 17 0Z4C KaaaM City Produce, Kansas Cltv. Oct 20. Butter Cream. ery, 1 cent higher; extras, Sle; firsts. 53c; seconds, 67c; packing, unchanged. 45c Eggs Unchanged; firsts, tie; gecends, (sr. Poultry, Alive Hens, 1 cent lower; 22c roosters, 1 cent lower, Ito; broilers, un changed, 30c New York Sagar. New York, Oct. 10. Raw Sugar Steady centrifugal. 7.28c; refined, steady; cut loaf. 10,40c: crushed. 10.25c; mould A, 4.60c; rubes, 6.76c; XXXX powdered, 9.20e; I'andard powdered, .15c; fine gran ulated and Diamond A. 8.60c: esflfsa. Ueaer A, l.l( Me. 1 aoft, sugar. 6.66e. Omaha. Oct 20, 19J8. Grain arrival today were moderate for wheat and continued light for corn and oats. Carlot receipts were: Wheat, $7$; corn. 42; eats, $0) rye, Ii barley, 6. Wheat hud a ready sale t practically unchanged price. Corn was l3o higher. The first car of new corn for the sea son was on the market today grading No. 2 yellow, 16.10 per cent moisture, 1 per cent damage and sold at 11.37 te Dawson Grain company. The grain was from Yale, la., and consigned to Holmqulst Elevator company. - It la earlier than usual for the first arrival of pew corn. Oat were 0 e advance. Bye was It Oft , Cash aale were: I Wheat No. 1 hard: 1 caX $2.28; 1 ear. $2 28 (smutty); $ oar, $2.26; 1 car, $$.$8 (smutty); 1 car, $2.26: 4 car, $1.24: 2 cars. $2.23; 1 car, 13.22; 1 car, $2.22 smutty); 1 car, $2.21 (yellow); I car, $2.21: 1 car, $2.18 (smutty); I car, $2.14. No. 3 hard: 1 oar, $2.24; 1 ear, $1.22; I ear, $2.2; 1 ear, $2.19; I ear. $1.11; 6 car, $2.17; 1 ear, $2.16 (yellow); I car, $2.11; I oar. $2.18 (smutty); 2 car, $2.10 (smutty); 1 ears, $2.08 (smutty). No. 4 hard: 3 cars, $2.15; 2 cars, $1.14; 1 car, $2.13; 1 car, $3.13 Tsmutty); 1 car, $2.10; 2 car, $2.08 (yellow). No. t hard: 1 ear, $1.87 (yellow); 1 eara. $2.05: 1 car, $2.07. Sample hard: 1 car, $2.00 (yellow.) No. $ northern spring: I car, $2.10 (dark). No. S northern spring: t car, $2.26; 1 ear, $2.20; 1 car, $1.99 (red). Sample spring: car, $2.05: 1-8 car, $1.76. No. 4 Durum: 1 car, $2.08. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, $2.14. Np. 3 mixed: 2-5 car, $2.22; I car, $2.20; 1 car, $2.18 (smutty). No. $ mixed: 1 car. $8.26; I car. $2.20; 1 car, $2.0$ (durum). Na. 4 mixed: 1 car, $2.13; 1 oar, $2.05; 3-6 oar, $2.Q4 (durum). No. I mixed! 1 car. $2.06; car, $1.88. Corn No- $ white: 8 car, $1.86. No. t Whtta! 1 M, SI fiR 1ST 1 vall.u,. 1 ... $1.88 (shippers' wt ). No. I yellow t j car, $1.88 (shippers' wts.); 4 ear, 31.18; 2-6 ear, $1.87, No. t yellow: $ cars, 81.38; 1 car, $1.37. No. yellow: 1 car. $1.86; 1 ear, $1.33; 1 car, $1.32. Sample yellow: 1 car. $1.81. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, $1.88. No. 3 mixed: 1 ear, $1.86 (near yellow); 2 cars, $1.36; 3 car, $1.36. Ne. 1 mixed: 1 pars, $1.36. No. 4 mixed: 1 ear. 81.86: ears. 81.34. SamDla mixed i 1 mm $1.80; i car, $1.28. Oats No. 8 white: 1 ear," 69e. No. 1 white: 1 car, -8o (heavy); 1 car, $8cj 4 oars, 67o; 1 car. 67o. No. 4 white: cars. 87c: 8 4-6 ears. 7e. timnl. white: 8 cars, 66. ' Rye Ne. 1: 1 ear. 11 Nn. a, i n $1.26. x ' Barlev Reieeted: 1 ear. tin, t ... $1.18 (36.6 bf.); 1 car, $1.10. UMAHA GKA1N MOVEMENT. Todav WmIi Wheat 178 Corn 42 Oat 20 Rye 7 Barley g ShipmenU Wheat ,.,.,.,,188 Corn 17 Oat it Rye ,i. ........ 4 Barley ,,, $ (Holiday) RECEIPTS In OTHER MARKETS, 40 S9 cmcago .162 126 Kansas city S4i 84 St Loula 211 ii minneapoil ,,,,, 1,038 1 Winnipeg S4 .... OMAHA GRAIN INSPECTION. The number of can of ari th. several grade Inspected "in" here dur ing the last $4 hours follows; Wheat No. 1 hard, S; No. 1 hard, 38: No. 3 hard. 87; No. 4 hardl6; No. . hard, 8; sample bard, 1; No. 1 mixed, 1; No. 1 mixed, 4: No. $ mixed, 2; No. 4 mlved, 4; No. 6 mixed, 4; No. 1 pring, 1; No. 1 (pring, 1; No. 4 aprlng, 1; No. 5 aprlng, 1; (ample aprlng, 3; total, 119. Corn No. t white, $; Ne. 8 white 2; sample White, 1; No. J yellow, 1; No. 2 yellow, 8: No. 8 yellow, 3; No. 6 yellow, 1; sample yellow, 1: No. 1 mixed, : No. o miuQi a, nu, a mixea, i; toiei, 28, Oat No. I white, 1$; No. 4 white, 8; total 21. ' Bye No, $, 1; Ns. $, i; No. 4. U total Baney-No. $, J; rejected, 1; aampje, i; total. 6. J-i-lmary Beeelpta and Shipment, Ago a A Ago 38 40 44 S 1 t 84 72 a 1 ftecelnta Wheat .... Corn ...... Oats ...... Shipments Wheat Cora , Oats Today .1,641,000 . 677,000 . 822,000 Year Ago 3,363,000 886,000 1,422,000 ,1,008,000 1,964,000 822,000 462,000 676.408 689,000 cxpers Clearances. Today Year Aero Wheat and Flour...,., 321,000 883,000 Oats .... 181,000 Chicago Craisi and Prwvkleae. Chicago. Oct 20. -Corn nrlraa deetlned today under selling which was ' based largely on the tact that there bad been a bulge of more than 4 cent within a week. Closing quotations were heavy. e to le net lower with December $1.26 to $1.26 and May $1.13 to $1.22. Oats lost to "Ac. In provi sions the finish varied .from $1.05 off to an aavance or z.?s. It was an overbought market In corn and when bear noted a lack ef 'support they immediately pressed their advantage. Lightness ot offerings was responsible for a moderate upturn which took place at the opening. Weakness of hog values though tended to discourage buyers of corn. In addition, many traders expressed doubt that farmer were in general adopt ing a holding policy. Then attentlen be gan to focus oa opinions that a setback waa aue alter tne recent sharp rally. Once on the down grade, the market ac quired momentum and finished at about Dottom iigure or tn ay. " ' " ion, win .wwb to advices that despite the longshore men's strike soma expert demand con. tlnued. October delivery of nerk was bid UP to an unusual extent In an effort te fill an order. Otherwis, " provision had no strength, sad fay way ,wth bogs and corn. FINANCIAL New York. Oet 20. On the largest. If not the most diversified operations thus far this fall, the stoek market today mounted almost steadily to higher levels, miscellaneous shares once more featuring the movement Events over the week-end and those which came to hand in the course of the session were almost altogether help ful te the bull or constructive account, especially Industrial and monetary devel opments. The labor situation assumed a more definite phase aa the result ef news re garding the Industrial conference at Wash ington and report of Increased produc tion from leading center of tb aleel and Iron industry. Call loana opened at I per cent, hold ing at that level until the final hour when accommodation dropped by easy stages to 4 per cent, the lowest quotations in several weeks. Time fund were quotably unchanged at 7 per cent but very little was offered at this price. Automobile shares with their many ad junct overshadowed the trading from the outset, uenerar Motors leading at a point gain to the new maximum of 330, Studebaker, Pleree-Arrow. White. Max well, Stremberg Carburetor and the vari ous rubber tire issues rose 4 to 10 point. Steel and steel, equipments, also elec trio Issues were featured by Pressed Steel Car. Gulf States Steel, New York Air Brak, General Electric and westingnouse Electrio at gross gain of 8 to 18 points. Khinnlntra attracted attention by reason of the activity and strength of American international; oils rose to unaer guid ance of Mexican and California Petroler ums, transcontinental and Texas Company and American Woolen, sugars, leathers, coppers and several newly listed Issues rounded out tne movement et gams oi 3 to 8 points, final prices being 1 to 4 points under the best Sale amounted to 1,800,000 shares. Domestic bonds, Including liberty issues wore irregular, lnternationalst holding steady. Total sales (par value) aggre agted $16,750,000. Old U. S. coupon fours rose quarter on sales, other unchanged on call. Copper and electric shares benefited later by the demand for steels, motor and kindred Issues, exceeding previous high prices. The closing was strong. Today's session ot the Stoek exchange, the most active In everal .months, was attended by gains of 1 to 26 points, and many new maximums In various special ties. Sales were approximately J, 650,008 share. atock:, Bid Douglas Motor, com 60 Ciooch Food Prod., pfd. bonus 994 Goech Food frod., com 66 Harding uream., 7 pet ptq.., 99 Line. Trac. Co.. g pot. pfd...., 80 O. ft C B. St Ry. ft B., pfd.. 49 Omaha Flour Mills. 7 act pfd. .. J. C, Penney & Co., 7 pet pfd, 97 M. c, feters Mill, T pet pfd.. loo M. E. Smith,! pet. pfd. 1933.. 101 A. G, Spalding ft Bros, let pfd. 99-100 Thomp.-Bel, ft Co., 7 pet pfd. 99 100 Union Power ft Lt, T pet pfd. 99 100 uonqs: Booth, St. Louis, 6s, 1931,.... , . Cont. G. ft K. 6s, 1927 , Doug. Co. Highway 6s, 1933-36 Iowa Port Cement 8s 98 L Jt. Stk. Ld. Bk. 6a, 1932-38.101 Maytag: Co. 6s. 1920-29 Omaha Athletic, 6 98 O. ft C. B. St Ry. 5s, 1928.... 80 Un. Stk. Yds,, Om 1st 6s, 1931 96 Sales. High. Low. Close. Am. Beet Sugar. .16,600 99f 97 97 Am. Can 19,700 5 3 64 Am. C. ft V. 1,300 185 133 133 Am. H. ft L., Pfd. 4,600 141 140 140 Am. Locomotive . 8,708 112 110 111 t,7U T7 I io 142 1,600 106 106 105 40 800 89 100 1.409 23 21 23 1,700 70 68 70 800 91 91 91 4.100 189 186 186 44,500 146-142 4 Am. S. ft Rfg Am. Sugar Rfg .. Am. Sum. Tob. . Am. Tel, ft Tel... Am. Z . L. ft 6.. Anaconda Copper Atchison At, G. ft W. I. 8. S Baldwin Loco . . B. & O. 900 40 40 40 Beth. Steel "B''...22J0 106 103 14 Butte & Sup. Cop. 1,300 27 Zt) 1,400 66 Cai. Petroleum Canadian Pao. . Central Leather C. ft O C, M. ft St. P.. C. ft N. W. .., C. R. LAP... Cblno Copper ,., Colo. F. ft I. .., Corn Product , Crucible Steel .. Cuba Case Sugar, 5,000 i)iB. esee. corp. , , Erie Gen. Electrio .... Gen. Motor .... Gt North., pfd., Gt. , Nor. Ore. ctfs 15 61 68 1,400 161 150 1.60 11,600 106 IDS 106 67 42 91 28 44 45 9 232 288 48 42 42 8,800 89 7 88 8,100 18 .16 15 400 178 169 172 13,300 $30 305 $27 .,.uv oot OU 71 0971 1,400 43 43 43 406 67 67 1,700 48 42 400 92 . 91 0 29 ' 28 1,300 444 42 400 48 45 1,200 89 88 8,100 140 Illlhoi Central ... 200. 94 94 94 Insplr. Copper.... 6,000 62 61 62 lift. ST. M., pfd .. 8.100 $16 115 116 Inter. Nickel- 9,700 30 29 29 Inter. Paper ...13,6 67-64 67 KennecotL Cop. 1,700 36 34 85 U, ft Mex. Petrol. ....81,800 254 Miami Copper ,,, 60S 27 Miavaie teei ...ii,zuo Mo. Paciflo .... 1,700 Mont. Power ., Nov. Copper .... 200 N. Y, Central.... 600 N. Y.. N. H. ft H. 700 N. ft W.. 1,200 100 No. Paclflo ..... 1,104 86 Pacific Mall .... 300 89 Pin-Am. Petrol.. 16,100 .33 Pennsylvania .... 1,306 43 Pitt, ft W. Va. Pitts. Coal 800 4 Ray Cons. Cop.., 1,40 13 Reading 1,606 82 Rep. I, ft 8 10,709 103 Shat Arlx. Cop... 600 13 Sinclair O. & R... 16,868 60 So. Pacific ......22,000 110 so. rtaiiway ..... i.xvv zo-ts aoy - so'n Studebaker Corp.. 83.100 145 136 144 Texas Co ,,. 4,700- 290 284 288 Tobacco Prod. ... 2,800 106 104- 104 Union Pacific 900 124 123 124 United Cigar St.. .11,400 114 112 112 U. S. Ind Alcohol 7.600 160 168 158 U. S. Steel 107,800 110 108 109 U. 8. Steel, pra.. 4UO ii lis lis Utah Conner .... 1,908 86 84 66 Western Union .. 100 Whom Elec. ...33.600 W.-Over. Ex Div.77,400 ,soo 109 14 261 27 27 63 53 28 . 28 65 V 17 78 73 33 33 100 100 86 8 6. $9 39 131 132 43 48 ..v. 82 64 M 23 '28 82 12 99 101 13 13 69 60 108 108 Ohio Cities National Lead 1,600 86 85 86 66 66- 66 36 87 37 6 67 ElZ 17K 67 87 Art. Open-I High. 1 Low. I Clo-' Corn Dec. May Oat. Dec. May Pork. Oct. Jan. Lard, Oct. Jan. Rib. Oct Ja. 127 1.25 -?! 38.76 $5.00 28.40 L24.I0 18.61 17.96 1.1TU 1.25 .72 .74 41.60 88.10 28.40 14.11 18.61 18.67 l. 113 .71 .74 38,75 38.08 27.87 24.48 i 18.60 17.67 t.M 1.21 .71 .74 41.68 31.40 27.87 24.46 18.50 17.67 Tea'y. 1.18 1.24 .71 .J4 38.76 $3.21 2S.T5 26.IT 18.78 18.07 Minneapolis Grata. Minneapolis. Minn.. Oet 20, Unchanged. Baney u.intr Rye No. $, $1.38. Bran $37.00. Corn $1.36!. 37. "' ' Oats 8668e. " Flaxseed $4.4104 48. Flour City Craia. . - Kansas City, Mo., Oet 20. Corn De cember, $L2S1.26; May, 11.23 1.23. 1 8t, Ixois Oraiau ' x . Mz. Louis, Oct 20 Cora December, $1.26: Mar. 81.14. . Oats December. 71 c; May, 7(075c d Bonded Pralt) Sopplr, -New York. Oct 10. The visible sup, ply of American and bonded grain, show tne fallowing enaage: Wheat, increased, bushel.,,, ..$,188 0 Corn, decreased, bushel,.. 828,806 Oats, decreased, bushel 361.000 Rye. decreased, bushels..,.,,,,, 251,006 Barley, decreased, bushel 124,000 0bo Cottsa. Roy. Dutch, M, Y,4.T9 186 194 Bid. Hew York Money. Naw York. Oct. 20. Money Oa call. In fair demand: high, t per cent; low, 4 per cent; ruling rate, 8 per cent; closing bid. 4 per eent; offered at 5 per cent; list loans, a per cent. Time Leane Strong S 88 day. 80 days and six montns, J per cent nip. Prime Mercantile raper igii per ent. , .... Sterling Blxenange mx-aay mus, $4.14; commercial 80-day bills on banks, $4.18; commercial 60-day bills, $4.12; de mand, $4.16; cable. $4.16. , Venom Demand. 8.69e: cables. 8.65c. Guilders Demand, $7 13-1 6c; cables. See. Lire Demand, 10.20c; cables, 10.18c. Mark Demand, 3e; cables, 3e. Bands Government and railroad, lrreg ular. Iondoa JHoaer. London, Oet 20. Silver Bar. 4d per ounce. Money-2 per eent Discount Rate Short bill, 4 per cent; three months' bill, 4 per cent V Liberty Bond Prices, Liberty bond prices at 2:55 p. m. today were: S. 100.42; first 4, 66.30; second 4,; nrst , a.o; secono tt, 93.74; third 4. : fourth 4s, 33.64; victory , S'.ez; victory sr.. Bar Sllvor. York, Oct 10. Silver Bar, New 81.18. Mexican dollar, 93c. Omaha Hay Market, Receipts of prairie hay .Ight and the demand better, eauelng the market to ad vance on ail grade. Alfalfa firm and steady. Oat and wheat straw gome Qigner. Hay Ne. 1. noland eratrU. 120021: No. I upland prairie, $16 018; No. 8 upland rralrle.-$12016; No.' 1 midland prairie, 110201 No. $ midland prairie, $16018; Ne. 1 lowland prairie. U6016; No. 1 low land prairie, $1101$; No. I lowland prair ie, $8 09. Alfalfa Choice, $80O$l; No. 1, $170 21; standard, $250,7; No. 1, 121 0 24; Ne. $, $17019. Straw Oat, $9.80011; wjeat, $8018, Chi rage Potatoes, Chlcaeo: Of.t. 9.a.tAtatnea 8lnMii aa New York. Oct. 10. Cotton Spot, 1 rivals, 86 ear; northers white, adad, steady; middling, 36.00s, $2.2502.45; western rural, $2.70. Local Stocks and Bonds uotatlon furnished by Burns, Brlnker Asked 100 80 iai 30 63 61 33 101 too 91 4.66 pet, 100 102 6.60 pet. 100 New York Bond list U. S. 2s. reg.,100 U. S. 2s, coup. 100 u. B. cv. :, reg 1$ U. S. cv. 8s, ! coup 8 U. 8. 4s. reg.. 108 U. S, 4s, coup., 106 Am. i. ot x. cv. 6s 101 Ang.-Fr. 6s ... 97 Arm. ft Co. 4 83 A ten. gen. 4s.. 79 B. ft O. ov. 4 73 Beth. Steel . ref. 6S 89 Cen. Leath. 6s. 97 Cen. Pac. 1st.., 77 C. & O. ev. 6s., 84 C B. ft ft, joint 4S o C, M. ft Bt 5, CV. 4"S IStt C, R. I. A P, Kr. rer. 4s. . . 6 C. ft 8. ref. 4a 88 Chili Copper CV. 78 II City of Pari 4s 97 D. ft B. G. ref. 5 88 pom. of Can. (1931) .... Erie gen. 4s. Gen. Else. 5s. 6 96 49 6 Q. N. 1st 4.. 86 III. Cen. ref. 4 76 In. Mer. Mar, 4a 47 K. C. S. ret ta. 78 L. ft N. un. 4.. 84 M., K, ft T. 1st 4 64 Mo. Pac, gen. 4 68 Mont. Pow. 6s.. 33 N. Y. C. deb. 6s 96 No. Pac. 4s 79 No. Pac. 8. . . . . 67 O. 6. L. ref. 4. 6t Pac, T. & T. 6 89 Penn, eon. 4. 99 Pean. gen. 6s,.. 94 Reading gen. 4s 86 e:. l. & s. f. adj. 6s 80 So. Pac. cv. 6. .108 So. Ry. 6s 89 Tex. Co. cv. .103 Teg. ft Pa. 1st 90 lUn. Pac. 4.,,., 86 U. 6. Rub. 6s... 8 U. 8. Steesl in. ', 99 Wabash 1st $3 South Side 'Bid. New York General. New York." Oct 10. Flour unsettled: spring patents, $11.15018.50; spring clears. $9.00010.40; winter straights, 61O.VO01O.49; Kansas straight, . $1L25 11.76. Cornmeal Dull : yellow and whit granulated, $3.80. Wheat Spot, steady; No. 1 Ted, $2.25 track New York, export billed. Corn Spot, eteady; No. 2 yellow and No. 2 white, $1.55 e. I. f. New York. Oats Spot, steady; No. 1 white, 6$c. Hay steady: No. 1. $1.701.76: No. 2, $1.5001.65; No. $, $1.2601.35. Hops Firm state medium to choice 1919, 7683c; 1918, 60070c; Pacific coast 1919, 84092e; 1911, 160 0 66. Pork Steady: mess, S44.OO046.ovr fam ily, $68.00064.00. i,ara weaK; miaqi west, wjs.du. Tallow Quiet; city special loose, 17 is4; Rice Firm: faacy head. l$c: blue rose fancy, lie. , - New York Metals. New York, Oct. 20. Metals Copper, I head alAtrolvti anat and Inat auartar. r- 2223c: small lots, second hands, spot. 2222c. I Iron Steady; No. ,1 northern, $22.00; No. 3 northern, $29.01; No. t outhrn, $28.00. An tlmony 8. 6 tA o. Lead Firm; spot, t.30e bid; December, 6.40c bid. i Spelter Firm; East Bt. Lu! delivery. spot, 7.60c bid. , At London copper, spot, s so.; electrolytic, 117; tin, $261 12 Id; lead, 29; spelter, 46. , New York Coffee. New York, Oct. 20 There wa a sharp advance in the market for coffee future today, with alt months making new high ground for the movement on reports sf an Increasing European demand, particu larly for Rio coffees in Brazil. The open ing was unchanged to 6 points lower oa rather disappointing Brazilian cables, but early offerings were well absorbed, and the market became firm during the mid dle of the day. with the talk of a bet ter European demand colored by foreign buying order around the local ring. Com. mission houses also showed more interest in the advance to 16.66e for December and 16,20c for May, and the market closed at a net gain of 48 to 62 points. October, 16.63c; December. 16j(8c; January, March, May, July and Septetnber, 14.38c. A considerable business was reported in coffee afloat and to arrive and epots were quoted in fair demand at 17e for Rio 7s and 25c for Santos 4s. , , Firm offers Included Santos 4 at 16.36s 27.00, London credit. MONDAY CATTLE RECEIPTS SHOW BIG DECREASE Hoa Prices Uneven With Average Run Sheep Mar ket Strong and Prices Are Higher. Cattle receipts at the stock yards showed a marked falling' off Mon day, as compared with receipts last week. Estimates called for 605 cars, or 16,300 head, which is the smallest Monday run since Labor day and only half the record run of last Monday, but wa$ a gain ot oyer 5,000 over the corresponding Mon day of last year, A portion of Monday's cow re ceipts were delayed in a railroad wreck and local cow buyers were slow in taking hold, waiting to see how "big a supply would be on hand. The day g supplies of be-f in cluded several loads of corn-fed cat tle and were in good demand, selling as high as $18 for prime beeves. Hog receipts for Monday com pared favorably with last week, both in quality and quantity, the records showing receipts ot-57 loads, or 4,200 head. The hog market was uneven, with prices from 15 to 25 cents lower, with the bulk of 6ales from $13.25 to $13.75. The week opened up strong in the sheep market, with receipts for Monday of 15,600 sheep and lambs, which included a number of ship ments of short-fed animals from mt corn belt. Competition wai Men from the packers, which kept the prices up a little higher than usual. Fat sheep and Iambi sold largely at an advance ef 25 cents. Choice fat lambs sold at the high price of $15.50. One of the important shipments of hogs received Monday was that of a load of good conditioned pork ers sent in by W. M. Meyers of Hay Springs," which sold at the tP, f Monday's market Thev were black hogs of his own raising, 72 head in the load averaging 25S pounds and selling for $14.10, the highest price paid Monday for a full load. . , OMAHA PRODUCE Oysters "King Cole" Chesapeake Stand ards: Per gal., $2.16; large cans, 60c; small cans, 28c. "King Cole" Chesapeake Selects: Per gal., $2.75; large cans, 66c; small cans, 33c. "King Cole" Northern Standards: Per gal., $2.90; large cans, 60c; small cans, 38c. "King Cole" North ern Selects: Per gal., $3.25; large cans, 65c; small cant, 43c. "King Cole" Counts: Per gal., $3.50; large cans, 70c; small cans, 48c. Shell oysters, per 160: Large, $2.76; medium, 11.50. Clams, per 100; Little Necks and Cherry Stones, $1.76; Quohogs Large, $8.00. Fancy Western Mammoth celery, par dozen, $1.00. Fresh Fish Catfish: Large, 28o; one half to one lb. medium, 28c. Fancy fresh bullheads, large blood -red northern stock, 20c. Fancy fresh halibut: Medium, 28c; chicken, 85c. Fancy black cod, 16c. Fany fresh salmon: Red, 26c; pink, 20e. Fancy fresh trout, 25c. Black bass; O. 6 85c; medium, 80c; large, 20c. Croppies, one half to four lb., 22e. Fancy fresh white fish; Jumbo, 36c; medium, 28c. Faney fresh yellow pike, 23c. Fancy fresh pick erel, 14o. Fancy white perch, fresh, lie. Frozen Fish Fancy fresh frown Roe shad, 25c; fancy frozen western red snap per, 7c; fancy frosen Tutitbee whltefiah, average three-fourths pound each, 6c; faney frosen Barracuda, 10c; steak pol lock, four to seven lbs. each, per lb., 7c ( fancy frozen native mackerel, 12c; fancy frozen flounders. 10c; market eod, three to five lbs. each, per lb., 7c. Miscellaneous Finnan haddles, 26-lb. box, per lb,. 18o; kippered salmon, 10-lb. box, per l.b, 30e; smoked whiteflsh, l-R). basket, lb., 22c peeled and headless srlrnps, crabs, lobster, scallops, erabmeat $3.00 per gal. 7 Wholesale prices of beef outs: No. 1 ribs, 33c; No. 2 ribs, 20c; No. 3 ribs, 12et No. 1 loins, 43c; No. loin, 83c; No. 3 loins. 18c; No. 1 rounds, 27o; No. 2 rounds. 20e; No. $ rounds, 17c; No. 1 chucks. 18c; No. 2 chucks, llc; Ne. $ chucks, 8c; No. 1 plates. 16c; No. 2 platea, 9c; No. 3 plates, Bo. . Quotation, furnished by the OUneki Fruit Co Vegetables Potatoes. Northern Whites. 1.60; Colorado. 8166; Ohio. $.69: Texas New potatoes. So. Cabbage! Texas and California ergtea. e; small lots, te Onions, California Red, 7a. California bead lettuce, 83.60 orate; California bead lettuce, 61.16 doxen; leaf lettuce. 44c doaen; H. G radish !i-3te dosen: H G onions. tt-16c dosen;gg plant t 59 doscn plnach. market price; hot nous cuke $2.69 dosen; bushel basket Texas eukee. $3 60 basket :mrke basket cukes (about t asparagus. H Q . 60-76n io Florid tomatoes (8 basket -r:n) 7 to crate, wax and green bean, pea, market price Ptulta Orangee; Vawsriaa. 6-l0. 66 66: 116. 86.00; 160-168-824. 66.60; 176. 200. 116 260. 17 04. Lemons Sunk let, $00-260 $5 76; Red Ball. 340-11. 66 36 Grape fruit: California (all stes) 86 16 Banana I to 8a Strawberrl: Missouri. 87 60 Pineapples: 41-48. $5 60; 34-80-3$. 14.00 Nuts English walnuts, sack tots. 84c tee 86ei Na 1 raw peanuts 10c; Jumbo raw peanuts. 12e: roast Ne 1. llot resjl Jumbo. 16a " Unseed Oil. Duluth, Minn., Oct $4WLine4 Oll- $4.$104.4L TWO RAIDS NET WHISKY AND LOT OF DICE PLAYERS Liquor Costs South Side Pro prietor $1iX) Money On Pool Table Suspicious .; , to Judge. , Detectives Francl and Heller f the South Side' police raided the aoft drink parlor of Frank Banes, 5248 South Twenty-first street, Sunday night and charged him with having illegal possession of intoxicating liquors. The detectives 3ay they found two small drinking glasses on Banes' person and one quart bot tle of whisky,, half full, and a quart bottle of whisky, half full, hidden away In the oft drink parlor. In police court Monday morning Banes was found guilty and assessed a fine of $100 and costs by Judge Fitzgerald, Raid Pool Room. , South Side police also made a raid on the pool room of John Hampton, Railroad avenue and Washington street, Saturday night and arretted Hampton on a charge of keeping a -disorderly house bt permitting a crap game. The follow ing young men were charged with being inmates: William Scruba, Francis Bernard, George Bosher, John Frith, Edward Peterson, H. Ferris. Frank Swoboda. Joe Schra- I mek, Joe Usee, Samuel Harvey, James Oerard and J. fc-nngnt Before Police Judge FiUgerald Monday morning officers testified that $1.25 in small change was found on a pool table, but no dice. The court said he was satisfied a game had been in progress, but under the testimony he was compelled to dit charge them. Hampton, proprietor af the pool hall, was found guilty and fined $20 and costt. He paid it from a big roll of bills. "-Y " Arrested Man Claims Alimony Is Not Yet Due Walter V. Straley, ' 4603 South Thirty-fourth street, was arrested yesterday on a warrant sworn out by hU former wife, Hazel, charging nonpayment of alimony. Accord ing to a divorce contract between the two, the payment of alimony for this month is not due for two days, Straley aid, following his ar rest, He is being held for the grand jury. v His arrest follows a series otji li gations in court concerning the rightful parents of a 4-year-old child. ' The Straleys were married July 14, 1917, and divorced in. March, J919. Mrs. Straley has a child 4 years old. MEN AND WOMEN WEAR BLOOMERS AT OOk'S FARM "Tantrik Guru" Establishes Nev "Health Colony" Af fected by Society People. By Universal gcrvir.) .-New York, Oct. 20. "Oom the omnipotent" the "tantrik guru," and high priest of the Yogis, otherwise known as Dr. Pierre A. Bernard, has established a new colony at Nyack, known as the Braeburn Country club. Oom, who was-indicted in this city eight years ago on a charge of abduction and crimi nal assault, growing out of disclos ures of the peculiar ceremonies at tending the initiation of members of his cult, in his New York temple, escaped a prison term at that time through the disappearance of the young girls he had induced to the temple. In his new colony Oom numbers several well-known New York society women among his fol lowers, it is said. Among those mentioned are: Mrs. Cyril Hatch, Maughter of Mrs. W. K, Vanderbilt, sr.; her sister, Mrs. Ogden Mills; Mr. Chalmers Wood, jr., and Mrs. Charles B. Alexander. It is understood that Mrs. Vander bilt is hurrying home from Nor mandy to urge her daughters to abandon the cult. Men and women of the colony wear . blopmers and sandals while going through the, physical exer cises, which include tennis, base ball, golf and othef games. Pierre insists that the establishment is nothing but a rest cure. "A cult here?" he said in reply to a question. "The only cult we know about up here is that of health and the great outdoors, health, exercise, life. Those are the things we want here. We are pure ly a recreational club, a sort of summer colony." It could not be learned whether khe members of the club have been aware of Dr. Bernard's record as a yogi in this city. Ohio Socialist Receives Coat of Tar From Mob Hamilton, O., Oct. 20. Following his experience early yesterday of being chloroformed, taken to a woods north of the city and there tarred and feathered, John E. Steiger, local socialist leader, today received a letter advising him to leave the city, within, 10 days, on pain of being more severely treated. Steiger is suffering from nervous shock, ' Turpentine and Rostn. Savannah, Ga., Oet. 20. Turpentine Dull, $1.6; receipt 161 bbl..; shipment. 34 bbls.j stock, 8.177 bbls, -i?0'j!5r'F,"?,: a,w, 80 bbI"-: receipts, 33 428 ibis nU' "0 bbli t0r Quote: B, $16.55; D, $16.75: B $t7 60 r. $17,25; Gv H. $17 46; I 118 15 K WwJSi22M60,,,i'-M' J:it' Wi! 1.$0 South Side Brevities Ed. Koslekl was fined $1$ and vast for being drunk. Two sale girl wanted; good peal tine for good girl. -Apply Manager, WUg Brother. TS. Anderson, 841 South Twenty-eighth street, wa arrested Monday on a charge of peddling without a license. 'The married women of the Holy Obest Parish will give a card party at Odd' Pellows ball Wednesday afternoon at 1:16. Ten prize of hand-painted eblnawar win be , given. Edward Fetron, 1631 TJ street, So nth Side, says he was not the yeung mas who wa arretted in a crap gam raid. Be say some one has the earn nam or alee some one need his name. On complaint of hi wife, Mrs. Bella Brazeal, George Braceal, 161$ 35 Street, wa arrested on a warrant charging him with nonsupport. Brazeal la employed as foremaa of a grading company. On complaint of Mrs. Annie Kcdee. 6621 Railroad avenue, Peter Lane wa arrested by Sergeant Sheehan Sunday afternoon on a charge of being drank and creating a disturbance. In South Side police court Monday, Lane was fined $10 and costs. v Many complaints bare been received at the South Side polio station of pre mature celebration of Halloween near Twenty-seventh and E streets. An extra number of poite officers will be on duty Halloween under instructions to arrest everyone caught doing damage. While riding horseback a'ong Twenty fourth street near N street, Sunday after noon, Steve Kekovlch, fell off bis horse. He wa picked up by Folic Sergeant--Sheehan and found uninjured. Kekovlch wa charged with being drank, to which he pleaded guilty Monday morning and was fined $10 and costs, .The Weather. Temperature. I a. -m., dry bulb. S9; wet bulb, IT; noon, dry bulb, 46; wet bulb, 40; 8 p. m. dry bulb, 46; wet bulb, 42; highest, 64 j lowest, 38; mean, 46; normal, 6$; total excess cine January 1. 187. Ketatlv Humidity. Percentage. t a. m.. 62; nooa, 68; 8 p. m., 63, Precipitation, Inehe and Hundredth. TotaL 06; total sine January 1, 26.44; deficiency, 2.34. , " - Kenorts From Station at 1 P. M. Station . Temp. Highest. Preclp. Cheyenne, clear .... 42 44 ,00 Davenport, -clear .... 64 54 .10 Denver, clear ...... 64 64 .00 Des Moines, clear..., 62 56 .00 Dodjte City, pt. eldy.. 64 , 68 .00 North Platte, clear.. 62 68 .01 Pueblo, clear ....... 68 ' 62 .00 Rapid City, cloudy.. 34 . , 36 .00 Santa Fs, clear,.,.. ..66 58 .00 Valentine, cloudy ... 46 46 .01 L. A. WELSH, Meteorologist. Bonds Backed By Entire Communities Exempt from all Federal Income Taxes and in many eases from local taxation. Many states and cities are included in the greatly diver sified list. Suggestions for your in- vestment will be found in our list OB-258. Sent Upoa Request llNationalQt Company Correspondent Offices m over SO Cities Omaha First National Bank Building Telephone $Slt Douglas 1